
Indian life and people in the 19th century: company paintings in the TAPI Collection / J.P. Losty ; with an introduction by John Keay

Rotch Library - ND2048.L67 I53 2019


Arabicity: contemporary Arab art / edited by Rose Issa and Juliet Cestar ; contributions by Rose Issa, Georges Corm, Michket Krifa, Etel Adnan

Rotch Library - N7265.3.A733 2019


Hot, cold, heavy, light: 100 art writings, 1988-2018 / Peter Schjeldahl ; edited with an introduction by Jarrett Earnest

Rotch Library - N7445.2.S35 2019


Paul Rand: inspiration and process in design / introduction and selection by Steve Heller ; edited by Eugenia Bell

Rotch Library - NC999.4.R36 A4 2020


Gauguin: portraits / edited by Cornelia Homburg, Christopher Riopelle ; with contributions by Elizabeth C. Childs [and five others]

Rotch Library - ND553.G27 A4 2019


Introducing science through images: cases of visual popularization / Maria E. Gigante

Rotch Library - N72.S3 G54 2018


Designs for different futures / Kathryn B. Hiesinger & Michelle Millar Fisher, Emmet Byrne, Maite Borjabad López-Pastor & Zoë Ryan ; with Andrew Blauvelt, Colin Fanning, and Orkan Telhan ; contributions by Juliana Rowen Barton [and 24 o

Rotch Library - NK1397.D483 2019


Business and politics in Asia's key financial centres [electronic resource] : Hong Kong, Singapore and Shanghai / J.J. Woo

Woo, J. J. (Jun Jie), author


The counterpunch (and other horizontal poems) = El contragolpe (y otros poemas horizontales) / Juan Carlos Flores ; translated by Kristin Dykstra

Hayden Library - PQ7390.F459 C6613 2016


Nine coins: Nueve monedas / by Carlos Pintado ; translated from Spanish by Hilary Vaughn Dobel ; with an introduction by Richard Blanco

Hayden Library - PQ7392.P58 N564 2015


Air on the air / selected poems of Juan Sánchez Peláez ; selected and translated by Guillermo Parra ; introduction by Miguel Gomes.

Hayden Library - PQ8549.S327 A2 2015


Before / Carmen Boullosa ; translated from the Spanish by Peter Bush ; introduction by Phillip Lopate

Hayden Library - PQ7298.12.O76 A5813 2016


The world as presence: El mundo como ser / Marcelo Morales ; translated by Kristin Dykstra ; introduction by Kristin Dykstra

Hayden Library - PQ7392.M4694 A2 2016


Sky below: selected works / Raúl Zurita ; translated from the Spanish and with an introduction by Anna Deeny Morales

Hayden Library - PQ8098.36.U75 S59 2016


Thus were their faces: stories / Silvina Ocampo ; translated from the Spanish by Daniel Balderston ; introduction by Helen Oyeyemi ; preface by Jorge Luis Borges

Hayden Library - PQ7797.O293 A2 2015b


Sonnets of dark love: The Tamarit divan / Federico García Lorca ; translated and introduced by Jane Duran and Gloria García Lorca ; with essays by Christopher Maurer, Andrés Soria Olmedo

Hayden Library - PQ6613.A763 A2 2017b


Re-mapping world literature: writing, book markets and epistemologies between Latin America and the Global South = Escrituras, mercados y epistemologías entre América Latina y el Sur Global / edited by = editado por Gesine Müller, Jorge J.

Online Resource


Fog: a novel / Miguel de Unamuno ; translated from the Spanish by Elena Barcia ; introduction by Alberto Manguel

Hayden Library - PQ6639.N3 N513 2017


The golden cockerel & other writings / Juan Rulfo ; translated from the Spanish, with an introduction and additional materials, by Douglas J. Weatherford

Hayden Library - PQ7297.R89 A2 2017


Venture of the infinite man / Pablo Neruda ; translated by Jessica Powell ; with an introduction by Mark Eisner

Hayden Library - PQ8097.N4 T413 2017


Fronteras conquistadas: correspondencia Alfonso Reyes-Silvio Zavala, 1937-1958 / compilación, introducción y notas de Alberto Enríquez Perea

Online Resource


Edición facsimilar de la revista Ultramar / estudio introductorio de James Valender

Online Resource


Entre la tradicion y el canon: homenaje a Yvette Jiménez de Báez / Ana Rosa Domenella, Luzelena Gutiérrez de Velasco y Edith Negrín, editoras

Online Resource


Entre folklore y literatura: lírica hispánica antigua / Margit Frenk Alatorre

Online Resource


Octavio Paz: entre poética y política / edición de Anthony Stanton

Online Resource


Y diversa de mí misma entre vuestras plumas ando: homenaje internacional a sor Juana Inés de la Cruz / coordinado por Sara Poot Herrera y Elena Urrutia ; edición de Sara Poot Herrera

Online Resource


Building Blocks: How One State Is Working to Measure and Improve Schools’ Contributions to Early Learning

To better understand its schools’ contributions to students’ learning in the first four grades, the Maryland State Department of Education partnered with the Regional Educational Laboratory Mid-Atlantic to explore constructing a school-level growth measure for kindergarten to grade 3.


Making books : a guide to creating handcrafted books / London Centre for Book Arts.

New York, New York : Princeton Architectural Press, [2017]


Event-driven mobile financial information services [electronic resource] : design of an intraday decision support system / Jan Muntermann

[Germany] : Deutscher Universit̃ts-Verlag : 2007


Estados Unidos contra el mundo: Trump y la nueva geopolítica / Casandra Castorena, Marco A. Gandásegui, hijo y Leandro Morgenfeld (coordinación y edición) ; Grupo de Trabajo de Estudios sobre Estados Unidos

Online Resource


Securing peace: state-building and economic development in post-conflict countries / editors, Richard Kozul-Wright, Piergiuseppe Fortunato

Online Resource


Global diplomacy: an introduction to theory and practice / Thierry Balzacq, Frédéric Charillon, Frédéric Ramel, editors

Online Resource


Cognitive dynamics on Clausewitz landscapes: the control and directed evolution of organized conflict / Rodrick Wallace

Online Resource


Rogue states as norm entrepreneurs: black sheep or sheep in wolves' clothing? / Carmen Wunderlich

Online Resource


Toward a theory of peace: the role of moral beliefs / Randall Caroline Watson Forsberg ; edited and with an introduction by Matthew Evangelista and Neta C. Crawford

Online Resource


Turkey-West relations: the politics of intra-alliance opposition / Oya Dursun-Özkanca

Dewey Library - JZ1649.D87 2019


How China sees the world: Han-centrism and the balance of power in international politics / John M. Friend and Bradley A. Thayer

Dewey Library - JZ1734.F75 2018


Film & TV tax incentives in the U.S.: courting Hollywood / Glenda Cantrell and Daniel Wheatcroft

Hayden Library - PN1993.5.U6 C263 2018


Kin: an extraordinary Australian filmmaking family: including Freda Glynn, Warwick Thornton, Erica Glynn, Dylan River, Tanith Glynn-Maloney / with contributions from Deborah Mailman [and twenty others] ; edited by Amanda Duthie

Hayden Library - PN1998.2.K45 2018


Images des corps, corps des images au cinéma / sous la direction de Jérôme Game ; avec les contributions de Vincent Amiel [and others]

Online Resource


Film art: an introduction / David Bordwell, University of Wisconsin--Madison, Kristin Thompson, University of Wisconsin--Madison., Jeff Smith, University of Wisconsin--Madison

Dewey Library - PN1995.B617 2019


Expanded cinema / Gene Youngblood ; introduction by R. Buckminster Fuller

Online Resource


A heteroleptic diradical Cr(III) complex with extended spin delocalization and large intramolecular magnetic exchange

Chem. Commun., 2020, 56,4906-4909
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC00548G, Communication
Xiaozhou Ma, Elizaveta A. Suturina, Mathieu Rouzières, Fabrice Wilhelm, Andrei Rogalev, Rodolphe Clérac, Pierre Dechambenoit
Ligand-based successive reductions in a heteroleptic Cr(III) complex give rise to intended extremely strong metal–radical magnetic interactions.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Conformational control of N-methyl-N,N'-diacylhydrazines by noncovalent carbon bonding in solution

Chem. Commun., 2020, 56,4874-4877
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC00943A, Communication
Jugal Kishore Rai Deka, Biswajit Sahariah, Kalpita Baruah, Arun Kumar Bar, Bani Kanta Sarma
Unusual N(amide)⋯C–X noncovalent carbon bonding interactions stabilize the transcis (tc) amide bond rotamers of N-methyl-N,N'-diacylhydrazines over the expected transtrans (tt) rotamers in solution.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Beyond temperature: controlling collagen fibrillogenesis under physiological conditions via interaction with cucurbit[7]uril

Chem. Commun., 2020, 56,4946-4949
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC01444C, Communication
Qiuping Xie, Delong Hou, Jinming Chang, Zhou Xu, Qi Zeng, Zhonghui Wang, Yi Chen
A supramolecular strategy as efficient as temperature that enabled facile control over collagen fibrillogenesis under physiological conditions was reported.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Intra-mitochondrial self-assembly to overcome the intracellular enzymatic degradation of L-peptides

Chem. Commun., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC02029J, Communication
M. T. Jeena, Seokyoung Lee, Ayan Kumar Barui, Seongeon Jin, Yuri Cho, Suk-Won Hwang, Sehoon Kim, Ja-Hyoung Ryu
The design of peptide-based therapeutics is generally based on the replacement of L-amino acids with D-isomers to obtain improved therapeutic efficiency.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Generic high-capacity protein capture and release by pH control

Chem. Commun., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC01250E, Communication
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
G. Ferrand-Drake del Castillo, R. L. N. Hailes, Z. Adali-Kaya, T. Robson, Andreas Dahlin
A new and generic method for protein capture-release by polyelectrolyte brushes and pH control.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Al centre-powered graphitic nanozyme with high catalytic efficiency for pH-independent chemodynamic therapy of cancer

Chem. Commun., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC01331E, Communication
Jun Li, Ke Yi, Yanli Lei, Zhihe Qing, Zhen Zou, Yuedong Zhang, Haiyan Sun, Ronghua Yang
In this work, an Al centre-powered graphitic nanozyme (Fe/Al-GNE) was developed for chemodynamic cancer therapy, which afforded pH-independent catalytic activity and high reaction kinetics.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Control of microenvironment around enzymes by hydrogels

Chem. Commun., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC01332C, Communication
Yuichiro Kobayashi, Kenji Kohara, Yusuke Kiuchi, Hiroki Onoda, Osami Shoji, Hiroyasu Yamaguchi
We prepared enzyme immobilized hydrogels and investigated the effects of the cross-linking density and polymer properties on their oxidation reaction rate. The oxidation rate of enzyme immobilized hydrogels increased as...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


A combined viscosity-restricted intramolecular motion and mitochondrial targeting leads to selective tumor visualization

Chem. Commun., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC02943B, Communication
Le Yu, Jun Feng Zhang, Mingle Li, Dewei Jiang, Ying Zhou, Peter Verwilst, Jong Seung Kim
We report a novel fluorescent molecular conjugate V-M1 enabling an accurate visualization of tumor tissues. The emission wavelength of V-M1 exceeds 650 nm, well within the near-infrared therapeutic window. Tumor...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry