
BDH [Burning Down the House] by Mike Parr


Detailed of Mike Parr's performance Towards an Amazonian Black Square, 2019 painted inside The Eternal Opening


Australian artist Mike Parr 'blind painting' black squares on gallery walls to protest against Amazon fires

The acclaimed Australian artist is painting black squares on a gallery wall with his eyes closed to protest against the values that led us to climate crisis.


Why Infectious Diseases Like COVID-19 Make Science Move So Fast

Science has a reputation for moving slowly. The very process of publishing solid scientific data—let alone developing vaccines and therapies—requires a long timeline. But outbreaks of infectious diseases spread quickly, demanding a much quicker pace. Scientific endeavors to better understand SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, have progressed rapidly. Within weeks of the virus emerging…


#NikesForNurses: Woman Raises Close To $10K For Her Campaign

EXCLUSIVE: Ajón is on a mission to help frontline workers.


How T.I. and Killer Mike Helped ATL Folks Hit By Pandemic

The two rappers gave out hundreds of meals


Watch Spike Lee’s New Film Honoring New York City

The film is appropriately titled “New York, New York.”


Podcast: This is what 50 sounds like

Veteran tech journalists Mike Malone and Scott Budman celebrate their 50th episode in the latest installment of their podcast, The Silicon Insider. This week, the topics include: Not every company is suffering these days: consider the video game industry. Game companies from our remote past – Electronic Arts? Activision? Zynga? – are enjoying spectacular profits, stock prices and usage as bored and quarantined Millennials revisit their past. And don’t even ask about Peloton: every 1 percenter…


Soft robots can now run like cheetahs and swim like marlins

Robots today generally come in one of two varieties: rigid and soft. When most people imagine a robot, they think of the rigid variety, like Boston Dynamics’ Spot or those found on auto assembly lines. Soft robots, on the other hand, tend to mimic bi...


Damien Cox: Michael Jordan might have chosen to stick to sports, but LeBron James decided not to be like Mike

The former Bulls star saw himself as a basketball player. The current Lakers star sees himself as something more. “I have a responsibility to lead,” James says.


Newsletter: Nike tells Amazon, 'I'm just not that into you'

The sportswear giant says it will pull its products — from shoes to jerseys — from the e-commerce behemoth because it wants to create its own direct ties to online shoppers.


Lazarus: It's time to regulate internet service like any other utility

Telecom companies will do everything possible to protect shareholder value. That means offsetting losses in TV subscribers by increasing revenue from internet-only customers.


Coronavirus outbreak creates a college football recruiting year unlike any other

The coronavirus has created a unique year for college football recruiting. With travel restricted and summer camps canceled, many recruits could up playing near home.


Markazi: What might the NBA playoffs look like with no crowd? Epic, Magic Johnson says

Lakers great Magic Johnson believes players will bring plenty of intensity to the court even if NBA games are held with no fans.


MLB season startup: Here are the pros and cons of the three most likely scenarios

MLB can choose from at least three models: allowing teams to operate in their cities; an enclosed operation in Arizona; and a three-state hub.


Neville names Man United star most likely to win Ballon d'Or

Man Utd great Gary Neville has given a detailed Q&A on social media in which he answered a range of different topics.


Like a molecular knob: That is how a gene controls the electrical activity of the brain

Its name is Foxg1, it is a gene, and its unprecedented role is the protagonist of the discovery just published on the journal Cerebral Cortex. Foxg1 was already known for being a "master gene" able to coordinate the action of hundreds of other genes. As this new study reports, the "excitability" of neurons, namely their ability to respond to stimuli, communicating between each other and carrying out all their tasks, also depends on this gene.


To climb like a gecko, robots need toes

Researchers know the secret to geckos' ability to walk on the ceiling: their hairy toes. But how do they use their five toes per foot to adjust to gravity when running horizontally along walls. At UC Berkeley, biologists used high-speed cameras to record how geckos orient their toes with shifting weight, especially when encountering slippery or rough patches, and found a remarkable ability to adjust toe orientation to stick and peel while running full speed.


BAME groups ‘two to three times more likely to die from coronavirus’

The likelihood of death from Covid-19 is significantly higher among England’s BAME communities than the general population, researchers say.


What is likely to change as lockdown measures are eased and what isn’t?

While the Government’s aim is to return things to normal as far as possible, it is likely that some measures will remain in place.


People from black backgrounds four times more likely to die from virus than people from white backgrounds, ONS finds

People from black backgrounds are four times more likely to die from coronavirus than people from white backgrounds, new statistics suggest.


'Never seen anything like it': US coronavirus havoc revealed

The United States has become the world leader in COVID-19 cases while posting its biggest spike in unemployment claims in history.


US is on coronavirus trajectory similar to Italy, Mike Pence says

The US Vice-President said the White House's models for the coronavirus pandemic show the country on a trajectory akin to hard-hit Italy.


Mike Bowden: Defined by decency, not strength

Michael J Bowden, OAM, was a unique man who lived a full Australian life; physically strong and intellectually determined, he was defined not by strength but by decency.


Lessons we can learn for whatever crisis strikes next

There’s even a lesson for Scoldilocks.


Flu season that looked like 'a big one' beaten by hygiene, isolation

Confirmed cases of influenza dropped from 7002 in February to just 95 in April so far as the government’s measures to slow the spread of COVID-19 kicked in.


Artist's picture of missing airmen on Anzac stamp 'like painting ghosts'

"It was horrible having to finish the picture after the men were lost."


Mike Bowden: Defined by decency, not strength

Michael J Bowden, OAM, was a unique man who lived a full Australian life; physically strong and intellectually determined, he was defined not by strength but by decency.


Lessons we can learn for whatever crisis strikes next

There’s even a lesson for Scoldilocks.


Flu season that looked like 'a big one' beaten by hygiene, isolation

Confirmed cases of influenza dropped from 7002 in February to just 95 in April so far as the government’s measures to slow the spread of COVID-19 kicked in.


Artist's picture of missing airmen on Anzac stamp 'like painting ghosts'

"It was horrible having to finish the picture after the men were lost."


The pandemic could make cities more bike-friendly—for good

Confined at home and with gyms closed, an increasing number of Americans are hopping on their bikes. To encourage those walking or rolling about their neighborhoods to maintain a buffer of space between themselves and other people, cities have increasingly taken the bold action of closing streets to through traffic, in what’s called “slow street” measures. Not only could these changes allow for socially-distanced exercise amid the pandemic, some of these closures may stick around into the future as officials try to curb America’s dependence on automobiles.


COVID-19: How to Recognize and Manage Kawasaki-like Syndrome

With children presenting at intensive care units across France with a Kawasaki-like syndrome following COVID-19 infection, Medscape's France Edition talks to an expert about this rare complication.
Medscape Medical News


Children With Kawasaki-Like Disease Positive for COVID-19

An usually high number of children have presented at ICUs across France with a Kawasaki-like syndrome that appears to be a late manifestation of COVID-19 infection, say experts.
Medscape Medical News


Day’s gamble fails as sand traps strike

JASON Day recorded yet another top-10 finish at a major but was left to rue what might have been after his unlikely final round US Open charge was snuffed out in a sand trap.


Here's what Tasmania's roadmap out of coronavirus looks like

The Tasmanian Government has given a green light to the gradual reopening of the state. Here's how it will work.


Arnhem Land opened up to Aussies like never before with spectacular online concert series

As artists worldwide launch livestream concerts from home, Yolngu musicians in one of the most remote parts of Australia are offering up a unique series of performances from north-east Arnhem Land.


A day of fasting, the evening meal, then the entire building went up like a bonfire

Huge flames are filmed shooting up the side of a Middle Eastern residential tower shortly after residents finish their nightly Ramadan meal.


Fifty trains out of service as fault forces Adelaide passengers to 'pack like sardines'

The number of Adelaide rail services has been radically reduced after a mechanical fault, with remaining trains becoming packed with passengers apparently in breach of social distancing.


Mike Bowden: Defined by decency, not strength

Michael J Bowden, OAM, was a unique man who lived a full Australian life; physically strong and intellectually determined, he was defined not by strength but by decency.


Lessons we can learn for whatever crisis strikes next

There’s even a lesson for Scoldilocks.


Flu season that looked like 'a big one' beaten by hygiene, isolation

Confirmed cases of influenza dropped from 7002 in February to just 95 in April so far as the government’s measures to slow the spread of COVID-19 kicked in.


Paying tribute on Anzac Day like no other

While the challenges of today may seem all-pervading, the sacrifices of those who served in conflicts past and present should be top of mind on Saturday.


Artist's picture of missing airmen on Anzac stamp 'like painting ghosts'

"It was horrible having to finish the picture after the men were lost."


‘Betaal’ Trailer Looks Like We’ll Finally Get To Watch A Promising Horror Thriller After Long


Like giant ice cream trucks, supermarkets on wheels get ready to roll into the neighbourhood

Shoppers tired of waiting in line outside a supermarket, or trying to secure a slot with one of the overbooked grocery delivery apps, have new options to bring groceries home. Startups and established companies alike are eager to offer Canadians fresh alternatives during the COVID-19 lockdown and beyond.


'Poor like us suffer': Nepal quake survivors struggle in crammed homes

Bhaktapur, Nepal (AFP) April 24, 2020
It has been five years since an earthquake devastated Nepal, but Krishna Maya Khadka is still struggling to come to terms with losing her husband and the home she lived in for generations. Like hundreds of thousands of Nepali quake victims, the 68-year-old now lives in a small one-bedroom hut with a blue corrugated iron-sheet roof - one of many that scar the picturesque villages turned to r