
Ministers meet at FAO to discuss role of commodity markets

Rome - Governments ought to review the [...]


International Conference on South-South Cooperation praises FAO's leadership and facilitation role

Marrakesh, 15 December 2014 – African Ministers of Agriculture recognized the facilitating role of FAO “under the new strategic framework established with the leadership of the [...]


FAO Director-General highlights International Year of Soils to Agriculture Ministers in Berlin

Berlin- FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva has highlighted some of the most important events on the organization’s 2015 calendar during meetings with agriculture ministers who attended the Global Forum [...]


Register now and be part of the television audience: RAI3 documentary series at FAO

Scala Mercalli hosted by Italian environmentalist Luca Mercalli begins filming in the Sheikh Zayed Centre in FAO this week! 

Episodes will be shot in front of a live audience every Thursday [...]


Graziano da Silva is confident in a “significant progress” against hunger in the next four years

FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva today expressed confidence that “significant progress against hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition,” will be achieved in the next four years. He made the [...]


Small Island Developing States

The first in a series of Conference side events, the high-level panel on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) was held on Saturday. The aim of this event was to present [...]


FAO Permanent Representatives conclude field visit to Laos

Vientiane.- A delegation of seven Permanent Representatives to the Rome-based Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N (FAO) concluded a week-long visit to Lao PDR, during which they held meetings [...]


More than 100 Professional vacancies at FAO being issued

Over 100 professional vacancies are in the process of being released and opened for applications. They cover mainly technical areas of work in headquarters and regional offices.

In addition, global calls [...]


FAO to provide UN Security Council with regular analysis of food security statuses in countries in conflict

New York- FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva and the President of the UN Security Council (UNSC), Ambassador Ismael Gaspar Martins, have concurred upon the importance of using FAO’s regular [...]


FAO to provide UN Security Council with regular analysis on food security

The Director-General addressed the members of the UN Security Council (UNSC) on Tuesday in what was FAO’s first appearance before the principal UN body on global peace and security affairs.

Organized [...]


Statement of the FAO Secretariat under agenda item 12 “Proposal of the Republic of Korea for the establishment of an FAO World Fisheries University”

Mr Chairman,

I wish to convey, through you, to the Committee on Fisheries, the considered views of the FAO Secretariat on the item on the proposed Fisheries University.  

So far, the [...]


FAO urges strong and effective implementation of global anti-rogue fishing treaty

Washington, 15 September 2016 - The recent entry into force of a ground-breaking international accord on illegal fishing is a welcome development but it now requires "strong and effective implementation", FAO [...]


FAO tapped to lead a global dialogue to mainstream biodiversity in agriculture, forestry and fisheries

Cancun, Mexico. On [...]


Assessment shows technical capacity on the rise since 2012

Further to Council-endorsed adjustments to the 2016-17 Programme of Work and Budget (PWB) made in 2015, an assessment of the technical capacity of the Organization by a team of independent [...]


FAO Director-General listed among the most influential Latin Americans

FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva has been selected as one of the world's most influential Latin Americans for his work against hunger and malnutrition in the world. In its [...]


FAO will support Colombia in making sure the new peace is kept

I am convinced that the only path to lasting peace in Colombia consists of dialogue, negotiation, cooperation, inclusion and fairness – which is also the high road to sustainable development [...]


This World Food Day, Pope Francis addresses FAO and the international community

World Food Day is coming up this Monday, October 16. This year’s theme, Change the future of migration. Invest in food security and rural development, highlights FAO’s work in [...]


FAO welcomed as the Swiss Salon's international guest of honor

FAO was the international guest of honour at the 2017 Salon Goûts et Terroirs, a Swiss cultural and gastronomic exhibition that took place from 29 November - 3 December.


An action-oriented guide for decision makers

A valuable tool has been produced for decision makers responsible for integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into national policies and programmes. This publication, Transforming food and agriculture to achieve [...]


World Fisheries Day

The Holy See and the FAO join hands again to celebrate the World Fisheries Day.

The celebrations, which this year mark the 75th Anniversary of the FAO and the [...]


High-level event commemorating the Fifth Anniversary of the Paris Agreement

On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement, the event will highlight the key role of the agricultural sectors in supporting the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement, [...]


Invitation for the launch event: The impact of disasters and crises on agriculture and food security, 2021

Understanding and managing disaster risks in global agriculture: Better data for ambitious action


Sign up to receive updates on publications in English, Chinese and French

The monthly publications updates produced by the Publications branch of the FAO Office of Communications are now available in English, Chinese and French.  

The newsletters highlight key publications available in the respective [...]


Collaboration, evolution and a vision for the future of our seas: 70 years of the GFCM

It’s a significant milestone – but what does the GFCM actually do? What has it achieved so far?

Since its creation, the GFCM has evolved into an efficient [...]


FAO Director-General addresses G7 Agriculture Ministers on Global Food Markets and Prices

Click here to access the presentation by QU Dongyu.



The importance of Ukraine and the Russian Federation for global agricultural markets and the risks associated with the current conflict

Information Note.


In Focus: FAO responds to the Ukraine crisis

FAO’s responses to the crisis in Ukraine and its impacts on global food security: data analyses, policy recommendations, and actions on the ground.


Latest issue: The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets (SOCO) 2022

This edition of The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets (SOCO) discusses how trade policies, based on both multilateral and regional approaches, can address today’s challenges for sustainable development. 


Latest issue: The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022

This year’s report should dispel any lingering doubts that the world is moving backwards in its efforts to end hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms. We are [...]


The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) 2022

The 2022 edition of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture coincides with the launch of the Decade of Action to deliver the Global Goals, the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science [...]


One-of-a-kind FAO cookbook gives fish a voice – among other things

FAO has recently released Fish: Know it, cook it, eat it, a genre-defying cookbook that infuses international recipes with insights into the global fish trade; blends scientific facts and cultural history; melds nutritional information [...]


FAO in Review: Dynamic crisis management

Read the series on how FAO [...]


FAO in review: Building and deploying professional and practical expertise

Read the seriesFull Article


FAO in Review: Transforming agrifood systems in the face of the climate crisis

Read the series on how FAO increased efficiency, effectiveness and transparency to better support its Members in the transformation of agrifood systems.


FAO in review: Greater visibility and increased transparency

Read the series on how FAO increased efficiency, effectiveness and transparency to better support its Members in the transformation of agrifood systems.


Sign up now to receive monthly updates on FAO publications in English, French and Chinese!

The monthly FAO publications updates produced by the Publications Branch of the FAO Office of Communications are available in English, French and Chinese.

The newsletters highlight key publications available [...]


In his International Youth Day 2023 message, QU Dongyu announces the establishment of FAO's new Office for Youth and Women

The FAO Director-General today issued the following message on the occasion of International Youth Day 2023:

Full Article


The FAO publications catalogue 2023 is out!

Check out the 2023 edition of the FAO publications catalogue! From the State of the World collection and other major reports to freshly penned technical studies, the catalogue features a selection of FAO’s best [...]


Grist to the mill of knowledge: FSN Forum and Publications and Library Branch join forces

Did you know? The Publications and Library branch and the FSN Forum are teaming up to provide Forum participants with additional references and resources to raise awareness on topics of their contributions.

Who does what 

The Global Forum on Food [...]


FAO's GIAHS Programme seeks new experts for the Scientific Advisory Group

Rome - The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is currently seeking applications from experts to join the Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) of its Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems [...]


Famine is imminent in Gaza Strip - Interview with Rein Paulsen

The food security situation in Gaza is catastrophic. Famine is imminent in the Northern Governorates and there is a risk of famine across the rest of the Gaza Strip, according [...]


Let's celebrate Spanish Language Day!

FAO produces a significant volume of publications across various languages and regions, reflecting the Organization's commitment to linguistic diversity and inclusivity. Spanish publications account for a significant portion of the Organization's [...]


FAO Brief - Food crises, maize shortfall, and FPI

In this episode, over 282 million people in 59 countries suffered acute food insecurity in 2023, according to the Global Report on Food Crises; FAO warns about the food insecurity [...]


Climate risks projected to affect fish biomass around the world's ocean, FAO report says

Fish biomass faces steep falls by end of century under high-emissions scenario


Animal Health Innovation, Reference Centres and Vaccines at the heart of this year's FAO Global Conference

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is organizing its first-ever Global Conference on Animal Health Innovation, Reference Centres and Vaccines from 23 to 25 September at FAO headquarters [...]


FAO GLOBEFISH Celebrates 40 years of impact on global fisheries and aquaculture trade

For the past four decades, FAO GLOBEFISH has been a cornerstone of global fisheries and aquaculture market analysis. Since its inception in 1984, the project has provided [...]


Advancing sustainable inland fisheries and aquaculture in Europe: EIFAAC hosts 32nd Session and International Symposium

The European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission (EIFAAC) is dedicated to the sustainable development and responsible management of European inland fisheries and aquaculture. In line with the [...]


Sign up now to receive monthly updates on FAO publications in English, French and Chinese!

The monthly FAO publications updates produced by the Publications Branch of the FAO Office of Communications are available in English, French and Chinese.

The newsletters highlight key publications available [...]