
Fire Managers at Grand Canyon Plan Prescribed Fire Adjacent to Grand Canyon Village

Grand Canyon National Park fire managers-working with resources from Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Rocky Mountain National Park, Zion National Park, Lake Meredith National Recreation Area, Bryce Canyon National Park, Saguaro National Park and Kaibab National Forest anticipate initiating a prescribed fire treatment as early as tomorrow, as weather and fuel moisture conditions allow. https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/news/fire-managers-at-grand-canyon-plan-prescribed-fire-adjacent-to-grand-canyon-village.htm


Fire Managers at Grand Canyon Initiate Prescribed Fire Adjacent to Grand Canyon Village

Grand Canyon National Park fire managers will initiate a prescribed fire treatment today, as weather and fuel moisture conditions allow. The Long Jim Prescribed Fire is adjacent to the developed area on the South Rim, east of South Entrance Road and south of Highway 64 (Desert View Drive) East. https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/news/fire-managers-at-grand-canyon-initiate-prescribed-fire-adjacent-to-grand-canyon-village.htm


Fire Managers at Grand Canyon Continue Prescribed Fire Adjacent to Grand Canyon Village

Grand Canyon National Park fire managers continue to treat the Long Jim Prescribed Fire unit, as weather and fuel moisture conditions allow. On Tuesday, June 18, 2019, crews successfully treated 180 acres. https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/news/fire-managers-at-grand-canyon-continue-prescribed-fire-adjacent-to-grand-canyon-village.htm


NZ considers opening economy after 90 percent of COVID-19 cases recover

The New Zealand Cabinet will meet on Monday to decide whether restrictions can be eased allowing domestic travel to restart and most businesses to open. There have been four new recorded infections in the past five days, and 90 percent of approximately 1500 confirmed or probable cases, have recovered from the virus. As the New Zealand and Australian economies reopen, a Trans-Tasman travel bubble could emerge as a serious possibility, if both nations continue to effectively flatten their coronavirus curves. Image: Associated Press


Dudded Flight Centre customers won’t return

Travellers should consider taking legal action to get money back


Float left variable width dropdown menus - CENTERED!!

At last a stable cross browser method of centering a variable width float left dropdown menu.


Centering single level menus - revisited

Applying a simple method of centering single level variable width, float left menus.


Professional centered dropdown with flyout images

A centered dropdown menu, using the latest centering technique, with flyout images


Centered sliding doors dropline, dropdown, flyout

A centered dropline, dropdown, flyout menu, using the latest centering technique, with current selection option


Centering unknown width horizontal menus - revisited

After much searching of the web and with the arrival of IE8, I now have a method of positioning horizontal menus of unknown width left / center / right in the containing element.


Professional anywidth centered dropdown menu

A single level dropdown anywidth menu with dropdown that are centered beneath the top level links.


Professional anywidth centered dropline menu

A dropline anywidth menu with droplines that are centered beneath the top level links which are also centered.


Professional anywidth centered dropdown/flyout menu

A multi level dropdown flyout anywidth menu with dropdown and flyouts that are centered beneath the top level links, with the ability to have a left or right flyout.


Anywidth dropline/dropdown centered

A dropline with dropdown menu which has widths automatiaclly set to suit content, the top level centered and all sub levels centered beneath the parent item.


Latest centering technique

There have been many methods of centering unordered lists of unknown width, but this is the one I have found to be most robust.


CSSplay - Vertical and Horizontal centering

A method of centering images and information panels using margin:auto;.


CSSplay - Percentage border and text sizing

A CSS only method of producing percentage border widths and text sizing without using @media queries.


Public acceptance of disturbance-based forest management: a study of the Blue River Landscape Strategy in the Central Cascades Adaptive Management Area.

This report examines public perspectives on disturbance-based management conducted in the central Cascade Range in Oregon as part of the Blue River Landscape Strategy.


Test result delays at Chessington coronavirus centre an 'embarrassment', says ambulance worker

A London Ambulance Service worker and Weybridge teacher both needed to use the site, but experienced a number of problems


Sustainable Forestry In Theory and Practice: Recent Advances In Inventory and Monitoring, Statistics and Modeling, Information and Knowledge Management, and Policy Science

The importance to society of environmental services, provided by forest ecosystems, has significantly increased during the last few decades. A growing global concern with the deterioration of forests, beginning perhaps most noticeably in the 1980s, has led to an increasing public awareness of the environmental, cultural, economic, and social values that forests provide. Around the world, ideas of sustainable, close-to-nature, and multi-functional forestry have progressively replaced the older perception of forests as only a source for timber. The international impetus to protect and sustainably manage forests has come from global initiatives at management, conservation, and sustainable development related to all types of forests and forestry. A few of the more notable initiatives include: the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, UNCED); regional follow-ups to the Earth Summit such as the Montreal Process and Helsinki Accords; the forest elements of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD); and the Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC).


Market Opportunities For Kitchen Cabinets Made From Alaska Hardwoods: A Synthesis and Review of Recent Research

The kitchen cabinet industry has shown significant growth recently, with expanding residential markets, new cabinet styles, and larger kitchens. This industry represents an opportunity for small Alaska wood producers to create high-value secondary products. In response to recent trends in kitchen cabinet manufacturing and the need to identify opportunities for underutilized species, the Alaska Wood Utilization Research and Development Center has conducted numerous studies evaluating consumer preferences for Alaska's primary hardwoods-Alaska birch (Betula papyrifera var. humilis )Reg.) Fern & Raup) and red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.). These studies explored consumer preferences under a range of marketing parameters, cabinet appearances, and regional market locations. This paper summarizes these studies and offers insights into the potential market for Alaska's hardwoods as secondary wood products such as kitchen cabinets.


Stereo photo series for quantifying natural fuels Volume X: sagebrush with grass and ponderosa pine-juniper types in central Montana.

Two series of single and stereo photographs display a range of natural conditions and fuel loadings in sagebrush with grass and ponderosa pinejuniper types in central Montana. Each group of photos includes inventory information summarizing vegetation composition, structure, and loading; woody material loading and density by size class; forest floor depth and loading; and various site characteristics. The natural fuels photo series is designed to help land managers appraise fuel and vegetation conditions in natural settings.


Potential vegetation hierarchy for the Blue Mountains section of northeastern Oregon, southeastern Washington, and westcentral Idaho

The work described in this report was initiated during the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project (ICBEMP). The ICBEMP produced a broad-scale scientific assessment of ecological, biophysical, social, and economic conditions for the interior Columbia River basin and portions of the Klamath and Great Basins. The broad-scale assessment made extensive use of potential vegetation (PV) information. This report (1) discusses certain concepts and terms as related to PV, (2) describes how a PV framework developed for the broad-scale ICBEMP assessment area was stepped down to the level of a single section in the national hierarchy of terrestrial ecological units, (3) describes how fine-scale potential vegetation types (PVTs) identified for the Blue Mountains section were aggregated into the midscale portion of the PV hierarchy, and (4) describes the PVT composition for each of the midscale hierarchical units (physiognomic class, potential vegetation group, plant association group).


Emergent lessons from a century of experience with Pacific Northwest timber markets

Timber markets in the United States are areas where timber prices tend to be uniform because of the continuous interactions of buyers and sellers. These markets are highly competitive, volatile, and change relentlessly. This paper looks at how market interactions in the Pacific Northwest have responded to changes in underlying determinants of market behavior and government actions that have influenced supply or demand. Several messages emerge from timber markets about price reporting and changing definitions of price, long-term price trends, timber as an investment, impacts of market intervention, relations among different markets, and implications for future stewardship. The enduring message is that landowners and managers respond to price signals arising from market interactions, and their actions create the forests inherited by future generations.


Recent Trends in the Asian Forest Products Trade and Their Impact on Alaska -2010.

This paper analyzes patterns of forest products trade between Asia and Alaska.


Forests of southeast and south-central Alaska, 2004–2008: five-year forest inventory and analysis report.

This report highlights key findings from the most recent (2004–2008) data collected by the Forest Inventory and Analysis program across all ownerships in southeast and south-central Alaska. We present basic resource information such as forest area, ownership, volume, biomass, carbon sequestration, growth, and mortality; structure and function topics such as vegetation and lichen diversity and forest age distribution; disturbance topics such as insects and diseases, yellow-cedar decline, fire, and invasive plants; and information about the forest products industry in Alaska, the potential of young growth for timber supply, biofuels, and nontimber forest products. The appendixes describe inventory methods and design in detail and provide summary tables of data and statistical error for the forest characteristics sampled.


Seasonal neighbors: residential development encroaches on mule deer winter range in central Oregon.

Mule deer populations in central Oregon are in decline, largely because of habitat loss. Several factors are likely contributors. Encroaching juniper and invasive cheatgrass are replacing deer forage with high nutritional value, such as bitterbrush and sagebrush. Fire suppression and reduced timber harvests mean fewer acres of early successional forest, which also offer forage opportunities. Human development, including homes and roads, is another factor. It is this one that scientists with the Pacific Northwest Research Station and their collaborators investigated in a recent study.


Recent Publications of the Pacific Northwest Research Station, 2nd Quarter, 2013

This list of recent publications and other products of the Pacific Northwest PNW Research Station is published four times a year. The first section shows items published by the PNW Research Station. The second section shows publications available elsewhere. In each section, items are grouped alphabetically by authors within categories. The list is available online and in pdf format.


Forest Service releases maps of element concentrations in Portland moss

Information can be used to investigate air pollution in the city.


Forest products cluster development in central Arizona—implications for landscape-scale forest restoration


Evaluation of native plant seeds and seeding in the east-side central Cascades ponderosa pine zone

In dry, open coniferous forests of the montane West, stand-replacing wildfires and land use activities alter the composition and abundance of native grasses and forbs by degrading the habitat and accelerating the invasion of exotic annuals. On these lands, native forbs and grasses delayed or prevented from recovery by natural processes may require intervention through supplementary seeding. However, effective seeding of native plants requires that their seed traits and the potential outcome of the seeding be better understood.


Castle worried its 'ghost' might have been going by the wrong name for centuries

Langley Castle, near Hexham, Northumberland, has long been said to be haunted by a 'grey lady' - but now the identity of the spirit is in doubt

  • North East News


Three NI recycling centres have reopened to the public

It has been two weeks since Executive issued guidelines for reopening


Más de $14 millones en becas de investigación otorgadas para soluciones de tecnología de la salud centradas en la salud del corazón y del cerebro, incluidos los proyectos especiales relacionados con el COVID-19 y las ECV

DALLAS, 2 de abril del 2020 – La American Heart Association, la organización voluntaria líder mundial dedicada a un mundo con vidas más duraderas y saludables, anunció hoy que se otorgarán más de $14 millones en becas de investigación científica a cuatro...


Las dos nuevas declaraciones de la AHA se centran en la insuficiencia cardíaca: cómo pueden afectar los determinantes sociales a los resultados clínicos, y el impacto en los cuidadores

Aspectos destacados de las declaraciones: Los factores sociales adversos, como el estado de los seguros, la inseguridad alimentaria, la falta de fondos para medicamentos y otros, pueden causar resultados clínicos negativos de la insuficiencia...


Brain emotional activity linked to blood vessel inflammation in recent heart attack patients

Research Highlights: People with recent heart attacks have significantly higher activity in a brain area (the amygdala) involved in stress perception and emotional response. They also have more inflammation in key arteries and increased bone marrow ...


10 Beautifully Designed, Minimal & Name-Centric Business Cards

Sometimes all you need is a name. It is a powerful thing. It always has a meaning and, even more, it has a subtext and undertone. A name can speak...

The post 10 Beautifully Designed, Minimal & Name-Centric Business Cards appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.


1969 Buick Century Cruiser: The Concept Car That Believed You Only Live Twice

Someday you will be able to drive a superhighway, turn the controls over to a guidance system, and travel across...


What does a decentralized WordPress environment look like?

Watch my video and see what a decentralized WordPress environment might look like. Almost everything we rely on to operate online is a centralized platform. WordPress, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, you name it—they’re all gigantic, centralized platforms. Ok, sure, but why does that matter? It matters because the bigger centralized platforms get, the less freedom users […]

  • Centralization vs. Decentralization
  • Videos


The Key Difference Between Centralization and Decentralization

One of the more compelling insights to come from the Joe Rogan interview with Elon Musk is this idea that humanity is actively creating “giant cybernetic collectives.” Through our participation in social media platforms and on the internet in general, we are assimilating knowledge and building connections at a rate that vastly exceeds everything that […]

  • Centralization vs. Decentralization
  • Videos


Recent Work: TADTas website

The internet holds a lot of potential for non-profits to get their message out, build an audience and raise money. Using the web to tell stories about helping people in need can be very effective for a non-profit organisation looking for new avenues to generate income and build support in other ways such as a […]


Family Health Centers of Southwest Florida Website Design Launch

We recently completed a website design and development project for Family Health Centers of Southwest Florida. This National Health Service...continue reading


CSS Vertical Centering – Everything You Need To Know

Getting content to center perfectly within an element and then ensuring it responds properly at different screen sizes is one of the biggest challenges that still face front-end designers. It is not that it is difficult, but because there are several ways to go about it, figuring out which method is best can be confusing. […]

The post CSS Vertical Centering – Everything You Need To Know appeared first on Web Designer Wall.


James Hansen’s Climate Bombshell: Dangerous Sea Level Rise Will Occur in Decades, Not Centuries

By Lauren McCauley Common Dreams Even scientists who question findings say ‘we ignore James Hansen at our peril.’ Dr. James Hansen, the former NASA scientist who is widely credited with being one of the first to raise concerns about human-caused … Continue reading


Decentralized and Parallelized Primal and Dual Accelerated Methods for Stochastic Convex Programming Problems. (arXiv:1904.09015v10 [math.OC] UPDATED)

We introduce primal and dual stochastic gradient oracle methods for decentralized convex optimization problems. Both for primal and dual oracles the proposed methods are optimal in terms of the number of communication steps. However, for all classes of the objective, the optimality in terms of the number of oracle calls per node in the class of methods with optimal number of communication steps takes place only up to a logarithmic factor and the notion of smoothness. By using mini-batching technique we show that all proposed methods with stochastic oracle can be additionally parallelized at each node.


Local Moduli of Semisimple Frobenius Coalescent Structures. (arXiv:1712.08575v3 [math.DG] UPDATED)

We extend the analytic theory of Frobenius manifolds to semisimple points with coalescing eigenvalues of the operator of multiplication by the Euler vector field. We clarify which freedoms, ambiguities and mutual constraints are allowed in the definition of monodromy data, in view of their importance for conjectural relationships between Frobenius manifolds and derived categories. Detailed examples and applications are taken from singularity and quantum cohomology theories. We explicitly compute the monodromy data at points of the Maxwell Stratum of the A3-Frobenius manifold, as well as at the small quantum cohomology of the Grassmannian G(2,4). In the latter case, we analyse in details the action of the braid group on the monodromy data. This proves that these data can be expressed in terms of characteristic classes of mutations of Kapranov's exceptional 5-block collection, as conjectured by one of the authors.


A Chance Constraint Predictive Control and Estimation Framework for Spacecraft Descent with Field Of View Constraints. (arXiv:2005.03245v1 [math.OC])

Recent studies of optimization methods and GNC of spacecraft near small bodies focusing on descent, landing, rendezvous, etc., with key safety constraints such as line-of-sight conic zones and soft landings have shown promising results; this paper considers descent missions to an asteroid surface with a constraint that consists of an onboard camera and asteroid surface markers while using a stochastic convex MPC law. An undermodeled asteroid gravity and spacecraft technology inspired measurement model is established to develop the constraint. Then a computationally light stochastic Linear Quadratic MPC strategy is presented to keep the spacecraft in satisfactory field of view of the surface markers while trajectory tracking, employing chance based constraints and up-to-date estimation uncertainty from navigation. The estimation uncertainty giving rise to the tightened constraints is particularly addressed. Results suggest robust tracking performance across a variety of trajectories.


Optimal Adjacent Vertex-Distinguishing Edge-Colorings of Circulant Graphs. (arXiv:2004.12822v2 [cs.DM] UPDATED)

A k-proper edge-coloring of a graph G is called adjacent vertex-distinguishing if any two adjacent vertices are distinguished by the set of colors appearing in the edges incident to each vertex. The smallest value k for which G admits such coloring is denoted by $chi$'a (G). We prove that $chi$'a (G) = 2R + 1 for most circulant graphs Cn([[1, R]]).