want Report: Atletico's Partey wants to join Arsenal By www.thescore.com Published On :: Mon, 04 May 2020 21:39:05 +0000 Full Article
want What Alison Roman wants - The New Consumer By newconsumer.com Published On :: 2020-05-09T05:47:01+00:00 Full Article
want Red Bull boss wanted camp for team drivers to deliberately catch coronavirus By www.thescore.com Published On :: Mon, 30 Mar 2020 17:39:55 +0000 Full Article
want Italian football federation wants Euro 2020 postponed By www.thescore.com Published On :: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 20:02:48 +0000 Full Article
want Report: UEFA wants £275M from clubs, leagues for Euro 2020 postponement By www.thescore.com Published On :: Mon, 16 Mar 2020 23:37:08 +0000 Full Article
want Report: UEFA wants Women's Euro 2021 moved to avoid competition clashes By www.thescore.com Published On :: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 17:18:14 +0000 Full Article
want Parramatta want Clarke’s scalp By www.dailytelegraph.com.au Published On :: Wed, 05 Oct 2016 03:00:00 GMT MICHAEL Clarke will be targeted by Parramatta’s bowling attack when the former Australian cricket captain plays at Old Kings Oval on Saturday. Full Article
want Effectieve samenwerking? Weg met eigenbelang en wantrouwen By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sun, 03 May 2020 07:00:00 +0000 “Als je iemand vertrouwt, maak je hem betrouwbaar”, zei de Romeinse filosoof Seneca. Maar geldt dat nog steeds in deze snel veranderende online wereld? Kun je in tijden van alternatieve feiten en online oplichters wel uitgaan van vertrouwen? En als asociaal eigenbelang op de loer ligt? Zeker in organisaties willen we graag ‘in control’ zijn […] Full Article Alle artikelen Carrière Betrouwbaarheid Online vertrouwen Samenwerken Trouw Vertrouwen Wantrouwen
want Attorney Benjamin Crump Wants Man Who Filmed Ahmaud Arbery's Death Arrested By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 20:51:59 +0000 Benjamin Crump, a civil rights attorney representing the father of Ahmaud Arbery, called for police to arrest the Georgia man who filmed Arbery being shot and killed, USA Today reported Thursday. Full Article Crime Local Politics Ahmaud Arbery Benjamin Crump Georgia Gregory McMichael Travis McMichael
want Cory Gardner attended pricey champagne party in Palm Beach. A Colorado lawmaker wants an investigation. By www.denverpost.com Published On :: Mon, 13 Apr 2020 18:53:37 +0000 A Colorado legislator has filed an ethics complaint against U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner over a Palm Beach party he attended in February that was hosted by a champagne company. Full Article Colorado News Election Latest News National Politics News Politics 2020 2020 Election Aspen Aspen Art Museum Cory Gardner Election 2020 U.S. Senate 2020
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want Colorado hair stylists get back to work: “They want us here” By www.denverpost.com Published On :: Sat, 02 May 2020 00:42:05 +0000 Retail stores, hair salons, tattoo parlors and pet grooming services are among a handful of industries allowed to begin operations Friday in much of Colorado. Full Article Business Economy Jobs Latest News News Retail coronavirus Douglas County economic impact of coronavirus economy financial Park Meadows Mall pets retail running schedule shopping shutdown temperature Weld County
want Are you a 2008, 2009 graduate? We want to hear your advice for Colorado’s 2020 grads entering the job market during uncertain times By feeds.denverpost.com Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 18:44:57 +0000 The Denver Post would like to interview you, the 2008/2009 graduate, and you, the 2020 graduate. We would love to hear the 2008/2009 graduate share what it was like being thrust into an economically fraught time, what that experience taught you and where you went from there. Full Article Education Latest News News all readers coronavirus higher education K-12 education
want WATCH: Peyton Manning pokes fun at Tom Brady, wanted to play golf in Boston “where they don’t like Tom very much” By feeds.denverpost.com Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 22:10:20 +0000 Peyton Manning poked fun at his former NFL rival Tom Brady on Thursday. Full Article Denver Broncos Golf Latest News Sports More Broncos News NFL Peyton Manning Phil Mickelson Tiger Woods Tom Brady
want Kevin Wants Craig Fired By www.bet.com Published On :: Tue, 9 Feb 2016 23:00:00 EST Kevin can fire whomever he wants! Full Article Real Husbands of Hollywood Kevin Hart Craig Robinson
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want Flipp Dinero has fans wanting an encore. By feeds.bet.com Published On :: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 18:17:47 EDT Flipp Dinero has fans wanting an encore. Full Article BET Awards Performance
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want Want To Know The Secret To Getting A Beat Face? By feeds.bet.com Published On :: Sun, 24 Jun 2018 13:00:00 EDT Yasss, honey. Full Article BET Experience
want Congressman Criticizes Stacey Abrams For Wanting To Be VP By feeds.bet.com Published On :: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 11:43:00 EDT The former Georgia lawmaker is catching heat. Full Article National News Political News
want Rev. Al Sharpton Wants Answers About Ahmaud Arbery Killing By feeds.bet.com Published On :: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 09:44:00 EDT He says he’s ready to “apply pressure” if needed. Full Article National News
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want Yara Shahidi Wants to See More Healthy Black Families on TV By feeds.bet.com Published On :: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 10:23:00 EDT Also, Malcolm-Jamal Warner speaks on Ebony Cosby cover. Full Article Malcolm Jamal Warner Yara Shahidi Black-ish Celebrity Style News Bill Cosby
want K. Michelle Comes Clean: ‘I Want My Normal Shape Back' By feeds.bet.com Published On :: Wed, 4 Nov 2015 14:08:00 EST The singer says she’s having her butt enhancements removed. Full Article butt injection butt lift K. Michelle Brazilian Butt Lift Celebrity Style News
want Whole Foods Wants You to Put What In Your Collard Greens? By feeds.bet.com Published On :: Sun, 17 Jan 2016 14:13:00 EST The best reactions to the grocer's misguided recipe. Full Article Style Photos
want Ask a Librarian: Older person wanting to learn about tech By www.librarian.net Published On :: Tue, 08 Oct 2019 19:42:22 +0000 Subtitled: What’s the Yahoo! Internet Life for this generation? From a friend: A nice older lady asked for advice on... Full Article 'puters computers resources seniors tech
want Hedge Fund 'Asshole' Destroying Local News & Firing Reporters Wants Google & Facebook To Just Hand Him More Money By www.techdirt.com Published On :: Wed, 6 May 2020 09:49:20 PDT Have you heard of Heath Freeman? He's a thirty-something hedge fund boss, who runs "Alden Global Capital," which owns a company misleadingly called "Digital First Media." His business has been to buy up local newspapers around the country and basically cut everything down to the bone, and just milk the assets for whatever cash they still produce, minus all the important journalism stuff. He's been called "the hedge fund asshole", "the hedge fund vampire that bleeds newspapers dry", "a small worthless footnote", the "Gordon Gecko" of newspapers and a variety of other fun things. Reading through some of those links above, you find a standard playbook for Freeman's managing of newspapers: These are the assholes who a few years ago bought the Denver Post, once one of the best regional newspapers in the country, and hollowed it out into a shell of its former self, then laid off some more people. Things got so bad that the Post’s own editorial board rebelled, demanding that if “Alden isn’t willing to do good journalism here, it should sell the Post to owners who will.” And here's one of the other links from above telling a similar story: The Denver newsroom was hardly alone in its misery. In Northern California, a combined editorial staff of 16 regional newspapers had reportedly been slashed from 1,000 to a mere 150. Farther down the coast in Orange County, there were according to industry analyst Ken Doctor, complained of rats, mildew, fallen ceilings, and filthy bathrooms. In her Washington Post column, media critic Margaret Sullivan called Alden “one of the most ruthless of the corporate strip-miners seemingly intent on destroying local journalism.” And, yes, I think it's fair to say that many newspapers did get a bit fat and happy with their old school monopolistic hold on the news market pre-internet. And many of them failed to adapt. And so, restructuring and re-prioritizing is not a bad idea. But that's not really what's happening here. Alden appears to be taking profitable (not just struggling) newspapers, and squeezing as much money out of them directly into Freeman's pockets, rather than plowing it back into actual journalism. And Alden/DFM appears to be ridiculously profitable for Freeman, even as the journalism it produces becomes weaker and weaker. Jim Brady called it "combover journalism." Basically using skeleton staff to pretend to really be covering the news, when it's clear to everyone that it's not really doing the job. All of that is prelude to the latest news that Freeman, who basically refuses to ever talk to the media, has sent a letter to other newspaper bosses suggesting they collude to force Google and Facebook to make him even richer. Heath Freeman, who runs newspaper-owning hedge fund Alden Capital, is circulating a letter to other newspaper owners suggesting a campaign to push Google and Facebook to pay them fees pic.twitter.com/UJHFHCssOg — Ben Smith (@benyt) April 30, 2020 You can see the full letter here: Let's go through this nonsense bit by bit, because it is almost 100% nonsense. These are immensely challenging times for all of us in the newspaper industry as we balance the two equally important goals of keeping the communities we serve fully informed, while also striving to safeguard the viability of our news organizations today and well into the future. Let's be clear: the "viability" of your newsrooms was decimated when you fired a huge percentage of the local reporters and stuffed the profits into your pockets, rather than investing in the actual product. Since Facebook was founded in 2004, nearly 2,000 (one in five) newspapers have closed and with them many thousands of newspaper jobs have been lost. In that same time period, Google has become the world's primary news aggregation service, Apple launched a news app with a subsription-based tier and Twitter has become a household name by serving as a distribution service for the content our staffs create. Correlation is not causation, of course. But even if that were the case, the focus of a well-managed business would be to adapt to the changing market place to take advantage of, say, new distribution channels, new advertising and subscription products, and new ways of building a loyal community around your product. You know, the things that Google, Facebook and Twitter did... which your newspaper didn't do, perhaps because you fired a huge percentage of their staff and re-directed the money flow away from product and into your pocket. Recent developments internationally, which will finally require online platforms to compensate the news industry are encouraging. I hope we can collaborate to move this issue forward in the United States in a fair and productive way. Just this month, April 2020, French antitrust regulators ordered Google to pay news publishers for displaying snippets of articles after years of helping itself to excerpts for its news service. As regulators in France said, "Google's practices caused a serious and immediate harm to the press sector, while the economic situation of publishers and news agencies is otherwise fragile." The Australian government also recently said that Facebook and Google would have to pay media outlets in the country for news content. The country's Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg noted "We can't deny the importance of creating a level playing field, ensuring a fair go for companies and the appropriate compensation for content." We have, of course, written about both the plans in France as well as those in Australia (not to mention a similar push in Canada that Freeman apparently missed). Of course, what he's missing is... well, nearly everything. First, the idea that it's Google that's causing problems for the news industry is laughable on multiple fronts. If newspapers feel that Google is causing them harm by linking to them and sending them traffic, then they can easily block Google, which respects robots.txt restrictions. I don't see Freeman's newspaper doing that. Second, in most of the world, Google does not monetize its Google News aggregation service, so the idea that it's someone making money off of "their" news, is not supported by reality. Third, the idea that "the news" is "owned" by the news organizations is not just laughable, but silly. After all, the news orgs are not making the news. If Freeman is going to claim that news orgs should be compensated for "their" news, then, uh, shouldn't his news orgs be paying the actual people who make the news that they're reporting on? Or is he saying that journalism is somehow special? Finally, and most importantly, he says all of this as if we haven't seen how these efforts play out in practice. When Germany passed a similar law, Google ended up removing snippets only to be told they had to pay anyway. Google, correctly, said that if it had to license snippets, it would offer a price of $0, or it would stop linking to the sites -- and the news orgs agreed. In Spain, where Google was told it couldn't do this, the company shut down Google News and tons of smaller publications were harmed, not helped, but this policy. This surely sounds familiar to all of us. It's been more than a decade since Rupert Murdoch instinctively observerd: "There are those who think they have a right to take our news content and use it for their own purposes without contributing a penny to its production... Their almost wholesale misappropriation of our stories is not fair use. To be impolite, it's theft." First off, it's not theft. As we pointed out at the time, Rupert Murdoch, himself, at the very time he was making these claims, owned a whole bunch of news aggregators himself. The problem was never news aggregators. The problem has always been that other companies are successful on the internet and Rupert Murdoch was not. And, again, the whole "misappropriation" thing is nonsense: any news site is free to block Google's scrapers and if it's "misappropriation" to send you traffic, why do all of these news organizations employ "search engine optimizers" who work to get their sites higher in the rankings? And, yet again, are they paying the people who make the actual news? If not, then it seems like they're full of shit. With Facebook and Google recently showing some contrition by launching token programs that provide a modest amount of funding, it's heartening to see that the tech giants are beginning to understand their moral and social responsibility to support and safeguard local journalism. Spare me the "moral and social responsibility to support and safeguard local journalism," Heath. You're the one who cut 1,000 journalism jobs down to 150. Not Google. You're the one who took profitable newspapers that were investing in local journalism, fired a huge number of their reporters and staff, and redirected the even larger profits into your pockets instead of local journalism. Even if someone wants to argue this fallacy, it should not be you, Heath. Facebook created the Facebook Journalism Project in 2017 "to forge stronger ties with the news industry and work with journalists and publishers." If Facebook and the other tech behemoths are serious about wanting to "forge stronger ties with the news industry," that will start with properly remunerating the original producers of content. Remunerating the "original producers"? So that means that Heath is now agreeing to compensate the people who create the news that his remaining reporters write up? Oh, no? He just means himself -- the middleman -- being remunerated directly into his pocket while he continues to cut jobs from his newsroom while raking in record profits? That seems... less compelling. Facebook, Google, Twitter, Apple News and other online aggregators make billions of dollars annually from original, compelling content that our reporters, photographers and editors create day after day, hour after hour. We all know the numbers, and this one underscores the value of our intellectual property: The New York Times reported that in 2018, Google alone conservatively made $4.7 billion from the work of news publishers. Clearly, content-usage fees are an appropriate and reasonable way to help ensure newspapers exist to provide communities across the country with robust high-quality local journalism. First of all, the $4.7 billion is likely nonsense, but even if it were accurate, Google is making that money by sending all those news sites a shit ton of traffic. Why aren't they doing anything reasonable to monetize it? And, of course, Digital First Media has bragged about its profitability, and leaked documents suggest its news business brought in close to a billion dollars in 2017 with a 17% operating margin, significantly higher than all other large newspaper chains. This is nothing more than "Google has money, we want more money, Google needs to give us the money." There is no "clearly" here and "usage fees" are nonsense. If you don't want Google's traffic, put up robots.txt. Google will survive, but your papers might not. One model to consider is how broadcast television stations, which provide valuable local news, successfully secured sizable retransmission fees for their programming from cable companies, satellite providers and telcos. There are certain problems with retransmission fees in the first place (given that broadcast television was, by law, freely transmitted over the air in exchange for control over large swaths of spectrum), and the value they got was in having a large audience to advertise too. But, more importantly, retransmission involved taking an entire broadcast channel and piping it through cable and satellite to make things easier for TV watchers who didn't want to switch between an antenna and a cable (or satellite receiver). An aggregator is not -- contrary to what one might think reading Freeman's nonsense -- retransmitting anything. It's linking to your content and sending you traffic on your own site. The only things it shows are a headline and (sometimes) a snippet to attract more traffic. There are certainly other potential options worth of our consideration -- among them whether to ask Congress about revisiting thoughtful limitations on "Fair Use" of copyrighted material, or seeking judicial review of how our trusted content is misused by others for their profit. By beginning a collective dialogue on these topics we can bring clarity around the best ways to proceed as an industry. Ah, yes, let's throw fair use -- the very thing that news orgs regularly rely on to not get sued into the ground -- out the window in an effort to get Google to funnel extra money into Heath Freeman's pockets. That sounds smart. Or the other thing. Not smart. And "a collective dialogue" in this sense appears to be collusion. As in an antitrust violation. Someone should have maybe mentioned that to Freeman. Our newspaper brands and operations are the engines that power trust local news in communities across the United States. Note that it's the brands and operations -- not journalists -- that he mentions here. That's a tell. Fees from those who use and profit from our content can help continually optimize our product as well as ensure our newsrooms have the resources they need. Again, Digital First Media, is perhaps the most profitable newspaper chain around. And it just keeps laying off reporters. My hope is that we are able to work together towards the shared goal of protecting and enhancing local journalism. You first, Heath, you first. So, basically, Heath Freeman, who has spent decade or so buying up profitable newspapers, laying off a huge percentage of their newsrooms, leaving a shell of a husk in their place, then redirecting the continued profits (often that exist solely because of the legacy brand) into his own pockets rather than in journalism... wants the other newspapers to collude with him to force successful internet companies who send their newspapers a ton of free traffic to pay him money for the privilege of sending them traffic. Sounds credible. Full Article
want Twitter sticks a beak in, Clippy-style: Are you sure you want to set your account alight with that flame? By go.theregister.co.uk Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 21:22:06 GMT No, you still can't edit tweets Although editing published tweets still remains strictly verboten on Twitter, the microblogging anger echo chamber intends to prompt English-speaking iPhone-wielding users to double-check content before posting a reply that they might regret.… Full Article
want California’s privacy warriors are back – and this time they want to take their fight all the way to the ballot box By go.theregister.co.uk Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 22:53:06 GMT Politicos watered down earlier efforts, so data defenders will fight to the end The small group of policy wonks that forced California’s legislature to rush through privacy legislation two years ago are back – and this time they want a ballot.… Full Article
want Dad to kids: I've decided you don't get to take over the family business. Kids to Dad: Who wants to run Samsung anyway? By go.theregister.co.uk Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 06:29:06 GMT Lee Jae-yong ends dynastic control and will even let staff join a union Samsung's heir has said that he will not pass down management of the South Korean conglomerate to his children, ending three generations dynastic rule.… Full Article
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want McNeill wants probe into tourism entities not filing deductions By jamaica-gleaner.com Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 12:48:48 -0500 Opposition spokesman on tourism, Dr Wykeham McNeill, is calling for an investigation into allegations that some employers of tourism workers have not been turning over income tax deductions to government. The situation has resulted in... Full Article
want Get rid of your unwanted trash with skip bin removal By www.kimvazquez.com Published On :: Tue, 07 Jan 2020 04:46:10 +0000 Every house resident understands how quickly she or he can build up a lot of unwanted junk, broken items as well as simply simple rubbish. For those who often tend to hoard, or delay disposal of garbage, this buildup can… Continue Reading → Full Article General
want Bill Gates Wants To Tax Robots That Take Jobs By www.futurepundit.com Published On :: 2017-02-19T14:58:48-08:00 Check out this qz article: The robot that takes your job should pay taxes, says Bill Gates. About 35-40 years ago secretary was the biggest job in most states. Those days are long past. As you can see by advancing the time bar for the USA states map on that page, by 2000 truck driver was the biggest job. So I have a question for Bill Gates: Do you want to tax word processors too? Also, autonomous vehicle technology will surely wipe out most truck driving jobs in the next 20 years. Do you want to tax autonomous truck technology to slow the rate of that transition? Keep in mind that thousands of lives will be saved each year once... Full Article
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want The video Linda McMahon, Connecticut Republican candidate for the US Senate, may not want you to see? By www.cpa-connecticut.com Published On :: Sat, 27 Oct 2012 23:39:10 +0000 Linda McMahon is running for the US Senate in Connecticut. For twenty (20) years, she ran World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) with her husband, Vince McMahon. A few years ago, a documentary film examined the WWE's celebration of violence against women. Her campaign doesn't want Connecticut voters to see that film. Watch these excerpts from the film to see why. Continue reading → Full Article Accountants CPA Hartford Articles CEO Connecticut degredation of women Linda McMahon Linda McMahon Republican candidate for US Senate Connecticut Only Entertainment removal of WWE videos Republican sexism US Senate violence against women World Wrestling Entertainment