
'Hype Juice', by nervewing (4-AcO-EPT)

Erowid Exp113866

  • Erowid : Experience :


'Empathy', by motty (MDMA)

Erowid Exp102582

  • Erowid : Experience :


Why you should not vote for Barack Obama for President, and why you need to vote for Rocky Anderson

Barack Obama promised to change the way things work in Washington, and after four years, nothing has changed: Corporate money controls President Obama and Congress. We need real change: vote for Rocky Anderson. Continue reading


Amy Goodman interviews Tavis Smiley, Cornel West on the 2012 Election & Why Calling Obama “Progressive” Ignores His Record. Democracy Now: Friday, November 9, 2012.

Cornel West and Tavis Smiley criticize President Barack Obama for being to the right of even President Richard Nixon. Continue reading


Another reason why I will not renew my subscription with Intuit for ProSeries tax software

Are you a taxpreparer who is unsatisfied with the quality of Intuit's ProSeries tax software program? I am not a happy user of ProSeries tax software. Choose your tax software carefully. I will be searching for an alternative tax software vendor for the year 2014. Continue reading


Why Bernie Sanders is destined to lose

Bernie Sanders refuses to fight the good fight for the 99%. Continue reading


Glenn Greenwald Asks “Why Did Saudi Regime & Other Gulf Tyrannies Donate Millions to Clinton Foundation?” Transcript and video.

Questions surrounding Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation continue to grow. On Sunday, Democratic National Committee interim chairperson Donna Brazile defended Clinton’s meetings as secretary of state with Clinton Foundation donors, saying, "When Republicans meet with their donors, with their supporters, their activists, they call it a meeting. When Democrats do that, they call it a conflict." Donna Brazile’s comments come in response to an Associated Press investigation revealing that while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state, more than half of the private citizens she met with during the reporting period had donated to the Clinton Foundation. The AP investigation comes after a three-year battle to gain access to State Department calendars. The analysis shows that at least 85 of 154 people Hillary Clinton had scheduled phone or in-person meetings with were foundation donors. We speak to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept. His most recent piece is headlined "Why Did the Saudi Regime and Other Gulf Tyrannies Donate Millions to the Clinton Foundation?" Continue reading


Precision Hydration – новый партнёр Williams

Компания Precision Hydration, помогающая спортсменам избежать обезвоживания, станет партнёром и официальным поставщиком команды Williams.


Why Train? Why eLearning?

eLearning, to me, seems like an exciting new field that has barely been tapped and which has a wide open future. However, no matter how exciting and universal it seems, it is really a subset of training, instruction, education, etc. So, before I really embark on this adventure in eLearning, maybe I should think about […]


Ep 12 - Karl’s hypocrisy

Karl Stefanovic gets cosy with the Daily Mail despite years of scorn, ridicule and criticism.


Ep 12 - Hydroxychloroquine disappoints

Disappointing results for malaria drug hydroxychloroquine which has been favoured by Donald Trump and some in the media as a possible treatment for coronavirus.


IBM and Nutanix Launch Hyperconverged Initiative to bring Enterprises into the Cognitive Era

IBM and Nutanix today announced a multi-year initiative to bring new workloads to hyperconverged deployments.


IBM Research and UC San Diego Collaborate to Advance the Use of Artificial Intelligence for Healthy Living

IBM and the University of California San Diego have announced a multi-year project to enhance quality of life and independence for aging populations through the new Artificial Intelligence for Healthy Living Center (AIHL), located on the campus of UC San Diego. The groundbreaking center will bring together the technology, artificial intelligence and life sciences knowledge of IBM and UC San Diego to promote critical research and applications in two thematic areas: Healthy Aging and the Human Microbiome.


Gravitational Lensing, Interstellar Cinematography, and the Future of Magical Warfare in Space

[Image: An example of gravitational lens effects, via Wikipedia.] Over at WIRED, Daniel Oberhaus, author of the recent book Extraterrestrial Languages, takes a look at some proposals from NASA’s Innovative Advanced Concept (NIAC) program. “Among this year’s NIAC grants,” Oberhaus writes, “are proposals to turn a lunar crater into a giant radio dish, to develop … Continue reading "Gravitational Lensing, Interstellar Cinematography, and the Future of Magical Warfare in Space"


Mediacorp Adopts IBM Hybrid Cloud Solutions for Broadcast Operations at its New Offices

IBM announced today that Mediacorp, Singapore’s largest media company, has completed a digital transformation of its broadcast operations using IBM Hybrid Cloud solutions as part of the move to a new office building in Singapore’s one-north district. The Mediacorp broadcast operations team can now more quickly, seamlessly and efficiently deliver video and audio content to consumers across different platforms, including new mobile apps, interactive televisions and other connected devices.

  • Services and solutions


Boursorama renouvelle son accord avec IBM pour accélérer sa stratégie Cloud hybride

IBM (NYSE: IBM) et Boursorama, filiale du groupe Société Générale, renouvellent leur accord par la signature d’un contrat de Cloud hybride d’une durée de 5 ans afin d’enrichir l'offre de nouveaux produits et services proposés par la banque.


IBM et VMware étendent leur partenariat pour faciliter le passage au cloud hybride

A l’occasion de VMworld® 2016, VMware, Inc. (NYSE : VMW) et IBM (NYSE : IBM) annoncent la disponibilité de services Cloud d’un genre nouveau, permettant aux entreprises de migrer rapidement et simplement des ressources informatiques d’entreprise vers le Cloud. Avec déjà plus de 500 clients concernés, le partenariat mondial entre IBM et VMware aide de plus en plus d’organisations à étendre leurs ressources informatiques existantes vers le Cloud en quelques minutes au lieu de plusieurs semaines ou mois.


IBM positioned as the Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Center Outsourcing and Hybrid Infrastructure Managed Services, Asia Pacific

IBM positioned as the Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Center Outsourcing and Hybrid Infrastructure Managed Services, Asia Pacific

  • Global Technology Services


“The Most Physically Grueling of Them All”: Mark Hamill on Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

The actor behind Luke Skywalker takes StarWars.com on a journey through filming the Star Wars sequel in time for the 40th anniversary of its release.


Why We Love Star Wars

To celebrate Star Wars Day, employees from Lucasfilm and ILM reflect on what made them fans and what keeps them enthralled with the galaxy far, far away.

  • Fans + Community
  • Lucasfilm
  • Lucasfilm | Networks | 4cd5910c91af5b4093fbacd1
  • may the 4th
  • May the 4th Be With You
  • star wars day
  • ThisWeek


Pravidla pro chytré sítě 5G by v USA mohla psát i Huawei

Ministerstvo obchodu Spojených států připravuje nová digitální pravidla. Americké podniky by na základě nich mohly spolupracovat s čínskou firmou Huawei Technologies na stanovování norem pro mobilní sítě (5G). Agentuře Reuters to řekly zdroje obeznámené se situací. Loni touto dobou přitom USA uvalily restrikce na obchodování s Huawei.

  • Ekonomika - Zahraniční


ČSA obnoví lety z Prahy 18. května, nejprve do Paříže či Frankfurtu

České aerolinie obnoví v pondělí 18. května provoz na čtyřech svých linkách. A to do Amsterdamu, Frankfurtu, Paříže a Stockholmu. O týden později začnou letadla létat do dalších tří destinací.

  • Ekonomika - Doprava


Wall Street se daří, trhy se měly nejlépe od 80. let. I přes koronavirus

Americké trhy rostou rapidním tempem. A to i přes to, že ekonomiky po celém světě drtí koronavirus. Jejich dubnový růst je nejvyšší za desítky let – naposledy tak rychle za měsíc vyrostly v roce 1987. Nahoru akciové indexy ženou nejen vládní intervence a úspory, ale i investoři samotní.

  • Ekonomika - Zahraniční


Pandemie srazila hypoteční trh o čtvrtinu. Úrokové sazby stále rostou

Pandemie koronaviru dolehla v březnu i na hypoteční trh. Objemy poskytnutých hypoték se propadly o čtvrtinu. Průměrná úroková sazba hypoték však roste již třetí měsíc v řadě, v březnu vzrostla na 2,45 procenta.

  • Finance - Hypotéky a půjčky


Odklad splátek nebo refinancování. Jak dnes ušetřit na hypotéce

Splácíte hypotéku, u níž se blíží zlomové datum fixace? Jak na to, když chcete brzy půjčku doplatit nebo ji refinancovat? A lze před doplacením využít odkladu splátek?

  • Finance - Hypotéky a půjčky


Anti-Inflammatory Orange Turmeric Tea plus 10 Healthy Benefits of Turmeric

Tumeric is famously anti-inflammatory and can be enjoyed many different ways, including juiced raw. But today, I wanted to pass on this super easy tea (psst, it's not raw!).

I've been drinking it almost every morning for a couple months now and it's still delicious to me, which is a good thing. Turmeric has so many beneficial qualities ... let us count the ways (scroll below for the tea how-to).

1. Anti-inflammatory.
Turmeric, the brightly colored spice that gives curry it's intense color, contains beneficial compounds that have positive health benefits. The main compounds are the curcuminoids and the most important of these is curcumin. One of the most beneficial things curcumin can do is lessen inflammation, which is implicated in most Western diseases.

To be fair, inflammatory responses are a good thing. We wouldn't be able to wage a defense against bacteria and viruses, or injuries, for example, without a strong inflammatory response. However, too much of a good thing can cause problems. Chronic inflammation has been implicated in many diseases that plague us today, including heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and obesity. Curcumin can reduce inflammation as effectively as some anti-inflammatory medications, but without the side effects. One of the ways it does this is by inhibiting (NF)-kB.  
2. Antioxidant
Oxidation is a chemical reaction that produces free radicals. Free radicals have unpaired electrons. These lonely little fragments damage cells and wreak havoc and destruction wherever they go. Antioxidants, like curcumin, terminate the chain reactions that lead to unpaired electrons and, therefore, free radicals and the damage they cause. Seriously, it's the radicals, man.
3. Heart Health
Almost 50% of Americans will die prematurely from heart disease. Heart disease and chronic inflammation are so closely linked that inflammation is thought to be an atherogenic response (atherogenic means it causes atherosclerosis, aka, cardiovascular disease, heart disease, and is also peripheral artery disease). It's even thought possible that the slight benefit sometimes derived from statins could be due to their anti-inflammatory properties. Reducing inflammation is a vital key to reducing heart disease.Curcumin is a potent COX-2 inhibitor, that

4. Cancer
Curcumin is being investigated as prevention and treatment for cancers such as that of the colon and pancreas. Chronic inflammation and free radicals promote cancer. Reducing those conditions can be preventive and curcumin works well at both. 
5. Arthritis
 Inflammation is an important mechanism in arthritis. Curcumin acts as a COX-2 inhibitor in the same way pharmaceutical drugs such as Celebrex do, but without the dangerous side effects. The tea below, as well as curcumin supplements can ease the pain of arthritis and rejuvenate mobility.

7. Alzheimer's 
India has a low incidence of Alzheimer's, possibly linked to higher intake of curcumin. Because inflammation plays such a big part in most disease, including Alzheimer's, it can be protective and preventative.

8. Brain Function
Alzheimer's is not the only thing that can go awry in brain function, and again, inflammation is implicated. In this case, it's known as neuroinflammation, or inflammation specifically in the brain and reducing that can help overall brain function. 
9. Depression
Depression and anxiety are often linked to brain inflammation (this is why going gluten free can help mood, as well). It seems to offer some improvement and relief to those who have depression.

10. Gall Bladder Function 
Curcumin causes the gall bladder to contract, which stimulates bile formation and gall bladder emptying and a freely flowing gallbladder is a happy, healthy one (unless you have a stone blocking the exit, which can cause a painful gallbladder attack).

11. Pepper
I can't talk about turmeric and curcumin without also mentioning black pepper. The Piperine in black pepper increases the absorption of curcumin by 2000% (that's 20x). So, add a little bit of black pepper to whatever you make with turmeric for the greatest benefit. It tastes good, too.

*Do not use turmeric or curcumin if you are using blood thinners such as Warfarin or if you have existing gall bladder disease.

 This tea (and this salad dressing, too) are delicious ways to get a healthy dose of turmeric.

Orange Turmeric Tea
serves 3 ~ $.33 per serving

  • 1 orange, peeled and chopped ($.70)
  • 1 teaspoon powdered tumeric ($.10)
  • 1 teaspoon caraway seeds($10)
  • a few black peppercorns, or pinch of black pepper
  • stevia or sweetener, if desired ($.10)

  1. Place the orange, turmeric, and caraway seeds in a large saucepan with four cups water. 
  2. Bring to a boil over high heat and continue to boil for about five minutes. This will reduce any bitterness in the turmeric.
  3. Add the peppercorns or pinch of pepper and steep for a minute or two. 
  4. Strain through a fine mesh strainer into mugs and and the sweetener of your choice, if desired. 


    Why do posts have to have a 'title'?


    Not too much to add this month. A new direct flight to Montreal this summer popped up, so we took a trip there last weekend. I had never been, and it is a fun city, with good food, beer, music, geodesic domes, and other things. I always try to participate in a local running race if I can, and there was a small 10k fundraiser near the Olympic stadium. I managed a 43m39s (about 7 min/mile), which is not bad for an old guy, finishing in 11th place. It's not like I was just out for a jog, but I certainly didn't put maximum effort here, because I also wanted to enjoy the rest of my vacation day and anyway I retired from the 10k distance in post 990. I used to think that I was never going to be able to beat the times that I recorded in my late 20s when I felt young. But the decade+ of regularly running hard must have some long-term effects, because I'm pretty sure I could have run 6m30s miles here without dying, and perhaps with a death effort (not to mention losing 10 pounds or so) I could have set a personal record. This also happened with a 5k I did a couple years ago. Good to not feel washed up, but of course this is just talk unless I prove it!

    Speaking of old, I'll probably turn 40 before the next post (September 27)!

    I have been getting deep into this project described in the previous post, but which remains confidential, as they do. But it finally gave me a reason to get an oscilloscope! I have a lot of traveling to do in September so I'm unlikely to finish it (and video, etc.), but the project is still very much in the fun state, so maybe that's good news for me.

    Almost out of time to even finish this post before the month expires. But brief recommendations: I've been playing and liking Dicey Dungeons. It is good and has a very wholesome and pleasant style. Sometimes you need that. I also really like the new album called Anak Ko by Jay Som. Great production, songwriting, vocals, everything.


    Why Do The Good Die Young?

    Why Do The Good Die Young?

    I thought back to the summer when I was eleven years old, after my father had discovered making money and had moved us “on up” from the dregs of Weehawken, New Jersey, situated on the ass end of the Lincoln Tunnel to the posh suburb, Englewood Cliffs just north of the George Washington Bridge.

    I Mean…What?!?


    Why you should create an rss feed for your website

    RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary; it's an XML based content format for distributing things like news, headlines, content, etc. These are popular because instead of relying on them to bookmark your site and return later, their RSS reader keeps your site fresh by showing them your latest posts as a simple headline. So every time that you add content such as a blog post or article they get to see the update, plus a direct link to that post.


    Why your site needs a privacy policy page

    Having a privacy policy for your website or blog is a way to declare to your viewers and subscribers on what happens with any information that’s collected on them, why it’s being collected, and how that information is being stored. This is a vital component to your site if your site is for business, or if you have a website that uses affiliate type advertising in order to earn revenue such as Amazon or Google Adsense. In fact not having a privacy policy will get your affiliate account banned on most sites, so apart from that and covering your back to protect yourself from legal action are good enough reasons to have privacy policy.


    Why you should ping your website

    If you’re new to websites or blogs you might not have heard of “pinging your site”. Using ping is another free seo tool in your arsenal to help get your site indexed and more traffic. Basically it works like this, a ping is basically the equiviant of you shouting at the top of your lungs “Hey over here”. It sends a notice to the search engines and directories that you have content in need of indexing, or that content has been updated.


    10 Reasons Why You Want To Write A List Post

    When it comes to adding content to your site one effective method is to write a list post. Why should you write a list post? Because a list post provides an easy to read format that allows your vistors to quickly scan content in an easy to follow format. And while well written original content with useful information will always be better at keeping your readers coming back, writing list posts will get them in the door. Here’s some of the reasons why you should write a list post.


    Why You Should Use Stumbleupon To Get More Traffic

    When it comes to getting people to your site one of the ways you can do this is through social bookmaking sites. And while these all give your site excellent one way back links, there is one site that you should sign up to first to get more traffic, and that site is Stumbleupon. Why you should use Stumbleupon to get more traffic If you’re not familiar with Stumbleupon this is how it works for your site to get more traffic. Instead of using keywords like how you would for a search engine, visitors select categories that interest them such as videos, music, or computers to name a couple examples. Once they pick their categories and click on the stumble button their randomly taken to a site, article, or video that fits that category. They can then decided if the like or dislike that site by giving it thumbs up or down. The more thumbs up your site gets the more hits it will get because it will show up more frequently when people stumble that category. Visitors to your site can also write reviews and share it with other users or add a sites link to their list of favourite sites giving you even more exposure, back links, and that oh so coveted traffic..........


    How To Autoplay Videos And Why You Don't Want To

    How to get your YouTube videos to auto play on your website Depending on your site having your videos auto play can help your site stand out. When it comes to embedding your videos from YouTube however there’s no feature to set up your video to auto play. It’s important to remember before you enable auto play on your videos that doing so can actually harm your site. Many people don’t like videos or music playing as soon as they open a page, especially if there’s no way to turn it off that’s easy to spot. Look at your site to see if this is something that you want to do.


    Why Long tail Keywords Are Good For Your Website

    When it comes to trying to get your site to rank well on search engines many focus on trying to rank for the most popular keywords, the ones with high volumes of traffic with the hope that hundreds or thousands of people every day visit their site. The reality is that chasing after the most popular keywords will be almost impossible to rank for. If your website or blog is brand new this will be a fight you can’t win, the large companies that rank number one for these types of keywords spend fortunes to dominate those positions.


    Why Trust Rank Is Important And What You Can Do To Get It

    Every SEO and web expert out there and their dog will tell you how important Google page rank is to your site and how it can help your site rank well in search engine listings. One thing you might not have heard about is trust rank. It’s important to understand what this seo tool is, and to start making changes now because this is the direction Google is looking at taking.


    10 Reasons Why Your Website Sucks

    Do people hate your website? This is a question you should ask yourself if your finding your site isn’t performing the way you would like it to. If your finding that people aren’t visiting your site for very long or aren’t coming back at all here are 10 things you should look at that could be killing your website traffic. This isn’t to bash your site or trash talk or brag about how much better my site is over yours (there are things I have to fix) this is just to point out some things that could be hurting how it performs.


    How To Make A Bug Out Bag - Bug Out Hygiene Kit

    When it comes to bug out bags one of the biggest overlooked areas is how to making a hygiene kit. Personally I find it strange considering cleanliness is a huge factor in overcoming a disaster or when the SHTF. The obvious reason is keeping clean helps keep away infection. It also plays a big role in morale; I mean who the hell wants to feel grubby and greasy for weeks on end? I know I don’t and I’m willing to bet you don’t either...................... While making a bug out hygiene kit isn’t complicated it still takes some planning to figure out what you’re going to need. So with that being said here are some things that I pack in my bug out bag so you can get some ideas of what to put in yours.


    Why Outbound Links Are Good For You

    Outbound linking it seems to go against the grain to get your site noticed. You’ve probably heard over and over again about the importance of having high quality back links pointing to your site, these links help boost your search ranking, page rank, and hopefully get you some more traffic. Outbound linking you would think would be the opposite of that. It turns out though that outbound links are good for you. Having quality outbound links can have some big benefits to your website or blog...................


    Advertising On Craigslist Why It Can Help Boost Your Traffic

    Craigslist it’s not just a site to sell crappy used furniture, look for work, and view personals, it can also be a good place to advertise your website or promote your blog. Even though Craigslist has a lot of spam blockers and restrictions, a well written optimized ad can help give your site a boost of traffic. This is especially important for business sites looking to expand on generating local traffic.............


    Yahoo Answers 3 Reasons Why Its Good & 4 Ways To Help Get Traffic From It

    So you have a website, or a blog that you want to rank well in search results. One place that you can easily get back links from, build your sites online presence, and get found in search results is Yahoo Answers. If you’re stuck with other SEO building strategies or looking to diversify your back links this is a good place to start..............


    Somalis turn to Dr Hyena to fight depression, mental illness

    The growls from the caged hyena reverberate through the room as Mohamed Sheikh Yakub slumps silently in a chair nearby, hoping the animal will frighten away the evil spirits he says have troubled him since his divorce.


    Take 4 Minutes and Be Mesmerized By PSY and Crew Practicing Their Choreography

    PSY is doing all those moves in a mock-turtleneck and with a belt on. Clearly that's enough proof that PSY is talented K-Pop robot sent to inspire us all.


    Hygger.io: универсальная система управления проектами для продуктовых компаний

    В продуктовых компаниях сегодня не обойтись без инструментов для сбора идей и обратной связи, распределения задач, приоритизации, планирования и мониторинга, а также внутреннего взаимодействия между отделами. Часто для этих целей сотрудники заводят аккаунты в нескольких платформах для управления продуктами. Это неудобно. Особенно, когда разработчики сидят в JIRA, а менеджеры проектов, маркетологи и другие сотрудники составляют свои доски с планами в Trello или Asana.


    Questions About Weddings, Windfalls, Castile Soap, Hybrid Cars, CSAs and More

    What’s inside? Here are the questions answered in today’s reader mailbag, boiled down to summaries of five or fewer words. Click on the number to jump straight down to the question. 1. Using my stimulus check 2. Gas prices and hybrid cars 3. Worried about returning to work 4. Wedding planning suggestions? 5. Safely storing cash at home 6. CSA and safety 7. Financial success and self-worth 8. Figuring out break-even point 9. What’s the plan after unemployment? 10. Castile […]

    The post Questions About Weddings, Windfalls, Castile Soap, Hybrid Cars, CSAs and More appeared first on The Simple Dollar.


    Take a Virtual Tour of the U.K.’s Fairy Tale-Worthy Bluebell Woods

    Its not a real-life hike, but its still beautiful and calming. READ MORE...


    Astrophysical jet and length contraction

    Astrophysical jets are flows of matter that moves at relativistic speed. They are opportunity to see length contraction in action. An astrophysical jet is analyzed to explain the length contraction effect. Astrophysical jets are ejected from compact objects such as black holes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astrophysical_jet#/media/File:M87_jet.jpg is a photograph of the jet ejected by the supermassive black hole...