
The Bible, America’s First Book: ‘In God We Trust’ at New-York Historical

Most Christian and Jewish Americans, reading about Christ’s resurrection or the Jewish exodus from Egypt during the upcoming Easter and Passover holidays, will not consider the Bible to be an American book. And yet, the Bible was our first American book; its earliest printings, translations, and interpretations reflected the experiences of the first Europeans to...

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The Fascinating Story of the First American Bible, a Native American Language Translation from 1663

The first Bible to be printed in America was special for many reasons, but perhaps the most remarkable is this: It was translated into a language that most English colonists couldn’t read. A Geneva Bible, it was printed in Natick, an Algonquin language spoken by the Massachusett people who lived on the land surrounding the...

The post The Fascinating Story of the First American Bible, a Native American Language Translation from 1663 appeared first on Behind The Scenes.


Junction 48 / a Metro Communications ... [and others] production ; screenplay, Oren Moverman & Tamer Nafar ; director, Udi Aloni

Rotch Library - PN1997.2.J86 2017


Frame by frame / a film by Alexandria Bombach, Mo Scarpelli ; a Red Reel & Rake Films production ; in association with CoPilot Pictures, Exposure Labs & Rampante ; a Time Inc. presentation ; directed by Alexandria Bombach, Mo Scarpelli ; producer

Rotch Library - TR113.A3 F733 2015


Five photons: Remarkable Journeys of Light Across Space and Time / James Geach

Online Resource


Fundamentals of galaxy dynamics, formation and evolution / Ignacio Ferreras

Online Resource


Fluid mechanics: fundamentals and applications / Yunus A. Çengel, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, John M. Cimbala, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, the Pennsylvania State University

Barker Library - TA357.C43 2014


Fundamentals of thermal-fluid sciences / Yunus A. Çengel, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno ; John M. Cimbala, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University ; Robert H. Turner, Dep

Barker Library - TA357.C43 2017


Ichi-F: a worker's graphic memoir of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant / Kazuto Tatsuta ; translation: Stephen Paul ; retouching: James Dashiell ; lettering: AndWorld Design

Hayden Library - PN6790.J33 T378513 2017


The girl from the other side: siúil, a rún / story & art by Nagame ; translation, Adrienne Beck ; adaptation, Ysabet Reinhardt MacFarlane

Hayden Library - PN6790.J33 N3213 2017


Superman: the persistence of an American icon / Ian Gordon

Hayden Library - PN6728.S9 G67 2017


Comics & memory in Latin America / Jorge L. Catalá Carrasco, Paulo Drinot, and James Scorer, editors

Hayden Library - PN6790.L29 C65 2017


The American way / John Ridley, writer ; Georges Jeanty, penciller ; Karl Story, Ray Snyder, inkers ; Wildstorm FX, colorist ; Pat Brosseau, Travis Lanham, Rob Leigh, letterers ; Georges Jeanty, Karl Story, Randy Mayor, series and collection cover artist

Hayden Library - PN6728.A496 R53 2017


Diary of a reluctant dreamer: undocumented vignettes from a pre-American life / Alberto Ledesma

Hayden Library - PN6727.L379 Z46 2017


Batwoman / Marguerite Bennett, James Tynion IV, writers ; Steve Epting, Stephanie Hans, Renato Arlem, artists ; Jeromy Cox, Adriano Lucas, colorists ; Deron Bennett, letterer ; Steve Epting, collection cover art ; Steve Epting, Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreir

Hayden Library - PN6728.B38 B46 2017


The white archer : an Eskimo legend / written and illustrated by James Houston

New York : Harcourt, Brace & World, c1967


Ghost paddle ; a northwest coast Indian tale / Written and illustrated by James Houston

New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, [1972]


River runners : a tale of hardship and bravery / by James Houston ; drawings by the author

Toronto : Mclelland and Stewart Limited, 1979


Chief Seattle's unanswered challenge : spoken on the wild forest threshold of the city that bears his name, 1854 / by John M. Rich

Seattle, Wash. : Lowman & Hanford Co., 1947


New on the Web: Rare Muslim American Slave Narrative Now Online

The Library of Congress has acquired and made available online the Omar Ibn Said Collection, which includes the only known surviving slave narrative written in Arabic in the United States. In 1831, Omar Ibn Said, a wealthy and highly educated man who was captured in West Africa and brought to the United States as a slave, wrote a 15-page autobiography describing his experiences.

Read more about the extraordinary Omar Ibn Said Collection.



Hobbes and modern political thought / Yves Charles Zarka ; translated by James Griffith.

Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2018.


Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers: NEH Announces 2018 NDNP Awards and University of Alabama Joins the Program!

Earlier this month, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) announced an additional $4.5 million in funding to institutions in 18 states to expand selection and digitization of U.S. historic newspapers for the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP), including first-time awardee University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa.  Seventeen other participating institutions - Alaska Division of Libraries, Archives, and Museums; University of California, Riverside; Colorado Historical Society; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; State Historical Society of Iowa; Maine State Library; University of Maryland, College Park; Central Michigan University; Montana Historical Society; University of Nebraska-Lincoln; University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Rutgers University, New Brunswick (New Jersey); University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Ohio History Connection; South Dakota Department of Education; University of North Texas; and Washington State Library - received additional awards, each charged with selecting and digitizing approx. 100,000 newspaper pages from their state for contribution to the online newspaper collection "Chronicling America," hosted by the Library of Congress. Since 2005, cultural institutions in 46 states and Puerto Rico have contributed more than 13 million digitized American historical newspaper pages, published between 1789 and 1963 and in 14 different languages, to the collection. 

Jointly sponsored by the NEH and LC, NDNP is a long-term effort to provide access to an Internet-based, searchable database of U.S. newspapers with descriptive information and select digitization of historic pages. This rich digital resource will be developed and permanently maintained at the Library of Congress. The NEH grant program funds the contribution of content from, eventually, all U.S. states and territories.... Read more about it & follow us on Twitter @librarycongress #ChronAm!!




Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers: 80 YEARS AGO: “Orson Welles – The All American Bogeyman,” Evening Star, Oct. 31, 1938

On October 30, 1938, the radio-listening public was brought to near-hysteria by the evening broadcast narrated by 23-year old Orson Welles of an adaption of the H.G. Wells classic ‘War of the Worlds.” According to newspapers around the country the next day, the dramatization “threw the public into an uproar when listeners believed flocks of nasty little men from Mars had smashed down into the State of New Jersey and were wiping out civilization…” Police stations and newspaper offices were inundated with calls from the public and telephone switchboards overloaded, while others evacuated their homes and apartment buildings, fearing the worst. Read more about it and the aftermath and follow us on Twitter @librarycongress #ChronAm!


Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers: 100 YEARS AGO: "Menu and Recipes for Your 'Victory' Thanksgiving Dinner," The Evening World, Nov. 26, 1918

Just a few weeks after the the signing of the armistice with Germany on November 11, 1918, ending military action in World War One, Americans prepared to celebrate their traditional Thanksgiving with new appreciation for a "day of thankful prayer... and joyous feasting." Although still restricted by wartime rationing, the Evening World (New York, NY) asked chefs of major New York City hotels to contribute their best recipes to honor the Allied leaders responsible for victory and the war's end....Read more about it and try some Roast Turkey a la Pershing! For more Thanksgiving recipes see our recent Headlines and Heroes blog for "10 Thanksgiving Recipes You May Not Have Tried" and follow us on Twitter @librarycongress #ChronAm!



Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers: Join the National Digital Newspaper Program in 2019! Applications due Jan. 15, 2019

from on Twitter: Be part of the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP), a partnership between National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress to create a digital resource of newspapers published between 1690 and 1963, from all the states and U.S. territories. Applications due Jan 15:


Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers: 86 YEARS AGO: “Popular Popcorn,” The Midland Journal, February 17, 1933

In honor of National Popcorn Day on Jan. 19, here’s a quick rundown from 1933 of some fun ways to incorporate more grains into your diet! There’s of course the traditional style of popcorn for snacking, “popped while you wait, with a generous pour of melted butter and a big shake of salt” according to the Midland Journal (Rising Sun, MD). But why not enjoy some popcorn “merrily floating on the surface of creamy soups,” or combine popcorn, cheese, and mayonnaise for cheeseballs in a fruit salad! Read more about it, check out some recipes and follow us on Twitter @librarycongress #ChronAm!


Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers: Celebrate International Women's Day With Us!

Celebrate International Women's Day today with us and explore how change-making women in American history appeared in the contemporary news using the Chronicling America historic newspaper collection. Our most recent post in Headlines and Heroes highlights fifteen amazing American women, including Clara Barton, Ida B. Wells, Marie Curie, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and, of course, investigative journalist Nellie Bly. Use the linked Recommended Topic guides to learn more about them and make your own discoveries. Read more about them and follow us on Twitter @librarycongress #ChronAm!


Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers: Happy National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day! (May 15)

Happy National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day! Have you made America’s favorite cookie recently? How about trying out this 1940 recipe from the Roanoke Rapids Herald (Roanoke Rapids, NC)? Chop your own chocolate and read more about it! Follow us on Twitter @librarycongress #ChronAm!


Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers: Celebrate 15 Million Pages with Us! Find Out More and Join our Twitter #ChronAmParty Today (May 21)!

Join us in celebrating a new milestone in Chronicling America – 15 million pages freely available to all! You can find out more on LC's Headlines and Heroes blog and join the #ChronAmParty on Twitter all day Tuesday, May 21 (today!). Follow the threads and find out about all the fun kinds of “15 Million” things we’ve discovered in Chronicling America – feel free to celebrate with us and tweet your own discoveries! Just add #ChronAmParty and #15MillionPages to your tweet to join the party!

We’ve also been working on new ways to explore and visualize what’s available in Chronicling America and have included a sneak peek in Headlines and Heroes and a more in-depth explanation of these tools in the Library’s The Signal digital libraries blog. Understand and interact with our newspapers in a different way using maps, time-based views, charts of language and ethnic press in American newspapers and more!

Read more about it and follow us all the time on Twitter @librarycongress #ChronAm!


Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers: 75 Years Ago: “ALLIES SMASHING INLAND,” The Wilmington Morning Star, June 07, 1944

Across the world on June 7, 1944, newspapers rushed to press with the first word on the Western Allied invasion of the beaches of Normandy in France. For days before, front pages in the homefront news were filled with word of Allied battles on all fronts with hints of an imminent invasion of the French coast. Finally on June 7, news arrived… “ALLIES SMASHING INLAND” declared the Wilmington Morning Star (Wilmington, DE). Follow the headlines from issue to issue and read more about it! (And then follow us on Twitter @librarycongress #ChronAm!)


Integrating sustainability planning and the environmental review process / Carol Lurie, Matthew Egge, VHB Inc., in association with Environmental Science Associates, Inc., American Infrastructre Development Inc., Changing Climates Consulting, Ralph Thomp

Barker Library - TD195.A36 L87 2019


Chemistry of environmental systems: fundamental principles and analytical methods / Jeffrey S. Gaffney, University of Arkansas at Little Rock (retired) USA, Nancy A. Marley, Argonne National Laboratory (retired), USA

Dewey Library - TD193.G34 2020


Environmental justice in postwar America: a documentary reader / edited by Christopher W. Wells

Dewey Library - GE230.E594 2018


The five-ton life: carbon, America, and the culture that may save us / Susan Subak

Dewey Library - TD885.5.C3 S83 2018


The myth of Silent spring: rethinking the origins of American environmentalism / Chad Montrie

Hayden Library - GE197.M66 2018


Valorisation of agro-industrial residues. Zainul Akmar Zakaria, Cristobal N Aguilar, Ratna Dewi Kusumaningtyas, Parameswaran Binod, editors

Online Resource


A language of things: Emanuel Swedenborg and the American environmental imagination / Devin P. Zuber

Dewey Library - GE197.Z83 2019


Exploring the Dynamics of Zr-Based Metal-organic Frameworks Containing Mechanically Interlocked Molecular Shuttles

Faraday Discuss., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0FD00004C, Paper
Ghazale Gholami, Benjamin H Wilson, Kelong Zhu, Christopher A O'Keefe, Rob Schurko, Stephen J Loeb
Zr(IV) metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) UiO-68 and PCN-57, containing linkers triphenylene dicarboxylate (TPDC) and tetramethyl-triphenylene dicarboxylate (TTDC), respectively, were doped with an H shaped, tetracarboxylate linker that contains a [2]rotaxane molecular...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Designing Refractive Index Fluids using the Kramers-Kronig Relations

Faraday Discuss., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0FD00027B, Paper
Open Access
Tianqi Sai, Matthias Saba, Eric Dufresne, Ullrich Steiner, Bodo Wilts
For a number of optical applications, it is advantageous to precisely tune the refractive index of a liquid. Here, we harness a well-established concept in optics for this purpose. The...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


The Role of Temperature and Adsorbate on Negative Gas Adsorption in the Mesoporous Metal-Organic Framework DUT-49

Faraday Discuss., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0FD00013B, Paper
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Simon Krause, Jack D. Evans, Volodymyr Bon, Irene Senkovska, François-Xavier Coudert, Daniel M Többens, Dirk Wallacher, Nico Grimm, Stefan Kaskel
Unusual adsorption phenomena, such as breathing and negative gas adsorption (NGA), are rare and challenge our understanding of the thermodynamics of adsorption in deformable porous solids. In particular, NGA appears...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Scott Kelby Named Top-Selling U.S. Photography Techniques Author for 2015

Peachpit Author Sixth Consecutive Year Honoree


Rest uneasy: sudden infant death syndrome in twentieth century America / Brittany Cowgill

Hayden Library - RJ320.S93 C69 2018


Unaffordable: American healthcare from Johnson to Trump / Jonathan Engel

Hayden Library - RA395.A3 E546 2018


Children and drug safety: balancing risk and protection in twentieth century America / Cynthia A. Connolly

Hayden Library - RJ560.C66 2018


Fundamentals and Clinics of Deep Brain Stimulation: An Interdisciplinary Approach / edited by Yasin Temel, Albert F.G. Leentjens, Rob M.A. de Bie, Stephan Chabardes, Alfonso Fasano

Online Resource


SobekCM Community Framework


The Hobbit Experience 2014: Adding WebRTC gameplay to the Hobbit Experience

Learn how North Kingdom built an immersive multimedia experience optimized for modern mobile browsers using Web RTC


The Russian job: the forgotten story of how America saved the Soviet Union from ruin / Douglas Smith

Dewey Library - HC340.F3 S55 2019


Mongrel firebugs and men of property: capitalism and class conflict in American history / Steve Fraser

Dewey Library - HC110.C3 F73 2019


Predatory value extraction: how the looting of the business corporation became the U.S. norm and how sustainable prosperity can be restored / William Lazonick and Jang-Sup Shin

Dewey Library - HB201.L39 2020