rent Parental leave MLAs can pick colleague to vote for them By Published On :: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 05:35:31 GMT The new procedure will allow members to vote in the NI Assembly without physically being there. Full Article
rent Son hails 'inspirational' parents who founded firm By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 06:16:57 GMT Bernard and Joan O’Malley, who founded a leading produce firm, died within days of each other aged 88. Full Article
rent Parents' shock after stag shot at Sheffield school By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 17:33:00 GMT A deer was shot dead by police after it was spotted in Greenhill Primary school grounds. Full Article
rent Stoke-on-Trent looking to refresh ties with German twin By Published On :: Thu, 17 Oct 2024 13:09:00 GMT Stoke-on-Trent is looking to rekindle its relationship with its German twin town. Full Article
rent Renting costs in Brighton 'out of this world' By Published On :: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 06:11:37 GMT Brighton is the fourth least affordable place in England to rent according to government statistics. Full Article
rent ...And Now For Something Completely Different By Published On :: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 19:45:00 +0000 This is not about sex, and not about The Sex Myth. This is about the old blog, and the growing scandal in News International's paper the rules they played by. And as Prince Humperdinck so eloquently put it, I always think everything could be a trap.Very early on in blogging as Belle de Jour, I had an email address associated with the blog. It was with one of those free email providers and not very secure. Later, I wised up a touch and moved to doing everything through Hushmail. But for some reason I kept the old email up and running, and checked it occasionally.So on the day of the book's release in the UK, I logged on to a public library computer in Clearwater, Florida, and had a look at that old account. There was a new message from someone I didn't recognise. I opened it.The message was from a journo at the Sunday Times. It was short, which struck me as unusual: Come on Belle, not even a little hint? There was an attachment. The attachment started downloading automatically (then if I remember correctly, came up with a "failed to download" message).My heart sank - my suspicion was that there had been a program attached to the message, some sort of trojan, presumably trying to get information from my computer.Now, I understood the papers regarded all of this as a game. There were accusations that the anonymity thing was a ruse to pump sales. It wasn't. I was really afraid of losing my job and my career if found out. But I knew the rules they played by. And as Prince Humperdinck so eloquently put it, I always think everything could be a trap.I did several things:1. Alerted library staff that I thought there had been a virus downloaded on to the computer, so they could deal with it.2. Phoned a friend who knew my secret. I explained what happened. He agreed to log in to that email account from where he lived, halfway around the world, open the email and send a reply, so they would have competing IP address information.3. Alerted the man who owned the address pointing to my blog, someone called Ian (who to my knowledge I have never met). He confirmed he had been contacted by the Times and asked if I was indeed in Florida. He told them he didn't know (which was true).Point 3 is the part that makes me think my suspicions were correct. I hadn't replied to the message from the computer in Florida, so why would they have a Florida IP address? They did get a reply from "my" account, but it would have had an IP address from Australia.(It's been suggested on Twitter that this could also have been because of a read receipt or embedded images. However, if my memory serves - and it usually does - the service I used did not send read receipts and I had images/HTML off as a matter of habit. There could of course be other explanations for what happened, but it is certainly true that the Times were trying hard to find me. Thanks for the comments, I hope this answers any concerns.) Full Article
rent El traductor como proveedor de servicios y gerente de proyectos By Published On :: Thu, 22 Mar 2012 19:44:00 +0000 Ponencia presentada por Julia Benseñor en el III CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE TRADUCCIÓN E INTERPRETACIÓN, CTPBA, Buenos Aires, abril de 2001 Las exigencias actuales de los usuarios de traducciones han terminado por erradicar el tradicional perfil del traductor como profesional solitario y lo obligan a adquirir las destrezas de un gerente o líder de proyectos capaz de conformar equipos de trabajo que respondan a las necesidades de los clientes en materia de calidad, volumen de trabajo y plazos, incluidos otros requerimientos especiales vinculados con, por ejemplo, el diseño gráfico. El objetivo de esta ponencia es presentar: a) las competencias que debe desarrollar un traductor —más allá de la necesaria competencia lingüística— en su carácter de líder o integrante del equipo de trabajo, b) los criterios de organización interna del equipo, c) las relaciones que deben establecerse con el cliente antes de prestar el servicio, durante su desarrollo y a su término, y d) los cinco pasos que considero necesarios para garantizar al cliente un servicio de calidad. A lo largo de veinte años de ejercicio de la profesión en el ámbito de la traducción técnica y científica para empresas, nuestro Centro de Traducción e Interpretación ha sido testigo de sucesivos cambios que indudablemente inciden sobre la labor del traductor. Dado que los cambios son parte de la vida, si se aspira a ejercer esta profesión a largo plazo, no deben aceptarse como un mal necesario sino que el profesional debe adaptarse y sacar la mayor ventaja posible de tal manera que aquello que en un principio se consideraba un problema se convierta en un potencial a su favor. Conocer los cambios que se han ido presentando permite definir más claramente cuál es el perfil de traductor que hoy exigen las empresas. Veinte años atrás, el traductor solía trabajar solo, con pocas herramientas documentales y de apoyo y, por lo general, tenía cierto margen para negociar los plazos de entrega con el cliente. Hoy, esta situación ha cambiado radicalmente, ya que el ritmo vertiginoso que caracteriza estas épocas se ha trasladado a nuestro ámbito y surgen así nuevas condiciones de trabajo. Uno de los caminos que permiten al traductor adaptarse a las nuevas demandas es el trabajo en equipo, apoyado en una organización eficiente. A modo de ejemplo, cabe destacar que en nuestro Centro llevamos adelante experiencias en las que coordinamos equipos que han llegado a contar con más de veinte integrantes. Para sintetizar cuáles son las nuevas condiciones laborales que enfrentamos los traductores, mencionaremos tres exigencias básicas: a) urgencia, b) alto grado de especialización y c) volumen. El cliente exige plazos de entrega perentorios, a tal extremo que a priori parece imposible cumplir con ellos. Sin embargo, no es así en virtud de las inagotables ventajas que nos proporcionan las actuales redes de comunicación, el acceso rápido a fuentes muy confiables de información y, tal como se mencionó anteriormente, el trabajo en equipo. La segunda condición laboral que se presenta es el alto grado de especialización que exigen los textos originales de las distintas disciplinas. En la actualidad, a diferencia de lo que sucedía años atrás, la mayoría de los profesionales, hombres de negocios o empresarios se manejan eficazmente a cierto nivel para leer un idioma extranjero como el inglés u otro idioma de amplia difusión en la Argentina. Por lo tanto, contratarán los servicios de un traductor sólo cuando se trate de textos sumamente complejos, cuando sea documentación sobre tecnologías de punta o cuando deba redactar algún informe en lengua extranjera para enviar al exterior. Por consiguiente, debemos hallar un camino posible para transformar este aparente escollo en una ventaja a nuestro favor, y tal camino puede consistir en integrar al equipo de trabajo a un especialista en la materia en calidad de revisor técnico de nuestras traducciones. El tercer componente de las nuevas exigencias que el mercado actual le impone al traductor es la gran extensión de los textos. Si partiéramos del supuesto de que los traductores desarrollan su tarea profesional en forma solitaria, los plazos de entrega que hoy día requieren los clientes serían imposibles de cumplir. De allí que el trabajo en equipo se ha convertido en una necesidad antes que en una opción, ya que permite abordar mucho más volumen de trabajo en menos tiempo. Ahora bien, estas tres condiciones de trabajo plantean desafíos ineludibles, puesto que no debemos olvidar que el traductor es un proveedor de servicios y que, tal como lo indica la palabra, "servicio" significa "acción de servir": servir a nuestro cliente, satisfacer sus necesidades y dar respuesta a sus requerimientos. Para ello, es indispensable adoptar una actitud creativa que nos permita transformar estas exigencias en un potencial para crecer como profesionales. Se requieren determinadas habilidades para satisfacer estas demandas en tiempo y forma, es decir respetando las exigencias de calidad y cantidad que se nos imponen. El traductor, pues, debe redefinir su profesión, partiendo de una nueva concepción. En nuestra opinión, el traductor del siglo XXI debe convertirse en lo que podríamos denominar un "líder o gerente de proyectos", con una gran capacidad de evaluación, de organización y de respuesta. Omito deliberadamente referirme a las habilidades básicas que definen al traductor de todas las épocas, es decir al dominio de sus lenguas de trabajo, ya que el eje de esta exposición es explicar que el traductor independiente debe actuar como gerente de su propia empresa. Estas habilidades gerenciales no suelen enseñarse en las escuelas de formación pero hoy día resultan indispensables a la hora de competir en el mercado laboral. Las habilidades gerenciales podrían reducirse a las siguientes: a) capacidad para hacer un diagnóstico de la situación, b) actitud flexible y creativa, c) capacidad de organización y d) claridad en la comunicación. En primer lugar, debemos ser capaces de hacer un análisis o diagnóstico preciso a partir de la necesidad planteada por el cliente. Para ello, es preciso saber qué servicios podemos ofrecer y en qué condiciones, ya que el traductor puede ofrecer una amplia gama de servicios. Consideremos, pues, las hipótesis expuestas a continuación. Ante un texto sumamente complejo, debemos preguntarnos si tenemos la preparación o formación suficiente para abordar satisfactoriamente su traducción. Los traductores — así como los usuarios de traducciones— suelen partir de la premisa de que basta con saber la lengua extranjera para poder encarar la traducción de cualquier tipo de documento. Sin embargo, cabe recordar que el traductor técnico y científico debe dominar tres lenguas: la lengua fuente, la lengua meta y la lengua de la especialidad de que se trate. Ante un texto con un nivel de complejidad que supere nuestras calificaciones será menester sumar a nuestro equipo a personas idóneas o especialistas en el tema. Analicemos otro escenario: el texto original es muy extenso y la traducción se requiere con urgencia. Para poder hacer una estimación correcta, debemos partir de un profundo conocimiento de las propias competencias, por ejemplo, saber cuántas palabras aproximadamente somos capaces de traducir por hora en una determinada combinación lingüística. En el caso de que la necesidad del cliente superase nuestras posibilidades, debemos convocar a un equipo de profesionales que nos permita cumplir con tal requerimiento. La segunda habilidad que se plantea es la flexibilidad y respuesta creativa. Ante la necesidad de un cliente potencial, podemos abrir el juego a distintas alternativas y no caer en el error de proporcionar una respuesta uniforme, puesto que estaríamos frente al falso supuesto de que todos los requerimientos, textos o situaciones de comunicación son idénticos. Por el contrario, dependiendo de la función que cumplirá el texto, podemos ofrecer distintas opciones. Por ejemplo, si nuestro cliente necesita la traducción de un artículo para analizar su contenido en el marco de un grupo de estudio, puedo grabar la versión traducida en cassette. El notable ahorro de tiempo que se logra —en virtud de que no será necesario escribir el texto, corregir las posibles erratas y, en suma, cumplir con todos los requerimientos propios de un texto escrito— nos permitirá satisfacer la necesidad del cliente atendiendo a la situación de comunicación de que se trata y, obviamente, a su presupuesto. La tercera habilidad gerencial que debe desarrollar el traductor independiente es su capacidad de organización. Tal como se sugirió anteriormente, ningún traductor que trabaje solo tendrá posibilidades de sobrevivir en el mercado de las prestaciones de servicios a empresas. Es prácticamente una condición sine qua non saber formar equipos de trabajo. Pero todo trabajo en equipo exige una buena planificación, una adecuada distribución de funciones y un riguroso seguimiento de la totalidad del proceso. Las actuales normas de gestión de calidad exigen que se documente todo el proceso de producción de bienes y servicios, exigencia que cobra especial relieve cuando la responsabilidad de un trabajo determinado será compartida entre varios profesionales. Por último, la claridad en la transmisión de la información es lo que garantizará que se cumplan las pautas de trabajo establecidas con el cliente y con los miembros del equipo. Como especialistas de la comunicación, este aspecto no debería presentarnos dificultades, pero tampoco debemos subestimar su importancia, ya que los malos entendidos incidirán negativamente en el desempeño del equipo, en nuestra relación con el cliente y en la relación con nuestros pares. La eficacia en la comunicación se logra principalmente a través de la comunicación escrita. Este procedimiento —si bien puede demandar más tiempo en un principio — está avalado por las normas de gestión de calidad que exigen un meticuloso registro de todos los procesos. Más aún, la eficacia que se logra a través de la comunicación escrita se traduce en un notable ahorro de tiempo. El líder del proyecto, apoyado en las cuatro habilidades ya mencionadas, deberá ahora estructurar una organización con miras a satisfacer las necesidades del cliente. Estas necesidades o requerimientos son los denominados "factores externos", a saber: a) el tipo de servicio requerido, b) el tema o campo de especialización de que se trata, c) el volumen de la documentación, d) el plazo exigido y e) otros, tales como el uso de software especial y el procesamiento de gráficos. A partir de estos factores externos, el traductor que actúa como líder del proyecto comienza a definir los "factores internos" mediante una adecuada planificación. Dichos factores son: a) los recursos humanos, b) la estructura del equipo, c) las pautas de trabajo, d) las herramientas documentales y e) el sistema de comunicación que se adoptará. El primer aspecto es definir los recursos humanos que participarán en el proyecto, es decir, quiénes son las personas más idóneas por razones de dominio de idioma, velocidad y experiencia en el tema así como la cantidad de miembros que conformarán el equipo de trabajo. Inmediatamente, cabe organizar la estructura interna del equipo, es decir, asignar el papel que desempeñará cada integrante sobre la base de la noción de "estaciones de trabajo". La propuesta de nuestro Centro, producto de nuestra experiencia en el campo editorial, consiste en dividir el trabajo en cinco etapas o estaciones, en donde la traducción propiamente dicha es sólo un eslabón en el proceso. Estas cinco estaciones de trabajo son: a) la gestión terminológica, b) la traducción propiamente dicha, c) la corrección de estilo, d) la revisión técnica y e) la corrección de galeras o proofreading. La gestión terminológica es la etapa que nos permitirá garantizar el uso homogéneo, uniforme y sistemático de la terminología de la especialidad a lo largo de todo el trabajo, en especial cuando intervienen varios traductores. En virtud de la importancia que le cabe a esta etapa, es recomendable asignar a un profesional o equipo de profesionales la tarea de búsqueda y registro terminológicos. Esta estación de trabajo será la fuente de consulta permanente para la totalidad de los integrantes del equipo. La etapa de la traducción propiamente dicha consiste en generar un texto en una lengua diferente de aquella en la que fue escrito el texto original. Este equipo, que trabajará asistido por el equipo de terminología, deberá contar con pautas claras de trabajo y un adecuado cronograma de entregas, el que debe planificarse con sumo cuidado. La corrección de estilo es la estación de trabajo responsable de corregir con un criterio riguroso y sistemático todos los documentos generados por el traductor o equipo de traductores. Esta tarea debe estar a cargo de las personas más idóneas desde el punto de vista del manejo de la lengua. La etapa de la revisión técnica deberá estar a cargo de una persona o equipo con un dominio profesional en el tema o especialidad de los documentos, que trabajará sobre un texto ya traducido y corregido desde el punto de vista lingüístico, de manera tal de poder abocarse exclusivamente a los aspectos relativos a la fraseología técnica del campo de que se trate. Por último, la corrección de galeras es la estación de trabajo en la cual la traducción se lee ya como texto original y definitivo a fin de corroborar la ausencia de erratas, de problemas de formato o de cualquier otro inconveniente de tipo formal que pudiese presentarse a consecuencia de los cambios introducidos en las etapas anteriores Estos pasos así individualizados constituyen la tarea integral del traductor y reproducen la división de tareas que se presenta en las editoriales que trabajan con originales extranjeros. Si bien en la traducción de textos breves suele intervenir un solo profesional, estas etapas deben cumplirse necesariamente si aspiramos a ofrecer a nuestro cliente un trabajo de calidad. No obstante, asignar estas distintas etapas o estaciones de trabajo a distintos profesionales, es decir, trabajar en equipo, nos permite ofrecer una mayor garantía de calidad y, por ende, constituye uno de los pilares de nuestra propuesta. En cuanto a las pautas de trabajo, una vez definida la responsabilidad que se le asignará a cada miembro del equipo, será preciso establecer los plazos de entrega correspondientes a cada etapa, los criterios lingüísticos o formales que habrán de adoptarse, el modo en que se entregarán los trabajos parciales y la manera en que se identificarán las dudas pendientes, si las hubiere, entre otros aspectos. En relación con las herramientas documentales, el coordinador o líder del proyecto tendrá a su cargo la responsabilidad de compilar el material complementario o de apoyo y distribuirlo entre todos o determinados miembros del equipo, de acuerdo con las distintas funciones que desempeñará cada uno. Por herramientas documentales debe entenderse documentos traducidos anteriormente, glosarios específicos, sitios confiables en Internet para acceder a la información sobre el tema, bibliografía de distinto tipo, etcétera. Por último, el sistema de comunicación entre los integrantes del equipo y el coordinador debe estar previamente definido. En relación con este punto, las alternativas son diversas, desde las consultas por correo electrónico a las reuniones periódicas. El objetivo es garantizar la mayor eficiencia al menor costo de tiempo posible. Tal como se ha expuesto, el líder o gerente del proyecto debe definir este cúmulo de procedimientos con anticipación para evitar esfuerzos vanos, duplicación de tareas, correcciones innecesarias; en suma, pérdida de tiempo. Tras el análisis de la planificació n que el líder del proyecto debe llevar a cabo en relación con su equipo de trabajo, cabe ahora examinar someramente cómo debe planificar el traductor su relación con el cliente. Esta relación puede dividirse en tres etapas: a) antes de iniciar la traducción, b) durante la etapa o proceso de traducción y c) con posterioridad a la entrega del trabajo. En virtud de la necesidad de registrar los procesos, tal como exigen las normas de calidad que rigen en el mundo empresarial de hoy, y a fin de evitar conflictos innecesarios con el cliente, el gerente del proyecto debe presentar el presupuesto por escrito, en el que habrán de consignarse todos los detalles. A la vez, el presupuesto escrito y la confirmación por escrito por parte del cliente nos permitirán contar con una prueba fehaciente de la aceptación de las condiciones pactadas. Una vez aprobado el presupuesto y antes de dar comienzo al proyecto, resulta conveniente entablar una relación efectiva con nuestro cliente, lo que facilitará notablemente nuestra tarea posterior. A través de una visita a la empresa, podemos obtener fuentes de información y material complementario sobre el tema, o bien ver una máquina o la planta misma. En la medida en que nosotros asumamos mayor compromiso con el cliente, el clie nte lo hará con nosotros y se dispondrá a colaborar. El usuario de la traducción debe comprender que todo lo que él pueda aportar como especialista en el tema redundará, en última instancia, en su propio beneficio. Durante el proceso de traducción, en ocasiones es necesario hacer consultas al cliente. En ese caso, es aconsejable que —por razones de tiempo y eficacia— se le hagan llegar por escrito, por ejemplo por correo electrónico. De esta manera, se evita molestarlo en momentos inoportunos y se obtienen las respuestas por escrito, lo que nos asegura mayor precisión en el registro de la terminología. Un aspecto importante de esta política es que, a través de estos procedimientos, el cliente se convierte en un colaborador y miembro del equipo. Ahora bien, para un traductor que se concibe a sí mismo como gerente o líder de proyectos, el trabajo no termina con la entrega de la traducción, ni siquiera con el cobro de sus honorarios. Por el contrario, es una buena práctica volver a contactarse con el cliente para averiguar si ha quedado satisfecho, qué observaciones tiene sobre nuestro trabajo, qué detalles considera perfectibles, etcétera. Esta etapa es parte de lo que se denomina el "servicio postventa". Más aún, esta retroalimentación nos permitirá crecer profesionalmente día a día. Luego, es nuestro deber compartir la información sobre nuestro desempeño que obtengamos del cliente con todos los integrantes del equipo de trabajo. En relación con esta política de retroalimentación o intercambio de información el líder del proyecto debe asumir, como parte de sus tareas o su misión, el compromiso de retroalimentar a los miembros del equipo. Por ejemplo, es altamente beneficioso que el coordinador o líder del proyecto entregue al traductor la versión corregida por el equipo de corrección o revisión al finalizar el trabajo de manera tal que cada integrante pueda analizar el resultado de su propio desempeño. Así, se fortalece la noción de pertenencia al equipo y se garantiza el aprendizaje continuo de todos los participantes. De este modo, hemos explicado cómo el traductor, a través de una adecuada planificación, está en condiciones de organizar su trabajo de manera tal de cumplir con las nuevas y exigentes demandas del mercado actual. Para ello, debemos comenzar por concebir al traductor como gerente de sus propios proyectos. Full Article calidad comunicación corrección equipo especialización gerente de proyecto herramientas plazos de entrega proceso proveedor de servicios recursos humanos revisión traductor
rent An OCR Free Method for Word Spotting in Printed Documents: the Evaluation of Different Feature Sets By Published On :: 2011-04-07T14:38:36+02:00 An OCR free word spotting method is developed and evaluated under a strong experimental protocol. Different feature sets are evaluated under the same experimental conditions. In addition, a tuning process in the document segmentation step is proposed which provides a significant reduction in terms of processing time. For this purpose, a complete OCR-free method for word spotting in printed documents was implemented, and a document database containing document images and their corresponding ground truth text files was created. A strong experimental protocol based on 800 document images allows us to compare the results of the three feature sets used to represent the word image. Full Article
rent A Comparison of Different Retrieval Strategies Working on Medical Free Texts By Published On :: 2011-07-20T10:20:39+02:00 Patient information in health care systems mostly consists of textual data, and free text in particular makes up a significant amount of it. Information retrieval systems that concentrate on these text types have to deal with the different challenges these medical free texts pose to achieve an acceptable performance. This paper describes the evaluation of four different types of information retrieval strategies: keyword search, search performed by a medical domain expert, a semantic based information retrieval tool, and a purely statistical information retrieval method. The different methods are evaluated and compared with respect to its appliance in medical health care systems. Full Article
rent Laurent Alexandre, les Gilets Jaunes et les Inutiles By Published On :: Thu, 14 Feb 2019 08:25:42 +0100 Billet par Vincent Grenier. Il faut regarder cet extrait vidéo. Cela se passe devant nos futurs polytechniciens. Laurent Alexandre (heureux startuper millionnaire et apôtre du transhumanisme) nous explique pourquoi "les gilets jaunes sont des êtres substituables",... Full Article
rent Des scientifiques découvrent un "troisième état" entre la vie et la mort By Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 12:43:09 +0100 Des scientifiques découvrent un "troisième état" entre la vie et la mort Full Article
rent Sauvetage de Casino: les syndicats retirent leur plainte en appel après avoir conclu un accord avec la direction - Le Figaro By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 10:34:12 GMT Sauvetage de Casino: les syndicats retirent leur plainte en appel après avoir conclu un accord avec la direction Le FigaroPlan de sauvetage de Casino : accord avec la direction, les représentants du personnel retirent leur plainte en appel France 3 RégionsSauvetage de Casino : un accord social enfin trouvé pour clore le dossier Capital.frCasino: les représentants du personnel retirent leur appel formulé à l'encontre du plan de sauvegarde InvestirPlan de sauvegarde de Casino : la direction trouve un accord avec le personnel La Full Article
rent Joël Robuchon : les étoiles ne meurent jamais ! By Published On :: Wed, 08 Aug 2018 22:38:49 +0200 C'était il y a quelques mois dans Topchef, la dégustation de Chef Robuchon !Le vrai tombeau des morts c’est le cœur des vivants. Cette phrase tellement citée qu’elle en a perdu de sa force est souvent attribuée à Cocteau. Elle est en fait de Tacite, 2000 ans plus tôt. Et elle reste très juste pour un Pape de la cuisine comme Joël Robuchon, mais pour lequel on pourrait ajouter : Le vrai tombeau des morts c’est le ... Full Article
rent Journᅵes parlementaires, campus rᅵgionaux : La Rᅵpublique en marche va dᅵpenser prᅵs d'un million d'euros pour sa rentrᅵe By Published On :: Thu, 03 Sep 2020 07:02:22 GMT C'est la rentrᅵe politique. Et qui dit rentrᅵe, dit universitᅵ d'ᅵtᅵ. Cette annᅵe, la Rᅵpublique en marche a vu les choses en grand en organisant ᅵ la fois des journᅵes... Full Article
rent An effective differential privacy protection method of location data based on perturbation loss constraint By Published On :: 2024-07-01T23:20:50-05:00 Differential privacy is usually applied to location privacy protection scenarios, which confuses real data by adding interference noise to location points to achieve the purpose of protecting privacy. However, this method can result in a significant amount of redundant noisy data and impact the accuracy of the location. Considering the security and practicability of location data, an effective differential privacy protection method of location data based on perturbation loss constraint is proposed. After applying the Laplace mechanism under the condition of differential privacy to perturb the location data, the Savitzky-Golay filtering technology is used to correct the data with noise, and the data with large deviation and low availability is optimised. The introduction of Savitzky-Golay filtering mechanism in differential privacy can reduce the error caused by noise data while protecting user privacy. The experiments results indicate that the scheme improves the practicability of location data and is feasible. Full Article
rent BEFA: bald eagle firefly algorithm enabled deep recurrent neural network-based food quality prediction using dairy products By Published On :: 2024-10-07T23:20:50-05:00 Food quality is defined as a collection of properties that differentiate each unit and influences acceptability degree of food by users or consumers. Owing to the nature of food, food quality prediction is highly significant after specific periods of storage or before use by consumers. However, the accuracy is the major problem in the existing methods. Hence, this paper presents a BEFA_DRNN approach for accurate food quality prediction using dairy products. Firstly, input data is fed to data normalisation phase, which is performed by min-max normalisation. Thereafter, normalised data is given to feature fusion phase that is conducted employing DNN with Canberra distance. Then, fused data is subjected to data augmentation stage, which is carried out utilising oversampling technique. Finally, food quality prediction is done wherein milk is graded employing DRNN. The training of DRNN is executed by proposed BEFA that is a combination of BES and FA. Additionally, BEFA_DRNN obtained maximum accuracy, TPR and TNR values of 93.6%, 92.5% and 90.7%. Full Article
rent Educational countermeasures of different learners in virtual learning community based on artificial intelligence By Published On :: 2024-07-02T23:20:50-05:00 In order to reduce the challenges encountered by learners and educators in engaging in educational activities, this paper classifies learners' roles in virtual learning communities, and explores the role of behaviour characteristics and their positions in collaborative knowledge construction networks in promoting the process of knowledge construction. This study begins with an analysis of the relationship structure among learners in the virtual learning community and then applies the FCM algorithm to arrange learners into various dimensional combinations and create distinct learning communities. The test results demonstrate that the FCM method performs consistently during the clustering process, with less performance oscillations, and good node aggregation, the ARI value of the model is up to 0.90. It is found that they play an important role in the social interaction of learners' virtual learning community, which plays a certain role in promoting the development of artificial intelligence. Full Article
rent Research on low voltage current transformer power measurement technology in the context of cloud computing By Published On :: 2024-07-02T23:20:50-05:00 As IOT develops drastically these years, the application of cloud computing in many fields has become possible. In this paper, we take low-voltage current transformers in power systems as the research object and propose a TCN-BI-GRU power measurement method that incorporates the signal characteristics based on the transformer input and output. Firstly, the basic signal enhancement extraction of input and output is completed by using EMD and correlation coefficients. Secondly, multi-dimensional feature extraction is completed to improve the data performance according to the established TCN network. Finally, the power prediction is completed by using BI-GRU, and the results show that the RMSE of this framework is 5.69 significantly lower than other methods. In the laboratory test, the device after being subjected to strong disturbance, its correlation coefficient feature has a large impact, leading to a large deviation in the prediction, which provides a new idea for future intelligent prediction. Full Article
rent Blockchain powered e-voting: a step towards transparent governance By Published On :: 2024-10-29T23:20:50-05:00 Elections hold immense significance in shaping the leadership of a nation or organisation, serving as a pivotal moment that influences the trajectory of the entity involved. Despite their centrality to modern democratic systems, elections face a significant hurdle: widespread mistrust in the electoral process. This pervasive lack of confidence poses a substantial threat to the democratic framework, even in the case of prominent democracies such as India and US, where inherent flaws persist in the electoral system. Issues such as vote rigging, electronic voting machine (EVM) hacking, election manipulation, and polling booth capturing remain prominent concerns within the current voting paradigm. Leveraging blockchain for electronic voting systems offers an effective solution to alleviate the prevailing apprehensions associated with e-voting. By incorporating blockchain into the electoral process, the integrity and security of the system could be significantly strengthened, addressing the current vulnerabilities and fostering trust in democratic elections. Full Article
rent 'CSR, sustainability and firm performance linkage' current status and future dimensions - a bibliometric review analysis By Published On :: 2024-10-21T23:20:50-05:00 Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability are gaining worldwide recognition. The question of whether CSR and sustainability programs benefit an organisation's financial success is still being debated. This study aims to verify this phenomenon by examining the current literature pattern on this relationship using bibliometric and systematic review analysis. It further provides a taxonomy for understanding this association. VOSviewer is used to obtain comprehensive dataset mapping and clustering in the field. The manuscript offers promising insights regarding academia by assessing the pattern of publication trends, the most influential author in the area, and analysing the methodological and theoretical underpinnings of CSR, sustainability and firm performance linkage. The outcome of this study provides exploratory insights into research gaps and avenues for future research. Full Article
rent Synoptic crow search with recurrent transformer network for DDoS attack detection in IoT-based smart homes By Published On :: 2024-10-14T23:20:50-05:00 Smart home devices are vulnerable to various attacks, including distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Current detection techniques face challenges due to nonlinear thought, unusual system traffic, and the fluctuating data flow caused by human activities and device interactions. Identifying the baseline for 'normal' traffic and suspicious activities like DDoS attacks from encrypted data is also challenging due to the encrypted protective layer. This work introduces a concept called synoptic crow search with recurrent transformer network-based DDoS attack detection, which uses the synoptic weighted crow search algorithm to capture varying traffic patterns and prioritise critical information handling. An adaptive recurrent transformer neural network is introduced to effectively regulate DDoS attacks within encrypted data, counting the historical context of the data flow. The proposed model shows effective performance in terms of low false alarm rate, higher detection rate, and accuracy. Full Article
rent An MCDM approach to compare different concepts of SMED to reduce the setup time in concrete products manufacturing: a case study By Published On :: 2024-11-11T23:20:50-05:00 In the construction sector, moulding machines are crucial in producing concrete products, yet changing their mould can pose challenges for some businesses. This paper presents a case study aimed at reducing the setup time of HESS RH 600 moulding machine. Four alternatives are proposed and evaluated to achieve this goal. The first alternative involves converting internal to external activities, while the subsequent alternatives aim to improve the basic solution. These include building a canopy near the machine (alternative 2), installing an air reservoir (alternative 3), and a comprehensive approach involving building the canopy, installing the air reservoir, and adding a new forklift to facilitate the machine setup process (alternative 4). The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) heuristic method is used to select the best alternative solution based on prespecified criteria. It is found that the application of the single-minute exchange of die (SMED) solution without any further improvement is the most favourable. Full Article
rent Online allocation of teaching resources for ideological and political courses in colleges and universities based on differential search algorithm By Published On :: 2024-07-04T23:20:50-05:00 In order to improve the classification accuracy and online allocation accuracy of teaching resources and shorten the allocation time, this paper proposes a new online allocation method of college ideological and political curriculum teaching resources based on differential search algorithm. Firstly, the feedback parameter model of teaching resources cleaning is constructed to complete the cleaning of teaching resources. Secondly, according to the results of anti-interference consideration, the linear feature extraction of ideological and political curriculum teaching resources is carried out. Finally, the online allocation objective function of teaching resources for ideological and political courses is constructed, and the differential search algorithm is used to optimise the objective function to complete the online allocation of resources. The experimental results show that this method can accurately classify the teaching resources of ideological and political courses, and can shorten the allocation time, with the highest allocation accuracy of 97%. Full Article
rent Demand forecast for bike sharing rentals By Published On :: 2024-10-07T23:20:50-05:00 For decades, data analytics has been instrumental in helping companies enhance their performance and achieve growth. By leveraging data analytics and visualisation, businesses have reaped numerous benefits, including the ability to identify emerging trends, analyse relationships and patterns within data, conduct in-depth analysis, and gain valuable insights from these patterns. Given the current demands of the industry, it is crucial to thoroughly explore these concepts to capitalise on the advantages they offer. This research specifically focuses on examining a dataset from Capital Bikes in Washington DC, providing a comprehensive understanding of data analytics and visualisation. Full Article
rent Towards an Information System Making Transparent Teaching Processes and Applying Informing Science to Education By Published On :: Full Article
rent A Second Opinion on the Current State of Affairs in Computer Science Education: An Australian Perspective By Published On :: Full Article
rent PersistF: A Transparent Persistence Framework with Architecture Applying Design Patterns By Published On :: Full Article
rent So Different Though So Similar? – Or Vice Versa? Exploration of the Logic Programming and the Object-Oriented Programming Paradigms By Published On :: Full Article
rent The Elements Way: Empowering Parents, Educators, and Mentors in the Age of New Media By Published On :: 2017-04-24 Aim/Purpose: This study was designed to examine the effectiveness of mentor’s work with immigrant children and adolescents at risk, using the Elements Way. Background: The New Media offers our “screen kids” a lot of information, many behavioral models, and a new type of social communication. The Elements Way is an educational method designed to enhance openness, development, breakthroughs, goal achievement, and transformation in the age of media and social networks. Methodology: The Elements Way was developed following research on communication in the diversified media, especially new media such as Facebook, WhatsApp, and television reality shows, and the study is an examination of the effectiveness of mentors’ work with immigrant children and adolescents at risk, using the Elements Way. All mentors had been trained in the Elements Way. The study population included 640 mentors working with immigrants’ children in Israel. The work was conducted in 2010-2013. The mixed-methods approach was selected to validate findings. Contribution: Empowering children and enhancing their ability to cope; Creating openness and sharing, making children more attentive to the significant adults in their lives; Supporting children who face the complex reality that characterizes our age. Findings: Significant differences were found in the mentors’ conduct with the children. Work programs were designed and implemented with care and consistency, and mentors succeeded in generating change within the children and achieving desired goals. Of the 640 participating mentors, 62 were not able to promote the child, and interviews with them revealed that their work with the children was not consistent with the Elements Way and began from a different vantage point. Recommendations for Practitioners: Success factors: Self-awareness and awareness of one’s surroundings. Empathy. Willingness to engage in significant interactions. Self-cleansing and self-reflection. Ability to engage in a personal and interpersonal dialogue. Ability to accept and contain the child. Cooperation with the child in creating a work program and assisting the child to achieve the goals that were set in the program. Recommendation for Researchers: Future studies should focus on analyzing the discussions of children and adolescents, to add depth to our insights regarding children and adolescents’ perception of the mentors’ work from their perspective. Impact on Society: Finding the “keys” to openness, development, goal achievement, and transformation in our work with “screen kids.” Future Research: Studies that are designed to examine the effectiveness of mentor’s work with immigrant children and adolescents at risk, using the Elements Way. Full Article
rent Understanding Online Learning Based on Different Age Categories By Published On :: 2019-05-18 Aim/Purpose: To understand readiness of students for learning in online environments across different age groups. Background: Online learners today are diverse in age due to increasing adult/mature students who continue their higher education while they are working. Understanding the influence of the learners’ age on their online learning experience is limited. Methodology: A survey methodology approach was followed. A sample of one thousand nine hundred and twenty surveys were used. Correlation analysis was performed. Contribution: The study contributes by adding to the limited body of knowledge in this area and adds to the dimensions of the Online Learning Readiness Survey additional dimensions such as usefulness, tendency, anxiety, and attitudes. Findings: Older students have more confidence than younger ones in computer proficiency and learning skills. They are more motivated, show better attitudes and are less anxious. Recommendations for Practitioners: Practitioners should consider preferences that allow students to configure the learning approach to their age. These preferences should be tied to the dimensions of the online learning readiness survey (OLRS). Recommendations for Researchers: More empirical research is required using OLRS for online learning environments. OLRS factors are strong and can predict student readiness and performance. These are opportunities for artificial intelligence in the support of technology-mediated tools for learning. Full Article
rent Information and Communications Technology and Resilience of First-Generation Students Compared to Students with Educated Parents By Published On :: 2024-07-15 Aim/Purpose. In this study, we examined, from the perspective of the participants, aspects of information and communications technology (ICT) and resilience, comparing first-generation students in higher education with students whose parents had higher education. Methodology. We examined self-image, motivation, happiness, and the use of ICT. This was a quantitative study. Respondents answered a questionnaire that contained open and closed questions. The sample included 307 students from academic institutions in Israel between the ages of 18 and 64. Findings. The findings were grouped into four clusters: (a) second-generation students under the age of 25 years, members of Generation Z; (b) second-generation students over the age of 25; (c) first-generation students over the age of 25 years (the largest group in the sample), mostly members of the Generation Y; and (d) first-generation students under the age of 25. We found consistent differences on all scales between the group of first-generation students over the age of 25 years and those in the other groups. The research findings indicate that the group with the highest resilience was students who were the first generation acquiring higher education and were over 25, mostly members of the Y generation. Impact on Society. This research allows an instructive look at Generation Y and Generation Z and the academic abilities of this generation. Future Research. Future studies should examine the correlation between a sense of resilience (which was examined in this study) and academic achievement (which was not). Full Article
rent How Different Are Johnson and Wang? Documenting Discrepancies in the Records of Ethnic Scholars in Scopus By Published On :: 2024-06-25 Aim/Purpose. This study captures and describes the discrepancies in the performance matrices of comparable Chinese and American scholars as recorded by Scopus. Background. The contributions of Chinese scholars to the global knowledge enterprise are increasing, whereas indexing bibliometric databases (e.g., Scopus) are not optimally designed to track their names and record their work precisely. Methodology. Coarsened exact matching was employed to construct two samples of comparable Chinese and American scholars in terms of gender, fields of work, educational backgrounds, experience, and workplace. Under 200 scholars, around a third being Chinese and the rest American scholars, were selected through this data construction method. Statistical tests, including logit regressions, Poisson regression, and fractional response models, were applied to both samples to measure and verify the discrepancies stored within their Scopus accounts. Contribution. This study complicates the theory of academic identity development, especially on the intellectual strand, as it shows ethnic scholars may face more errors in how their track records are stored and presented. This study also provides inputs for the discussion of algorithmic discrimination from the academic context and to the scientific community. Findings. This paper finds that Chinese scholars are more prone to imprecise records in Scopus (i.e., more duplicate accounts, a higher gap between the best-statistic accounts, and the total numbers of publications and citations) than their American counterparts. These findings are consistent across two samples and with different statistical tests. Recommendations for Practitioners. This paper suggests practitioners and administrators at research institutions treat scholars’ metrics presented in Scopus or other bibliometric databases with caution while evaluating ethnic scholars’ contributions. Recommendations for Researchers. Scholars and researchers are suggested to dedicate efforts to monitoring their accounts on indexing bibliometric platforms. Impact on Society. This paper raises awareness of the barriers that ethnic scholars face in participating in the scientific community and being recognized for their contributions. Future Research. Future research can be built on this paper by expanding the size of the analytical samples and extending similar analyses on comparable data harvested from other bibliometric platforms. Full Article
rent Drills, Games or Tests? Evaluating Students' Motivation in Different Online Learning Activities, Using Log File Analysis By Published On :: Full Article
rent Analyzing Associations between the Different Ratings Dimensions of the MERLOT Repository By Published On :: Full Article
rent Recurrent Online Quizzes: Ubiquitous Tools for Promoting Student Presence, Participation and Performance By Published On :: Full Article
rent Developing a Multidimensional Checklist for Evaluating Language-Learning Websites Coherent with the Communicative Approach: A Path for the Knowing-How-To-Do Enhancement By Published On :: 2016-03-29 As a result of the rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the growing interest in Internet-based tools for language classroom, it has become a pressing need for educators to locate, evaluate and select the most appropriate language-learning digital resources that foster more communicative and meaningful learning processes. Hence, this paper describes a mixed research project that, on the first hand, aimed at proposing a Checklist for evaluating language websites built on the principles of the Communicative Approach, and on the second hand, sought to strengthen the teachers’ Knowing-how-to-do skill as part of their digital competence. To achieve these goals, a four-phase research procedure was followed that included reviewing relevant literature and administering qualitative and quantitative research methods to participants (i.e., language teachers, an expert in the Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) field and a college professor) in order to gain insights into problematic issues and, thereafter, to contribute to the creation and validation of the Checklist model and the Study Guide. The findings revealed that: (a) evaluating language websites leads to the enhancement of the teachers’ practical skills and their knowledge of the technological language; and (b) having an assessment instrument allows educators to choose the materials that best meet their communicative teaching purposes. Full Article
rent An Exploratory Study of Online Equity: Differential Levels of Technological Access and Technological Efficacy Among Underserved and Underrepresented Student Populations in Higher Education By Published On :: 2020-11-14 Aim/Purpose: This study aims to explore levels of Technological Access (ownership, access to, and usage of computer devices as well as access to Internet services) and levels of Technological Efficacy (technology related skills) as they pertain to underserved (UNS) and underrepresented (UNR) students. Background: There exists a positive correlation between technology related access, technology related competence, and academic outcomes. An increasing emphasis on expanding online education at the author’s institution, consistent with nationwide trends, means that it is unlikely that just an increase in online offerings alone will result in an improvement in the educational attainment of students, especially if such students lack access to technology and the technology related skills needed to take advantage of online learning. Most studies on levels of Technological Access and Technological Efficacy have dealt with either K-12 or minority populations with limited research on UNS and UNR populations who form the majority of students at the author’s institution. Methodology: This study used a cross-sectional survey research design to investigate the research questions. A web survey was sent to all students at the university except first semester new and first semester transfer students from various disciplines (n = 535). Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the survey data. Contribution: This research provides insight on a population (UNS and UNR) that is expanding in higher education. However, there is limited information related to levels of Technological Access and Technological Efficacy for this group. This paper is timely and relevant as adequate access to technology and technological competence is critical for success in the expanding field of online learning, and the research findings can be used to guide and inform subsequent actions vital to bridging any educational equity gap that might exist. Findings: A critical subset of the sample who were first generation, low income, and non-White (FGLINW) had significantly lower levels of Technological Access. In addition, nearly half of the survey sample used smartphones to access online courses. Technological Efficacy scores were significantly lower for students who dropped out of or never enrolled in an online course. Transfer students had significantly higher Technological Efficacy scores while independent students (determined by tax status for federal financial aid purposes) reflected higher Technological Efficacy, but at a marginally lower level of significance. Recommendations for Practitioners: Higher education administrators and educators should take into consideration the gaps in technology related access and skills to devise institutional interventions as well as formulate pedagogical approaches that account for such gaps in educational equity. This will help ensure pathways to sustained student success given the rapidly growing landscape of online education. Recommendation for Researchers: Similar studies need to be conducted in other institutions serving UNS and UNR students in order to bolster findings and increase awareness. Impact on Society: The digital divide with respect to Technological Access and Technological Efficacy that impacts UNS and UNR student populations must be addressed to better prepare such groups for both academic and subsequent professional success. Addressing such gaps will not only help disadvantaged students maximize their educational opportunities but will also prepare them to navigate the challenges of an increasingly technology driven society. Future Research: Given that it is more challenging to write papers and complete projects using a smartphone, is there a homework gap for UNS and UNR students that may impact their academic success? What is the impact of differing levels of Technological Efficacy on specific academic outcomes of UNS and UNR students? Full Article
rent Social Informatics in the Information Sciences: Current Activities and Emerging Directions By Published On :: Full Article
rent Why People Perceive Messages Differently: The Theory of Cognitive Mapping By Published On :: 2020-09-13 Aim/Purpose: The paper introduces new concepts including cognitive mapping, cognitive message processing, and message resonance. Background: This paper draws upon philosophy, psychology, physiology, communications, and introspection to develop the theory of cognitive mapping. Methodology: Theory development Contribution: The theory offers new ways to conceptualize the informing process. Findings: Cognitive mapping has a far-reaching explanatory power on message resonance. Recommendation for Researchers: The theory of cognitive mapping offers a new conceptualization for those exploring the informing process that is ripe for exploration and theory testing. Future Research: This paper forms a building block toward the development of a fuller model of the informing process. Full Article
rent Critical Review of Stack Ensemble Classifier for the Prediction of Young Adults’ Voting Patterns Based on Parents’ Political Affiliations By Published On :: 2024-03-02 Aim/Purpose: This review paper aims to unveil some underlying machine-learning classification algorithms used for political election predictions and how stack ensembles have been explored. Additionally, it examines the types of datasets available to researchers and presents the results they have achieved. Background: Predicting the outcomes of presidential elections has always been a significant aspect of political systems in numerous countries. Analysts and researchers examining political elections rely on existing datasets from various sources, including tweets, Facebook posts, and so forth to forecast future elections. However, these data sources often struggle to establish a direct correlation between voters and their voting patterns, primarily due to the manual nature of the voting process. Numerous factors influence election outcomes, including ethnicity, voter incentives, and campaign messages. The voting patterns of successors in regions of countries remain uncertain, and the reasons behind such patterns remain ambiguous. Methodology: The study examined a collection of articles obtained from Google Scholar, through search, focusing on the use of ensemble classifiers and machine learning classifiers and their application in predicting political elections through machine learning algorithms. Some specific keywords for the search include “ensemble classifier,” “political election prediction,” and “machine learning”, “stack ensemble”. Contribution: The study provides a broad and deep review of political election predictions through the use of machine learning algorithms and summarizes the major source of the dataset in the said analysis. Findings: Single classifiers have featured greatly in political election predictions, though ensemble classifiers have been used and have proven potent use in the said field is rather low. Recommendation for Researchers: The efficacy of stack classification algorithms can play a significant role in machine learning classification when modelled tactfully and is efficient in handling labelled datasets. however, runtime becomes a hindrance when the dataset grows larger with the increased number of base classifiers forming the stack. Future Research: There is the need to ensure a more comprehensive analysis, alternative data sources rather than depending largely on tweets, and explore ensemble machine learning classifiers in predicting political elections. Also, ensemble classification algorithms have indeed demonstrated superior performance when carefully chosen and combined. Full Article
rent If Different Acupressure Points have the same Effect on the Pain Severity of Active Phase of Delivery among Primiparous Women Referred to the Selected Hospitals of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, 2010 By Published On :: 13 November, 2024 Labor pain and its relieving methods is one of the anxieties of mothers having a great impact on the quality of care during delivery as well as the patients' satisfaction. The propensity of using non-medicinal pain relief methods is increasing. The present study aimed to compare the effect of Acupressure at two GB-21 and SP06 points on the severity of labor pain. In this quasi-experimental single blind study started on December 2010 and ended on June 2011 in which 150 primiparous women were divided into three groups of Acupressure at GB-21 point, Acupressure at SP-6 point and control group. The intervention was carried out for 20 min at 3-4 and 20 min at 7-8 cm dilatation of Cervix. The pain severity was measured by Visual Analog Scale before and immediately, 30 and 60 min after the intervention. Then, the data were statistically analyzed. No significant difference was found among the 3 groups regarding the pain severity before the intervention. However, the pain severity it was reduced at 3-4 and 7-8 cm dilatation immediately, 30 and 60 min after the intervention in the two intervention groups compared to the control group (p<0.001). Nonetheless, no statistically significant difference was observed between the two intervention groups (p = 0.93). The results of the study showed that application of Acupressure at two GB-21 and SP-6 points was effective in the reduction of the severity of labor pain. Therefore, further studies are recommended to be performed on the application of Acupressure together with non-medicinal methods. Full Article
rent DIFFERENT VIEWS OF HIERARCHY AND WHY THEY MATTER: HIERARCHY AS INEQUALITY OR AS CASCADING INFLUENCE By Published On :: Tue, 09 Jun 2015 20:12:33 +0000 Hierarchy is a reality of group life, for humans as well as for most other group-living species. And yet, there remains considerable debate about whether and when hierarchy can promote group performance and member satisfaction. We suggest that progress in this debate has been hampered by a lack of clarity about hierarchy and how to conceptualize it. Whereas prevailing conceptualizations of hierarchy in the group and organization literature focus on inequality in member power or status (i.e., centralization or steepness), we build on the ethological and social network traditions to advance a view of hierarchy as cascading relations of dyadic influence (i.e., acyclicity). We further suggest that hierarchy thus conceptualized is more likely to capture the functional benefits of hierarchy whereas hierarchy as inequality is more likely to be dysfunctional. In a study of 75 teams drawn from a wide range of industries, we show that whereas acyclicity in influence relations reduces conflict and thereby enhances both group performance and member satisfaction, centralization and steepness have negative effects on conflict, performance, and satisfaction, particularly in groups that perform complex tasks. The theory and results of this study can help to clarify and advance research on the functions and dysfunctions of hierarchy in task groups. Full Article
rent The Dark Side of Board Political Capital: Enabling Blockholder Rent Appropriation By Published On :: Mon, 28 Sep 2015 15:33:36 +0000 Resource dependence theorists argue that boards of directors with political capital can benefit focal firms by reducing uncertainty and providing preferential resources. Here, we develop theory regarding the downside of board political capital. As the principal-principal agency problem characterizes many parts of the world, we argue that board political capital can exacerbate this problem by enabling large blockholders to undertake more appropriation of firm wealth. Further, we explore how this enabling effect is moderated by ownership-, industry-, and environment-level contingencies. We find empirical support for our arguments using 32,174 directors in 1,046 Chinese listed firms over the period 2008 - 2011. Our study sheds light on new ways in which resource dependence and agency theories can be integrated to advance the extant research on board governance and corporate political strategy. Full Article
rent Parenting through the ‘terrible twos’ By Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 23:29:33 GMT Q: As soon as our daughter hit the “terrible twos”, she became difficult to deal with. I have heard this is fairly common. We know it is “just a stage” and we will get through it. However, for now, it is exhausting and discouraging. What advice can you give for keeping the right perspective during this challenging time? Focus on the Family Malaysia: We will share an example that is in a book, The Best Advice I Ever Got On Parenting. The author heard it from singer Phil Joel and his wife, Heather. When their first son arrived, he slept through the night, loved to be held and routinely wore a big smile. Then he became a toddler, and his pleasant disposition vanished.That is when the Joels realised parenting is a lot like gardening. The analogy illustrates that we plant seeds of love in our children so their lives will grow and flourish. But as anyone who tends the soil can tell you, positive results do not happen overnight.Success requires consistent attention and labour, rain or shine. And it is not just the seeds you plant that sprout – there are weeds to be dealt with as well.As they discovered, weeds can take many forms in our children’s lives, from negative cultural influences to selfishness that screams “it’s all about me!” These things often choke out the positive seeds of love and encouragement we are trying to spur towards growth.That is why we need to dig beneath the surface of an issue to see lasting change. If we ignore the weeds, they will only grow deeper and become harder to uproot.Raising children is not always easy, but with your loving care and your willingness to confront the negative influences that threaten their well-being, your child can develop into an adult of maturity and character.Q: My wife and I have enjoyed being part of a close-knit circle of friends for a few years, but lately, we feel like something is missing – as if life has become a bit stagnant. We would like to branch out somehow and build new friendships, but we are not sure where to start. What would you suggest?Focus on the Family Malaysia: We have heard that if couples are married long enough, they start to look like one another. We are not sure if that is true but couples do often look like the other couples they hang out with. It may feel more comfortable to be friends with someone who is just like you, but you are depriving your marriage of a great chance to grow.Relating to someone in the same place in life as you or who has common interests is easy. You can empathise with each other about career challenges, share the highs and lows of parenting or compare favourite music, movies and hobbies.But we would suggest another perspective. There is tremendous value in spending time with one or more couples who are different from you.An older couple can share their years of wisdom with a younger couple and help them develop some long-term stability in their marriage. Younger couples have a lot to offer too. They can bring a sense of energy to the friendship or help an older couple feel younger and more revived in their relationship.To add a deeper layer of richness to your marriage, try to build a friendship with another couple who does not see life the same way as you. Their different perspective can challenge you to grow. It just may create the spark you need to strengthen your marriage for years to come. And hopefully, you will do the same for them. This article is contributed by Focus on the Family Malaysia, a non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting and strengthening the family unit. It provides a myriad of programmes and resources, including professional counselling services, to the community. For more information, visit Comments: Full Article Focus on the Family Malaysia
rent Schools shut as flood-hit Spain braces for more torrential rain By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 01:02:32 GMT MADRID: Schools in flood-hit towns in eastern Spain will be closed on Wednesday as the region braces for more torrential rains, officials said.National weather office AEMET on Tuesday placed parts of Valencia as well as Catalonia in the northeast and Andalusia in the south and the Balearic Islands on orange alert -- the second highest level -- for strong or torrential rains until Thursday.The alert comes two weeks after an exceptional Mediterranean storm caused Spain's deadliest floods in decades.The October 29 storm killed 223 people, the bulk of them in the Valencia region, according to the latest official tally.Dozens of town halls in Valencia, including Chiva, one of the worst-hit sites, suspended classes and closed public gyms because of the threats of more heavy rain.“In response to the information provided by the emergency services, school and sports activities will be SUSPENDED from tomorrow until further notice,“ Chiva town hall wrote on X.A military vehicle drove through towns in Valencia using a megaphone to warn of the expected storms and urge people not to make “unnecessary trips,“ images broadcast on Spanish public television TVE showed,While the amount of rain that is forecast to fall in Valencia is less than what fell two weeks ago, local officials warned sewage systems are clogged with mud and could struggle to cope with significant precipitation making more flooding possible.Outrage at the authorities for their perceived mismanagement before and after the floods triggered mass protests on Saturday, the largest in Valencia city which drew 130,000 people.Classes were also suspended on Wednesday in parts of southern Catalonia as well as some towns and cities in Andalusia, inclusing Malaga. Full Article AFP
rent Clark’s Updated Way To Shop for Car Rental Deals By Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2024 17:52:33 +0000 One major way to reduce your travel costs is to look for ways to save on your car rental expenses. That’s what money expert Clark Howard has done time and time again. Clark says he’s recently put into practice a new strategy to get car rental deals when he travels — and the deals have […] The post Clark’s Updated Way To Shop for Car Rental Deals appeared first on Clark Howard. Full Article Cars newsletter