
« Gladiator II » : bis repetita, triste cirque

L'infatigable Ridley Scott se repose pourtant sur ses lauriers avec cette suite inutile et empatee de son propre classique sorti en 2000. Spectaculaire mais vain.


Enciende tu voz: el desafío de escribir tu primer libro

Este artículo es para ti si quieres embarcarte en una travesía única: la aventura de escribir tu primer libro. No estoy hablando de un libro […]



¿Por dónde empiezo? Escribir un libro sin haber estudiado literatura

Publico este artículo para contestar a un comentario que he recibido y que me ha hecho reflexionar. El comentario de esta persona toca varios puntos […]



Clásicos que cambian vidas

Los clásicos acumulan el saber y la emoción de las mentes más brillantes de la historia, de los corazones que han latido con más pasión. […]



El contenido es el rey: cómo escribir un libro

¿Te gustaría escribir un libro? ¿Alguna vez lo has intentado? Sé que escribir un libro puede parecer un reto formidable. Muchas personas se preguntan si […]



Para qué escribir un libro

Uno de mis alumnos está escribiendo ahora las memorias de su infancia. Es un libro hermoso, sincero, único, en el que rescata los recuerdos luminosos […]



Developing a Mobile Collaborative Tool for Business Continuity Management

We describe the design of a mobile collaborative tool that helps teams managing critical computing infrastructures in organizations, a task that is usually designated Business Continuity Management. The design process started with a requirements definition phase based on interviews with professional teams. The elicited requirements highlight four main concerns: collaboration support, knowledge management, team performance, and situation awareness. Based on these concerns, we developed a data model and tool supporting the collaborative update of Situation Matrixes. The matrixes aim to provide an integrated view of the operational and contextual conditions that frame critical events and inform the operators' responses to events. The paper provides results from our preliminary experiments with Situation Matrixes.


The Iceberg Effect: Behind the User Interface of Mobile Collaborative Systems

Advances in mobile technologies are opening new possibilities to support collaborative activities through mobile devices. Unfortunately, mobile collaborative systems have been difficult to conceive, design and implement. These difficulties are caused in part by their unclear requirements and developers' lack of experience with this type of systems. However, several requirements involved in the collaborative back-end of these products are recurrent and should be considered in every development. This paper introduces a characterization of mobile collaboration and a framework that specifies a list of general requirements to be considered during the conception and design of a system in order to increase its probability of success. This framework was used in the development of two mobile collaborative systems, providing developers with a base of back-end requirements to aid system design and implementation. The systems were positively evaluated by their users.


Security and Privacy Preservation for Mobile E-Learning via Digital Identity Attributes

This paper systematically discusses the security and privacy concerns for e-learning systems. A five-layer architecture of e-learning system is proposed. The security and privacy concerns are addressed respectively for five layers. This paper further examines the relationship among the security and privacy policy, the available security and privacy technology, and the degree of e-learning privacy and security. The digital identity attributes are introduced to e-learning portable devices to enhance the security and privacy of e-learning systems. This will provide significant contributions to the knowledge of e-learning security and privacy research communities and will generate more research interests.


Rule of Law on the Go: New Developments of Mobile Governance

This paper offers an overview of the emerging domain of mobile governance as an offspring of the broader landscape of e-governance. Mobile governance initiatives have been deployed everywhere in parallel to the development of crowdsourced, open source software applications that facilitate the collection, aggregation, and dissemination of both information and data coming from different sources: citizens, organizations, public bodies, etc. Ultimately, mobile governance can be seen as a tool to promote the rule of law from a decentralized, distributed, and bottom-up perspective.


Bio-Inspired Mechanisms for Coordinating Multiple Instances of a Service Feature in Dynamic Software Product Lines

One of the challenges in Dynamic Software Product Line (DSPL) is how to support the coordination of multiple instances of a service feature. In particular, there is a need for a decentralized decision-making capability that will be able to seamlessly integrate new instances of a service feature without an omniscient central controller. Because of the need for decentralization, we are investigating principles from self-organization in biological organisms. As an initial proof of concept, we have applied three bio-inspired techniques to a simple smart home scenario: quorum sensing based service activation, a firefly algorithm for synchronization, and a gossiping (epidemic) protocol for information dissemination. In this paper, we first explain why we selected those techniques using a set of motivating scenarios of a smart home and then describe our experiences in adopting them.


A Framework to Evaluate Interface Suitability for a Given Scenario of Textual Information Retrieval

Visualization of search results is an essential step in the textual Information Retrieval (IR) process. Indeed, Information Retrieval Interfaces (IRIs) are used as a link between users and IR systems, a simple example being the ranked list proposed by common search engines. Due to the importance that takes visualization of search results, many interfaces have been proposed in the last decade (which can be textual, 2D or 3D IRIs). Two kinds of evaluation methods have been developed: (1) various evaluation methods of these interfaces were proposed aiming at validating ergonomic and cognitive aspects; (2) various evaluation methods were applied on information retrieval systems (IRS) aiming at measuring their effectiveness. However, as far as we know, these two kinds of evaluation methods are disjoint. Indeed, considering a given IRI associated to a given IRS, what happens if we associate this IRI to another IRS not having the same effectiveness. In this context, we propose an IRI evaluation framework aimed at evaluating the suitability of any IRI to different IR scenarios. First of all, we define the notion of IR scenario as a combination of features related to users, IR tasks and IR systems. We have implemented the framework through a specific evaluation platform that enables performing IRI evaluations and that helps end-users (e.g. IRS developers or IRI designers) in choosing the most suitable IRI for a specific IR scenario.


Descriptional Complexity of Ambiguity in Symmetric Difference NFAs

We investigate ambiguity for symmetric difference nondeterministic finite automata. We show the existence of unambiguous, finitely ambiguous, polynomially ambiguous and exponentially ambiguous symmetric difference nondeterministic finite automata. We show that, for each of these classes, there is a family of n-state nondeterministic finite automata such that the smallest equivalent deterministic finite automata have O(2n) states.


Un nouveau monde bipolaire.

Avec la fin du communisme, nous devions assister à la fin de l’histoire mais les crises économiques en ont décidé autrement. Et ce d’autant plus que depuis, les problématiques de déclassement social, territorial et de questionnement « identitaires » n’ont...


On reparle des classes populaires, des péri-urbains, partis politiques... (billet de Mai 2011 )

L'actualité aidant, une personne sur twitter a exhumé un vieux billet que j'avais écrit en Mai 2011. A l'époque, je parlais du Parti Socialiste... sans fausse modestie, j'avais vu plutôt juste... Aujourd'hui, on peut déjà parler d'un autre "parti" mais...


Moyen-Orient : Israël visé par des drones et des missiles. Lourd bilan à Gaza et au Liban

Moyen-Orient : Israël visé par des drones et des missiles. Lourd bilan à Gaza et au Liban


Serbie : des manifestants demandent la démission du gouvernement après le drame de Novi Sad

Serbie : des manifestants demandent la démission du gouvernement après le drame de Novi Sad


Trump va nommer les "faucons" Rubio et Waltz à la tête de la politique étrangère (rapports)

Trump va nommer les "faucons" Rubio et Waltz à la tête de la politique étrangère (rapports)


No Comment : en Serbie, des centaines d’œufs jetés sur le siège d’Euro Lithium Balkan

No Comment : en Serbie, des centaines d’œufs jetés sur le siège d’Euro Lithium Balkan


British writer Samantha Harvey wins Booker Prize for space novel Orbital - Al Jazeera English

  1. British writer Samantha Harvey wins Booker Prize for space novel Orbital  Al Jazeera English
  2. Samantha Harvey’s ‘beautiful and ambitious’ Orbital wins Booker prize  The Guardian
  3. Samantha Harvey wins the Booker prize for “Orbital”  The Economist
  4. British writer Samantha Harvey’s space-station novel ‘Orbital’ wins 2024 Booker Prize  CNN
  5. Booker Prize Is Awarded to Samantha Harvey’s ‘Orbital’  The New York Times


Justin Welby resigns as archbishop of Canterbury over abuse scandal - Al Jazeera English

  1. Justin Welby resigns as archbishop of Canterbury over abuse scandal  Al Jazeera English
  2. Church of England head resigns over handling of sex abuse scandal  CTV News
  3. The four bishops at risk from child abuse cover-up report  The Telegraph
  4. The archbishop and the abuser  The Economist
  5. Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby resigns in abuse fallout: All to know  Al Jazeera English


Insurrection à Washington - Assaut du Capitole: culpabilité pour l'homme photographié dans le bureau de Nancy Pelosi

(Belga) Un Américain, qui avait été immortalisé les pieds sur une table dans le bureau de la cheffe démocrate Nancy Pelosi lors de l'assaut sur le Capitole, a été reconnu coupable lundi de plusieurs délits.

Après une courte délibération, les jurés ont déclaré Richard Barnett, 62 ans, coupable, entre autres, d'entrave à une procédure officielle, vol et intrusion dans un bâtiment officiel avec une arme dangereuse (un bâton de marche capable d'envoyer des décharges électriques). Le 6 janvier 2021, il avait envahi, comme des centaines de partisans de l'ex-président républicain Donald Trump, le siège du Congrès au moment où les élus certifiaient la victoire du démocrate Joe Biden à la présidentielle. Il avait été photographié par l'AFP dans le bureau de la cheffe de la chambre des représentants, Nancy Pelosi, les pieds sur un meuble. Le cliché avait fait le tour du monde et permis à la police de l'interpeller rapidement. Selon le dossier d'accusation, ce partisan de la mouvance complotiste Qanon avait laissé un message insultant à la démocrate et volé une enveloppe qu'elle avait signée. Pendant son procès, il s'était montré défiant, assurant avoir été "poussé à l'intérieur" du Capitole par la foule. Sa peine sera prononcée en mai. En attendant, il reste assigné à résidence avec un bracelet électronique. En deux ans d'enquête, plus de 950 participants à cette attaque ont été arrêtés, et près de 200 condamnés à des peines de prison. (Belga)


Biden nomme une émissaire sur les droits de l'homme en Corée du Nord

(Belga) Le président américain Joe Biden a nommé lundi une émissaire spéciale sur les droits de l'Homme en Corée du Nord, un poste laissé vacant pendant tout le mandat de l'ancienne administration de Donald Trump.

Le poste a été confié à une diplomate de carrière, Julie Turner, qui dirige actuellement la section Asie du bureau des droits de l'homme au sein du département d'État américain. Il avait été laissé vacant depuis janvier 2017, alors que l'ancien président Donald Trump cherchait à nouer des liens avec Pyongyang, rencontrant le dirigeant nord-coréen Kim Jong Un à trois reprises. Cela avait conduit à apaiser les tensions entre les deux pays, sans que cela ne débouche sur un accord à long terme. Le poste, qui a le rang d'ambassadeur, avait été créé par une loi en 2004 visant à faire pression sur la question des droits de l'homme en Corée du Nord, l'un des pays les plus autoritaires au monde. La tension est montée de façon spectaculaire ces derniers mois entre la Corée du Nord et son voisin du Sud ainsi que les États-Unis et le Japon en raison du nombre record en 2022 de tirs de missiles par Pyongyang. Dans son dernier rapport annuel sur les droits de l'homme, le département d'État avait dénoncé de vastes abus dans le pays communiste reclus, y compris l'emprisonnement de masse et le travail forcé. Mme Turner, qui parle couramment le français et le coréen selon sa biographie officielle, doit encore être confirmée à ce poste par un vote du Sénat américain. (Belga)


Big Brother is Watching But He Doesn’t Understand: Why Forced Filtering Technology on the Internet Isn’t the Solution to the Modern Copyright Dilemma

by Mitchell Longan[1] Introduction The European Parliament is currently considering a proposal to address problems of piracy and other forms of copyright infringement associated with the digital world.[2] Article 13 of the proposed Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single


Research on multi-objective optimisation for shared bicycle dispatching

The problem of dispatching is key to management of shared bicycles. Considering the number of borrowing and returning events during the dispatching period, optimisation plans of shared bicycles dispatching are studied in this paper. Firstly, the dispatching model of shared bicycles is built, which regards the dispatching cost and lost demand as optimised objectives. Secondly, the solution algorithm is designed based on non-dominated Genetic Algorithm. Finally, a case is given to illustrate the application of the method. The research results show that the method proposed in the paper can get optimised dispatching plans, and the model considering borrowing and returning during dispatching period has better effects with a 39.3% decrease in lost demand.


Adaptive terminal sliding mode control of a non-holonomic wheeled mobile robot

In this paper, a second-order sliding mode adaptive controller with finite time stability is proposed for trajectory tracking of robotic systems. In order to reduce the chattering phenomenon in the response of the variable structure resistant controller, two dependent sliding surfaces are used. In the outer loop, a kinematic controller is used to compensate the geometric uncertainty of the robot, and in the inner loop, the proposed resistive control is used as the main loop. On the other hand, considering the dynamic uncertainty and disturbance of the robot, an adaptive strategy has been used to estimate the uncertainty limit during the control process in order to eliminate the need for basic knowledge to determine the uncertainty limit in the resistant structure. The proposed control method demonstrates significant enhancements in performance, with the linear velocity error improving by approximately 80%, leading to a more accurate and responsive system.


Undertaking a bibliometric analysis to investigate the framework and dynamics of slow fashion in the context of sustainability

The current study has outlined slow fashion (SF) research trends and created a future research agenda for this field. It is a thorough analysis of the literature on slow fashion. Numerous bibliometric features of slow fashion have been discussed in the paper. This study comprises 182 research articles from the Scopus database. The database was utilised for bibliometric analysis. To identify certain trends in the area of slow fashion, a bibliometric study is done. For bibliometric analysis, the study employed R-software (the Biblioshiny package). Here, VOSviewer software is used to determine the co-occurrence of authors, countries, sources, etc. The study has outlined the gap that still exists in the field of slow fashion. Here, the research outcome strengthens the domain of slow fashion for sustainable consumption. The study findings will be useful for policymakers, industry professionals, and researchers.


Trends and development of workplace mindfulness for two decades: a bibliometric analysis

This systematic literature study employed bibliometric analysis to identify workplace mindfulness-related methods and practices in literature published from 2000 to 2020 by leading nations, institutions, journals, authors, and keywords. We also assessed the impact of workplace mindfulness research papers. Scopus analysis tools provided a literature report for 638 Scopus articles used in the study. Using VOSviewer, leading nations, institutions, articles, authors, journals, and keyword co-occurrence network maps were constructed. PRISMA was used to identify 56 publications to recognise workplace mindfulness literature's significant achievements. The research's main contribution is a deep review of neurological mindfulness and psychological measuring tools as workplace mindfulness tool categories. The study is the first to use the PRISMA technique to capture the essential contributions of workplace mindfulness papers from 2000 to 2020.


Nexus between artificial intelligence and marketing: a systematic review and bibliometric analysis

Although artificial intelligence provides a new method to gather, process, analyse data, generate insights, and offer customised solutions, such methods could change how marketers deal with customers, and there is a lack of literature to portray the application of artificial intelligence in marketing. This study aims to recognise and portray the use of artificial intelligence from a marketing standpoint, as well as to provide a conceptual framework for the application of artificial intelligence in marketing. This study uses a systematic literature review analysis as a research method to achieve the aims. Data from 142 articles were extracted from the Scopus database using relevant search terms for artificial intelligence and marketing. The systematic review identified significant usage of artificial intelligence in conversational artificial intelligence, content creation, audience segmentation, predictive analytics, personalisation, paid ads, sales forecasting, dynamic pricing, and recommendation engines and the bibliometric analysis produced the trend in co-authorship, citation, bibliographic coupling, and co-citation analysis. Practitioners and academics may use this study to decide on the marketing area in which artificial intelligence can be invested and used.


The discussion of information security risk control in mobile banking

The emergence of digital technology and the increasing prevalence of smartphones have promoted innovations in payment options available in finance and consumption markets. Banks providing mobile payment must ensure the information security. Inadequate security control leads to information leakage, which severely affects user rights and service providers' reputations. This study uses control objectives for Information and Related Technologies 4.1 as the mobile payment security control framework to examine the emergent field of mobile payment. A literature review is performed to compile studies on the safety risk, regulations, and operations of mobile payments. In addition, the Delphi questionnaire is distributed among experts to determine the practical perspectives, supplement research gaps in the literature, and revise the prototype framework. According to the experts' opinions, 59 control objectives from the four domains of COBIT 4.1 are selected. The plan and organise, acquire and implement, deliver and support, and monitor and evaluate four domains comprised 2, 5, 10, and 2 control objectives that had mean importance scores of > 4.50. Thus, these are considered the most important objectives by the experts, respectively. The results of this study can serve as a reference for banks to construct secure frameworks in mobile payment services.


What drives mobile game stickiness and in-game purchase intention? Based on the uses and gratifications theory

Despite the considerable growth potential predicted for mobile games, little research explored what motivates users to be sticky and make purchases in the mobile game context. Drawing on uses and gratifications theory (UGT), this study evaluates the influencing effects of players' characteristics (i.e., individual gratification and individual situation) and the mobile game structure (i.e., presence and governance) on players' mobile game behaviour (i.e., stickiness and purchase intention). Specifically, the model was extended with factors of the individual situation and governance. After surveying 439 samples, the research model was examined using the Partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) approach. The results indicate that stickiness is a crucial antecedent for users' in-game purchase intention. The individual situation plays an essential role in influencing user gratification, and individual gratification is the most vital criterion affecting stickiness. Finally, except for incentives, presence, and integration positively affect stickiness. This study provides further insights into both mobile game design and governance strategies.


International Journal of Mobile Communications


QoS-based handover approach for 5G mobile communication system

5G mobile communication systems are an in-depth fusion of multi-radio access technologies characterised with frequent handover between cells. Handover management is a particularly challenging issue for 5G networks development. In this article, a novel optimised handover framework is proposed to find the optimal network to connect with a good quality of service in accordance with the user's preferences. This framework is based on an extension of IEEE 802.21 standard with new components and new service primitives for seamless handover. Moreover, the proposed vertical handover process is based on an adaptive heuristic model aimed at achieving an optimised network during the decision-making stage. Simulation results demonstrate that, compared to other existing works, the proposed framework is capable of selecting the best network candidate accurately based on the quality-of-service requirements of the application, network conditions, mobile terminal conditions and user preferences. It significantly reduces the handover delay, handover blocking probability and packet loss rate.


International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing


Insights from bibliometric analysis: exploring digital payments future research agendas

Along with amazing advancements in the field of digital payments, this article seeks to provide a summary of research undertaken over the last four decades and to suggest areas in need of additional study. This study employs a two-pronged technique for analysing its data. The first is concerned with performance analysis, and the second with science mapping. The study uses the apps VOS viewer and R-studio to do bibliometric data analysis. From 1982 until May 2022, the most trustworthy database, Scopus, is used to compile a database of 923 publications The findings of this study identify the scope of current research interest, which is explored with critical contributions from a variety of authors, journals, countries, affiliations, keyword analysis, citation analysis, co-citation analysis, and bibliometric coupling, as well as a potential research direction for further investigation in this emerging field.


E-bidding adoption among SMEs: evidence from an African emerging market

While digitalisation reforms aiming to enhance the quality of public services were put in place, most stakeholders in developing countries still use paper-based-tendering processes, which are associated with increased costs. To overcome these problems, calls to adopt e-bidding have recently emerged. This study aims to explore the readiness of Moroccan SMEs to adopt e-bidding. To achieve this goal, we proposed an integrated framework combining the TAM and UTAUT models to examine the predictors of SMEs' intention to adopt e-bidding. We empirically tested the conceptual model using a partial least squares (PLS) estimation based on data from 210 SMEs. Our results suggest that effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, and social influence as the key factors influencing SMEs intention to adopt e-bidding. We also suggest firm size as a significant moderator. This will help in improving SMEs' user experience and will also allow a better implementation of e-bidding in Morocco and similar contexts.


Integrating big data collaboration models: advancements in health security and infectious disease early warning systems

In order to further improve the public health assurance system and the infectious diseases early warning system to give play to their positive roles and enhance their collaborative capacity, this paper, based on the big and thick data analytics technology, designs a 'rolling-type' data synergy model. This model covers districts and counties, municipalities, provinces, and the country. It forms a data blockchain for the public health assurance system and enables high sharing of data from existing system platforms such as the infectious diseases early warning system, the hospital medical record management system, the public health data management system, and the health big and thick data management system. Additionally, it realises prevention, control and early warning by utilising data mining and synergy technologies, and ideally solves problems of traditional public health assurance system platforms such as excessive pressure on the 'central node', poor data tamper-proofing capacity, low transmission efficiency of big and thick data, bad timeliness of emergency response, and so on. The realisation of this technology can greatly improve the application and analytics of big and thick data and further enhance the public health assurance capacity.


Design of intelligent financial sharing platform driven by consensus mechanism under mobile edge computing and accounting transformation

The intelligent financial sharing platform in the online realm is capable of collecting, storing, processing, analysing and sharing financial data through the integration of AI and big data processing technologies. However, as data volume grows exponentially, the cost of financial data storage and processing increases, and the asset accounting and financial profit data sharing analysis structure in financial sharing platforms is inadequate. To address the issue of data security sharing in the intelligent financial digital sharing platform, this paper proposes a data-sharing framework based on blockchain and edge computing. Building upon this framework, a non-separable task distribution algorithm based on data sharing is developed, which employs multiple nodes for cooperative data storage, reducing the pressure on the central server for data storage and solving the problem of non-separable task distribution. Multiple sets of comparative experiments confirm the proposed scheme has good feasibility in improving algorithm performance and reducing energy consumption and latency.


An empirical study on construction emergency disaster management and risk assessment in shield tunnel construction project with big data analysis

Emergency disaster management presents substantial risks and obstacles to shield tunnel building projects, particularly in the event of water leakage accidents. Contemporary water leak detection is critical for guaranteeing safety by reducing the likelihood of disasters and the severity of any resulting damages. However, it can be difficult. Deep learning models can analyse images taken inside the tunnel to look for signs of water damage. This study introduces a unique strategy that employs deep learning techniques, generative adversarial networks (GAN) with long short-term memory (LSTM) for water leakage detection i shield tunnel construction (WLD-STC) to conduct classification and prediction tasks on the massive image dataset. The results demonstrate that for identifying and analysing water leakage episodes during shield tunnel construction, the WLD-STC strategy using LSTM-based GAN networks outperformed other methods, particularly on huge data.


Dual network control system for bottom hole throttling pressure control based on RBF with big data computing

In the context of smart city development, the managed pressure drilling (MPD) drilling process faces many uncertainties, but the characteristics of the process are complex and require accurate wellbore pressure control. However, this process runs the risk of introducing un-modelled dynamics into the system. To this problem, this paper employs neural network control techniques to construct a dual-network system for throttle pressure control, the design encompasses both the controller and identifier components. The radial basis function (RBF) network and proportional features are connected in parallel in the controller structure, and the RBF network learning algorithm is used to train the identifier structure. The simulation results show that the actual wellbore pressure can quickly track the reference pressure value when the pressure setpoint changes. In addition, the controller based on neural network realises effective control, which enables the system to track the input target quickly and achieve stable convergence.