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Arizona Attorney General Won't Drop Trump Fake Electors Case

Allies of Donald Trump who were charged in Arizona for illegally trying to overturn the 2020 election can still expect to face justice despite his return to the White House, the state's attorney general has said.


Here's How I Spot a Fake Malvertisement Every Time

These ads aren't selling anything; they're coming for your data instead.


Supporters of Colorado Springs’ Black mayor faked burning cross, racist slur during 2023 campaign, feds allege

Federal prosecutors say all three supporters worked together to spray-paint a racist slur aimed at Black people on a campaign sign for Mobolade on April 23, 2023, during the city's mayoral runoff election campaign


French prosecutors demand Marine Le Pen be barred from office in fake jobs trial

If granted by the court, the ban would exclude the leader of National Rally from running in France's 2027 presidential election.


Authorities say US man faked kayaking death and fled to Europe

Authorities discovered Ryan Borgwardt got a new passport and transferred money to a foreign bank before vanishing.


Fake News MSNBC, CNN Ratings Collapse after Trump’s Massive Win

The following article, Fake News MSNBC, CNN Ratings Collapse after Trump’s Massive Win, was first published on Conservative Firing Line.

Two of the worst fake news purveyors, MSNBC and CNN, both suffered ratings bloodbaths since Donald Trump won his historic victory last week. And it couldn’t happen to any more serving networks. Let’s take the extremist, left-wing MSNBC. Take a look at this delicious drop in ratings: Major Nielsen ratings plunge at MSNBC since Trump …

Continue reading Fake News MSNBC, CNN Ratings Collapse after Trump’s Massive Win ...


Fake Cop Gets Caught Pretending To Be A Cop In Front Of A Real Cop


Sydney Sweeney calls out Hollywood for being 'fake'

Sydney Sweeney calls out Hollywood for being 'fake'Sydney Sweeney, American actress who rose to fame with her iconic character in drama series Euphoria, gave a peek behind curtains and revealed a harsh reality of Hollywood. The 27-year-old actress shared her frustration with how the industry...


Sydney Sweeney slams Hollywood's 'women empowering other women' message as 'fake'

Sydney Sweeney blasted Hollywood's "women empowering other women" mantra as "fake" and a "front." The actress said that "none of it's happening."

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Three held in Coimbatore for pledging fake gold


FTC Bans Fake Online Reviews

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has made it illegal to buy or sell fake reviews in return for payment. The new rule also outlaws lying about who wrote a review and includes several other measures designed to make reviews more trustworthy. The "Trade Regulation Rule on the Use of Consumer Reviews and Testimonials" was approved unanimously by the FTC and, once formally published, will take effect after 60 days. It follows a consultation and review spanning nearly two years. Threats Outlawed The rule is wide-ranging, banning the following actions based on creating, buying or selling a fake ... (view more)


'She didn't actually quit': CEO fires assistant after she spends $2k on fake farewell party with company funds

There's something universally awkward about office parties—whether it's the forced mingling, the questionable food choices, or that one coworker who takes "open bar" a little too literally. Most of us just try to blend into the crowd, avoid making eye contact with our managers, and hope the night ends without too many cringe-worthy moments. But for one unfortunate team, a party to celebrate an employee's resignation was nothing more than a "social experiment."

It's one thing to make a grand exit when you're moving on to bigger things, but this employee decided to throw herself a farewell bash complete with company-funded catering, decorations, and a custom cake... all while the CEO was on out of the office. The CEO returned from a conference to find her assistant had announced her departure in a company-wide email and threw a party on the company's dime, just to admit she was never really leaving in the first place. 


'Just remember that in da clurrb, we all fam': Boss sends fake message to his team only to start layoffs the next day

This is definitely not the tone you want to set before firing a bunch of people on your team! 

This boss had the audacity to send a team-wide message to boost everyone's morale by including the overused colloquial statement, "just remember that in da clurrb, we all fam." Yes, it was written that exact way, and no, this message did not get the intended reaction from its audience. Instead, this toxic boss's employees responded with confusion, frustration, and eye-rolls about how outdated and desperate their employer was acting. 

Well, their frustrations did not stop there because the very next day, their boss decided to begin a well-planned series of layoffs across the team. The Redditor, who shared the initial team-wide email for all of us to mock, was one of the unfortunate employees to be let go from the company. However, in the long run, perhaps he was spared because who wants a boss like that?

Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best reactions from folks in the comments section. For more, check out this post about a hybrid employee who demanded a $15k raise if they were going to make him come into the office five days a week.


Wstęp do deepfake

Czy sztuczna inteligencja przejmie władzę nad światem? Czy AI jest w stanie zmylić naszą percepcję? Czy łatwo jest odróżnić rzeczywistość od manipulacji? Czym jest deepfake i czy zawsze oznacza coś złego? I czy człowiek może pokochać maszynę?


Deepfake i wybory

Wybory do parlamentu europejskiego już w ten weekend, ale to wcale nie znaczy, że 10 czerwca ten tekst przestanie być aktualny. I to nawet nie dlatego, że w 2025 roku czekają nas wybory prezydenckie.


Watch Out For Fake Fonts! And Other Small Business Tech News This Week

Here are five things in technology that happened this past week and how they affect your business. Did you miss them?

1 – A new form of ransomware centers on a fake font update.

complete article


Fake News Hurts Small Business

Here is a fact: fake news is everywhere.  There is not a reputable news source out there distributing information with an objective, unbiased voice. It just does not exist anymore.

Where are the Cronkites, the Huntleys, the Brinkleys? In this frayed political climate, fake news seems to be at the very top of every discussion; it’s almost inescapable

Fake News Hurts Small Business


Authentic fake ID from the early 1970s

On the 1st Liquor-by-the-drink page, see a faked Oklahoma drivers license and an explanation of how it was done.


Dangers of AI And Deepfakes

Deepfake technology uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) or advanced computing to generate convincing images, audio, or even video, that are not real.


Nigeria: Vanguard Warns Public, Distances Itself From Fake Story On AfDB President

[Vanguard] Vanguard Media Limited hereby issues a public warning to disregard a falsified visual circulating online, which purports to be a screenshot of our website.


Las agencias de relaciones públicas y las fake news

Uno de los grandes problemas estructurales de las agencias de relaciones públicas es lo mal que comunica.  Ya se sabe, “En casa del herrero, cuchillo de palo”.  Esta reflexión viene a cuento por todo lo que se ha publicado sobre las “fake news” en los medios más importantes de todo el mundo y el sepulcral silencio que prácticamente todo el sector ha guardado en torno a este tema.

¿Por qué nos incumbe esta discusión?, se preguntarán algunos.  La respuesta es sencilla.  El sector lleva años sufriendo ataques contra su trabajo por sembrar sus propias “fake news” para sus clientes. Noticias que no lo son tanto que sirven para empujar la agenda temática de quienes pagan nuestras facturas. En este sentido, resultaría sano que esta experiencia del sector de las agencias de relaciones públicas sirviera para matizar las discusiones de políticos y periodistas sobre un tema que, desde mi particular punto de vista, se ha exagerado interesadamente.

Una vuelta a la “olvidada” Guerra Fría

Para los más viejos del lugar, quienes crecimos con la imagen de que los soviéticos eran los malos en las películas de Hollywood, ver cómo se ataca ahora a los rusos nos parece un deja vu que pensábamos que no volveríamos a ver.  Sin embargo, ahí están nuevamente las acusaciones en contra de las fábricas de trolls y de “fake news” provenientes desde Rusia, Corea del Norte e incluso Venezuela.

Esto se ha convertido en un tema muy serio, que incluso se ha discutido con profundidad en el Congreso de los Estados Unidos con la presencia de directivos de Google, Facebook, entre otras empresas de internet.  De forma paralela, la Unión Europea quiere detener las “fake news” con estrategias de contrapropaganda y la Comisión Europea ha abierto una consulta pública sobre noticias falsas y desinformación en línea.

Haciendo poderosos a los rusos

Un amigo ruso que también está en el ámbito de las agencias de relaciones públicas me dijo divertido que se “siente poderoso” al saber que un puñado de sus compatriotas son capaces de influir decisivamente en las elecciones de países tan importantes como Estados Unidos, Reino Unido o España.  “Lo que no saben es que esto hace más poderoso a Putin a los ojos del mundo y de los propios rusos”, me indicó recientemente.

Valoraciones políticas aparte, lo que es verdad es que no me parece haber escuchado por parte de ningún representante relevante del sector de las agencias de relaciones públicas ninguna matización sobre el debate abierto de las “fake news”.

Desde este espacio ofrezco algunas reflexiones que me parece conveniente discutir sobre este fenómeno de propaganda:

  • Según el Washington Post, se detectaron 4.700 USD de inversión en Youtube y más de 100.000 USD en Facebook de grupos y/o personas del ámbito ruso.  Si consideramos que una empresa como EA invirtió 2,75 millones USD para promover uno de sus juegos, el dinero invertido supuestamente por Rusia se antoja poco relevante.
  • En este mismo medio se indicaba que los contenidos generados supuestamente por los rusos habían impactado a 126 millones de estadounidenses (un 38% de la población).  Lo que no se explica es la número de veces que han visto estos contenidos.  Es dudoso que si sólo se han visto una o hasta dos veces un contenido determinado esto haya podido persuadirlos hasta hacerlos cambiar sus preferencias políticas.  Otra cosa es que se hubiera impactado a un número relativamente pequeño de ciudadanos que normalmente no votan y que éstos hubieran visto cientos o miles de veces los contenidos que finalmente les habrían hecho cambiar de opinión.  Sin embargo, para esto se hubieran necesitado auténticos expertos que tuvieran un conocimiento profundo no sólo de Facebook y Google, sino del sistema electoral norteamericano, algo que no se antoja asequible fácilmente para un grupo de generadores de contenidos y estrategias digitales rusos.  
  • Según el Post, se detectaron 43 horas de contenido supuestamente generado por los rusos, cuando cada minuto se suben 300 horas de vídeo cada minuto.
  • En el mismo artículo se indicaba que había hasta 470 cuentas y páginas involucradas en difundir propaganda rusa, y que se habían gastado 100.000 usd en 3.000 anuncios.  Lo que implica que cada anuncio recibió 3 usd de inversión en promedio.  Por experiencia, con esa inversión no se puede impactar a audiencia de millones de usuarios ubicados en EEUU como indican algunos congresistas y senadores norteamericanos.  De hecho, hay servicios que ofrecen de manera puntual o continuada el servicio de miles de cuentas generadas para retuitear, dar Me gusta o realizar visionados de videos en sitios como Seoclerks, Fiverr, Growviews, entre muchas otras.
  • Ante las acusaciones de que Facebook se habría convertido en una plataforma de manipulación política, su creador Mark Zuckerberg dijo que era “una idea bastante alocada”, aunque luego tuviera que retractarse y pedir perdón. 

Desde un punto de vista experto, las acusaciones en contra del gobierno ruso y de sus adláteres digitales suenan exageradas.  Otra cosa es que estas denuncias funcionen muy bien para según qué fines políticos.

Es muy importante recalcar que no se trata de hackers, sino que la acusación de generar y difundir “fake news” es contra creadores de contenidos y estrategas digitales.  De los primeros no nos ocupamos ahora, sino de aquellos con los que los profesionales que trabajamos en una agencia de relaciones públicas y marketing tenemos algo en común.

Es difícil ir en contra de los gobiernos occidentales más poderosos, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que muchos de éstos son o pueden ser clientes, pero el sector de las agencias de relaciones públicas debería promover una discusión seria en torno a las “fake news” e indicar cuando hay acusaciones que, desde un punto de vista estrictamente profesional, difícilmente se sostienen.  No sólo nos debemos a nuestros clientes, sino también a la sociedad y si somos expertos en algo deberíamos de hacer escuchar nuestra voz.


Assam: Out to Catch fish, Armed forest guards shoot dead Jaliluddin and Sameeruddin in Fake Encounter

Community Network Against Protected Areas (CNAPA) issued a public statement on killings and fake encounters by Assam Forest Department in Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary.


Fake Reviews to Fool AI: The New Trend to Combat Mass Tourism

In the era of influencers and search engine recommendations, locals have begun organizing efforts to mislead tourists and push back against the tide of visitors flocking to their favorite places.


Navigating the world of disinformation, deepfakes and AI-generated deception [Book Review]

Online scams aren't anything new, but thanks to artificial intelligence they're becoming more sophisticated and harder to detect. We've also seen a rise in disinformation and deepfakes many of them made possible, or at least more plausible, by AI. This means that venturing onto the internet is increasingly like negotiating a digital minefield. With FAIK, risk management specialist at KnowBe4 Perry Carpenter sets out to dissect what makes these threats work and the motivations behind them as well as offering some strategies to protect yourself. This is no dry technical guide though, it's all presented in a very readable style,… [Continue Reading]


EMO: Sensational Deepfake Tech From China Shows Just How Insane Things Are Right Now

EMO: Sensational Deepfake Tech From China Shows Just How Insane Things Are Right Now in the world of deepfake and A.I.

The post EMO: Sensational Deepfake Tech From China Shows Just How Insane Things Are Right Now appeared first on The Red Ferret Journal.


Let's Not Fake the Fast

Rita encourages us to enter into the true spirit of the fast as we begin Great Lent.


Not Fake News, Good News, but Does the Bible Tell You So?

As the following game show reveals, some of your favorite Bible verses might not be in the Bible!


Tech Life: Is this show fake?

Tech Life creates a fake podcast using an AI tool from Google. Plus, political deepfakes.


Information Re-Sharing on Social Network Sites in the Age of Fake News

Aim/Purpose: In the light of the recent attention to the role of social media in the dissemination of fake news, it is important to understand the relationship between the characteristics of the social media content and re-sharing behavior. This study seeks to examine individual level antecedents of information re-sharing behavior including individual beliefs about the quality of information available on social network sites (SNSs), attitude towards SNS use and risk perceptions and attitudes. Methodology: Testing the research model by data collected through surveys that were adminis-tered to test the research model. Data was collected from undergraduate students in a public university in the US. Contribution: This study contributes to theory in Information Systems by addressing the issue of information quality in the context of information re-sharing on social media. This study has important practical implications for SNS users and providers alike. Ensuring that information available on SNS is of high quality is critical to maintaining a healthy user base. Findings: Results indicate that attitude toward using SNSs and intention to re-share infor-mation on SNSs is influenced by perceived information quality (enjoyment, rele-vance, and reliability). Also, risk-taking propensity and enjoyment influence the intention to re-share information on SNSs in a positive direction. Future Research: In the dynamic context of SNSs, the role played by quality of information is changing. Understanding changes in quality of information by conducting longitudinal studies and experiments and including the role of habits is necessary.


Fake News and Informing Science

The present paper identifies a variety of conceptual schemes that have emerged within informing science and consider how they might be applied to fake news. The paper begins with a brief overview of fake news. This is followed presentations of various models identified in a two-volume survey of informing science. The models presented include those dealing with extrinsic (i.e., environmental) complexity, informing transitions, and individual resonance. The potential implications for informing science research into fake news are discussed and questions that may warrant future research are raised. The paper then concludes by describing what current informing science may already be telling us about fake news, its spread and its influence. Through its analysis of the fake news and informing science literature, a number of questions are identified where informing science can possibly contribute to our understanding of fake news. These include: • Does fake news need to disinform its clients if it is to be effective? • Why are certain groups of individuals particularly credible when it comes to communicating fake news? • Under what circumstances will the emotional and social motivations to accept fake news exceed our concern for its truth? • How does the nature of the fake news content and objectives impact the disinformer’s choice of channel? • What are the circumstances under which radically transitional fake news might have an impact?


Building an Informing Science Model in Light of Fake News

Aim/Purpose: Many disciplines have addressed the issue of “fake news.” This topic is of central concern to the transdiscipline of Informing Science, which endeavors to understand all issues related to informing. This paper endeavors to build a model to address not only fake news but all informing and misin-forming. To do this, it explores how errors get into informing systems, the issue of bias, and the models previously created to explore the complexity of informing. That is, this paper examines models and frameworks proposed to explore informing in the presence of bias, misinformation, disinformation, and fake news from the perspective of Informing Science. It concludes by intro-ducing a more nuanced model that considers some of the topics explored in the paper Methodology: The issue of informing and disinforming crosses many disciplinary perspectives. Each discipline puts on blinders that limit what it can contribute to its understanding of research topics. It is like trying to study a forest by seeing only the trees and not the animals or the animals but not the trees. Research perspectives that cross disciplinary boundaries are needed to more fully understand complex phenomena. This paper lays out some fundamental cross-disciplinary issues including how errors find their way into informing systems, the issue of bias, and the frameworks used to model this phenomenon. Contribution: The paper introduces the competition framework for understanding informing and misinforming. This framework addresses many of the limitation of prior frameworks. Future Research: The concluding framework offers insights into understanding informing and disinforming. But this framework offers no insights into other forms of informing that are less well explored, such as song, dance, physical art, and architecture. Likewise, this framework does nothing to help the un-derstanding of informing via fideism or psychedelic revelation.


Introduction to Series: Informing Science Perspectives on Fake News

Aim/Purpose: This series of papers on Fake News: Bias, Misinformation, and Disinformation examines fake news from an Informing Science perspective. As such, the papers in this special series make novel con-tributions to the field by viewing the issues through the transdisciplinary lens of informing science. This series makes no claim to summarize or review all that has been written on this topic. Rather it provides a glimpse into this immense literature from the perspective of informing science. Background: It is one small step on the 20+ year quest by the editor to explore better ways to inform from an approach that transcends academic disciplines (Cohen, 1998, 1999) and a 20 year quest to under-stand the issues of how we become misinformed and disinformed (Cohen, 2000). The series pro-vided here gains thrust for two reasons. One reason is that the study has become more popular with academicians due to the blathering of politicians and the attacks by national powers on de-mocracy. The second reason is more mundane; without the deadline that the end-of-year affords, the papers would become richer, fuller, and more detailed. Recommendation for Researchers: Taken together, the results brought forth across these papers is truly scary. Due to their biases, when presented with information, people can and do generate their own misinformation. People tend to communicate such misinformation that they self-generated with others in groups sharing their beliefs, strengthening the misinformation by some and silencing those do not share these thoughts. This process creates divisions in society. How can humanity seek wise decisions when we cannot agree even upon the facts. We see the results of this syndrome in Operation SIG and cur-rent divisions within politics in the West.


Fake News Debunker for Chrome 0.83

Fake News Debunker for Chrome is a Social Media tool that verifies videos and images for anyone who wants to be more efficient in fact-checking and debunking things on social networks. [License: Freeware | Requires: 11|10|8|7|Linux|macOS | Size: 4 MB ]


Hania Aamir tracks down 'Indian culprit' behind viral explicit deepfake video

After identifying the culprit, Hania Aamir urged fans to report the account, which has changed names multiple times.

  • Life & Style


Team formed to arrest suspect in fake video case

Azma Bukhari's legal team raises concerns about FIA's delay


Irish crowd waits hours for Halloween parade, only to find it was fake

A representational image showing people wearing costumes during a Halloween parade. — AFP/File

DUBLIN: In a rather intriguing yet disturbing revelation, a Pakistan-based artificial intelligence-powered website has been found to be behind a hoax Halloween parade in Dublin that led to...


European fake art network involving Banksys, Warhols, Modiglianis uncovered in Italy

Italian authorities say a network of European art forgers who painted fake Warhols, Banksys and Picassos and then tried to sell them to unsuspecting buyers with the help of complicit auction houses has been dismantled.


Senate intel chairman warns AI deepfakes could disrupt critical days after 2024 election

Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Mark R. Warner says that if the Nov. 5 vote is as close as anticipated, U.S. adversaries can be expected to ramp up digital disinformation operations with the goal of sowing chaos, discord and confusion among Americans during the days immediately following the election.


Missing kayaker faked his own death and fled to Europe, investigators believe

A Wisconsin man apparently faked his own drowning this summer so he could abandon his family and flee to eastern Europe, investigators say.


Shaykh Mu?ammad Bin ??li? Bin ?Uthaym?n: The Fake, Outward Piety of the Kh?rijite Renegades Whose Hearts Are Black and Empty


Investigators believe Wisconsin kayaker faked his own death before fleeing to eastern Europe

Investigators say they believe a Wisconsin kayaker missing since mid-August faked his death before fleeing to Europe. 


Almost half of UK SMBs have faced a significant business setback due to misinformation or fake reviews

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in the UK are facing significant challenges in today’s digital landscape, with misinformation, fake reviews and inadequate search and engagement tools putting them at a serious disadvantage compared to larger competitors.


Beware of fake AI tools masking very real malware threats

Ever attuned to the latest trends, cybercriminals distribute malicious tools that pose as ChatGPT, Midjourney and other generative AI assistants


Deepfakes are here: Here’s how plumbing and HVACR companies can prepare

Did you know that it only takes 30 seconds to create a deepfake? Deepfakes are AI-generated media that can be made using any device. They can be used to spread misinformation and harm a plumbing and mechanical company's reputation.


How the hunt for nurses with fake diplomas impacts OHS

The hunting season for nurses with a fake academic diploma opened during late January 2023, and thousands were found.


Carlee Russell's Faked Kidnapping Exposes Justice System Flaws, Oakland Criminal Defense Attorney Says

In a shocking turn of events, Carlethia 'Carlee' Nichole Russell, the nursing student who was reported missing after calling 911 claiming she saw a toddler walking along the interstate, has been charged with filing a false police report...


Task Impetus Inc.: Championing Quality Service Amidst a Sea of Fake Reviews and Competitor Criticism

In today's digital landscape, where authenticity can often be obscured by the noise of fake reviews and malicious competitor tactics, Task Impetus Inc. stands as a beacon of unwavering commitment to integrity and quality service.