
First, they erased our name : a Rohingya speaks / Habiburahman with Sophie Ansel ; translated by Andrea Reece.

Habiburahman, 1979-


Baby jails : the fight to end the incarceration of refugee children in America / Philip G. Schrag.

Immigrants -- Government policy -- United States.


The birth of the FBI : Teddy Roosevelt, the Secret Service, and the fight over America's premier law enforcement agency / Willard M. Oliver.

Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919.


Avidly reads board games / Eric Thurm.

Board games -- Social aspects.


The inflamed mind : a radical new approach to depression / Edward Bullmore.

Depression, Mental -- Etiology.


Contractions of the foramen ovale of the new born lamb.

United Kingdom, c.193?


Contractions of the foramen ovale of the new born lamb.

United Kingdom, c.193?


A Look at Graduation in America

A look at graduation across America.


Popular medicine in America, 1800-1900

Popular Medicine in America presents materials from the Library Company of Philadelphia’s extensive collection. The resource documents the history of ‘popular’ medicine in America during the nineteenth century, featuring a wide variety of material that was aimed at the general public rather than medical professionals, and which enabled the ordinary person to treat himself and his family at home using an array of inventive methods and fashionable techniques


Emergence of advertising in America: 1850-1920

Over 3,300 advertising items and publications dating from 1850 to 1920, illustrating the rise of consumer culture and the birth of a professionalized advertising industry in the United States.


Lame-Duck Indiana Chief Complains About Two Accountability Systems, Governance

As the state rolls out a new school accountability system and a separate federal accountability system, disputes have flared between the state department and school board over which underperforming schools should get extra federal money.


Lame-Duck Indiana Chief Frustrated Over K-12 Governance

Jennifer McCormick, a Republican who will not run for re-election in 2020, says the state's government structure "causes confusion and stretches resources."


Des médications hypothermique et hyperthermique, et des moyens thérapeutiques qui les remplissent. De la pharmacothermogenèse, ou Théories de l'action des médicaments sur la température animale / par P.F. da Costa.

Lisbonne : Impr. de l'Académie royale des sciences, 1881.


The diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the kidney, amenable to direct surgical interference / by W. Bruce Clarke.

London : H.K. Lewis, 1886.


Dictionnaire universel de matière médicale et de thérapeutique générale; contenant l'indication, la description et l'emploi de tous les médicamens connus dans les diverses parties du globe / par F.V. Merat et A.J. de

Paris : J.-B. Baillière, 1829-1846.


Die Erkenntniss und Heilung der Ohrenkrankheiten / von Wilhelm Kramer.

Berlin : In der Nicolai'schen Buchhandlung, 1836.


Die Heilbarkeit der Taubheit : zur Beherzigung für Ohrenkranke und deren Aerzte / von W. Kramer.

Berlin : Nicolai, 1842.


Die Selbstverdauung des Magens / von Bernhard Samelson.

Jena : Verlag von Gustav Fischer, 1879.


Die soziale Bekämpfung der Tuberkulose als Volkskrankheit in Europa und Amerika. Denkschrift, der Tuberkulose-Kommission der Pirogoff-Gesellschaft Russischer Aerzte vorgelegt und dem VIII. Pirogoff-Aerztekongress gewidmet / von Philipp M.Blumenthal.

Berlin : Hirschwald, 1905.


The different forms of flowers on plants of the same species / by Charles Darwin.

London : J. Murray, 1877.


Digest of the English census of 1871 / compiled from the official returns and edited by James Lewis.

London : E. Stanford, 1873.


Directions for drinking the Cheltenham waters : with a selection of cases, illustrating their effects in a great variety of diseases / by James M'Cabe.

Cheltenham : printed for G.A. Williams, librarian, [1823]


The diseases of children / by James Frederic Goodhart; with the assistance of George Frederic Still.

London : J. & A. Churchill, 1899.


Diseases of the bladder, prostate gland, and urethra : including a practical view of urinary diseases deposits and calculi / by Frederick James Gant.

London : J. & A. Churchill, 1876.


Diseases of the bladder, prostate gland, and urethra : including a practical view of urinary diseases deposits and calculi / by Frederick James Gant.

London : Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, 1884.


[Documents relating to James Gregory and the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 1805-07].

Edinburgh : printed by James Ballantyne & Co, [1807?]


Du choix de l'intervention dans les affections des annexes de l'uterus / par Pierre Camescasse.

Paris : G. Steinheil, 1893.


Du passage de quelques médicaments dans les urines : modifications qu'ils y apportent, transformations qu'ils subissent dans l'organisme / par Léopold Bruneau.

Paris : V.A. Delahaye, 1880.


Du ptosis et de son traitement chirurgical : examen critique d'un nouveau procédé opératoire de ptosis congénital / par Jean Brun.

Paris : G. Steinheil, 1892.


The earliest recorded discovery of thermal springs / by Prosser James.

London : John Bale, 1897.


Élémens d'histoire naturelle médicale : contenant des notions générales sur l'histoire naturelle, la description, l'histoire et les propriétés de tous les alimens, médicamens, ou poisons, tirés des

Paris : Béchet jeune, 1838.


An elementary treatise on kinematics and dynamics / by James Gordon MacGregor.

London : Macmillan, 1902.


Elements of mineralogy : containing a general introduction to the science, with descriptions of the species / by James Nicol.

Edinburgh : A. and C. Black, 1873.


Elements of pathology and therapeutics being the outlines of a work, intended to ascertain the nature, causes, and most efficacious modes of prevention and cure, of the greater number of the diseases incidental to the human frame : illustrated by numerous

Bath : And sold by Underwood, London, 1825.


Eminent medical men of Asia, Africa, Europe and America, who have advanced medical science; for the use of students and for the Vydians and Hakims of India / by Edward Balfour.

Madras : printed by C. Foster, 1876.


Employers and employed : being (1) an exposition of the law of reparation for physical injury; (2) the Employers' Liability Act, 1880, annotated ... and (3) suggested amendment of the law as to the liability of employers. With appendices and indices /

Glasgow : J. Maclehose, 1887.


The English flora / by Sir James Edward Smith.

London : printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1824-1836.


Enigmas of psychical research / by James H. Hyslop.

London : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1906.


Entoptics, with its uses in physiology and medicine / by James Jago.

London : J. Churchill, 1864.


Epidemic of scarlet fever at Donaldson's Hospital during the autumn and winter of 1861 / by James D. Gillespie.

Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd, 1862.


The equine hospital prescriber : drawn up for the use of veterinary practitioners and students / by James B. and Albert Gresswell.

London : Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, 1886.


Essai sur la digitale pourprée / par James Sanders ; traduit de l'anglais par A.F.G. Murat, avec des notes et des réflexions sur la matière médicale par le traducteur.

Paris : Ancelle, 1812.


This State Just Became the First to Restrict Transgender Student Athletes' Participation

Idaho became the first state in the country to prohibit transgender girls from participating in girls' school sports after Gov. Brad Little, a Republican, signed the "Fairness in Women's Sports Act" into law Tuesday.


Minnesota Governor-Elect Names AFT National VP to Be State Education Chief

The state's incoming governor and education commissioner both are former teachers. They face battles over school accountability, funding and the achievement gap between white and minority students.


Mississippi School Named for Confederate President to Be Renamed for Obama

The name change comes as leaders of the school district in Mississippi's capital city, where more than 95 percent of students are African-American, are reconsidering Confederacy-linked names on three campuses.


A ferry carrying people and game across a Scottish loch. Lithograph after Jacob Thompson, 18--.


A Scottish gamekeeper armed with a gun, standing on a mountain-top in the falling snow: he holds a shot eagle in his right hand, and a hound stands at his side. Engraving by J. Outrim, 1856, after E.H. Landseer.



A Scottish gamekeeper armed with a gun, standing on a mountain-top in the falling snow: he holds a shot eagle in his right hand, and a hound stands at his side. Engraving by J. Outrim, 1856, after E.H. Landseer.

London (6, Pall Mall) : Published ... by Henry Graves, & Comp.y, May 10th, 1856.


List of ten drawings in the collection of S.Z. Langton photographed by James Mudd. Letterpress.

[Manchester] : [James Mudd], [between 1800 and 1899]


Grotesque ornament. Engravings by or after J. Androuet du Cerceau.

[Paris?] : [J. Androuet du Cerceau?], [1562?]