
Alfredo Arias: "Queremos jugar bien, pero también tenemos que ganar"


Camacho sobre Gamero: "Queremos que su dimensión sea a largo plazo"


Juan Moreno: “La idea es no descuidar ningún torneo, queremos ser protagonistas en los 2”

Juan Moreno, titular en la victoria de Millonarios 3-1 sobre Alianza Petrolera y quien este sábado repetirá su titularidad ante Boyacá Chicó, habló de la actualidad del cuadro bogotano y del deseo del equipo por ser “protagonistas” tanto en Liga como en Copa Sudamericana. En diálogo con El Alargue de Caracol Radio, Moreno habló también de su relación con Álvaro Montero y de la partida de Óscar Cortés al Mundial Sub-20.


Daniel Cataño: Queremos ganar la final para darle esa alegría y satisfacción al profe

Daniel Cataño, una de las principales figuras de Millonarios en el presente campeonato, expresó sus sensaciones respecto a la final ante Atlético Nacional. En diálogo con El Alargue de Caracol Radio, el volante antioqueño manifestó que no ve este juego como una revancha y añadió que quieren ser campeones por la hinchada, sus familias y el profesor Alberto Gamero.


Alexander Mejía y el respaldo al DT: “Daremos todo para que el profe se sienta protegido”

Alexander Mejía, nuevo jugador y capitán del Deportivo Cali, expresó su respaldo al técnico Jaime De La Pava. El volante de 35 años destacó, en El Alargue de Caracol Radio, el trabajo realizado durante las primeras semanas en el equipo vallecaucano.


Jefferson Mena, ilusionado con Bucaramanga: Queremos ponerle a estrellita a nuestra camisa

Jefferson Mena, autor del gol de la victoria del Bucaramanga ante Jaguares, se mostró esperanzado en los resultados que pueda tener el equipo durante este campeonato. El jugador de 34 años sueña en poder alcanzar el primer título de Liga para los santandereanos.


Francisco Meza: “Lo que más queremos es que el Chino Sandoval esté con nosotros”


Marcelo Ortiz, defensa de Santa Fe: “Nuestra prioridad es la liga, queremos jugar la final”

Marcelo Ortiz, defensa central argentino de 30 años, que llegó como uno de los principales refuerzos de Independiente Santa Fe para esta temporada, logró adaptarse rápidamente y ganarse la confianza de Pablo Peirano en el once titular. Ortiz habló en El Alargue de Caracol Radio sobre el gran momento que vive el equipo capitalino, su rápida adaptación al plantel y aseguró que el objetivo es la Liga y jugar la final del fútbol colombiano.


Gerardo Bedoya reveló la clave para que Santa Fe remonte la final y sea campeón de Liga


“Por ahora dejaremos de instalar más puertas anti colados”: gerente de Transmilenio

En 6AM Hoy por Hoy de Caracol Radio estuvo María Fernanda Ortiz, gerente de TransMilenio, para hablar sobre la problemática con las nuevas puertas anti colados y las situaciones que se han presentado con estas.


“El Campín será entregado completamente remodelado en julio de 2028″: director del IDRD

Daniel García, director del IDRD estuvo en 6AM de Caracol Radio explicando cómo van las adecuaciones para ser la sede del próximo mundial femenino sub-20


“No tengo remordimiento de ninguna clase. He trabajado 70 años en mi profesión y no tengo que lamentar o arrepentirme de ninguna falta”: Lui

Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo en 6AM 


“Acompañaremos a las 540 unidades de vivienda afectadas por la explosión”: alcalde de Soacha

En 6AM Hoy por Hoy de Caracol Radio estuvo el alcalde de Soacha, Julián Sánchez, para hablar sobre la explosión de la polvorería El Vaquero, ubicada a las afueras del municipio.


MinAgricultura: “Queremos hacer de Colombia una potencia de la biodiversidad”

Jhenifer Mojica, jefe de la cartera de Agricultura, fue una de las invitadas especiales del Gran Encuentro S.O.S. Sostenible, organizado por Prisa Media, en el que se abordarán algunos de los ejes principales de la agenda verde


Alcalde de Bucaramanga: “Con o sin hinchas, tenemos la certeza que seremos campeones”

Jaime Beltrán insistió en que si hay acuerdos establecidos entre los equipos sobre el ingreso de la hinchada visitante y pidió que estos se respeten.


Representante de campesinos: Por incumplimiento de Gobierno Petro entraremos a paro nacional

Nilson Antonio Liz, presidente de la Asociación Nacional de Usuarios Campesinos (ANUC) explicó en 6AM las razones por las cuales entrarán a paro


Tendremos plan de contingencia mientras se identifica la falla: gerente del Metro de Medellín

Tomás Elejalde, gerente del Metro de Medellín, abordó las preocupaciones sobre el estado de salud de los heridos tras el accidente del Metrocable.


“Tendremos un apagón para el 2025 si no se toman medidas urgentes”: Andesco

Presidente de Andesco expone las medidas que deben tomar ante un posible apagón para el 2025


“Queremos pedir al gobierno la creación de zonas especiales turísticas”: presidenta Anato

En el programa 6AM de Caracol Radio, habló Paula Cortés Calle, presidenta de Anato, que develó algunas propuestas que el gremio hará al gobierno nacional.


“Queremos que no suban los servicios, pero no hay nuevos proyectos”: Presidente de Andesco

En 6AM Hoy por Hoy de Caracol Radio estuvo Camilo Sánchez, presidente de Andesco, para hablar sobre el tema de los servicios públicos y la situación energética que vive el país actualmente.


“Esperemos una salida pacífica”: Alcalde de San José del Guaviare sobre secuestro de 100 militares

El alcalde de este municipio estuvo en 6AM Hoy por Hoy de Caracol Radio dando detalles sobre el secuestro de soldados en esta zona del país.


“Con el taponamiento definitivo de Hidroituango estaremos tranquilos”: gerente de EPM

En 6AM Hoy por Hoy de Caracol Radio estuvo John Maya Salazar, gerente general de EPM, para hablar sobre qué esperan del cierre del túnel de desviación derecho de Hidroituango.


La tributaria no afectará a los asalariados, iremos por ingresos no laborales: Minhacienda

El ministro de Hacienda y Crédito Público, Ricardo Bonilla, habló en 6AM sobre las implicaciones de la Reforma Tributaria que quiere implementar este Gobierno.


Queremos seguir invirtiendo en Colombia: presidente de Celsia sobre regulación de energías

Durante el programa de este 19 de septiembre de 6AM de Caracol Radio, se conectó Ricardo Sierra, Presidente de Celsia, cadena de distribución de energía eléctrica


Son héroes y honraremos su trabajo: Gob. del Vichada tras caída del helicóptero de la FAC

El gobernador del Vichada, Álex Benito habló en 6AM sobre la caída del helicóptero de la Fuerza Aérea, que enluta nuevamente al país.


Garantizaremos la transparencia de las elecciones: Registrador Nacional

Herna Penagos, Registrador Nacional, habló en 6AM sobre las garantías de las próximas elecciones 


Nunca tuvimos trato con el asesino, lucharemos porque nunca salga: padre de Sofía Delgado

Padre de Sofía Delgado habló en 6AM de Caracol Radio, sobre la cruel muerte de la niña y sobre si había una relación con el asesino 


Queremos devolver a los ecosistemas su capacidad de abastecernos de agua: CAR Cundinamarca

En 6AM de Caracol Radio estuvo Alfred Ballesteros, director de la CAR, para hablar sobre en qué consiste el proyecto con el que pretenden enfrentar la crisis del agua.


Sites and Sounds: Let the Dance Begin! Eswatini's Umhlanga Reed Dance Ceremony

One of the most significant cultural events in all of Africa is about to take place in the Kingdom of Eswatini, the southern African nation formerly known as Swaziland.


Aurora City Council nixes remote public comment following racist diatribe at meeting this month

Several Colorado cities have been "zoom-bombed" by people making offensive remarks from afar while shrouded in anonymity.


Mashup Overlord ANDY REHFELDT's YouTube Channel Removed After 16 Years

He's the guy behind the Radio Disney versions of metal songs we all love.


NFL Will Play Black National Anthem In Pregame Ceremonies Games This Season

The league is embracing a social justice narrative.


One Hour Video: 2024 Peppercorn Ceremony

Continuing a centuries-old tradition, the annual Peppercorn Ceremony is taking place in St. George’s this morning [May 8]. We will have additional information later on, and in the meantime the live video is below. Related Stories Video: Peppercorn Ceremony In St George’s Video: Peppercorn Ceremony In St. George’s Photos: 2023 Peppercorn Ceremony Peppercorn Ceremony To […]


Photos: 2024 Peppercorn Ceremony

The annual Peppercorn Ceremony was held this week in St George’s, continuing a tradition that began some 200 years ago. The RBR Band and Corps of Drums led a Guard of Honour and Colour Party on to King’s Square in the Town of St George for the traditional event. Governor, Rena Lalgie, who is the Regiment’s Commander-in-Chief, paid […]


Video: Bermuda In Pickleball Opening Ceremony

The Bermuda national pickleball team took part in the Pickleball World Cup opening ceremony in Lima, Peru, yesterday [October 22]. Athletes from the Pickleball Association of Bermuda [PAB] will compete in the Open Elite Men’s Division, Junior Division, Women’s Division, Senior Men’s Division and Senior Women’s Division. Bermuda will compete against 27 nations in the […]


Photos: 31 Abandoned Boats To Be Removed

31 abandoned and derelict boats –  located in areas including Mullet Bay, Ferry Reach, Coney Island, Stovell Bay and more –  will be “removed and discarded,” the Government has advised. These 31 boats are addition to the notices earlier this year about 54 abandoned vessels, with the Government having previously issued two notices of boats set […]


Photos: Awards & Honours Ceremony

The Honours and Awards Ceremony was held, with people presented their King’s Certificates and Badges of Honour to community members, while long service awards were presented to the Bermuda Police Service, the Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service and the Department of Corrections. Government House said, “Last week, Her Excellency the Governor, Ms Rena Lalgie, hosted an […]


Duke Of Edinburgh Gold Award Ceremony

Governor Rena Lalgie welcomed eight Gold Awardees — Kojo Darrell, Samai Dunn, Taj Lowery, Magnus Ringsted, Joanna Santiago, Maximilian Santiago, Jelani Simmons and Yari Tucker — to the Governor’s residence for the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, Gold Award Ceremony. A spokesperson said, “Yesterday, Her Excellency the Governor, Ms Rena Lalgie welcomed eight Gold Awardees […]


Wightman & Carey Honoured At Ceremony

The Peace and Social Justice Ministry of Bermuda’s Roman Catholic Church held their annual Peace and Social Justice Award Ceremony, honouring Arthur Wightman and Denise Carey of Home Bermuda for their dedication to addressing homelessness in Bermuda. Chairperson Joanne Wohlmuth said, “The Peace and Social Justice Ministry of the Roman Catholic Church in Hamilton, Bermuda […]


City Advised To Remove 176-Year-Old Tree

A Tree Assessment Report recommended removing a 176-year-old tree as as any efforts to save the tree “would only serve to prolong its inevitable fate and it would remain a safety issue to the public as well as the surrounding buildings,” the City said. A spokesperson said, “As a result of the incident involving a large […]


Abandoned Boats Project Removes 55 Vessels

The Abandoned Boats Project –  a joint initiative between Keep Bermuda Beautiful [KBB] and the Government — has removed 55 abandoned and derelict marine vessels from local waters since May 2022. A spokesperson said, “The project, which aims to clean up the local marine environment, reduce environmental hazards and minimise safety risks for boaters and […]


Photos & Video: Motocross Prizegiving Ceremony

The Bermuda Motocross Association [BMA] recently held its annual prize presentation, celebrating the achievements of the riders this season. Most Improved Awards PeeWee: Remington Boden 50cc: Cassidy Spencer Furbert 65cc: King Clarke 85cc: Jaylon Glasford 85Ladies: Ahlierre Belloquet Novice: Deige Paynter Over30: Willem Vermeulen Expert: Preston Martin To view all other reports on motocross, click here. […]


Uechi Ryu Academy To Hold Black Belt Ceremony

The Bermuda Uechi Ryu Academy will hold its Junior Black Belt Ceremony on Saturday, October 12, from 4pm to 5:30pm at the BAA gym. A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Uechi Ryu Academy is excited to invite all to its Junior Black Belt Grading & Awards Ceremony, to take place at the BAA gym on Saturday, […]


Traffic: Road Closure For Vehicle Removal

Part of Harbour Road in Paget Parish will be closed between 10:00am and 12:00pm today [Sept 19] to “allow for the placement of a crane to extract a submerged vehicle from Hamilton Harbour.” Bermuda Police Service Statement A police spokesperson said, “Please be advised that between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. today, efforts will be […]


Hyundai Vehicle ‘Removed’ From Residence

A White Hyundai Creta vehicle was “removed from a Paget residence” early this morning, the police said A police spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Police Service is asking members of the public to be on the look out for a White Hyundai Creta, which was removed from a Paget residence during the early morning hours on Tuesday 27th […]


Closing Ceremony


Apple Under Pressure to Remove Geo-Blocking Restrictions in the EU

The European Union has notified Apple that it may be violating EU anti-geo-blocking regulations with practices regarding its media services, giving the company one month to respond.

The European Commission, in conjunction with the Consumer Protection Cooperation (CPC) Network, today announced that it has formally notified Apple regarding potential breaches of the EU's anti-geo-blocking rules. This follows an investigation led by national consumer authorities from Belgium, Germany, and Ireland, coordinated by the European Commission. According to the Commission, Apple's practices appear to unlawfully restrict European consumers from accessing digital content based on their country of residence.

According to the CPC Network, consumers using Apple Media Services, such as the App Store, Apple Music, and Apple TV+, encounter different interfaces and content depending on their country of registration. This regional segmentation allegedly makes it difficult, if not impossible, for users to switch between country-specific versions of Apple's services, which may be in violation of the EU's Geo-blocking Regulation enacted in 2018, designed to protect the Digital Single Market.

A significant point of concern for the EU authorities are restrictions on downloading apps. The investigation found that the ‌App Store‌ does not allow users to download apps available in other EU countries. The EU maintains that consumers should be able to access and download apps offered in other EU/EEA countries when traveling or staying temporarily in another member state.

Consumers are also only permitted to use credit or debit cards issued in the country where their Apple account was created. The Commission argues that consumers should be able to use any EU-issued payment method without facing unnecessary barriers.

Apple has been given one month to formally respond to the Commission's findings and to propose potential commitments to align its practices with EU regulations. If Apple does not adequately address the concerns raised by the CPC Network, the company may face enforcement actions. The European Commission's latest action against Apple is part of a broader push to ensure that tech giants operating within the EU comply with the bloc's regulatory frameworks.

This article, "Apple Under Pressure to Remove Geo-Blocking Restrictions in the EU" first appeared on

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Hidden line removal for AxiDraw

We’re pleased to note the release of AxiDraw software version 3.9 this week, with a couple of neat new features. One of them is that the “preview mode” button — which lets you simulate plotting to see how the results will come out — is now accessible no matter which function is selected. The other, … Continue reading Hidden line removal for AxiDraw


Why Guilt Seems Better Than Remorse

You need for supplies is met here!

Guilt is the lazy way out of remorse.

You keep beating yourself up for something you've done, something in the past.

Doesn't sound fun!

So why do we keep going there?

Guilt feeds shame. It also feeds on shame.

The more shame is lurking in your subconscious, the more susceptible you are to feeling this dastardly emotion.

You believe that you should feel bad when you make mistakes or do something you wish you didn't. That carries on the shame cycle.

We're already talked about that. But here's what may be the biggest attraction...

Guilt is safe. It's easier than remorse. Remorse gives you power.

But guilt lets you off the hook.

It's easy to feel bad about the past, because then you don't have to change anything -- after all, you can't change the past! Instead of looking to how you can do better in the future, you cling to the misery of what you did before.

It's an indulgence. It's like eating watching TV instead of going for a walk. In the moment, it may feel like the best thing, but it doesn't serve you. It doesn't strengthen you. It weakens you!


Remorse is empowering. It gives you power over your life. Guilt makes you a helpless victim ... of yourself.

Others assign you guilt as you're growing up, and then you learn to do it to yourself. Feeling guilty makes you a victim of others, long after they're no longer in your life.

But only you can choose remorse. No one can force it on you. It's an expression of true ethics -- your own inner knowing of what is right action and what is not.

This is why remorse is empowering.

Which is more fun, in the long run: empowerment or victimisation?

Where remorse is productive, guilt is only destructive.

Guilt destroys your ... compassion for yourself, self-respect, self-worth, empowerment, and happiness.And it leads you to hurt others in a similar way. If you're going to suffer guilt, you want to make sure others suffer it too!

In every way, guilt decreases the well-being of the world.

You can't afford to indulge yourself in guilt and shame any more! They are hugely destructive. In the 2012 Transition that we're going through, forgiveness is much more powerful and productive.

Remorse is the advanced version, the 21st Century option. Remorse is a positive emotion because ... It allows you compassion for not being perfect It holds open the door to being an even better you It inspires and encourages you to do better It focuses on the future, on how you can be more of who you want to be It gives you back power over your life

With Bright Blessings


The Healing Process of Remorse and Self-Forgiveness *


Although often confused with guilt and shame, remorse is actually a much higher calibrating "emotion." It's the 21st Century alternative to feeling bad about yourself, and making others around you feel bad too.

It not only feels better and helps you move forward in your life, but it is healing for the Earth... and as we ride the 2012 Transition, Mother Earth needs all the help we can give her!

This article explains how it works, and why you are worthy of forgiveness.


Remorse is a method to heal yourself, and others, after making a mistake.

After all, anything that brings a feeling of remorse is a mistake -- just a mistake. Did you know that's the origin of the word "sin"? "Sin" was an archery term; it means missing the mark. That leaves a lot more possibility for positive growth, doesn't it!

So you don't need to berate yourself for eternity. There is nothing to berate yourself for if you didn't know any better, or if you did the best you could.

And I believe we always do the best we can, with what we have in the moment.

We're not perfect. Sometimes we do things we're not proud of. But, in the moment, that was undoubtedly the best that we could do.

Maybe you gave in to your meaner impulses. If you could have held yourself to a higher ideal in that moment, you would have done so. What would you have to gain, by not?

Maybe you didn't know how to do better. You can only work with what you know.

God does not expect you to know what you do not yet know!

For whatever reason -- fatigue, stress, anxiety, confusion, distraction, etc -- maybe you didn't do the best you hoped for. Maybe it wasn't as good as you could have done another day.

But you obviously did the best you could in that moment.

Why would anyone do less than that?

God doesn't need you to burn in hell for it, not even the hell of your own harsh thoughts. She only wants you to learn from the process, and to use it to grow. That's what remorse is all about.


There are four parts to the process of remorse.

The first part is a pang in your Heart. There is an energy there, call it an emotion if you like, that signals you are not happy with your actions.

From here, many people get derailed into guilt, instead of continuing the process of remorse.

The second part is the most important, the core of remorse...

You accept that you made a mistake. And you make an unemotional, practical assessment of your actions.

When your actions and choices don't live up to your ideals or ethics... you figure out how you could do better, discover what was moving in you (probably subconsciously) that caused that action, and -- here's the critical bit -- resolve to do better next time.

Remorse is calm and determined. Rather than destroying your self-respect, remorse enhances it. It provides you with the opportunity to grow, to live up to your ideals.

It recognises that within you there is a perfect being, capable of the best.

And that there is always another opportunity to try.

Contrast that with shame, which says that you are worthless and hopeless. There's just nowhere good to go, from there!

Remorse doesn't take the mistake personally. It sees an action as wrong, but not you as a person.

Remorse knows that people can't accurately, honestly be judged in terms of "wrong" and "bad."

The next step is always making amends. You must undo the error, to the best of your ability. And apologise, if it won't make things worse.

We must be clear -- this step has nothing to do with being forgiven by another person. Whether they forgive you or not is about them and their process, and is not about you.

To seek someone's forgiveness when they aren't ready to give it can be a further harm.

You fix the mistake if you can. That is the only purpose of this step.

Inherent in this process is self-forgiveness. You see a mistake, you acknowledge it, you figure out what went wrong, you fix it if you can, and you determine to not make that mistake again.

When you've done all that, forgiveness is a lot easier.

You can forgive yourself, because you know you aren't a bad person who intentionally did wrong... and because you are doing your best not to slip up that way in the future.

No one is perfect. No one is expected, by the Divine, not to make mistakes. On the contrary, that's often how we learn and grow.

That's all the Divine wants of you. Not perfection. But learning and growing from your slip-ups.

So you can accept that you did the best you were able to, at the time. And forgive yourself, for being human and humanly fallible.


If you get stuck in guilt, look for the underlying shame. Shame is like Velcro to guilt. It tells you that you deserve to feel terrible guilt, that you are not worthy of forgiveness or compassion or kindness.

But shame LIES.

You are worthy of forgiveness, because you are not a flawed person.You are Divinity tasting life as a mortal individual -- nothing else.

It doesn't matter what your family or coworkers or boss thinks of you. It doesn't matter how you've been treated by others -- that's nothing to do with YOU, that's all about the (human) blindness of others.

You are infinitely worthy and loveable!

And when others can't see that it's only because they haven't realised that they are infinitely worthy and loveable. When people get tied down, in their minds, into one little frail animal body and one small human life, all kinds of such misconceptions arise!

But it's not the truth.

The truth is that you are eternal -- learning and growing and polishing yourself on challenge after challenge, life after life.

The soul that is truly you is infinitely worthy and Divine. The body and mind you think of as you are only a costume that put on for a while, and then point aside, to go home for dinner and a bath, a good rest, to get up and come play again.

So how do you as a mere mortal forgive yourself?

The same way you forgive anyone... With compassion for your human frailty: you really are doing our best with what you have. With perspective: understanding that this life is a playground and schoolroom, and not the life-or-death struggle it seems. With determination to not make the same mistake again.

With Bright Blessings,