Живопись: «Крик» Мунка становится тише: Почему знаменитая картина теряет цвет

Одно из самых мистических произведений искусства, с которым связано множество неоднозначных историй, все также продолжает интересовать не только профессиональных искусствоведов, но и простых обывателей. Образ с картины, который даже нельзя назвать человеком, скорее сущностью, настолько растиражирован, что узнаваем даже теми, кто далек от изобразительного искусства. Однако не все знают, что «Крик» - это цикл картин, причем посвященных вполне возвышенным ценностям: любви, жизни и смерти. Теперь открылась еще одна особенность, подхлестнувшая к ней интерес. Ученые, исследовавшие образцы краски, впрочем, такой процедуре подвергаются все экспонаты мировой классики, пришли к выводу, что картина теряет цвет.



Кино: Что посмотреть в самоизоляции: 10 забытых советских шедевров «Ленфильма»

Киностудия «Ленфильм» была создана больше 100 лет назад и за время своего существования пережила несколько переименований. Здесь снимали «Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона», «Летучую мышь» и «Начало», «Гамлета», «Свадьбу в Малиновке» и ещё множество потрясающих фильмов, многие из которых сегодня оказались незаслуженно забыты. Предлагаем проводить время в самоизоляции с пользой и насладиться настоящими шедеврами от киностудии «Ленфильм».



Кино: За кадром фильма «Судьба человека»: Почему Шолохов сомневался в Бондарчуке, и кем стал Ванюша, когда вырос

Драму Сергея Бондарчука по одноименному рассказу Михаила Шолохова сегодня называют одним из лучших советских фильмов о войне. А когда в конце 1950-х гг. режиссер-дебютант заявил о намерении снять этот фильм, эта идея вызвала сомнения и у руководства «Мосфильма», и у самого писателя. Почему Шолохов не верил в то, что Бондарчук справится и с режиссурой, и с исполнением главной роли, и как сложилась судьба юного актера, сыгравшего беспризорника Ванюшу – далее в обзоре.



История и археология: Как родилось знаменитое стихотворение «Журавли» Расула Гамзатова

В Северной Осетии в селе Дзуарикау есть удивительный памятник. Мемориал изображает скорбящую мать, которая провожает взглядом птиц, улетающих навсегда в небо. Памятник был поставлен в честь семи братьев Газдановых, погибших в годы Великой Отечественной войны. С этим памятным местом связана еще и история песни, ставшей одним из символов великого, но грустного праздника, Дня Победы.



Еда и напитки: 10 продуктов, которые вызывают вздутие, и на время превращают в Колобка

Вздутие живота представляет собой не только малоприятное явление в плане внутренних ощущение, но еще и крайне неэстетичное. Причиной возникновения недуга становятся газы, которые образовываются в кишечнике. Если не хотите время от времени превращаться в Колобка и кривиться, видя свое отражение в зеркале, внимательно ознакомьтесь со списком продуктов, вызывающих вздутие.



Лайфхак: 14 полезных хитростей, которые позволят справиться с мелкими бытовыми неурядицами

Никогда не знаешь, когда может случиться та или иная неприятность, поэтому нужно быть всегда во всеоружии. Иными словами, не помешает узнать несколько полезных лайфхаков, которые позволят справиться с мелкими бытовыми неурядицами.



Наука и техника: 10 новейших изобретений, которые меняют привычный взгляд на реальность

Современные технологии способны улучшить любую сферу нашей жизни. С изобретениями можно больше времени тратить на отдых, а не на рутинные занятия и работу. С ними также становится проще и намного интереснее. Стоит только испытать их в реальности и привычный взгляд на жизнь кардинально изменится.



Автомобили: Из «летающей батареи» в «Призрачного гонщика»: как эволюционировал ганшип AC-130J

Авиация ВВС США вот уже много лет укомплектована так называемыми ганшипами, то есть «вооруженными кораблями». Летчики же давно называют эти самолеты непосредственной огневой поддержки «летающими батареями», причем этот уникальный тип машин настолько эффективен, что его даже не думают заменять, а просто модернизируют. Так и появился ганшип AC-130J Ghostrider, или «Призрачный гонщик», который усиливает мощь Военно-воздушные силы США уже сегодня.



Общество: «Мордой в пол, лапы за спину»: для чего в Индии арестовывают обезьян

На просторах интернета можно наткнуться на достаточно странные фотографии из Индии, а именно на снимки связанных по рукам и ногам обезьян, которые умиротворенно лежат где-нибудь на улице. Зачем это делается и чего добиваются люди? Возможно, это фотографии каких-то браконьеров или садистов. На самом деле ничего подобного. Все куда проще и в то же время занятней.



piña colada

In the first world of first world-liest problems, a problem I would love to be having this very week when I’m shivering again (despite many suggestions of spring on the near horizon) is that when in my life I’ve been lucky enough to decamp to a tropical location for a vacation, and wish to do what one does on tropical vacations — I mean, aside from wearing such buckets of SPF that when I return people comment, “I thought you went to the beach?” — and that is ordering a piña colada. Possibly at a swim-up bar. In a hurricane glass with a tacky paper umbrella in it, a fluorescent maraschino cherry, and a creamy-tart balance that is unfettered vacation bliss with each sip. The problem is that they’re very often…. terrible, tinny and artificially-flavored. I mean, I drink it; I’m not a barbarian. But every time I do (daily, at 4:30pm, please), I vow that when I get home, I’m going to make a real and proper and perfect one to set things right again.

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Hair Today… – DORK TOWER 31.03.20

Dork Tower is 100% reader supported.  Join the Army of Dorkness today, and help bring more Dork Tower to the world! By becoming a Dork Tower Patreon backer, you get our everlasting gratitude (and also swag, commentary, bonus strips, and more swag), but, critically, you’ll help us reach our next goal – three comics a week! WE ARE […]


Should He Stay or Should He Go? – DORK TOWER 14.04.20

Dork Tower is 100% reader supported.  Join the Army of Dorkness today, and help bring more Dork Tower to the world! By becoming a Dork Tower Patreon backer, you get our everlasting gratitude (and also swag, commentary, bonus strips, and even more swag), but, critically, you’ll help us reach our next goal – three comics a week! HINT: […]


Rainbows and Lollipops – DORK TOWER 16.04.20

  Dork Tower is 100% reader supported.  Join the Army of Dorkness today, and help bring more Dork Tower to the world! By becoming a Dork Tower Patreon backer, you get our everlasting gratitude (and also swag, commentary, bonus strips, and even more swag), but, critically, you’ll help us reach our next goal – three comics a week! […]


Curbside Pick (Me) Up – DORK TOWER 21.04.20

Dork Tower is 100% reader supported.  Join the Army of Dorkness today, and help bring more Dork Tower to the world! By becoming a Dork Tower Patreon backer, you get our everlasting gratitude (and also swag, commentary, bonus strips, and even more swag), but, critically, you’ll help us reach our next goal – three comics a week! HINT: […]


'We're forgetting the lessons of 1945': young people on VE Day

What does the second world war mean to millennials in Europe? We asked for their views

This weekend marks 75 years since the end of the second world war in Europe, and 70 years since the foundations were established of what became the European Union. With the continent facing its biggest challenge since 1945, do the lessons of the war and its aftermath have any resonance for young people? Millennials from around Europe share some of their thoughts and fears.

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Brazil's President Bolsonaro must 'drastically change course' on Covid-19, says The Lancet

British medical journal’s editorial says the Brazilian president’s disregard for lockdown measures is damaging

The biggest threat to Brazil’s ability to successfully combat the spread of the coronavirus and tackle the unfolding public health crisis is the country’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, according to the British medical journal The Lancet.

In an editorial, The Lancet said his disregard for and flouting of lockdown measures was sowing confusion across Brazil, which reported a record number of Covid-19 deaths on Friday, and is fast emerging as one of the world’s coronavirus hot spots.

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Man charged with murder over 2017 Greenwich stabbing

David Egan accused over death of Danny Pearce, who was allegedly targeted for his Rolex

A man has been charged with the murder of a 31 year-old in London almost three years ago.

David Egan, 23, of Deptford, south-east London, was expected to appear in custody at Bromley magistrates court on Saturday charged with the murder of Danny Pearce on 15 July 2017.

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Public health directors in England are asked to take charge of Covid-19 testing

Care minister’s request is admission that centralised programmes have fallen short

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  • Ministers have asked local directors of public health to take charge of Covid-19 testing in English care homes in what will be seen as a tacit admission that centralised attempts to run the programme have fallen short.

    In a letter to sector leaders, seen by the Guardian, the care minister, Helen Whately, acknowledged that testing of care home residents and staff needs to be “more joined up”. She describes the new arrangements as “a significant change”.

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    The coronavirus murals trying to keep Kenya’s slums safe – video

    A street artist called Msale has taken it upon himself to create giant murals bringing public health messages directly to the overcrowded Mathare slum in Nairobi. With half a million people living in such 'a squeezed area'  social distancing is quite impossible to achieve, says Msale, so he is providing information for people on how to keep safe in the 'simplest, clearest' way he knows

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    How coronavirus is dividing India – video explainer

    The spread of Covid-19 in India has been catastrophic for millions of its poorest and marginalised residents who are bearing the brunt of the world's biggest shutdown. Hannah Ellis-Peterson tells us how coronavirus and the lockdown is further dividing the country along class and religious lines

    • This video was amended on 7 May 2020 to clarify that there are millions of migrant workers in India, but not 480 million as an earlier version suggested.

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    Inside a Greek coronavirus ward: how debt-ridden nation is beating the disease – video

    Despite a decade-old financial crisis that has crippled its hospitals, Greece appears to be keeping its coronavirus outbreak under control, with a far lower death toll than many other European nations. Dr Yota Lourida, Infectious Diseases specialist at Sotiria hospital in Athens, explains how it dealt with the crisis, and the steps taken by the country to mitigate against potentially catastrophic outcomes

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    F1's return will be empty but beneficial, says Lewis Hamilton

    • World champion not relishing racing without fans
    • Hamilton appreciates sport’s importance to many

    Lewis Hamilton believes returning to grand prix racing without fans will be an “empty” experience as Formula One prepares to launch the new season behind closed doors.

    F1 expects to hold its first race on 5 July in Austria as a double header followed by two meetings at Silverstone, all without spectators. However, there remains the possibility that government quarantine restrictions may make travel for F1 teams unfeasible.

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    Everton v Liverpool: 1986 FA Cup final – live!

    Half-time advertising break.

    And that’s the end of the first 45. Plenty of thinking to do for Kenny Dalglish, Bob Paisley and the rest of the Liverpool management team. Everton took a while to get going, but they eventually assumed control and have been much the better team since. Peter Reid, Kevin Ratcliffe and Gary Lineker have been the standout turns. They deserve their lead. Unless there’s a seismic shift in momentum, Everton will be drinking from the cup of redemption in about one hour’s time!

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    Blind Date takeover: looking for love in lockdown - part 1

    Lockdown has changed the way we date. Is it possible to form the same kind of connection through a screen? To find out, we set up six strangers on three virtual blind dates ...

    Today in Focus has been wondering what online lockdown dating is like now social distancing has taken face-to-face meets ups out of the equation. So we worked with the Guardian’s Blind Date column and asked listeners to let us matchmake them with a stranger on a virtual date, with dinner provided ... Host Rachel Humphreys introduces the first three couples in part one of a two-part special.

    Harry, a 32-year-old producer from the UK meets Jayson, a 25-year-old journalist in Hong Kong. Sam, a 34-year-old currently residing in Los Angeles has been paired with Jennifer, a 28-year-old civil servant from the UK. And Titus, 36, spent a virtual evening with Len, a 30-year old amateur Muay Thai fighter, despite the fact they live just a few roads away from one another.

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    The real Lord of the Flies: what happened when six boys were shipwrecked for 15 months

    When a group of schoolboys were marooned on an island in 1965, it turned out very differently from William Golding’s bestseller, writes Rutger Bregman

    For centuries western culture has been permeated by the idea that humans are selfish creatures. That cynical image of humanity has been proclaimed in films and novels, history books and scientific research. But in the last 20 years, something extraordinary has happened. Scientists from all over the world have switched to a more hopeful view of mankind. This development is still so young that researchers in different fields often don’t even know about each other.

    When I started writing a book about this more hopeful view, I knew there was one story I would have to address. It takes place on a deserted island somewhere in the Pacific. A plane has just gone down. The only survivors are some British schoolboys, who can’t believe their good fortune. Nothing but beach, shells and water for miles. And better yet: no grownups.

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    Plan to open schools on 1 June in doubt as unions air safety fears

    Joint statement insists return will not happen until stringent ‘test and trace’ regime in place

    Ministers’ plans to reopen schools as early as 1 June are in serious doubt after unions representing teachers and school staff insisted that they would not consider a return without a stringent coronavirus “test and trace” regime.

    In an unusual joint statement, which one senior union official said indicated that an early return to a normal school timetable was “off the menu”, the Trades Union Congress said that there should be “no increase in pupil numbers until full rollout of a national test and trace scheme”, and called for the establishment of a Covid-19 taskforce with government, unions and others to agree on the safe reopening of schools.

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    Roy Horn of Las Vegas's famous Siegfried and Roy act dies from Covid-19

    Horn was famed for introducing a pet cheetah to the magic show and was mauled on stage by a tiger in 2003

    Roy Horn of Siegfried & Roy, the duo whose extraordinary magic tricks astonished millions until Horn was critically injured in 2003 by one of the act’s famed white tigers, has died from coronavirus complications. He was 75.

    Horn died of on Friday in a Las Vegas hospital, according to a statement released by his publicist Dave Kirvin.

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    Cyclist, 16, critically injured after being hit by two cars in south London

    Teenager remains in hospital as two men are arrested after collision on Streatham High Road

    A 16-year-old cyclist is in a life-threatening condition after being hit by two cars in south London.

    The boy was critically injured in the collision in Streatham High Road shortly before 11.20pm on Friday.

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    Could a 12-year-old Australian-Chinese violinist be the next child prodigy?

    Decca Classics’ youngest-ever signing, Christian Li, has been hailed a ‘superstar’ who is already up there with the greats

    The classical music world is no stranger to young talent. The 19th century virtuoso Niccolò Paganini started playing aged seven, while Yehudi Menuhin caused a sensation with his performance, at the same age, of Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto.

    Now, however, there’s a new kid on the block, whose backers say transforms from “normal child” to “absolute superstar” the moment the lights dim. Christian Li, a 12-year-old schoolboy violinist from Melbourne, recently became the youngest-ever artist signed by the Decca Classics record label. He will release a new recording later this month, a contemporary adaptation of a traditional Chinese folk tune.

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    'Harvesting' is a terrible word – but it's what has happened in Britain's care homes | Richard Coker

    Epidemiologists use the term to describe tragic excess deaths – but for Covid-19 it seems to be the de facto government policy

    There’s a term we use in epidemiology to capture the essence of increases in deaths, or excess mortality, above and beyond normal expectations: “harvesting”. During heatwaves, or a bad season of influenza, additional deaths above what would be normally seen in the population fit this description. Harvesting usually affects older people and those who are already sick. Generally, it is viewed as a tragic, unfortunate, but largely unpreventable consequence of natural events. It carries with it connotations of an acceptable loss of life. It is, in a sense, what happens as part of a normal life in normal times. But the word also has darker connotations: those of sacrifice, reaping, culling. As such, while it may appear in textbooks of epidemiology, it doesn’t occur in national influenza strategic plans or national discourse. The concept of harvesting is restricted to epidemiological circles.

    But what if politicians promote the notion of harvesting (while declining to use the term) where it is not a “natural” consequence of events but a direct consequence of government policy? What if the medical and nursing world do not accept harvesting in these circumstances? What if a policy that results in harvesting cannot be articulated because it is unacceptable to the broader population? This is where we have got to with the coronavirus pandemic. Nowhere better exemplifies this tension between a policy and its popular acceptance than the effects of coronavirus in nursing homes.

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    Irish support for Native American Covid-19 relief highlights historic bond

    • GoFundMe page for Navajo and Hopi aid lists many Irish names
    • Choctaw Nation sent donation in 1847 for potato famine victims

    The list of recent donors reads like an Irish phone book. Aisling Ní Chuimín, Shane Ó Leary, Sean Gibbons, Kevin Boyle, Kevin Keane, Clare Quinn, Eamonn McDonald, on and on down a GoFundMe page that by Friday had raised $3.15m of a $5m goal.

    The individual amounts are not remarkable – $10, $20, $30, some exceeding $100 – but the story behind the donations stretches back two centuries and encompasses a singular act of generosity that forged a bond between Native Americans and Ireland, a bond now renewed in the coronavirus era.

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    Thousands turn out for VE Day parade in Belarus despite Covid-19 concerns

    Country’s leader Alexander Lukashenko boasts of holding only parade in former Soviet Union

    Thousands of people, including elderly veterans of the second world war, turned out for Belarus’s Victory Day military parade despite the coronavirus pandemic.

    Images from the parade showed crowds packed on to parade bleachers as the country’s leader, Alexander Lukashenko, boasted of holding the only parade in the former Soviet Union to mark the defeat of Nazi Germany.

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    How to understand Covid-19 antibody testing in 10 steps

    Inaccuracies in the testing, such as false negatives and false positives, are potentially harmful

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    Global report: Trump says Covid-19 will 'go away without vaccine', expects US death toll to top 95,000

    Mike Pence’s press secretary tests positive to coronavirus; China reports one new case; Russia reports 10,000 new cases for sixth day in a row

    Donald Trump has said coronavirus will “go away without a vaccine” and is expecting 95,000 or more deaths in the US, as Mike Pence’s press secretary tested positive for coronavirus.

    The president’s comments, at an event with Republican lawmakers, capped a horror week in the US, in which it was revealed unemployment had risen to 14.7%, up from 3.5% in February, with 20 million people losing their jobs in April.

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    UK plans £250m boost for cycle lanes and fast-track e-scooter trials

    Campaigners call for redesign of transport system to help prevent bounce-back in air pollution

    The government is expected to unveil a £250m investment in UK cycle lanes to encourage commuters to ride to work instead of using public transport, as part of the effort to prevent a resurgence of coronavirus.

    Grant Shapps, the transport secretary, is expected to make the funding announcement during his appearance at the Downing Street coronavirus briefing on Saturday.

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    Multiplex 10 is two years old! Help us make more!

    I got my dates mixed up earlier in the week, but today (1/29/20) is the second anniversary of Multiplex 10, marking two years since both Multiplex 10: The Animated Short and our first web series episode debuted! We’ve been a little quiet lately (sorry about that) but we want to make at least one more episode of Multiplex … Continue reading Multiplex 10 is two years old! Help us make more!

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    Multiplex 10: The Web Series is FUNDED on Indiegogo!

    We’ve passed our goal and greenlit one more episode of Multiplex 10: The Web Series, so we’ll get back into production as soon as the Indiegogo campaign ends. But we’re not done yet! We have exactly one stretch goal: for every $2,500 over the base goal, we will produce at least two more minutes of … Continue reading Multiplex 10: The Web Series is FUNDED on Indiegogo!

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    Google в шаге от превращения в банк, показал «физическую» дебетовую карту

    Пользователи Google смогут заводить банковские счета и расплачиваться виртуальной или обычной дебетовой картой. Карту показали "Техкранчу" очень надёжные источники. В платёжной системе появятся дополнительные сервисы, помогающие планировать бюджет и отслеживать траты, а Google сможет проследить весь путь потребителя от поиска до покупки..


    Сотовые операторы теряют миллионы на официальных СМС, недозарабатывают на маркетинговых и просят заморозить требование по «закону Яровой»

    Объем бесплатных SMS с уведомлениями от органов власти, на которые операторы тратятся, вырос в три раза. Количество маркетинговых рассылок, на которых операторы зарабатывают -- упал на четверть. Последнее объясняется не только замедлением рынка из-за коронакризиса, но и тем, что компании переходят на push-уведмоления.


    YNDX Q1 2020: замедление роста и отказ от прогноза эффективности Яндекса на дальнейший год

    У группы компаний Яндекса нет проблем с ростом, но поддерживавшие рост: рекламный рынок, Такси и некоторые другие сегменты замедляются и продолжат замедляться на фоне неопределённости и проблем в экономике, вызванных эпидемией коронавируса..


    Волин прочёл в «Ведомостях», что они уже не будут прежними, и не взял их в системообразующие СМИ

    Редакция СМИ, которое по формальным признакам относится к числу тех изданий, что могли бы претендовать на господержку, сама же заранее и предупредила, что в перспективе "Ведам" нельзя будет доверять или они вообще умрут..


    Сотовые операторы могут поднять цены, потеряв 16 млрд доходов от летнего роуминга

    Летний отпускной сезон не состоится, операторы связи недополучат 10-16 млрд рублей доходов, будут повышать цены и вводить новые платные услуги, прогнозируют аналитики..


    Ozon запустил «подписку» на корм для котиков, средства гигиены, памперсы

    Достаточно 1 раз в месяц выбрать товар, привязать карточку и несколько раз в месяц магазин пришлёт курьера и напомнит о себе..


    Аналитики «Сбербанка»: коронакризис не помеха IPO «Яндекс.Такси»

    По итогам 2020 года "Яндекс.Такси" покажет убытки, но это не мешает компаниям выходить на IPO. На такие планы скорее повлияет общая экономическая ситуация. Основными генераторами убытков станут программа развития беспилотного транспорта и ориентированные на доставку "Яндекс.Еда" и "Яндекс.Лавка"..


    Яндекс: «Мы не участвуем в технологической слежке за соблюдением карантина»

    Яндекс не отслеживает перемещения граждан на предмет контроля за соблюдением карантина и передачи данных об этом власти: управляющий директор Тигран Худавердян рассказал о влиянии коронакризиса на Яндекс и принимаемых в компании мерах.


    Покончил с собой Дмитрий Босов — владелец Artplay, денег на выкуп «Ведомостей» и просто миллиардер-сырьевик

    Состояние предпринимателя составляло по Forbes $1,1 млрд — по итогам рейтинга 2020 года он занял 86-е место среди богатейших людей страны..


    Добродеев ставит на «Марусю»

    Глава группы Mail.ru порассуждал о бизнесе на фоне пандемии Covid-19 и о том, что ждёт IT индустрию после снятия карантинов..