
A Size-Controlled Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles by the Berry Extract of Sea Buckthorn and the Biological Activities

New J. Chem., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0NJ01335H, Paper
Simin Wei, Yinghui Wang, Zhishu Tang, Jinhang Hu, Su Rui, Lin Jingjie, Zhou Tuan, Hui Guo, Wang Nan, Xu Rongrong
Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) has been extensively studied by using a variety of plant extracts for the applications in biomedical sciences and engineering. However, there are no reports...
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Novel phthalocyanine-based micelles/PNIPAM composite hydrogels: spatial/temporal-controlled drug release triggered by NIR laser irradiation

New J. Chem., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0NJ01882A, Letter
Tao Jia, Lu Li, Enna Ha, Zheng Qu, Lei Shi, Tiedong Sun, Shengnan Tan, Wancheng Zhao
Near-infrared (NIR) light-responsive hydrogels hold significant potential for biomedical application, especially in remote-controlled release of anticancer drugs. Herein we report a novel NIR light responsive composite hydrogel system that undergoes...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


[ASAP] Antibacterial Photodynamic Inactivation of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria and Biofilms with Nanomolar Photosensitizer Concentrations

ACS Infectious Diseases
DOI: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.9b00379


[ASAP] Intracellular Metal Speciation in <italic toggle="yes">Streptococcus sanguinis</italic> Establishes SsaACB as Critical for Redox Maintenance

ACS Infectious Diseases
DOI: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.0c00132


Treasure Trove: Constructing the Central Park Reservoir

A series of remarkable photographs from the library’s Geographic File (PR20) documents the construction of the Central Park Reservoir,  located between 86th and 96th streets.  Built between 1858 and 1862, the 106-acre reservoir is 40 feet deep and holds over a billion gallons of water. Once a critical part of the city’s fresh water system, it received water from the Croton...

The post Treasure Trove: Constructing the Central Park Reservoir appeared first on New-York Historical Society.


Introducing the Henry R. Luce Papers

Henry Robinson Luce was born one-hundred-and-twenty years ago, on April 3, 1898, in China to American Presbyterian missionaries. Apart from a visit to the United States in 1906, young Henry spent his first fourteen years living in China, a time of momentous upheavals. While attending Chefoo, a British preparatory school in northern China, the 1911...

The post Introducing the Henry R. Luce Papers appeared first on New-York Historical Society.


Shipwrecks of the Ningaloo Reef : maritime archaeological projects from 1978-2009 / Jeremy Green (editor) ; with contributions by Ross Anderson ... [et al.]


Stereopticon : entry to a life of travel and tourism research / by Valene L. Smith

Smith, Valene L


The beautiful country : tourism and the impossible state of destination Italy / Stephanie Malia Hom

Hom, Stephanie Malia, author


A tourism development strategy for the Shire of Plantagenet and the Southern Ranges and wine country Western Australia


Tourism encounters and controversies : ontological politics of tourism development / edited by Gunnar Thór Jóhannesson, Carina Ren, René van der Duim


Tourism marketing for developing countries : battling stereotypes and crises in Asia, Africa and the Middle East / Eli Avraham, University of Haifa, Israel, Eran Ketter, University of Haifa, Israel

Avraham, Eli


The discourse of tourism and national heritage : a contrastive study from a cultural perspective / by Claudia Elena Stoian

Stoian, Claudia Elena, author


Introduction to tourism [electronic resource] : types of tourism


Tourism and geopolitics : issues and concepts from Central and Eastern Europe / edited by Derek Hall, Seabank Associates


Events management : an introduction / Charles Bladen, James Kennell, Emma Abson and Nick Wilde

Bladen, Charles, author


Humanitarian aid in post-Soviet countries [electronic resource] : an anthropological perspective / Laëtitia Atlani-Duault ; translated by Andrew Wilson

London ; New York : Routledge, 2007


Exploring green crime : introducing the legal, social and criminological contexts of environmental harm / Matthew Hall

Hall, Matthew (Criminologist), author


The international law of state responsibility : an introduction / Robert Kolb (Professor of Public International Law, University of Geneva, Switzerland)

Kolb, Robert, author


Jus cogens : international law and social contract / Thomas Weatherall

Weatherall, Thomas, author


Principles and practices of aquatic law / by John R. Fletemeyer with contributors ; edited by Ivonne Schmid

Fletemeyer, John R., author


American corrections : concepts and controversies / Barry A. Krisberg, Susan Marchionna, Christopher J. Hartney

Krisberg, Barry, author


Understanding jurisprudence : an introduction to legal theory / Raymond Wacks, BA, LLB, LLM, LLD, MLiTT, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Law and Legal Theory

Wacks, Raymond, author


An introduction to English legal history / Sir John Baker, Q. C., LL. D., F. B. A., Emeritus Downing Professor of the Laws of England and Honorary Fellow of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge, Barrister and Honorary Bencher of the Inner Temple and Gra

Baker, John H. (John Hamilton), author


Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston's law of contract / M.P. Furmston (Bencher of Gray's Inn, Emeritus Professor of Law, University of Bristol, Emeritus Professor of Law, Singapore Management University, Professor of Law, Sunway University, Malaysia) ;

Furmston, M. P., author


Carter's breach of contract / JW Carter

Carter, J. W. (John W.), author


Textbook on contract law / Jill Poole

Poole, Jill, author


Introduction to space law / Tanja Masson-Zwaan, Mahulena Hofmann

Masson-Zwaan, Tanja L., author


The Federal Court's contribution to Australian law : past, present and future / editors, Pauline Ridge, James Stellios


Environmental law in Australia / Gerry Bates ; with contributions from Justine Bell-James, Lauren Butterly, Amy McInerney, Gerry Nagtzaam

Bates, G. M. (Gerard Maxwell), 1950- author


Forensic science : an introduction to scientific and investigative techniques / [Edited] By Suzanne Bell


Zuckerman on Australian civil procedure / Adrian A.S. Zuckerman, Stefanie Wilkins, Jonathan Adamopoulos, Andrew Higgins, Stephanie Hooper, Alexander Vial ; with contributions from Ian Ransom, Naomi Oreb, Claire Jago, Charles Rae

Zuckerman, A. A. S., author, editor, writer of preface


Mastering law studies and law exam techniques / Richard Krever ; with contributions by Susan Barkehall Thomas [and 14 others]

Krever, Richard, author


An introduction to property law in Australia / Robert Chambers

Chambers, Robert, 1957- author


Control of government action : text, cases & commentary / Robin Creyke, Matthew Groves, John McMillan, Mark Smyth

Creyke, Robin, author


The law of insurance contracts / by Malcolm A. Clarke ; with the assistance of Julian M. Burling and Robert L. Purves

Clarke, Malcolm A. (Malcolm Alistair)


Fault, responsibility, and administrative law in late Babylonian legal texts / F. Rachel Magdalene, Cornelia Wunsch, and Bruce Wells ; with contributions from E. Frahm, G. Frame, K. Kleber, and C. Waerzeggers

Magdalene, F. Rachel, author


Contributory negligence in the twenty-first century / James Goudkamp and Donal Nolan

Goudkamp, James, 1980- author


Central issues in jurisprudence : justice, law and rights / N.E. Simmonds, Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Professor of Jurisprudence in the University of Cambridge

Simmonds, N. E. (Nigel E.), author


Introduction to veterinary anatomy and physiology textbook

Aspinall, Victoria, author


Workshop for veterinarians : bovine embryo transfer workshop, 6-10 August, 1984 : venue, Veterinary Clinical Centre, Werribee, Victoria

University of Sydney. Post-Graduate Committee in Veterinary Science


Disease prevention and control in poultry production, August 31-September 2, 1983 : venue, Manly Pacific International Hotel

University of Sydney. Post-Graduate Committee in Veterinary Science


Modern battery engineering: a comprehensive introduction / editor, Kai Peter Birke, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Barker Library - TK2896.M63 2019


Integrating water systems: proceedings of the tenth international conference on computing and control in the water industry 2009 / edited by Joby Boxall and?edo Maksimovi?

Online Resource


Intelligent automatic generation control / Hassan Bevrani, Takashi Hiyama

Online Resource


Communication and Control in Electric Power Systems: Applications of Parallel and Distributed Processing.

Online Resource


Introduction to renewable energy conversions / Sergio C. Capareda

Online Resource


Operation and Control of Electric Energy Processing Systems.

Online Resource


Held captive by gas: the price of politics in Gazprom's long-term contracts with Central European buyers (2009 to 2014) / Joshua Posaner

Online Resource


Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring: Theory, Technologies and Applications / Hui Liu

Online Resource