258: ‘Pousse-Café’, With John Moltz

Special guest John Moltz returns to the show for a mid-summer Q&A episode, answering actual questions from actual listeners.


259: ‘Start a Bakin’ Timer’, With Marco Arment

Special guest Marco Arment returns to the show. Topics include MacBook Pro rumors, breakfast cereal, Siri frustrations, and more.


KUT Weekend – October 25, 2019

Nobody seems to support Austin’s Proposition A, but we still have to vote on it. Plus, Texas House Speaker Dennis Bonnen resigns after a secretly made audio recording becomes public. And Austin’s music history is being preserved at a local museum that is opening in a new space this weekend. Those stories and more in...


Texas Standard: September 25, 2019

Impeachment and the Tex factor: how might the politics of the Lone Star State play into a renewed push for charges against the president? It is analogous to the bringing of an indict by a grand jury. And now, the U.S. House speaker has given the green light to pursue impeachment. What is Texas’ role...


Texas Standard: October 25, 2019

The Trump Administration is testing A secretive program in El Paso to speed up deportation of asylum-seeking migrants. We’ll look at what we’re learning about something called the prompt asylum claim review and what it means for asylum seekers. Also, the Texas based airline in special need of a soft landing in light of all...


Texas Standard: November 25, 2019

2020 doesn’t seem so far away anymore. As Election time nears, we’ll take a look at Texas’ political landscape and priorities. Also, breaking down the effects of a rollback of rule changes put in place to prevent another deadly explosion like the one in West, Texas. Plus, appropriate for this week, what do we have...


Texas Standard: December 25, 2019

From what was once the furthest frontier of the west, a mission to the furthest frontier of humankind. From Texas to the moon on this special edition of the Texas Standard. On July 20th 1969, the world held its breath as astronauts from the United States did something nearly unimaginable. But the pathway to the...


Texas Standard: February 25, 2020

The Supreme Court says it won’t intervene in a high profile Texas death row appeal. But that might not be their last word on the case of Rodney Reed, we’ll have details. Also after El Paso, Midland Odessa, Sutherland Springs and Santa Fe high, are attitudes about gun control shaping up to be a factor...


Texas Standard: March 25, 2020

They are the toughest measures yet to deal with Coronavirus in Texas. What’s the real world significance of new stay in place orders in cities across the Lone Star State? We’ll take a closer look. Also, the tenth biggest economy in the world asks Washington for help. What Texas wants to do with that disaster...


Nutritionism: Aya Kimura (Ep. 25)

James Baldwin said, “the purpose of art is to lay bare the questions that have been hidden by the answers.” When considering this sentiment in relationship to “nutritionism” one might look at Aya Kimura‘s book, Hidden Hunger: Gender and the Politics of Smarter Foods, as a work of “art” as she explores the questions that...


The Green New Deal in Texas: Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez

Explore the future of the Green New Deal and what it means for Texas with Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez. Tzintzún is challenging John Cornyn for the 2020 US Senate seat for the State of Texas. She is the Co-founder of the Workers Defense Project and Jolt, and she talked with The Secret Ingredient team–Raj Patel, Tom...


This Song Extra: Janelle Monáe

Janelle Monáe talks to host Elizabeth McQueen after her performance at the Austin City Limits Music Festival about music, love and voting.


Pólska Her sýnishorn af 1939

Það er tjáning "Hamborg skora", sem þýðir að hlutlausa mat á eitthvað með nei afslætti og sérleyfi, með afar kröfu. Kannski er kominn tími til að kynna val – "samkvæmt pólska reikning"....

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der Führer (The Leader) - Founders No More

When and where did politicians get the authority to violate the constitutional rights of American citizens? Check out our new 316 Exposure merch! https://teespring.com/stores/316-exposure-merchandise If you wish to donate PayPal https://www.paypal.me/316exposure Patreon https://www.patreon.com/three....

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Alcaldía de Villavicencio pide implementar centro médico en la cárcel

El mandatario aseguró que lo más posible es que, la cantidad de contagios sigan aumentando.


“Estábamos aquí de vacaciones y nos cogió el cierre de todos los aeropuerto”

Constanza Henao, colombiana atrapada en la isla de San Martín


12.000 empresas de construcción y manufactura ya están generando empleo


Presidente y equipo técnico se reúnen para evaluar extender la cuarentena


¿Es Bueno que el Comité de la Regla Fiscal permita más déficit al gobierno?


Tom Cruise trabajará con la NASA para grabar película en el espacio


“Los efectos de la crisis son mucho más graves de lo que se previó"


Los antivacunas no están en cuarentena


Se cumplen 50 años de lanzamiento de 'Let it be', último álbum de The Beatles


"Covid-19" sicherer Kandidat für nächsten Duden

Social Distancing, Corona-Party oder Covid-19 - seit der Pandemie benutzen wir Wörter, die vor einigen Wochen noch unbekannt waren. Einige davon könnten es in den nächsten Duden schaffen - wenn sie eine Bedingung erfüllen.


Esther Bejarano im Interview: "Es war eine Befreiung für alle"

Russische und US-Soldaten verbrannten ein Bild Hitlers, sie spielte dazu Akkordeon - so erinnert sich Esther Bejarano an das Kriegsende. Als Auschwitz-Überlebende kritisiert sie die aktuellen politischen Geschehnisse scharf.


Der Bundesliga-Fahrplan für die Rest-Saison

82 Spiele in 43 Tagen, zwei englische Wochen und dann noch der DFB-Pokal - der Fahrplan für die Fortsetzung der wegen der Corona-Pandemie unterbrochenen Bundesliga-Saison nimmt Gestalt an.


USA sorgen für Eklat um UN-Resolution

Eine Corona-Resolution bringt den UN-Sicherheitsrat an den Rand eines diplomatischen Debakels. Die USA und China streiten über die WHO, ein Kompromiss droht zu scheitern. Entwicklungsminister Müller spricht von einem fatalen Signal.


Corona: In zwölf Landkreisen mehr als 25 Neuinfektionen

Wenn es mehr als 50 Corona-Neuinfektionen je 100.000 Einwohner gibt, muss ein Landkreis reagieren. In drei Kreisen - Greiz, Coesfeld und Steinburg - ist das derzeit der Fall. Doch es gibt noch weitere Regionen, die nur knapp unter der Marke liegen.


Corona in Schlachthöfen: Kritik an Sammelunterkünften

Nachdem bei Hunderten Schlachthof-Mitarbeitern das Coronavirus nachgewiesen wurde, fordern mehrere Politiker Konsequenzen. Sie kritisieren vor allem die beengten Wohnverhältnisse der meist osteuropäischen Arbeiter.


Terrell Brown scores 25 as Seattle U men down Bakersfield

The Seattle University men were victorious over Cal State Bakersfield at home while the SU women lost on the road.


King County agrees to $2.25M settlement with family of teen killed in misguided sheriff’s sting operation

The high school senior was killed as he tried to flee from three plainclothes sheriff's detectives who sprang from the back of an unmarked van on a darkened Des Moines street the night of Jan. 27, 2017.


Coronavirus daily news updates, April 25: What to know today about COVID-19 in the Seattle area, Washington state and the nation

Editor’s note: This is a live account of updates from Saturday, April 25, as the events unfolded. Click here to find the latest extended coverage of the outbreak of the coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2; the illness it causes, COVID-19; and its effects on the Seattle area, the Pacific Northwest and the world. As the state battles both the […]


Boeing rules out federal aid after raising $25 billion of bonds

The planemaker won't seek additional funding through the capital markets or U.S. government aid at this time, according to a company statement late Thursday after the debt sale.


In the Dark: A young mother and son slain. A surprising lead. A family’s 25-year wait for answers.

After 23-year-old Stacy Falcon-Dewey and her 3-year-old son, Jake, were found slain in 1994, Renton police detectives chased one dead-end lead after another. But even after a break in the case came years later, charges were never filed and the case slipped through the cracks. All the while, the victims’ grieving family learned virtually nothing.


King County agrees to $2.25M settlement with family of teen killed in misguided sheriff’s sting operation

The high school senior was killed as he tried to flee from three plainclothes sheriff's detectives who sprang from the back of an unmarked van on a darkened Des Moines street the night of Jan. 27, 2017.


Boeing rules out federal aid after raising $25 billion of bonds

The planemaker won't seek additional funding through the capital markets or U.S. government aid at this time, according to a company statement late Thursday after the debt sale.


More than 250 people in Washington hospitalized last week with coronavirus symptoms; state data shows upward trend

Hospital admissions tracked by the state Department of Health offer a window into the pandemic's impact on the health care system. Right now, officials are not seeing a surge of patients, but worry one could still be coming.


Stock Alert: Akebia Therapeutics Up 25% As Drug Trial Achieves Positive Results

Shares of Akebia Therapeutics, Inc. (AKBA) are gaining over 25% on Tuesday morning after the drug maker reported positive topline results from a late stage study on patients with chronic kidney disease.


Stock Alert: Axcella Health Gains 25%

Shares of Axcella Health Inc. (AXLA) are climbing more than 25% Wednesday morning after the company announced announced positive top-line data from AXA1125-003 clinical study showing multifactorial activity in adults with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).


WEBER, C.M. von: Freischütz (Der) [Opera] (Cornet, Muirhead, Banješević, Trinsinger, Aalto Theatre Opera Chorus, Essen Philharmonic, Netopil) (OC988)


MORLACCHI, F.: Tebaldo e Isolina [Opera] (1825 Dresden version) (Polverelli, Pastrana, Giustiniani, Baglietto, Vlad, Virtuosi Brunensis, Fogliani) (8.660471-72)

Francesco Morlacchi was a native of Perugia, but early success led him to become music director of the Dresden Opera where he remained for the rest of his life despite having an opportunity to succeed Rossini in Naples in 1822. He did make tours to Italy however, and Tebaldo e Isolina received its triumphant premiere in Venice, becoming the most successful of all his operas. Morlacchi’s gifts as a lyricist and for characterisation are heard here at their best, with showpiece arias and duets in a version of the Romeo and Juliet story that ends in happiness and the victory of reason over vengeance.


BROUWER, L.: Guitar Music, Vol. 5 - Danzas Rituales y Festivas, Vol. 2 / Guitar Sonatas Nos. 3, 4, 5 (P.M. González) (8.574016)

Leo Brouwer is universally acclaimed as an innovative composer, and this fifth volume of his complete guitar works contains some of his longest and most ambitious pieces. Danzas Rituales y Festivas Vol. 2 covers the gamut of virtuosic techniques and includes a movement dedicated to Pedro Mateo González, while Brouwer considers the Sonata del Pensador to be ‘one of my most valuable pieces’. Rich in Cuban rhythms, introspection and astonishing virtuosity, Brouwer’s work is the result of a lifetime of musical exploration alongside a passion for music of the past.


WIDOR, C.-M.: Organ Symphonies (Complete), Vol. 2 - Nos. 3 and 4 (Rübsam) (8.574195)

Charles-Marie Widor was a hugely influential and venerated musician in his day, and his innovative organ symphonies are both a pinnacle of the repertoire and a testament to his creative and technical mastery of the instrument. These spectacular works are in the grand Romantic manner, but Widor was keenly aware of his musical ancestry, referring to music of the past such as Bach’s St Matthew Passion in the opening of the Third Symphony. The Scherzo of the Fourth Symphony is one of Widor’s finest symphonic movements, exploring the organ’s sonic beauties. The original E major Scherzo from the Symphony No. 2, which Widor subsequently replaced with a Salve Regina (see Volume 1: 8.574161), can be heard on Track 6.


SPUCK, C.: Nutcracker and Mouse King [Ballet] (after P.I. Tchaikovsky) (Zürich Ballet, 2018) (NTSC) (ACC-20449)


SPUCK, C.: Nutcracker and Mouse King [Ballet] (after P.I. Tchaikovsky) (Zürich Ballet, 2018) (Blu-ray, Full-HD) (ACC-10449)


Piano Concertos - MOZART, W.A. / BEETHOVEN, L. van / HAYDN, J. (Gulda, Keilberth, Müller-Kray, Rosbaud) (1959-1962) (SWR19088CD)

International Piano, May 2020

View PDF  


TCHAIKOVSKY, P.I.: Nutcracker (The) [Ballet] (Royal Ballet, 2018) (Blu-ray, HD) (OABD7259D)


WAGNER, R.: Walküre (Die) [Opera] (Royal Opera House, 2018) (NTSC) (OA1308D)


WAGNER, R.: Walküre (Die) [Opera] (Royal Opera House, 2018) (Blu-ray, HD) (OABD7270D)


WEBER, C.M. von: Peter Schmoll und seine Nachbarn [Opera] (Edelmann, Grümbel, Revolskaya, Vienna Radio Symphony, Paternostro) (C5376)