
Memorandum of understanding signed between EU BON and CETAF (Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities)

A memorandum of understanding has been signed between EU BON and CETAF (Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities, AISBL). The document was signed by EU BON project coordinator Christoph Häuser and the Chair of CETAF, Dr. Michelle J. Price, during the 35th CETAF General Meeting in Oslo, 6-7 May, 2014.
CETAF is a networked consortium of scientific institutions in Europe formed to promote training, research and understanding of systematic biology and palaeobiology, Together, CETAF institutions hold very substantial biological (zoological and botanical), palaeobiological, and geological collections and provide the resources necessary for the work of thousands of researchers in a variety of scientific disciplines.
Meanwhile the list of MoU signed by EU BON has grown with further institutions/projects joining: http://www.eubon.eu/showpage.php?storyid=10373


Memorandum of Understanding signed between EU BON and BioVeL

A memorandum of understanding has been signed between EU BON and BioVeL (Biodiversity Virtual e-Laboratory Project). The document was signed by the BioVeL coordinator Alex Hardisty (Cardiff University, UK)  and handed over to Alexander Kroupa (Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Germany), who was there on behalf of the EU BON consortium, during the SPNHC Conference in Cardiff, 22-27 June 2014.
BioVeL is a virtual e-laboratory that supports research on biodiversity issues using large amounts of data from cross-disciplinary sources. BioVeL offers the possibility to use computerized "workflows" (series of data analysis steps) to process data, be that from one's own research and/or from existing sources.
Meanwhile the list of MoU signed by EU BON has grown with further institutions/projects joining: http://www.eubon.eu/showpage.php?storyid=10373


The Spiral Project Handbook: Effective interfaces between science, policy and society

The Spiral Project Handbook: Effective interfaces between science, policy and society was developed as part of the SPIRAL project. SPIRAL is an interdisciplinary research project that studies science-policy interfaces between biodiversity research and policy to draw lessons and improve the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
This handbook provides a manual for projects and individuals interested in designing or improving interfaces between science, policy and society. It is challenging – but important – to establish appropriate connections between the diverse insights and perspectives of scientists and other knowledge holders, and the needs and interests of decision-takers, implementers and other knowledge users. These connections and interactions are the "science-policy interface" (SPI). Designing and improving SPIs of EU-funded research projects is the aim of this handbook.
The handbook is structured around five main issues. It starts with a brief introduction to what SPIs are, and what they are not. Then moves on to the issue of why SPIs are needed before looking at certain important attributes of SPIs, namely credibility, relevance, legitimacy and iterativity. In the next part of the handbook, some steps and recommendations for designing, maintaining and improving the SPIs of EUfunded research projects are outlined. As part of this some factors facilitating successful SPIs are discussed.
SPIRAL was funded under the EU 7th Framework Programme, contract number 244035.
Original Source:
Young, J.C., Watt, A.D. van den Hove, S. and the SPIRAL project team1. 2013. Effective interfaces between science, policy and society: the SPIRAL project handbook. http://www.spiralproject.eu/content/documents



Memorandum of Understanding signed between EU BON and NINA

A memorandum of understanding has been signed between EU BON and Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA). The hand over took place at the 21st GBIF Governing Board (GB21) in New Delhi (India) on 16-18 September 2014 between EU BON project co-ordinator Christoph Häuser and Roald Vang (Head of Department on Information technology) and Frank Hanssen from NINA.

IMAGE: At the handover: EU BON co-ordinator Christoph Häuser and Roald Vang (Head of Department on Information technology) and Frank Hanssen from NINA.

The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) is Norway’s leading institution for applied ecological research, with broad-based expertise on the genetic, population, species, ecosystem and landscape level, in terrestrial, freshwater and coastal marine environments. The core activities encompass strategic ecological research integrated with long-term monitoring, as well as a variety of environmental assessments and development of methodologies. Most work is aimed at improving the understanding of biodiversity, ecosystem services, ecological processes and their main drivers to facilitate better management of ecosystem services and resources. NINA addresses a wide variety of interdisciplinary issues involving both ecologists and social scientists, and plays an important role in European and other international research cooperation.


Bridging the gap between biodiversity data and policy reporting needs: An EBV perspective

Reporting under policy instruments to inform on the trends in biodiversity requires information from a range of different elements of biodiversity, from genetically viable populations to the structure of ecosystems. A new research looks into the Essential Biodiversity Variables as an analytic framework to identify ways in which gaps between biodiversity data and policy reporting needs could be bridged. The study was published in theJournal of Applied Ecology.

The Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs, Pereira et al. 2013) which were previously developed by ecology experts in GEO BON, is as a list of the most essential elements that need to be monitored worldwide, if we want to know how biodiversity is really changing.Example of essential variables is the population abundances of species (like the Living Plant Index from the WWF) or the extent of habitat fragmentation.

In the recently published study, funded by the EU FP7 project EU BON, scientists used the identified EBVs as a framework to analyse the gaps between the biodiversity objectives stated in international policy instruments, the indicators used to develop the related policy reports and the data that is actually available to quantify indicators and proxies.

Results of the recently published study show:

1) which aspects of biodiversity are being asked for the reporting on policy instruments. Based on this knowledge,it became apparent which aspects of biodiversity are not often asked to be in these reports and thus for which aspects policy makers are unlikely to receive information. For example information on the changes in the EBV class "Genetic Composition", was not often asked in reports, not often used in indicators and little data is directly available.

2) which of these biodiversity aspects actually end up being in the CBD reports, because scientists were able to quantify indicators. For instance, information for Ecosystem function is often asked for, but is not represented by many indicators.

3) for some EBVs data seems available to improve current reporting efforts, for instance for indicators on Ecosystem structure.

Additionally, the study identified which potentially available data could be used to improve existing indicators by adding more taxa or spatial or temporal coverage. This analysis also showed that the EBVs will not cover all the information asked in policy reporting. This is because the policy objectives also include things related to awareness raising of the public and the implementation of protection measures - aspects which are not within the scope of EBVs.

"Analytical properties, such as an identification of which data and indicators are relevant per EBV, will need to be addressed before EBVs can actually become operational and facilitate the integration of data flows for monitoring and reporting." commented the lead author of the study Dr. Ilse Geijzendorffer.


Original Source:

Geijzendorffer, I.R., Regan, E.C., Pereira, H. M., Brotons, L., Brummitt, N., Gavish, Y., Haase, P., Martin, C.S., Mihoub, J.-B., Secades, C., Schmeller, D.S., Stoll, S., Wetzel, F. T., & Walters, M.,Journal of Applied Ecology http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2664.12417/abstract

Additional information:

Pereira, H.M., Ferrier, S., Walters, M., Geller, G.N., Jongman, R.H.G., Scholes, R.J. M. W. Bruford, Brummitt, N. , Butchart, S.H.M., Cardoso, A.C., Coops, N.C., Dulloo, E., Faith, D.P., Freyhof, J., Gregory, R.D., Heip, C., Höft, R., Hurtt, G., Jetz, W., Karp, D.S., McGeoch, M.A., Obura, D., Onoda, Y., Pettorelli, N., Reyers, B., Sayre, R., Scharlemann, J. P. W., Stuart, S.N., Turak, E., Walpole, M., & Wegmann, M. (2013) Essential biodiversity variables. Science, 339, 277-278.


Green Week: stakeholders put nature in the spotlight

Stakeholders from across Europe are coming together at Green Week to discuss biodiversity and ecosystem services in Europe. The European Environment Agency (EEA) will present its latest findings, recently published in its reports 'State of nature in the EU' and 'The European Environment – state and outlook 2015'. 

The European Environment Agency's recent assessments, including The European environment – state and outlook 2015 and State of Nature in the EU, show that Europe's biodiversity is still being eroded, despite significant local improvements. To halt the loss of biodiversity, stabilise and restore degraded ecosystems, the European Union has adopted the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, which sets various targets and actions. An effective implementation of the strategy depends, among others, on the data and information available on biodiversity in Europe. Through its extensive network and close collaboration with partners, the EEA contributes extensively to the knowledge base on Europe's biodiversity.

Read the full original news story on the EEA website.


Article Alert: Fostering integration between biodiversity monitoring and modelling

A new editorial, published in the Journal of Apllied Ecology looks at modelling and monitoring as methods for adaptive biodiversity management in the 21st century.


With increasing threats on biodiversity, informed conservation decisions need to be based on currently observed and future predicted trends of biodiversity (Pereira, Navarro & Martins 2012; Guisan et al. 2013). In this regard, two essential components supporting informed biodiversity conservation decisions are good monitoring data to assess recent and ongoing trends (Collen et al. 2013; Pereira et al. 2013) and robust models to anticipate possible future trends (Pereira et al. 2010a; Akcakaya et al. 2016). Models benefit from robust monitoring data sets, that is repeated observations of biodiversity, as they need data to be fitted or validated, but models can also help assess data representativeness (e.g. by highlighting any bias), support proper data collection (e.g. covering the relevant gradients) or be used to make more effective use of biodiversity observations (Guisan et al. 2006, 2013; Ferrier 2011).

Read more in the open access paper.


Green Week

The 2015 edition of Green Week, the biggest annual conference on European environment policy, will take place from 3 to 5 June at The Egg Conference Centre, Rue Bara, in Brussels. The theme will be nature and biodiversity.

Green Week is open to the public and participation is free of charge.

For more inforation about the conference, programme and registartion, please visit the official conference webpage: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/greenweek/




Nature-based Solutions to Climate Change in Urban Areas and their Rural Surroundings: Linkages between science, policy and practice

The Europena Conference "Nature-based Solutions to Climate Change  in Urban Areas and their Rural Surroundings: Linkages between science, policy and practice" will take place from 17 to 19 November 2015 in Bonn, Germany.

The event is a joint European Conference held by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and the European Network of Heads of Nature Conservation Agencies (ENCA) in co-operation with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) / German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv).

Climate change has significant impact on society and biodiversity in Europe. Urban inhabitants are most likely to experience climate change effects directly because currently 73 per cent of Europeans live in urban areas. Here, management of urban ecosystems offer sustainable and cost-effective solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation while contributing to human well-being.

This European conference will bring together experts from science, policy and practice to highlight and debate the importance of nature-based solutions to climate change in urban areas and their rural surroundings. Emphasize is given to the potential of nature-based approaches to create multiple-benefits.

The conference is divided into three main areas (day 1: science, day 2: practice and implementation, day 3: policy and business), each of which will be opened by keynote speakers including:

  • Hans Bruyninckx (Executive Director European Environmental Agency, EEA)
  • Wilhelm Krull (Chair of the H2020 expert group on nature-based solutions and re-naturing cities, Secretary General Volkswagen Foundation)
  • Georgina Mace (University College London – UCL, Director of Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research)
  • Christine Wamsler (Lund University, Centre for Sustainability Studies)
  • Nataša Jazbinšek (Head of Department for Environmental Protection City of Ljubljana and Head of working group for European Green Capital programme 2016)
  • Wolfgang Teubner (ICLEI Regional Director for Europe)
  • Kurt Vandenberghe (Director for Climate action and resource efficiency at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation)
  • Chantal van Ham (IUCN – EU Programme Manager Nature Based Solutions)
  • Dirk Sijmons (Delft University of Technology)

Keynote speeches are complemented by plenary presentations given by leading experts in the fields of urban biodiversity, climate change, and socio-economic effects of nature-based solutions, interactive sessions and a poster exhibition.

Deadline for abstract submission is 24 July 2015 (abstract submission guidelines)


Early bird registration deadline: 18 September 2015

Final registration deadline: 30 October 2015

For more information and to register please visit: http://www.ecbcc2015.com/


EU Green Week

Green Week 2016 will take place from 30 May to 3 June. Focusing on the theme "Investing for a greener future", it hopes to contribute to answering a broader question of how to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Europe. Elements such as, for example, innovation for greener cities, sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems or the role of innovative instruments in mobilising adequate financing and 'blue growth' would naturally fit into the programme.

More infromation: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/greenweek/index_en.html


ConnectinGEO and ENEON Workshop Week

From 10 to 14 October 2016, ConnectinGEO and ENEON will host a joint 'Earth Observation Gap Analysis and Prioritization"  workshop followed by an ENEON Workshop and Plenary. Both events will be held at IIASA in Laxenburg, Austria. The web announcement is available at http://www.gstss.org/2016_Laxenburg and there you can also access 1-page registration for both events. An overview of the schedule during the week is available at http://www.gstss.org/2016_Laxenburg/schedule.php. Extended deadline: 21st September.

The "Gap Analysis and Prioritization" workshop will take place on October 10-11, 2016.

Earth Observation gaps and prioritization actions' Workshop. Preliminary agenda

 *   Session 1: Introduction to the ConnectinGEO Approach to Gap Analysis and Prioritization
 *   Session 2: "Top-Down" approach to Gap Analysis: Thread 1: Identification of a collection of observation requirements; Thread 2: Research programs aims and targets
 *   Session 3: "Bottom-Up" approach to Gap Analysis: Thread 1: Consultation process
 *   Session 4: "Bottom-Up" approach to Gap Analysis: Thread 2: GEOSS DAB analysis
 *   Session 5: "Bottom-Up" approach to Gap Analysis: Thread 3: Industry-Driven Challenges
 *   Session 6: Assessment of the Gaps Identified so far and Steps Towards Prioritization

The ENEON Plenary will take place on October 12-13, 2016.

ENEON Workshop and Plenary. Preliminary agenda

 *   Session 1: ENEON Developments: Networks, Committees, Working Groups, Ambassadors, Achievements
 *   Session 2: ENEON in Support of European Policy Making and Implementation
 *   Session 3: ENEON in Support of Sustainable Development Goals Monitoring and Implementation
 *   Session 4: Addressing Gaps in European Earth Observation Infrastructure, Services, and Knowledge
 *   Session 5: ENEON: European Contribution to the GEO Work Programme
 *   Session 6: ENEON Business


EU Green Week 2017

EU Green Week 2017 will take place from 29 May to 2 June with the theme of 'Green jobs for a greener future'. It will focus on how EU environmental policies are creating green jobs and contributing to economic, sustainable and socially responsible growth in the EU. It will also highlight the demand for new types of green skills in many professional sectors.

In addition to a high level conference in Brussels, the programme will also feature a series of partner events and actions taking place across Europe. As well as being invited to take part in person, stakeholders and the general public are encouraged to become 'virtually' involved by participating in a wide range of on-line and social media activities.

More information is available here: http://www.eugreenweek.eu/



GEO Week 2017, Washington DC

This year's GEO Week will take place from 23-28 Ovtober in Washington, D.C. Main highlight will be the GEO’s Fourteenth Plenary Meeting, to be held  on 25 & 26 October, focusing on the delivery of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems.

The GEO Plenary is the annual meeting of GEO’s 104 Member governments and 109 Participating Organizations, such as the European Space Agency (ESA), JAXA, NOAA, NASA, USGS,, United Nations Environment Programme, the World Bank and Observers such as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the United Nations Secretariat on Global Geospatial Information Management (GGIM).

The Plenary is preceded by Side Events organized through the GEO community and featuring global initiatives and activities to improve use of satellite, atmospheric and in situ Earth observations for better decision making.

Expect to see events focused on national and regional best practices to implement and measure the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as Disaster Relief and measuring and mitigating the impacts of Climate Change.

More information here: http://www.earthobservations.org/article.php?id=202




Bridging the gap between biodiversity data and policy reporting needs: An Essential Biodiversity Variables perspective


Fostering integration between biodiversity monitoring and modelling


Matches and mismatches between national and EU-wide priorities: Examining the Natura 2000 network in vertebrate species conservation


Daylight saving time ends this weekend. This is how to prepare for the potential health effects.

Some health groups have said it’s time to do away with time switches and that sticking with standard time aligns better with the sun — and human biology.

The post Daylight saving time ends this weekend. This is how to prepare for the potential health effects. appeared first on Boston.com.


The Watchman: Building Bridges Between Christians and Jews - December 15, 2015

On this week's edition of The Watchman, we interview Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, founder of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, about the new authorized biography on his life and work, "The Bridge Builder." We also recap ...


The Watchman: Building Bridges Between Christians and Jews - January 26, 2016

On this week's edition of The Watchman, we interview Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, founder of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, about the new authorized biography on his life and work, "The Bridge Builder." We also recap ...


Canadian Edition: Week of October 31, 2010

Canadian Edition: Week of October 31, 2010


Canadian Edition: Week of November 7, 2010

Canadian Edition: Week of November 7, 2010


Canadian Edition: Week of November 14, 2010

This week on Canadian Edition, One of Britain's most famous journalists and outspoken atheists, Peter Hitchins talks about his journey to faith. Plus, a rebellious young man changes his ways when he develops a life-threatening illness.


Canadian Edition: Week of November 21, 2010

Canadian Edition: Week of November 21, 2010


Canadian Edition: Week of November 28, 2010

This week on Canadian Edition, Super Bowl winning quarterback Drew Brees shares his faith. Plus raped twice, Carla Matmati had no reason to trust God. However, she continued to pray for His peace.


Canadian Edition: Week of December 5, 2010

This week on Canadian Edition, Toksook Bay is a tiny Yup'ik Eskimo village at the edge of the Bering Sea. Felix Lincoln was mayor of the little fishing village for 17 years, but Felix had secrets he wanted to hide.


Canadian Edition: Week of December 12, 2010

Canadian Edition: Week of December 12, 2010


Canadian Edition: Week of December 19, 2010

Canadian Edition: Week of December 19, 2010