
Bienvenue sur GeForce NOW Performance : Les membres Priority bénéficient d'une mise à niveau instantanée

Découvrez l'adhésion Priority améliorée et renommée, désormais appelée Performance ; de plus, les Day Pass sont en vente pour une durée limitée et sept jeux rejoignent le cloud cette semaine. Il est temps de briller L'abonnement Performance conserve tous les mêmes avantages en matière de jeux et offre désormais aux membres une expérience de streaming améliorée sans frais supplémentaires. Dites bonjour à l'abonnement Performance. Les membres Performance peuvent streamer jusqu'à 1440p - une augmentation par rapport à la résolution précédente de 1080p - et découvrir les jeux dans des résolutions immersives et ultra-larges. Ils peuvent également sauvegarder leurs paramètres graphiques dans le jeu au fil des sessions de streaming, y compris pour les fonctionnalités NVIDIA RTX dans les titres pris en charge. Tous les membres actuels de Priority sont automatiquement mis à niveau vers Performance et peuvent profiter dès aujourd'hui de l'expérience de streaming améliorée. Les membres Performance se connecteront à des serveurs équipés de GeForce RTX pour une résolution allant jusqu'à 1440p. Les membres Ultimate continuent de bénéficier de la meilleure expérience de streaming : ils se connectent à des serveurs équipés de GeForce RTX 4080 avec une résolution allant jusqu'à 4K et 120 images par seconde, ou 1080p et 240 images par seconde en mode Compétitif pour les jeux prenant en charge la technologie NVIDIA Reflex. Les joueurs jouant sur le niveau gratuit verront désormais qu'ils diffusent en streaming à partir de plates-formes de base, avec des spécifications variables qui offrent un jeu en nuage d'entrée de gamme et sont optimisées pour la capacité. Il est temps de jouer. Au début de l'année prochaine, GeForce NOW proposera un temps de jeu mensuel de 100 heures pour continuer à offrir une qualité et une vitesse exceptionnelles, ainsi que des temps d'attente plus courts, aux membres Performance et Ultimate. Cette limite généreuse convient à 94 % des membres, qui profitent généralement du service dans ce laps de temps. Les membres peuvent vérifier le temps qu'ils ont passé dans le nuage via le portail de leur compte (voir l'exemple de capture d'écran ci-dessus). Jusqu'à 15 heures de jeu non utilisées seront automatiquement reportées sur le mois suivant pour les membres, et des heures supplémentaires peuvent être achetées au prix de 2,99 $ pour 15 heures supplémentaires de performance, ou de 5,99 $ pour 15 heures supplémentaires d'Ultimate. […]

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NVIDIA App est désormais officielle !

NVIDIA APP, ce nom ne vous parle peut-être pas encore et pourtant il s'agit du futur pour les cartes graphiques vertes, NVIDIA a, en effet, engagé une refonte de ses divers logiciels. Le but est de proposer une interface modernisée et d'unifier le panneau de configuration avec les applications GeForce Experience et RTX Experience. NVIDIA APP promet de devenir le centre névralgique de votre GPU, avec les profils de jeux, les nouveaux drivers… L'overlay (télémétrie de votre système de jeu) est toujours accessible grâce à la combinaison de touches ALT + Z, mais l'affichage est repensé avec une multitude d'informations (fréquences, tensions, latences, températures...) et le joueur pourra personnaliser pleinement les informations affichées : […]

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Christian Smith - Ekspozicija 05: Tronic Treatment

Christian Smith - Ekspozicija 05: Tronic Treatment


Could suicide be a variant of an evolutionarily adaptive set of behaviors?

In a new paper, researchers argue that a tendency towards self-sacrifice among humans is adaptive in some situations - for instance, a firefighter willingly risking his or her life to save someone from a burning building. But when individuals mistakenly view their own deaths as being worth more than their lives, the results can be needlessly lethal...


Metal Slug Tactics : le jeu est enfin dispo, voici son trailer de lancement et du gameplay de la Ikari Warriors

En attendant que SNK veuille bien nous annoncer son reboot de Metal Slug, ce sont les Français de DotEmu qui se sont chargés de ressuciter cette licence si chère des adorateur...


Surfer SEO Review 2024: Features, Pros And Cons, Pricing and Alternatives

Are you looking to improve your search engine optimization (SEO) performance? In this in-depth review, I'll look at what exactly Surfer SEO is, how it works, and why it's one of the most popular SEO tools today. From key features and benefits to pros and cons, you'll know if Surfer SEO is proper for you by the end of this article!

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Reviews


Alternative Medicine and Therapies – What, Why and How of it


eMarketing - Adwords de Google en conflicto con la Justicia Francesa


eMarketing - La publicidad online sigue creciendo, Yahoo triplica ganancias


It's official


Hammer Strength Back Row Exericise

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5 Beneficial Therapies for Pro Athletes

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Raven Riley and Liz Vicious

Just had to share this one with you. It came across my inbox this morning. How about a bit more of Raven Riley and Liz Vicious posing together? Raven’s dark tanned skin and liz’s milky white… what a wonderful contrast. Would love to compare them myself…. with my tongue. Raven Riley and [...]


Liz Vicious

Liz vicious continues to be one of the weirdest (and sexiest) fucking people in the world. Check this one out! In my chainmail skirt and sexy ass cupless bondage style bra I was fucked with a knife. I was in my new red living room and I had my razor sharp buck knife in [...]


Raven Riley and Liz Vicious!

Finally, the video of all videos! Raven Riley FUCKS Liz Vicious! SHIT YEAH. This is the hottest raven riley lesbian video EVER. I mean Liz Vicious lesbian video is hot too of course But raven riley AND liz vicious? YES! For Raven Riley its just another trip home…. And for [...]


Computer Maintenance Guide to promote an efficient hard drive

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Static Electricity and Your Computer

Prevent Static Electricity from damaging your delicate computer components


Top 3 Dangers of Overpricing Your Home

by Mike Carraway, Access Realty, Birmingham, AL

A LOT of sellers want to price their home above the market value and they do it for a variety of reasons...

Some say they want to have "negotiating room". Some say, "we can always come down later". And others say, "we just want to see what we can get - you know - test the market."

Theses are all good reasons from a seller's point of view. They aren't, however, from a property marketing standpoint. When you put a property on the market, you want to generate the highest traffic and demand in the shortest time possible and all of these so called reasons to overprice just hinder and impede the marketing process.

Danger #1

Pricing a home above the market value usually results in people going elsewhere and buying. They may love your home but if you have a similar product in your market for a lower price, they'll buy it - not yours. In effect, you have missed your buyer and now you will have to wait and attract another one at a later date.

Danger #2

Traffic and lots of it is what sells a home. Without human bodies walking through your home, it doesn't matter if it's the best deal around or the most beautiful in your neighborhood - it still won't sell. In order to get the most traffic possible in the shortest time, the price must be right from the very beginning. If the home is priced very near what you actually think it will sell for, you will get the most traffic - and offers.

Danger #3

Your home will sit on the market while YOUR buyers go buy other homes. You will have lower traffic due to the higher price and fewer people will be exposed to it. What happens when you finally decide to lower the price? People see the price reduction and it causes a couple of thoughts...

1) I wonder how much further down they will come?
2) I wonder if something is wrong with it?
3) I wonder how long it's been for sale?

Just these three will cause you more suffering from low offers and constant questions about whether you will carry part of the financing or not. You will soon grow tired of it.

The best way to avoid ALL of these problems, especially in a buyers market as we are in right now, is to price your home AT the market. Not a little over but right at the market value.

Want a secret? Price your home slightly UNDER the market value. You will have people fighting over it and will probably receive multiple offers. When you do - you can actually start a bidding war of sorts over your home and may even realize MORE than the market value.

by Mike Carraway, Broker, Access Realty, Birmingham, AL 800-840-0165


Nonfiction Writers Now Have Their First Podcast Publicity Agency

Audiobooks and podcasts have been sky-rocketing in popularity over the past three or four years. In 2019, the number of Americans who had listened to an audiobook passed 50%, a first for the medium. Podcasts are also on the rise, with investments from companies like Spotify and Pandora further encouraging a virtious cycle of audience growth and a broadening pool of podcasters.

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With Podcasts, Politicians Can Be Intimate And On-Message

As podcasts continue to grow in popularity, politicians are increasingly using the medium to reach the public without having to go through traditional news media.

complete article


Local musicians find their podcasting voices

As the COVID-19 pandemic complicates that exchange, several artists have found another way to connect. Launching podcasts that sweep the corners of their musical experience, they sound out their voices in fulfilling fashion.

Robin Anderson and Audra Sergel launched their Musicians Dish podcast in September. The show represents both a natural expression of their friendship and an extension of their concerns as freelance artists.

Whether recording on their own or collaborating, Anderson and Sergel nimbly blend elements of pop, jazz and musical theater. Each songwriter's work unites bold humor and deep sentiment — as does their podcast, which is irreverent and informed.


MacWise Version 11.41 and Upgrade Pricing

If you are planning a MacWise upgrade soon, this week would be a good time to do it before the price increase.


David Crosby tells budding artists: Don't become a musician


'I'm getting hotter': Charli XCX slams stan criticism of latest single Baby


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  • Society & Culture -- Shopping


Forceful Insecticides & Fertilizers: Home Made Formulas - Order Now - Risk Free!

Finally, obtain a great lawn almost instantly. Quick and easy download now available.

  • Home & Family -- Garden


Delicious RSS

Delicious RSS
Delicious is a social bookmarking system, that is notable, not only for its unusual web address http://del.icio.us, but for its unusual approach to content building that is becoming increasingly popular. In order to ease the burden of producing consistent stream of fresh content, publishers are turning to users to build, categorize and qualify content. While this is said to be part of the web 2.0 phenomenon, publishers realize the value of collaboration.

Social bookmarking allows users to qualify content. With Delicious, each "bookmark" of a specific webpage is seen as a vote of confidence. The more people who bookmark a specific webpage, the more credible the webpage is viewed.

Delicious RSS


Tips to Publicize Your RSS Feed

There is little argument from webmasters and publishers that RSS brings in traffic. So once you've made the leap and created a feed, how do you tell your visitors about the feed?

Tips to Publicize Your RSS Feed


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  • Fun & Entertainment -- Music


DesktopMates - Microsoft Agent & Artificial Intelligence Technologies

DesktopMates are animated human like characters that live on your desktop as your personal interactive companion & assistant capable of speech & doing tasks for you using Microsoft Agent and Artificial Intelligence Technology ... Free Start Up!

  • Computing & Internet -- Graphics


Brandt’s Cormorants (Phalacrocorax penicillatus) Courtship and Nesting on Seacliffs in La Jolla, California


Animal Health Official Respond to First Detection of High Path Avian Influenza in a Pig

Farmscape for November 7, 2024

Animal health officials are responding to the first case of a pig in the United States testing positive for high path H5N1 avian influenza.
On October 30th USDA confirmed that the first detection in a pig of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza had occurred on a small backyard mixed farm in Oregon that housed poultry, swine, sheep and goats.
Swine Health Information Center Executive Director Dr. Megan Niederwerder notes the investigation was triggered when birds on the farm started showing clinical signs of infection.

Quote-Dr. Megan Niederwerder-Swine Health Information Center:
We know that H5N1 is a specific highly pathogenic avian influenza strain that has really increased with regards to circulation over the last two years.
This is primarily maintained in migratory waterfowl but the virus has spilled over into other mammalian species such as seals and sea lions as well as domestic livestock including dairy cattle, first detected in March of 2024 and now in the first pig in October of 2024.
These pigs that were housed on this farm, there were five pigs, none of these animals were intended for the commercial food supply.
Pork continues to be safe for consumption.
There is no concern about the safety of the nation's pork supply as a result of this finding.
The other aspect of this detection is that none of the pigs that were housed on the operation, including the one that was found to be infected, had any clinical signs.
They were completely healthy so this could indicate a low pathogenicity in pigs.
We're still learning about that.
Only a single pig has been shown to be infected so there's a lot to learn about the potential risk to the swine industry.

Dr. Niederwerder encourages pork producers to review their biosecurity procedures focussing on areas where workers or equipment may be exposed to both dairy farms and pig farms or poultry farms and pig farms.
To keep up to date on the situation visit swinehealth.org.
For more visit Farmscape.Ca.
Bruce Cochrane.

       *Farmscape is produced on behalf of North America’s pork producers


Getting Started with Artificial Intelligence: A Practical Guide to Building Applications in the Enterprise

For the past several months I’ve been co-writing a book that was recently published by O’Reilly. Called Getting Started with Artificial Intelligence: A Practical Guide to Building Enterprise Applications, the book is currently offered by IBM as a free download. Written with Josh Zheng to introduce developers and technical managers to using artificial intelligence when […]

The post Getting Started with Artificial Intelligence: A Practical Guide to Building Applications in the Enterprise first appeared on Tom Markiewicz.


Uganda: Kitagwenda Health Officials Rally to Combat Teenage Pregnancy Crisis

[Nile Post] Health officials are hopeful that by increasing community involvement and resources for adolescent health services, Kitagwenda can reverse the trend.


Namibia: Ex-Swapo Youth Leader Shipwiikineni Endorses Itula for President, Criticises Swapo Leadership

[Namibian] Swapo member Reinhold Shipwiikineni has endorsed Independent Patriots for Change (IPC) presidential candidate Panduleni Itula.


Lesotho: Musicians to Finally Earn Royalties for Their Music

[Lesotho Times] LOCAL musicians can finally celebrate a significant development: their music will now earn royalties from commercial use.


Africa: African Women Football Clubs Will Receive USD 150 000 Each for Participating in the CAF Women's Champions League Morocco 2024

[CAF] Each of the 8 African Women Football Clubs that are participating in the CAF Women's Champions League Morocco 2024 will receive at least USD 150 000 in prize money.


Lesotho: Health Ministry Urges Safe Medicine Use

[Lesotho Times] THE Ministry of Health, through its Department of Pharmaceuticals, has urged the public to use medicines safely and to report any side effects that they may feel after taking medications.


Relaciones Públicas: Tacticismos y estrategias

Las organizaciones más longevas poseen una estrategia a medio y largo plazos que les permite avanzar en momentos de incertidumbre con una determinada certeza.

Las que atienden a tacticismos de manera continua, tarde o temprano puede ser engullidos por su propia inercia.

En el caso de la comunicación política que sigue inundando nuestros días en España, parece que hay dos bloques que, o bien obedecen a una estrategia o van tras la siguiente táctica día tras día.

En el primero, están PP, PSOE e incluso los partidos nacionalistas.
En el segundo, se encuentran Podemos, IU y, aunque pueda ser algo injusto, Ciudadanos.

El PP parece esperar a que el desgaste de sus adversarios en las negociaciones para formar gobierno y a que cale el discurso del miedo ante una recuperación económica perdida por un gobierno en el que no esté la agrupación conservadora para posicionarse como la única alternativa viable para que el país vuelva a ponerse en marcha.

Los socialistas esperan encontrar la cuadratura al círculo atrayendo para sí el mayor número de apoyos, por ínfimos que sean, y neutralizando el mayor número de rechazos, lo que le permitiría alcanzar la presidencia aunque fuera en segunda vuelta.

Podemos tiene claro que cada espacio mediático que tenga es uno que le ayuda a darse a conocer, lo que cree que aumenta sus posibilidades tanto en la negociación actual, como ante el hipotético caso de unas nuevas elecciones.  Eso, aunado a la hiperactividad en redes sociales que mantienen, frente al resto que parece haberlas dejado aparcadas.  Hay táctica mediática y estrategia digital que les permite mantener su presencia, con el peligro de "quemarse" ante tanta sobrexposición.

IU bascula entre posiciones, con la esperanza de arañar beneficios para su agrupación, pero de tal forma que no está resultando negativamente expuesta.

Ciudadanos pretende convertirse en el fiel de la balanza y esta posición quizás les esté desgastando en demasía ante el electorado indeciso que los apoyó en las elecciones.

Los nacionalistas, entre moderados y activistas, mantienen sus posiciones más mirando a sus regiones, que a los movimientos a nivel nacional.

Veremos si las matemáticas y los deseos entre lo deseable y lo posible, dan la razón a los estrategas frente a los tácticos.

Visita la web de mi agencia: www.tuatupr.com


Techtonica, le Satisfactory des biomes sous-terrains, a quitté son accès anticipé

Sorti depuis plus d’un an en accès anticipé, Techtonica, développé par le studio Fire Hose Games, est un jeu coopératif où vos compagnons et vous-même devrez explorer les profondeurs de la planète Calyx à l’aide d’outils variés et de machines automatisées. Le but est de récolter piller et d’exploiter de manière équitable à une échelle industrielle […]


Publicize Your RSS Feed

There is little argument from webmasters and publishers that RSS brings in traffic. So once you've made the leap and created a feed, how do you tell your visitors about the feed?

1. Submit Your RSS Feed to RSS Directories.
This will not only increase the number of sites linking to your website and increasing your link popularity, it will also increase the RSS feeds profile. A number of RSS search engines and RSS directories exist that allow you to freely submit RSS feeds. Feeds are generally categorized and grouped together by subject. Web surfers looking for RSS feeds about a specific subject will often search the RSS directories, to locate a feed that matches their specific criteria. Topic specific RSS feed and podcasting directories are also emerging. Choose a web feed's category carefully and only submit relevant feeds to topic specific directories.

Publicize Your RSS Feed


Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast

Independent artists have long struggled to gain recognition and attract an audience. Without the backing of a major label it can be very difficult for independent artists to obtain radio play time, that is, until now. Podcasting a revolutionary new medium, has opened new distribution channels for independent artists. Podcasting is the process of distributing audio files using the RSS format and has become very popular with the younger generations.

Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast


Publicize Your RSS Feed

Publicize your RSS feed.
There is little argument from webmasters and publishers that RSS brings in traffic. So once you've made the leap and created a feed, how do you tell your visitors about the feed?

1. Submit Your RSS Feed to RSS Directories.
This will not only increase the number of sites linking to your website and increasing your link popularity, it will also increase the RSS feeds profile. A number of RSS search engines and RSS directories exist that allow you to freely submit RSS feeds.

Publicize Your RSS Feed


Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast

Independent artists have long struggled to gain recognition and attract an audience. Without the backing of a major label it can be very difficult for independent artists to obtain radio play time, that is, until now. Podcasting a revolutionary new medium, has opened new distribution channels for independent artists. Podcasting is the process of distributing audio files using the RSS format and has become very popular with the younger generations.

With the use of technology, independent artists have a unique opportunity available, using technology they can significantly expand the exposure of their music.

Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast


Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast

Independent artists have long struggled to gain recognition and attract an audience. Without the backing of a major label it can be very difficult for independent artists to obtain radio play time, that is, until now. Podcasting a revolutionary new medium, has opened new distribution channels for independent artists. Podcasting is the process of distributing audio files using the RSS format and has become very popular with the younger generations.

With the use of technology, independent artists have a unique opportunity available, using technology they can significantly expand the exposure of their music.

Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast


Publicize Your RSS Feed

Publicize your RSS feed.
There is little argument from webmasters and publishers that RSS brings in traffic. So once you've made the leap and created a feed, how do you tell your visitors about the feed?

1. Submit Your RSS Feed to RSS Directories.
This will not only increase the number of sites linking to your website and increasing your link popularity, it will also increase the RSS feeds profile. A number of RSS search engines and RSS directories exist that allow you to freely submit RSS feeds. Feeds are generally categorized and grouped together by subject.

Publicize Your RSS Feed


Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast

Independent artists have long struggled to gain recognition and attract an audience. Without the backing of a major label it can be very difficult for independent artists to obtain radio play time, that is, until now. Podcasting a revolutionary new medium, has opened new distribution channels for independent artists. Podcasting is the process of distributing audio files using the RSS format and has become very popular with the younger generations.

With the use of technology, independent artists have a unique opportunity available, using technology they can significantly expand the exposure of their music.

Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast


Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast

Independent artists have long struggled to gain recognition and attract an audience. Without the backing of a major label it can be very difficult for independent artists to obtain radio play time, that is, until now. Podcasting a revolutionary new medium, has opened new distribution channels for independent artists. Podcasting is the process of distributing audio files using the RSS format and has become very popular with the younger generations.

With the use of technology, independent artists have a unique opportunity available, using technology they can significantly expand the exposure of their music.

Why should a musician podcast?

Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast