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Japanese government, criticized for low testing rates, eases guidelines for seeking virus tests

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Officials Probe Deadly Plane Crash

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Top Israeli physician: 100% of all childhood cancer to be curable by 2040

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TVM obliged to relay differing views, Adrian Delia tells public broadcaster’s top officials

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Iranian OPEC Official In Coma After Suffering 'Severe' Brain Hemorrhage

Iran's OPEC governor, Hossein Kazempur Ardebili, is in a coma after suffering a ";severe"; brain hemorrhage. In a tweet on May 3, the country's Oil Ministry said Ardebili was hospitalized on May 1. It did not provide further details. Ardebili is a key figure in Iran's energy industry and served as the deputy foreign minister and deputy oil minister in the 1980s.


Did God Forbid Us to Critique or Criticize Church Leaders?

In the lead-up to the Truth Matters conference in October, we will be focusing our attention on the sufficiency, authority, and clarity of Scripture. Of our previous blog series, none better embodies that emphasis than Frequently Abused Verses. The following entry from that series originally appeared on April 10, 2017. -ed.

False teaching thrives in environments where it is unlikely to be questioned. Charlatans and heretics prey on uncritical minds, and work tirelessly to protect and preserve that gullibility. Their success depends on dismantling every challenge to their authority and accuracy.

John MacArthur describes why that problem is rampant in the modern church:

In a time like this of tolerance, listen, false teaching will always cry intolerance; it will always say you’re being divisive, you’re being unloving, you’re being ungracious, because it can only survive when it doesn’t get scrutinized. And so it cries against any intolerance. It cries against any examination, any scrutiny.

In recent decades, some of the most notorious charismatic church leaders have been doing just that. They continually warn their critics to back off or face the imminent danger of divine judgment. Claiming God’s stamp of approval, they wield Psalm 105:15 like a loaded gun: “Touch not [the Lord’s] anointed” (KJV).

And lest you think such a description to be hyperbole, the following clip from Benny Hinn is a spectacular example. 

Hinn’s handling of Psalm 105:15, as well as the story of Saul and David, is hopelessly wrong on too many levels to address in one blog post.

For example we could discuss how Hinn utterly fails to understand Judas’s role in God’s sovereign plan for the crucifixion, while woefully underestimating the deity of Christ. We could invalidate Hinn’s warnings against criticism by pointing out the time Paul rebuked Peter—or when Hinn has publicly rebuked Joel Osteen, among others. Then there’s the problem of Hinn basing his threats upon the extra-biblical revelation of another false teacher (Kenneth Copeland).

 What does it mean to “touch”?

But there is one simple, glaring error that explains all the other problems and exposes Hinn as the incompetent and unqualified Bible teacher that he is. When David says, “I will not stretch out my hand against [Saul], for he is the Lord’s anointed” (1 Samuel 24:10), he is explaining why he didn’t kill Saul, not why he didn’t criticize Saul. In fact, David was openly critical of Saul on numerous occasions. Moreover, 1 Samuel 24:10 is part of a larger discourse where David rebukes Saul face-to-face over his murderous scheming: “I have not sinned against you, though you are lying in wait for my life to take it. May the Lord judge between you and me, and may the Lord avenge me on you; but my hand shall not be against you” (1 Samuel 24:11–13). Even if Benny Hinn was “the Lord’s anointed”—he’s not—none of his critics are attempting to “touch” him in the sense described in 1 Samuel 24:10 (or Psalm 105:15; or 1 Chronicles 16:22).

Who are the anointed?

There is another fatal flaw in Hinn’s interpretation. He—and all those who follow this teaching—assume that only certain persons are “anointed.” They claim that pastors and self-appointed prophets and apostles have a unique anointing from God that immunizes them from criticism. But such a concept is foreign to Scripture. In short, the Bible teaches that all believers have an anointing from God.

In his first epistle, the apostle John explained what it means to be anointed as a New Testament believer. After warning his readers about antichrists who were coming to deceive them, John reminded them of their security because of Christ’s anointing:

These things I have written to you concerning those who are trying to deceive you. As for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in Him. (1 John 2:26–27)

The anointing John refers to is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit—a reality for all true Christians. John MacArthur explains the context and meaning of “anointing” as it appears in 1 John:

The false teachers who threatened John’s readers employed the terms for knowledge and anointing to describe their religious experience. They arrogantly saw themselves as possessing an elevated and esoteric form of divine knowledge, and as the recipients of a special, secret, transcendent anointing. That led them to believe they were privy to truth that the uninitiated lacked. John’s response, which was both a rebuttal to the antichrists and a reassurance to the believers, was to assert that, in reality, all true Christians have an anointing from the Holy One.

Because believers have received that anointing, they have the true understanding of God that comes exclusively through Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 4:6), “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:3). They do not need any secret, special, or transcendent understanding or esoteric insight. Anointing (chrisma) literally means “ointment” or “oil” (cf. Hebrews 1:9). In this text it refers figuratively to the Holy Spirit (cf. 2 Corinthians 1:21–22), who has taken up residency in believers at the behest of Jesus Christ, the Holy One (cf. Luke 4:34; Acts 3:14), and reveals through Scripture all they need to know (John 14:26; 16:13; 1 Corinthians 2:9–10). [1] John MacArthur, The MacArthur New Testament Commentary: 1–3 John (Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 2007), 102.

The anointing we have as believers reveals the truth and therefore exposes the lies of false teachers. How ironic that the “anointing” Benny Hinn evokes to extort and manipulate churchgoers is actually our warning system to expose the self-serving deception of wolves like him.   


La Palabra suficiente de Dios, 1ª Parte

Es significativo que uno de los nombres bíblicos de Cristo sea Admirable, Consejero (Isaías 9:6). Él es el Consejero Supremo y Definitivo a quien podemos acudir en busca de consejo; y Su Palabra es la fuente desde donde podemos extraer sabiduría divina. ¿Qué podría ser más admirable que eso? 

De hecho, uno de los aspectos más gloriosos de la perfecta suficiencia de Cristo es el consejo admirable y gran sabiduría que Él suple en tiempos de desesperación, confusión, miedo, ansiedad y tristeza. Él es el Consejero por excelencia. 

Ahora, esto no es para menospreciar la importancia de los cristianos aconsejándose unos a otros. Hay ciertamente una necesidad crucial de consejería bíblica sana dentro del cuerpo de Cristo. No debatiría ni por un momento el importante rol de quienes están dotados espiritualmente para dar aliento, discernimiento, consuelo, consejo, compasión y ayuda a otros. 

De hecho, uno de los problemas que ha llevado a la actual plaga de mala consejería es que las iglesias no han hecho tanto bien como deberían, permitiendo que las personas con esos dones espirituales ministren con excelencia. Las complejidades de esta época moderna hacen mucho más difícil que nunca el tomar el tiempo necesario para escuchar con atención, servir a otros a través de la entrega personal compasiva y proveer la comunión cercana, necesaria para que el cuerpo de la iglesia disfrute de salud y vitalidad.  

 Las iglesias han mirado a la psicología para llenar el vacío, pero no va a funcionar. Los psicólogos profesionales no son sustitutos de gente dotada espiritualmente; y el consejo que la psicología ofrece no puede reemplazar la sabiduría bíblica y el poder divino. Por otra parte, la psicología tiende a volver a la gente dependiente de un terapista, mientras que aquellos que ejercitan dones espirituales verdaderos, llevan a la gente hacia un Salvador todo suficiente y Su Palabra toda suficiente.  

Un Salmo sobre la Suficiencia de la Palabra de Dios 

El rey David fue un ejemplo de alguien quien ocasionalmente buscó consejo de consejeros humanos, pero al final, siempre recurría a Dios en busca de respuestas. Como muchos de los salmos revelan, él era especialmente dependiente únicamente de Dios cuando luchaba con problemas o emociones personales (Salmos 18). Cuando le golpeó la depresión o confusión interna, se volvió hacia Dios y luchó en oración (Salmos 73). Cuando el problema era su propio pecado, él se mostró arrepentido, quebrantado y contrito (Salmos 51). La persona madura espiritualmente siempre se vuelve a Dios por ayuda en tiempos de ansiedad, angustia, confusión o inquietud en el alma ––y se aseguran consejo sabio y liberación. 

Eso es debido a que toda necesidad del alma humana es básicamente espiritual. No existe algo llamado ‘problema psicológico’ no relacionado a causas espirituales o físicas. Dios suple recursos divinos suficientes para suplir todas esas necesidades por completo. David entendió eso. 

Sus escritos reflejaron la profundidad de la experiencia humana, emoción y conocimiento espiritual de alguien quien ha experimentado plenamente los extremos de la vida. Él conoció el regocijo de pasar de pastor a rey. Él escribió acerca de todo, desde el triunfo absoluto, hasta el desaliento amargo. Él luchó con un dolor tan profundo que apenas podía soportar vivir. 

Su propio hijo Absalón intentó matarlo y luego, fue asesinado. Él sufrió una culpabilidad horrible debido a la inmoralidad y asesinato. Sus hijos le trajeron constante aflicción. Él luchaba por entender las dos cosas ––la naturaleza de Dios y su propio corazón. De Dios, él dijo: “Grande es Jehová” (Salmos 145:3), mientras que de sí mismo él dijo: “Lávame más y más de mi maldad, y límpiame de mi pecado” (Salmos 51:2). Él le dijo a Dios lo qué sentía y clamó por alivio ––a pesar que admitió que Dios tenía todo el derecho de castigarlo. 

Al final de algunos de los salmos de David, él miró por una ventana de esperanza, y otras veces, no. Pero David siempre fue a Dios, porque entendió la soberanía de Dios y su propia depravación. Él sabía que sólo su todo-suficiente Salvador tenía las respuestas a sus necesidades y el poder de aplicar las respuestas. Y sabía que esas respuestas eran encontradas en la verdad acerca de Dios revelada en Su Palabra, que es en sí misma perfectamente suficiente. El Dios suficiente se reveló a Sí mismo en Su Palabra suficiente. 

El Salmo 19:7-14 es la declaración más monumental sobre la suficiencia de las Escrituras, que jamás se haya hecho en términos concisos. Escrito por David bajo la inspiración del Espíritu Santo, ofrece un testimonio inquebrantable de Dios mismo acerca de la suficiencia de Su Palabra para cada situación. Refuta las enseñanzas de aquellos que creen que debemos ampliar la Palabra de Dios con verdad obtenida de la psicología moderna. 

En los versículos 7 al 9, David hace seis afirmaciones acerca de las Escrituras. Cada una de las seis afirmaciones resalta una característica de la Palabra de Dios y describe su efecto en la vida de quien la recibe. 

La Escritura es perfecta, convierte el alma. 

En la primera afirmación (v.7), él dice: “La ley de Jehová es perfecta, que convierte el alma”. La Palabra hebrea traducida “ley” es torah, que enfatiza la naturaleza didáctica de la Escritura. Aquí, David la usa para referirse a la suma de lo que Dios ha revelado para nuestra instrucción, sea un credo (lo que creemos), carácter (lo que somos) o conducta (lo que hacemos). 

“Perfecta” es la traducción de una palabra hebrea que significa “entero”, “completo” o “suficiente”. Comunica la idea de algo que es integral, al punto de cubrir todos los aspectos de un problema. La Escritura es integral, corporizando todo lo que es necesario para la vida espiritual de uno. El contraste implícito de David es con el razonamiento imperfecto, insuficiente e incorrecto de los hombres. 

La ley perfecta de Dios, dijo David, afecta a las personas porque “convierte el alma” (v.7). La palabra hebrea traducida “convierte” puede significar “restaura”, “revive” o “refresca”; pero mi sinónimo favorito es “transforma”. La palabra “alma” (en hebreo, nephesh) se refiere a la persona de uno, uno mismo o el corazón. Es traducida de todas esas maneras (y muchas más) en el Antiguo Testamento. La esencia de ella es la persona interior, la persona completa, el verdadero usted. 

Parafraseando las palabras de David, las Escrituras son tan poderosas e integrales que pueden convertir o transformar toda la persona, convirtiendo a alguien exactamente en la persona que Dios quiere que sea. La Palabra de Dios es suficiente para restaurar mediante la salvación incluso a la vida más destrozada, un hecho del que David mismo dio abundante testimonio. 

La Escritura es digna de confianza, imparte sabiduría. 

David desarrolla aún más el alcance de la suficiencia de las Escrituras en el Salmo 19:7, “El testimonio de Jehová es fiel, que hace sabio al sencillo”. “Testimonio” habla de la Escritura como un testigo divino. La Escritura es el testimonio seguro de Dios sobre quién Él es y lo que Él requiere de nosotros. “Fiel” significa que su testimonio es inquebrantable, inamovible, inconfundible, confiable y digno de confianza. Proporciona una base sobre la cual construir nuestras vidas y destinos eternos. 

La Palabra fiel de Dios convierte al sencillo en sabio (v.7). La palabra hebrea traducida “sencillo” viene de una expresión que significa “una puerta abierta”. Evoca la imagen de una persona inocente que no sabe cuándo cerrar su mente a la enseñanza falsa o impura. Él es falto de discernimiento, ignorante, crédulo. Pero la Palabra de Dios lo hace sabio. “Sabio” no habla simplemente de alguien que conoce algunos hechos, sino de uno que es hábil en el arte de la vida piadosa. Él se somete a las Escrituras y sabe cómo aplicarla a sus circunstancias. De esta manera, la Palabra de Dios toma una mente simple y sin discernimiento, y la capacita en todas las cuestiones de la vida. Esto también es en contraste con la sabiduría de los hombres, que en realidad es necedad. 

La Escritura es recta, produce gozo 

David agrega una tercera declaración acerca de las Escrituras. Él escribe: “Los mandamientos de Jehová son rectos, que alegran el corazón”. Los mandamientos son principios divinos y guías para el carácter y la conducta. Ya que Dios nos creó y sabe cómo debemos vivir para ser productivos para Su gloria, Él ha puesto en las Escrituras todos los principios que necesitamos para vivir una vida piadosa. 

Los mandamientos de Dios, dijo David, son “rectos”. En lugar de indicar simplemente qué es correcto y qué es erróneo, la Palabra tiene el sentido de enseñarle a alguien el camino verdadero. Las verdades de la Escritura establecen el camino correcto a través del difícil laberinto de la vida. Esa es una confianza maravillosa. Muchas personas hoy están angustiadas o abatidas porque carecen de dirección y propósito. La mayoría busca respuestas en las fuentes equivocadas. La Palabra de Dios no solamente provee la luz para nuestro camino (Salmo 119:105), sino que establece la ruta enfrente nuestro. 

Debido a que nos conduce a través del camino recto en la vida, la Palabra de Dios trae gran gozo. Si usted está deprimido, ansioso, temeroso o dudoso, aprenda a obedecer el consejo de Dios y comparta el deleite resultante. No recurra a actividades autoindulgentes como la autoestima y la autorrealización. Enfóquese en la verdad divina. Ahí encontrará el gozo verdadero y duradero. Todas las otras fuentes son temporales y fugaces. 

¿No es la Palabra de Dios asombrosa en su suficiencia? Es perfecta, no le falta nada, es confiable y establece el rumbo para una vida productiva. Como tal, nos transforma a la imagen de Cristo, nos otorga sabiduría para cada momento y nos llena con gozo eterno.

¡Qué trágico que es cuando dejamos de lado la fuente de sabiduría divina, prefiriendo la sabiduría del hombre, que es impotente e insuficiente! 

La próxima vez, veremos las siguientes tres declaraciones de la suficiencia de las Escrituras, y saborearemos la dulzura de la Palabra de Dios. 

Únase a la conversación                                                                                                                           

¿Qué Escrituras han tenido un impacto profundo en su vida durante tiempos de lucha con el pecado o el sufrimiento? 

(Adaptado de Nuestra Suficiencia en Cristo


Why Do We Need a Conference on the Sufficiency of Scripture?

If God’s people affirm the inerrancy of Scripture—that the Bible is without flaw—along with the authority of Scripture—that it speaks conclusively on all matters of Christian life and practice—why do we also need to affirm the sufficiency of Scripture? Is that theological distinction redundant? Why does the sufficiency of Scripture matter outside of theological academia? Why would Grace to You make that topic the focus of the upcoming Truth Matters conference?

We recently put those questions to Phil Johnson—our executive director and one of the keynote speakers at Truth Matters. This is what he had to say.

Registration for Truth Matters is now closed. However, we will be streaming every session of the conference. So even if you did not reserve a spot in advance, we hope you will join us remotely for this rich time of Bible teaching and worship. Watch this space for more details on the livestream in the days ahead.


How Does the Sufficiency of Scripture Inform and Energize Evangelism?

Modern evangelistic strategies often stumble by emphasizing the method over the message. We hear a lot about contextualization, felt needs, and relevance. On the other hand, we steadily seem to hear less and less about the power of God’s Word to transform the sinner’s soul. As the church becomes increasingly enamored of such pragmatic strategies, it proves decreasingly convinced of the sufficiency of Scripture.

We recently asked Mike Riccardi—the local outreach pastor at Grace Community Church and one of the keynote speakers at Truth Matters—what impact, if any, the sufficiency of Scripture makes in evangelism. Here’s what he had to say:

Registration for Truth Matters is now closed. However, we will be streaming every session of the conference live on the Internet. Wherever you are, we hope you will join us for this special time of Bible teaching, worship, and fellowship.


Is It Consistent for Continuationists to Affirm the Sufficiency of Scripture?

Have you ever attended a church where public prophecies are allowed, or even encouraged, during the service? Have you heard professing believers claim to have special prophetic insights or words of knowledge directly from God? Such behavior is commonplace in charismatic circles, even in many churches that would verbally affirm the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture.



If It Doesn’t Speak to Every Specific Issue, Is Scripture Truly Sufficient?

What happens when you find yourself in circumstances that God’s Word doesn’t speak to? If Scripture is truly sufficient, what do you do when facing issues of modern life that the Bible does not directly address?



What Are the Chief Threats Today to the Sufficiency of Scripture?

The sufficiency of Scripture is not a doctrine that is widely despised or disputed. Most evangelicals happily affirm it. But biblical sufficiency is always under attack—both from the world’s overt assaults and through stealthier means from within the church.



Why Read Anything Else if Scripture Is Sufficient?

Many professing believers in the church today won’t read anything other than the Bible, and refuse to listen to someone else interpret and preach the Word. Some even argue that the doctrine of biblical sufficiency vindicates their hermit-like Christian existence. But does the sufficiency of Scripture nullify the value of Christian scholarship or the need for Christian fellowship?



Why Is It Crucial to Defend the Sufficiency of Scripture?

The sufficiency of Scripture is a doctrinal hill to die on, even if it doesn’t seem like a contested battleground today. But God’s people need to understand that while biblical sufficiency itself is not often assaulted overtly, it is often implicitly in the crosshairs. So what are these subtle attacks, and how should Christians respond to them?



Is Belief in the Sufficiency of Scripture Important for Sanctification?

Our culture has a growing fixation on diet. That’s understandable considering the undeniable connection between the quality—and source—of the food we eat and the health of our bodies. But as Christians, how much attention do we pay to our spiritual health?



Is Scripture Sufficient to Meet Modern Cultural Challenges?

Twenty-first century evangelists and missionaries are confronted with a vastly different world to that of the early church. In the realms of communication and technology, the changes are immense. And in the eyes of many church growth proponents, a lot of modern advancements have left the Bible looking older than ever.



If Scripture Alone Is Sufficient, Can You Be Saved Without Hearing the Word of God?

How should you evaluate claims of Christian conversion that don’t involve exposure to the Word of God? This question has taken on greater significance in recent years, as a growing number of Muslims claim to have been saved through dreams in which Jesus appeared to them.



If Scripture Is Sufficient, Why Are So Many Professing Believers Looking for Something More?

Today the shelves of Christian bookstores sag under the weight of devotionals, guidebooks, and manuals purporting to help you hear and understand what God has to say to you personally. Wildly popular books like Experiencing God and Jesus Calling encourage believers to look beyond the confines of Scripture for fresh words from God.



Why Be So Passionate About the Sufficiency of Scripture?

Biblical sufficiency has been the heartbeat of John MacArthur’s teaching—he has continually used Scripture to interpret, defend, and illustrate itself throughout his five decades of ministry. With the conference fast approaching, we recently asked John why he remains so relentless in his defense of the absolute sufficiency of Scripture.



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Prague Daily Monitor

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read more


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The Sindh revenue department has written a letter to Chief Minister Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah for sanctioning extra incentives to the officials and officers of different departments participating in the battle against COVID-19.The letter, which was sent to the CM on Friday, reads that as the...


Microchip Expands Silicon Carbide (SiC) Family of Power Electronics to Provide System Level Improvements in Efficiency, Size and Reliability

Microchip Expands Silicon Carbide (SiC) Family of Power Electronics to Provide System Level Improvements in Efficiency, Size and Reliability


Real-estate firm asked to pay over Rs 11 lakhs for deficiency of service

NEW DELHI: The Delhi state consumer panel has asked real estate firm Omaxe Buildhome Pvt Ltd to pay over Rs 11 lakh to a retired Indian Airlines official after holding the realty firm of “deficiency of service” in the allotment of a flat at Greater Noida in Uttar Pradesh. The Delhi State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (SCDRC), presided by judicial member S A Siddiqui, asked the firm to pay Rs 11.14 lakh to Secunderabad resident Pradeep Chaudhary. Chaudhary had approached the Commission alleging “unfair trade practice” and “deficiency of service” on the firm’s part and said that despite his strong opposition, the company, on its own, changed the location of […]

  • Delhi
  • Real Estate India


Fiji general cites need to ‘stifle criticism’ in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic

"The COVID-19 pandemic is not an excuse for human rights violations. Excessive force and brutality are unacceptable from any of our enforcement or security forces."


Colorado GOP Chair Ken Buck pressured local official to submit incorrect election results

Colorado Republican Party Chair Ken Buck, a U.S. representative from Windsor, pressured a local party official to submit incorrect election results to set the primary ballot for a state Senate seat, according to an audio recording of a conference call obtained by The Denver Post.


ADB Provides $346 Million Loan for Rural Electricity in Maharashtra, India

ADB has approved a $346 million loan to India to help provide efficient and reliable power connection to rural agriculture customers in the state of Maharashtra.


Reliable Electricity Supply Gives New Lease on Life to Nepal’s Villages

ADB projects in Nepal are strengthening the nation's electricity transmission system while improving people's lives at the grassroots level.