
Sexually transmitted infections surveillance reports


Amazing story of baby born with rare birth defect

HELPLESSLY watching her newborn son Colton fight for his life just hours after she nearly died in childbirth is something mother-of-three Kaila Stace will never forget.


Perfectly positioned by the Bay

BUILT in 1962 and nestled in a blue-ribbon locale, this big, brick Sandy Bay home is just a walk from anything a family might need.


Magnetic Brain Treatment Found to Relieve Depression in 90% of Participants With No Negative Side Effects

Not only did the patients experience high rates of remission, their cognitive function also showed marked improvement as well.

The post Magnetic Brain Treatment Found to Relieve Depression in 90% of Participants With No Negative Side Effects appeared first on Good News Network.


Flows of the future—How will climate change affect streamflows in the Pacific Northwest?

Much of the water supply in the Pacific Northwest originates in national forests. It sustains the region’s aquatic ecosystems, agriculture, hydroelectric power, and community water supplies.


Nearby nature—A cost-effective prescription for better community health?

A balanced diet and regular exercise are fundamental for good health, and a daily dose of nature may be equally important. Nearly 40 years of research has demonstrated that “metro nature”—nature found in urban environments, such as parks or tree-lined streets—provides positive and measurable health benefits and improves people’s quality of life.


Triple Link block with rollover effect.

A three link block of information with rollover effect.


CSSplay - Imagemap with hover effect

An html imagemap with hover effect for all browsers except IE which has fallback to a plain imagemap.


CSSplay - Imagemap with CSS only hover effect

A CSS only hover effect on an html imagemap. For Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera with fallback for IE7+


Your views on how lockdown has been handled and how it's affected you

SurreyLive conducted the Great Big Lockdown Survey to see how you are feeling about the current situation. Here's the results


Bioengery from trees: using cost-effective thinning to reduce forest fire hazards, based on science

Increasingly large and severe wildfires threaten millions of forested acres throughout the West. Under certain conditions, mechanical thinning can address these hazardous conditions while providing opportunitiesto create renewable energy and reduce our carbon footprint but how do land managers decide whether thinning is a good idea? How do they decide where to begin, and what to do with the removed trees? Prioritizing treatment areas and determining the most effective techniques for fuel hazard reduction depends on various factors such as owner objectives, forest types, and the availability of processing facilities.


Prescribed Fires Are Not Created Equal: Fire Season and Severity Effects In Ponderosa Pine Forests of The Southern Blue Mountains

In the mid-1990s, forest managers on the Malheur National Forest were concerned about their prescribed fire program. Although they have only a few weeks of acceptable conditions available in the spring and fall, they were worried that spring-season prescribed burning might be exacerbating black stain root disease and having negative effects on understory plants.


Effects of Vegetation Control and Organic Matter Removal On Soil Water Content In A Young Douglas-Fir Plantation

We evaluated the effects of vegetation control and organic matter (OM) removal on soil water content (SWC) in a Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) plantation from age 3 through age 5. Treatments were presence versus absence of vegetation control through year 5 and bole-only harvest of the previous stand versus total-tree harvest of the previous stand including removal of all coarse woody residues.


Does It Work? Monitoring The Effectiveness of Stream Management Practices In Alaska

The condition of aquatic habitat and the health of aquatic species, particularly salmon, are a significant concern in the Pacific Northwest. Land management agencies use fish and riparian guidelines intended to maintain or improve aquatic habitat.


Laminated Root Rot In A Western Washington Plantation: 8-Year Mortality and Growth of Douglas-Fir As Related To Infected Stumps, Tree Density, and Fertilization

A 4-year-old Douglas-fir plantation in the western Washington Cascades was monitored for 8 years after fertilization with potassium (K), nitrogen (N), and K+N to determine fertilizer effects on rates of mortality from laminated root rot (LRR) and other causes relative to a nonfertilized control.


Evaluating Forest Land Development Effects On Private Forestry In Eastern Oregon

Research suggests that forest land development can reduce the productivity of remaining forest land because private forest owners reduce their investments in forest management. We developed empirical models describing forest stocking, thinning, harvest, and postharvest tree planting in eastern Oregon, as functions of stand and site characteristics, ownership, and building densities. The models are based on USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis data gathered in eastern Oregon in 1987 and 1998, and data describing building densities gathered by the Oregon Department of Forestry from aerial photographs taken over the same period. We used the models to examine the potential effects of population growth and development, as described by increasing building densities, on the likelihood that private forest owners maintain forest stocking, precommercially thin, harvest, and plant trees following harvest. Empirical results suggest that population growth and development have had no measurable effect on these activities in eastern Oregon during the period examined. Any development effects on private forest management and investment so far are likely to be fairly localized.


Sociocultural effects of tourism in Hoonah, Alaska

This report examines the growth and development of the tourism industry in Hoonah, Alaska, and its effects on community life and resource use. The report describes the gradual development of tourism in Hoonah and presents resident perceptions of tourism's effect on the natural and social environment. A multisited ethnographic approach was used featuring indepth, open-ended interviews with local residents, tourism providers, business owners, and government officials. Data were analyzed using Ethnograph, a software program used to assist in coding data based on prominent themes. Results indicate that tourism has brought changes to the lives of Hoonah residents, particularly those relying on natural resources for everyday survival. Expansion of nature-based tourism in the area surrounding Hoonah resulted in conflicts between resource users. The growth of the charter fishing fleet led to competition with commercial fishers. Nature tour operators using remote recreation sites experienced conflicts with local hunters and fishers as well as other commercial guides. The development of a cruise ship destination on private land outside of Hoonah led to shifts in use of this historic site by local residents as well as in use of other private lands used for subsistence. Findings may enable Forest Service planners to identify factors involved in the relation between tourism growth and community well-being. It also may assist small southeast Alaska communities in decisionmaking related to tourism development.


Effects of timber harvest following wildfire in western North America

Timber harvest following wildfire leads to different outcomes depending on the biophysical setting of the forest, pattern of burn severity, operational aspects of tree removal, and other management activities. Fire effects range from relatively minor, in which fire burns through the understory and may kill a few trees, to severe, in which fire kills most trees and removes much of the organic soil layer. Postfire logging adds to these effects by removing standing dead trees (snags) and disturbing the soil. The influence of postfire logging depends on the intensity of the fire, intensity of the logging operation, and management activities such as fuel treatments. In severely burned forest, timing of logging following fire (same season as fire vs. subsequent years) can influence the magnitude of effects on naturally regenerating trees, soils, and commercial wood value. Removal of snags reduces long-term fuel loads but generally results in increased amounts of fine fuels for the first few years after logging unless surface fuels are effectively treated. By reducing evapotranspiration, disturbing the soil organic horizon, and creating hydrophobic soils in some cases, fire can cause large increases in surface-water runoff, streamflow, and erosion. Through soil disturbance, especially the construction of roads, logging with ground-based equipment and cable yarding can exacerbate this effect, increasing erosion and altering hydrological function at the local scale. Effects on aquatic systems of removing trees are mostly negative, and logging and transportation systems that disturb the soil surface or accelerate road-related erosion can be particularly harmful unless disturbances are mitigated. Cavity-nesting birds, small mammals, and amphibians may be affected by harvest of standing dead and live trees, with negative effects on most species but positive or neutral effects on other species, depending on the intensity and extent of logging. Data gaps on postfire logging include the effects of various intensities of logging, patch size of harvest relative to fire size, and long-term (10+ years) biophysical changes. Uncertainty about the effects of postfire logging can be reduced by implementing management experiments to document long-term changes in natural resources at different spatial scales.


Guide to effective research-management collaboration at long-term environmental research sites.

The Forest Service system of experimental forests and ranges (EFRs) and other sites of long-term silvicultural, watershed, and ecological research have contributed to science and natural resource management for more than a century. An important aspect of the success of EFR programs is strong collaboration between the research and land manager communities. This guide offers suggestions for effective research management partnerships based at EFRs and other long-term research sites. Keys to success include mutual understanding and respect, shared commitment to learning, and joint projects and communications programs.


Effects of climate change on natural resources and communities: a compendium of briefing papers.

This report is a compilation of four briefing papers based on literature reviews and syntheses, prepared for USDA Forest Service policy analysts and decisionmakers about specific questions pertaining to climate change. The main topics addressed here are effects of climate change on wildlife habitat, other ecosystem services, and land values; socioeconomic impacts of climate change on rural communities; and competitiveness of carbon offset projects on nonindustrial private forests in the United States.


A closer look: decoupling the effects of prescribed fire and grazing on vegetation in a ponderosa pine forest.

Scientists have had little information about how prescribed fire and cattle grazing—common practices in many Western ponderosa pine forests—affect plant abundance and reproduction in the forest understory. Pacific Northwest Research Station scientists began to explore how these practices affect vegetation in a five-year study of postfire vegetation in eastern Oregon ponderosa pine forests where cattle have been routinely pastured from late June or early July through early to mid August. For this area of eastern Oregon, they found that excluding cattle grazing during peak growing season increased native plant cover and grass flowering capability in ungrazed areas compared to grazed areas. Because vegetation was measured prior to releasing cattle on the land, the study's results tend to reflect lasting grazing impacts rather than simple consumption.


Adaptation: Planning for Climate Change and Its Effects on Federal Lands.

National forest managers are charged with tackling the effects of climate change on the natural resources under their care. The Forest Service National Roadmap for Responding to Climate Change and the Climate Change Performance Scorecard require managers to make significant progress in addressing climate change by 2015. To help land managers meet this challenge, Forest Service scientists conducted three case studies on national forests and adjacent national parks and documented a wide range of scientific issues and solutions. They summarized the scientific foundation for climate change adaptation and made the information accessible to land managers by creating a climate change adaptation guidebook and web portal. Case study teams discovered that collaboration among scientists and land managers is crucial to adaptation planning, as are management plans targeted to the particular ecosystem conditions and management priorities of each region.


A photographic guide to Acacia koa defects

Acacia koa (A. Gray), native to the Hawaiian Islands, has both cultural and economic significance. Koa wood is world-renowned for its extensive use in furniture, tone wood for musical instruments, and other items of cultural importance. Old-growth koa is decreasing in supply, yet dead and dying koa is still being harvested for manufacture of products. Knowledge of wood quality in the trees available for harvest is limited and colloquial in nature. We selected logs from four geographically dispersed sites on the Island of Hawaii. Defects on the face and end surfaces of each log were measured and photographed. The four most commonly occurring defects found were seam, branch, decay (log face), and heart rot. Sawing patterns were recorded so that corresponding defects on lumber could be measured and impact on volume recovery calculated for a specific defect. Included is a pictorial accounting that captures the defect indicators on the exterior of the log and the interior manifestation of the defects as seen in the lumber sawn from the log.


tech. coord. 2010. Economic modeling of effects of climate change on the forest sector and mitigation options: a compendium of briefing papers

This report is a compilation of six briefing papers based on literature reviews and syntheses, prepared for U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service policy analysts and decisionmakers about specific questions pertaining to climate change.


Federal outdoor recreation trends: effects on economic opportunities.

Outdoor recreation is a central way that people interact with the natural environment. Federal land agencies are key providers of settings, facilities, and landscapes for recreation.


Wood and Coal Cofiring in Alaska—Operational Considerations and Combustion Gas Effects for a Grate-Fired Power Plant.

Coal is the primary fuel source for electrical power generation in interior Alaska, with more than 600,000 tons burned annually at five different power plants. Woody biomass could be used as part of this fuel mix, offering potential environmental and economic benefits. In this research, debarked chips were cofired with locally mined coal at the Aurora Power Plant facility in downtown Fairbanks, Alaska. During two days of testing, aspen chips were successfully cofired with coal at average rates of 2.4 percent and 4.8 percent of total energy value. Combustion gases were analyzed during combustion of 100- percent coal, as well as at two different blends with aspen chips, for levels of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxygen, and nitrogen compounds. Carbon monoxide was suggested as the combustion gas most influenced by changes in woody biomass blend rate. The potential logistic and operational challenges when cofiring were also observed. Cofiring biomass at low levels in grate-combustion systems could be performed with relative ease, with only minor impacts on plant operations, including fuel storage, handling, and performance.


Procurement Contracting In The Affected Counties of The Northwest Forest Plan: 12 Years of Change

As part of the 10-year socioeconomic monitoring of the Northwest Forest Plan, this report evaluates changes in Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) procurement contracting between 1990 and 2002 by asking, (1) How much and what kind of work did the Forest Service and BLM contract during this period, and (2) who received economic benefits from this procurement contracting? Procurement contracting is a particular focus of the socioeconomic monitoring because one expectation of the Northwest Forest Plan was that the Forest Service and BLM would create high-skill, high-wage private sector jobs in public land restoration through contracting to partially offset job losses in timber production, harvesting, and processing. This report finds that, to the contrary, the Forest Service reduced its contracting of land management activities on national forests in the Northwest Forest Plan area from a high of $103 million in 1991 to a low of $33 million in 2002. By contrast, BLM spending was fairly constant at just under $20 million annually. Both the Forest Service and the BLM changed the type of activities that they contracted, shifting from activities associated with intensive forest management such as tree planting in clearcuts to activities associated with ecosystem management. Contractors located near national forests and BLM lands and rural communities captured a similar proportion of contracts in both the earlier and later parts of the study period. However, the significant decline in Forest Service contract spending resulted in considerable decline in the amount of money flowing to rural communities through contracting. Thus, it is unlikely that federal land management contracting created a net increase in jobs to replace jobs lost in mills and logging operations in public lands communities.


Effects of forest practices on peak flows and consequent channel response: a state-of-science report for western Oregon and Washington

This is a state-of-the-science synthesis of the effects of forest harvest activities on peak flows and channel morphology in the Pacific Northwest, with a specific focus on western Oregon and Washington. We develop a database of relevant studies reporting peak flow data across rain-, transient-, and snow-dominated hydrologic zones, and provide a quantitative comparison of changes in peak flow across both a range of flows and forest practices. Increases in peak flows generally diminish with decreasing intensity of percentage of watershed harvested and lengthening recurrence intervals of flow. Watersheds located in the rain dominated zone appear to be less sensitive to peak flow changes than those in the transient snow zone; insufficient data limit interpretations for the snow zone. Where present, peak flow effects on channel morphology should be confined to stream reaches where channel gradients are less than approximately 0.02 and streambeds are composed of gravel and finer material. We provide guidance as to how managers might evaluate the potential risk of peak flow increases based on factors such as presence of roads, watershed drainage efficiency, and specific management treatments employed. The magnitude of effects of forest harvest on peak flows in the Pacific Northwest, as represented by the data reported here, are relatively minor in comparison to other anthropogenic changes to streams and watersheds.


20 things that perfectly describe growing up in Newcastle

Being brought up in Newcastle holds many different memories for all of us and being a Geordie is something to be proud of.

  • North East News


New rule changes which could affect Newcastle when football returns

The IFAB have announced a number of rule changes for when football returns after its coronavirus-enforced break


Scripps First Quarter Revenues Rise But Pandemic's Effects Begin To Have An Impact

The E.W. SCRIPPS COMPANY's first quarter revenues jumped 48% year-to-year to $431 million, boosted by the addition of 8 TV stations spun off from the NEXSTAR acquisition of TRIBUNE MEDIA … more


Quarantine for travellers would have "serious effect" on economy, warns airport

It has reported that Prime Minister Boris Johnson will make the announcement in an address to the nation on Sunday.


Exponential Infection Increases Are Deadly Serious

Listen in as I use two calculators to track the difference in numbers of infections over a short period of time, depending on how many people each infected individual infects on average.

-- Read more on ScientificAmerican.com


Statins have low risk of side effects

Statement Highlights: Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs are associated with a low risk of side effects. The benefits of statin therapy for most people outweigh the risks.


Fecha límite de solicitud extendida para becas universitarias y becas escolares de programas escolares de la American Heart Association

DALLAS, 14 de abril del 2020. La American Heart Association ha extendido la fecha límite para solicitudes de becas individuales y becas escolares ofrecidas a través del Kids Heart Challenge y el American Heart Challenge hasta el 30 de junio. Debido a que...


Two new AHA statements focus on heart failure: How social determinants can affect outcomes; impact on caregivers

Statements Highlights: Adverse social factors, such as insurance status, food insecurity, lack of funds for medication and others, may lead to worse heart failure outcomes. Caregiving by family and friends of people with heart failure is increasingly...


Las dos nuevas declaraciones de la AHA se centran en la insuficiencia cardíaca: cómo pueden afectar los determinantes sociales a los resultados clínicos, y el impacto en los cuidadores

Aspectos destacados de las declaraciones: Los factores sociales adversos, como el estado de los seguros, la inseguridad alimentaria, la falta de fondos para medicamentos y otros, pueden causar resultados clínicos negativos de la insuficiencia...


Kids with Kawasaki disease symptoms possibly linked to COVID-19; coronavirus infection leading to critical illness in children remains very infrequent


Perfectly Normal

On Court Street in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn. + Share Facebook Twitter


Effect of a New Rule Limiting Full Contact Practice on the Incidence of Sport-Related Concussion in High School Football Players

A study to determine if the sport-related concussion (SRC) rate is lower after a rule change that limited the amount and duration of full-contact activities during high school football practice sessions.


How to Create A Comic Book Text Effect

Learn how to create a 3D comic book text effect that pops! You will get very familiar with many different layer styles. We will start by creating the background with halftone brushes and then proceed to creating our text effect. Lastly, we will finish it off by adding a bevel effect with a stroke.

The post How to Create A Comic Book Text Effect appeared first on Photoshop Lady.


This Tiny Face Makeup Is The Perfect Solution For A Coronavirus Mask

mykestify While some women might be quite used to wearing a mask over their face due to their job specification...


Could you get PTSD from your pandemic experience? The long-term mental health effects of coronavirus

Experiencing intense flashbacks, nightmares, irritability, anger, and fear? In the face of a traumatic event like the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s common to feel this way.


Add New Effects to Your Design Work with This Creative Toolkit

This brand new All-Encompassing Creative Toolkit contains a variety of resources that take the hard work out of creating stunning visual effects. From ready-made assets you can copy/paste into your artwork to pro-grade tools that provide the building blocks you need to create original designs, these resources make it possible to create work in totally […]

The post Add New Effects to Your Design Work with This Creative Toolkit appeared first on Spoon Graphics.


Could you get PTSD from your pandemic experience? The long-term mental health effects of coronavirus

Experiencing intense flashbacks, nightmares, irritability, anger, and fear? In the face of a traumatic event like the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s common to feel this way.


15 Effective Tools and Services You Should Pay Attention To

One of life’s pleasures is discovering when some small action taken yields a highly positive, or even a game-changing outcome. A web designer could spend many hours creating a modern website with old tools. A single new tool or a single new service could cut the time required to do so dramatically and produce an […]

The post 15 Effective Tools and Services You Should Pay Attention To appeared first on WebAppers.


How to Create a Wood Block Printing Text Effect

Let’s go old school with recreating a time honored printing technique in Adobe Illustrator. With a modified photo texture, we’ll quickly edit any text to look like a wood block printing text effect, ready for whatever your digital needs may be! Tutorial Details: Wood Block Printing Text Effect Program: Adobe Illustrator CS6 – CC 2015 […]

The post How to Create a Wood Block Printing Text Effect appeared first on Vectips.


How to Create Spotify Colorizer Effects With CSS Blend Modes

When Spotify launched their colorful new brand identity, featuring hip duo-toned imagery, it went hand-in-hand with a new Colorizer tool that allows artists to apply a variety of filters to images. This solved a problem in which Spotify needed a way to present the thousands of images uploaded, all with a different look and feel, […]

The post How to Create Spotify Colorizer Effects With CSS Blend Modes appeared first on Web Designer Wall.


Record-Low 2016 Antarctic Sea Ice Due to ‘Perfect Storm’ of Tropical, Polar Conditions

By Hannah Hickey UWNEWS While winter sea ice in the Arctic is declining so dramatically that ships can now navigate those waters without any icebreaker escort, the scene in the Southern Hemisphere is very different. Sea ice area around Antarctica … Continue reading


How To Get Effective Help With Writing Tasks That Will Boost Your Own Writing Skills

Writing is a quite ambivalent word. For some students, it causes their worst nightmares to come to mind (or it is just a boring assignment) and for some, it’s the fun way to express their thoughts to...