
Efficient generation of sulfate radicals in Fe (II)/S (IV) system induced by WS2 nanosheets and examined by its intrinsic chemiluminescence

Chem. Commun., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC01999B, Communication
Tong Sun, Yingying Su, Houjing Liu, Hongjie Song, Yi Lv
In this study, more 〖SO〗_4^( ∙-) and strong intrinsic chemiluminescence (CL) can be achieved through activating sulphite (〖SO〗_3^( 2-)) with ferrous ions (Fe2+) on the WS2 nanosheets with the thickness...
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Engineering of Decameric D-fructose-6-phosphate Aldolase A by Combinatorial Modulation of Inter- and Intra-subunit Interactions

Chem. Commun., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC02437F, Communication
Xiaohong Yang, Lian Wu, Aipeng Li, Lidan Ye, Jiahai Zhou, Hongwei Yu
Combinatorial modulation of inter- and intra-subunit interactions on decameric D-fructose-6-phosphate aldolase A (FSAA) generated a triple-site variant I31T/Q59T/I195Q FSAA with 27 to 278-fold activity improvement towards target heteroaromatic aldehydes. X-ray...
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The animation book : a complete guide to animated filmmaking--from flip-books to sound cartoons to 3-D animation / Kit Laybourne ; preface by George Griffin ; introduction by John Canemaker

Laybourne, Kit


Techniques and principles in three-dimensional imaging : an introductory approach / [compiled] by Martin Richardson


Visual research : an introduction to research methodologies in graphic design / Ian Noble, Russell Bestley ; foreward by Ellen Lupton

Noble, Ian, 1960-


Bollywood cinema showcards : Indian film art from the 1950s to the 1980s / edited by Deepali Dewan ; with essays by Deepali Dewan, Rajesh Devraj, and Kajri Jain and contributions by Alexandra McCarter


Typorama : the graphic work of Philippe Apeloig / edited by Tino Grass ; with contributions by Ellen Lupton and Alice Morgaine

Apeloig, Philippe, 1962- artist


Beautiful users : designing for people / Ellen Lupton with contributions by Thomas Carpentier and Tiffany Lambert

Lupton, Ellen, author


Uncorporate identity / ed. by Metahaven & Marina Vishmidt ; contributions by Boris Groys ... [et al.]


Exposing the magic of design : a practitioner's guide to the methods and theory of synthesis / Jon Kolko ; with contributions from Beth Johnson and Gianna Marzilli Ericson (Design Continuum), Paul Gould (MAYA Design), Colleen Murray (Jump Associates),

Kolko, Jon, author


Interactive computer graphics : a top-down approach with WebGL / Edward Angel (University of New Mexico), Dave Shreiner (ARM, Inc.) ; Global edition contributions by Arup Bhattacharya, Soumen Mukherjee (RCC Institute of Information Technology, Kolkata)

Angel, Edward, author


2800 QCM de culture générale et d'actualité - Méthode et entraînement - Catégories B et C

13,99 €19,90 €

Mélanie Hoffert, Lionel Lavergne
7e édition
mars 2020
352 pages
Un entraînement intensif en culture générale et actualité pour réussir les épreuves écrites et orales des concours de catégories B et C !
Ouvrage d'entraînement
Concours 2020-2021


The ethics of global poverty : an introduction / Scott Wisor

Wisor, Scott, 1981- author


Engaging bioethics : an introduction with case studies / Gary Seay and Susana Nuccetelli

Seay, Gary, author


Dread : the dizziness of freedom / Juha van 't Zelfde (ed.) ; with contributions by Timo Arnall, James Bridle, Adam Greenfield [and 14 others] ; translation Dutch-English, Leo Reijnen


Neofinalism / Raymond Ruyer ; translated by Alyosha Edlebi ; introduction by Mark B.N. Hansen

Ruyer, Raymond, 1902-1987, author


Plasticity at the dusk of writing : dialectic, destruction, deconstruction / Catherine Malabou ; translated with an introduction by Carolyn Shread ; with a new afterword by the author ; foreword by Clayton Crockett

Malabou, Catherine


Platonist philosophy 80 BC to AD 250 : an introduction and collection of sources in translation / George Boys-Stones (Durham University)

Boys-Stones, G. R., author, translator, compiler


Engineering ethics / Charles B. Fleddermann ; International Edition Contributions By Somitra Kumar Sanadhya

Fleddermann, Charles B. (Charles Byrns), 1956- author


Ethics within engineering : an introduction / Wade L. Robison

Robison, Wade L., author


Traité 31. V, 8, Sur la beauté intelligible / Plotin ; introduction, traduction, commentaire et notes par Anne-Lise Darras-Worms

Plotinus, author


A tapestry of values : an introduction to values in science / Kevin C. Elliott

Elliott, Kevin Christopher, author


Gilbert Simondon's Psychic and collective individuation : a critical introduction and guide / David Scott

Scott, David (David Michael Ryan Davis), author


Annales bergsoniennes. II, Bergson, Deleuze, la phénoménologie / édité et présenté par Frédéric Worms ; [contributions de] Renaud Barbaras [and others]


Ethics and technology : controversies, questions, and strategies for ethical computing / Herman T. Tavani, Rivier University

Tavani, Herman T., author


Žižek : a (very) critical introduction / Marcus Pound

Pound, Marcus


100 years of women's suffrage: a University of Illinois Press anthology / complied by Dawn Durante ; introduction by Nancy A. Hewitt

Dewey Library - HQ1236.5.U6 A17 2019


Governance feminism: an introduction / Janet Halley, Prabha Kotiswaran, Rachel Rebouché, and Hila Shamir

Barker Library - HQ1236.H274 2018


On infertile ground: population control and women's rights in the era of climate change / Jade S. Sasser

Hayden Library - HQ766.S373 2018


Taking back the boulevard: art, activism and gentrification in Los Angeles / Jan Lin

Rotch Library - HN80.L7 L56 2019


Buying gay: how physique entrepreneurs sparked a movement / David K. Johnson

Hayden Library - HQ76.3.U5 J583 2019


Reshaping women's history: voices of nontraditional women historians / edited by Julie A. Gallagher and Barbara Winslow

Hayden Library - HQ1181.U5 R47 2018


Hegel: the phenomenology of spirit / G.W.F. Hegel ; translated with introduction and commentary by Michael Inwood

Hayden Library - B2928.E5 I59 2018


Stoicism: a very short introduction / Brad Inwood

Hayden Library - B528.I596 2018


Food philosophy: an introduction / David M. Kaplan

Dewey Library - B105.F66 K37 2020


Leibniz: discourse on metaphysics / G.W. Leibniz ; translated with introduction and commentary by Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra

Online Resource


Philanthropy, innovation and entrepreneurship: an introduction / Mark Dodgson, David Gann

Online Resource


Mary Midgley: an introduction / Gregory S. McElwain

Dewey Library - B1647.M474 M34 2020


David Hume on morals, politics, and society / edited by Angela Coventry and Andrew Valls ; with an introduction by Andrew Valls ; with essays by Mark G. Spencer, Elizabeth S. Radcliffe, Frederick G. Whelan, Peter Vanderschraaf and Andrew Valls

Hayden Library - B1455.C68 2018


An introduction to the philosophy of logic / Daniel Cohnitz, Luis Estrada-González

Hayden Library - BC108.C675 2019


Emancipation after Hegel: achieving a contradictory revolution / Todd McGowan

Hayden Library - B2948.M3175 2019


Mystery 101: introduction to the big questions and the limits of human knowledge / Richard H. Jones

Hayden Library - BD201.J66 2018


Malebranche, theological figure, being 2 / Alain Badiou ; translated by Jason E. Smith ; introduction by Kenneth Reinhard

Hayden Library - B1897.B3413 2018


Scepticism: a very short introduction / Duncan Pritchard

Dewey Library - B837.P755 2019


Introduction to molecular engineering for water technologies

Mol. Syst. Des. Eng., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0ME90016H, Editorial
Seth B. Darling, Hao-Cheng Yang
Guest Editors Seth Darling and Hao-Cheng Yang introduce the Molecular Systems Design & Engineering themed collection on molecular engineering for water technologies.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Nanoformulations of core–shell type hydroxyapatite-coated gum acacia with enhanced bioactivity and controlled drug delivery for biomedical applications

New J. Chem., 2020, 44,7175-7185
DOI: 10.1039/D0NJ00668H, Paper
Varun Prasath Padmanabhan, Subha Balakrishnan, Ravichandran Kulandaivelu, Sankara Narayanan T. S. N., Muthukrishnan Lakshmipathy, Suresh Sagadevan, Faruq Mohammad, Hamad A. Al-Lohedan, Suriati Paiman, Won Chun Oh
In this work, nanospherical hydroxyapatite (HAP) was prepared that has combined properties of controlled drug delivery, biocompatibility, and antibacterial activity to have applications in the biomedical sector.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Controllable synthesis of an intercalated SnS2/aEG structure for enhanced NO2 gas sensing performance at room temperature

New J. Chem., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0NJ01005G, Paper
Laifeng Ma, Xueyi Zhang, Jue Wang, Muhammad Ikram, Mohib Ullah, He Lv, Hongyuan Wu, Keying Shi
Intercalated SnS2/actived expanded graphite (SnS2/aEG) nanocomposites (NCs) were prepared via vacuum-assistant and facile solvothermal technique. It suggests that SnS2 nanoflowers (NFs) evenly distribute on the surface and interlayer of aEG...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


A first-principles study of the substitutional doping of MgCl2 monolayer for spintronics applications

New J. Chem., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0NJ01264E, Paper
Igo Torres Lima, Railson Vasconcelos, Ricardo Gargano, Edson Nunes Costa Paura
Based on first-principles calculations, we studied the functionalization of MgCl2 monolayer with nonmetal (NM) and transition-metal (TM) atoms. Our results indicate that energetically it is more favorable to create a...
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Synergic effect of pore size engineering and an applied electric field on the controlled permeation of alkali metal atoms and ions across pristine and defect-containing h-BN sheets

New J. Chem., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C9NJ03962G, Paper
Sajida Munsif, Naveen Kosar, Muhammad Ali Hashmi, Tariq Mahmood, Mazhar Amjad Gilani, Khurshid Ayub
Electric field facilitates the diffusion of Na and Li+.
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Effect of number and different types of proton donors on excited-state intramolecular single and double proton transfer in bipyridine derivatives: theoretical insights

New J. Chem., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0NJ01304H, Paper
Komsun Chaihan, Nawee Kungwan
Intra-HBs are strengthened upon photoexcitation, confirmed by red-shift in vibrational mode and topology analysis. Number and type of donors result in difference in photophysical properties. Occurrence of ESIPT depends on barrier and reaction energy.
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