
Nest discovery turns back the clock to days of Daniel Boone and Colonial America

Paddling the remote oxbow lakes and bayous of the White River National Wildlife Refuge in Arkansas, the team of scientists was seeking proof of a […]

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Give us the telescopes and we’ll find the asteroid mines!

An 880-pound asteroid moving at 38,000 miles per hour hit the moon last September with a blast equivalent to 15 tons of TNT. While errant […]

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Astronomers observe first direct evidence of Cosmic Inflation

Almost 14 billion years ago, the universe we inhabit burst into existence in an extraordinary event that initiated the Big Bang. In the first fleeting […]

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One Scary Chicken—New species of large, feathered dinosaur discovered

Finding a fossil is the first step, recognizing it for what it truly is, is the real challenge. While closely studying three fossil skeletons from […]

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Cold, dark and lonely: Deep-water corals thrive where the sun never shines

Mention coral reefs and images like snorkeling, tropical fish and sunny island getaways pop to mind. Vacation packages are not being offered, however, for many […]

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The secret formula to feeding 900 babies: Scientists uncover milk composition of naked mole-rat queens

Parents normally feel the need to provide well for their kids. For humans, that number of offspring is usually in the single digits, but a […]

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Smithsonian Welcomes “Nation’s T. rex” to Washington, D.C.

On April 15 the National Museum of Natural History took delivery of a nearly complete Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton. Called the Nation’s T. rex, it will be the centerpiece of […]

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Ancient species of assassin fly discovered by Smithsonian scientist

National Museum of Natural History scientist Torsten Dikow discovered and named a new species of assassin fly, Burmapogon bruckschi, after studying the first two specimens […]

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Lost species of nightsnake rediscovered in Mexico

After eluding scientists for nearly 80 years, the Clarion nightsnake (Hypsiglena ochrorhyncha unaocularus), a nocturnal reptilian species that was initially discovered in the first half […]

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Commercial shipping lanes changed in Panama to save humpback whales

The Republic of Panama’s proposal to implement four Traffic Separation Schemes for commercial vessels entering and exiting the Panama Canal and ports was approved unanimously […]

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Feathers yield mysteries of pigment chemistry to spectroscopic analysis

A research team from the Smithsonian and Arizona State University have developed a new, non-destructive method using spectroscopic analysis to help unravel the complex chemistry […]

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New species of armored catfish from Colombia

WHAT A new species of stick catfish from South America, so called because the thin, elongated bodies of these fish mimic sticks. About 5 inches […]

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The Submillimeter Array: Celebrating a decade of discovery

Ten years ago, eight antennas on the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawai’i, united to form a telescope unlike any other. Since then the Submillimeter Array […]

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Urban landscapes becoming increasingly bird-unfriendly

Tasty and easy to find, the heath hen was a favorite dish of America’s colonial settlers. This beautiful little bird, however, was no match for […]

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Smithsonian/Wisconsin police narrow search in 20 year mystery

Investigators from Rock County, Wisconsin, are one step closer to solving the mystery surrounding the death of an unknown teenager thanks to Smithsonian scientists. Christine […]

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Smithsonian & SVF launch rare-breed livestock conservation partnership

The Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and the SVF Foundation have launched a new collaboration to strengthen rare and endangered livestock breed conservation through the preservation […]

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Deadbeat ant species branched off as parasite inside its own colony

A newly-discovered species of ant supports a controversial theory of species formation. The ant, known to live only under a single eucalyptus tree on the […]

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Volunteers needed to preserve astronomical history and promote discovery

Before iPhones and laptops there were human computers, some of whom worked at the Harvard College Observatory. Women like Henrietta Swan Leavitt, Williamina Fleming, and […]

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Smithsonian scientists discover tropical tree microbiome in Panama

Human skin and gut microbes influence processes from digestion to disease resistance. Despite the fact that tropical forests are the most biodiverse terrestrial ecosystems on […]

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Diversity of resident crabs is key to coral survival

Imagine sitting down at your favorite restaurant when something under the table begins painfully pinching and snipping at your toes. This is basically how T. […]

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Rare rusty-patched bumble bee discovered in Virginia survey

The rusty-patched bumble bee (Bombus affinis), which has not been seen in the eastern United States in five years, has been found by a Smithsonian […]

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Squat lobsters: colorful kings of the ocean floor

Their flavor is a unique blend of lobster and shrimp say lovers of the savory South American crustaceans called “langostinos.” Simmered with garlic, lime juice, […]

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Tiny ‘nanoflares’ might heat the Sun’s corona

Why is the Sun’s million-degree corona, or outermost atmosphere, so much hotter than the Sun’s surface? This question has baffled astronomers for decades. Today, a […]

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Study: Bleaching events impair long-term coral reproduction

A new study by Florida State University and Smithsonian Institution biologists shows that bleaching events brought on by rising sea temperatures are having a detrimental […]

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A first: Ground-based telescope detects super-earth transit

Astronomers have measured the passing of a super-Earth in front of a bright, nearby Sun-like star using a ground-based telescope for the first time. The […]

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High hopes for 60 year-old crocodile to become mother again

The challenges of conceiving only get greater as we get older. But if you have some of the most prized genes within your entire species, […]

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Five fascinating species discovered by Smithsonian scientists in 2014

While it seems that we can find just about anything on the Internet, it doesn’t mean we know everything yet. Every year, Smithsonian scientists discover […]

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Feathers of seduction – the connection between birds and people of New Guinea

The majestic feathers of the greater bird of paradise (Paradisaea apoda) have inspired people for thousands of years. Like many birds on the isolated island […]

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American Indians, colonists had healthy appetite for crabs, study shows

Native Americans and America’s early colonists ate many more blue crabs than modern researchers previously thought, according to a team of scientists studying crab remains […]

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New species of bright-yellow water frog discovered in Peru

A new water frog from the Pacific slopes of the Andes in central Peru has been described and named in the open access journal ZooKeys. Telmatobius […]

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Corn entered Southwest U.S. first along highland route, DNA shows

A new DNA study of ancient corn kernels and cobs from archaeological sites across North America has settled a long debate as to exactly where […]

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Coming soon: Vacancy at the crawdad hole?

Yabbies, mudbugs, crayfish, crawdads, call them what you will, but one-third of the world’s crayfish species are facing extinction according to a recent report by […]

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3 new species of dwarf dragons discovered in Ecuador & Peru

Three new species of dragon-esque woodlizards have been discovered in the Andean cloud forests of Peru and Ecuador. The new species differ from their closest […]

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Complex Organic Molecules Discovered in Infant Star System

For the first time, astronomers have detected the presence of complex organic molecules, the building blocks of life, in a protoplanetary disk surrounding a young […]

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Arthur C. Clarke papers come to Air and Space Museum Archives

The Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum has acquired a large collection from the Sir Arthur C. Clarke Trust. The collection consists of 87 cubic […]

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Hi-Tech Analysis Cracks Curious Case of Contaminated Cremains

Studies show that on average, the weight of cremated remains for men is about 7.13 pounds (plus or minus 1.2 pounds) and for women, 4.9 […]

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Satellite tracking helps with curlew conservation

Ever heard the joke about flying in from Mexico, and boy, are my arms tired? Try telling that to the blackpoll warbler. Researchers recently tracked […]

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To Preserve Rare WWII bomber, Conservators Turn to Science

Ah, that new car smell. New plane smell is nice, too. Bright and shiny and fresh is good, right? Sure, unless it is a very […]

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Key Link in Turtle Evolution discovered

An international team of researchers from the United States and Germany have discovered a key missing link in the evolutionary history of turtles. The new […]

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Cats Don’t Roam in Places Coyotes Call Home

In one of the largest studies of its kind, a volunteer-fueled camera trapping effort showed that where coyotes have moved in, cats are nowhere to […]

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Trapped in Amber: Ancient fossils reveal remarkable stability of Caribbean lizard communities

Tiny Anolis lizards preserved since the Miocene in amber are giving scientists a true appreciation of the meaning of community stability. Dating back some 15 […]

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