
CSSplay - Rotating Information Panels

A set of rotating panels using just CSS3.


CSSplay - Form select list alternative

An alternative to a form select list which can be fully styled.


CSSplay - Form select list to drop list conversion

A CSS conversion of a form select list to a drop list.


CSSplay - Team information

A method of displaying team photos and information panels.


CSSplay - CSS Form Input Prompts

A CSS only method of adding form input prompts.


CSSplay - 3D Stormtrooper animation

3D Stormtrooper animation using a flat graphic folded into shape.


Information Design e Digital Humanities

Introduction In the context of the humanities, the last twenty... more


Mapping and representing informal transport: the state of the art

This research is a preliminary step for an upcoming project.... more


Topic Tomographies. A visual approach to distil information from media streams.

The project is a collaboration between DensityDesign Lab and ISI... more


La forma dell’organizzazione. Strumenti visuali e modelli data-driven per sistemi organizzativi adattivi

The idea of the organization and companies as phenomena to... more


New Guildford McDonald's moves closer as council approves more plans for former Jamie's Italian site

It has not yet been confirmed when the fast-food branch will open


Regional Cost Information For Private Timberland Conversion and Management

Cost of private timber management practices in the United States are identified, and their relationship to timber production in general is highlighted. Costs across timber-producing regions and forest types are identified by forest type and timber management practices historically applied in each region. This includes cost estimates for activities such as forest establishment practices such as reforestation and afforestation on crop and pastureland. Establishment costs for reforestation in the Southern United States are less than in other regions, although regional differences in establishment costs are less evident in hardwood than in softwood stands. Also, included in the list of timber management costs ate the intermediate management treatments of precommercial thinning, herbicide, and fertilizer application. Intermediate management treatments are less costly in the southern United States than in other regions. Trends in timber management costs reported as part of the management costs reporting.


How to Use Transformed Motion Shapes as Backgrounds with Divi

Divi’s new scroll effects are made for you to easily take your web design experience to the next level. Of course, you can apply it to elements within your section directly, but you can choose to add motion to underlying elements too. Going for an underlying approach allows you to keep content static while having […]

The post How to Use Transformed Motion Shapes as Backgrounds with Divi appeared first on Elegant Themes Blog.


Community Socioeconomic Information System Making Socioeconomic Data Available At The Community Level

The Community Socioeconomic Information System (CSIS) is a tool that allows users to retrieve 1990 and 2000 U.S. census data to examine conditions and trends for communities in western Washington, western Oregon, and northern California. The tool includes socioeconomic data for 1,314 communities in the entire region, including incorporated and unincorporated places. The tool delivers socioeconomic data using mapping and database features. In addition to providing data for one community, the tool produces community-level data at a variety of scales, including communities in areas surrounding Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management lands, all communities in the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP) region, and communities within planning provinces within the NWFP region. One feature allows users to customize community data by creating boundaries and socioeconomic data for group of selected communities. The CSIS tool was designated to increase the usefulness of socioeconomic information at the small scale. Typically community socioeconomic assessments use U.S. census designations called census places. However, census places only represent a portion of the rural population. The CSIS uses a smaller unit of analysis (block groups) that we have aggregated to represent contiguous communities across the landscape, thereby representing the entire population. Community data can be printed as reports with graphs and tables, queried within an Access database, mapped and queried as geographic information system (GIS) data within ArcExplorer (a free GIS software included), exported as a table for use in Excel, or exported as GIS data for use in ArcGIS. The tool has features that allow users to locate communities by county or state and become familiar with local geography. The CSIS includes GIS data, such as major land ownerships, political boundaries, and physical landscape features. Applications produce maps that can be printed for specific communities showing community boundaries, water features, roads, metropolitan areas, community population centers, public land ownership, census places, planning provinces, counties, and state boundaries. Or, using the spatial data provided on the CD and ArcExplorer, users can produce custom maps.


Community Socioeconomic Information System, [CD-ROM]

The Community Socioeconomic Information System (CSIS) is a tool that allows users to retrieve 1990 and 2000 U.S. census data to examine conditions and trends for communities in western Washington, western Oregon, and northern California. The tool includes socioeconomic data for 1,314 communities in the entire region, including incorporated and unincorporated places.


Regional Cost Information For Private Timberland Conversion and Management

Cost of private timber management practices in the United States are identified, and their relationship to timber production in general is highlighted. Costs across timber-producing regions and forest types are identified by forest type and timber management practices historically applied in each region. This includes cost estimates for activities such as forest establishment practices such as reforestation and afforestation on crop and pastureland. Establishment costs for reforestation in the Southern United States are less than in other regions, although regional differences in establishment costs are less evident in hardwood than in softwood stands. Also, included in the list of timber management costs ate the intermediate management treatments of precommercial thinning, herbicide, and fertilizer application. Intermediate management treatments are less costly in the southern United States than in other regions. Trends in timber management costs reported as part of the management costs reporting.


Sustainable Forestry In Theory and Practice: Recent Advances In Inventory and Monitoring, Statistics and Modeling, Information and Knowledge Management, and Policy Science

The importance to society of environmental services, provided by forest ecosystems, has significantly increased during the last few decades. A growing global concern with the deterioration of forests, beginning perhaps most noticeably in the 1980s, has led to an increasing public awareness of the environmental, cultural, economic, and social values that forests provide. Around the world, ideas of sustainable, close-to-nature, and multi-functional forestry have progressively replaced the older perception of forests as only a source for timber. The international impetus to protect and sustainably manage forests has come from global initiatives at management, conservation, and sustainable development related to all types of forests and forestry. A few of the more notable initiatives include: the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, UNCED); regional follow-ups to the Earth Summit such as the Montreal Process and Helsinki Accords; the forest elements of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD); and the Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC).


Incorporating understanding of informal economic activity in natural resource and economic development policy

This report synthesizes the literature on the role of informal economic activity in the United States postindustrial economy. Informal economic activity is expanding in the United States and is likely to continue in the foreseeable future. The formal and informal economic sectors are inextricably intertwined, with individuals and households combining elements of both sectors to construct their livelihoods. Although the informal economy is often thought of as the domain of economically marginal individuals and households, virtually everyone participates in the informal economy to some extent. However, the literature highlights how factors such as social status and household position in the formal economy affect whether participation in informal economic activity is exploitative or empowering. The nontimber forest products sector serves as a case study of why it is important to consider informal economic activity when developing natural resource and economic development policy. We recommend steps policymakers can take to identify and encourage positive aspects of the informal economic activity. We also highlight several areas of research to improve understandings of the role of informal economic activity in postindustrial societies.


Influence of four tree shelter types on microclimate and seedling performance of Oregon white oak and western redcedar

Four types of tree shelters were evaluated in southwestern Washington for their effects on seedling microenvironment and performance of two tree species. Shelter types were fine-mesh fabric shelters, solid-walled white shelters with and without vent holes, and solid-walled blue unvented shelters. Summer mean and daily maximum air temperatures were increased by 0.8 degrees C and 3.6 degrees C, respectively, in solid-walled tree shelters. Shelter color and shelter venting did not influence air temperatures. Tree shelters only affected vapor pressure deficit late in the growing season. Midday photosynthetically active radiation within shelters ranged from 54 percent of full sun in fine-mesh fabric shelters to 15 percent of full sun in blue solid-walled shelters. In the first year after planting, height and diameter growth of western redcedar (Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don) were significantly increased by all shelter types, with blue solid-walled shelters resulting in the greatest height growth. However, in blue solid-walled shelters, photosynthesis and stem diameter growth of Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana Dougl. ex Hook.) seedlings were significantly less than for unsheltered seedlings.


Newcastle dancers mark VE Day with Poppy performance

Eliot Smith Dance company is live-streaming a powerful production to mark the 75-year anniversary of Victory in Europe day


Former referee revisits horror challenge on Haidara

Former Premier League referee Dermot Gallagher appeared on Sky Sports News to discuss the challenge on Massadio Haidara


Former Indianapolis TV, Radio Host Jim Gerard Passes Away At 93

Former INDIANAPOLIS television and radio host JIM GERARD passed away MAY 1st at 93, according to the INDIANAPOLIS STAR. GERARD started his career at WBBW-A/YOUNGSTOWN, OH before moving into … more


[Promo] Fascinating Facts By Format

ALL ACCESS' 10 QUESTIONS WITH has interviews with your favorite format luminaries. What makes 'em tick? Who are their influences? Do they prefer smooth or chunky peanut … more


Talk Format Moves From KGED To KXEX In Fresno

COMPASS BROADCASTING has moved the News-Talk programming of KGED-A (TALK RADIO 1680)/FRESNO to sister KXEX-A as TALK RADIO 1550 KXEX, replacing that station's Spanish Religion … more


Former WLW/Cincinnati News Dir. Bill Ridenour Passes Away

Former longtime WLW-A/CINCINNATI News Dir. BILL RIDENOUR passed away MAY 3rd from the COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS at 94, according to an obituary in the KENTUCKY ENQUIRER/CINCINNATI.COM. RIDENOUR … more


Musicians performing special online gig for Mencap and Titanic Tigers club

Charity ambassador and musician Cormac Neeson said: "The line up is as strong as you could ever hope for in the real world and every artist is born and bred right here in NI."


Former San Diego Morning Host Steve Kramer Raises Funds To Feed Third Shift Workers During Pandemic

Former iHEARTMEDIA Top 40 KHTS (CHANNEL 933)/SAN DIEGO morning co-host STEVE KRAMER, now hosting his "CERTIFIED MAMA'S BOY" podcast, raised over $6000 to feed third shift … more


NI weather warning issued for heavy rain and thunderstorms

Chance of "localised torrential downpours"


Nielsen Holdings Files Initial Form 10 Registration Statement For Proposed Spin-Off Of Global Connect Business

NIELSEN HOLDINGS has filed an initial Form 10 Registration Statement with the U.S. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION in connection with the Company's proposed separation of the NIELSEN … more


Former Milwaukee Personality And Programmer Mike Elliott Passes Away At 82

MIKE ELLIOTT, the former MILWAUKEE host, PD, GM, and sportscaster and HOUSTON ASTROS broadcaster, died APRIL 20th of pneumonia in BAYSIDE, WI at 82. ELLIOTT started his career at … more


Lisburn actor plays "soundest person in Normal People" says Derry Girls writer

The comedy writer has given the new Irish BBC drama her seal of approval


Normal People actor says parents 'delighted' to see him in BBC hit

Desmond Eastwood told us he first planned a career in law


Watch - Irish League goalkeeper in hilarious karaoke performance

It even involves some serious dance moves at the end


Privacy During a Pandemic: Town Hall for Library, Information Workers for Choose Privacy Week

CHICAGO – When states and local governments closed libraries and schools to curtail the COVID-19 pandemic, library workers and educators responded to the emergency by quickly adopting commercial online tools and platforms to ensure continued access to resources. But with the emergency becoming a new normal, libraries need to critically evaluate these technologies and address any potential privacy and security gaps that could pose a threat to users' privacy.


Former Bad Company Vocalist Brian Howe Passes

BRIAN ANTHONY HOWE, former lead singer of the legendary rock band BAD COMPANY has passed away, according to TMZ.  HOWE, who replaced PAUL RODGERS as the vocalist for BAD COMPANY, died … more


Former Los Angeles Radio Executive Gary Price Has Died

ALL ACCESS has learned that longtime LOS ANGELES radio executive GARY PRICE passed away on TUESDAY, MAY 5th.  PRICE was the GM for SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA stations KHJ, KROQ, KDAY, and KNAC … more


Normalizing Mental Illness: One Mom's Hope

Joyce Plis directs the National Alliance on Mental Illness in Modesto, California. She's a hero to sick people who have nowhere else to turn. Her son Eric, 46, has schizophrenia. Photography, audio and production by Lauren M. Whaley/CHCF Center for Health Reporting.


Perfectly Normal

On Court Street in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn. + Share Facebook Twitter


Concussion in American Versus European Professional Soccer: A Decade-Long Comparative Analysis of Incidence, Return to Play, Performance, and Longevity

A study to comparatively examine the effects of sports-related concussions (SRC) on athletes in Major League Soccer (MLS) and the English Premier League (EPL) in terms of incidence, return to play (RTP), performance, and career longevity.


Input Informasi Permainan Poker Online Resmi

Menyampaikan Informasi Permainan Poker Secara Transparan Poker Online Resmi – Pemain wajib memperoleh keberhasilan di permainan di judi online. Pemain akan diberikan pilihan atau seleksi permainan yang banyak dan menarik di judi kasino online. Ada satu hal esensial yang melainkan bertarung di kasino online dan kasino Masyarakat Pemain tidak perlu angkat kaki dari satu kasino […]

The post Input Informasi Permainan Poker Online Resmi appeared first on Themegalaxy.

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Former Hawkeye defensive lineman Jeff Koeppel tackled COVID-19 and prevailed

Jeff Koeppel, a North Liberty businessman who played on Iowa’s football team from 1986 to 1989 — was a second-team All-Big Ten defensive lineman for two years — caught COVID-19...


VOTE411 provides information for June 2 primary

VOTE411 provides voters with information about the candidates on the ballot in the June 2 primary election. The League of Women Voters created the election-related website as a one-stop location for nonpartisan information for the public.

Each candidate was invited to respond to a set of questions. You can see their responses online at VOTE411.org. If you don’t see responses from every candidate running in your house or senate district, please contact them asking that they participate in VOTE411.

For this primary election, we are asked to vote absentee if possible. Input your address in the VOTE411.org website and get information about how to get your absentee ballot, register to vote, and who will be on your ballot.

The League of Women Voters of Iowa wants you to educate yourself and then vote in the June 2, 2020 Primary Election.

Cathy Eisenhofer

LWV Johnson County

  • Letters to the Editor


Goodbye to cforms II

If you are using the cforms II, you may want to head over to Mr. Seidel’s site for more info on the matter.

The post Goodbye to cforms II appeared first on WPCult.


cforms II now GPL compliant

Well, it was a long run, ok, only 24 hours when Mr. Seidel’s announced that he would pull the plug on further updates to the cforms plugin. But after consideration and many emails, he has released a update to a GPL compliant version of his plugin: 10.2.

The post cforms II now GPL compliant appeared first on WPCult.


Preset (Everyday) + transform + exposure + graduated filter +...

Preset (Everyday) + transform + exposure + graduated filter + radial filter. If shots like this take more than 2 minutes to edit, it’s probably not worth editing. ⏱

Boxing Day will be the last day to get my Lightroom presets discounted, which leaves you only 3 more days! Get on it! ???? (at Toronto, Ontario)


Horizontal or/and Vertical Format in Kayak Photography

Like most paddlers I have a tendency to shoot pictures in a horizontal (landscape) format. It is more tricky to shoot in a vertical format from my tippy kayaks, especially, when I have to use a paddle to stabilize my camera.


Our New Normal, Together

As the world works to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, our thoughts are foremost with those already ill from the virus and those on the frontlines, slowing its spread. The bravery and commitment of healthcare workers everywhere is an inspiration.

While Viget’s physical offices are effectively closed, we’re continuing to work with our clients on projects that evolve by the day. Viget has been working with distributed teams to varying degrees for most of our 20-year history, and while we’re comfortable with the tools and best practices that make doing so effective, we realize that some of our clients are learning as they go. We’re here to help.

These are unprecedented times, but our business playbook is clear: Take care of each other. We’re in this together.

Our People Team is meeting with everyone on our staff to confirm their work-from-home situation. Do they have family or roommates they can rely on in an emergency? How are they feeling physically and mentally? Do they have what they need to be productive? As a team, we’re working extra hard to communicate. Andy hosts and records video calls to answer questions anyone has about the crisis, and our weekly staff meeting schedule will continue. Recognizing that our daily informal group lunches are a vital social glue in our offices, Aubrey has organized a virtual lunch table Hangout, allowing our now fully-distributed team to catch up over video. It ensures we have some laughs and helps keep us feeling connected.

Our project teams are well-versed in remote collaboration, but we understand that not all client projects can proceed as planned. We’re doing our best to accommodate evolving schedules while keeping the momentum on as many projects as possible. For all of our clients, we’re making clear that we think long-term. We’re partners through this, and can adapt to help our clients not just weather the storm, but come through it stronger when possible. Some clients have been forced to pause work entirely, while others are busier than ever.

Viget has persevered through many downturns -- the dot com crash, 9/11, the 2008 financial crisis, and a few self-inflicted close-calls. In retrospect, it’s easy to reflect on how these situations made us stronger, but mid-crisis it can be hard to stay positive. The consistent lesson has been that taking care of each other -- co-workers, clients, partners, community peers -- is what gets us through. It motivates our hard work, it focuses our priorities and collaboration, and inspires us to do what needs to be done.

I don’t know for certain how this crisis will play out, but I know that all of us at Viget will be doing everything we can to support each other as we go through it together.

  • News & Culture


Visa cancelled due to incorrect information given or provided to the Department of Home Affairs

It is a requirement that a visa applicant must fill in or complete his or her application form in a manner that all questions are answered, and no incorrect answers are given or provided. There is also a requirement that visa applicants must not provide incorrect information during interviews with the Minister for Immigration (‘Minister’), […]

The post Visa cancelled due to incorrect information given or provided to the Department of Home Affairs appeared first on Visa Australia - Immigration Lawyers & Registered Migration Agents.

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  • 1703474 (Refugee) [2017] AATA 2985
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  • Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs
  • Department of Home Affairs
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  • notice of intention to consider cancellation
  • Sanaee (Migration) [2019] AATA 4506
  • section 109
  • time limits


Our New Normal, Together

As the world works to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, our thoughts are foremost with those already ill from the virus and those on the frontlines, slowing its spread. The bravery and commitment of healthcare workers everywhere is an inspiration.

While Viget’s physical offices are effectively closed, we’re continuing to work with our clients on projects that evolve by the day. Viget has been working with distributed teams to varying degrees for most of our 20-year history, and while we’re comfortable with the tools and best practices that make doing so effective, we realize that some of our clients are learning as they go. We’re here to help.

These are unprecedented times, but our business playbook is clear: Take care of each other. We’re in this together.

Our People Team is meeting with everyone on our staff to confirm their work-from-home situation. Do they have family or roommates they can rely on in an emergency? How are they feeling physically and mentally? Do they have what they need to be productive? As a team, we’re working extra hard to communicate. Andy hosts and records video calls to answer questions anyone has about the crisis, and our weekly staff meeting schedule will continue. Recognizing that our daily informal group lunches are a vital social glue in our offices, Aubrey has organized a virtual lunch table Hangout, allowing our now fully-distributed team to catch up over video. It ensures we have some laughs and helps keep us feeling connected.

Our project teams are well-versed in remote collaboration, but we understand that not all client projects can proceed as planned. We’re doing our best to accommodate evolving schedules while keeping the momentum on as many projects as possible. For all of our clients, we’re making clear that we think long-term. We’re partners through this, and can adapt to help our clients not just weather the storm, but come through it stronger when possible. Some clients have been forced to pause work entirely, while others are busier than ever.

Viget has persevered through many downturns -- the dot com crash, 9/11, the 2008 financial crisis, and a few self-inflicted close-calls. In retrospect, it’s easy to reflect on how these situations made us stronger, but mid-crisis it can be hard to stay positive. The consistent lesson has been that taking care of each other -- co-workers, clients, partners, community peers -- is what gets us through. It motivates our hard work, it focuses our priorities and collaboration, and inspires us to do what needs to be done.

I don’t know for certain how this crisis will play out, but I know that all of us at Viget will be doing everything we can to support each other as we go through it together.

  • News & Culture


Easy CSS Animation With Transition & Transforms

Recently, I walked you through how to create a simple landing page that used a couple different CSS animation techniques. “Animation” is a loose term, in web design usually referring to anything that involves movement. CSS transitions are one tool we are given to manipulate elements on state changes or mouse events, and when combines […]

The post Easy CSS Animation With Transition & Transforms appeared first on Web Designer Wall.