
Lance Armstrong and Bruce Lee 30 For 30 documentaries coming to ESPN Africa

ESPN will be releasing two brand new 30 For 30 documentaries in Africa in May and early June, telling the stories of cyclist Lance Armstrong and martial artist Bruce Lee.


KOMENTÁŘ: Jak čelit koronavirovému informačnímu přetížení

V době koronavirové pandemie nás bombardují ze všech stran nejrůznější informace. Informační přetížení je tak značné, že v mnohých lidech vyvolává strach a stres. Jak tomu čelit, komu věřit a jaké informace ignorovat, se v komentáři zamýšlí psycholog Jan Urban.

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


Hugo: Best Editor, Short Form - starting point

The finalists are:

I'm a subscriber to Uncanny Magazine, edited by the Thomases, and a Patreon supporter of Clarkesworld, edited by Neil Clarke. I keep up with neither magazine as much as I'd like, but I generally enjoy both of them. Uncanny Magazine in particular has a very high hit rate for me when I do make time to read it.

(I also had the pleasure of meeting Neil Clarke in his kaffeeklatsch at Dublin Worldcon last year, which I really enjoyed & learned a lot from.)

I have one of Jonathan Strahan's anthologies from last year, Mission:Critical on my to-read pile, and I've also been eyeing the Made to Order: Robots and Revolution anthology published this year.

Ellen Datlow edits a lot of horror, which I'm cautious of, and I happen not to have read any of the short fiction she acquired last year, but that could be remedied (in a well-lit room during the day, etc). She also lists a couple of anthologies, and while I'm not touching a Best Horror of the Year anthology, I might risk the ghost stories anthology.

C.C. Finlay and Sheila Williams edit respectively F&SF Magazine and Asimov's Science Fiction, neither of which I subscribe to or read regularly, but because I'm already not keeping up with the things I do subscribe to, not for any stronger or more considered reason.



Hugo: Best Editor, Long Form - starting point

The finalists are:

You can find lists of books published in 2019 edited by each of these finalists at this crowdsourced page at File 770, of which:

  • Brit Hvide: 2 books on my wishlist
  • Devi Pillai: 1 read, 2 on wishlist
  • Miriam Weinberg: 2 on wishlist
  • Navah Wolfe: 1 read, 1 on to-read pile

Devi Pillai edited A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine, which I love so much, and Navah Wolfe edited The Twisted Ones by Ursula Vernon, which is one of the few marketed-as-horror books I have willingly read. (It won't ever be my favourite Vernon book, but it was a good read.)



A New Name and Direction for Raw on $10 a Day (or Less!)


Raw on $10 a Day (or Less!) began at the end of 2009. I’d just become vegan and was interested in raw foods. I was struggling in quite possibly the worst situation I’d ever been in. I was drowning and, you probably didn’t know it, but this blog and its readers became something of a lifeline. 

It all started as a simple question: “How much does it cost to eat raw?” but led to so much more. I’ve learned so much about food, and living, about loving myself and others, about the value of good food, and emotional and physical health. I've experienced heartbreaking loss, and deep happiness and joy, and I’ve grown and bloomed into the person I was always meant to be. I even wrote a real book, Easy Affordable Raw.

Today is my 54th birthday. It's said one's life goes in cycles and the 54th year is one of renewal, change, and rebirth. I feel fantastic and optimistic and am looking forward to many more happy, healthy years of vegan life, love, and adventure.

Because of all that, it makes me incredibly sad to say goodbye to Raw on $10. It’s something that I put a lot of work into. More than anything else, though, it’s something I’ve gotten a great deal from. I’ve deeply appreciated every reader, every encouragement, and every friendship and connection, online and off, that has come about directly and indirectly from Raw on $10.

I’ve never been good at ending relationships, either. I hang on. Drag my feet. Procrastinate. Second guess my decision. But there is only so much room in a life and sometimes one relationship must end for another to begin. It’s incredibly bittersweet. I’m sad for the ending but excited and so happy for what’s to come. 

And so …

Raw on $10 a Day is 



becoming … 

Planted 365

Changing the name of a blog while also changing the platform from Blogger to Wordpress has been brain explodingly complicated and I’d much rather be creating content. I’ve got some help and the process of changing and updating and linking and all that will be an ongoing process. Surely there will be some snags. Please be patient with the transition. 

All recipes will still be available, although I'll be updating and improving a lot of them.

I'll be migrating the RSS feed, email list, and all that, so you might see unfamiliar notifications.

Raw on $10 will continue to exist for the next week. Next Monday, everything will be redirected to the new name and new platform.

Planted 365 will be official then. If you want to go over now, though, it's up and running with a few new things. Sign up by email and you won't miss any posts.

I sincerely hope you will come along and see what else we can discover together. There will be lots of raw food still, because it’s awesome, delicious, and beautifully photogenic. And a new full day menu every week, starting next Monday. There will also be healthy cooked vegan recipes, soul healing art, mindful movement, and conscious connection and relationships. Because how much things cost seems to be interesting to so many, I'll note that information when I can. 

I’ve learned so much in the past nearly nine years. There’s ... so ... much … I can’t wait to show it all to you. 

I'll leave you with a very short video of where I'm headed with Planted 365. 

With sincerest gratitude ...



Bustled for Bicycling

I’ve had some requests to show details of how I arrange the buttons in order to shorten my long skirts for bicycling. Well like this: Clear as mud? Let’s take a closer look. Disclaimer: I’ve been wearing both of these skirts for years and it shows in these detail shots. First that plaid walking skirt … Continue reading Bustled for Bicycling


Strawberry Fields Forever

Happy 40th birthday to me! I'm currently in Connecticut visiting with the whole family, which is only somewhat coincidentally on my 40th birthday weekend. The main thing is the pizza! Two quick updates from this month, strawberry-related:

One of my all-time favorite games, Celeste, just got a new free 9th chapter (which is sized more like three chapters). This was a mixed blessing since over a year ago I finished all its hardest levels (all achievements) and then managed to pry myself from it. So I felt compelled to get the two new achievements to get back to 100%, but it was a somewhat hypnotizing and RSI-inducing grind. (Especially since I had gotten pretty rusty. I even forgot that you can hold onto walls, which made the first few levels much harder...) The worst part was that the final level was rumored to be kinda ridiculous, and the "WOW" achievement even moreso, so I was feeling worried about that the whole week it took to get through the prior 99. All told it was pretty worthwhile; the level design is really admirable as usual, and it stays true to the signature difficulty curve. I recommend it.

Second is a font sighting sent by a friendly Internet stranger. This one is from a fairly popular (18M views this month) music video called Fresa, which features Columbian Reggaeton artist Lalo Ebratt. A sighting in such a video would be interesting, but the wildest thing is where it is:

Lalo Ebratt's "THUGGER" neck tattoo

Yes, that is Action Jackson used on his highly permanent neck tattoo that reads "THUGGER" (presumably short for "Tree Hugger"). It seems to be a fairly new tattoo, but you can find many more images of it to verify. I hope it ages well!


174627560650599227+100919519*23#*n for n=0..24

Hello again! I got a little bit stuck on my most recent project because I don't have the right tools to do it the best way, which has created a sort of analysis-paralysis, but I like to think that one is wrapping up. Of course I still need to make a video which will take 9999 hours. Winter's computational space heater made a decent discovery, which is an Arithmetic Progression of Primes. An AP is some starting number x, and some positive stride s, where a progression of numbers in this sequence are all prime:

x, x + s, x + 2s, x + 3s, x + 4s, ...

For example with x=3 and s=2, we have 3, 3+2, 3+2+2 prime (and then 3+2+2+2=9 is not prime), yielding an Arithmetic Progression of length 3, or "AP3". The longest such progression known is an AP27, the only one yet known found last year:
x=224584605939537911, s=18135696597948930
for 27 consecutive primes! Only twelve AP26s are known,* and my computer found an AP25:
x=174627560650599227, s=22514425132729530

i.e. 174627560650599227, 197141985783328757, 219656410916058287, 242170836048787817, ...
only 133 AP25s are known* so it's a pretty lucky find, although of course people care a lot less about finding these than about finding huge primes (AP1s, if you will.)

* Technically an AP27 contains two AP26s, and three AP25s (etc.) so these numbers undercount a little.

Aside from the secret projects and winter hibernation, I played a slightly-old puzzle game called Closure which was pretty good. Definitely an interesting mechanic that they get plenty out of, if perhaps with slightly sluggish controls. I also just started Luigi's Mansion 3 for the cozy-factor, but you probably don't need me to tell you about AAA franchise Nintendo titles. I rarely recommend TV on here, but the second season of Castle Rock was unexpectedly good, if you like that sort of thing (first season is fine but there's no reason to watch them in any particular order). OK byeeee


【FormStaff】6/13 バースデーライブ 告知動画公開!& yahoo!先行 開始!

6月13日(土)開催バースデーライブ!「KIMERU Live 2020 Halloween Party Birthday」の告知動画が完成しました!! ライブ様子を見るだけでうずうずしますね!チケットをまだお持ちでない方に朗報です♪本日より yahoo!チケット先行 の受付開始★受付期間は4月20日(月)まで!そして、現在 アニメイト特別先行 も受付中!こちらは1週間限定先行で購入者には特典で"サイン入り仮装衣装ブロマイド”が会場にて貰えます!!ライブ当日に着用する仮装衣装のブロマイドに直筆サイン!4月12日までの限定先行なのでこの機会に今すぐお申し込みを! ハロウィン×KIMERUバースデーのライブ!KIMERUは仮装衣装でのライブ♪ ハロウィンライブは2012年以来のようで、なんと8年ぶり!!前回はドラキュラや早着替えで魔女風仮装をしてました♪今回はどんな衣装で登場するのかお楽しみ!! 6月はみんなで楽しい時間を過ごしましょう★===================KIMERU Live 2020 Halloween Party Birthday◇日程2020年6月13日(土) OPEN 12:30/START 13:00◇会場青山RizM◇チケット ※別途ドリンク代・スタンディング  5,500円◇チケットお申込み <先行発売> ※抽選●アニメイト特別先行 <受付中!>申込URL:受付期間:4月4日(土)10:00~4月12日(日)23:59当落入金:4月15日(水)~4月19日(日)23:59特典:サイン入り仮装衣装ブロマイド●Yahoo!チケット先行 <受付中!>申込URL:受付期間:2020年4月7日(火)15:00~4月20日(月)23:59当落入金:2020年4月25日(土)15:00~4月29日(水)23:59 ===============続きをみる



【FormStaff】6月13日(土)開催のバースデーライブ yahoo!チケット先行 本日まで

6月13日(土)開催のバースデーライブ!「KIMERU Live 2020 Halloween Party Birthday」のyahoo!チケット先行の受付が本日4月20日(月) 23:59まで!まだチケットをお持ちでない方はお申込みを急げ! 「KIMERU Live 2020 Halloween Party Birthday」◇日程2020年6月13日(土) OPEN 12:30/START 13:00◇会場青山RizM ◇チケット ※別途ドリンク代・スタンディング  5,500円●Yahoo!チケット先行 <受付中!>申込URL:https://ticket.yahoo続きをみる



It’s a gift for you, really

I almost never do sponsored posts on this blog because I hate reading them on other people’s blogs so I only do it if it’s a product that I truly adore and think you’d love too.  I’ve written before about … Continue reading


A slice of the past, preserved for the future

Did one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done: I cut up my mother’s wedding dress. Now, Mom always *loathed* her wedding dress. Her mother talked her into a waltz length, ballerina-y dress, and she never enjoyed looking at her wedding pictures. She put it in her cedar chest and never looked at it. […]


Wimpie Nortje: Database migration libraries for PostgreSQL.

It may be tempting at the start of a new project to create the first database tables manually, or write SQL scripts that you run manually, especially when you first have to spend a significant amount of time on sifting through all the migration libraries and then some more to get it working properly.

Going through this process did slow me down at the start of the project but I was determined to use a migration tool because hunting inexplicable bugs that only happen in production just to find out there is a definition mismatch between the production and development databases is not fun. Using such a tool also motivates you to write both the setup and teardown steps for each table while the current design is still fresh in your mind.

At first I considered a standalone migration tool because I expect them to be very good at that single task. However, learning the idiosyncrasies of a new tool and trying to make it fit seamlessly into my development workflow seemed like more trouble than it is worth.

I decided to stick with a Common Lisp library and found the following seven that work with PostgreSQL and/or Postmodern:

I quickly discounted Crane and Mito because they are ORM (Object Relational Mapper) libraries which are way more complex than a dedicated migration library. Development on Crane have stalled some time ago and I don't feel it is mature enough for frictionless use yet. Mito declares itself as being in Alpha state; also not mature enough yet.

I only stumbled onto cl-mgr and Orizuru-orm long after making my decision so I did not investigate them seriously. Orizuru-orm is in any case an ORM which I would have discounted because it is too complex for my needs. CL-mgr looks simple, which is a good thing. It is based on cl-dbi which makes it a good candidate if you foresee switching databases but even if I discovered it sooner I would have discounted it for the same reason as CL-migrations.

CL-migrations looks very promising. It is a simple library focusing only on migrations. It uses clsql to interface with the database which bothered me because I already committed to using Postmodern and I try to avoid adding a lot of unused code to my projects. The positive side is that it interfaces to many different databases so it is a good candidate if you are not committed to using Postmodern. It is also a stable code base with no outstanding bug reports.

The two projects I focused on was Postmodern-passenger-pigeon and Database-migrations because they both use Postmodern for a database interface.

Postmodern-passenger-pigeon was in active development at the time and it seemed safer to use than Database-migrations because it can do dry runs, which is a very nice feature when you are upgrading your production database and face the possibility of losing data when things go awry. Unfortunately I could not get it working within a reasonable amount of time.

I finally settled on Database-migrations. It is a small code base, focused on one task, it is mature and it uses Postmodern so it does not pull in a whole new database interface into my project. There are however some less positive issues.

The first issue is a hindrance during development. Every time the migrations ASDF system (or the file containing it, as ASDF prefers that all systems be defined in a single file) is recompiled it adds all the defined migrations to the migrations list. Though each one will only be applied once to the DB it is still bothersome. One can then clear the list with (setf database-migrations::*migrations* nil) but then only newly modified migration files will be added. The solution then is to touch the .asd file after clearing the migrations list.

The second negative point is quite dangerous. The downgrade function takes a target version as parameter, with a default target of 0. This means that if you execute downgrade without specifying a target version you delete your whole database.

I am currently using Database-migrations and it works well for me. If for some reason I need to switch I will use cl-migrations.

Using Database-migrations

To address the danger of unintentionally deleting my database I created a wrapper function that does both upgrade and downgrade, and it requires a target version number.

Another practical issue I discovered is that upgrades and downgrades happen in the same order as they are defined in the migration file. If you create two tables in a single file where table 2 depends on table 1 then you can not revert / downgrade because Database-migrations will attempt to delete table 1 before table 2. The solution here is to use the def-queries-migration macro (instead of def-query-migration) which defines multiple queries simultaneously . If you get overwhelmed by a single definition that defines multiple tables the other option is to stick with one migration definition per file.


ABCL Dev: ABCL 1.6.1 Springs Forth

As augured, the Bear is pleased to join fellow open ANSI Common Lisp implementations CCL, ECL, and SBCL in publishing a new release around the online advent of the thirteenth European Lisp Symposium, ELS2020.

The ABCL 1.6.1 binaries and signatures are now available with their associated CHANGES.

Thanks to everyone involved in continuing to further the progress of our implementation.


“shoulda taken a before picture…”

I had a small dip in productivity this week. I think I mentioned that at the end of last summer I had shingles. It was a super mild case, but I wound up with something called “post-herpetic neuralgia” which is basically nerve pain. It’s super well-controlled with gabapentin, which also has some positive effects on […]


CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: The 2019 Theszies (the Awards)

This is the Call for Nominations for the 2019 Theszie Awards (the Awards). To nominate candidates for all categories, you may use this form. Nominations are due by January 5, 2019. Finally, to see previous years’ results, click here for 2018, click here for 2017, here for 2016, here for 2015, here for 2014, […]

  • Interactive Fun Time Party
  • The RSPW Awards / The Theszies
  • Wrestling


CALL FOR VOTES – The 2019 RSPW Awards (The Theszies)

This is the Call for Votes for the 2019 RSPW (Theszie) Awards. You can vote here. The Theszies are the oldest fan awards in pro wrestling history, going back to 1990 (when Mr. Perfect quite appropriately won Best Wrestler and Junkyard Dog v. Ric Flair at Clash of the Champions XI won Worst Match). They […]

  • Interactive Fun Time Party
  • The RSPW Awards / The Theszies
  • THIS-IS-AWE-SOME (clapclapclapclapclap)
  • Wrestling


Glowforge Pro 3D Laser Printer


Registration open for USGL Lover Triad Convocation

A convocation of the Lover Triad of United States Grand Lodge will be held in Cleveland, Ohio, August 14-16 2020. Registration for the convocation is now open. See this site for more information.


Dues Relief for O.T.O. Members

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Greetings on the First Day of the Writing of the Book of the Law! Due to the ongoing economic impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, the International Supreme Council of Ordo Templi Orientis, in consultation with the Grand Lodges, is implementing the following measures to …

Continue reading


The possibilites for a disabled person to enjoy Malta

Disabled people shall not visit Malta if they intend to see the islands and not just stay in their hotels. There is almost nothing done in Malta to help disabled people. The pavements mostly lack ramps and are far too high. The new buses are a little bit better than the old classical ones but not enough improvements have been made. When entering or leaving a bus, persons in wheelchairs cannot manage themselves but have to rely on helpful fellow passengers due to the fact that the bus is too high up from the street. That could be helped if the buses stop close to the pavements, but very often they stop one or two meters from the very high pavement.
The old classical type of bus no longer in use
There are very few shops with ramps, a fact that makes it almost impossible to visit shops if you are sitting in a wheelchair.
The pavements are, with very few exceptions, in a condition that makes it impossible to go by a wheelchair. The main exceptions in the Gzira, Sliema and S:t Julian’s area beeing, of course, The Strand and Tower Road as well as George Borg Oliver Road. In Marsaskala, Marsaxlokk and other towns by the sea with many tourists, there are also roads that are suitable for disabled people. BUT, how to get there?


Another batch of Union troops for the Dip

Experimenting with different techniques with this second batch. The strong tone brown is quite dark so is great for clothes but I feel some areas of the mini need a stronger contrast. So with this second group I gave their muskets a wash of black. Also their equipment is very dark too so while I had the ink on the brush I tried on their blue uniforms and a little on their faces. Watching a lot of references and from my own re-enactments, I know the black power gets all over the face with biting cartridges etc, so a bit of black contrast on the face wouldn’t go a miss.

This extra shade on the face did bring out the expressions and characters of the figures a lot more. Again, really quick to do and gave another level of detail to the mini. I will compare the two batches at the end and see which I prefer.

I’m finding that painting them in little strips of five or six minis is actually really fun and gives a much more instant and rewarding experience.

As I paint these guys I try to use the brush in such a way that I leave areas of black undercoat still showing in the recesses. This should help the should help the shading later with the brown tone.

There is one more technique I would like to try on a third batch, using two tones of Army Painter at the same time. A black Dark tone for the equipment/uniform areas and a Strong tone for the trousers etc.

  • American Civil War
  • Dip


Communication formats

Today's xkcd: Mouseover title: "DOWNSIDES: Adobe people may periodically email your newsroom to ask you to call it an 'Adobe® PDF document,' but they'll reverse course once they learn how sarcastically you can pronounce the registered trademark symbol." My own pet peeve, speaking of how normal humans choose to communicate, is people who send an […]

  • Linguistics in the comics


A Metaphor for our Television Addiction

From the submitter:

So I get up today and the kids are up before me watching TV. That's fine, it Sunday, got to sleep in, figured I go check my email and puts around online for a few. Later I go into the living room, to turn the TV so I can start watching Game highlights before the Super Bowl, but can not find the remote. I mean I searched everywhere. The usual places... In the couch cushions, under the couch, behind the couch and behind the TV.... nowhere to be found.


Setting the Benchmark for Benches

Whoever thought of this must've been really tipsy.


Sally Forth: Happy Easter Flashback!


Don’t Go Forth


Sally Forth Week: We’re All Home Now


Sally Forth Week: Say Hello to the Folks


Sally Forth Week: Nona


Sally Forth Sunday: Did Ted Already Know? (No.)

Note: Written and illustrated months before, well, everything happened.


3 ways to boost your wifi for free

Having a wireless connection can be a great thing to have: you have fewer wires spilling all over the place for you to trip over, or for your dog to chew on when you're not looking. And it allows you to set up your computer anywhere instead of having it fixed close your phone cable outlet


Why you should create an rss feed for your website

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary; it's an XML based content format for distributing things like news, headlines, content, etc. These are popular because instead of relying on them to bookmark your site and return later, their RSS reader keeps your site fresh by showing them your latest posts as a simple headline. So every time that you add content such as a blog post or article they get to see the update, plus a direct link to that post.


How to promote your website for free

It seems there are literally thousands of sites that promise to promote your website or blog…..but for a price. The best known one is Google Adwords where you pay so many cents per click depending on the competition of the Keywords you want top rankings in. And while this will get your website to the top page in Google not everyone has the budget to fork out hundreds of dollars in advertising. But you can promote your site for free using some of these methods. Most of these are going to take time to build up before you start noticing huge amounts of traffic, but they will work if your willing to put the time in.


How not to ask for backlinks

Backlinks are one of the keys when it comes to how to promote your website. More backlinks equals more traffic to your website, and more traffic to your website equals better search engine results which equal even more traffic to your website….so you can never have enough backlinks.


How To Ask For Backlinks

In my last post I showed some of the ways that will get your link request shot down. For this post I’m going to show you how you can get those backlinks using some simple link building strategies to get backlinks and increase traffic to your website. Google Page Rank Before you start looking to get backlinks to your site what’s your page rank? A lot of sites owners don’t want links from sites that don’t have page rank. They want links from sites that will in time help boost their own traffic and a site with low or no page rank isn’t appealing compared to a site with a rank of 5 for example. Google also judges a site based on the number of high ranking pages that link back to that site, more high ranking pages equals more popular. To boost your page rank concentrate building links from link directories such as Digg, Reddit, and Stumbleupon. There are dozens of these sites and most have page ranks of 6 and up. Also add content to your site on a regular basis and remember to ping your site whenever you add new content to alert the search engines of changes to get indexed faster..............


How To Pick The Right Backpack For Your Bug Out Bag

So you’ve decided to make a bug out bag, you’ve picked all the items you know will be the most effective. But what about the bug out bag itself? Selecting the right pack is just as important as what you put inside it, after all this will probably be on your back for a good length of time. The last thing you want is a bag that either isn’t strong enough to hold the weight of your equipment, and doesn’t fit you properly causing pain and discomfort. Here are some things to look for when selecting the proper bug out bag for your emergency supplies. The first thing you want to do before you buy anything is know what your budget is. Check online and store flyers to see what brands they have for sale and compare prices. Other sources to investigate are websites such as Ebay, Craigslist, or Kijiji, to see if there’s some second hand bags that are in good shape. Also check with places like and U.S Calvary (U.S Calvary deals with military and police clothing and equipment) And of course look for local military surplus stores. Now you want to decide what type of bug out bag you want to use. All bags can be broken down into three categories.


Why Long tail Keywords Are Good For Your Website

When it comes to trying to get your site to rank well on search engines many focus on trying to rank for the most popular keywords, the ones with high volumes of traffic with the hope that hundreds or thousands of people every day visit their site. The reality is that chasing after the most popular keywords will be almost impossible to rank for. If your website or blog is brand new this will be a fight you can’t win, the large companies that rank number one for these types of keywords spend fortunes to dominate those positions.


How To Prepare For An Earthquake Part 1

Unless you live under a rock you know well enough about the devastation that recently happened in Japan and just how fast a devastating earthquake can tear things apart. If you live in an area prone to earthquakes your emergency preparedness plan must encompass earthquake survival. So how do you prepare for an earthquake? In this first of 2 posts on earthquake survival I’ll show you what you can do to better prepare your home.


How To Prepare For An Earthquake Part 2

In my last post I listed some ways you can prepare your home for an earthquake. In this post I’ll show you some things you can do to prepare yourself and family for one. How you prepare for an earthquake will vary depending on where you live, how much space you have, how big your family is, and last but not least what your budget is.