
Arbeitslosenquote auf Höchststand seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg

In den USA haben allein im April 20 Millionen Menschen ihren Job verloren, infolge der Corona-Pandemie. Präsident Trump versucht, durch Optimismus gegenzusteuern, und zweifelt die Zahl der Todesopfer an.


So werden Sie die Schimmelplage in Ihrer Wohnung los

Egal ob in Fugen, an Wänden oder an Fenstern: Schimmel in der Wohnung sieht nicht nur alles andere als schön aus, sondern ist auch gesundheitsschädlich. Wir erklären Ihnen, was Sie gegen Schimmelbefall tun können. 


Bitter Taste For Coffee Shop Owner, As New $600 Jobless Benefit Drove Her To Close

Updated at 4:04 p.m. ET $600 per week. That's what the federal government is now offering to people who've lost their jobs because of the coronavirus. For many workers and employers, that money is a godsend — a way to keep food on the table while also cutting payroll costs. But the extra money can create some awkward situations. Some businesses that want to keep their doors open say it's hard to do so when employees can make more money by staying home. "We basically have this situation where it would be a logical choice for a lot of people to be unemployed," said Sky Marietta, who opened a coffee shop along with her husband, Geoff, last year in Harlan, Ky. Their goal was to provide good coffee, good Internet service and some opportunity in a community that has been starved of all three. "We're very committed to helping to transform the downtowns and main streets in eastern Kentucky," Marietta said. When the couple advertised for workers, nearly 100 people applied for just a handful of


Deluge Continues: 26 Million Jobs Lost In Just 5 Weeks

Updated at 8:46 a.m. ET The number of people forced out of work during the coronavirus lockdown continues to soar to historic highs. Another 4.4 million people claimed unemployment benefits last week around the country, the Labor Department said . That brings the total of jobless claims in just five weeks to more than 26 million people. That's more than all the jobs added in the past 10 years since the Great Recession. Still, the pace of job losses is slowing. About 5.2 million filed during the week that ended April 11 and last week was the third consecutive week of declines. Don't see the graphic above? Click here. The coronavirus crisis has suddenly ended a decade of remarkable job growth. The unemployment rate, which sank to nearly 50-year lows, is expected to soar into double digits. The pace of job losses has the broader population worried. A Gallup poll found that a quarter of working Americans believe they will lose their jobs in the next 12 months. That's a record high. The


School Bus Driver: I Lost My Job Over The Dispatch Radio

Angelita Wynn has driven a school bus for six years. Wynn was driving the kids back home on her afternoon run in Pittsburgh one day in March when she got word her job was going away. Over the radio. "Our dispatcher came across the radio saying that school was closed, so that's how I found out," Wynn said. "And that's the last time I've been in the bus." Her favorite thing about her job was the sense of freedom it offered, where driving can get you from one place to another. Her least favorite thing: It didn't pay a living wage. Wynn notes that most school bus drivers are retired or married to someone who brings in another income. "If you don't fit in those categories it can be a struggle," she said. She typically collects unemployment during the summer when school is not in session. But the abrupt layoff this spring and a weeks-long delay in getting her jobless benefits has thrown her for a loop. "My bank account is in the negative," Wynn said. "I've had to rely on savings that will


Women Bear The Brunt Of Coronavirus Job Losses

Very briefly, at the end of 2019 and the start of 2020, there were slightly more women on American nonfarm payrolls than men. That's no longer true. The historically disastrous April jobs report shows that the brunt of job losses fell on women. Women now account for around just under half — 49% — of American workers, and they accounted for 55% of the increase in job losses last month. One way of looking at why that matters that is to look at the gap that opened up between women's and men's unemployment last month. The below chart shows women's unemployment rate minus men's unemployment rate since 2007. Usually, the line bumps around near or just below zero — meaning men's unemployment is usually near or slightly higher than women's. But that spike on the far right shows how women's unemployment leapt to be 2.7 points higher than men's in April. Women had an unemployment rate of 16.2% to men's 13.5% last month. That's uncommon for a recession. The below chart is a longer view, and the


So schützen sie sich vor den Corona-Kilos

Corona bringt uns zum Kochen: Den ganzen Tag in der Wohnung und in Kühlschranknähe. Oft bedeutet das: Ran an den Speck! Ein Ernährungspsychologe weiß, wie man mit Kalorienbomben umgeht – und wann eine Pizza-Challenge hilfreich sein kann.


954- Nick Lowe & Los Straitjackets, Patty Griffin, Craig Finn and Shook Twins

Nick Lowe & Los Straitjackets, Patty Griffin,Craig Finn & the Uptown Controllers and Shook TwinsRecorded 9/22/19 in Charleston, WV. Support provided by Adventures on the Gorge. https://adventuresonthegorge.com/


Women Bear The Brunt Of Coronavirus Job Losses

Very briefly, at the end of 2019 and the start of 2020, there were slightly more women on American nonfarm payrolls than men. That's no longer true. The historically disastrous April jobs report shows that the brunt of job losses fell on women. Women now account for around just under half — 49% — of American workers, and they accounted for 55% of the increase in job losses last month. One way of looking at why that matters that is to look at the gap that opened up between women's and men's unemployment last month. The below chart shows women's unemployment rate minus men's unemployment rate since 2007. Usually, the line bumps around near or just below zero — meaning men's unemployment is usually near or slightly higher than women's. But that spike on the far right shows how women's unemployment leapt to be 2.7 points higher than men's in April. Women had an unemployment rate of 16.2% to men's 13.5% last month. That's uncommon for a recession. The below chart is a longer view, and the


Women Bear The Brunt Of Coronavirus Job Losses

Very briefly, at the end of 2019 and the start of 2020, there were slightly more women on American nonfarm payrolls than men. That's no longer true. The historically disastrous April jobs report shows that the brunt of job losses fell on women. Women now account for around just under half — 49% — of American workers, and they accounted for 55% of the increase in job losses last month. One way of looking at why that matters that is to look at the gap that opened up between women's and men's unemployment last month. The below chart shows women's unemployment rate minus men's unemployment rate since 2007. Usually, the line bumps around near or just below zero — meaning men's unemployment is usually near or slightly higher than women's. But that spike on the far right shows how women's unemployment leapt to be 2.7 points higher than men's in April. Women had an unemployment rate of 16.2% to men's 13.5% last month. That's uncommon for a recession. The below chart is a longer view, and the


Boris Palmer soll wohl nicht aus der Partei ausgeschlossen werden

Innerhalb der Grünen-Partei rumort es - auch wegen eines Streits um neuerliche Aussagen Boris Palmers. Ein Parteiausschluss, wie von einigen gefordert, scheint dem Tübinger Oberbürgermeister aber nicht zu drohen.


Verschwörungstheoretiker sind keine harmlosen Spinner

Früher gab es pro Dorf ein paar einsame Sonderlinge. Heute sind sie dank sozialer Medien vernetzt. Sie reden von „querdenken“. In Wahrheit suchen sie einfache Antworten auf komplexe Fragen – und sind schnell dabei, für alles einen Schuldigen zu finden.


From Lost Sinner to Soul-Winner

Scott was a slave to punk rock and worldly parties. But through your gifts, this lost sinner discovered God’s truth and was transformed into a soul-winner for Christ! When you give to the work of Amazing Facts, you cooperate with heaven by creating even more gospel workers for the kingdom. Please send a gift today to multiply evangelists and disciple-makers throughout the world. Thank you!


dangerously close

http://www.musicxray.com/xrays/1319881 JohnC - dangerously close


Closed For Quarantine, Georgia's Independent Cinemas Turn From Silver Screen To Digital Streams

Among the small businesses shuttered by shelter-in-place orders are two of Georgia’s historic art-house theaters. How are these independent cinemas surviving, and innovating, now that their screens have gone dark? Christopher Escobar, owner of Atlanta’s Plaza Theatre and executive director of the Atlanta Film Society, said that business had already been slowing down for about two weeks prior to their closing. And Pamela Kohn, executive director of Ciné in Athens, said their decision to shut down the theater was difficult, but necessary.


Beauty Behind Closed Doors: How Self-Care And Grooming Regimes Have Changed In Quarantine

Self-isolation and quarantine have recalibrated our habits, routines, and what we present to the world. For many lucky enough to still have a job, getting dressed and made up is a vestige of normalcy in a world that feels upended. But for others, gray roots, shaggy beards and chipped nails are the last thing to worry about. What has this unprecedented period behind closed doors revealed about the motivations behind our self-care? And what will happen to the beauty market when self-isolation is over — especially given that Gov. Brian Kemp recently gave the greenlight for barbershops and hair and nail salons to re-open?


Life After Loss: How to Reshape, Move On and Let it Go

A traumatic event in life is like a scratch on a record. Every time the record player, or your mind, runs over the scratch, it skips. This skipping record thought pattern is called rumination. Until we’re able to fill the scratch, it will keep skipping. So how do we fill the scratch, move on and...


0x5C: Basic FLOSS Concepts: Licensing 101

Bradley and Karen give a basic introduction of copyright licensing of Open Source and Free Software.

Show Notes:

Segment 0 (00:35)

Send feedback and comments on the cast to <oggcast@faif.us>. You can keep in touch with Free as in Freedom on our IRC channel, #faif on irc.freenode.net, and by following Conservancy on on Twitter and and FaiF on Twitter.

Free as in Freedom is produced by Dan Lynch of danlynch.org. Theme music written and performed by Mike Tarantino with Charlie Paxson on drums.

The content of this audcast, and the accompanying show notes and music are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 4.0 license (CC BY-SA 4.0).


Get lost in stupidly ace sounds and imagery of the algorave, then get smarter and make your own

Algorave culture has been training years for this – it’s an audiovisual form that can make even a screen and streamed sound really come alive. Just watch – and actually, don’t just watch, here’s how to learn, too. Normally, algorave articles talk breathlessly about code, blah blah, people coding on screen, isn’t that nerdy, look […]

The post Get lost in stupidly ace sounds and imagery of the algorave, then get smarter and make your own appeared first on CDM Create Digital Music.


Semisonic - Closing Time

The song “Closing Time” by the American rock band Semisonic came out in March 1998. It hit #1 on the Alternative charts, and was nominated for a Grammy for Best Rock Song. It gets played in stadiums, Weird Al covered it, and it’s the last song of the night in countless bars.

Since then, Dan Wilson, the lead singer and songwriter of Semisonic, has become a powerhouse songwriter who has written or co-written for artists like John Legend and Taylor Swift. And he’s won Grammys for his songwriting with the Dixie Chicks and Adele. But over two decades ago, Dan and his bandmates John Munson and Jacob Slichter were in Minneapolis, getting ready to start work on their second album, Feeling Strangely Fine. In this episode of Song Exploder, Dan breaks down how that process led to "Closing Time."



Can the Saved Be Lost?

Can a saved person be lost?

  • Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor


Can the Saved Be Lost?

Can a saved person be lost?

  • Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor


Moving Panoramas — Leslie Sisson, Karen Skloss and Rozie Castoe

In this episode of “This Song” Elizabeth McQueen sits down with the members of Moving Panoramas. Leslie Sisson, Karen Skloss and Rozie Castoe all talk about songs that changed them and contributed to the sound of Moving Panoramas. You can here the Moving Panorama’s My KUTX DJ set here.   Subscribe via iTunes or Stitcher to get the new […]


This Song: Dion // Amanda Cevallos

American rock and roll icon Dion describes how he, one night, heard the soul and rhythm of Hank Williams drifting out of his family radio and was forever changed. Later, Austinite Amanda Cevallos talks country with Elizabeth (who can talk some country) and they bond over their love of Waylon Jennings and Texas dancehalls.


Family close but apart - are drive-bys just making it worse?

This is not a question about social distancing procedures as much as it is about the psychology of it.

We are a close-knit family living in four separate households in the same city. There are a few dozen cases in our metro area (under a million people). We are not seeing each other in person but we do weekly drive-bys where we stand under the balcony and wave while talking on the phone or shouting from the window. The kids seem to enjoy it mostly but I fear it might be confusing for them as well. Why can't auntie come in when she's already here? The toddler says solemnly, BECAUSE VIRUS, but I'm not sure how much he understands. He once told Grandma on the phone "Grammy is not coming cause she's angry with me".

I (the single aunt) work at a hospital so there is no way we can merge households (none of them really) and it looks like we have to be apart for who knows how long. Wouldn't it be psychologically healthier for the toddler and the other kids to just let the relationship slide for a while instead of maintaining this bitter-sweet balcony relationship? We do video calls but the small ones get bored easily. I'm okay with being more distant if it's better for them but I honestly just don't know. The parents so far are on the side of let's maintain as much (distant) contact as we can - if anything, I am the most paranoid one when it comes to contact precautions - but I'd like to make up my own mind. If we cannot see each other for at least a year does it make sense to maintain the closeness and how much of it? We were almost like one household in several apartments before the pandemic hit. Now we can't, BECAUSE VIRUS. I wonder if anyone else is in a similar situation and what your approach is. How do you make it easier on the kids?


“Me uní a 'Los Danieles', porque quiero defender la prensa independiente”

El periodista colombiano Daniel Samper Pizano escribirá su columna cuando quiera y cuando pueda


“Estábamos aquí de vacaciones y nos cogió el cierre de todos los aeropuerto”

Constanza Henao, colombiana atrapada en la isla de San Martín


"Estamos muy complacidos porque el diario AS es el líder entre los medios deportivos" Sarah Castro

"Estamos muy complacidos porque el diario AS es el líder entre los medios deportivos" Sarah Castro


Conozca el banco de voces de Los Simpson y otros personajes animados


“Los efectos de la crisis son mucho más graves de lo que se previó"


Los antivacunas no están en cuarentena


“El coronavirus cambió todos los conceptos de vida”: Alcalde Medellín


Gobierno debe dar señales a los bancos para dar créditos a largo plazo


Many Factors Contributed To 'Lost' Voters in Ohio

Revisiting the contested state reveals a broader picture of how balloting was conducted for the presidential election.


Corona: US-Arbeitslosenquote auf historischem Höchststand

Die Arbeitslosenquote in den USA ist im April auf 14,7 Prozent gestiegen - der höchste Wert seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Die tatsächlichen Zahlen könnten sogar noch höher liegen.


Analysis: Pac-12 winners, losers, trends and takeaways from the 2020 NFL draft

Here's a look at how the Pac-12 stacked up against other conferences during the NFL draft.


It’s cherry blossom season, but because of the coronavirus, the UW invites you to watch from home

The UW wants you to stay away from the quad — but you can add the school's cherry blossoms to your home streaming queue.


Seattle to close major parks, beaches this weekend due to coronavirus fears during expected warmer weather

Seattle is closing more than a dozen of the city’s largest and most popular parks for the weekend because officials are worried about people crowding into the parks to enjoy the pleasant spring weather and spreading the novel coronavirus to each other, Mayor Jenny Durkan said Thursday.


Ideas for virtual field trips and backyard fun with kids, as coronavirus closures continue

Spending this much time at home is a major challenge if you have young children and you’re used to hitting the library/playground/toddler gym circuit. We have some ideas.


Van Gogh painting stolen from Dutch museum closed by virus

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — A painting by Dutch master Vincent van Gogh was stolen in an overnight smash-and-grab raid on a museum that was closed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, police and the museum said Monday. The Singer Laren museum east of Amsterdam said “The Parsonage Garden at Nuenen in Spring 1884” […]


Van Gogh painting stolen from Dutch museum closed for coronavirus

PARIS – A Van Gogh painting was stolen overnight Monday from a small Dutch museum in an affluent enclave outside Amsterdam, officials at the Singer Laren museum announced. To add to the mystery, there was also an uncanny coincidence, which may not have been a coincidence at all: Monday, March 30, marked Van Gogh’s birthday. […]


Seattle-area cultural organizations projected to lose up to $135 million in revenue because of coronavirus

ArtsFund on Monday announced new projections about pandemic-related losses in regional arts, cultural and scientific nonprofits, as well as its first round of coronavirus-related relief grants.


Analysis: Pac-12 winners, losers, trends and takeaways from the 2020 NFL draft

Here's a look at how the Pac-12 stacked up against other conferences during the NFL draft.


Seattle University women win their fifth in a row while the SU men lose on the road at Texas-Rio Grande Valley

SU women put four players in double figures in 78-70 victory


Jadeveon Clowney not ruling out a return to Seahawks and GM John Schneider says ‘he knows the door is not closed’

In his first public comments since the end of last season, free agent defensive end Jadeveon Clowney said in a TV interview he has not ruled out that he could still return to the Seahawks.


Lower Duwamish Waterway bridge could close, too, if cracks on the West Seattle high bridge worsen

A low-bridge closure would divert the remaining 8,000 to 15,000 daily vehicles that still cross the Duwamish Waterway there.


In response to West Seattle Bridge closure, city to audit maintenance and spending on its aging bridges

Last month’s emergency shutdown of the West Seattle Bridge has prompted Seattle City Council member Alex Pedersen to request an audit of the city’s 124 bridges, he said Thursday. Pedersen, who chairs the council’s Transportation and Utilities Committee, said City Auditor David G. Jones will compile data about maintenance spending and comparisons to peer cities. […]


Seattle will close 6 more miles of streets to vehicle traffic to make space for pedestrians, bicyclists

The city's Stay Healthy Streets program aims to close about 15 miles of streets to nonessential vehicle traffic to give more space for pedestrians and bicyclists practicing social distancing.


Seattle will permanently close 20 miles of residential streets to most vehicle traffic

The streets had been closed temporarily to through traffic to provide more space for people to walk and bike at a safe distance apart during the coronavirus pandemic.


Seattle Fire Department will boost crews in West Seattle due to bridge closure

The Seattle Department of Transportation closed the West Seattle Bridge March 23 because of accelerating shear cracks in the central span.