ari Digging up Positivity - Furry charity and good news - February 2020 (Transcript) By Published On :: Mon, 02 Mar 2020 23:26:42 +0000 Video from Thabo Meerkat, transcribed Welcome to another edition of Digging Up Positivity! This episode is dedicated to the many volunteers that make all those amazing conventions and charities possible. But besides them, we are covering some animation news and other (maybe otter?) tidbits! read more Full Article animal behaviour animation charity conventions fursuits Sonic the Hedgehog YouTube
ari Digging up Positivity - Furry charity and good news - April 2020 By Published On :: Sat, 25 Apr 2020 16:32:51 +0000 Video from Thabo Meerkat, transcribed Hey there, and welcome to the April 2020 edition of Digging Up Positivity from a rapidly changing world. But even in these weird times, there are still a lot of positive things to be found! read more Full Article animal behaviour charity conventions interviews transcription YouTube
ari 'Loopy Mind-Hell', by Zanzibar (Amanitas - A. muscaria) By Published On :: Fri, 01 May 2020 07:10:00 GMT Erowid Exp113948 Full Article Erowid : Experience :
ari Debbie Lusignan the Sane Progressive calls out Bernie Sanders for failing to contest the election fraud in the Democratic primaries By Published On :: Fri, 22 Apr 2016 21:08:17 +0000 Bernie Sanders would have already won this nominating contest if we had received an accurate accounting of the vote. It is deeply troubling the Senator would be sending out surrogates to talk about his allegiance to the Democratic party and Clinton in general in the face of the Party instituting theft against its own constituents. It is no mystery HOW to win. Count the votes and contest fraud. A tough Sane Progressive call out. Continue reading → Full Article Accountants CPA Hartford Articles barefoot accountant Bernie Sanders Debbie Lusignan Debbie Lusignan the Sane Progressive calls out Bernie Sanders for failing to contest the election fraud in the Democratic primaries election fraud Ring of Fire Radio Group Facebook Sane Progressive william brighenti
ari Bill Curry analyzes the Connecticut primaries April 26 2016 on Fox CT News By Published On :: Tue, 26 Apr 2016 22:01:37 +0000 Bill Curry: “In some ways, you would be [surprised that the polls in Connecticut are busy today]. Last week, on the Democratic side, every story said that it’s all over for Bernie; it’s so difficult to put this nomination together. … Continue reading → Full Article Accountants CPA Hartford April 26 2016 Bernie Sanders Bill Curry analyzes the Connecticut primaries April 26 2016 Connecticut primaries Democratic Party Donald Trump Fox CT News New Haven Green rally for Bernie Sanders Republican party
ari Chris Hedges and Jill Stein and Ralph Nader are the real revolutionaries while Bernie Sanders and Robert Reich and Hillary Clinton are part of the devil’s Democratic Party By Published On :: Sat, 13 Aug 2016 17:28:46 +0000 "Well, reducing the election to personalities is kind of infantile at this point. The fact is, we live in a system that Sheldon Wolin calls inverted totalitarianism. It’s a system where corporate power has seized all of the levers of control. There is no way to vote against the interests of Goldman Sachs or ExxonMobil or Raytheon." Continue reading → Full Article Accountants CPA Hartford Articles Amy Goodman Bernie Sanders Bill Clinton bogeyman tactic cabal Chris Hedges Chris Hedges and Jill Stein and Ralph Nader are the real revolutionaries while Bernie Sanders and Robert Reich and Hillary Clinton are part of the devil's Democratic Party Chris Hedges vs. Robert Reich on Clinton Third Parties Capitalism & Next Steps for Sanders Backers Cornel West Corporatism Democracy Now Donald Trump Exxonmobil Goldman Sachs Hillary Clinton inverted totalitarianism Jill Stein Karl Marx middle class Ralph Nader Raytheon Robert Reich sheepdogging Trump is responding to a phenomenon created by neoliberalism voting for lesser of two evils WikiLeaks
ari Jill Stein argues that Hillary Clinton is much scarier than Donald Trump By Published On :: Sat, 22 Oct 2016 07:53:21 +0000 Jill Stein thinks that Hillary Clinton is scarier than Donald Trump: "On this issue of war and nuclear war, Hillary is much scarier." Continue reading → Full Article Accountants CPA Hartford Articles C-Span Donald Trump Green Party Hillary Clinton Jill Stein Jill Stein argues that Hillary Clinton is much scarier than Donald Trump Mikhail Gorbachev no-fly zone nuclear war Putin Russia Syria
ari Bob Stefanowski will make Sam Brownback look like a socialist in comparison by eliminating the income tax in Connecticut By Published On :: Sat, 27 Oct 2018 18:53:41 +0000 NEWS 8 IS YOUR LOCAL ELECTION HEADQUARTERS…. AND TONIGHT…VOODOO ECONOMICS! CHIEF POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT MARK DAVIS TELLING US HOW REPEALING THE STATE INCOME TAX IS THE LATEST HEATED TOPIC BETWEEN THE CANIDATES FOR GOVERNOR. DEMOCRAT NED LAMONT IS OPENING A … Continue reading → Full Article Accountants CPA Hartford Articles Bob Stefanowski Bob Stefanowski will make Sam Brownback look like a socialist in comparison by eliminating the income tax in Connecticut Connecticut cut education cut services David Stemerman Democrat disaster elimination Connecticut income tax Governor Kansas Mark Davis Ned Lamont News 8 raise property taxes Republican Sam Brownback STEVE OBSITNIK Themis Klarides TIM HERBST voodoo economics
ari В Ferrari сделали Феттелю второе предложение By Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 10:54:00 +0300 По информации Gazetta dello Sport, в Ferrari сделали Себастьяну Феттелю второе предложение нового контракта... Full Article
ari Квят: На тестах Ferrari я понял, что хочу вернуться By Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 16:30:00 +0300 Даниил Квят рассказал, что тесты Ferrari во Фьорано стали катализатором его возвращения в Формулу 1 в 2019 году. Full Article
ari Сирил Абитебул: Мы хотим знать, что было у Ferrari By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 14:20:00 +0300 Сирил Абитебул продолжает настаивать на том, что вопрос конфиденциального соглашения между Ferrari и FIA не закрыт. Full Article
ari IBM, Packet Clearing House and Global Cyber Alliance Collaborate to Protect Businesses and Consumers from Internet Threats By Published On :: Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:30:38 GMT IBM Security, Packet Clearing House (PCH) and The Global Cyber Alliance (GCA) today launched a free service designed to give consumers and businesses added privacy and security protection as they access the internet. The new Quad9 Domain Name System (DNS) service helps protect users from accessing millions of malicious internet sites known to steal personal information, infect users with ransomware and malware, or conduct fraudulent activity. Full Article IBM Security
ari Sunshine Pad Thai (Vegetarian) By Published On :: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 23:15:00 +0000 The pad thai recipe you're looking for! Try this simple trick to make a turmeric noodle version. Continue reading Sunshine Pad Thai (Vegetarian) on 101 Cookbooks Full Article 100+ Vegetarian Recipes 260+ Vegan Recipes Dinner Ideas Gluten Free Recipes Main Course Recipes Summer 2019
ari Clarient Global Adopts IBM Cloud, VMware for Enhanced Private Cloud Capabilities By Published On :: Wed, 28 Sep 2016 09:14:17 GMT IBM today announced that Clarient Global LLC (“Clarient”), a joint venture established to transform client data and document management in the financial services industry, has selected VMware Cloud Foundation on IBM Cloud to continue to enhance its existing SoftLayer private cloud implementation for its Clarient Entity Hub platform. Full Article Global Financing
ari IBM construye primeras computadoras cuánticas universales para aplicaciones empresariales y científicas By Published On :: mar, 07 mar 2017 10:45:14 GMT IBM anunció una iniciativa pionera en la industria para construir sistemas de computación cuántica universal comercialmente disponibles. Los sistemas y servicios cuánticos “IBM Q” se entregarán mediante la plataforma IBM Cloud. Full Article Research
ari IDC reconoce liderazgo de IBM en consultoría de movilidad empresarial By Published On :: mar, 11 jun 2013 11:33:07 GMT IBM anunció que fue nombrada líder en el informe 2013 IDC MarketScape, que analiza a los proveedores de consultoría en movilidad empresarial a nivel mundial. El informe cita al recientemente anunciado Customer Experience Lab y la iniciativa Mobile First de IBM como ejemplos de su liderazgo en Consultoría en Movilidad Empresarial. Full Article Services and solutions
ari Ecodex incrementa servicios de certificación tributaria para empresas con soluciones inteligentes de IBM By Published On :: jue, 04 dic 2014 04:35:50 GMT La empresa se afianza como líder de Proveedores Autorizados de Certificación (PAC) y logra procesar grandes volúmenes de transacciones de manera sencilla Full Article Software
ari Premian Banorte e IBM apps de estudiantes del Tec de Monterrey que transforman servicios bancarios dirigidos a los jóvenes By Published On :: mar, 29 sep 2015 04:33:08 GMT Tres proyectos que proponen mejorar la interacción y la experiencia de los jóvenes usuarios con servicios bancarios móviles, fueron reconocidos hoy por Banorte, IBM y el Tec de Monterrey como resultado del Reto Banorte en el marco de la Semana i, que la institución educativa llevó a cabo del 21 al 25 de septiembre en todo el país. Full Article Analytics
ari IBM et VMware étendent leur partenariat pour faciliter le passage au cloud hybride By Published On :: mar., 06 sept. 2016 01:35:13 GMT A l’occasion de VMworld® 2016, VMware, Inc. (NYSE : VMW) et IBM (NYSE : IBM) annoncent la disponibilité de services Cloud d’un genre nouveau, permettant aux entreprises de migrer rapidement et simplement des ressources informatiques d’entreprise vers le Cloud. Avec déjà plus de 500 clients concernés, le partenariat mondial entre IBM et VMware aide de plus en plus d’organisations à étendre leurs ressources informatiques existantes vers le Cloud en quelques minutes au lieu de plusieurs semaines ou mois. Full Article Business partners
ari 【記事まとめ4件】三井住友VISAカード 永久輝せあコーナー2020年2月更新/+act 風間柚乃/Marisol 礼 真琴/ウィズたからづか 諏訪さき By Published On :: 2020-02-10T19:43:48+09:00 【記事まとめ4件】 三井住友VISAカード 特別コーナーに永久輝せあ舞台レビュー・中編をアップ 宝塚歌劇団・花組 永久輝せあコーナー 永久輝せあコーナー[今月のメッセージ][ステージフォトレビュー]更新 特別コーナー【永久輝せあ舞台レビュー・中編... Full Article
ari Zoo and Aquarium Association Uses IBM Technology to Support Endangered Species Programme By Published On :: Mon, 20 Jun 2011 06:52:04 GMT Zoo and Aquarium Association Uses IBM Technology to Support Endangered Species Programme Full Article Software
ari SLC-1L-10: [COVID DIARIES] Shoot the Kids By Published On :: Tue, 24 Mar 2020 23:53:00 +0000 Hey, there's a pandemic. Have you heard?Looks like we might be spending a lot of time in the house with our immediate family these days. Maybe that family includes kids. And maybe they are starting to go a little stir crazy.Keep reading for some ideas for any lighting photographer who might be looking to make the best of some unscheduled family time.Read more » Full Article
ari charity work by NaruKoibito [G] By Published On :: Mon, 13 Apr 2020 17:47:58 -0400 He'd only meant it as a joke, but here she was. Ginny Weasley, his celebrity crush, armed with economy toilet paper rolls and three dozen eggs, ready to commit a misdemeanor all in the name of charity. Muggle AU Full Article
ari Polymath proposal: clearinghouse for crowdsourcing COVID-19 data and data cleaning requests By Published On :: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 16:17:26 +0000 After some discussion with the applied math research groups here at UCLA (in particular the groups led by Andrea Bertozzi and Deanna Needell), one of the members of these groups, Chris Strohmeier, has produced a proposal for a Polymath project to crowdsource in a single repository (a) a collection of public data sets relating to […] Full Article math.ST polymath Chris Strohmeier coronavirus
ari Board Game Review: Old West Empresario By Published On :: Fri, 02 Aug 2019 00:27:00 +0000 T he kind folks at Tasty Minstrel Games (TMG) recently sent me a preview copy of Old West Empresario, which will debut at GenCon 2019 today. We already have about ten TMG games in our collection that we thoroughly enjoy (with Crusaders and Gentes being the most recent additions) and so my husband Chris and I were both feeling pretty good about the chances of this new release being a good fit for us as well. Old West Empresario picks up its narrative where its prequel, Pioneer Days (also from TMG) left off. Players take on the role of Empresarios, settling the old west. They are charged with building new towns so prosperous and populated that one will be chosen as the state capital, winning the game for its Empresario. As with Pioneer Days, the artwork from Sergi Marcet reinforces the Western theme and uses bright, appealing colors. I appreciated the racial diversity depicted in the illustrations.Components include double sided building cards, currency tokens, victory point (i.e. population) tokens, and die number tiles (all constructed from heavy cardboard); as well as a set of eight brown dice, a wooden first player token, thin cards for the wanted and character cards, a scoring pad, and the rulebook. Most of the components should last a long time under regular use but the character cards and wanted cards should possibly be sleeved to prevent bending or tearing. The gameplay here is a bit reminiscent of Suburbia in that victory points (VP) are partially earned based on the placement of constructed buildings in a player’s town relative to other constructed buildings in the town. For example, the Mine scores 2 VP at the end of the game if adjacent to at least 1 Inn and 1 VP per adjacent Distillery. In addition to victory points earned based on the adjacency rules, a number of constructed civic buildings award end game points to the owning player based on meeting certain qualifications such as owning x amount of cash, y amount of victory tokens, or z amount of native settlement buildings. There are also four other ways to earn victory points in Old West Empresario :owning the largest contiguous block of native settlement buildingsconstruction of buildings tied to the railroad, stock, or oil industriesaccumulation of wanted cards (awarded for being the first or second player to accomplish the objective listed on the card)accumulation of wealth (1VP for every 3 coins)So how do we construct buildings in our towns and what else can they do for us besides award end game VP? Well, each round, the starting player rolls the set of dice (2 for each player + 1 extra) and then places each die on top of the corresponding die number tile. Each die number tile has two buildings positioned underneath it selected from the pool of unconstructed buildings and native settlements. Unconstructed buildings can be activated later in the game once added and constructed in a player’s town. Native settlements do not require construction and have a one time activation effect when added to a player’s town. Taking turns beginning with the start player, each player selects a die from a die number tile and then either (1) collects one of the buildings underneath the die number tile to add to their town (2) activates all the buildings in their town that have the same number on their die icon as the die selected, or (3) discards one of the buildings underneath the die number tile to the game discard pile and collects $3. Each player begins the game with only one constructed building in their town – the town hall – which has, as one of its activation effects, the ability to construct another building in the town for the resource cost of $1. In addition to the town hall, each player selects a native settlement or unconstructed building to add to their town at the start of the game. Note that the town hall can be activated by any die number. This means that on any player’s first turn, they are able to activate their town hall to construct an unconstructed building already in their town. If the first building they construct is the Carpenter building, they now have two constructed buildings capable of constructing new buildings when activated. Aside from construction as an activation effect, the accumulation of VP tokens, cash, or additional building tiles are also possible, depending on the specific building under activation. One building (the Church) allows a player to activate another building from their town that otherwise would not be activated that turn for a small fee. And the Undertaker building forces opponents to discard cash (Aha! Take that!). The game ends and victory points are tallied after the round in which one or more players host at least 15 buildings in their town, or the building supply deck or VP token supply runs out. In my first game of Old West Empresario, I played against my husband. His strategy was to turn the game into some kind of massive engine builder. He worked hard to construct buildings in his town that ALL had the same activation number. I took the opposite approach and tried to cover all the dice outcomes so that I knew I always had at least one building other than my Town Hall to activate if desired. I focused on earning VP tokens through building activation effects and the wanted cards while he focused on earning VP through adjacency rules. I beat him by one point. In another game with friends, I took the same approach and won again even though my friends also tried to focus on these items. Rinse repeat across a few more games. But when I played against my husband a second time and he focused less this time on adjacency rules and more on building activation effects to collect VP tokens, he was able to beat me. This is where his ploy to have several buildings with the same activation number gave him the edge – I might activate one building on a turn that gave VP tokens as an activation effect while he activated four on a turn that did so. I’ll need to match his strategy in grouping activation numbers if I am going to have a chance to beat him. I have now played the game several times since receiving it, across all players counts. A few summary takeaways from these plays of Old West Empresario:1. The game is easy to learn but it takes awhile for players to memorize the activation effects of each building. It can be helpful to photocopy the back cover of the rulebook that documents this information and give one sheet to each player for reference. 2. Game time consistently hovers around an hour, regardless of player count or number of previous plays under the players’ belts.3. There are multiple paths to victory and winning strategies to explore due to a myriad of ways to earn victory points. 4. Huge spreads across the final player scores are unlikely. They never occurred in our games. It’s very much a neck and neck competition till the end and no one is certain of the winner until the final scores are tallied. 5. The iconography can be confusing for new players. The designer overlays a circle with a a slash through it on top of a picture of a resource to indicate the cost of an action. However, almost every new player interpreted the image at first glance to mean none of the resource was required to perform the action (perhaps thinking normally one or more units of the resource is required by default). Overall, Old West Empresario is an engaging, lightweight to medium strategy game that can work with many different play groups. It’s a good game for drawing non-gamer friends into tabletop gaming and to give hardcore gamers a more relaxing hour of gameplay. I am going to keep the game and I’m thinking of picking up Pioneer Days to set up a back to back gaming event where we begin with PD and move onto OWE, perhaps with a viewing of a film like Rio Bravo wedged in the middle. The $60 retail price point is a bit steep but strategy gaming market pricing continues to trend upward with the rising demand for new games so it would be a mischaracterization to imply TMG isn’t pricing games competitively; they are on par with other large publishers. -------------------------------------------------Publisher: Tasty Minstrel Games (TMG)Players: 2-4Actual Playing Time (vs the guideline on the box): About 60 minutesGame type: tile placement, tableau building Rating:Jenni’s rating scale:OUI: I would play this game again; this game is ok. I probably would not buy this game myself but I would play it with those who own it and if someone gave it to me I would keep it.OUI OUI: I would play this game again; this game is good. I would buy this game.OUI OUI OUI: I LOVE THIS GAME. I MUST HAVE THIS GAME.NON: I would not play this game again. I would return this game or give it away if it was given to me Full Article board game reviews Tasty Minstrel Games
ari Adoptiversaries By Published On :: Tue, 25 Sep 2012 04:58:00 +0000 These couple of weeks must be something special, because I adopted all three of the browns during this time of year. Wrigley's adoptaversary was yesterday, Probert's today, and Maizy's is in just a couple of weeks. So, I figured it was time to do some comparison photos. Then and now(ish - the now photos are from the past few months).Probert was adopted 6 years ago at about 11 months old from a rescue in Columbus, OH called Measle's Animal Haven. He was a scrawny little pup who had been abused, rescued, and then contracted a mild case of parvo (mild due to being an older puppy) and been bitten by another dog in rescue. Now he's a little snugglebutt who still has issues from his past, but over just the past couple of years is really learning to be a DOG. Finally.Wrigley was adopted 7 years ago at about 5 months old. He was a direct rescue from people who didn't want him. They said they were watching him for someone who went out of town and never returned to pick him up. Wrigley was living life underneath a trailer at the end of a tow chain and had never even been given a name. The people who had him did doxie rescue and had about 9 rescue dogs in their house, but never thought to bring Wrigley indoors because of his breed. To their credit, they did make some effort to rehome him and I was happy to invite him into my pack! Now he is a wiggly goofball. Definitely the most challenging of my dogs due to his guard barking, but he makes up for it by being one of the most genuinely sweet souls I've ever encountered. Maizy was adopted 8 years ago at about 9 months old. She was a scrawny 27 lbs and smelled like mildew, probably due to the workers at Philadelphia Animal Care and Control hosing out her kennel with her still in it. She was shy and sometimes stubborn, but always a wonderful, personable dog. She grew up quickly, gaining tens of pounds in just a few months after her adoption. She is my most faithful companion and is definitely the pack leader. I have been so fortunate to have her to teach the boys the ins and outs of being a dog, as I see they have often studied her behavior and followed her example.So, there it is. Happy Adoptaversaries to all of my babies. My life would simply NOT be the same without you. I love you all so so much. Full Article Maizy pictures Probert rescue Wrigley
ari 24 Things, barring hilarious accidents. Thing 21. By Published On :: Sat, 21 Dec 2019 15:29:00 +0000 After all those people and animals, here's a vegetable. Full Article
ari "solidarity, equity and social justice" By Published On :: Thu, 02 Apr 2020 17:40:30 GMT Смешнооказывается, в 2010-м WHO (это те самые люди, которыепридумали карантин против ковида и везде его пропагандируют)замечательно сели в лужу, объявив свиной грипп пандемиейи проебав на том 18 миллиардов баксов. Но делали этоони не просто так, а под знакомыми лозунгами"solidarity, equity and social justice". То бишь WHOэто такая коллективная Оказия Кортез, банда ебанутыхSJW, возглавляющая атаку международного капитала наобщественные и личные свободы.В 2010-м со свиным гриппом у них неполучилось, теперь они пытаются с короной,и у них все пока получается.Многие спрашивают, кому нужно это адскоеговно, "карантины" и все прочее, и зачем либеральная общественность так за них цепляется.А вот за этим, очевидно. Коррупционеры из WHO рвутсяк власти, а пропагандисты за "solidarity, equityand social justice" (CNN, NYT, Guardian и иже сними) им помогают, ибо надеются урвать свой кусок.Интересно, что в 2010-м в каждом магазине(я как раз жил в Бразилии) на входе был специальныйрекомендованный WHO против свиного гриппа диспенсерантисептического геля для рук, а сейчас их нет.Специально ходил сегодня в аптеку, искал,но нет антисептического геля и там.В принципе, если бы кому-то хотелосьбороться с коронавирусом, они бы этим в первую очередьозаботились, но никак. Очевидно, WHO, под впечатлением прошлогораза, сама убедила себя, что корона это фейк, и никаких реальныхмер больше не предлагает. С другой стороны, реальных мер WHOи не надо, пусть эта музыка будет вечной, им так выгоднее.В общем, чиновник WHO это адский гад,похуже любого коронавируса.Привет Comments Full Article covid
ari Lance Armstrong and Bruce Lee 30 For 30 documentaries coming to ESPN Africa By Published On :: Wed, 6 May 2020 07:06:29 EST ESPN will be releasing two brand new 30 For 30 documentaries in Africa in May and early June, telling the stories of cyclist Lance Armstrong and martial artist Bruce Lee. Full Article
ari Fan Art Thursday: variations on a theme By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 03:47:11 GMT Posted by: thezmageSome MCU mashups from Liu-Psypher aka Prime Premne, who has designed most of my shirts( Read more... ) comments Full Article char: the phantom medium: fanart group: x-men group: avengers char: thanos
ari Wimpie Nortje: Database migration libraries for PostgreSQL. By Published On :: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 00:00:00 GMT Index of picking libraries blog series It may be tempting at the start of a new project to create the first database tables manually, or write SQL scripts that you run manually, especially when you first have to spend a significant amount of time on sifting through all the migration libraries and then some more to get it working properly. Going through this process did slow me down at the start of the project but I was determined to use a migration tool because hunting inexplicable bugs that only happen in production just to find out there is a definition mismatch between the production and development databases is not fun. Using such a tool also motivates you to write both the setup and teardown steps for each table while the current design is still fresh in your mind. At first I considered a standalone migration tool because I expect them to be very good at that single task. However, learning the idiosyncrasies of a new tool and trying to make it fit seamlessly into my development workflow seemed like more trouble than it is worth. I decided to stick with a Common Lisp library and found the following seven that work with PostgreSQL and/or Postmodern: Postmodern-passenger-pigeon database-migrations cl-migrations Mito Crane Orizuru-orm cl-mgr I quickly discounted Crane and Mito because they are ORM (Object Relational Mapper) libraries which are way more complex than a dedicated migration library. Development on Crane have stalled some time ago and I don't feel it is mature enough for frictionless use yet. Mito declares itself as being in Alpha state; also not mature enough yet. I only stumbled onto cl-mgr and Orizuru-orm long after making my decision so I did not investigate them seriously. Orizuru-orm is in any case an ORM which I would have discounted because it is too complex for my needs. CL-mgr looks simple, which is a good thing. It is based on cl-dbi which makes it a good candidate if you foresee switching databases but even if I discovered it sooner I would have discounted it for the same reason as CL-migrations. CL-migrations looks very promising. It is a simple library focusing only on migrations. It uses clsql to interface with the database which bothered me because I already committed to using Postmodern and I try to avoid adding a lot of unused code to my projects. The positive side is that it interfaces to many different databases so it is a good candidate if you are not committed to using Postmodern. It is also a stable code base with no outstanding bug reports. The two projects I focused on was Postmodern-passenger-pigeon and Database-migrations because they both use Postmodern for a database interface. Postmodern-passenger-pigeon was in active development at the time and it seemed safer to use than Database-migrations because it can do dry runs, which is a very nice feature when you are upgrading your production database and face the possibility of losing data when things go awry. Unfortunately I could not get it working within a reasonable amount of time. I finally settled on Database-migrations. It is a small code base, focused on one task, it is mature and it uses Postmodern so it does not pull in a whole new database interface into my project. There are however some less positive issues. The first issue is a hindrance during development. Every time the migrations ASDF system (or the file containing it, as ASDF prefers that all systems be defined in a single file) is recompiled it adds all the defined migrations to the migrations list. Though each one will only be applied once to the DB it is still bothersome. One can then clear the list with (setf database-migrations::*migrations* nil) but then only newly modified migration files will be added. The solution then is to touch the .asd file after clearing the migrations list. The second negative point is quite dangerous. The downgrade function takes a target version as parameter, with a default target of 0. This means that if you execute downgrade without specifying a target version you delete your whole database. I am currently using Database-migrations and it works well for me. If for some reason I need to switch I will use cl-migrations. Using Database-migrations To address the danger of unintentionally deleting my database I created a wrapper function that does both upgrade and downgrade, and it requires a target version number. Another practical issue I discovered is that upgrades and downgrades happen in the same order as they are defined in the migration file. If you create two tables in a single file where table 2 depends on table 1 then you can not revert / downgrade because Database-migrations will attempt to delete table 1 before table 2. The solution here is to use the def-queries-migration macro (instead of def-query-migration) which defines multiple queries simultaneously . If you get overwhelmed by a single definition that defines multiple tables the other option is to stick with one migration definition per file. Index of picking libraries blog series Full Article
ari Triton DeepView 24-Seat Submarine By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 15:30:00 -0500 Full Article Transportation
ari Trump admin working to temporarily ban work-based visas: Report - Top Live News By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 08:21:04 GMT Trump admin working to temporarily ban work-based visas: Report Top Live NewsUS lawmakers want H-1B visas and foreign students internship suspended to protect American jobs Times of IndiaUS likely to temporarily ban work-based visas like H-1B due to rise in unemployment Zee NewsUS Mulls Temporary Ban on Work Visas Amid Unemployment: Reports The Quint5 US lawmakers ask Trump to suspend new H-1B visas The Tribune IndiaView Full coverage on Google News Full Article
ari Viroloog Marion Koopmans: 'Als het misgaat, hebben we echt een megaprobleem' - By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 01:00:00 GMT Viroloog Marion Koopmans: 'Als het misgaat, hebben we echt een megaprobleem' AD.nlOok Nederlandse viroloog verwacht tweede coronagolf | Buitenland | Nieuws Het Laatste NieuwsViroloog: “Nieuwe coronagolf verwacht, alles staat of valt met hoe we ons gedragen” Oog TVBLIJF BANG! Viroloog Marion Koopmans waarschuwt: 'Die tweede coronavirus-golf komt er' De Dagelijkse StandaardViroloog: 'Er komt een tweede coronagolf die mogelijk nog krachtiger is dan de eerste' ThePostOnlineHele verhaal bekijken via Google Nieuws Full Article
ari Defamiliarizing Faerie By Published On :: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 17:57:00 +0000 .The Iron Dragon's Mother received a long, thoughtful, and positive review from Matt Hilliard in the March 30 issue of Strange Horizons. Rather than give you the usual pull-quote carefully excised from the corpus of the text, I thought I'd share with you one of Hilliard's observations:That raises the question: what is Swanwick up to with this setting? If he wants to write fun faerie stories, why not just write about faeries the normal way? Or, since a valid way to describe this book is to say it’s “about a faerie fighter pilot, but it’s reallyabout living in a corrupt world and dealing with death,” why not just write about corruption and death in the real world where both can be found in abundance? To answer the second question, a common defense of genre fiction is that both fantasy and science fiction give us a different perspective on things that don’t change. They defamiliarize the world around us by situating us in the future or a past that never existed, and in doing so they can teach us things about humanity that we wouldn’t otherwise have known.It’s been sixty-five years since J. R. R. Tolkien published The Fellowship of the Ring and spawned a host of imitators, and for most of Swanwick’s readers, fantasy has become deeply familiar. If it’s too familiar, it no longer defamiliarizes. What to do? Some authors, such as those of the New Weird, responded by moving away from Tolkien’s folklore influences, pushing into stranger territory. Swanwick has done the opposite, hewing closely to the peoples and monsters of folklore traditions from around the world (albeit with the occasional references to Tolkien himself, as with Caitlin’s brother, named Fingolfinrhod). But by mixing together elves and Gucci handbags, dwarves and cigarettes, or dragons and jet fighters, Swanwick continually shifts the context his reader must use. Whenever you find yourself getting comfortable, the novel suddenly sounds like this: “With the easy, racist phrasing of his class, her brother said, ‘Well, the kobold is in the henhouse now, to be sure’” (p. 289).Overall, the review is positive, the sort of thing that warms a writer's heart. Hilliard has some negative things to say along the way, but since they're based on a careful reading of the book I actually wrote, I don't see that I have any right to complain.You can read the whole review here. Or go to Strange Horizons here and wander around, maybe read a story or two while you're there.Above: Cleaning office, I came across the above photo of myself at age 23, when I was new to Philadelphia and determined to be a science fiction writer. It captures my mood then pretty well.* Full Article
ari "Paris, a Poem" in SWEDISH! By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 08:30:00 +0000 .Yet again, something astonishing has arrived in my mailbox. This time, it's a chapbook titled Paris ett poem, containing a Swedish translation (surely the first) of Hoope Mirrlees' modernist masterpiece, Paris, a Poem. Mirrlees, you'll recall, is best known in genre circles for her fantasy novel Lud-in-the-Mist, in academic circles for being on the fringes of Bloomsbury, and in poetic circles for this poem.Ylva Gislén translated the poem, wrote an introduction, provided explanatory notes, and created two collages for inclusion in the chapbook. All of it, clearly, a labor of love.Quite a lovely book. Published by Ellerströms.And Speaking of Good Things . . .The Temporary Culture chapbook assembled by Henry Wessells, "She Saved Us from World War Three," was reviewed by Michael Dirda in the Washington Post. Here's what he said:Besides being one of the stars of “The Booksellers,” Henry Wessells is also the proprietor of the micro-publisher, Temporary Culture. His latest booklet, “She Saved Us From World War Three,” brings together an interview, essay and two letters highlighting the friendship between Gardner Dozois, the longtime editor of Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, and Alice Sheldon, the former Washington intelligence agent whose intense, sometimes feminist sci-fi — no one ever forgets “The Women Men Don’t See” — was written using the pseudonym James Tiptree Jr. In one letter Sheldon explains that she has pretty much stopped writing because “the stories were getting to hurt too much.”Which is pretty good coverage for a micro-press.* Full Article
ari The sound and sense of Tocharian By Published On :: Mon, 04 May 2020 04:07:38 +0000 Readers of Language Log will certainly be aware of Tocharian, but when I began my international research project on the Tarim Basin mummies in 1991, very few people — only a tiny handful of esoteric researchers — had ever heard of the Tocharians and their language since they went extinct more than a millennium ago, […] Full Article Borrowing Decipherment Historical linguistics
ari Matthew Pottinger's speech in Mandarin By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 08:31:55 +0000 Something extraordinary happened on May 4, 2020. Deputy National Security Advisor Matt Pottinger delivered an extremely impressive speech in virtually flawless Mandarin. Here it is: Here's the transcript of Pottinger's speech (pdf), the formal English title of which is "Reflections on China's May Fourth Movement: an American Perspective — Deputy National Security Advisor Matt Pottinger to […] Full Article Lexicon and lexicography Pronunciation Rhetoric Speech-acts Tones
ari NIH clinical trial testing antiviral remdesivir plus anti-inflammatory drug baricitinib for COVID-19 begins - National Institutes of Health By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 17:51:22 GMT NIH clinical trial testing antiviral remdesivir plus anti-inflammatory drug baricitinib for COVID-19 begins National Institutes of HealthView Full coverage on Google News Full Article
ari Thread Talk: Variegated for the Laundry By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 12:30:00 +0000 I’ve had some inquiries lately about variegated floss that can be used for embroidered items that will be regularly laundered. … Full Article Uncategorized DMC embroidery resources supplies threads
ari After Staring at Stock Photos for Years, One Guy Decides to Photoshop Himself Into Them By Published On :: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 06:00:00 -0800 Full Article stock photo photobomb photoshop g rated win
ari Michael Phelps Hops Around in a Speedo As Part of the Curtain of Distraction at Arizona State Basketball Game By Published On :: Sat, 30 Jan 2016 04:00:00 -0800 The 'Curtain of Distraction' is well known at Arizona State University as a hilarious sports tactic. This time Michael Phelps came out Magic Mike style to prevent a few free throws. Just look at those sweet moves, the opposing team was bound to miss. Full Article Michael Phelps speedo Video
ari The Beauty of Rarity By Published On :: Wed, 07 Aug 2019 02:53:28 +0000 Legend has it that Saint Patrick gave a four-leaf clover to a group of his followers; the fourth leaf put there by God to bring… Full Article Abyss Adaptations Benthic Biology Conservation & Environment Ecology Evolution Habitats Mating & Reproduction Mining Mollusk Organisms Gastropod Hydrothermal Vent IUCN mollusk rare rarity redlist Snail
ari The Ocean Cleanup and Floating Marine Life By Published On :: Fri, 04 Oct 2019 16:27:36 +0000 Earlier this year I warned that The Ocean Cleanup would catch and kill floating marine life. This week they announced they’re collecting plastic, and their picture… Full Article Uncategorized
ari Open COVID Pledge: Removing Obstacles to Sharing IP in the Fight Against COVID-19 By Published On :: Tue, 07 Apr 2020 21:42:20 +0000 Creative Commons has joined forces with other legal experts and leading scientists to offer a simple way for universities, companies, and other holders of intellectual property rights to support the development of medicines, test kits, vaccines, and other scientific discoveries related to COVID-19 for the duration of the pandemic. The Open COVID Pledge grants the … Read More "Open COVID Pledge: Removing Obstacles to Sharing IP in the Fight Against COVID-19" The post Open COVID Pledge: Removing Obstacles to Sharing IP in the Fight Against COVID-19 appeared first on Creative Commons. Full Article About CC covid-19 open covid pledge open patents
ari Why Sharing Academic Publications Under “No Derivatives” Licenses is Misguided By Published On :: Tue, 21 Apr 2020 13:17:48 +0000 The benefits of open access (OA) are undeniable and increasingly evident across all academic disciplines and scientific research: making academic publications1 freely and openly accessible and reusable provides broad visibility for authors, a better return on investment for funders, and greater access to knowledge for other researchers and the general public. And yet, despite OA’s obvious … Read More "Why Sharing Academic Publications Under “No Derivatives” Licenses is Misguided" The post Why Sharing Academic Publications Under “No Derivatives” Licenses is Misguided appeared first on Creative Commons. Full Article Education / OER Legal tools / licenses CC BY-NC-ND CC BY-ND OER open educational resources
ari Understanding, celebrating, sharing. Be part of it! By Published On :: Fri, 09 Sep 2016 09:34:56 +0000 Iriss is working to raise the profile of the social services workforce by sharing practitioner experiences of working in care and support. We know that often, research about the social services workforce fails to reach those who work most closely with those supported by services, so we need your help to make sure that your voice is heard. read more Full Article
ari Violent and aggressive children. Caring for those who care By Published On :: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 - 12:44 The topic of domestic violence is an emotive one conjuring visions of child abuse by parents or carers, or marital violence, in general abuse by men of their wives or partners. According to published police statistics in Scotland for the years of 2012 – 13 male violence of women accounted for 80% of all domestic abuse, and in 2014 over 2,600 children in Scotland were identified as needing protection from abuse. This is particularly concerning since the NSPCC suggests that, for every child who has been identified, there are 8 other children who are at risk but who are ‘under the radar’. These statistics, highlighting the underlying nature of inter-family abuse relationships, i.e. the abuse of less powerful and more vulnerable family members by more powerful adults, undoubtedly account for the majority of the abuse situations within family homes. However this is, sadly, not the whole story. Understanding abuse within a family means recognising the impact of sibling aggression on every family member. It also needs to encompass the growing recognition of child to parent aggression and it is this latter aspect of inter-family relationships with which this article is primarily concerned. Full Article
ari Sharing practice to improve outcomes for care leavers. Evaluation report on an inter-authority learning exchange By Published On :: Monday, November 30, 2015 - 09:44 Evaluation report for the inter-authority learning exchange between Shetland Islands, Falkirk and Glasgow Councils throughcare and aftercare teams. In February 2014 a member of the Throughcare and Aftercare team from Shetland, spent two weeks in each host authority as a means of developing and sharing practice, experience and learning. The report describes the planning process, in-situ experience, and post-exchange learning of participants, it also report highlights the positive learning outcomes and benefits achieved for all participating local authorities. The report identifies ideas for future applications of such a learning and practice exchange model to improve practice for looked after young people and care leavers. Full Article
ari Donald Trump's Awkward Water Moment Has Inspired A Hilarious Photoshop Battle By Published On :: Tue, 20 Aug 2019 07:00:00 -0700 Donald Trump's amazingly awkward water swig is apparently the gift that keeps on giving. The Photoshop Battle subreddit tackled a funny snapshot of the moment, incorporating everything from panpipes to Harry Potter. We've included our favorites, but there are loads more on the official thread.Lots to unpack here, so maybe ease into it by first starting off with some light Trump Memes, and then progressing to this list of "good stuff". Full Article donald trump photoshop Memes trump tweets water photoshop battle trump trump memes