
Jamestown skeletons identified as colony leaders

Within the 1608 church where Pocahontas and John Rolfe married, the skeletal remains of four early settlers were uncovered during a 2013 archaeological dig at […]

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Study reveals Agriculture and Fishing Cause Coral Reef Decline

Since researchers began surveys in the 1980s, coral reefs in the Caribbean have undergone widespread change following bleaching and disease epidemics that have reduced the […]

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Interstellar Seeds Could Create Oases of Life

We only have one example of a planet with life: Earth. But within the next generation, it should become possible to detect signs of life […]

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In Western China’s deserts an ancient competition for water resumes

If you were dumped into the middle of a desert, your first instinct would be to look for water—it is, after all, the stuff of […]

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The center of our Milky Way galaxy is a mysterious place. Not only is it thousands of light-years away, it’s also cloaked in so much […]



Cosmic “Death Star” is Destroying a Planet

The Death Star of the movie Star Wars may be fictional, but planetary destruction is real. Astronomers announced today that they have spotted a large, […]

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Newly discovered sea urchin fossil is oldest of its kind

Researchers have uncovered a fossil sea urchin that pushes back a fork in its family tree by 10 million years, according to a new study. […]

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In many ways stars are like living beings. They’re born; they live; they die. And they even have a heartbeat. Using a novel technique, astronomers […]

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Event Horizon Telescope Reveals Magnetic Fields at Milky Way’s Central Black Hole

Most people think of black holes as giant vacuum cleaners sucking in everything that gets too close. But the supermassive black holes at the centers […]

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Smithsonian-Cornell Partnership produces First Domestic Puppies by In Vitro Fertilization

After decades of attempts, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI) scientists and researchers at Cornell University have become the first to successfully use in vitro fertilization […]

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Globular Clusters Could Nurture Interstellar Civilizations

Globular star clusters are extraordinary in almost every way. They’re densely packed, holding a million stars in a ball only about 100 light-years across on […]

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Astronomers complete First Search for Visible Light Associated with Gravitational Waves

Einstein’s general theory of relativity predicts the emission of gravitational waves by massive celestial bodies moving though space-time. For the past century gravitational waves have […]

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New golden frog species discovered in Colombia

A team of scientists including a Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) research associate announced the discovery of a new species of pale-gold colored frog from […]

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Smithsonian scientist creating DNA database to track Caribbean conch and lobster

Smothered in tartar sauce and cheese it’s difficult to know just what species of fish lurks beneath the breaded surface of a fast-food fish sandwich. […]

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Discovery: trap-jaw spiders snap prey with super-spidey speed and power

New high-speed videos of 14 species of tiny Mecysmaucheniid “trap-jaw” spiders have revealed that some species can snap their mouth parts shut at incredibly fast […]

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Cownose Rays Aquitted: Not Guilty of Decimating Chesapeake Oysters

Ten years ago, cownose rays in the Atlantic got a bad rap when this species (Rhinoptera bonasus) was accused of excessively eating up scallops in […]

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Smithsonian Discovery: 46-million-year-old beetle had zinc jaws

Remember the scene in Moonraker where Robert Kiel, as the steel-toothed character Jaws, bites through a tram cable that sends Roger Moore’s James Bond sprawling? […]

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Rare cancer cells discovered in naked mole rats

Bald from snout to tail with baggy wrinkled skin and beady eyes, eastern African naked mole rats (Heterocephalus glaber) are subterranean mammals long credited with […]

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Smithsonian Expert Urges Caution, Patience on Blue Crab Recovery

The results are in, 2016 is going to be a good year for blue crabs in the Chesapeake Bay. An iconic figure embedded in the […]

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Acidification, Low Oxygen Can be Deadly Combination for Fish

Higher acidity in coastal waters can make fish more sensitive to low oxygen, causing them to become debilitated and suffocate in water with oxygen levels […]

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Did ripening fruit help hominids develop complex hands?

One of the primary features that distinguish hominids such as chimpanzees, gorillas and humans from the rest of the animal kingdom are uniquely dexterous hands. […]

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Discovery: Biodiversity shields fish communities from warming

In a recently completed survey of more than 3,000 fish species in 44 countries around the world marine biologists have discovered that communities with a […]

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Methanol reveals comets forming in distant solar system

Astronomers announced today that they have found the organic molecule methyl alcohol, or methanol, in the TW Hydrae protoplanetary disk. This is the first such […]

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Discovery in Smithsonian collection broadens understanding of rare North American leech

Thanks to a recent reassessment of specimens preserved in jars of alcohol at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, New Hampshire is now on […]

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New bright orange-red scorpionfish discovered deep in Caribbean

Meet Scorpaenodes barrybrowni is a scorpionfish species newly discovered by Smithsonian scientists using a manned submersible in the deep-reef waters of the Caribbean island of Curaçao. It […]

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Five things only a conservator would know about the USS Enterprise

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise…and you know the rest, probably even if you’re not a huge fan of […]

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Fishing gear entanglements of marine birds is focus of Smithsonian ecologist’s study

(Study is one of dozens to be presented by bird scientists this week at the 2016 North American Ornithological Conference in Washington, D.C.) To catch tuna […]

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New Species of Extinct River Dolphin Discovered in Smithsonian Collection

A fossil that has been in the collection of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History since it was discovered in 1951 is today helping […]

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Human health risks of eating sea turtle eggs could benefit species

According to a new study, eating sea turtle eggs increases the health risk of heavy metal exposure in local communities in Panama and may provide […]

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Bats Use Second Sense to Hunt Prey in Noisy Environments

Like many predators, the fringe-lipped bat primarily uses its hearing to find its prey, but with human-generated noise on the rise, scientists are examining how […]

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Bizarre new marine worms covered in bristles, wrinkles & bumps

An extraordinary arrangement of bristles, wrinkles and wart-like bumps cover the cold skin of Sphaerephesia amphorata, a new deep-sea worm described and named by researchers […]

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Discovery: Australia’s invasive cane toads modify their bodies to conquer new territory faster

In 1935, 101 cane toads from Hawaii were set loose in Australia to help control beetles that were decimating the Australian sugar crop. But instead […]

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By simply pooping, comb jellies expel long-held scientific misconception

In 2012, under a scientist’s watchful eye, a comb jelly ate some fish, digested it, and excreted the waste out its back end. In doing […]

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Fishy Caribbean ‘juveniles’ recognized as new species

Living in deep reefs in the Atlantic Ocean, the banded basslet, a small and colorful species with a wide range of distribution, has long been […]

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New parasitic crab species discovered during Smithsonian Biocube work in Solomon Islands

A one-cubic-foot approach to studying biodiversity as showcased in the new Biocube exhibit at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History has led to the […]

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Peacock bass invasion Had devastating, long-term impact on Panama’s Fish

In 1969, 60 to 100 peacock bass imported from Buga, Colombia, were introduced into a pond in Panama for sport fishing. Several individuals escaped. By […]

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Could Fast Radio Bursts Be Powering Alien Probes?

The search for extraterrestrial intelligence has looked for many different signs of alien life, from radio broadcasts to laser flashes, without success. However, newly published […]

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Study shows ancient California Indians risked toxins from bitumen-coated bottles

Finding clean ways to store water is a challenge that humans have faced for millennia. In a new paper in Environmental Health, anthropologist Sabrina Sholts […]

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Study determines microscopic water bears will be Earth’s last survivors

The world’s most indestructible species, the tardigrade, an eight-legged micro-animal, also known as the water bear, will survive until the Sun dies, according to a […]

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New study indicates mysterious fast radio bursts occur in universe every second

When fast radio bursts, or FRBs, were first detected in 2001, astronomers had never seen anything like them before. Since then, astronomers have found a […]

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Scientists discover common sea nettle jellyfish is actually two distinct species

Chances are, if you’ve been stung by a jellyfish along the Chesapeake Bay it was by a sea nettle jellyfish–one of the most common and […]

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Fifth mirror cast for Giant Magellan Telescope

The Giant Magellan Telescope Organization (GMTO) today announced that it has initiated the casting of the fifth of seven mirrors that will form the heart of […]

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Happy Thanksgiving! Here are 25 fun turkey-related objects in Smithsonian collections!

“Probably no genus of birds in the American avifauna has received the amount of attention that has been bestowed upon the turkeys…there has been no […]

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Cosmic filament probes our galaxy’s giant black hole

The center of our Galaxy has been intensely studied for many years, but it still harbors surprises for scientists. A snake-like structure lurking near our […]

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