
Translation of the Image Not-Made-By-Hands of our Lord Jesus Christ from Edessa to Constantinople

The Third "Feast of the Savior" in August While the Lord was preaching in Palestine, his fame reached a king Avgar of Edessa, who suffered from leprosy. Avgar sent a messenger named Ananias to ask whether the Lord could heal his illness. The king also charged Ananias, if he was unable to bring back Jesus Himself, to bring back a likeness of Him. When Ananias found Jesus, the Lord told him that he could not come to Edessa since the time of His passion was at hand. But he took a cloth and washed His face, miraculously leaving a perfect image of His face on the cloth. Ananias brought the holy image back to the king, who reverently kissed it. Immediately his leprosy was healed, save for a small lesion that remained on his forehead. Later the Apostle Thaddeus came to Edessa, preaching the gospel, and Avgar and his household were baptized, at which time his remaining leprosy vanished. The king had the holy likeness mounted on wood and displayed above the city gate for all to revere. But Avgar's grandson returned to idolatry, and the Bishop of Edessa had the image hidden in the city wall to prevent it from being defiled. Many years later, when the Persian king Chosroes besieged Edessa, the Bishop Eulabius was told in a vision to find the sealed chamber, whose location had been forgotten. The holy icon was found, completely incorrupt, and by its power the Persian army was driven off. In the year 944 the image was brought to Constantinople and enshrined in the Church of the Theotokos called the Pharos. This is the event commemorated today.


The Transfiguration of Place: An Orthodox Christian Vision of Localism - Part 1

Fr. Andrew says we have become a global society of consumers at the expense of localism which has real implications for our Christian faith.


The Transfiguration of Place: An Orthodox Christian Vision of Localism - Part 2

Fr. Andrew uses the term "Thinness of Place" to further explore the importance of localism and gives us 17 practical suggestions for moving closer to that ideal.


Sermon Aug. 5, 2012 (Forefeast of the Transfiguration)

On this Sunday of the Forefeast of the Transfiguration, Fr. Andrew asks if we have the will to become "All Flame."


The Transfiguration as Model for Ministry (Sermon Aug. 6, 2017)

Celebrating the great feast of the Transfiguration of Christ, Fr. Andrew discusses how what we learn from it about Who Jesus is also teaches us about how to do ministry. And he gives one suggestion for applying what we learn.


What Do You Believe In: Reaching for the Transcendent on the Streets of New York

Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick and Steven Christoforou take to the streets of Manhattan and ask people what they believe in. What they hear surprised them and might surprise you, too.


Transitions and New Beginnings

On today's show we discuss the transition to college and how to make a proper new beginning. Theme song, "Burn Out Bright," by Switchfoot, used by permission.


The Transfiguration of Jesus

The Transfiguration of Jesus shows us the purpose of human life and how to taste of the incomparable heavenly banquet.



Fr. John Oliver reminds us that the Christian heart wants to taste of the incomparable heavenly banquet of the Kingdom of God.


A Baptist and a Transcendentalist Walk Into a Bar

Fr. John Oliver talks about integrity.


Transcendent Introspection and the Authoritarian Personality

Today, Fr. Anthony talks with Fr. Gregory Jensen, PhD, about the difference between isolation and solitude, how to cultivate transcendent introspection, the difference between pastoring and controlling, and the challenge of baptizing authoritarian tendencies. This is a recording of Fr. Anthony's livestream. Enjoy the show!


On Transcendent Introspection and Loving our Enemies

In this episode, Fr. Anthony continues the themes from his discussion with Fr. Gregory Jensen on transcendent introspection and a good test of our relationship with Christ (and complexity): can we love President Trump AND Antifa? This is a recording of Fr. Anthony's livestream. Enjoy the show!


Your Kingdom Come: Transfiguration

Repentance is a process by which we allow our minds to be changed and illumined which results in a change in our whole being: our transfiguration.


Episode 151: Transcendent Kingdom

The girls discuss the novel, Transcendent Kingdom. They address issues of cross-pressure between belief and doubt, the role or purpose in our lives, and how the modern self is buffered against engagement with the transcendent.


Being Transfigured Through Prayer

Are you stumbling around in spiritual darkness? Prayer is how we open the darkness of our soul to the brilliant light of Christ, presenting ourselves in faith for His healing.


Feast of the Transfiguration

Observing the Feast of the Transfiguration means that we enter into our own change into the likeness of Jesus Christ through the many opportunities provided to us by the Church.


Transfiguration and Dormition

Fr. Philip LeMasters draws together the meaning of the Transfiguration of Christ and the Dormition of the Theotokos for our participation in the healing of our corrupt humanity.


Transfiguration and the Dormition of the Theotokos

Fr. Philip LeMasters reflects on the Feasts of the Transfiguration of our Lord and the Dormition of the Theotokos.


How to Take Up Our Crosses and Be Transfigured in the Dormition Fast

Let us become transfigured in holiness as we pray, fast, repent, and give generously to our neighbors as we become living icons of the Savior’s fulfillment of the human person in the likeness of God.


Transfigured by Offering and Obedience

The disciples offered to Christ what they had that day: five loaves of bread and two fish. He transfigured that tiny offering into a massive feast with far more leftover than what the hungry crowd could eat. This miracle shows that the key question is not what or how much we offer according to any conventional standard, but whether we offer all that we have for the Lord’s blessing. He will do the rest.


To Behold the Glory of the Lord, We Must Be Transfigured in Holiness

We have all had the experience of suddenly perceiving a truth that we had previously not grasped. There are times when the fog lifts, the lights come on, and what was opaque or out of focus becomes clear. That is precisely what the apostles Peter, James, and John experienced on Mount Tabor when they were enabled to behold the divine glory of Jesus Christ, Who shone brightly with light as the voice of the Father identified Him as His beloved Son.


Transfiguration in Holiness Through Faith, Prayer, and Fasting

Today we conclude our commemoration of the Lord’s Transfiguration on Mount Tabor, when the spiritual eyes of Peter, James, and John were opened to behold His divine glory and they heard the voice of the Father say, “This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!” (Mk. 9:7)


Transfigured in Holiness Like the Theotokos: Homily for the Sixth Sunday After Pentecost

We are certainly in a spiritually rich time of year in the life of the Church. Having begun the fast in preparation for the Dormition of the Theotokos, we are now also anticipating the Transfiguration of the Lord, when Peter, James, and John beheld His divine glory on Mount Tabor. As with all the feasts of the Church, the point is not simply to remember what happened long ago, but instead to participate personally in the eternal truth made manifest in these celebrations. And that means nothing less than being transfigured ourselves by our Lord’s gracious divine energies as we come to share more fully in His restoration and fulfillment of the human person as a living icon of God.


Beyond Subculture: Toward the Transformation of Roman Society

Fr. John explores how the Church began to address, confront, and challenge the pagan culture of the Roman Empire, particularly during the third century.


The Spiritual Transformation of Society I: Monasticism

Fr. John explores what exactly monasticim was in the days of St. Macarius.


The Spiritual Transformation of Society II: Marriage

Fr. John explores marriage within the life of early Christendom.


Christian Calendars and the Spiritual Transformation of Time

Fr. John discusses the spiritual transformation of time by Christianity.


Christian Temples and the Spiritual Transformation of Space

Fr. John discusses the ways in which the Church tries to create a sanctified topography in Christendom.


Solving Post-Christian Christendom's Transcendence Problem I: The Architects of Liberal Ideology

In this long-delayed episode (due to work on The Age of Nihilism, available at, Father John presents the historical origins of liberalism as a modern secular ideology. Atheistic philosophers like Auguste Comte and John Stuart Mill provided the philosophical basis for hope in a secular "kingdom of posterity."


Solving Post-Christian Christendom's Transcendence Problem II: The Architects of Socialist Ideology.

Fr. John Strickland continues his account of the rise of secular ideology with a presentation on the Russian intelligentsia and the case of Karl Marx.


Solving Post-Christian Christendom's Transcendence Problem III: The Architects of Nationalist Ideolo

Fr. John Strickland concludes his account of the origins of modern political ideology with the rise of nationalism, a force that not only proved to be a counterfeit to traditional Christianity, but the cause of one of utopian Christendom's greatest tragedies.


The Dormition and Translation of the Theotokos

This week Edith Humphrey considers the Dormition and Translation (Assumption) of the Holy Theotokos, using Old Testament passages as well as the book of Revelation in order to clarify why Holy Mary’s death as well as her assumption glorify the Lord Jesus, in an “echo” of the gospel.


Falling on our Faces: the Feast of the Transfiguration

We consider the physicality of Matthew 17:1-13, 2 Corinthians 4:6 and 2 Peter 1:19-21 in the light of the experiences of Moses (Exodus 24 and 34), Elijah (1 Kings 19) Daniel (Dan 10:5-10) and the prophecy of Malachi 4. The transformation which comes in seeing and hearing God affects the whole of who we are!


The Disturbed Mind, the Grasping Mind, the Single Mind and the Transformed Mind: the Sixth Sunday of

This week we consider the reading from Acts 16 for the sixth Sunday of Easter, reading it in the light of Psalm 1. These readings discloses different mindsets, some to caution us, some to be our models, as we follow Christ on the Way.


The Transfiguration of Our Lord

"The Transfiguration of the Lord," from Feasts of Christ and the Theotokos and Miracles of the Lord by Spiritual Fragrance Publishing (2012)


The Transfiguration of Our Lord / Basil's Search for Miracles 28-29

16. Book 1: The Transfiguration of Our Lord from The Twelve Great Feasts for Children by Mother Melania (Conciliar Press, 2004) Book 2: Basil's Search for Miracles part 14 (chapters 28-29) by Heather Zydek (Conciliar Press, 2007)


The Transfiguration of Jesus

"The Transfiguration of Jesus" from The Bible for Young People by Zoe Kanavas (Narthex Press, 2005)


The Transfiguration of Our Lord

109. The Transfiguration of Our Lord from The Twelve Great Feasts for Children by Sister Elaine (Conciliar Press, 2004)


Transforming Desires and Seeing Iconographically

In episode 4, Andrew helps us understand the transformation that takes place when we begin to see iconographically instead of pornographically. The transcript can be accessed HERE.


Transforming Desires and Overcoming Addiction

In episode 5, Andrew continues to explore the transformation of our desires and how that relates to addiction. Click HERE for a transcript.



After a brief meditation on the Feast of the Transfiguration, Fr. Evan takes calls and answers email questions from listeners.



Martha reflects back on a summer full of difficult transitions.


Transfiguration and the Courage to Change

Fr. Apostolos encourages us that it is possible to change. May we approach the Feast of the Transfiguration "with a sense of humility and anticipation that we too might be radically changed into that same image from glory to glory."


Feast of the Transfiguration

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks about the importance of being transfigured in Jesus Christ.


Allowing God to Transform Evil in Our Lives


Transformation and Growth

Fr. Tom discusses how the Christian life consists of personal transformation and a deep urgency to bring others into the fold.


An Invitation to Transformation (Dn John Skowron)

Join Deacon John Skowron in today's discussion. What are we withholding from God's will? Are we making time for Christ in our lives?


The Transcendent Resurrection Body

Fr Thomas explains the mysterious nature of the resurrection of Christ which transcends the limited nature of our current three-dimensional human experience. (John 20:19-31) St Thomas Sunday, April 23, 2023.


St. Athanasius on the Transfiguration

Fr. Gregory Hallam brings the homily on the Feast of the Transfiguration.


Experiencing the Transfiguration

Fr. Dn. Emmanuel gives the sermon about the Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord.