igg Covid-19 triggers sharp German manufacturing decline By www.argusmedia.com Published On :: 07 May 2020 16:35 (+01:00 GMT) Full Article Pipeline Europe Northwest Germany
igg Banning cars won’t solve America’s bigger transportation problem: Long trips By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Mon, 06 Jan 2020 15:42:44 +0000 Cars are a fact of life for the vast majority of Americans, whether we’re commuting to work or traveling to just about anywhere. But a new development outside Phoenix is looking to change that. Culdesac Tempe, a 1,000-person rental community, aims to promote a new type of walkable neighborhood by banning residents from driving or… Full Article
igg Will the Coronavirus Trigger a Global Recession? By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Feb 24, 2020 Feb 24, 2020At the start of this year, things seemed to be looking up for the global economy. True, growth had slowed a bit in 2019: from 2.9% to 2.3% in the United States, and from 3.6% to 2.9% globally. Still, there had been no recession, and as recently as January, the International Monetary Fund projected a global growth rebound in 2020. The new coronavirus, COVID-19, has changed all of that. Full Article
igg COVID-19 is triggering a massive experiment in algorithmic content moderation By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 16:20:00 +0000 Major social media companies are having to adjust to a difficult reality: Due to social distancing requirements, much of their human workforce that moderates content has been sent home. The timing is challenging, as platforms are fighting to contain an epidemic of misinformation, with user traffic hitting all-time records. To make up for the absence… Full Article
igg Force India: Biggest steps will come in Europe By en.espnf1.com Published On :: Mon, 23 Mar 2015 12:00:04 GMT Force India does not expect to make its biggest development strides until the European season as it continues to recover from its late start to 2015 Full Article
igg Hamilton tops FP2 despite niggling issues By en.espnf1.com Published On :: Fri, 27 Mar 2015 07:40:31 GMT Lewis Hamilton set the fastest time in the second practice session despite car problems limiting his track time over the 90 minutes Full Article
igg COVID-19 is triggering a massive experiment in algorithmic content moderation By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 16:20:00 +0000 Major social media companies are having to adjust to a difficult reality: Due to social distancing requirements, much of their human workforce that moderates content has been sent home. The timing is challenging, as platforms are fighting to contain an epidemic of misinformation, with user traffic hitting all-time records. To make up for the absence… Full Article
igg The Rigged Redistricting Process By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 00:00:00 -0400 Voters are supposed to choose their representatives, but the flawed redistricting process in our nation too often allows representatives to choose their voters. This rigged game is in full flower in Virginia, which has an accelerated redistricting process this year because elections for its House of Delegates and Senate take place in November. State Senate Majority Leader Richard Saslaw (D) was stunningly candid in a recent radio interview in describing the process politicians would follow to redraw the lines:“The House does theirs. The Senate does theirs. And I’m not gonna interfere with the lines the House draws for the House. And they’re not gonna interfere with the lines I draw for the Senate. And I would simply say, well, you know, our goal is to make the Democratic districts, particularly the marginal ones, a little bit better than they are now. I’m not greedy. I’m not trying to put all the Republicans out of business by any stretch. They didn’t do that to us 10 years ago. And we’re not gonna do that to them.” Saslaw described a classic bipartisan incumbent gerrymander; the majority Democrats in the state Senate would let the majority Republicans in the state House stack the deck for its incumbents, and vice versa. The biggest losers? The voters of Virginia, denied competitive elections in which the outcomes reflect their collective preferences. The situation is different but just as smelly for the redrawing of lines for Virginia’s 11 congressional seats. As Politico described last week, the 11 incumbents — three Democrats and eight Republicans — cut a deal to protect each other, solidifying the GOP’s 8-to-3 edge by making several competitive seats strongly Republican while allowing Democrats to make a sinecure out of the seat of Rep. Gerry Connolly, who barely won in 2010. Around the country, comparable deals will be cut by pols intent on protecting each other or maximizing the number of seats a party controls (in a way that distorts the actual partisan balance in the state). Thanks to the Supreme Court, the only restraint, other than adhering to the requirements of the Voting Rights Act, is to make sure that all the districts are virtually equal in population. With the aid of sophisticated software, the one-person, one-vote rule allows ample scope for the self-interested manipulation of district boundaries. Politicians could get away with this in the past because few others had access to the tools to create districts using official census data and past election returns. No more. Michael McDonald of George Mason University and Micah Altman of the Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard, working in conjunction with our two think tanks, have created the Public Mapping Project, an open-source software package that enables anybody to create districts for any state that balance such desirable qualities as compactness and the protection of communities of interest with competitiveness and partisan fairness, all while satisfying one-person, one-vote and the Voting Rights Act. The first important use of the software is coming in Virginia. To his credit, Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) has created an independent redistricting commission that can recommend more objective and public-interest-oriented plans than the ones produced by the pols. Unfortunately, McDonnell’s commission has no teeth beyond its public profile and ability to showcase plans that can point up, by their quality, the folly of rigged plans. The commission has agreed to give serious weight to the best plans produced by a competition created by George Mason and Christopher Newport universities. Teams of students from 13 colleges and universities in Virginia produced 57 plans for Congress, the House of Delegates and the state Senate. Unlike the plans politicians are crafting behind closed doors, all of the student plans are online (at districtbuilder.varedistrictingcompetition.org). The two of us judged the plans (awards will be presented in Richmond on Tuesday) and were deeply impressed with what these students — most of them undergraduates but including a team from William and Mary Law School — accomplished. They weighed how to draw district maps that respected federal and state requirements without bending to the interests of incumbent officeholders or political parties. They created two sets of maps: one, through a politically blind process that prioritized contiguous and compact districts respecting Virginia’s communities of interest, including cities and counties, and sensitive to the representation of minorities; the other, by adding to these standards an explicit effort to create as many competitive districts as possible and to fairly reflect public support for the two parties. This was not easy, given the substantial changes in Virginia’s population since the last census, the need to create districts that are virtually equal in population and the trade-offs required when redistricting criteria conflict. The best student plans show that it is possible to create more legitimate and responsive districts — and that with the right tools, citizens anywhere can create better plans to choose their representatives than the representatives do to protect their own careers. While politicians may fight to keep the process closed, the tools are available to enable us to do better. Virginia’s college students have demonstrated that. The challenge is to replicate their efforts across the country and to harness informed and empowered public participation to improve the quality of our democracy. Authors Thomas E. MannNorman J. Ornstein Publication: The Washington Post Image Source: © Yuri Gripas / Reuters Full Article
igg Brazil’s biggest economic risk is complacency By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Thu, 30 Jan 2020 22:37:32 +0000 Brazil’s economy has endured a difficult few years: after a deep recession in 2015-2016, GDP grew by just over 1 percent annually in 2017-2019. But things are finally looking up, with the International Monetary Fund forecasting a 2.2-2.3 percent growth in 2020-21. The challenge now is to convert this cyclical recovery into a robust long-term… Full Article
igg The Biggest News from Brisbane: China to Chair the G-20 in 2016 By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 16:09:00 -0500 The biggest news at the end of the Brisbane G-20 on Sunday will be to confirm for the first time in an official G-20 communique that China will indeed chair the G-20 Summit in 2016. Coming on the heals of a momentous week of great power realignments and breakthroughs at the APEC Summit in Beijing and other one-on-one meetings of heads of state, the timing of China’s presidency of the G-20 Summit in 2016 could not be a better follow-up to this week’s accomplishments. It puts China in play as a global leader at a critical moment in geopolitical relations and in terms of several global agendas that will culminate in the next two years. It also provides an unusual opportunity for the U.S. and China to collaborate on a broader set of societal issues affecting everyone everywhere building on their agreements this week. One of the reasons why the G-20 Summits have yet to realize their full potential is that the leaders-level summits have been captured by the finance ministers’ agendas and discourse. Leaders at G-20 Summits have individually and collectively failed to connect with their publics; ordinary citizens do not see their urgent issues being dealt with. Exchange rates, current account balances, reserve ratios for banks, and the role of the IMF do not resonate with public anxieties over their lives and livelihoods. Three streams of global issues will culminate in 2015: the forging of a “post-2015 agenda” on sustainable development with a new set of global goals to succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); the agreement on “financing for development” (FFD) arrangements and mechanisms to support the new post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be realized in 2030; and the achievement of a United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by the end of 2015, which looks more promising now than it did a week ago. What has been learned from previous global goal setting processes is that building on the momentum for the goal-setting process in 2015 and carrying it directly into the mobilization of national political commitment, resources and policies for implementation is vital. China as a member of the G-20 troika in 2015 through 2017 will be in crucial position of bridging the goal-setting and implementation phases of the new SDGs for 2030 to be adopted at the United Nations in September of next year. China, as one of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, will be in a pivotal position to create complementarities between the G-20 forum for the major economies and the U.N. as a forum for all countries for this critical period of setting the global sustainability agenda for the next fifteen years. The post-2015 agenda for social, economic and environmental sustainability is of high interest to the United States, and the new China-U.S. climate change agreement in Beijing this week augurs well for collaboration between the two countries on the broader agenda. White House Chief of Staff John Podesta was on the high-level panel for the post-2015 development agenda last year, which signals high U.S. policy involvement. The Shanghai Institute for International Studies has argued in a recent paper for the U.N. Development Program that “the G-20 and the U.N. could have certain complementary roles. The development issue could become the one linking the major work of both the U.N. and the G-20.” The world should welcome the unique role that China can now play in bringing the international community and the global system of international institutions together in charting a common path forward building on the progress made in the various summits this week. Authors Colin I. Bradford Full Article
igg Brazil’s biggest economic risk is complacency By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Thu, 30 Jan 2020 22:37:32 +0000 Brazil’s economy has endured a difficult few years: after a deep recession in 2015-2016, GDP grew by just over 1 percent annually in 2017-2019. But things are finally looking up, with the International Monetary Fund forecasting a 2.2-2.3 percent growth in 2020-21. The challenge now is to convert this cyclical recovery into a robust long-term… Full Article
igg The Biggest News from Brisbane: China to Chair the G-20 in 2016 By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 16:09:00 -0500 The biggest news at the end of the Brisbane G-20 on Sunday will be to confirm for the first time in an official G-20 communique that China will indeed chair the G-20 Summit in 2016. Coming on the heals of a momentous week of great power realignments and breakthroughs at the APEC Summit in Beijing and other one-on-one meetings of heads of state, the timing of China’s presidency of the G-20 Summit in 2016 could not be a better follow-up to this week’s accomplishments. It puts China in play as a global leader at a critical moment in geopolitical relations and in terms of several global agendas that will culminate in the next two years. It also provides an unusual opportunity for the U.S. and China to collaborate on a broader set of societal issues affecting everyone everywhere building on their agreements this week. One of the reasons why the G-20 Summits have yet to realize their full potential is that the leaders-level summits have been captured by the finance ministers’ agendas and discourse. Leaders at G-20 Summits have individually and collectively failed to connect with their publics; ordinary citizens do not see their urgent issues being dealt with. Exchange rates, current account balances, reserve ratios for banks, and the role of the IMF do not resonate with public anxieties over their lives and livelihoods. Three streams of global issues will culminate in 2015: the forging of a “post-2015 agenda” on sustainable development with a new set of global goals to succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); the agreement on “financing for development” (FFD) arrangements and mechanisms to support the new post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be realized in 2030; and the achievement of a United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by the end of 2015, which looks more promising now than it did a week ago. What has been learned from previous global goal setting processes is that building on the momentum for the goal-setting process in 2015 and carrying it directly into the mobilization of national political commitment, resources and policies for implementation is vital. China as a member of the G-20 troika in 2015 through 2017 will be in crucial position of bridging the goal-setting and implementation phases of the new SDGs for 2030 to be adopted at the United Nations in September of next year. China, as one of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, will be in a pivotal position to create complementarities between the G-20 forum for the major economies and the U.N. as a forum for all countries for this critical period of setting the global sustainability agenda for the next fifteen years. The post-2015 agenda for social, economic and environmental sustainability is of high interest to the United States, and the new China-U.S. climate change agreement in Beijing this week augurs well for collaboration between the two countries on the broader agenda. White House Chief of Staff John Podesta was on the high-level panel for the post-2015 development agenda last year, which signals high U.S. policy involvement. The Shanghai Institute for International Studies has argued in a recent paper for the U.N. Development Program that “the G-20 and the U.N. could have certain complementary roles. The development issue could become the one linking the major work of both the U.N. and the G-20.” The world should welcome the unique role that China can now play in bringing the international community and the global system of international institutions together in charting a common path forward building on the progress made in the various summits this week. Authors Colin I. Bradford Full Article
igg Make way for mayors: Why the UK’s biggest power shift may not be the June 8 general election By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Mon, 01 May 2017 06:03:24 +0000 United Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa May’s call for a snap general election on June 8 has threatened to overshadow another important vote that could reshape the landscape of urban leadership in England. On May 4, voters in six regions, including the large metros of Manchester and Liverpool, will head to the polls for the very… Full Article
igg As the venture capital game gets bigger, the Midwest keeps missing out By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Thu, 06 Jun 2019 19:17:16 +0000 Those working to accelerate economic growth in the Heartland must face some stark realities. The Great Lakes region continues to export wealth to coastal economies, even as investment leaders try to equalize growth between the coasts and the Heartland. The region sees only a tiny fraction of venture capital (VC) deals, despite producing one quarter… Full Article
igg Washington Metro closure is a symptom of a much bigger problem By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 13:30:20 -0400 All over North America we are letting our infrastructure rot and short-circuit. Full Article Design
igg 30 Biggest Stories of the Year in Animal Conservation and Extinctions By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Wed, 12 Dec 2012 07:00:00 -0500 The good, the bad, and the we-can-fix-its of the year all gathered up in one place. Full Article Science
igg Can comics solve our world's biggest problems? By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Fri, 29 May 2015 06:11:52 -0400 The world had a bunch of big goals it didn't succeed in making by this year. Now the UN is creating an even bigger set of goals - finally taking the environment into account. But how to educate the world about the goals? Turn to comics. Full Article Business
igg Biggest Financers of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Exposed By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Wed, 06 Apr 2011 09:54:58 -0400 PNC, Citi, and UBS are the top three financial enablers of mountaintop removal coal mining, according to a new report by Rainforest Action Network and the Sierra Club that ranks ten of the world's largest banks.These Full Article Business
igg "GMO OMG" documentary explores one of the biggest issues of our generation By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 10:40:26 -0400 "Has the global food system been irrevocably hijacked?" One filmmaker asks and begins to answer this frightening question. Full Article Business
igg The Year in Celebrities: The Biggest Green Hits and Misses By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Wed, 22 Dec 2010 09:00:00 -0500 From sexy Leo's mega donation to tigers to Kevin Costner's surprise knowledge of oil clean-up technology, celebrities were on fire this year. There were a few mistakes, however....such as NBC's "Tonight Show" debacle, which sent a barely used set to landf Full Article Living
igg The biggest illegal ivory stockpile in the world will be destroyed by incineration By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 16:15:15 -0500 It is estimated that around 100 elephants are being killed each day by poachers to meet the growing demand for ivory in Asia. Full Article Science
igg One of the biggest problems with Mother's Day flowers By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Thu, 11 May 2017 14:13:13 -0400 A new study finds altered neurological performance in children during peak pesticide spraying for the Mother's Day flower harvest. Full Article Living
igg Why all is lost: increasing demand for jet fuel will be bigger than savings from electric cars By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Mon, 24 Sep 2018 10:33:37 -0400 We are all cutting back in the West, but more flying in developing countries overwhelms the savings. Full Article Energy
igg World's biggest tuna company promises to clean up its act By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Fri, 14 Jul 2017 11:56:00 -0400 It's good news... but we shouldn't be eating tuna at all. Full Article Business
igg Biggest dam removal in European history has begun with the Vezins dam By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Mon, 17 Jun 2019 12:46:20 -0400 Removal of the 118-foot-high dam in France will free the Sélune River, bringing wildlife back to the waterway and the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel. Full Article Business
igg Katerra opens the world's biggest factory making Cross-Laminated Timber By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Wed, 02 Oct 2019 09:44:50 -0400 At Woodrise 2019, Katerra CEO Michael Marks wows the wood world. Full Article Design
igg The biggest energy-saving regulation the U.S. has ever seen was released today By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Thu, 17 Dec 2015 15:35:09 -0500 The new rule is expected to save Americans $167 billion in energy costs. Full Article Energy
igg Deforestation & Hurricanes May Have Triggered Haiti's Catastrophic 2010 Earthquake By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Tue, 04 Jan 2011 12:22:00 -0500 Yet another reason why deforestation is bad: So much of Haiti's mountainsides have been eroded away because of deforestation and hurricanes that it may have stressed Earth's crust, triggering the earthquake that Full Article Technology
igg Biggest Bucky Fuller Fly Eye Dome being restored and moved to France By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Tue, 05 Mar 2013 12:47:00 -0500 Robert Rubin saves " the last, monumental prototype that Bucky was working on when he died". Full Article Design
igg Solving global dietary problems is a bigger challenge than climate change, scientist says By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Tue, 28 Mar 2017 07:15:00 -0400 The director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre says it's a huge problem that meat is so "culturally embedded in Western societies." Full Article Science
igg Climate change is a bigger threat than coronavirus, says UN Secretary General By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Wed, 11 Mar 2020 11:43:00 -0400 Don't let a passing crisis, serious though it is, distract you from the real fight. Full Article Science
igg Montreal to charge more for parking for bigger vehicles By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2019 10:55:35 -0500 But what is the best criterion? Full Article Transportation
igg Dinosaur 7x bigger than T-Rex discovered By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 12:29:43 -0400 Paleontologists in Argentina have uncovered a supermassive dinosaur Full Article Science
igg Mobile Bay Alabama's First Line Of Oil Defense Is Bigger Boom On 2,000 Pound Anchors By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Wed, 12 May 2010 11:50:12 -0400 A most painful demonstration of Murphy's Law - that Full Article Business
igg Brazil's Natura Cosmetics may be the world's biggest B Corp -- but here's what they're not telling you By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 07:00:00 -0500 Despite Natura's seemingly excellent and forward-thinking business model, their list of ingredients is surprisingly awful and toxic, which calls into question the B Corp certification standards. Full Article Business
igg Canada's biggest meat brand goes (a bit) vegetarian By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Fri, 26 Oct 2018 06:21:18 -0400 It's not only Tyson that's looking to hedge its bets with vegetarian meat and dairy analogs. Full Article Business
igg Every year, the pile of evidence about the danger of burning wood gets bigger By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Tue, 27 Aug 2019 08:52:48 -0400 In the north, a lot of people burn wood all year round, but even a single fire is worse than smoking cigarettes. Full Article Living
igg New York City’s biggest industrial wind turbine is up and running By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 16:51:09 -0500 A recycling center’s turbine could pave the way for industrial-scale wind power in New York City. Full Article Technology
igg World's Biggest Urine Separating, Composting Toilet Scheme Fails By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Mon, 30 Jul 2012 15:58:00 -0400 We keep saying that this is the way we should go, but perhaps the technology here just wasn't ready. Full Article Design
igg Alley Cat laneway house looks a lot bigger than it is By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 10:57:50 -0400 Laneway housing is a terrific option to deal with aging boomers and their children. Full Article Design
igg This could be the biggest advance in toilet design in over a hundred years By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Thu, 18 Apr 2019 13:47:04 -0400 The Orca Helix moves up and down so that it is easy to get on and off when high, easy on the body when low. Full Article Design
igg Actor/Comedian Rob Riggle Joins Easter Seals Dixon Center to Reinforce Value of Employing Veterans - What to Wear By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: 19 May 2015 18:45:00 EDT Rob Riggle Stars alongside Brice Williams in the newest Easter Seals Dixon Center PSA, directed by Jim Fabio with support from Judd Apatow Full Article Film & Motion picture Television Workforce Management Human Resources Not for Profit Broadcast Feed Announcements Veterans MultiVu Video
igg Holiday Inn Express® Brand Introduces First All Breakfast Emoji Keyboard - Rob Riggle Announces BREAKFA-mojis for Days By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: 23 Nov 2015 10:05:00 EST Actor/comedian Rob Riggle announces his next breakfast move as the Holiday Inn Express brand’s Creative Director – BREAKFA-mojis! Full Article Food Beverages Internet Technology Leisure Travel Hotels Multimedia Online Internet Telecommunications Travel Mobile Entertainment Hotels and Resorts Wireless Communications New Products Services Broadcast Feed Announcements Survey Polls & Research MultiVu Video
igg Grime To Shine Power Tour Lets Customers Demo Pressure Washer Cleaning Systems At Local Lowe's Stores, Sponsored By Briggs & Stratton - Briggs POWERflow+ Pressure Washer By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: 17 Mar 2016 14:40:00 EDT Power washing is made even easier with POWERflow+ Technology by Briggs & Stratton. This pressure washer allows you to do deep cleaning, remove mold and mildew and reach second stories. Full Article Household Consumer Cosmetics Retail Home Improvement Household Products (vacuum cleaners supplies etc) New Products Services Broadcast Feed Announcements MultiVu Video
igg Holiday Inn Express® Brand Reunites With Actor/Comedian Rob Riggle For Latest Stay Smart® Campaign - Coffee Tasting Commercial By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: 30 Mar 2016 20:45:00 EDT With a Keurig® in every room at Holiday Inn Express® hotels, smart travelers – like actor/comedian Rob Riggle – can get a great cup of coffee with just the push of a button. Full Article Household Consumer Cosmetics Leisure Travel Hotels Travel Hotels and Resorts Household Products (vacuum cleaners supplies etc) New Products Services Broadcast Feed Announcements MultiVu Video
igg Grime To Shine Power Tour Lets Customers Demo Pressure Washer Cleaning Systems At Local Lowe's Stores, Sponsored By Briggs & Stratton - Briggs POWERflow+ Pressure Washer By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: 17 Mar 2016 14:40:00 EDT Power washing is made even easier with POWERflow+ Technology by Briggs & Stratton. This pressure washer allows you to do deep cleaning, remove mold and mildew and reach second stories. Full Article Household Consumer Cosmetics Retail Home Improvement Household Products (vacuum cleaners supplies etc) New Products Services Broadcast Feed Announcements MultiVu Video
igg Holiday Inn Express® Brand Reunites With Actor/Comedian Rob Riggle For Latest Stay Smart® Campaign - Coffee Tasting Commercial By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: 30 Mar 2016 20:45:00 EDT With a Keurig® in every room at Holiday Inn Express® hotels, smart travelers – like actor/comedian Rob Riggle – can get a great cup of coffee with just the push of a button. Full Article Household Consumer Cosmetics Leisure Travel Hotels Travel Hotels and Resorts Household Products (vacuum cleaners supplies etc) New Products Services Broadcast Feed Announcements MultiVu Video
igg Lincoln Project has its biggest day of fundraising after president attacks 'Never Trump' group By www.cnbc.com Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 15:59:28 GMT The Lincoln Project, which is run by Republican operatives who oppose President Donald Trump, raised $1 million after the president ripped the group on Twitter this week. Full Article
igg Elon Musk: I am not the 'biggest fan' of Warren Buffett – but his job is 'important' By www.cnbc.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 19:10:28 GMT "Warren Buffett for example ... to be totally frank, I'm not his biggest fan, but he does a lot of capital allocation," Tesla CEO Elon Musk said on "The Joe Rogan Experience" podcast. "I mean, that's kind of a boring job if you ask me, but it's still a thing that's important to figure out." Full Article
igg Stocks making the biggest moves midday: Tesla, Facebook, Dunkin' Brands, Boeing, Moderna & more By www.cnbc.com Published On :: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 20:04:37 GMT Check out the companies making headlines in midday trading. Full Article