
Curso de traducción audiovisual en Santa Fe

El Colegio de Traductores de la Provincia de Santa Fe, 1ra. Circunscripción, ha organizado el curso TRADUCCIÓN AUDIOVISUAL, a cargo del Traductor Público Daniel Yagolkowsky destinado a traductores y estudiantes de traductorado de todos los idiomas.

DÍAS: 09 y 10 de marzo de 2012.

HORARIOS: viernes 09 de marzo de 18:30 a 21:30 h.
sábado 10 de marzo de 10.00 a 13:00 y de 14:00 a 17:00 h.

LUGAR: San Martín 2819, 2do. Piso, Santa Fe.

ARANCEL: Matriculados y estudiantes $ 190

Público en general: $ 230

INFORMES E INSCRIPCIÓN: San Martín 2819, 2do Piso, Oficina 6.

HORARIOS DE ATENCIÓN: Lunes, miércoles y viernes de 08:30 a 12:30 h; martes y jueves de 15:00 a 19:00 h.

Esperamos su participación y los saludamos cordialmente.

Comisión de Perfeccionamiento
CTPSF, 1.ª Circ.

(Versión abreviada para el Colegio de Traductores de Santa Fe, 1 Circunscripción, los días 9 y 10 de marzo de 2012).

Primera clase

La TAV como forma de traducción literaria. Formas de arte audiovisual: teatro y cine. Características de la TAV: forma de trabajo. Problemas de la traducción audiovisual: principio de simetría y principio de lógica interna: papel del traductor; sobretraducción y subtraducción. Las palabras soeces y escatológicas. Traducción del teatro: traducción de libretos; esfuerzo de imaginar los personajes. La traducción teatral como trabajo preproducción.

Traducción para cine: trabajo con guión técnico, lista de parlamentos, transcripción; importancia de conservar la relación imagen-sonido. Observación de los personajes: importancia para el registro. Nociones de lenguaje cinematográfico; nociones de terminología cinematográfica.Teoría del escopo. “Los primeros diez minutos”.

Traducción del humor: algunas propuestas básicas para encararla; gag visual, gag verbal; gag verbal –visual. Traducción de canciones: música incidental (extradiegética) y música dietética. Traducción de dibujos animados.

Ejemplos con material visual e impreso aportado por la cátedra.

Segunda clase

Doblaje: características generales. Indicaciones que el traductor debe dar para el caso del doblaje. El TCR (Time Code Register): su empleo para señalar cuándo se han de emitir los parlamentos.

Determinación aproximada de la longitud correcta del parlamento traducido.

Sincronización labial: cómo se hace.

Subtitulado: características generales. La gran pérdida de información: tensión entre qué traducir y qué desechar. Subtitulado para sordos.

Orototipografía de subtítulos: cómo dividir un texto completo en subtítulos, siguiendo las pautas de esa ortotipografía. Signos de puntuación: su importancia

Cálculo de subtítulos para películas que se ha de proyectar en sala y en TV. 
Nociones de operación de un programa para subtitulado.

Daniel Ricardo Yagolkowski



Comparto con ustedes el curso que organiza el Colegio de Traductores de la Provincia de Santa Fe, 1.ª C.

Estimados colegas y estudiantes:

El CTPSF —Primera Circunscripción— tiene el agrado de invitarlos a participar del CURSO TRADOS STUDIO Y MULTITERM 2011 que hemos organizado en conjunto con TRANSeconomy para el sábado 20 de octubre de 2012 de 10:00 a 13:00 y de 14:30 a 19:30 hs. en la sala de informática de ATE, sita en el edificio de calle San Luis 2858, Santa Fe. El curso estará a cargo de la Trad. Graciela Atencio, cuya biodata adjuntamos con el programa.

Consultas e inscripción:

CTPSF - Primera Circunscripción - San Martín 2819, Piso 2 - Oficina 6

Tel.: 4565922


Fecha límite de inscripción: Martes 16 de octubre de 2012. CUPOS LIMITADOS


Matriculados en Colegios miembros de FAT y estudiantes: $ 180.

No matriculados: $ 230.

Los saludamos cordialmente.

Comisión de Perfeccionamiento
CTPSF - Primera Circuscripción


Espagne : des problèmes sanitaires dans les zones sinistrées par les inondations

Espagne : des problèmes sanitaires dans les zones sinistrées par les inondations


Les faisans ne sont pas tous égaux face au renard

Les faisans ne sont pas tous égaux face au renard, les plus doués en termes de mémoire ayant le plus grand territoire et surtout les plus grandes chances de survie, selon une étude lundi.

En théorie, rien de nouveau, la taille du territoire de la plupart des animaux serait liée à ses capacités cognitives, ne serait-ce que pour se souvenir de ses limites. Mais cela reste difficile à prouver "parce qu'ils peuvent avoir d'autres raisons de se limiter à un petit territoire", par exemple s'ils y trouvent suffisamment de ressources, explique le biologiste de l'évolution Robert Heathcote, de l'Université de Bristol.

Pour en avoir le cœur net, une équipe de l'Université britannique d'Exeter, et d'universités néerlandaise et israéliennes, a mené une expérience grandeur nature dans une forêt du Devon, dans le sud-ouest de l'Angleterre.

Avant d'y être lâchés, 126 faisans élevés en captivité ont subi sur quelques semaines trois tests jaugeant leur capacités cognitives, et notamment deux types de mémoire spatiale.

La mémoire dite de travail, qui est de court terme, permet à un individu de se souvenir que s'il a trouvé un ver de terre à un endroit, il ne sert à rien d'y retourner cinq minutes plus tard. La deuxième, dite mémoire de référence spatiale, de plus long terme, permet au faisan de se souvenir d'un trajet même après plusieurs jours.

L'étude publiée dans Nature Ecology & Evolution établit que c'est cette mémoire de référence spatiale qui dicte la taille du territoire d'un faisan. Ce territoire, "qui est la zone où il passe l'essentiel de son temps, est aussi celui qu'il connaît le mieux", selon M. Heathcote. Son étendue va de moins de cent mètres de long et jusqu'à un kilomètre carré.

- Territoires de la mort -

En l'espace de six mois, les chercheurs ont enregistré la prédation de 45 faisans, tous sous les crocs de renards roux. Chaque volatile était équipé d'une minuscule balise d'une dizaine de grammes, conçue par les chercheurs israéliens, permettant sa localisation quasiment en temps réel.

"Ce qui a permis de savoir quand la trajectoire de la balise n'était plus celle du faisan, mais était devenue celui du renard", explique en souriant M. Heathcote à l'AFP. La déambulation prudente du volatile se muait, une fois saisi dans la mâchoire de son prédateur, en trajectoire rectiligne, rapide et lointaine du renard, vers un endroit où dévorer tranquillement sa proie.

Les faisans les plus susceptibles de terminer leur existence de cette manière étaient ceux ayant une piètre mémoire de référence spatiale. Leur fin était aussi beaucoup plus probable aux frontières de leur territoire. "La connaissance d'une zone aide le faisan à rester vivant", et inversement, selon le Dr Joah Madden, de l'Université d'Exeter, cité dans un communiqué.

Même dans les zones de chasse préférées des renards, que M. Heathcote a baptisé "territoires de la mort", les chances de survie d'un faisan dépendent avant tout de son expérience du terrain. Les plus habiles n'évitent pas la zone de la mort, mais "avec le temps ils peuvent apprendre quelles sont les voies les plus rapides et les plus sûres pour échapper à une attaque".

Pour les faisans qui échappent aux crocs, reste le risque de finir criblé de plomb par l'homme.


Pour dᅵsengorger les urgences des hᅵpitaux, le ministre de la Santᅵ a saturᅵ le Samu

C'est malin. A peine nommᅵ ministre de la Santᅵ, Franᅵois Braun croyait avoir trouvᅵ une astuce pour dᅵsengorger les services d'urgences des hᅵpitaux : demander aux patients d'appeler le 15,...


The Role of Informing Systems in Securing Sanity and Wisdom of the Globalizing Society in the Context of Civilization Sustainability in the 21st Century: The Case of Poland

Aim/Purpose: To monitor Sustainability Development Goals (SDG) established by the United Nations through the hierarchical architecture of informing systems Background: The paper discusses the case of Poland and its Gdansk region Contribution: The solution combines the big-picture of civilization with small-picture of a nation, regions, cities, and firms Findings: The presented solution can be implemented if the political will can be secured. Recommendations for Practitioners: Take the main idea of this paper and adapt to your local case. Recommendation for Researchers: Develop some prototypes of presented informing systems and test in your local environment Impact on Society: The success of the sustainability of globalizing society can be secured if the coherent informing systems can be applied to the planning, monitoring, and implementation of the UN's universal SDG. Future Research: Work on the modeling of costs and benefits of the presented solution.


Adoption of Mobile Commerce Services Among Artisans in Developing Countries

Aim/Purpose: This paper aims to analyze how artisans in Ghana are incorporating mobile commerce into their everyday business and how perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, subjective norms, age, gender, expertise, and educational level affected the adoption and usage of m-commerce. Background: This study integrates well-established theoretical models to create a new conceptual model that ensures a comprehensive mobile commerce adoption survey. Methodology: A cross-sectional survey was conducted to measure the constructs and their relations to test the research model. Contribution: The study’s findings confirmed previous results and produced a new conceptual model for mobile commerce adoption and usage. Findings: Except for gender, perceived ease of use, and subjective norms that did not have specific effects on mobile commerce adoption, age, educational level, perceived usefulness, expertise, attitude, and behavioral intention showed significant effects. Recommendations for Practitioners: First of all, mobile commerce service providers should strategically pay critical attention to customer-centered factors that positively affect the adoption of mobile commerce innovations than focusing exclusively on technology-related issues. Mobile service providers can attract more users if they carefully consider promoting elements like perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use which directly or indirectly affect the individuals’ decision to adopt information technology from consumer perspectives. Second, mobile commerce service providers should strategically focus more on younger individuals since, per the research findings, they are more likely to adopt mobile commerce innovations than the older folks in Ghana. Third, service providers should also devise strategies to retain actual users of m-commerce by promoting elements like behavioral intentions and attitude, which according to the research findings, have a higher predictive power on actual usage of m-commerce. Recommendation for Researchers: The conceptual model developed can be employed by researchers worldwide to analyze technology acceptance research. Impact on Society: The study’s findings suggested that mobile commerce adoption could promote a cashless society that is convenient for making buying things quicker and easier. Future Research: The research sample size could be increased, and also the study could all sixteen regions in Ghana or any other country for a broader representation.


Geospatial Crypto Reconnaissance: A Campus Self-Discovery Game

Campus discovery is an important feature of a university student induction process. Approaches towards campus discovery differ from course to course and can comprise guided tours that are often lengthy and uninspiring, or self-guided tours that run the risk of students failing to complete them. This paper describes a campus self-discovery induction game (Geospatial Crypto Reconnaissance) which aims to make students aware of campus resources and facilities, whilst at the same time allowing students to make friends and complete the game in an enthusing and exciting way. In this paper we describe the game construct, which comprises of a location, message, and artefact, and also the gameplay. Geospatial Crypto Reconnaissance requires students to identify a series of photographs from around the campus, to capture the GPS coordinates of the location of the photograph, to decipher a ciphered message and then to return both the GPS coordinates and the message for each photograph, proving that the student has attended the location. The game had a very high satisfaction score and we present an analysis of student feedback on the game and also provide guidance on how the game can be adopted for less technical cohorts of students.


Málaga evacuates thousands as Spain issues more flood alerts

Spain's Civil Protection Agency sent a mass alert to phones warning of an "extreme risk of rainfall".


Mattel removes thousands of ‘Wicked’ dolls off shelves after finding porn website mistakenly printed on packaging

TOY manufacturer Mattel have removed thousands of its ‘Wicked’-branded dolls off the shelves after discovering a x-rated printing error on the packaging.

The dolls were made in collaboration with the movie adaptation of the award-winning musical ‘Wicked’, fashioned after the characters.

CNBC reported that the website link printed on the dolls’ packaging lead to a pornographic website instead of the ‘Wicked’ movie adaptation’s official website.

Quoting Mattel’s apology statement, the company stated it was “aware” of a misprint on the doll’s packaging, mainly sold in US, intended to direct consumers to the movie’s landing page.

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“We deeply regret this unfortunate error and are taking immediate action to remedy this. Parents are advised that the misprinted, incorrect website is not appropriate for children,” Mattel was quoted as saying.

The company also advised consumers who have already purchased the dolls with the misprint to throw away the packaging or “obsure”, as quoted, the website link.

Following the misprint revelation, several online retailers across the US have pulled the dolls off their shelves as of Monday (Nov 11).

However, it is unclear if the toy manufacturing company will release the dolls with the correct print details or provide stickers to cover the mistakenly printed link.

ALSO READ: ‘Rail My Life’: KTM’s free ride campaign poster leaves netizens amused at mistaken wording


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Biden administration hits back at Venezuela's election fraud with new sanctions

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Fact-check: Aitzaz Ahsan did not accuse two SC judges of facilitating political party

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The claim is false.


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US imposes sanctions on Chinese institute, firms for supporting Pakistan's ballistic missile program

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Bro Robin Kachfi and Felix Prangenberg filmed another POV video on their trip to denmark and this time they checked out the famous Roskilde Festival . They rode the BMX show, an insane concrete skatepark and enjoyed the campsite party. Enjoy the video! Best regards, your kunstform BMX Shop

Video: Robin Kachfi

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Review: 10339 Santa's Post Office

The enduring Winter Village series provides an appealing blend of relatively realistic and more fantastical subjects, swapping between the two periodically. 10339 Santa's Post Office belongs among the latter and seemingly complements 10275 Elf Club House in particular.

Focusing on how letters to Santa are delivered and sorted is a clever idea for the Winter Village and I find the post office building attractive, featuring plenty of detail. Moreover, this model includes some interesting functions, beyond the norm for sets in the Winter Village produced to date.

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'No real resilience sans climate justice', PM tells COP29 Climate Action Summit

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Sen. Bernie Sanders has reaffirmed his support for Vice President Kamala Harris and her quest to become president. The Vermont independent, who endorsed Ms. Harris in August, has followed up with a statement issued through Our Revolution, a grassroots political action organization he founded after the 2016 presidential election.


Treasury targets China with sanctions over North Korea missile help

The Treasury Department on Wednesday imposed financial sanctions on Chinese companies and their executives for supplying missile- and space-related goods to North Korea.


Pele's former club Santos returns to the top tier of Brazilian soccer with an eye on Neymar

Santos secured its return to the top tier of Brazilian soccer next year when it hopes that star striker Neymar will be back at the club which achieved a global following with Pele.


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Catcher Gary Sanchez becomes free agent after 2025 mutual option with Brewers gets declined

Gary Sanchez's $11 million mutual option for 2025 was declined by the Milwaukee Brewers on Saturday, making the catcher a free agent.


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San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) calls for reassessment of the importance of Impact Factor

The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) was initiated by the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) together with a group of editors and publishers of scholarly journals after a meeting in  December 2012 during the ASCB Annual Meeting in San Francisco. The document recognizes the need to improve the ways in which the outputs of scientific research are evaluated.

DORA puts into question the use of Journal Impact Factor as a main tool for assessment, and proposes the consideration of various other factors towards more sophisticated and meaningful approaches. DORA is a worldwide initiative covering all scholarly disciplines.

To read the whole declaration, please follow the link:



While many file for unemployment, these companies are hiring thousands. Here's why.

“The hiring in some sectors and the layoffs in others is a clear reflection of the ‘feast or famine’ realities occurring with those industries serving consumers."

The post While many file for unemployment, these companies are hiring thousands. Here’s why. appeared first on


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The Watchman: Terror in San Bernardino - January 12, 2016

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San Diego Contractor Pays Workers $363,000 in Back Wages and Damages

The U.S. Department of Labor forced a San Diego contractor to pay thousands of dollars to employees for back wages and liquidated damages, reported Amber Coakley of Fox 5 San Diego.


Susan Hines: New GA Website Goes Live

In late June, the Gypsum Association took its website to the next level with a complete redesign that offers—among other things—more robust search functionality, new content, and both video tutorials and video FAQs.


L&W Names Sanchez Branch Manager in Colorado Springs

Fernando Sanchez expands his long career with L&W to become manager of the Colorado Springs, Colo., branch.


CertainTeed Partners with Susan G. Komen

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and, since 2020, CertainTeed and Susan G. Komen have partnered to fight off the disease, which impacts millions of lives.


Do You Know the Way to Santa Fe?

This Old House star renovates his own historic Santa Fe home with the help of “super insulation.”


FD in Five Minutes: Sanja Kalik

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Partisan clash continues over what defines a ‘joint employer’

Washington — Federal lawmakers are divided down party lines over a proposed rule from the National Labor Relations Board that would restore the board’s previous definition of “joint employer.”


Sander safety scale

The sander safety scale lets workers verify that the openings between the belt and disc and the tables on sanders are 1/8-inch or less.


Mask/fabric sanitizer

Before wearing a mouth-covering mask for the day, apply two or three sprays of this alcohol-free 24-hour mouth mask/fabric sanitizer directly on the outer surface of the mask.


Foam hand sanitizer

Prefense Foam Hand Sanitizer acts as a barrier against germs and offers lasting protection with just one application a day. The sanitizer is a patented, alcohol-free formula that soothes and moisturizes hands.