
'We embrace it' - Dias on Man City losing streak

Manchester City defender Ruben Dias says the Premier League champions "embrace" the "challenge" posed by their losing streak.


Man killed his partner before overdosing - court

A coroner rules Kelly Greer was unlawfully killed by her partner, Jonathan Parsons, at his flat.


Mowbray eyes return after bowel cancer diagnosis

Former Sunderland and Birmingham City boss Tony Mowbray speaks about his battle with bowel cancer and hopes of returning to football.


Borehole filled with cement after gas explosion

The HSE confirms the sealing of the borehole is now complete and that the cement has cured.


Losing late leads 'can't keep happening' - Clemence

Barrow head coach Stephen Clemence says his players have to stop the habit of squandering late leads in matches after their 1-1 draw with Colchester.


Why is Cromer closing its information centre?

The tourist information centre in Cromer has been vital for some, but is set to close.


The 10 most important things to look for when choosing a music distributor

I’ve been researching the distributor space lately and watching with interest as more pop up and margins get squeezed. It’s got to a place now where you can actually distribute music for free. But what else should you be looking for other than a pipeline? I’ve spoken to a lot of artists and record labels...

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Oposiciones al Cuerpo de Traductores e Intérpretes del Estado 2022 Se han hecho de rogar, pero, por fin, el pasado viernes, 14 de octubre, se publicó la resolución de convocatoria...

La entrada OPOSICIONES AL CUERPO DE TRADUCTORES E INTÉRPRETES DEL ESTADO 2022 se publicó primero en Nartran Translations.



Preparar Oposiciones al Cuerpo de Traductores e Intérpretes del Estado 2022 Si has llegado a este post, probablemente quieras saber cómo preparar las oposiciones al Cuerpo de Traductores e Intérpretes...

La entrada PREPARAR OPOSICIONES AL CUERPO DE TRADUCTORES E INTÉRPRETES DEL ESTADO 2022 se publicó primero en Nartran Translations.



Comprar temas teóricos oposición al Cuerpo de Traductores e Intérpretes del Estado




Oposiciones al Cuerpo de Traductores e Intérpretes del Estado 2024: preguntas frecuentes Son mucha las preguntas frecuentes sobre las Oposiciones al Cuerpo de Traductores e Intérpretes del Estado. El pasado...

La entrada OPOSICIONES AL CTIE 2024: PREGUNTAS FRECUENTES se publicó primero en Nartran Translations.


¿Oposiciones a traductor jurado?

En ocasiones uno no sabe qué pensar acerca del conocimiento que algunos periodistas tienen de aquello de lo que escriben. He aquí un ejemplo de un artículo para llevarse las manos a la cabeza: Solo 22 de 645 opositores a traductor en Exteriores supera la prueba de… español Y para rematar en otros sitios reproducen […]


QoS-based Approach for Dynamic Web Service Composition

Web Services have become a standard for integration of systems in distributed environments. By using a set of open interoperability standards, they allow computer-computer interaction, regardless the programming languages and operating systems used. The Semantic Web Services, by its turn, make use of ontologies to describe their functionality in a more structural manner, allowing computers to reason about the information required and provided by them. Such a description also allows dynamic composition of several Web Services, when only one is not able to provide the desired functionality. There are scenarios, however, in which only the functional correctness is not enough to fulfill the user requirements, and a minimum level of quality should be guaranteed by their providers. In this context, this work presents an approach for dynamic Web Service composition that takes into account the composition overall quality. The proposed approach relies on a heuristics to efficiently perform the composition. In order to show the feasibility of the proposed approach, a Web Service composition application prototype was developed and experimented with public test sets, along with another approach that does not consider quality in the composition process. The results have shown that the proposed approach in general finds compositions with more quality, within a reasonable processing time.


Context-Aware Composition and Adaptation based on Model Transformation

Using pre-existing software components (COTS) to develop software systems requires the composition and adaptation of the component interfaces to solve mismatch problems. These mismatches may appear at different interoperability levels (signature, behavioural, quality of service and semantic). In this article, we define an approach which supports composition and adaptation of software components based on model transformation by taking into account the four levels. Signature and behavioural levels are addressed by means of transition systems. Context-awareness and semanticbased techniques are used to tackle quality of service and semantic, respectively, but also both consider the signature level. We have implemented and validated our proposal for the design and application of realistic and complex systems. Here, we illustrate the need to support the variability of the adaptation process in a context-aware pervasive system through a real-world case study, where software components are implemented using Windows Workflow Foundation (WF). We apply our model transformation process to extract transition systems (CA-STS specifications) from WF components. These CA-STSs are used to tackle the composition and adaptation. Then, we generate a CASTS adaptor specification, which is transformed into its corresponding WF adaptor component with the purpose of interacting with all the WF components of the system, thereby avoiding mismatch problems.


Insurrection à Washington - Assaut du Capitole: culpabilité pour l'homme photographié dans le bureau de Nancy Pelosi

(Belga) Un Américain, qui avait été immortalisé les pieds sur une table dans le bureau de la cheffe démocrate Nancy Pelosi lors de l'assaut sur le Capitole, a été reconnu coupable lundi de plusieurs délits.

Après une courte délibération, les jurés ont déclaré Richard Barnett, 62 ans, coupable, entre autres, d'entrave à une procédure officielle, vol et intrusion dans un bâtiment officiel avec une arme dangereuse (un bâton de marche capable d'envoyer des décharges électriques). Le 6 janvier 2021, il avait envahi, comme des centaines de partisans de l'ex-président républicain Donald Trump, le siège du Congrès au moment où les élus certifiaient la victoire du démocrate Joe Biden à la présidentielle. Il avait été photographié par l'AFP dans le bureau de la cheffe de la chambre des représentants, Nancy Pelosi, les pieds sur un meuble. Le cliché avait fait le tour du monde et permis à la police de l'interpeller rapidement. Selon le dossier d'accusation, ce partisan de la mouvance complotiste Qanon avait laissé un message insultant à la démocrate et volé une enveloppe qu'elle avait signée. Pendant son procès, il s'était montré défiant, assurant avoir été "poussé à l'intérieur" du Capitole par la foule. Sa peine sera prononcée en mai. En attendant, il reste assigné à résidence avec un bracelet électronique. En deux ans d'enquête, plus de 950 participants à cette attaque ont été arrêtés, et près de 200 condamnés à des peines de prison. (Belga)


Re-purposing Google Maps Visualisation for Teaching Logistics Systems


Building the Hydra Together: Enhancing Repository Provision through Multi-Institution Collaboration

In 2008 the University of Hull, Stanford University and University of Virginia decided to collaborate with Fedora Commons (now DuraSpace) on the Hydra project. This project has sought to define and develop repository-enabled solutions for the management of multiple digital content management needs that are multi-purpose and multi-functional in such a way as to allow their use across multiple institutions. This article describes the evolution of Hydra as a project, but most importantly as a community that can sustain the outcomes from Hydra and develop them further. The data modelling and technical implementation are touched on in this context, and examples of the Hydra heads in development or production are highlighted. Finally, the benefits of working together, and having worked together, are explored as a key element in establishing a sustainable open source solution.


Kindura: Repository services for researchers based on hybrid clouds

The paper describes the investigations and outcomes of the JISC-funded Kindura project, which is piloting the use of hybrid cloud infrastructure to provide repository-focused services to researchers. The hybrid cloud services integrate external commercial cloud services with internal IT infrastructure, which has been adapted to provide cloud-like interfaces. The system provides services to manage and process research outputs, primarily focusing on research data. These services include both repository services, based on use of the Fedora Commons repository, as well as common services such as preservation operations that are provided by cloud compute services. Kindura is piloting the use of the DuraCloud2, open source software developed by DuraSpace, to provide a common interface to interact with cloud storage and compute providers. A storage broker integrates with DuraCloud to optimise the usage of available resources, taking into account such factors as cost, reliability, security and performance. The development is focused on the requirements of target groups of researchers.


CLIF: Moving repositories upstream in the content lifecycle

The UK JISC-funded Content Lifecycle Integration Framework (CLIF) project has explored the management of digital content throughout its lifecycle from creation through to preservation or disposal. Whilst many individual systems offer the capability of carrying out lifecycle stages to varying degrees, CLIF recognised that only by facilitating the movement of content between systems could the full lifecycle take advantage of systems specifically geared towards different stages of the digital lifecycle. The project has also placed the digital repository at the heart of this movement and has explored this through carrying out integrations between Fedora and Sakai, and Fedora and SharePoint. This article will describe these integrations in the context of lifecycle management and highlight the issues discovered in enabling the smooth movement of content as required.


Chempound - a Web 2.0-inspired repository for physical science data

Chempound is a new generation repository architecture based on RDF, semantic dictionaries and linked data. It has been developed to hold any type of chemical object expressible in CML and is exemplified by crystallographic experiments and computational chemistry calculations. In both examples, the repository can hold >50k entries which can be searched by SPARQL endpoints and pre-indexing of key fields. The Chempound architecture is general and adaptable to other fields of data-rich science.


Repository as a Service (RaaS)

In his oft-quoted seminal paper ‘Institutional Repositories: Essential Infrastructure For Scholarship In The Digital Age’ Clifford Lynch (2003) described the Institutional Repository as “a set of services that a university offers to the members of its community for the management and dissemination of digital materials created by the institution and its community members.” This paper seeks instead to define the repository service at a more primitive level, without the specialism of being an ‘Institutional Repository’, and looks at how it can viewed as providing a service within appropriate boundaries, and what that could mean for the future development of repositories, our expectations of what repositories should be, and how they could fit into the set of services required to deliver an Institutional Repository service as describe by Lynch.


DAR: A Modern Institutional Repository with a Scalability Twist

The Digital Assets Repository (DAR) is an Institutional Repository developed at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina to manage the full lifecycle of a digital asset: its creation and ingestion, its metadata management, storage and archival in addition to the necessary mechanisms for publishing and dissemination. DAR was designed with a focus on integrating DAR with different sources of digital objects and metadata in addition to integration with applications built on top of the repository. As a modern repository, the system architecture demonstrates a modular design relying on components that are best of the breed, a flexible content model for digital objects based on current standards and heavily relying on RDF triples to define relations. In this paper we will demonstrate the building blocks of DAR as an example of a modern repository, discussing how the system addresses the challenges that face an institution in consolidating its assets and a focus on solving scalability issues.


Design, Development, and Implementation of an Open Source Learning Object Repository (OSLOR)


Training Librarians for 21st Century Repository Services: Emerging Trends

The paper reviewed the emerging roles of the 21st century librarians, charged with the responsibility to manage repository services across libraries in present-day information technology environment. Librarians need to be trained and empowered with requisite skills and knowledge needed for successful management of the ICT driven repository initiatives that the 21st century demands. Literature was reviewed on the roles and responsibilities of librarians, training needs and opportunities, career path and recruitment of librarians, and community support necessary for effective and efficient implementation and management of repository initiatives. This entails the ability to comprehend trends and change patterns which are essential for providing research focused and user-friendly models in open repository services that are based on thorough analytical understanding of the challenges of emerging trends. To achieve this requires the training and retraining of librarians to reposition them as information specialists in their career path. The role of the library as an integral part of its social environment is to educate the community about the existence of an open repository by building partnership with community-oriented research centres through seminars, workshops, symposium, training, and awareness programmes. The study recommends that librarians should strategize and collaborate with researchers to make open repository an essential research tool.


Designing a Self-Assessment Item Repository: An Authentic Project in Higher Education


Automatic pectoral muscles and artefacts removal in mammogram images for improved breast cancer diagnosis

Breast cancer is leading cause of mortality among women compared to other types of cancers. Hence, early breast cancer diagnosis is crucial to the success of treatment. Various pathological and imaging tests are available for the diagnosis of breast cancer. However, it may introduce errors during detection and interpretation, leading to false-negative and false-positive results due to lack of pre-processing of it. To overcome this issue, we proposed a effective image pre-processing technique-based on Otsu's thresholding and single-seeded region growing (SSRG) to remove artefacts and segment the pectoral muscle from breast mammograms. To validate the proposed method, a publicly available MIAS dataset was utilised. The experimental finding showed that proposed technique improved 18% breast cancer detection accuracy compared to existing methods. The proposed methodology works efficiently for artefact removal and pectoral segmentation at different shapes and nonlinear patterns.


Exploring business students' Perry cognitive development position and implications at teaching universities in the USA

In the context of US universities where student evaluations of teaching play an important role in the retention and promotion of faculty, it is important to understand what a student expects in the classroom. This study took the perspective of Perry's cognitive development scheme with the following research question: what is the Perry level of cognitive development of business students? An established survey was used at two different universities. It was found that the median was position 3, and that there was large variation in three dimensions. First is the variation across program levels. Second, there was variation across universities. This becomes an issue when instructors move to a different university and questions the possibility to transfer 'best practices'. Third, variation was found within a specific program level. This means that instructors are faced with students who, from a cognitive perspective, have different demands which are unlikely to be simultaneously met.


Learning Objects, Learning Object Repositories, and Learning Theory: Preliminary Best Practices for Online Courses


A New Learning Object Repository for Language Learning: Methods and Possible Outcomes


Repository 2.0: Social Dynamics to Support Community Building in Learning Object Repositories


Ontology of Learning Objects Repository for Pedagogical Knowledge Sharing


The Usage of Data Repositories: The Case of MAOR


Modeling the Macro-Behavior of Learning Object Repositories


Analyzing Associations between the Different Ratings Dimensions of the MERLOT Repository


The Use of Digital Repositories for Enhancing Teacher Pedagogical Performance


Greek Nursery School Teachers’ Thoughts and Self-Efficacy on using ICT in Relation to Their School Unit Position: The Case of Kavala

The purpose of this research is the exploration of the opinions and level of self-efficacy in the usage of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) of teachers in Greek pre-schools in the learning process and administration of nurseries. By using the term “usage and utilisation of ICTs in the learning process” we mean the utilisation of the capabilities that new technologies offer in an educationally appropriate way so that the learning process yields positive results. By using the term “self-efficacy” we describe the strength of one’s belief in one’s own ability to use the capabilities he or she possess. In this way, the beliefs of the person in his or her ability to use a personal computer constitute the self-efficacy in computer usage. The research sample consists of 128 pre-school teachers that work in the prefecture of Kavala. Kavala’s prefecture is a representative example of an Education Authority since it consists of urban, suburban, and rural areas. The approach that is deemed to be the most appropriate for the exploration of such research questions is content analysis methodology and correlation analysis. The main findings of the study have shown statistically significant differences regarding the opinions and stances of the pre-school teachers for the introduction of the ICTs in the administration and the usage and utilisation of ICTs in the administration and preparation of teaching. Lastly, there were statistically significant differences between the opinions and stances of the pre-school teachers for the usage and utilisation of ICTs in the learning process. Instead, there were no statistically significant differences regarding the level of self-efficacy of the pre-school teachers in the usage and utilisation of the ICTs in the learning process. The research results could be used in the educational field as well as by Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs in order to take any corrective action, after the effort of Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, to integrate ICT in the learning process with training courses since 2006.


Closing the Digital Divide in Low-Income Urban Communities: A Domestication Approach

Aim/Purpose: Significant urban digital divide exists in Nairobi County where low income households lack digital literacy skills and do not have access to the internet. The study was undertaken as an intervention, designed to close the digital divide among low income households in Nairobi by introducing internet access using the domestication framework. Background: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have the potential to help reduce social inequality and have been hailed as critical to the achievement of the Sustainable Development goals (SDGs). Skills in use of ICTs have also become a prerequisite for almost all forms of employment and in accessing government services, hence, the need for digital inclusion for all. Methodology: In this research study, I employed a mixed methods approach to investigate the problem. This was achieved through a preliminary survey to collect data on the existence of urban digital divide in Nairobi and a contextual analysis of the internet domestication process among the eighteen selected case studies. Contribution: While there have been many studies on digital divide between Africa and the rest of the world, within the African continent, among genders and between rural and urban areas at national levels, there are few studies exploring urban digital divide and especially among the marginalized communities living in the low-income urban areas. Findings: Successful domestication of internet and related technologies was achieved among the selected households, and the households appreciated the benefits of having and using the internet for the first time. A number of factors that impede use of internet among the marginalized communities in Nairobi were also identified. Recommendations for Practitioners: In the study, I found that use of differentiated costs internet services targeting specific demographic groups is possible and that use of such a service could help the marginalized urban communities’ access the internet. Therefore, ISPs should offer special internet access packages for the low-income households. Recommendation for Researchers: In this research study, I found that the urban digital divide in Nairobi is an indication of social economic development problems. Therefore, researchers should carryout studies involving multipronged strategies to address the growing digital divide among the marginalized urban communities. Impact on Society: The absence of an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) inclusion policy is a huge setback to the achievement of the SDGs in Kenya. Digital inclusion policies prioritizing digital literacy training, universal internet access and to elucidate the social-economic benefits of internet access for all Kenyans should be developed. Future Research: Future studies should explore ways of providing affordable mass internet access solutions among the residents of low-income communities and in eliminating the persistence urban digital divide in Kenya.


Positive vs. Negative Framing of Scientific Information on Facebook Using Peripheral Cues: An Eye-Tracking Study of the Credibility Assessment Process

Aim/Purpose: To examine how positive/negative message framing – based on peripheral cues (regarding popularity, source, visuals, and hyperlink) – affects perceptions of credibility of scientific information posted on social networking sites (in this case, Facebook), while exploring the mechanisms of viewing the different components. Background: Credibility assessment of information is a key skill in today's information society. However, it is a demanding cognitive task, which is impossible to perform for every piece of online information. Additionally, message framing — that is, the context and approach used to construct information— may impact perceptions of credibility. In practice, people rely on various cues and cognitive heuristics to determine whether they think a piece of content is true or not. In social networking sites, content is usually enriched by additional information (e.g., popularity), which may impact the users' perceived credibility of the content. Methodology: A quantitative controlled experiment was designed (N=19 undergraduate students), collecting fine grained data with an eye tracking camera, while analyzing it using transition graphs. Contribution: The findings on the mechanisms of that process, enabled by the use of eye tracking data, point to the different roles of specific peripheral cues, when the message is overall peripherally positive or negative. It also contributes to the theoretical literature on framing effects in science communication, as it highlights the peripheral cues that make a strong frame. Findings: The positively framed status was perceived, as expected from the Elaboration Likelihood Model, more credible than the negatively framed status, demonstrating the effects of the visual framing. Differences in participants' mechanisms of assessing credibility between the two scenarios were evident in the specific ways the participants examined the various status components. Recommendations for Practitioners: As part of digital literacy education, major focus should be given to the role of peripheral cues on credibility assessment in social networking sites. Educators should emphasize the mechanisms by which these cues interact with message framing, so Internet users would be encouraged to reflect upon their own credibility assessment skills, and eventually improve them. Recommendation for Researchers: The use of eye tracking data may help in collecting and analyzing fine grained data on credibility assessment processes, and on Internet behavior at large. The data shown here may shed new light on previously studied phenomena, enabling a more nuanced understanding of them. Impact on Society: In an era when Internet users are flooded with information that can be created by virtually anyone, credibility assessment skills have become ever more important, hence the prominence of this skill. Improving citizens' assessment of information credibility — to which we believe this study contributes — results on a greater impact on society. Future Research: The role of peripheral cues and of message framing should be studied in other contexts (not just scientific news) and in other platforms. Additional peripheral cues not tested here should be also taken into consideration (e.g., connections between the information consumer and the information sharer, or the type of the leading image).


Modular Inference Trees for Expository Reports


Social Network Position and Its Relationship to Performance of IT Professionals


Social Networking Site Continuance: The Paradox of Negative Consequences and Positive Growth


Rationalizing Fiction Cues: Psychological Effects of Disclosing Ads and the Inaccuracy of the Human Mind When Being in Parasocial Relationships

Aim/Purpose: Parasocial relationships are today established on social media between influencers and their followers. While marketing effects are well-researched, little is known about the meaning of such relationships and the psychological mechanisms behind them. This study, therefore, explores the questions: “How do followers on Instagram interpret explicit fiction cues from influencers?” and “What does this reveal about the meaning of parasocial attachment?” Background: With a billion-dollar advertising industry and leading in influencing opinion, Instagram is a significant societal and economic player. One factor for the effective influence of consumers is the relationship between influencer and follower. Research shows that disclosing advertisements surprisingly does not harm credibility, and sometimes even leads to greater trustworthiness and, in turn, willingness to purchase. While such reverse dynamics are measurable, the mechanisms behind them remain largely unexplored. Methodology: The study follows an explorative approach with in-depth interviews, which are analyzed with Mayring’s content analysis under a reconstructive paradigm. The findings are discussed through the lens of critical psychology. Contribution: Firstly, this study contributes to the understanding of the communicative dynamics of influencer-follower communication alongside the reality-fiction-gap model, and, secondly, it contributes empirical insights through the analysis of 22 explorative interviews. Findings: The findings show (a) how followers rationalize fiction cues and justify compulsive decision-making, (b) how followers are vulnerable to influences, and (c) how parasocial attachment formation overshadows rational logic and agency. The findings are discussed with regard to mechanisms, vulnerabilities, rationalizations and cognitive bias, and the social self, as well as the ethics of influencer marketing and politics. Recommendation for Researchers: The contribution is relevant to relationship research, group dynamics and societal organizing, well-being, identity, and health perspectives, within psychology, sociology, media studies, and pedagogy to management. Future Research: Future research might seek to understand more about (a) quantifiable vulnerabilities, such as attachment styles, dispositions, and demographics, (b) usage patterns and possible factors of prevention, (c) cognitive and emotional mechanisms involved with larger samples, (d) the impact on relationships and well-being, and (e) possible conditions for the potential of parasocial attachment.


Colleagues’ Support and Techno-Complexity: The Importance of a Positive Aging Climate

Aim/Purpose: With a focus on promoting sustainable career paths, this article investigates the intricate relationship between age diversity management and techno-complexity, emphasizing the pivotal role of a supportive work environment. Background: In the modern workplace, the dynamics of age diversity emerge as a crucial element influencing the well-being and productivity of employees, particularly amidst the swiftly evolving digital landscape. This becomes especially pertinent when considering workers’ unique challenges adapting to technological advancements. Methodology: Utilizing a cross-sectional design, data were collected from 160 employees in an Italian multinational company within the metalworking sector. Contribution: This study provides valuable insights into the complex dynamics between the aging climate, colleagues’ support, and techno-complexity. It emphasized the importance of considering the direct effects of organizational factors and their in-direct influences through social dynamics and support structures within the workplace. Findings: The results revealed the mediating role of colleagues’ support in the relationship between the aging climate and techno-complexity. These findings highlight the importance of a supportive work environment in the context of sustainable career development, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of diversity management within the modern digital era. Recommendation for Researchers: Our results open to a series of implications and future directions. First, the unexpected finding regarding the direct relationship between the aging climate and technostress calls for a deeper exploration of the intricacies involved. Future studies could delve into specific organizational contexts, technological demands, and individual differences that may modulate this relationship. Future Research: Future studies could delve into specific organizational contexts, technological demands, and individual differences that may modulate this relationship.


2024 Fall Symposium — Race, Rights, and Innovation: Cultivating Equity in the Digital World

Friday, September 27 | 9:30 a.m. (PT) | Online Event Details and Recoding Here  Join us for Race, Rights, and Innovation: Cultivating Equity in the Digital World, a thought-provoking event exploring the intersection of race, technology, and legal frameworks. We’ll delve into the historical treatment of minority creators in copyright ...

The post 2024 Fall Symposium — Race, Rights, and Innovation: Cultivating Equity in the Digital World appeared first on Berkeley Technology Law Journal.


4th Annual Community Pharmacy Symposium

The Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore’s Community Chapter proudly hosted the 4th annual Community Pharmacy Symposium on 25th May 2024. Supported by POMConnect and DocMed Technology, this virtual gathering united more than a hundred pharmacists representing diverse sectors of the pharmacy fraternity.



PDM leaders blame Imran for 'losing' Kashmir to India

This government will ruin Kashmir, says Fazl


Four dead in ‘mysterious’ explosion in IIOJK

Police register case, launch investigation to determine exact nature of explosion in Sopore


The clear-eyed guide to choosing your perfect eye cream

Often dubbed 'expensive moisturisers,' there is a way to make them work for you


Black Sun Productions to launch VR game inspired by Kafka's Metamorphosis

Black Sun Productions launches Metamorphosis VR, a Kafka-inspired adventure, on Meta Quest 2 and 3 on October 10.