
Un diplomate chinois � l'ONU exhorte Isra�l � cesser d'utiliser l'aide humanitaire � Gaza comme monnaie d'�change

Fu Cong, repr�sentant permanent de la Chine aupr�s des Nations Unies, a exhort� mardi Isra�l � lever les restrictions sur l'acc�s humanitaire � Gaza et � cesser d'utiliser l'aide humanitaire comme monnaie d'�change, alors que la situation...


La modernisation chinoise favorise un nouveau mod�le de d�veloppement humain

Un rapport conjoint intitul� "Un nouveau mod�le pour le progr�s humain et son importance mondiale" a �t� publi� lors du Forum des m�dias et des groupes de r�flexion du Sud global qui s'est tenu lundi � Sao Paulo, au Br�sil. R�dig� par des groupes...


Airbus pr�voit une forte demande d'avions en Chine au cours des 20 prochaines ann�es

Airbus a pr�vu que la Chine aurait besoin de plus de 9.500 nouveaux avions de transport de passagers et d'avions cargos au cours des deux prochaines d�cennies, en raison de la forte croissance de la demande de transport a�rien et de fret. Selon...


Chine : la partie continentale encourage les �changes entre les jeunes et appelle � lever les restrictions sur les voyages entre les deux rives du d�troit de Taiwan

La partie continentale de la Chine a r�affirm� son engagement � promouvoir les �changes entre les jeunes � travers le d�troit de Taiwan et a demand� aux autorit�s du Parti d�mocrate progressiste (PDP) de lever les restrictions sur les voyages �...


Chine : la partie continentale d�clare que les consultations entre les deux rives du d�troit sont possibles en reconnaissant le Consensus de 1992

Les consultations entre l'Association pour les relations entre les deux rives du d�troit de Taiwan (ARATS) et la Fondation pour les �changes entre les deux rives du d�troit de Taiwan (SEF) pourraient reprendre si les autorit�s de Taiwan...


La Chine compte la plus grande capacit� totale de production d'�nergie nucl�aire dans le monde

La capacit� totale de production d'�nergie nucl�aire de la Chine, y compris les unit�s en fonctionnement, en construction et officiellement approuv�es, occupe la premi�re place mondiale, d'apr�s la Soci�t� de recherche �nerg�tique de Chine (China...


Chine : la puissance de l'aviation et de la d�fense de la partie continentale est une protection solide pour les compatriotes taiwanais

Une porte-parole de la partie continentale de la Chine a qualifi� les r�sultats et la puissance de la partie continentale dans les domaines de l'aviation, de l'a�rospatiale et de la d�fense nationale de protection "solide et immense" pour les...


Chine : croissance vigoureuse du secteur de la livraison express en octobre

Le secteur chinois de la livraison express a enregistr� une expansion rapide en octobre, avec une acc�l�ration significative du taux de croissance des affaires, selon un indice de l'industrie publi� mercredi par le Bureau national des postes. ...


Une porte-parole de la partie continentale condamne les autorit�s du PDP pour avoir "ruin� Taiwan"

Une porte-parole de la partie continentale de la Chine a vivement critiqu� mercredi les autorit�s du Parti d�mocrate progressiste (PDP) de Taiwan pour avoir cherch� � obtenir le soutien des Etats-Unis, d�clarant que plus leur d�pendance � l'�gard...


Chine : les investissements ferroviaires en hausse de 10,9% au cours des dix premiers mois

La Chine a continu� � accro�tre ses investissements dans la construction ferroviaire depuis le d�but de cette ann�e, d'apr�s des donn�es publi�es mercredi par l'op�rateur ferroviaire du pays. Durant la p�riode janvier-octobre, les investissements...


La Chine est pr�te � cr�er davantage d'opportunit�s pour les partenaires de l'Asie-Pacifique gr�ce au d�veloppement et � l'ouverture

La Chine est pr�te � profiter de la 31e r�union des dirigeants �conomiques de l'APEC pour cr�er davantage d'opportunit�s pour les partenaires de l'Asie-Pacifique avec un d�veloppement de haute qualit� et une ouverture de haut niveau, a d�clar�...



Het PSG trainingspak opent een boek. De voorsteden en de forensensteden presenteren de stad als één geheel. Een boek met ...... Lees verder: TORENHOGE AMBITIES IN HET PSG TRAININGSPAK


De Airworx Plus 10.0: Robuust en luxueus

SKS Germany´s Airworx Plus 10.0 review Tot op de PSI luchtdruk reguleren Met de robuuste, extra hoge Airworx Plus 10.0 is elke ...... Lees verder: De Airworx Plus 10.0: Robuust en luxueus


RFE - source code now available

On request, I've posted the source code to the RSS Feed Editor.


Tips to install Oracle 11gr2 RAC on AIX (6.1/7.1)

AIX is like an Unix environment awesome original, same to HP-Unix, and, if you have a plan to install Oracle RAC, you need to pay attention. I note some tips in this article to help.

1. Checking Operating System Packages

# lslpp -l bos.adt.base bos.adt.lib bos.adt.libm bos.perf.libperfstat 
bos.perf.perfstat bos.perf.proctools rsct.basic.rte rsct.compat.clients.rte 

If not, install on AIX source by smity. It's easy, but remember, some packaged requires your IBM's account to download.

2. Verify UDP and TCP Kernel Parameters

# /usr/sbin/no -a | fgrep ephemeral

If you expect your workload to require a high number of ephemeral ports, then update
the UDP and TCP ephemeral port range to a broader range. For example:

# /usr/sbin/no -p -o tcp_ephemeral_low=9000 -o tcp_ephemeral_high=65500
# /usr/sbin/no -p -o udp_ephemeral_low=9000 -o udp_ephemeral_high=65500

3. Checking Resource Limits:
To ensure that these resource limits are honored, confirm that the line login
session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix is set in /etc/pam.conf.For example:

dtsession auth required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
dtlogin session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
ftp session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
imap session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
login session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
rexec session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
rlogin session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
rsh session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
snapp session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
su session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
swrole session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
telnet session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
xdm session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
OTHER session required /usr/lib/security/pam_prohibit
websm_rlogin session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
websm_su session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
wbem session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix

4. Tuning AIX System Environment
Confirm the aio_maxreqs value using the procedure for your release:
AIX 6.1 and 7.1:

# ioo -o aio_maxreqs
aio_maxreqs = 65536

The aio is Asynchronous Input Output is an exciting parameter, I tried to control and modified it many times, but it's strongly to do from Oracle advices,


Adjust the initial value of aio_maxservers to 10 times the number of logical disks divided by the number of CPUs that are to be used concurrently but no more than 80

Oracle document refer:

5. Tuning Virtual Memory Manager

vmo -p -o minperm%=3
vmo -p -o maxperm%=90
vmo -p -o maxclient%=90
vmo -p -o lru_file_repage=0
vmo -p -o strict_maxclient=1
vmo -p -o strict_maxperm=0

Note: You must restart the system for these changes to take effect

6. Increase System block size allocation

# /usr/sbin/chdev -l sys0 -a ncargs='128'

7. Configure SSH LoginGraceTime Parameter
On AIX systems, the OpenSSH parameter LoginGraceTime by default is commented
out, and the default behavior of OpenSSH on AIX can sometimes result in timeout
errors. To avoid these errors, complete the following procedure:
7.1. Log in as root.
7.2. Using a text editor, open the OpenSSH configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
7.3. Locate the comment line #LoginGraceTime 2m.
7.4. Uncomment the line, and change the value to 0 (unlimited). For example:
LoginGraceTime 0
7.5. Save /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
7.6. Restart SSH.

8. Setting priviledge to Oracle ASM Luns
Same to Solaris, HP-Unix. Remember, when you've got failure of ASM configuration, you need to flush out the disk's slice/partition by OS command "dd". And the slice/partition/LUN allocated from storage to IBM, has got different first alphabet to other platform. The alphabet begins by "r", example:

7.1 ORC and Voting disk
# chown grid:asmadmin /dev/rhdisk5 -> OCR
# chmod 660 /dev/rhdisk5 
# chown grid:asmadmin /dev/rhdisk6 -> Voting Disk
# chmod 660 /dev/rhdisk6
7.2 Datafile, Archivelog and Backup 
# chown grid:asmadmin /dev/rhdisk2
# chmod 660 /dev/rhdisk2
# chown grid:asmadmin /dev/rhdisk3
# chmod 660 /dev/rhdisk3
# chown grid:asmadmin /dev/rhdisk4
# chmod 660 /dev/rhdisk4
# chown grid:asmadmin /dev/rhdisk9
# chmod 660 /dev/rhdisk9
# chown grid:asmadmin /dev/rhdisk10
# chmod 660 /dev/rhdisk10

9. Enable simultaneous access to a disk device from multiple nodes
To enable simultaneous access to a disk device from multiple nodes, you must set the appropriate Object Data Manager (ODM) attribute, depending on the type of reserve attribute used by your disks. The following section describes how to perform this task using hdisk logical names

8.1. determine the reserve setting your disks use, enter the following command,where n is the hdisk device number

# lsattr -E -l hdiskn | grep reserve_

The response is either a reserve_lock setting, or a reserve_policy setting. If the attribute is reserve_lock, then ensure that the setting is reserve_lock = no. If the attribute is reserve_policy, then ensure that the setting is reserve_policy = no_reserve.

8.2. If necessary, change the setting with the chdev command using the following syntax, where n is the hdisk device number:

chdev -l hdiskn -a [ reserve_lock=no | reserve_policy=no_reserve ]

For example:
# chdev -l hdisk5 -a reserve_lock=no
# chdev -l hdisk5 -a reserve_policy=no_reserve

8.3. Enter commands similar to the following on any node to clear the PVID from each disk device that you want to use:

# /usr/sbin/chdev -l hdiskn -a pv=clear

When you are installing Oracle Clusterware, you must enter the paths to the appropriate device files when prompted for the path of the OCR and Oracle Clusterware voting disk. For example: /dev/rhdisk10

9.Configure Shell Limits
9.1. Add the following lines to the /etc/security/limits file:

fsize = -1
core = 2097151
cpu = -1
data = -1
rss = -1
stack = -1
nofiles = -1

9.2.Enter the following command to list the current setting for the maximum number of process allowed by the Oracle software user:

/usr/sbin/lsattr -E -l sys0 -a maxuproc

If necessary, change the maxuproc setting using the following command:

/usr/sbin/chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=16384

10. Configure User Process Parameters (Verify that the maximum number of processes allowed for each user is set to 2048 or greater)
Enter the following command:

# smit chgsys

Verify that the value shown for Maximum number of PROCESSES allowed for each user is greater than or equal to 2048. If necessary, edit the existing value.
When you have finished making changes, press Enter, then Esc+0 (Exit) to exit.

11. Configure Network Tuning Parameters:
To check the current values of the network tuning parameters:

# no -a | more

If the system is running in compatibility mode, then follow these steps to change the parameter values:

Enter commands similar to the following to change the value of each parameter:

# no -o parameter_name=value

For example:

# no -o udp_recvspace=655360

Add entries similar to the following to the /etc/ file for each parameter that you changed in the previous step:

if [ -f /usr/sbin/no ] ; then
/usr/sbin/no -o udp_sendspace=65536
/usr/sbin/no -o udp_recvspace=655360
/usr/sbin/no -o tcp_sendspace=65536
/usr/sbin/no -o tcp_recvspace=65536
/usr/sbin/no -o rfc1323=1
/usr/sbin/no -o sb_max=4194304
/usr/sbin/no -o ipqmaxlen=512

For the ISNO parameter tcp_sendspace, use the following command to set it:

# ifconfig en0 tcp_sendspace 65536

By adding these lines to the /etc/ file, the values persist when the system restarts.

12. Automatic SSH configuration
By default, OUI searches for SSH public keys in the directory /usr/local/etc/, and ssh-keygen binaries in /usr/local/bin. However, on AIX, SSH public keys typically are located in the path /etc/ssh, and ssh-keygen binaries are located in the path /usr/bin. To ensure that OUI can set up SSH, use the following command to create soft links:

# ln -s /etc/ssh /usr/local/etc
# ln -s /usr/bin /usr/local/bin

In rare cases, Oracle Clusterware installation may fail during the "AttachHome" operation when the remote node closes the SSH connection. To avoid this problem, set the following parameter in the SSH daemon configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config on all cluster nodes to set the timeout wait to unlimited:

LoginGraceTime 0

13. Shell Limit
Adding these line in /etc/security/limits

fsize = -1
core = 2097151
cpu = -1
data = -1
rss = -1
stack = -1
nofiles = -1

14. Create groups and users

# mkgroup -'A' id='1000' adms='root' oinstall
# mkgroup -'A' id='1031' adms='root' dba
# mkgroup -'A' id='1032' adms='root' oper
# mkgroup -'A' id='1020' adms='root' asmadmin
# mkgroup -'A' id='1022' adms='root' asmoper
# mkgroup -'A' id='1021' adms='root' asmdba
# mkuser id='1100' pgrp='oinstall' groups='dba,asmadmin,asmoper,asmdba' home='/portalgrid/grid' grid
# mkuser id='1101' pgrp='oinstall' groups='dba,oper,asmdba' home='/portaloracle/oracle' oracle

# mkdir -p /portalapp/app/11.2.0/grid
# mkdir -p /portalapp/app/grid
# mkdir -p /portalapp/app/oracle

# chown grid:oinstall /portalapp/app/11.2.0/grid <- GRID_HOME
# chown grid:oinstall /portalapp/app/grid <- GRID_BASE (ORACLE_BASE for Grid user)
# chown -R grid:oinstall /portalapp
# chown oracle:oinstall /portalapp/app/oracle
# chmod -R 775 /portalapp/

15. Setting the profile
15.1. Grid Profile

export TEMP=/tmp
export TMP=/tmp
export TMPDIR=/tmp
umask 022

export ORACLE_HOSTNAME=portal1
export ORACLE_BASE=/portalapp/app/grid
export ORACLE_HOME=/portalapp/app/11.2.0/grid
export GRID_HOME=/portalapp/app/11.2.0/grid
export CRS_HOME=/portalapp/app/11.2.0/grid


16. Prevent Xserver does not display correct term

# startsrc -x

17. Create the following softlink needed for some Oracle utilites

# ln -s /usr/sbin/lsattr /etc/lsattr

To check existing capabilities, enter the following command as root; in this example,
the Grid installation user account is grid:

# /usr/bin/lsuser -a capabilities grid

To add capabilities, enter a command similar to the following:

# /usr/bin/chuser capabilities=CAP_NUMA_ATTACH,CAP_BYPASS_RAC_VMM,CAP_PROPAGATE grid

18. Remember to run the Installation fixup scripts

$ ./ stage -pre crsinst -n node -fixup -verbose

With Oracle Clusterware 11g release 2, Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) detects when the minimum requirements for an installation are not met, and creates shell scripts,
called fixup scripts, to finish incomplete system configuration steps. If OUI detects an incomplete task, then it generates fixup scripts ( You can run the fixup script after you click the Fix and Check Again Button.

19. In the installation progressing, when at node 2, can the error such as "CRS appear in node 1, did not attemp to stop cluster, re-join cluster, by pass and continue installation.
- If Xterm did not occur, then do: $ export ORACLE_TERM=dtterm
- Manually export ORACLE_BASE, ORACLE_HOME when make an installation before running
- If /tmp is too small <500MB, then make a private directory point to other directory, change owner to grid, oracle user, example:

A. Grid

# cd /portallog
# mkdir /portallog/tmp
# chown -R grid:oinstall /portallog/tmp

B. Oracle

# cd /portal
# mkdir tmp
# chown -R oracle:dba /portal/tmp 

C. Export

# export TMP=/portallog/tmp
# export TEMPDIR=/portallog/tmp
# export TMPDIR=/portallog/tmp

Hope this help.


Boobs & Brains ...

Believe it or not, according to the International High IQ Society, not only do I have boobs but brains too!
Last night, I took a couple of their IQ tests and I was pleasantly surprised by the results. Apparently, my tits aren't the only well developed lobes on me.
I was already aware that I wasn't a moron, the scores I received on my SATs and my GRE proved that. But if this test is anywhere near accurate, then a score of 151 puts me in the 99+ percentile.
I tried both of their tests and got a 151 on each of them. And I did this at the end of a very long day and under the influence of the better part of a bottle of wine...
I had both my sister and a friend give it a try this morning and neither one of them were able to score that high.
My sister didn't do to bad at all. She got a 126. As for my friends score... uhm... well, the less said about that the better.
If you want to give the test a try, then Click Here.
If you do take it, let me know how you did. I'd be interested in your results.
Who knows... Maybe all these years of getting my brains fucked out hasn't left any permanent damage after all...


Frosty Nipples... Again

We had our first snow here last night, and as any long term reader of my blog knows, that means it's time for my annual " Frosty Nipples " rant.
It wasn't a lot of snow at all, but the temp did drop enough to bring on my annual episode of nipple shock. It occurred this morning when I ran out to the car to get some papers that I needed. Moments after stepping through the door, a blast of cold, damp air blew down my robe and straight to my nips. They went from their happy and supple warm weather state to their cold weather, rock hard state in a blink of an eye. Now let me clarify this. I'm not talking about the horny, sensitive, I want you to suck them, erect, rock hard type. No, I'm mean the ouch, that hurts, stay away, over sensitive, rock hard type.
The good thing is, I'll acclimate within a week or so, and go into winter nipple mode. Until then I'll just have to keep my outdoor tit flashing to a minimum. Oh, the joy of nipples.


TnT - Campaign '08

I've seen a lot of presidential campaign ads lately, both democrat & republican, and I've found there's something sorely missing in all of them... Tits!
Ok, I know Governor Palin has a pair, but she hasn't flashed them yet, and that's what I'm talking about. I mean tits for tits sake.
What this country needs is a new party. The "Boobage Party". You have to admit that it would certainly liven things up.
With this in mind, I've decided to throw my hat, or to be more accurate, my tits into the ring. As your president I will strive to stay a "breast" of world issues. I'll keep all details of my presidency transparent, no matter how "titillating". I'll keep all the "boobs" in my administration out front & in plain site.

Above all, I'll take on the big hard problems time after time... with a smile... hee hee.
With your support, we can achieve large mounds of change in our country.

Vote Boobage... For A Better Tomorrow!

Click Here For Campaign News!


Strike Pro Buster II Deep Crankbait

De Buster II Deep Crankbait is 12 cm lang en heeft uiteraard weer de bekende ratels. Het is het perfecte kunstaas met een multifunctionele actie. Door de 3 bevestigingsogen kunt u variëren met dieptes van 2, 4 en 6 meter. U hebt dus controle om met 1 type plug op verschillende dieptes te vissen en de vissen te vangen ongeacht de waterlaag waar ze zich bevinden. De Buster II Deep Crankbait is suspending, wat betekent dat hij langer in de “strike zone” blijft hangen!


I bozzetti in aiuto alla comunicazione di progetto

Anche quest’anno (dopo il 2009, 2010 e 2011) ho partecipato come speaker a Better Software. Questa volta ho presentato “Carta, penna e calamaio. I bozzetti in aiuto alla comunicazione di progetto”. Molte incomprensioni in fase progettuale derivano dalla mancanza di un … Continua a leggere

L'articolo I bozzetti in aiuto alla comunicazione di progetto proviene da Fucinaweb.


Daily Dr. Roto: Disabled List Woes

Dr. Roto discusses the significance of the DL in Fantasy Baseball.


McCain Attacks Bloggers, Sinks Ship with Loose Lips

That's no easy feat even for an old navy man such as John McCain. He says bloggers are old enough to fight his damn wars but not enough to speak our mind.

Think Progress notes McCain's attack on the blogosphere:

When I was a young man, I was quite infatuated with self-expression, and rightly so because, if memory conveniently serves, I was so much more eloquent, well-informed, and wiser than anyone else I knew. It seemed I understood the world and the purpose of life so much more profoundly than most people. I believed that to be especially true with many of my elders, people whose only accomplishment, as far as I could tell, was that they had been born before me, and, consequently, had suffered some number of years deprived of my insights…It’s a pity that there wasn’t a blogosphere then. I would have felt very much at home in the medium.
Damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead. I think we've just been broadsided matey.

Very wittily said John, but all you've accomplished is to demonstrate your ignorance of the Blogosphere. If you only knew how old I really am (but don't you dare ask).

So I guess we've all been told. So much for freedom of speech. Maybe we should put an age limit on it. Now there's an idea for you John. There outta be a law.
In 2000, John McCain called Rev. Jerry Falwell an “agent of intolerance.” Yesterday, in a naked attempt to broaden his political base, McCain delivered the commencement speech at Falwell’s Liberty University. McCain’s hypocrisy was noted on many blogs. He returned the favor in his speech at Liberty by attacking the blogosphere.
A commentor also noted:
McCain’s lurch to the right begs the following question: Could it be possible that Republicans are also saddled with shitty consultants?
Psst... here's a dirtly little secret. McCain's a mole. So now you know.

Related links: daily fisk, news, us-news, in the news, news and politics, politics, political, john+mccain, blogging, blogosphere, humor, fisk


Bush Bait and Switch

IT'S A VARIATION OF the tried and proven bait and switch technique. You screw up, so what do you do? After denial and the passage of time no longer works, first you 'sincerely' apologize.

Then you provide a new and grandiose vision for the future that the people can focus on, and soon (hopefully) all of your past sins will be forgotten. He said what needed to be said, or should I say what the public wanted to hear. It's a strategy that Karl Rove can be proud:

"The main text of President Bush's nationally televised address last night was the rebuilding of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, but the clear subtext was the rebuilding of a presidency that is now at its lowest point ever, confronted by huge and simultaneous challenges at home and abroad -- and facing a country divided along partisan and racial lines.

Hurricane Katrina struck at the core of Bush's presidency by undermining the central assertion of his reelection campaign, that he was a strong and decisive leader who could keep the country safe in a crisis. Never again will the White House be able to point to his often-praised performance after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, without skeptics recalling the fumbling and slow-off-the-mark response of his administration after the hurricane and the flooding in New Orleans.

His response to these criticisms last night was a speech largely shorn of soaring rhetoric and stirring turns of phrase of the kind that marked his efforts to rally the country after the terrorist attacks. Instead, as if recognizing that his own road back will be one marked by steady but small steps, he spoke with workmanlike focus, spelling out the details of what has been done and will be done to help those displaced by the storm.

In again taking responsibility for the federal government's failures, Bush signaled last night that the White House has decided not to contest the widespread perceptions that his administration failed in the early days of the crisis. By embracing those criticisms, they hope to make the issue a sideshow that will play out sometime in the future. Instead, after a halting start, the White House appears intently focused on demonstrating the president's capacity to manage the huge rebuilding effort ahead.

Bush's advisers believe that, despite the partisan finger-pointing over what happened, most Americans are not looking back and will judge the president on what happens going forward. But as Iraq has shown over the past two years, the facts on the ground shape public confidence in the president more than words or promises."

THE QUESTION REMAINS, will it be enough to repair the presidency and his ability to govern effectively for the remaining 40 months?

TALK IS CHEAP. For a fiscally conservative government, will they, or can they possibly deliver?


Miers' Faith In Christ Made Her a Republican

According to an article in the New York Times, Supreme Court candidate Harriet Miers, born Roman Catholic, became an evangelical Christian and began identifying more with Republicans than with the Democrats who had long held sway over Texas politics.

She later joined the missions committee of her church, which is against legalized abortion, and friends and colleagues say she rarely looked back at her past as a Democrat. Miers attended "two or three" anti-abortion fund-raising dinners in the early 1990's, but has otherwise been active in the anti-abortion movement. According to one of Miers' colleagues:

"You can be just as pro-life as the day is long and can decide the Constitution requires Roe to be upheld".
That's an interesting theory, but why (or how) could somebody who has such deeply held values uphold a law that she is in a moral conflict with? Or for that matter, why would she even want the job?

That's quite a conundrum for anybody, and would be the first question I would be asking if I were on the Senate Judiciary Committee.


FeedBlitz eMail Subscription Service:

We've moved our newsletter email subscription service over to FeedBlitz. Don't worry, FeedBlitz made the migration process painless, so if you already have a subscription there's nothing more you have to do. You will still receive our newsletter every day.

So why would you want to subscribe to our email newsletter? And is it safe? Read the FeedBlitz faq to find the answer.

Why the switch from Bloglet? Well, for starters Bloglet hasn't worked most of this past year. Emails go unanswered and it looks like the owner's heart isn't into maintaining it any longer. We appreciate the service all these years but it's time to move on.

FeedBurner has also partnered with FeedBlitz, and if it's good enough for them then it's good enough for me. FeedBlitz offers superior service and features, so for us the move was a no brainer.


Blog Standards Revisited (again):

"If blogs are to be taken seriously, they should live up to the standards of accountability and reliability of the mainstream media that they so deplore."

Sajan Venniyoor takes some pot-shots at the blogosphere, and much of what he says is true, at least on a superficial level. But Sajan takes the idea too far, and what he doesn't understand is the blogosphere must be kept free of legal and bureaucratic encumbrances, no different than the fundamental right of freedom of speech itself.

Sajan sez ......"In June this year, the youth magazine JAM (Just Another Magazine) ran a rather unflattering story on the Indian Institute of Planning and Management (IIPM). says much about the navel-gazing quality of the virtual world that few bloggers realize that blogging is a minority interest, and that even in the wired West, it’s only when they bring down a Dan Rather that their online crusades merit serious media or public attention.

If blogs are to be taken seriously as an alternative medium, they should measure up to the standards of accountability and reliability of the mainstream media that the bloggers so deplore. Not so long ago, a fairly popular blog took pot shots at that media behemoth and everybody’s favorite target, the Times of India. The blog’s readers were much amused; the Times less so. A legal notice was duly slapped on the blogger - a perfectly valid one in this case. Discretion prevailed over valour, and the blog closed down voluntarily. There was some outcry over the strong-arm tactics of the Times, but what is significant is that no attempt was made either to defend or substantiate the hostile comments made in the blog."

Writing on the 'net is no different than writing to the local newspaper editor. It's just that the technology gives blogging a much broader reach, and does not require the blessings of an editor to decide whether or not you get published.

It is the editor of public opinion that will decide if you are read. There is nothing more democratic than that. And that is a good thing because freedom of speech has never been so powerful, or so vulnerable.

That is why we see repressive regimes like China doing its darndest to plug the blogosphere. They understand its power. But in the free world discussions about imposing standards is absurb and as dangerous as the Nazi book burnings of pre-WW11.

I can see only two possible exceptions to this. The first would be those pundits who consider themselves professional blogger/journalists who want to be taken seriously. It goes without saying they should be aspiring to the same standards of mainstream media.

After all, if you are going to compete with the big boys and want be accepted on that level then you have to play the game according to the same rules.

Secondly, sites like the daily FISK that use satire humor, and clearly state in their faqs they should not be taken seriously and read for entertainment purposes only.

Otherwise, as for the rest of the joe (or josephine) bloggers out there the wired west has to be kept free. Not since the invention of the printing press has so much power been given to so many, and it must be protected at any cost.


Award winning mushrooms in 1891 Railway Tunnel Tasmania

Photo: Off the Table Award winning mushrooms grown in 1891 Railway Tunnel in Tasmania Grown in a 1891 Railway Tunnel in Tasmania. Tunnel Hill Mushrooms Hidden under the surface at Mt Rumney on Hobart’s Eastern Shore in Tasmania is an old 1891 railway tunnel. It was opened in 1892, and closed in 1926. Since the...


Living Vehicle CyberTrailer

CyberTrailer for Tesla’s Cybertruck Tesla’s Cybertruck can’t tow just any camper. Living Camper is bringing its expertise in high-end campers to the CyberTrailer, a dual-axle camper with angular styling that fits the Cybertruck theme perfectly. The CyberTrailer draws power from a rooftop solar array and can act as a charging station and can even recharge...


The Edit Chair

I love the fact that while I work away in my high-tech-gear-jammed edit suite, the chair I’m sitting in dates back well over a hundred years. It was one of many in my grandmother’s home – it survived the great depression and a Manitoba tornado that destroyed the house. There’s nothing high-tech about this chair, … Continue reading The Edit Chair

The post The Edit Chair first appeared on Bigsnit Blog.


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Earn Free CME's, CNEs, CEUs, CPE with "Explaining the Unexplained" CDC Video- Expires January 21, 2014.

This exciting session of Grand Rounds focused on rapid identification of emerging infectious diseases. As our world increases in interconnectivity of both technology and people, the rapid identification of emerging infectious diseases becomes more important for disease treatment, control, and prevention.Earn Free CME's, CNEs, CEUs, CPE with "Explaining the Unexplained" CDC Video- Expires January 21, 2014. 


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Transform Your GMC Canyon’s Rear End with Spyder Tail Lights

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3,967+ recruited online in 1 yr. + $237,466.49 ain't bad, see how?

Just a quick marketing tip . . .

Test! Test! Test!

Marketing your business effectively is not about
finding one thing and doing it over and over and over
again, unless it's testing.

There is NO one way to do things right, let your
results be the marker of what works and what does not
and not what someone tells you to do.

So here's the tip, you see the headline for this email?

It came through testing, and compared to other
headlines tested this was the one that produced the
best results.

So you opened this email because my prior testing said
you would respond. Imagine honing that power in your
recruiting efforts . . .

Here's an easy way to find out what headlines produce
the best response in your business.

Brainstorm different headlines based on the ones you
see out there that get you to pay attention.

Write down about 10 in notepad.

Start a Google Adwords campaign and place all of your
headlines as ads. Give it about a week or 300 to 500
views per ad and then see which one wins.

Now you have an amazing response producing headline
that you can continue to use in your Adwords campaign,
you can use as a headline in emails to prospects, and
you can use as a headline on your lead capture or
landing pages.

You can even record it in audio and double the impact.

When you do this you'll be doing something that 95% of
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Buying a domain name for your affiliate link

If your planning to do any kind of article marketing then your going to need your own domain name. Article directories do not allow affiliate links to be placed directly into an article.

The simplest method is to go to

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  2. Use these promo codes to save some money!

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  4. Now log into your GoDaddy account

  5. Go to Domains/My Domains

  6. Click on your domain name and then select forward

  7. Click the enabled button and enter the affliate link you want to use

  8. Select 302 moved temporarily

  9. Then click the masking tag and tick the mask domain box

  10. Put the title here that you would like to appear on peoples browser tag. For Success University put Success University

  11. Click ok and wait about 30 minutes.

  12. Test your domain name and you should be good to go!

Go and get your free traffic!

  • Internet Marketing Training


'Captain Ben' Robert Jernigan passes

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Bob Hower's biplane: tech details

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Freshened-up YouTubes on main page

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..and again we&#39;ve moved..


TNP - Organic Meats and Organic Dairy Products

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