
Mammoth Resorts Turns to IBM Cloud and Watson Customer Engagement To Bring Personalized Offers to Vacationers

IBM today announced that Mammoth Resorts, the leading four-season mountain resort operator in California, is using Watson Customer Engagement solutions on the IBM Cloud to create customized offers that are helping to drive record numbers of visitors to the resort every year.


Sewing Cushions for Bus Stop Benches

What if you made it more comfortable to sleep at a bus stop?


IBM Combines All-Flash and Storage Software Optimized for Hortonworks

IBM today announced a new all-flash, high-performance data and file management solution for enterprise clients running exabyte-scale big data analytics, cognitive and AI applications. The combined flash and storage software solution has been certified with the Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) to provide clients with more choice in selecting the right platform for their big data analytics on data processing engines like Hadoop and Spark.


IBM Launches New Storage Software to Simplify Data Protection

IBM today announced a new data protection software that is easy to set up, easy to manage and helps simplify data recovery. IBM Spectrum Protect™Plus can be set up quickly making data protection available in as little as one hour.


IBM Board Approves Quarterly Cash Dividend; Authorizes $3 Billion For Stock Repurchase

The IBM board of directors today declared a regular quarterly cash dividend of $1.50 per common share, payable December 9, 2017 to stockholders of record November 10, 2017.


Workshop FX adopts IBM enterprise storage solution to future proof 3D film and TV production

IBM (NYSE: IBM) announced today that Workshop FX, a Wellington 3D Computer Animation and Visual FX company, is the first New Zealand customer to implement IBM SONAS, its scalable enterprise-class network attached storage array. SONAS (Scale Out Network Attached Storage) has enabled Workshop FX to significantly increase rendering productivity while preparing the studio for future business growth and emerging industry standards including 3D film production.


IBM lanza nuevo mainframe z13 listo para la economía móvil

Hace posible el cifrado en tiempo real sobre todas las transacciones móviles a escala. Primer sistema mainframe con análisis integrado que proporciona conocimientos de transacciones en tiempo real, 17 veces más rápido en comparación a sistemas competidores en una fracción del costo.


Estudio de IBM indica que 64% de los Directores de Marketing estará listo para adoptar Inteligencia Artificial en los próximos 3 años

IBM reveló un nuevo estudio acerca de la manera en que los profesionales de marketing y ventas están adoptando soluciones cognitivas o de Inteligencia Artificial (IA). A pesar de que el 64% de los Directores de Marketing -CMOs por sus siglas en inglés- y líderes de ventas encuestados cree que sus industrias estarán listas para adoptar ese tipo de tecnologías en los próximos tres años, sólo 24% de los encuestados cree que tiene una estrategia establecida para hacerlo en la actualidad.


University of Canterbury adopts IBM enterprise storage solution to enhance user experience

The University of Canterbury (UC) is upgrading its centralised IT storage system with the IBM XIV and SONAS network attached storage arrays, to protect valuable research data and better meet user long term needs, while reducing operational costs.


IBM Security: Los costos ocultos de las brechas de datos aumentan los gastos para las empresas

IBM Security anunció hoy los resultados de un estudio global que examina el impacto financiero de una violación de datos en los resultados de una empresa. El estudio descubrió que los costos ocultos en las brechas de datos, como la pérdida de negocios, el impacto negativo en la reputación y el tiempo empleado en la recuperación, son difíciles y costosos de administrar. Por ejemplo, encontró que un tercio del costo de las mega infracciones (más de 1 millón de registros perdidos) se derivan del negocio perdido.


IBM Storage Supports Rakon’s International Growth

Rakon has selected the IBM Storwize V7000 SAN as part of a strategic storage upgrade to meet the needs of its rapidly expanding international quartz crystal manufacturing business.


IBM étend ses solutions de stockage Flash pour adresser de nouvelles applications pertinentes dans le cloud

IBM (NYSE: IBM) annonce aujourd'hui un élargissement de son portefeuille de stockage flash pour aider les clients à extraire beaucoup plus rapidement la valeur issues des données afin d’en tirer un avantage concurrentiel. IBM a lancé trois nouvelles baies « tout-flash » dotées d’une performance de pointe – une latence minimum de 250μs (microsecondes) - afin de résoudre le défi consistant à accéder rapidement à un grand volume de données pour les applications et les workloads cloud.


AGC Looks to IBM for Storage Technology

IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that AGC, a leading provider of fabrication, construction and integrated services for the oil, gas and mining industries throughout Australia and South East Asia, selected IBM XIV storage technology to replace its storage system and to support plans for its future business growth.


Bendigo and Adelaide Bank adopts next-gen storage systems for customer service growth

IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that Bendigo and Adelaide Bank has selected IBM XIV Storage System Gen3 as a key infrastructure component for its ongoing development and delivery of customer-focussed business applications.


IBM Adds Smarter Storage to Queensland Sugar for Improved Efficiency and Cost Savings

IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that Queensland Sugar Limited (QSL), a global leader in raw sugar marketing that manages over 90 percent of Australia’s raw sugar exports, has selected IBM advanced storage systems to support rapidly growing data demands.



IBM Security today announced a new capability from IBM Trusteer that helps banks identify fraudulent accounts before they are opened. The technology also protects consumers even if they are not a customer of the bank being targeted with the fake account.

  • Banking and Financial Services


AI technology helps customers get back on the road sooner

Leading Australian insurer Suncorp today announced it has successfully integrated IBM (NYSE: IBM) Watson artificial intelligence technology into its online claims process.


IBM Smarter Water Solution Enables Yarra Valley Water to Use Analytics to Improve Customer Outcomes

IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced a business consulting and technology partnership with Yarra Valley Water to enhance the management and functionality of its assets and customer service to over 1.7 million people and 50,000 businesses throughout Melbourne now and in the future. Through this partnership Yarra Valley Water will gain access to critical insights to maximise asset performance and improve customer service outcomes across its operations.

  • Energy & Utilities


The Paramount in Boston

Daily Photo – The Paramount in Boston Here’s the famous Paramount Theater in Boston. It looks pretty cool during the daytime, but when all the lights come on at dusk, it’s the best time to take a photo. This shot is using a technique called compression, one that some of you photographers may already know […]


Australian Customs and Border Protection Service Selects IBM to Secure Australia’s Borders

The Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACBPS) has implemented an advanced passenger analysis solution with IBM to improve border security.

  • Services and solutions


IBM Customer Experience Index Shows Aussie Retailers Missing Omni-Channel Opportunity

IBM, (NYSE: IBM) today announced the findings of its 2016 Global Customer Experience Index (CEI) Study, which showed that Australia is above the global average when it comes to providing a good shopping experience for consumers, with a CEI rating of 43 percent compared with 40 percent globally. The results provided a snapshot of the Australian retail sector, revealing that some businesses are still struggling to provide a seamless cross-channel experience, personalisation and convenience for customers.


Fun Historical Costumes from National Museums in Edinburgh and Dublin

I visited both the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh and the Naitonal Museum of Ireland in Dublin, here's some fun fashion related stuff that I saw...

In Dublin

In Edinburgh 

Retro Rack is also on facebook where I post additional images and fashion thoughts.

You can shop my recommendations via the following lists:
Steampunk, Retro Jewelry, Makeup, Retro Clothes, Lifestyle

Product links on this blog are usually to Amazon using my associate code. At no additional cost to you this means I get a slight kick back if you make a purchase. Thank you! This allows me to continue to produce this blog without sponsors.


Silly stories of Gail Carriger the Fangirl, Bonnets and Glue Guns, Defy or Defend

I mention my upcoming book, Defy or Defend, and give a few non-spoiler sneak peeks.

Retro Rack is now mainly on facebook where I post additional images and fashion thoughts, and you can do the same. Or you can follow me on my regular blog for historical fashion posts, or join my newsletter, The Chirrup, for insider trading information.

You can shop my recommendations via the following lists:
Steampunk, Retro Jewelry, Makeup, Retro Clothes, Lifestyle

Product links on this blog are usually to Amazon using my associate code. At no additional cost to you this means I get a slight kick back if you make a purchase. Thank you! This allows me to continue to blog without sponsors.


24 Things, Potentially, But History Suggests Otherwise. Thing 2.


24 Things, a likely story. Thing 15


Ewing says his gold medals, NCAA ring stolen

Hall of Famer Patrick Ewing says his two Olympic gold medals along with his 1984 NCAA championship ring were stolen.


Spidey Super Stories #31

Posted by: cyberghostface


Scans under the cut... )


  • char: doctor doom/victor von doom
  • char: spider-man/peter parker
  • title: spidey super stories
  • char: moondragon/heather douglas
  • char: marvel boy/captain marvel/noh-varr
  • publisher: marvel comics


O podporu v nezaměstnanosti stále můžete žádat dálkovou cestou

Ještě minulý týden byly úřední hodiny kontaktních pracovišť Úřadu práce ČR velmi omezené. Pobočky sice v pondělí otevřely, ani dnes ale na úřad nemusíte osobně, většinu záležitostí vyřídíte online. Poradíme jak na to a shrneme, kdy a v jaké výši máte nárok na podporu v nezaměstnanosti.

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


Pandemie srazila hypoteční trh o čtvrtinu. Úrokové sazby stále rostou

Pandemie koronaviru dolehla v březnu i na hypoteční trh. Objemy poskytnutých hypoték se propadly o čtvrtinu. Průměrná úroková sazba hypoték však roste již třetí měsíc v řadě, v březnu vzrostla na 2,45 procenta.

  • Finance - Hypotéky a půjčky


Zaplatili jste letos dovolenou? Možná budete dotovat cestovní kancelář

Možnost cestování je silně omezená a nic zatím nenasvědčuje tomu, že by lidé v letošní letní sezoně mohli vyrazit na zahraniční dovolenou. Zároveň ale nikdo dnes ještě neví, zda se nějaká možnost přece jen neobjeví. Pokud jste si koupili dovolenkový zájezd, jste asi momentálně jako na trní. Pojedete? Vrátí vám peníze?

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


Eating like a Flintstone

We began this year with a new food plan: paleo. ish. This is precipitated by the discovery that I am either gluten intolerant, allergic to wheat, or both. Said discovery was made when I gave up gluten for a week just to prove to my personal trainer that she was wrong when she said that […]


South Kingstown Beach House


A Maltese priest’s distorted view of the judiciary's role in society

In yesterdays The Times a Maltese priest, Mgr. Anton Gaucia, complains once more that a High Court in London a few weeks ago gave a sentence ruling that “the Catholic Church can be held liable for the wrongdoings of its priests”. Mgr. Gaucia have earlier, January 8 in Sunday Times, made the same complaint. Now Mgr. Gaucia also complains over the fact that a Mr. Justice in London has ruled that “the saying of prayers as part of the formal meeting of a council is not lawful”, adding that “there is no statutory power permitting the practice to continue”.
First things first; of course the Church shall be liable for what its employees/priests do in Alphain their capacity as priests. The children in these cases were in the care of a Catholic institution. I wonder what Mgr. Gaucia would say about if a municipal employee at a daycare sexually molest a child that the child’s parents left in its care. Of course, the municipality would be responsible for its negligence and for its failure to protect a child. The same goes of course for the Church. Mgr. Gaucia may of course, probably not being a father himself in the more down to earth sense, not understand what damage the Church and its priests done to these children. The people The Observer talked to in this matter in Malta all agree with The Observer and I think it would be wise of the Church to listen to the people in this.
Second; it might soon be time for priests like Mgr. Gauci and his colleagues to realize what century they live in. The time when Catholics ruled southern Europe is gone forever. There are Muslims, Hindus, Jews and many other people of different beliefs that have and are going to have positions in the society among which, of course, also positions in a council. Does Mgr. Gauci really mean that these people must attend Catholic or Protestant prayers? Or shall they leave when such prayer is to be said? Another possibility would of course be to have, say ten, different rooms where people of different beliefs could pray in accordance with such belief before the council meeting. Mgr Gauci, please grow up and realize what reality you live in.


History of Lisp

History of Lisp (The history of LISP according to McCarthy's memory in 1978, presented at the ACM SIGPLAN History of Programming Languages Conference.)

This is such a fun paper which I couldn't find on LtU. It's about the very early history of programming (1950s and '60s), back when things we take for granted today didn't exist yet.

On taking apart complex data structures with functions like CAR and CDR:

It was immediately apparent that arbitrary subexpressions of symbolic expressions could be obtained by composing the functions that extract immediate subexpressions, and this seemed reason enough to go to an algebraic language.

On creating new data, i.e. CONS:

At some point a cons(a,d,p,t) was defined, but it was regarded as a subroutine and not as a function with a value. ... Gelernter and Gerberich noticed that cons should be a function, not just a subroutine, and that its value should be the location of the word that had been taken from the free storage list. This permitted new expressions to be constructed out of subsubexpressions by composing occurrences of cons

On inventing IF:

This led to the invention of the true conditional expression which evaluates only one of N1 and N2 according to whether M is true or false and to a desire for a programming language that would allow its use.

On how supreme laziness led to the invention of garbage collection:

Once we decided on garbage collection, its actual implementation could be postponed, because only toy examples were being done.

You might have heard this before:

S.R. Russell noticed that eval could serve as an interpreter for LISP, promptly hand coded it, and we now had a programming language with an interpreter.

And the rest is history...


Histogram: You have to know the past to understand the present by Tomas Petricek

Histogram: You have to know the past to understand the present by Tomas Petricek, University of Kent

Programs are created through a variety of interactions. A programmer might write some code, run it interactively to check whether it works, use copy and paste, apply a refactoring or choose an item from an auto-complete list. Programming research often forgets about these and represents programs as the resulting text. Consequently, thinking about such interactions is often out of scope. This essay shifts focus from programs to a more interesting question of programming.

We represent programs as lists of interactions such as triggering an auto-complete and choosing an option, declaring a value, introducing a variable or evaluating a piece of code. We explore a number of consequences of this way of thinking about programs. First, if we create functions by writing concrete code using a sample input and applying a refactoring, we do not lose the sample input and can use it later for debugging. Second, if we treat executing code interactively as an interaction and store the results, we can later use this information to give more precise suggestions in auto-complete. Third, by moving away from a textual representation, we can display the same program as text, but also in a view inspired by spreadsheets. Fourth, we can let programmers create programs by directly interacting with live previews as those interactions can be recorded and as a part of program history.

We discuss the key ideas through examples in a simple programming environment for data exploration. Our focus in this essay is more on principles than on providing fine tuned user experience. We keep our environment more explicit, especially when this reveals what is happening behind the scenes. We aim to show that seeing programs as lists of interactions is a powerful change of perspective that can help us build better programming systems with novel features that make programming easier and more accessible. The data exploration environment in this interactive essay may not yet be that, but it gives a glimpse of the future.


Becky Lynch racks up most total days as Raw Women’s Champion in history

Becky Lynch has become the Superstar with the most total days as Raw Women’s Champion, surpassing Alexa Bliss.


The Third Stooge Already Plummeted

Guy 1: Cleaning gutters with a leaf blower. Guy 2: Holding him up with JUMPER CABLES.


Stop Tilting Upward!

I wonder if the fact that it was St. Patrick's Day had anything to do with this solution.


Tombstone Wanted Dead Or Alive

I've seen a few tribute videos to this classic western (One of the best as far as I'm concerned) done to Bon Jovi's Wanted Dead or Alive. For this one I did a twist


How To Make Your Own Custom Share Buttons (Blog Post)

Most of the popular social book marking or networking sites have some form of social media share button. A little button that with one click allows you to share an article, video or web page on there site, in the hopes that it goes viral and gets you a tonne of hits. And while these buttons are usually easy to install, most sites only have either a limited number of choices, or a one size fits all approach. This is fine if you like what they offer, but if you want something that fits better with the theme and look of your website you have to do a bit of digging around.


Duplicate Content And What You Can Do To Stop It (Blog Post)

The other day while going through my analytics I noticed a referral hit from a blog I’d never heard about. Often when I get referrals from sites I’ve never heard of I like to check them out to see what their about. What I found though was a blog that was copying word for word some of my older posts...............


Laid bare: How the Dean Laidley story reveals cultural change - Sydney Morning Herald

  1. Laid bare: How the Dean Laidley story reveals cultural change  Sydney Morning Herald
  2. Dean Laidley police photo leak: Fourth officer suspended
  3. 'Gross stupidity': Fresh investigation into Dean Laidley photo leak  Yahoo Sport Australia
  4. Vic watchdog to probe leaked Laidley pics  AFL
  5. IBAC to investigate leaked Laidley photos  Yass Tribune
  6. View Full coverage on Google News


Five-year-old stopped on U.S. highway wanted to buy Lamborghini, police say

A trooper stopping a car with a suspected "impaired driver" on a U.S. highway on Monday was bemused to find a 5-year-old in the driver's seat, the Utah Highway Patrol tweeted.