an Straftat review: an anarchic First-Person Speed dater you'll fall in love with By Published On :: Mon, 04 Nov 2024 14:30:00 +0000 It’s tempting to frame Straftat as a throwback to an older, better time for the multiplayer FPS, when the lingo was coded in frags and gibs and sucking it down, when satisfaction was drawn entirely from performance rather than some convoluted, artificial system of progression. Not only would this be inaccurate, but it would also do a disservice to what Straftat truly is, namely a wild overcorrection in response to the direction of modern multiplayer gunfests, one that careens straight through retro stations to arrive somewhere new and exciting. Read more Full Article Leonard Lemaitre Indie PC Wot I Think Lemaitre Bros Bestest Bests Shooter: First Person Sirius Lemaitre Straftat
an Twitch introduce mandatory "Politics and Sensitive Social Issues" label, just in time for the US election By Published On :: Mon, 04 Nov 2024 14:51:32 +0000 Twitch have introduced a new "Politics and Sensitive Social Issues" label for streams that "focus" on topics like "elections, civic integrity, and war or military conflict". As with the streaming giant's existing labels for M-rated material, sexual themes or depictions of gambling, the idea is that viewers can filter out such streams in advance by altering their settings. Advertisers, similarly, can "make better choices about the content they want to advertise next to" - in other words, pull their ads from a whole swathe of material if they don't want to be associated with anything controversial. Twitch's hope is that "the labels will allow advertisers to have more context to inform which types of streams they show their ads alongside, which we expect to increase brands’ confidence in running ads on Twitch, and could bring new advertisers to our service." Read more Full Article Twitch Streaming
an Diablo 4 director's plan for Gears Of War 6 was to blast the beefcakes to another planet By Published On :: Mon, 04 Nov 2024 15:16:47 +0000 While we're getting a Gears Of War prequel in Gears Of War: E-Day, this does mean that Gears Of War 6 is yet to be a thing. In a recent episode of IGN's Podcast Unlocked, former Gears Of War director and current Diablo 4 lead Rod Fergusson revealed what his plans were for Gears 6 when he left. In short, he was going to take the game to space. Righto. Read more Full Article Epic Games Xbox 360 Third person Multiplayer Competitive Microsoft Gears of War Multiplayer Cooperative PC Microsoft Studios Shooter Single Player
an The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth celebrates 10 year anniversary with online co-op announcement and sale By Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 10:06:38 +0000 Beloved roguelike traumatic-childhood-em-up The Binding Of Issac: Rebirth turned 10 yesterday, and it’s half off on Steam to celebrate. What’s more, maker Edmund McMillen has announced that the foretold online co-op update is due on the 18th of this month, alongside a “considerable” balance update. Consider me considering the considerability of said considerable update! Read more Full Article Indie Action Adventure Single Player Arcade Xbox One PS4 PlayStation Vita Edmund McMillen Nicalis Multiplayer Competitive Multiplayer Cooperative PC Nintendo 3DS Bird view / Isometric Mac RPG Shooter Nintendo Wii U The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
an Here’s a new launch trailer for Attenborough-em-up RTS Empire Of The Ants, out this week By Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 11:25:01 +0000 Much the same as anyone with a soul, I find ants deeply fascinating and, much the same as anyone who occasionally drops small pieces of sandwich on the floor, I will continue to uphold my respect for them as long as they come nowhere near my feet. Yes. I admit it: I am a bug hypocrite, loudly extolling their virtue and beauty at a distance then getting irritated if they decide to come sit on me. Fortunately, real time strategy Empire Of The Ants understands that the best place for insects to be is inside a screen, where they can be appreciated but cannot under any circumstances touch you. It’s out this week, as it happens, and here’s a new launch trailer to celebrate. Follow your pheromone trail to the video below. Read more Full Article Strategy Simulation PC Empire of the Ants Single Player Strategy: Real-Time Strategy
an This bite-size free horror game has you study an ancient artefact that holds a dark secret By Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 11:36:52 +0000 I have zero archaeology experience or knowledge, but I bet archaeologists really love their jobs (for the most part). They get to analyse and discover cool artefacts and educate us on the histories of forgotten civilisations. That's dreamy stuff, that is. But I do wonder what it's like for archaeologists to discover and study something they shouldn't have; something with a disturbing secret - a curse, maybe. Bite-sized horror game The Children Of Clay explores this idea and I'd like more of it, please. Read more Full Article Horror The Children Of Clay Indie PC Balazs Ronyai Point and Click Free-to-play
an Factorio: Space Age review: a stellar expansion produces a masterful final form By Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 15:00:00 +0000 To say that Factorio: Space Age throws out the rulebook is an understatement. It'd be more fitting to say it's somehow automated the whole process: an inserter plucked out the rulebook from my brain and deposited it in hot magma, while a new rulebook was churned out in a nearby machine and plopped into my brain from the other side - only for that to be immediately plucked out and incinerated as well. With each new planet and each new phase, Space Age reinvents itself. I'm battling hyperbole here, but ah hell, I admit defeat. Factorio: Space Age is a masterpiece, the final form of perhaps the most well-crafted building game I'll ever play. Read more Full Article Strategy Indie Wube Software Simulation Multiplayer Competitive Multiplayer Cooperative PC Bird view / Isometric Single Player Factorio
an Buggy monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds have sparked a wave of low-poly animal adoration By Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 17:34:24 +0000 I've spent quite a lot of today trying to figure out why, exactly, some of the monsters in the Monster Hunter Wilds beta looked like bundles of copulating pyramids slathered in crocodile gravy. Nic clued me in on this reddit thread earlier, which cites unnamed Chinese players who've allegedly data-mined the beta's monster models, and learned that they are extremely large, encompassing hundreds of thousands of polygons. If every monster in Monster Hunter Wilds were that fancy all of the time, your computer would become a volcano. As such, the game resorts to loading-on-demand systems to ensure that you only see those gorgeous details when the monsters are close by and, as the case may be, angrily sitting on you. When they're further afield, the flourishes fall away to free up memory and processing power. The popular Redditor explanation for the presence of monsters that look like Henry Moore sculpture is basically that the LOD systems are being forgetful, and neglecting to load the additional polygons at proximity. Read more Full Article Third person Monster Hunter Wilds RPG Single Player Hack & Slash Capcom
an Enshrouded's "largest update so far" is out with a new mountain region, pets and single-player pausing By Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 18:16:08 +0000 Enshrouded has received what developers Keen Games are calling the survival game's "most sizable" update yet, sizable being an appropriate word for mountains. Expect a new playable area, the Alabaneve Summits, with its own enemies, resources, non-threatening wildlife and quests. The maximum character level has risen to 35! There are new townsfolk to find and place in your poorly built houses! You can tame animals, and make them live in poorly built houses too! You can get hypothermia! Read more Full Article RPG: Action Indie Third person Action Adventure Open World Single Player Realism Exploration Simulation Sandbox Survival & Crafting Keen Games Full product Fantasy Multiplayer Competitive Multiplayer Cooperative PC Social Enshrouded RPG
an Total War: Warhammer 3’s next DLC is brought to life with porridge, yoghurt and real bones By Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2024 09:41:48 +0000 Ogres, Orcs, and Khorne are all on the way in the upcoming expansion for strategy game Total War: Warhammer 3, and Creative Assembly have just released their latest dev vlog with a few more details on what to expect. There’s still no word on the exact title, although given the established naming convention (Shadows Of Change, Thrones Of Decay), I’m tentatively calling it “Sniffers Of Glue” in honour of the No Think, Only Krump faction selection. You’ll find the vlog in its full glory below. What’s interesting about this one is that vlog mainstay director Rich Alridge has brought along some new faces: battle designer Josh King and audio director Chris Goldsmith. And, yes, so no-one can accuse me of burying the lede: that audio design involved the enthusiastic, deeply disgusting slurping of porridge and yoghurt, and the jangling of real bones. The source of the bones is not revealed. Read more Full Article Sega Strategy Total War: Warhammer III The Creative Assembly Multiplayer Cooperative Multiplayer Competitive Bird view / Isometric Single Player Strategy: Real-Time Strategy
an Warcraft 2: Tides Of Darkness Remastered apparently leaks ahead of the RTS series’ 30th anniversary direct next week By Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2024 09:47:14 +0000 We’re still a week away from Blizzard’s Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct next Wednesday the 13th of November, but art from an apparent remaster of 1995 real time strategy game Warcraft II: Tides Of Darkness has leaked online, via Xibbly user Stiven. It’s a thin one, as far as leaks go, but does show what looks to be cover, logo art, and a icon. Thanks for the spot, Percy Coswald Gamer. Read more Full Article Warcraft II Strategy Multiplayer Competitive Single Player Strategy: Real-Time Strategy
an You can now make video clips using Steam's built-in game recording feature, as an update rolls it out to all users By Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2024 10:23:41 +0000 Steam's built-in game recording feature has been usable in beta since the summer, but it has now been properly launched for every user, following a client update to Steam yesterday. It's basically another method of capturing funny ragdoll glitches and posting them on the "lol-games-are-dumb" channel of your friend's Discord. Or for posting that flukey knife throw in Call Of Duty to Twitter, as if you really meant to kill the man from across the map all along. Or saving a clip for your personal records, like the footage of that time you yeeted an innocent citizen off the 50-foot wall of a castle town in Dragon's Dogma 2. We all do that, right? Right? Read more Full Article Steam PC Valve
an Halo 2's lost E3 2003 demo will finally be playable thanks to modder magic By Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2024 11:09:23 +0000 Halo Infinite recently received a big update in the form of Delta Arena, a playlist that features recreations of Halo 2's most popular maps and a special third-person mode. The true highlight, though, is yet to come. And that's through an entirely different Halo game: The Master Chief Collection. Soon enough, you'll be able to play Halo 2's lost E3 demo on it, thanks to some lovely modders. Read more Full Article 343 Industries Third person Microsoft Xbox Series X/S Action Adventure Single Player Xbox One Halo Infinite Halo: The Master Chief Collection Xbox Multiplayer Competitive Multiplayer Cooperative PC Microsoft Studios First person Xbox Game Studios Bungie Shooter Halo 2
an Oh thank Horace, our comments system is up and running again By Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2024 13:32:26 +0000 "Never read the comments," is a truth much-rehearsed by senior games journalists, but I have long since levelled-up past this axiom and entered into a new world of benevolent narcissism. I always read the comments, for all commenters are my children. They exist to glorify and preserve me in my dotage. True, occasionally my children say things like "I think your writing and opinions are appalling, and that you deserve to be repeatedly run over by a herd of deer", but it is the nature of children to rebel. Read more Full Article comments
an Metal Slug Tactics, the surprising genre-twist of the classic run-and-gunner, is out now By Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2024 20:34:43 +0000 I would never have predicted there'd be an isometric tactics game based on run-and-gun series Metal Slug, yet here Metal Slug Tactics is, and I am here for it. We've been following its development for a while but it's out now on Steam, and seemingly as strong as its demo suggested. Read more Full Article Fighting Strategy Nintendo Switch Indie PC Leikir Studio Metal Slug Tactics RPG Bird view / Isometric Single Player DotEmu
an Planet Coaster 2 is out now, adding water slides and pools to the theme park construction sim By Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2024 20:50:22 +0000 We'll have a review of Planet Coaster 2 soon, but I keep making Brendy do other tasks so he's not had enough time yet to ride the rails. That means it falls to me to at least let you know that Frontier's theme park builder is out now. Read more Full Article Simulation PC PS5 Xbox Series X/S Planet Coaster 2 Management
an Foxhole is getting planes next summer and an infantry combat overhaul later this month By Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2024 21:06:13 +0000 Foxhole is one of my favourite games to read about, even if I don't play it. It's a massively multiplayer World War 2 game, viewed from above, where battlefield logistics matters as much as aiming and flanking. Its developers have just announced a major new update coming next summer, Foxhole: Airborne, which adds planes to the game for the first time. Planes, in a topdown MMO? It makes a little more sense if you watch the trailer. Read more Full Article Strategy Indie Foxhole MMORPG Multiplayer Competitive PC RPG Shooter Bird view / Isometric Strategy: Real-Time Strategy
an Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater will have new dialogue, and EVA’s actor reveals why she chose a pseudonym based on her pet dog By Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 09:14:28 +0000 Putting aside my natural annoyance at Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater for almost beating out the Twarhammer series in the headline real estate wars, I am more than a little excited to play. Some days, you simply must feast on a tree frog, and while we still don’t have a solid release date, that day doesn’t feel too far away. Good news for stealth fans, and perhaps gooder news for a dozen strapline writers sweating profusely, soiling themselves in anticipation of using “kept you waiting, huh?”. Until then, I at least have a steady drip feed of new information to keep me sated, the latest of which is the substantial hint that there'll be some new dialogue in the game, as per the video below. Alongside that, the previously pseudonymous Suzetta Miñet - who was credited with voicing EVA in MGS3 and Peace Walker - has revealed herself to be Jodi Benson, the voice of Ariel in Disney’s The Little Mermaid. Cheers for the spot, Automaton West. Read more Full Article Single Player Konami Third person PS5 PC Stealth Shooter Xbox Series X/S Action Adventure Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater
an Alan Wake 2’s The Lake House is a dark, brilliant parable on the devaluation of art and artists By Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 09:20:06 +0000 There must be hundreds of typewriters in the hall, their collective clacks a tidal wave of soulless automation, rising up to greet agent Kiran Estevez as she enters, pistol and flashlight in hands. Exploring rooms to the side, Alan Wake 2: The Lake House’s star finds whiteboards and documents revealing the typewriter’s purpose: to mimic Wake’s writing. Pages are graded along criteria such as ‘style’, ‘tone’, and ‘content’, then “fed into the algorithm” as references until “near-identical stories” to Wake’s can be produced. “If Jules could simply cut the painter open and pull the painting out of him, he would,” reads one of the real Alan’s typewritten pages. That’s Jules Marmont, the obsessive head of the titular FBC centre. The Marmonts - Jules and his wife Diana - are running experiments to forcibly and synthetically create works of art, aiming to mimic creative passion convincingly enough for the paranatural entity inside Cauldron Lake to respond, as it has in the past. Read more Full Article Epic Games Horror Third person PS5 PC Mystery Shooter Xbox Series X/S Action Adventure Single Player Alan Wake 2 Remedy Entertainment
an The Raid homage Acts Of Blood is Sifu’s jankier, snackier cousin By Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 09:35:13 +0000 Calling a game ‘no frills’ or ‘no nonsense’ is always a back-handed compliment, because it sounds like you're saying it's a bit straightforward and simple. And yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying here. Acts Of Blood feels like a spiffy PS2 action brawler; a slightly tighter old Yakuza game, or a stripped-back Sifu. It’s snacky and a bit janky, but it’s also great coffee break fodder, assuming you want to spend your break breaking a selection of heavy objects over the crumbly skulls of ne’er-do-wells. I mean, they might have done some things well, I don’t know them. But they aren’t doing any well to my character in the game, so violence it is. Read more Full Article Fighting PC Indiescovery Arcade Acts Of Blood
an Helldivers 2 boss would "love to do a take" on Star Wars, Predator and Warhammer 40,000 By Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 10:31:49 +0000 The dominion of hated Super Earth threatens to expand afresh as Arrowhead CEO Johan Pilestedt toys openly with the prospect of Helldivers 2 cross-over games, beginning with tabletop wargame Trench Crusade and extending to, well, take your pick. Arrowhead's appetite for other licenses appears insatiable. It's the kind of sheer expansionism you'd expect from Earth's loathsome regime, whose "managed democracy" propaganda continues to enthrall thousands of hapless disposable imperialists. Pilestedt even wants to make a Fifth Element game! Milla Jovovich is spinning in her grave. Milla Jovovich isn't dead, you say? Well, that's good news at least. Read more Full Article Single Player Third person PS5 Multiplayer Competitive Multiplayer Cooperative PC Comedy Shooter Science Fiction Helldivers 2 Arrowhead Game Studios
an Take-Two are selling Private Division and closing Roll7 and Intercept, because they're in "the business of making great big hits" By Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 12:20:03 +0000 Take-Two Interactive have sold their publishing label Private Division to an unnamed party, along with five of Private Division's "live and unreleased titles". The GTA 6 publisher have also finally confirmed that they have shut down OlliOlli World and Rollerdrome devs Roll7 together with Kerbal Space Program 2 creators Intercept Games, months after performing mass layoffs at both studios. Read more Full Article
an VED: Purification is a free prologue to the full hand-drawn RPG, complete with Stetson hats and Evil Dead trees By Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 15:47:45 +0000 Got an email about this. Looks cool. Is free. “I’ll write about that,” I thought. “I’ll write about that for Rock Paper Shotgun, a place that semi-regularly posts articles about cool and free games.” So here we are. If you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop, assuming the only reason I’d open an article in a superfluous and straightforward manner is because I’m about to deliver some sort of third sentence twist, you’re completely wrong! There’s no twist at all. I’m simply going to deliver some information about the game in a neutral tone. You can find VED: Purification, a free prologue demo to RPG VED, here. Read more Full Article RPG PC Free games VED: Purification
an No Man's Sky has a Mass Effect Normandy again, together with new cross-save functionality By Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 16:07:58 +0000 Back in the mists of 2021, No Man's Sky revealed its very own Normandy SR1 space frigate. "The Normandy in No Man's Sky?" you cry. "Why, that's a Mass Effect vessel. Some mistake here surely?" 1) My name's not Shirley, and 2) Indeed it is a Mass Effect ship, but HelloGames struck a time-limited deal with BioWare to create a version for their own space sim. "Blast, if only I'd noticed this at the time and acquired one," you mourn. "Ah, so many years I have wasted." Be of good cheer, my friend, for No Man's Sky has a Normandy once again, just in time for the latest N7 Day of assorted Mass Effect celebrations. For the next two weeks, you'll be able to get a-hold of it by way of a revised version of 2021's Beachhead Expedition. Tray-tray, away! Read more Full Article Nintendo Switch Indie Third person 505 Games Xbox Series X/S Action Adventure Single Player Xbox One PS4 No Man's Sky PS5 Simulation Hello Games Multiplayer Competitive Multiplayer Cooperative PC Virtual Reality First person Mass Effect 5 Mac RPG
an Sega are delisting over 60 'classic' games from Steam, including Crazy Taxi and Streets Of Rage By Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 19:55:29 +0000 Sega are delisting several bundles of 'classic' games from digital stores, along with "select individual" games. On Steam specifically, this adds up to over 60 games in total, including several actual classics including the original Streets Of Rage trilogy, Crazy Taxi, and Jet Set Radio. The games will be removed on December 6th but will remain playable to those who already own them. Read more Full Article Nintendo GBA Third person Crazy Taxi Streets Of Rage 2 Single Player Arcade Acclaim Games Racing SEGA Corporation Android PS2 PS3 Empire Interactive Platformer Xbox 360 Multiplayer Competitive Multiplayer Cooperative PC Side view iOS Sega BlitWorks Hitmaker SEGA of America Atari Jet Set Radio Hack & Slash
an Roblox is limiting access to social hangouts and unrated games for children aged under 13 By Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 20:48:30 +0000 Roblox is making changes in an attempt to keep younger players safe in the online platform. Beginning later this month, children under the age of 13 will no longer be able to search, discover or play unrated experiences within Roblox, and will be unable to access social hangout experiences. Read more Full Article Roblox Corporation First person Roblox Third person Virtual Reality Simulation Multiplayer Competitive Multiplayer Cooperative RPG Action Adventure Single Player Arcade Platformer
an Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythm Festival beats its way onto Steam today, with 70+ songs (and 700 more behind a subscription) By Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 21:24:18 +0000 I first played Taiko no Tatsujin in an arcade (in Japan, because I am very cool), where it's controlled by hitting a recreation of an actual taiko drum. It was fun enough that I wish there was a taiko drum peripheral available for PC now the series is on our platform. Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythm Festival is out now via Steam, where it offers over 70 songs to drum through, and a subscription service through which to unlock over 700 more. Maybe I should try to get my Donkey Konga drums working on PC, but I'll probably settle for playing it with a gamepad. Read more Full Article Bandai Namco Entertainment Multiplayer Competitive Rhythm Taiko no Tatsujin Rhythm Festival Single Player
an Sega sell off studio behind Endless Legend and Humankind as part of "restructuring" - but it goes to the original owners By Published On :: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 11:31:01 +0000 Amplitude Studios, developers of many a game with "Endless" in the name, have split with publisher Sega to become independent again, with ownership of the studio reverting to its original founders and "other members of the team". The developers say everyone is parting "on good terms" and that the last eight years of getting published under Sega has been "amazing". But there are other businessy reasons, of course. Namely, Sega have been trying to trim down their European studios for the past year, and Amplitude is just the latest bunch of devs affected by that. Read more Full Article Indie Single Player Strategy: Grand Strategy/4X Humankind SEGA Corporation Simulation Endless Space 2 Endless Dungeon Strategy Multiplayer Competitive Multiplayer Cooperative PC Bird view / Isometric Iceberg Interactive Endless Legend Shooter: Third Person Strategy: Turn-Based Strategy Sega AMPLITUDE Studios RPG
an Here are the patents Nintendo and the Pokémon Company are suing Palworld about, according to Pocketpair By Published On :: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 12:43:51 +0000 Palworld developers Pocketpair have finally revealed which patents Nintendo and the Pokémon Company are suing them about. It looks like they're focusing on the act of throwing capsular items to catch or release monsters, together with the usage of monsters as mounts. If you've somehow yet to encounter Palworld, it's a bestselling survival game that takes hefty - some would say, scandalous - inspiration from Pokémon, with players poaching Pokésque critters using magic spheres, and deploying them as soldiers and minions. Read more Full Article Pocketpair Indie MMORPG Third person PS5 Multiplayer Cooperative PC RPG Shooter Action Adventure Palworld Single Player Xbox Series X/S Hack & Slash Xbox One PS4
an Object-ive Review: Hitman’s rubber duck By Published On :: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 15:00:00 +0000 "The cool thing about bombs is that you can hide them in anything," is probably my favourite Oppenheimer quote of all time, and in the case of Ian Hitman, it does raise an important question: with so many everyday objects equal to the rubber duck in its unthreatening aura, yet more inconspicuous, why choose to put an explosive in this one? The simplest answer is that’s it’s a recurring bit of levity, a holdover easter egg, elevated to the status of key mission item in Hitman: Codename 47 before being given pride of place as an explosive in the World Of Assassination games. But to ascribe such unassuming purpose to the duck is to ignore its revelatory power. We must go deeper. Read more Full Article Hitman 3 Third person PS5 PC Object-ive Review Stealth Sandbox Shooter IO Interactive Action Adventure Hitman World of Assassination Single Player Xbox Series X/S Xbox One PS4
an Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6's first multiplayer season promises new maps, modes, and a hefty Hand Cannon By Published On :: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 17:18:30 +0000 Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 has been out for a little while already, what with me giving its multiplayer largely a thumbs up. Still, it's an ever-evolving thing and Activision have announced the game's first seasonal drop. It's a hefty one with a lot of additions, so I'll try my best to break down the good stuff. TLDR: there's some new maps for multiplayer and zombies, new modes, and a few extra bits. I'm mildly excited for more. More in this case is good. Read more Full Article First person Activision Single Player Raven Software PS5 Multiplayer Cooperative Multiplayer Competitive PC Shooter Treyarch Xbox Series X/S Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Xbox One PS4
an The Warframe devs want you to come try their luxurious fantasy action-RPG Soulframe By Published On :: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 18:09:24 +0000 Warframe developers Digital Extremes have announced a new round of early access for their 2025-bound fantasy action-RPG Soulframe, which I saw a bit of last year and think is pretty promising. They're now adding 2000 players to a Preludes build of the game every week, with each invite email including an additional four invite codes, so you can get your friends involved. Read more Full Article MMORPG Third person PC RPG Soulframe Digital Extremes
an Choose between cyberpunk and magic in Zephon, the new 4X from the Warhammer 40,000 – Gladius devs By Published On :: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 19:32:38 +0000 Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics Of War developers Proxy Studios have just released Zephon, a new 4X strategy game set in a manky, post-apocalyptic world. It's got hexagonal maps, flesh trees, gangly Evangelion-grade giants, "otherworldly hymns of decay", nuclear bombs, and a player-led "blend of magic and cyberpunk" that extends from the city architecture to the research component. All of which is my cup of giblets. Here's the launch trailer. Read more Full Article Horror PC Fantasy Zephon Strategy: Grand Strategy/4X Science Fiction
an Rise Of The Golden Idol launches November 12th, with four DLC planned in 2025 By Published On :: Sat, 09 Nov 2024 21:55:46 +0000 The Rise Of The Golden Idol will crack its new case wide open on November 12th, but the detective sequel is just the beginning. Color Gray Games are planning another tranche of DLC akin to that received by the first game, The Case Of The Golden Idol: four standalone mysteries that introduce more mysteries to solve. Read more Full Article Puzzle Single Player The Rise Of The Golden Idol Indie Playstack Point and Click Color Gray Games
an Deep sea evolution simulator Ecosystem gives each creature its own synthetic DNA, and it’s out now after years in early access By Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 10:36:19 +0000 Let’s try and get you up to speed on the fascinating oddity that is simulation game Ecosystem, on the off chance that Nate's coverage of it hasn't stuck with you like an unwelcome brain parasite you’re nonetheless unwilling to get removed for fear of the lingering emptiness it might cause (he once described an eel as “a quaver with erectile dysfunction”). Broadly speaking, this game is Spore’s evolutionary-biology-degree-having cousin. It’s been in early access for about three years now, but with the latest "Crustacean" update, it’s just hit 1.0. Once again, carcinization has come for all things. Read more Full Article Strategy Indie Simulation Ecosystem Bird view / Isometric Single Player
an How ten years of Game Maker’s Toolkit’s design analysis informed Mind Over Magnet By Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 15:00:00 +0000 "A lot of puzzle games can leave you staring at the same static screen for ages, but here, I’m always pushing you forward," says Mark Brown of Game Maker’s Toolkit. For a decade now, Brown has been releasing accessible deep dives on game design for his popular YouTube channel, like "How Game Designers Protect Players From Themselves" and "The Two Types of Random in Game Design." This week, he’s releasing his own for the first time. Read more Full Article Puzzle Game Maker's Toolkit Mind Over Magnet PC Platformer
an Great God Grove review: play mail carrier and god wrangler in this wonderfully weird puzzle adventure By Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 15:00:00 +0000 Great God Grove is, in a word, bonkers. I’ve stopped a small community from completing a blood ritual, played the role of matchmaker to a group of lonely hearts that involved organising a date with god, and plastered a statue with paint as part of a revolutionary movement to uplift the power of art. My time with GGG has been a pick n’ mix of colourful escapades, and together with its story of godly woes, striking art style, vacuum-based puzzle-solving, and nightmare-inducing puppet work, I’m now a die-hard LimboLane devotee. Read more Full Article Story Rich LimboLane Puzzle Great God Grove Indie Fellow Traveller PC Wot I Think Comedy
an The next limited-edition Steam Deck OLED comes in white, and will be available globally this time By Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 23:00:07 +0000 The Steam Deck OLED – which is like a Steam Deck but better in almost every way – is getting a new, if potentially more smudge-susceptible Limited Edition. A successor to the translucent version that only went on sale in the US and Canada last year, the Steam Deck OLED: Limited Edition White offers both a snowy look and, for those of us outside North America, the chance to actually buy one. It’ll go on sale November 18th, in all the countries that the Steam Deck currently ships in. Read more Full Article Steam Deck Valve Hardware
an King’s Field with a bird RPG Dungeons of Blood and Dream is out in 1.0 now By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 09:15:25 +0000 Sin enjoyed the roguelike stylings of Dungeons of Blood and Dream when she played it in early access back in July, calling it a “baffling, bizarre thing that lives on the border of janky, retro, and punk”. As of yesterday, it’s now out for realsies, promising psychedelic dungeon crawling, the stabbing of assorted gribblies, and lots of little details that make you go “ooo, that’s nice. I’m glad they put that in there.” Read more Full Article Roguelike Dungeons Of Blood And Dream PC Indiescovery Action Adventure Lori Vornoy
an The Rise Of The Golden Idol review: fiendish but fair detective puzzling whose mystery you’ll want to unravel By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 09:26:21 +0000 Here’s a Steam quote for you: ‘The Rise Of The Golden Idol is the best game I’ve ever played where I spent most of my time staring at the screen going “well what chuffing well is it, then?!” Fiendish but fair, this detective puzzler demands a heady mix of observation, deduction, and logic, but rewards you with a progressively engaging story, and steadily more infuriatingly brilliant puzzles. Despite teaching you everything you need to know in the tutorial, it still manages to introduce new wrinkles and twists on the formula with each fresh chapter. My verdict? Imagine me lying my floor, massaging my temple with one hand and giving a fat thumbs up with the other. Read more Full Article Puzzle Single Player The Rise Of The Golden Idol Indie Wot I Think Reviews Playstack Point and Click Color Gray Games
an Grand Theft Auto: The Definitive Edition trilogy on PC gets a classic lighting update from the mobile version By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 13:44:27 +0000 My strongest and most enduring memory of Grand Theft Auto will always be creasing into complete hysterics watching my mate pile into a crumpled police officer with a wooden baseball bat in GTA 3 after school one time. Young’uns these days just don’t appreciate how revolutionary it was to be able to hit a cop with a thing after he’d already fallen over. Suffice it to say I’ve got good memories of the open world series’ nascent forays into 3D, though never enough to tempt me into revisiting them, especially given the poor reception to Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition. I can sympathise. I’m annoyed just having to type a semicolon and a dash in the same game name. If you’re in a similarly non-fussed position (I will never not be annoyed that ‘nonplussed’ doesn’t mean what it sounds like it should mean) I can’t imagine a lighting update that’s been available on the mobile versions for a while is enough to tempt you back. But what is a reporter's job if not pathetically treading water between chunklets of Grand Theft Auto news, upon the publishing of which Graham presses the button to release the nutritious pellets on which we all wholly subsist? I hope he doesn’t read that last sentence. I don’t get my pellet if the syntax becomes too convoluted. Moving swiftly on. Read more Full Article iOS Android Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition Nintendo Switch Rockstar Games Third person PS5 PC Simulation RPG Shooter Action Adventure Xbox Series X/S Single Player Xbox One Racing PS4
an The new Nvidia App is out now, justly banishing GeForce Experience to history By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 13:56:26 +0000 After nearly a year of public beta honing, the Nvidia App – Team Green’s new one-stop shop for desktop GPU management – is out in full. Not alongside the upcoming RTX 50 series, as rumoured, but right-now-today-this-minute. I’ve been testing out the launch version and while it’s not without some dud features, it does agreeably achieve its stated goal of combining the functions within Nvidia Control Panel and GeForce Experience. And if installing it means never having to use the latter again, well, that’s 149MB well spent. Read more Full Article Graphics Cards Nvidia Nvidia G-Sync Hardware Nvidia DLDSR Overclocking
an Man accused of killing Muslim teen indicted on capital murder charges By Published On :: Tue, 17 Oct 2017 00:03:24 +0000 An attendee leaves flowers for Nabra Hassanen, a teenage Muslim girl killed by a bat-wielding motorist near a Virginia mosque, during a vigil in New York City. Photo by Brendan McDermid/Reuters A grand jury has formally charged a 22-year-old man with capital murder and rape in the death of Nabra Hassanen, who was killed on her walk back to a Virginia mosque. The Fairfax County Circuit Court indicted Darwin Martinez-Torres of Sterling, Virginia, on Monday on four counts of capital murder for killing Nabra, who was with friends while they had a meal before Ramadan services. Dozens of people had gathered outside the courthouse today, chanting “Justice for Nabra.” Virginia law has specific conditions for pursuing the death penalty, but the Associated Press reported that the grand jury’s indictment described in graphic detail how Nabra’s killing was grounds for a death penalty against Martinez-Torres. The indictment appears to acknowledge for the first time that the 17-year-old Muslim teen was raped. Under state law, the combination of a rape charge with a premeditated murder charge means the death penalty can be pursued. Police have said that Martinez-Torres, who is an undocumented immigrant, got into a confrontation on June 18 with a group of teens walking back to the All Dulles Area Muslim Society after grabbing a late meal. He is accused of returning later and beating Nabra with a baseball bat. Police said Nabra’s body was later discovered in a pond. A search warrant affidavit revealed that Martinez-Torres admitted to killing Nabra and had led authorities to where he dumped her body, AP reported. Nabra’s parents and Muslim advocates have said that Nabra’s death was motivated by hate, but police has said that they will not treat the killing as a hate crime. Instead, police have said it was a road rage incident. “The reason this guy he hit my daughter is because she’s Muslim,” Nabra’s father Mahmoud Hassanen told WAMU. “Why [didn’t he] hit the boy who bothered him?” Nabra’s father added that he hoped for the death penalty, while her mother said she wanted Martinez-Torres to serve life in prison. “I just want people to remember her, and don’t forget her,” Mahmoud told WAMU. “I think nobody can forget her too, for what she did in her life.” A preliminary hearing for Martinez-Torres reportedly turned emotional on Friday, with Nabra’s parents both shouting at the suspect in court. Nabra’s mother Sawsan Gazzar apparently threw a shoe at Martinez-Torres during the proceedings. READ MORE: D.C. memorial for slain Muslim teen was set on fire, officials say The post Man accused of killing Muslim teen indicted on capital murder charges appeared first on PBS NewsHour. Full Article Darwin Martinez Torres Nabra Hassanen virginia
an San Antonio truck driver pleads guilty in fatal human smuggling case By Published On :: Tue, 17 Oct 2017 14:44:25 +0000 Police officers work on a crime scene after 10 undocumented immigrants being smuggled into the U.S. were found dead inside a sweltering 18-wheeler trailer parked behind a Walmart store in San Antonio. Photo by Ray Whitehouse/Reuters A 61-year-old San Antonio man pleaded guilty to two federal charges in the human smuggling incident that led to the deaths of 10 undocumented immigrants this summer. James Matthew Bradley Jr., who appeared before a U.S. magistrate judge Monday, pleaded guilty to “one count of conspiracy to transport aliens resulting in death and one count of transporting aliens resulting in death,” according to a statement from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Texas. The office added that Bradley’s “admission of guilt” meant he packed dozens of unauthorized immigrants into a tractor-trailer for financial gain, adding that the suspect confirmed that details from court documents were “factually correct.” On July 23, San Antonio Police Department officers responded to a call from a Walmart employee shortly past midnight. Once officers arrived, they found 39 immigrants at the scene. Of those carried in the tractor-trailer, eight were found dead in the rear of the trailer, while two died later at nearby hospitals, the statement said. Survivors of the incident said there was no air conditioning in the overheated trailer and had to take turns to breath through a hole in the back of the truck for air. Bradley also initially told investigators that he was unaware of the immigrants in the trailer until he had stopped at the Walmart in San Antonio for bathroom break. The attorney’s office also said Bradley faces up to life in prison with the charges and that he is scheduled to be sentenced in January 2018. Immigrants said there were up to 200 people transported on the trailer and that different fees were quoted to them for the ride north from the U.S.-Mexico border, the statement added. Jason Buch of San Antonio Express-News told the NewsHour earlier this year that Border Patrol agents in Laredo, Texas, reported an uptick of immigrants using tractor-trailers to get pass checkpoints at the border. “People are usually going on to major metropolitan areas or regions of the country that employ a lot of immigrant laborers, so, areas with large agriculture industries or construction booms,” Buch said. The NewsHour’s John Yang learned more about the July human smuggling case and immigration politics from Jason Buch of San Antonio Express News. Shane M. Folden, special agent in charge of homeland security investigations in San Antonio, said in the statement that the proceeding “helps to close the door on one of the conspirators responsible for causing the tragic loss of life and wreaking havoc on those who survived this horrific incident.” “This case is a glaring reminder that alien smugglers are driven by greed and have little regard for the health and well-being of their human cargo, which can prove to be a deadly combination,” he added. Bradley’s co-defendant Pedro Silva Segura was also indicted last month with faces two counts of conspiracy and two counts of transporting undocumented immigrants resulting in serious bodily injury and placing lives in jeopardy. Segura, 47, is an undocumented immigrant who resides in Laredo, Texas. The post San Antonio truck driver pleads guilty in fatal human smuggling case appeared first on PBS NewsHour. Full Article human smuggling immigration James Matthew Bradley Jr. San Antonio texas
an Puerto Ricans still don’t have reliable drinking water, and fears of contamination are rising By Published On :: Tue, 17 Oct 2017 22:35:56 +0000 Watch Video | Listen to the AudioJUDY WOODRUFF: It’s been almost a month since Hurricane Maria destroyed much of Puerto Rico and killed at least 48 people. The island and its residents are still coming to grips with the scale of the devastation. William Brangham brings us the latest. WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Many Puerto Ricans are still in the dark, without electrical power. Hundreds of thousands still have no access to running water, and the rebuilding of the countless damaged homes, roads and facilities is just beginning. The Associated Press reported yesterday that almost half the sewage treatment plants on the island are still out of service, increasing the risk of contamination and disease. I’m joined now by David Begnaud. He’s a correspondent from CBS News who’s been doing some very strong reporting there from since when the storm hit, and is just back from his latest trip to the island. David, welcome to the NewsHour. I wonder. We saw many of your reports and others of people still three weeks out from the storm who are still drinking from streams and creeks. You heard — I mentioned this AP report about fears of contamination. Can you just tell us what is going on there? How are people getting water now? DAVID BEGNAUD, CBS News: Well, let me tell you this. The governor of Puerto Rico said this morning that he’s aware of those reports and that they’re looking into it. What’s concerning, William, is that three weeks after the storm and at least a week after the allegations first surfaced that people might be trying to drink from toxic wells at what’s known as Superfund sites, the governor of Puerto Rico is still saying, we’re looking into it and telling people to stay out of rivers where sewage may be spilling into the river. And, he said, we want them to stay away from the coastal areas. How are people doing? They’re still desperate to get water. No one seems to be able to figure out how to get enough water to every single person on that island who needs it. And as long as people need water, it’s still an emergency phase. Nearly four weeks later, no one seems to be able to move from the emergency to the recovery. WILLIAM BRANGHAM: So, people who are — we see them drinking out of these PVC pipes that they have kind of rigged and sort of poked into the side of a creek. People are just drinking that water straight, without purification, without boiling it; is that right? DAVID BEGNAUD: Absolutely. Look, they have got the PVC pipes tapped into the mountains so that it’s coming out of the stream that way. And they literally are — I saw a woman walk up to a potable water tank that the military had brought in, and she had a Clorox bottle. And I said, “Ma’am, you’re putting drinkable water in a Clorox bottle?” And she said, “It’s all I have got.” Now, that was a good scenario. The other scenarios are people right now who are drinking from streams and creeks and rivers who have no water filters, who have nothing, right? They’re just taking this water. Now, listen, the government got a million water-purifying tablets within the last week. It took almost three weeks to get those. Now there’s a large push to bring in water filters. I have got to tell you, most of the water filters I’m seeing brought in are coming from the private sector, and civilian samaritans who are getting 1,000 or more from the mainland and flying them over to Puerto Rico and personally hand-delivering them. WILLIAM BRANGHAM: That’s really incredible. Medical facilities were another big — just a huge devastation on the island. I know you have been doing a lot of reporting on the USS Comfort. DAVID BEGNAUD: Yes. WILLIAM BRANGHAM: This is the huge Naval hospital that is now just offshore Puerto Rico. But I understand it hasn’t been fully utilized. Can you tell us what your reporting has found there? DAVID BEGNAUD: The two men running the ship told us that nearly 87 percent of the ship is empty. Sounds alarming, right? They have 200 beds, and 87 percent are empty. Now, here’s what they said: We stand ready for whatever the government wants to do. We are waiting to be told by the government. So, I went to the governor, and said exactly what’s happening. And he said: “Look, I’m not satisfied with what the protocol was from the beginning.” He said, initially, they were prioritizing only the most critically ill patients go to the Comfort. And he said there was a layered process that was complicating things. So, the governor, Ricardo Rossello, said: “I started to take out some of those layers, and I, said, listen, take people on the ship who may not be critically ill, but need good medical care and can’t get it at the hospital, where the lights are flickering and the A.C. is not running.” That’s what the governor said. Within a matter of hours, I got a tweet from a third-year medical student who said: “Let me tell you what a nightmare it has been to reach the Comfort.” He said: “We have got a pediatric patient who desperately needs to get off this island, either to a hospital on the mainland or to the Comfort.” And he said: “I went through Google and the local newspaper to find the number. I couldn’t find it.” Now, here is how things work. Within about 30 minutes of that tweet going out and that medical student’s story being posted, the governor’s spokesperson responded with numbers that should be able to help. The bottom line here, William, is that asking relentless questions and the good work of journalism is what’s making a difference there. It’s no one person. There’s no heroic work that’s being done by any journalist, other than people who are going back to the same officials and asking some of the same questions, relentlessly seeking the right answer that will make a difference. WILLIAM BRANGHAM: One of the other pieces of reporting that you did that was very early in the story was this backlog of supplies trapped in container ships on the ports in Puerto Rico. I understand some of that — some of those supplies are now moving. Can you tell us, are they getting to where they need to be throughout the island? DAVID BEGNAUD: So, the shipping containers you’re talking about, about 3,000 sitting in the Port of San Juan, have been moved out, not all of them, but a majority of them. And they were intended for grocery stores around the island. Right? So, those were private companies that had brought in these shipping containers, paid for the supplies, but couldn’t move them because their truck drivers were either at home, because the home had been destroyed, or the road was impassable. More and more supplies are getting out. But let me tell you, the grocery stores around the island, they have a lot of nonperishables, Pringles, candy, cookies, all on the shelf. But when you go to the meat section, it’s nearly 75 percent empty at the stores we have been to, the produce section 90 percent empty. And finding bottled water there is almost like playing a game. WILLIAM BRANGHAM: David Begnaud, CBS News, thank you so much for your reporting. Thanks for your time. DAVID BEGNAUD: You bet. The post Puerto Ricans still don’t have reliable drinking water, and fears of contamination are rising appeared first on PBS NewsHour. Full Article David Begnaud Hurricane Maria Puerto Rico
an News Wrap: Trump’s latest travel ban blocked by federal judge By Published On :: Tue, 17 Oct 2017 22:45:01 +0000 Watch Video | Listen to the AudioJUDY WOODRUFF: And in the day’s other news: A federal judge in Hawaii struck down the Trump administration’s latest travel ban. That temporarily blocks enforcement of the order nationwide, but the Justice Department says it will appeal. The ban extended to six mostly Muslim nations, plus North Korea and Venezuela. Pennsylvania Congressman Tom Marino withdrew today from consideration to be President Trump’s drug czar. That followed an investigation by The Washington Post and CBS News. They found Marino was key in passing a 2016 law that limits the Drug Enforcement Administration’s ability to rein in opioid distribution. A new verbal battle has broken out between the president and Republican Senator John McCain. It began last night in Philadelphia, when the Arizona senator and former Vietnam POW appeared to criticize Mr. Trump and his followers. He cited a list of failings. SEN. JOHN MCCAIN, R-Ariz.: To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters-of-a-century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems. (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE) JUDY WOODRUFF: The president answered by saying, “At some point, I fight back, and it won’t be pretty.” In turn, McCain said, “I have faced tougher adversaries.” In Afghanistan, Taliban bombings and shootings left at least 74 people dead today. The worst was Paktika province in the east, where two car bombs killed dozens, including the provincial police chief, and wounded more than 100 others. Taliban militants also staged attacks in the south and west of the country. In Syria, militia forces backed by the U.S. say they have retaken the Islamic State group’s de facto capital. The city of Raqqa had been under ISIS control since 2014. The battle to recapture it began in June. Today, Kurdish-led fighters celebrated as they moved into the city center. The U.S. military said 90 percent of Raqqa has been taken, with pockets of militants remaining. There’s word that U.S. airstrikes in Yemen killed dozens of Islamic State fighters on Monday. The strikes were apparently carried out by drones. The Pentagon says the targets were training camps for recruits. In Northern Iraq, Kurdish forces withdrew from more territory today, as Iraqi government troops advanced. It came on the heels of the Kurds’ vote for independence. Federal forces and allied militia had already forced the Kurds to leave the area in and around Kirkuk and its oil fields. Iraq’s prime minister said that paves the way for talks. HAIDER AL-ABADI, Prime Minister, Iraq (through interpreter): I call for dialogue on the basis of partnership in one country and under the Constitution. The referendum is finished and has become a thing from the past. We hoped that they would cancel it, but we have finished it on the ground. JUDY WOODRUFF: Meanwhile, the president of Iraqi Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, insisted that the referendum will not be in vain. Another 10,000 to 15,000 Rohingya Muslims fled Buddhist Myanmar for Bangladesh over the weekend. Drone video showed snaking lines of refugees making the trek to already crowded camps. Many told of villages torched by mobs and soldiers. Others said they were starved out of their homes. Back in this country, a new fire broke out in the San Francisco Bay Area, just as crews had made major progress against other fires in Northern California. Thick smoke billowed from the new site early today, as it burned through forests in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Weary fire crews said they’re calling in more help. ROB SHERMAN, Division Chief, Cal Fire: So, the idea is to hit it pretty hard with aircraft and then go ahead and hit it with the ground resources at the same time. We have had north winds, a lot of drying, and everything’s really, really dry. So it’s challenging. JUDY WOODRUFF: In Southern California, yet another fire spread on Mount Wilson, about 25 miles north of downtown Los Angeles. It threatened a historic observatory and communications towers. President Trump’s overall wealth has taken a hit, as his New York real estate loses some of its luster. Forbes ranks him 248 this year on its list of the 400 wealthiest Americans. That’s down nearly 100 points from last year. His estimated worth is $3.1 billion. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates again tops the list. He’s worth nearly $90 billion. And on Wall Street, the Dow Jones industrial average traded above 23,000 for the first time. In the end, it gained 40 points to close at 22997. The Nasdaq fell a fraction, and the S&P 500 added one point. The post News Wrap: Trump’s latest travel ban blocked by federal judge appeared first on PBS NewsHour. Full Article Hawaii Tom Marino travel ban
an Trump and the new politics of honoring war dead By Published On :: Wed, 18 Oct 2017 13:41:27 +0000 Coffins of U.S. military personnel are prepared to be offloaded at Dover Air Force Base in Dover, Delaware in this undated photo by a Reuters stringer. WASHINGTON — After her Army son died in an armored vehicle rollover in Syria in May, Sheila Murphy says, she got no call or letter from President Donald Trump, even as she waited months for his condolences, wrote to him to say “some days I don’t want to live,” and still heard nothing. In contrast, Trump called to comfort Eddie and Aldene Lee about 10 days after their Army son was killed in an explosion while on patrol in Iraq in April. “Lovely young man,” Trump said, according to Aldene. She thought that was a beautiful word to hear about her boy, “lovely.” Like presidents before him, Trump has made personal contact with some families of the fallen, not all. What’s different is that Trump, alone among them, has picked a political fight over who’s done better to honor the war dead and their families. He placed himself at the top of this pantheon, boasting Tuesday that “I think I’ve called every family of someone who’s died” while past presidents didn’t place such calls. But The Associated Press found relatives of two soldiers who died overseas during Trump’s presidency who said they never received a call or a letter from him, as well as relatives of a third who did not get a call. And proof is plentiful that Barack Obama and George W. Bush — saddled with far more combat casualties than the roughly two dozen so far under Trump, took painstaking steps to write, call or meet bereaved military families. The subject arose because nearly two weeks passed before Trump called the families of four U.S. soldiers who were killed in Niger nearly two weeks ago. He made the calls Tuesday. READ MORE: Trump ignites furor with claim past presidents didn’t console military families by phone Meanwhile, Rep. Frederica Wilson said late Tuesday that Trump told the widow of a slain soldier that he “knew what he signed up for.” Early Wednesday, the president called Wilson’s version of the conversation a fabrication. The Florida Democrat said she was in the car with Myeshia Johnson on the way to Miami International Airport to meet the body of Johnson’s husband, Sgt. La David Johnson, when Trump called. Wilson says she heard part of the conversation on speakerphone. When asked by Miami station WPLG if she indeed heard Trump say that she answered: “Yeah, he said that. To me, that is something that you can say in a conversation, but you shouldn’t say that to a grieving widow.” She added: “That’s so insensitive.” Trump took strong issue with that recounting early Wednesday. “Democrat Congresswoman totally fabricated what I said to the wife of a soldier who died in action (and I have proof). Sad!” he said on Twitter. Sgt. Johnson was among four servicemen killed in the Niger ambush. Wilson said that she didn’t hear the entire conversation and Myeshia Johnson told her she couldn’t remember everything that was said. The White House didn’t immediately comment. READ MORE: Trump’s claim about predecessors, fallen troops disputed Trump’s delay in publicly discussing the men lost at Niger did not appear to be extraordinary, judging from past examples, but his politicization of the matter is. He went so far Tuesday as to cite the death of chief of staff John Kelly’s son in Afghanistan to question whether Obama had properly honored the war dead. Kelly was a Marine general under Obama when his Marine son Robert died in 2010. “You could ask General Kelly, did he get a call from Obama?” Trump said on Fox News radio. Democrats and some former government officials were livid, accusing Trump of “inane cruelty” and a “sick game.” Democratic Sen. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, an Iraq veteran who lost both legs when her helicopter was attacked, said: “I just wish that this commander in chief would stop using Gold Star families as pawns in whatever sick game he’s trying to play here.” For their part, Gold Star families, which have lost members in wartime, told AP of acts of intimate kindness from Obama and Bush when those commanders in chief consoled them. Trump initially claimed that only he among presidents made sure to call families. Obama may have done so on occasion, he said, but “other presidents did not call.” He equivocated Tuesday as the record made plain that his characterization was false. “I don’t know,” he said of past calls. But he said his own practice was to call all families of the war dead. But that hasn’t happened: No White House protocol demands that presidents speak or meet with the families of Americans killed in action — an impossible task in a war’s bloodiest stages. But they often do. Altogether some 6,900 Americans have been killed in overseas wars since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the overwhelming majority under Bush and Obama. Despite the much heavier toll on his watch — more than 800 dead each year from 2004 through 2007 — Bush wrote to all bereaved military families and met or spoke with hundreds if not thousands, said his spokesman, Freddy Ford. Veterans groups said they had no quarrel with how presidents have recognized the fallen or their families. “I don’t think there is any president I know of who hasn’t called families,” said Rick Weidman, co-founder and executive director of Vietnam Veterans of America. “President Obama called often and President Bush called often. They also made regular visits to Walter Reed and Bethesda Medical Center, going in the evenings and on Saturdays.” ___ Bynum reported from Savannah, Georgia. Jonathan Drew in Raleigh, North Carolina, Kristen de Groot in Philadelphia, Jennifer McDermott in Providence, Rhode Island, Michelle Price in Salt Lake City, and Hope Yen and Robert Burns in Washington contributed to this report. The post Trump and the new politics of honoring war dead appeared first on PBS NewsHour. Full Article Donald Trump Military military deaths
an Twitter chat: How the gun control debate mirrors larger issues of partisanship in America By Published On :: Wed, 18 Oct 2017 16:12:11 +0000 Participants with One Million Moms for Gun Control, a gun control group formed in the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut, school mass shooting, march across the Brooklyn Bridge on Jan. 21, 2013, in New York City. Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images What would it take to turn Texas, a Republican stronghold, into a blue state? According to data from SurveyMonkey, just remove all the gun owners from the Lone Star State and it would have gone to Hillary Clinton in 2016. You can do the same thing in liberal California. Remove all the non-gun owners and the state would have voted for Donald Trump. That’s how divisive the issue of gun control is in American politics. SurveyMonkey found that no other demographic — not race, religion or gender — so perfectly divided voters. In the 2016 election, 47 percent of Trump supporters said gun control was an issue important enough to influence their vote. That’s compared to just 27 percent of voters who supported Hillary Clinton. But what does this divide mean? How is it impacting gun control policy, and how might this issue change in light of recent mass shootings like Las Vegas, Orlando and Newtown? To discuss the data, join a PBS NewsHour-hosted Twitter chat at 1 p.m. EDT Thursday with data journalist Dante Chinni (@Dchinni), professor and chairman of political science at the University of Kansas Don Haider-Markel (@dhmarkel), and Washington Post correspondent Philip Bump (@pbump). Have questions? Tweet them using #NewsHourChats. The post Twitter chat: How the gun control debate mirrors larger issues of partisanship in America appeared first on PBS NewsHour. Full Article 2016 election gun control Twitter chat
an WATCH: NFL commissioner says players ‘should stand for the national anthem’ By Published On :: Wed, 18 Oct 2017 17:35:03 +0000 NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell held a news conference today after the second day of the annual owners meeting. Watch his remarks in the player above. NFL players will be encouraged to stand for the national anthem at the start of the football games, the league’s chief told reporters today. After two days of meeting with owners of each NFL team, representatives for the players’ union and players themselves, the NFL has reiterated its decision to keep its existing policy of not requiring players to stand during the anthem. Goodell said yesterday that the league wouldnot instate a rule that would penalize players who refuse to stand for the anthem. RELATED LINKSColumn: For black athletes, wealth doesn’t equal freedom NFL players team up in defiance and solidarity Column: As ‘America’s sport,’ the NFL cannot escape politics “We believe everyone should stand for the national anthem,” he told reporters at a news conference today. “That’s an important part of our policy. It’s also an important part of our game that we all take great pride in. And it’s also important for us to honor our flag and our country and I think our fans expect us to do that.” Goodell’s remarks came after President Donald Trump continued his criticism of the NFL this morning. On Twitter, Trump said: “The NFL has decided that it will not force players to stand for the playing of our National Anthem. Total disrespect for our great country!” After former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick kneeled during the anthem last year to protest police killings of unarmed black men, dozens of other players joined him to draw greater attention to social and racial injustice. Last month, Trump said the NFL ought to fire players who didn’t stand for the anthem. The players “are not doing this in any way to be disrespectful to the flag,” Goodell said today. “But they also understand how it’s being interpreted.” Goodell also said the league wanted to stay out of the political arena over the issue. “We’re not looking to get into politics,” he told reporters. “What we’re looking to do is to continue to get people focused on football.” The post WATCH: NFL commissioner says players ‘should stand for the national anthem’ appeared first on PBS NewsHour. Full Article national anthem nfl Roger Goodell
an Escaping Harvey Weinstein was a ‘cat-and-mouse game,’ says Katherine Kendall By Published On :: Wed, 18 Oct 2017 22:15:13 +0000 Watch Video | Listen to the AudioHARI SREENIVASAN: Let’s turn to the continuing fallout and reaction to the Harvey Weinstein story. Yesterday, Weinstein resigned from the board of his production company following numerous revelations of sexual harassment and several allegations of assault. More than three dozen women have said Weinstein harassed them. While Weinstein has admitted to behaving inappropriately, he has said he didn’t physically assault anyone. One of those women is Katherine Kendall. She was a 23-year-old actress who met Weinstein in 1993. She alleges that he invited her to his apartment in New York, where, she says, he took off his clothes and asked for a massage. As other actresses began coming forward about their painful experiences, she also went public with her own story. She joins me now from Los Angeles. First, thanks for joining us. And I don’t want to relive something that’s painful for you, but you are taking a public stance on it. For people who don’t know your story, what happened? KATHERINE KENDALL, Actress/ Photographer: Well, I was you know, a young actress, and I had had a formal meeting at the Miramax office earlier that day. And then, at the end of the meeting, which I thought went really well, he invited me to come to screenings. He said: “Welcome to the Miramax family. You know, come to premieres, screenings, et cetera. In fact, there’s one this afternoon. Would you like to come?” And I said, “Sure.” And I ended up going to see a movie with him. It ended up just being a movie, not a screening, but the film “Red Rock West.” And, you know, that’s right when I had this sort of sinking feeling that something wasn’t going right. And then, after the movie, we walked for a few blocks. And he said he needed to go up to his apartment to get something, and would I just come with him real quick? And I sort of said no, and we went back and forth on that for a minute. It was sort of a negotiation with him always, trying to sort of stand my ground, but then be convinced it was OK. I did go into his apartment. Once there, we talked for a long time about art and movies. And I felt like he was treating me like an intellect. And I felt like the meeting was going really well, and sort of continued. I didn’t feel unsafe once I was in there. And, at one point, then, he got up to go to the bathroom. And he came back in a robe and asked me to give him a massage. And I was extremely uncomfortable. And I was like, oh, God, no, I’m not comfortable with that. And we went back and forth on that. And then he went back to the bathroom again, and came back this time completely naked. And, you know, that changed it entirely for me, too. It just took it to the next place. It was completely disorienting. And I was scared, you know? I was really scared. And then it became sort of a cat-and-mouse game of, like, how am I going to get out of there? And I’m — it’s hard to make sense of what someone is trying to do to you when they’re fully naked, and they’re… HARI SREENIVASAN: Yes. KATHERINE KENDALL: You know, I’m 105 pounds. He’s a large man standing between me and the door. And, I mean, I felt very resolute, like, I will definitely get out of here somehow. But I’m not — I’m not sure — I’m not sure what’s going to happen here. You know, a lot was going through my head. And he said, well, if you won’t give me a massage, will you at least show me your breasts? And it was just — you know, it was, all in all, an extremely humiliating experience for me. And even though I got away, I felt like something had still — like something horrible had just happened to me. HARI SREENIVASAN: You know, in the immediate aftermath, did you tell someone about it? Because you have said before that you felt ashamed… KATHERINE KENDALL: I did. HARI SREENIVASAN: … even though you were the victim. KATHERINE KENDALL: I did. It’s really interesting how that happens. And I think — you know, I’m older now, and I have done some work on myself. And I have learned that a lot of people feel that way. It’s — it’s not — it wasn’t just me. But the just me feeling that this is my fault, this must have only happened to me, there’s something wrong with me, is so common when someone perpetrates against you. HARI SREENIVASAN: What were the… KATHERINE KENDALL: And I did. I told my mom. And I told some good friends. But, you know, one of the things that happened was, I didn’t want them to tell anybody. You know, people wanted to help me, but they didn’t know how, and I didn’t want them to try too hard, because I didn’t want it to backlash. I was scared. And I think that it’s important to remember that we don’t really come from a culture that supports women in talking about sexual harassment, in my — in my experience, that is. And, you know, I just haven’t felt like it was something I was going to get support on… HARI SREENIVASAN: You know, how long… KATHERINE KENDALL: … in the bigger picture. HARI SREENIVASAN: Yes. How long did this feeling last? Or, I guess, what are the longer-term ripple effects here? Did it shake your confidence in your abilities? KATHERINE KENDALL: I think it did. I think it did. I think it did. I think it made me feel like, wow, you know, that was a wash. He wasn’t interested at all in what I had to say, or, you know, he didn’t see any talent there or intellect there. He was assessing the situation the whole time for something else. And I think that — that did hurt. You know, I wish it didn’t. HARI SREENIVASAN: Yes. KATHERINE KENDALL: But he had produced so many movies that I thought were wonderful. And it was — it’s hard when someone has made art that you love, and how do you stay attached to liking their art, but feeling conflicted about them? And, yes, I think it does have long-term effects. I think you tuck it away. And then, for me, also, I realized that it came back when I would see his name or see him in person. I would start to sort of tremble all over again. I mean, I wouldn’t think about him on a daily basis or anything for years, and then I would see him, and I would think, oh, I don’t feel well. I got to get out of here. HARI SREENIVASAN: Right. KATHERINE KENDALL: You know, it would bring up so much emotion. And the most recent one was the woman in New York, the Italian model. I felt so, so enraged when I saw what happened there, and that they sort of — the police had him, and that then he got away. And then she was being dragged through the press as somebody who just, you know, wanted a payout, et cetera. HARI SREENIVASAN: You know, in the wake of that, there was — a friend of yours had tweeted, “At some point, all the women who have been afraid to speak out about Harvey Weinstein are going to have to hold hands and jump.” This was back in 2015. And from your Twitter account, you said, “Agreed.” It seemed like you almost had the opportunity to come forward. What made you want to come forward now? Has this become a turning point in the industry? KATHERINE KENDALL: This is a turning point. It’s a turning point. There are so many times when I thought about it, and then felt like — there were times when I thought about it and said, well, I have nothing to lose, I will just do it. And then I thought, I — I just didn’t have the strength or the courage yet. And I think somebody like Jodi Kantor doing the story for The New York Times, the fact that she thought it was a story at all was startling to me and made me feel like, wow, something is going to be done. And I knew she had told me — I mean, they were looking for women that this had happened to, because they’d been hearing rumors for so long that it happened to so many people. And she had told me other people were coming out. And I thought, I can’t — when I watched Rose McGowan or any of the other actresses come forward, I just — or Ashley Judd — I just thought, they look strong to me, and I don’t want to be the one that stays silent. HARI SREENIVASAN: Well, Katherine Kendall… KATHERINE KENDALL: I want to stand beside them. HARI SREENIVASAN: Katherine Kendall, thank you very much for speaking with us. And, hopefully, there are other people that are empowered by you coming forward. KATHERINE KENDALL: I hope so. Thank you. The post Escaping Harvey Weinstein was a ‘cat-and-mouse game,’ says Katherine Kendall appeared first on PBS NewsHour. Full Article harvey weinstein hollywood Katherine Kendall sexual harrasment