
The Transformation of Suffering

Fr. Gregory introduces a guest preacher today who talks about the pattern of redemption: the Lord heals the soul and then the body.


Called to the Banquet of Transformation


Changed Hearts, Transformed Lives, Godly Families




God Transforms Unfairness to Advantage!




God Transforms Unfairness to Advantage!



Wesley discusses "transhumanism"—what is quickly becoming the world's newest religion, offering adherents the kind of hope once within the exclusive province of faith and without the humbling concept of an omnipotent God to whom one owes prayer and thanksgiving.


What's Love Got to do With Transhumanism?

Wesley introduces the Transhumanists and then explains what is wrong with their desire to increase human intelligence.


Transparency and Accountability: An Interview with Fr. Nikodhim

Dr. Albert Rossi has a conversation with Fr. Nikodhim, pastor of St. Nicholas Albanian Orthodox Church in Queens, New York, on the topic of transparency and accountability in the development of trust of others in dangerous situations.


Orthodox Christian Translation Society

Bobby Maddex interviews Erin Moulton and Jodi Elliott, the president and vice president, respectively, of the Orthodox Christian Translation Society Board of Directors.


Orthodox Christian Translation Society

Bobby Maddex interviews Erin Moulton, Alexandra Weber, and Symeon Magnusson of the Orthodox Christian Translation Society.



On this special edition of Ancient Faith Presents, Metropolitan Kallistos Ware speaks on the Transfiguration during the course of a weeklong pilgrimage to Mull and Iona that was organized by Friends of Orthodoxy on Iona.


Life at the Monastery of the Transfiguration

Ancient Faith Radio correspondent Chrysanthe Loizos takes us "behind the scenes" at the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration in Ellwood City, PA. With the blessing of the Abbess, Mother Christophora, Chrysanthe gives us a glimpse into the daily life of the nuns as well as their purpose and goals.


Transformation: Part 1 - Made in His Image and Likeness

Part one of a four-part documentary called "Transformation: Same-Sex Attraction Through the Lens of Orthodox Christianity." In this first episode, we meet four individuals who are faithful, obedient Orthodox Christians in terms of celibacy, but are attracted to members of the same sex. What are their stories, struggles, and disappointments? How have they been received in the Orthodox Church? And what do they want the Church to know about that struggle? Resource: Christian Faith and Same Sex Attraction by Fr. Thomas Hopko


Transformation: Part 2 - The Clear Teaching of the Church

Part two of "Transformation: Same-Sex Attraction Through the Lens of Orthodox Christianity." In part two, we take a deep dive into the theology surrounding same-sex attraction. What do the Scripture, canons, and Fathers have to say about it? Is it sinful to have a same-sex attraction? Archbishop Michael, Dr. Jeannie Constantinou, Fr. Harry Linsinbigler, Dr. Roxanne Louh, and Dr. Edith M. Humphrey are among our panelists. Resource: Christian Faith and Same Sex Attraction by Fr. Thomas Hopko


Transformation: Part 3 - The Greatest of These is Love

Part three of our four-part documentary Transformation: Same-Sex Attraction Through the Lens of Orthodox Christianity How are we doing as a Church at showing love to everyone who walks in our doors? Are we welcoming or judgmental? Does a warm welcome translate into endorsement of someone's lifestyle? If we are to truly love one another and bear one another's burdens, we need to get to know them first. Resource: Christian Faith and Same Sex Attraction by Fr. Thomas Hopko


Transformation: Part 4 - Listen and Learn

Part four of our four-part documentary, "Transformation: Same Sex Attraction Through The Lens Of Orthodox Christianity." In this episode, we will hear a call to listen, to engage, to show patience, and extend the benefit of the doubt wherever we can—especially our young people who are asking tough questions and deserve to be heard. Resource: Christian Faith and Same Sex Attraction by Fr. Thomas Hopko


The Transcendentals

Fr. Pat considers the Gospel message of St. Thomas Sunday through the triple lens of what classical philosophy calls "the transcendentals": the true, the good, and the beautiful.


The Cross-Hope, Transformation, Warning




Reflections on the Transfiguration of Our Lord

In this homily from 2006, Fr. Pat reflects upon the Body of Christ, the Sacraments, and our own transfiguration in Christ.


Transfiguration and Transformation

What can the Transfiguration teach us about being the bee?


Steps to Transformation

In this first episode of 2016, host Kevin Allen speaks with Archimandrite and Abbot Sergius of the Monastery of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk, the oldest Orthodox monastery in the U.S., about practical ways Christians can cooperate with the grace of God to " transformed ..." (Rom. 12:2) into the Likeness of Christ. Abbot Sergius is the author of the book "Acquiring the Mind of Christ: Embracing the Vision of the Orthodox Church" (St Tikhon Seminary Press). Father Sergius is the 16th Abbot of Saint Tikhon’s Monastery and Lecturer of Orthodox Spirituality at Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary.



Fr. Philip reflections on the Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ. "... you will do well if you take heed, as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day breaks, and the Morning Star dawns forth in your hearts."


Being Transfigured

The Apostle Peter witnessed the Transfiguration and wanted it to stay there but God the Father had other plans.


The Morning after the (Transfiguration) Night before

So What had the other nine apostles been getting up to?



You will do well to pay attention to this says Apostle Peter. 2 Peter 1: 10 - 19, Matthew 17: 1 - 9


075: Susie Bulloch – Transitioning From Digital to Physical Products With Purpose

In this episode, I talk to Susie Bulloch, who runs Hey Grill, Hey, which started as a wildly successful food blog (to the tune of a million dollars or more a year in revenue). Then she did something that I absolutely love: she used her online business to kickstart a physical products company. Her sauces […]


The Best Way to Get Call Transcriptions (+5 Alternatives)

If you’re looking for a robust tool that transcribes your calls in real-time, integrates with the most popular meeting platforms, and can even attend meetings in your place, is for you. In this post, we’ll share exactly how to use Otter, plus we’ll give you some alternative options for […]

The post The Best Way to Get Call Transcriptions (+5 Alternatives) appeared first on .


How AI is Transforming User Experience (UX) 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing how user experience design is handled across various industries by playing a vital role in developing tailored and seamless experiences for users. Starting from app […]

The post How AI is Transforming User Experience (UX)  appeared first on Tech Digest.


Across ? Translating online project on two computers

I have been working with Across for several years, but I never got rid of impression that this CAT tools is very user-unfriendly and bugged. A great limitation is a lack of means for an easy transfer of projects between … Continue reading


General approach to translating Across projects out of Across

If you read my articles regularly, you are already know that I dislike Across. Across is difficult to use, does not offer feature that are readily available in other CAT tools, and rather slows me down during my work instead of … Continue reading


Large Excel translation ? Studio vs. MemoQ

I was recently asked to translate a large Excel file containing 40,000+ rows. The total word count was not so big, about 50k new words. With this article I would like to share my experience and problems processing this translation in … Continue reading


Treat For Legal Interpreters and an Archive for Translators As Well

OpenCourt is an experimental project run by WBUR, Boston’s NPR news station, that uses digital technology to make Quincy District Court more accessible to the public.

Full Article


Training for legal translators. Part IV. Make at least one big study commitment.

This is the last part of a series on training for legal translators. See the first post here. To put yourself on the path to becoming a good legal translator, you need to make one big study commitment. A big study commitment is anything that takes at least a year, challenges you, and costs a lot of […]


Translating notary terms 1: What do notaries do?

In Spain and other civil law countries, you seem to need a notary for anything of gravity. You buy a house, you need a notary. You inherit some money, you need a notary. You start a company, you need a notary. The list goes on. What do notaries do in common law countries? So little […]


Translating notary terms 2: What are public-form and private-form notarial acts?

A public-form notarial act is a document drafted by a notary that contains the entire notarial act. It is narrated from the notary’s perspective and includes all the details and circumstances of the act. All Spanish notarial acts are in public form (documents elevados a público). In England and Wales, notarial acts are usually in […]


Translating notary terms 3: How to translate the names of Spanish public-form notarial acts into English

This post looks at how to translate the names of the two* main types of public-form Spanish notarial acts, escrituras públicas and actas notariales. It also identifies handy language to use in translations of them. Escritura pública An escritura pública records an act executed before a notary. How you translate the name of an escritura […]


Translating notary terms 4: Is “deed” a good translation for escritura pública?

“Deed” is sometimes used as a translation for escritura pública. Is it a good translation? What is a deed? A deed is a formal legal document. In England and Wales, transfers of land, mortgages, powers of attorney, some business agreements and wills must be executed as deeds. In the US, deeds are only required for […]


How to translate de una parte and de otra parte into English (contract translation tip 9)

How should you translate into English the terms de una parte and de otra parte that you find at the start of Spanish contracts?   What’s the job of de una parte and de otra parte in a Spanish contract? If you’ve read a couple of Spanish contracts, this seems obvious. But there is a […]


Dilemmas of style when translating legislation

Many dilemmas of style arise when translating legislation into English. This post looks at the most common ones and solutions to them. By legislation I mean any laws or rules set down by a governing body, be that of a country, company or university. So everything from a criminal code to a health and safety […]


Five things your translator should know when translating legislation into English

Translating the legislation or regulations of a country, company or university into English requires certain skills and know-how. This post lists five things your translator should know when translating legislation into English. 1. How to apply English drafting conventions Conventions on headings, numbering, referencing and capitalisation differ from one legal language to another. For instance, […]


How do you translate “registro” (as in Registro Civil)?

What is a registro? A registro, as in the Registro Civil, is an official place or list for recording information or events. The one registro can even be both a list and a place. For instance, the Registro Mercantil and the Registro de la Propiedad can each be three things: a list (i.e. a set […]


Spain’s main registros: translations and background info

This post looks at the main public registers (registros) in Spain. It outlines what they are for and lists common translations and similar entities in English-speaking countries. Whether each registro is more a list or a place (or both) is also covered. This key distinction (described in this post) can affect the translation or at […]


Context-Aware Composition and Adaptation based on Model Transformation

Using pre-existing software components (COTS) to develop software systems requires the composition and adaptation of the component interfaces to solve mismatch problems. These mismatches may appear at different interoperability levels (signature, behavioural, quality of service and semantic). In this article, we define an approach which supports composition and adaptation of software components based on model transformation by taking into account the four levels. Signature and behavioural levels are addressed by means of transition systems. Context-awareness and semanticbased techniques are used to tackle quality of service and semantic, respectively, but also both consider the signature level. We have implemented and validated our proposal for the design and application of realistic and complex systems. Here, we illustrate the need to support the variability of the adaptation process in a context-aware pervasive system through a real-world case study, where software components are implemented using Windows Workflow Foundation (WF). We apply our model transformation process to extract transition systems (CA-STS specifications) from WF components. These CA-STSs are used to tackle the composition and adaptation. Then, we generate a CASTS adaptor specification, which is transformed into its corresponding WF adaptor component with the purpose of interacting with all the WF components of the system, thereby avoiding mismatch problems.


Transactions on Data Privacy 12:2 (2019)

Transactions on Data Privacy, Volume 12 Issue 2 (2019) has been published.


Transactions on Data Privacy 12:3 (2019)

Transactions on Data Privacy, Volume 12 Issue 3 (2019) has been published.