rent Current Status Of This Site By Published On :: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 07:30:04 -0400 Due to the continuing serious illness of this site's owner, Bunny, caused by a devastating knock to her recovery back in May 2013, it will very sadly no longer be possible for the foreseeable future at least, for this site to continue to be updated. Existing submissions will remain on the site, but no new submissions can be posted, and she unfortunately remains far too ill to be able to continue to offer advice or respond to any emails. She desperately needs absolute rest, and is simply physically incapable of running her sites, responding to emails, or frankly everyday normal activities we tend to take for granted. Please know this is the last thing she would have wanted, obviously, and this continued situation has become a great source of pain to her, but sometimes in life you are just caught in storms, not of your own making, that you simply cannot avoid, however much you wish it, and however undeserved. Bunny had already long ago made provisions at her own expense, for all of her NFP sites to continue in the event of her death, etc and for all existing submissions to remain, in her prolonged absence, to make sure the sites could continue, and to be a source of solace, as is, even when she could not. We have tried our very best to continue to update the sites for as long as possible in her absence, in the hope that she would one day be able to return to them, but unfortunately the devastation and shock caused by the unexpected and undeserved knock she received, and the subsequent continued deterioration of her health caused by the ongoing stress of it all, has now made this, for the foreseeable future at least, impossible. We are very sorry this is not the better and more hopeful news we were hoping to be able to convey, but we hope the existing content on the sites will continue to make them a source of comfort to those in distress, as Bunny always intended them to be. Warmest Regards Dee Full Article
rent Current Events By Published On :: Sun, 12 Apr 2020 06:17:45 +0000 The poster to the left hangs on the wall of my office. Can you figure out the pattern to the sequence? Now you can estimate the size of the nth entry? John Horton Conway died yesterday, a victim of Covid-19. His unique mathematical style combined brilliance and playfulness in equal measure. I came across his […] Full Article Current Events Heroes Math
rent 12/07/14 - My parents' murderer By Published On :: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 Full Article
rent 05/14/17 - Things would be different By Published On :: Monday, 15 May 2017 Full Article
rent Old Torrents By Published On :: Sun, 24 Nov 2019 20:54:34 +0000 There was an issue with the tracker where old torrents with an old announce URL were not working properly. This has been fixed now. Full Article new releases
rent Parents' Day 2020 (South Korea) By Published On :: Date: May 8, 2020 Location: South Korea Tags: Parents' Day, carnations, flowers, stop-motion, Animation Full Article
rent Parental metabolic syndrome epigenetically reprograms offspring hepatic lipid metabolism in mice By Published On :: The prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is increasing worldwide. Although gene-environment interactions have been implicated in the etiology of several disorders, the impact of paternal and/or maternal metabolic syndrome on the clinical phenotypes of offspring and the underlying genetic and epigenetic contributors of NAFLD have not been fully explored. To this end, we used the liver-specific insulin receptor knockout (LIRKO) mouse, a unique nondietary model manifesting 3 hallmarks that confer high risk for the development of NAFLD: hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, and dyslipidemia. We report that parental metabolic syndrome epigenetically reprograms members of the TGF-β family, including neuronal regeneration–related protein (NREP) and growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15). NREP and GDF15 modulate the expression of several genes involved in the regulation of hepatic lipid metabolism. In particular, NREP downregulation increases the protein abundance of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGCR) and ATP-citrate lyase (ACLY) in a TGF-β receptor/PI3K/protein kinase B–dependent manner, to regulate hepatic acetyl-CoA and cholesterol synthesis. Reduced hepatic expression of NREP in patients with NAFLD and substantial correlations between low serum NREP levels and the presence of steatosis and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis highlight the clinical translational relevance of our findings in the context of recent preclinical trials implicating ACLY in NAFLD progression. Full Article
rent “Bad Parent – breakfast club” By Published On :: Mon, 17 Feb 2020 23:50:51 +0000 Wow, talk about bad at updating, damian! I have continued posting comics and sketches and paintings and…you get the idea!! BUT….I have been posting them primarily on Instagram (I know, terrible) – sorry, things have been busy (as usual), and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry... Full Article bad parent
rent “Bad Parent – stock up, don’t stockpile” By Published On :: Sun, 22 Mar 2020 06:46:31 +0000 Hang in there, everyone. — seeya soon, boring details about today’s comic: made with: love Full Article
rent “Bad Parent – perhaps self-isolation is a good thing….” By Published On :: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 07:25:07 +0000 — seeya soon, boring details about today’s comic: made with: Full Article
rent Ilusión, Fiorentina y David's Bridal abren la puerta a la transformación digital en la moda con IBM By Published On :: jue, 15 nov 2018 04:15:52 GMT Diltex -empresa mexicana propietaria de las marcas Ilusión y Fiorentina, socios de Vanity Fair Brands y franquiciatarios de David's Bridal en México- e IBM, anunciaron que la compañía dedicada a la industria de la moda está mejorando la experiencia del cliente y fortaleciendo su producción, distribución y comercialización a través de su transformación digital. Full Article All Topics
rent Enfrenta IBM Desafíos de Big Data con Modelo Innovador de Servidor Abierto By Published On :: jue, 24 abr 2014 05:05:46 GMT Enfrenta IBM Desafíos de Big Data con Modelo Innovador de Servidor Abierto Full Article Software
rent IBM anuncia nueva gerente general en América Latina By Published On :: mar, 11 jul 2017 06:04:40 GMT IBM anunció hoy que Ana Paula Assis ha sido nombrada gerente general para IBM América Latina. Ana Paula será responsable por la estrategia de negocios de la compañía y el desarrrollo de sus profesionales, y trabajará con los clientes y el mercado para ayudar a acelerar la transformación digital y la adopción de inteligencia artificial y nuevos modelos cognitivos en la región. Full Article Corporate
rent IBM México nombra nuevo Presidente y Gerente General By Published On :: mié, 03 ene 2018 06:54:29 GMT IBM México anunció hoy el nombramiento de Eduardo Gutiérrez como Presidente y Gerente General de la compañía en el país. El directivo mexicano sucederá a Antonio Martins, quien ha sido nombrado Presidente de IBM Brasil. Full Article Corporate
rent Rentrée scolaire 2015 : les parents consomment de plus en plus sur mobiles By Published On :: lun., 28 sept. 2015 12:39:54 GMT Au même titre que Noël ou encore les soldes, la rentrée scolaire fait partie des rendez-vous immanquables pour les commerçants. Ainsi, aux Etats-Unis la rentrée serait même la seconde période la plus propice aux achats selon la National Retail Federation. Rien d’étonnant, lorsqu’on voit fleurir dans les magasins la multitude de fournitures dans les rayons, plusieurs mois en amont de la reprise des cours. Full Article Mobile
rent Woodside Energy and IBM to leverage current and emerging technologies like AI and Quantum computing to realise vision of an “Intelligent Plant” By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2019 01:39:37 GMT Woodside Energy and IBM will work together to re-imagine the way work is done using next-generation technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing to help Woodside realise its vision of an “intelligent plant”. Full Article Corporate
rent 247B, Notes 3: pseudodifferential operators By Published On :: Sat, 02 May 2020 19:10:28 +0000 In contrast to previous notes, in this set of notes we shall focus exclusively on Fourier analysis in the one-dimensional setting for simplicity of notation, although all of the results here have natural extensions to higher dimensions. Depending on the physical context, one can view the physical domain as representing either space or time; we […] Full Article 247B - Classical Fourier Analysis math.AP math.CA math.QA almost orthogonality pseudodifferential operators quantum mechanics singular integrals
rent Even more different By Published On :: Fri, 10 Apr 2020 16:43:38 GMT So like most other Jews I took part in virtual seders this year. It was very emotional and mostly good.In less than a month, it's been amazing how Jewish communities have adapted to being mostly virtual. My home synagogue went from frowning on use of electronics at all on Shabbat and festivals, to unanimous agreement that we're keeping up the livestreaming once we're allowed back in our physical building, and the most vocal objectors to tech have started leading virtual services. Basically, the first time we did it, with great trepidation, we saw the faces of former members who have moved away, even to other continents, and of disabled and chronically ill members who are only variably able to attend shul in person. And suddenly, we all viscerally understood that using telecomms for religious purposes and to be together as a community is honoring the sabbath, not breaking it. The other factor is that Zoom is good enough. It's not perfect, but the sound and picture quality, and the interoperability across devices, and the usability for people who aren't really tech savvy, are all good enough that you can just get on and have your virtual gathering. Yes, I know there are privacy and security concerns, but honestly I'm a bit impatient with hearing about those problems from people who live most of their online life in the Google empire. (People who are very strictly Free software only I have more sympathy for, but even then, if you're not providing tech support for people using elderly i-devices who can barely use a web browser, or at least working on products that are actually usable by people who haven't been programming since they could read, then my patience is still limited.) In less than a month, we've gone from, stick a web cam in front of a service and hope, to people actually creating liturgy for distributed video call services. Even including fake Zoom-bombing by 'Pharaoh' refusing to let the people go, or 'Elijah'. What is still missing is the ritual around the Torah scrolls, and anything more than very limited music; my community pride themselves on their beautiful spontaneous harmonies and that's not really happening. But still, it's been amazing, people are praying together from their homes. So, I agreed with my family that we would do a Zoom-based seder this year (I'm not quite sure about the coinage 'Zeder'). And planning the liturgy was a bit chaotic, but it's kind of always chaotic. We also all realized that actually, a virtual seder has a rather higher limit on how many people can join together, so instead of having two separate occasions for my family of origin and my family of choice, we all piled in to a huge seder, nine households, and my dad's sister and his oldest friend from uni who sometimes used to join us when we were kids. There was this moment when I was trying to introduce everybody who might not know each other, and I wanted to make it clear that my partners are my partners without getting derailed into a complicated poly coming out thing, and I said something kind of clumsy about usually being a family but less so at the moment under quarantine, and my lovely gf said, no, we're just as much family now, only in different physical places. There's a lot of sadness about not being able to gather in person for the one day in the year when we always manage a family reunion no matter what, but that moment went a long way to make up for it.I struggled a bit with finding an online Hagaddah. I mean, there are a zillion options, but I found few that met my requirements of being relatively easy to use while you also have your fellow guests in their little video grid in another window, containing all the traditional text in a clear layout that distinguishes it from commentary, and not being intolerably sexist. But we made up seder plates as best as we could, with ingenious substitutions in some houses and the family's heirloom china in others. And mostly we could judge whose turn it was to speak, though it's cognitively extremely taxing compared to being at the same table, and we managed to read the essential words and have some discussions, and Judith (who has been learning Hebrew for about one term) sang the four questions. And we sort of managed to hide and hunt for the afikomen. I hadn't been sure about maintaining the Zoom connection while we were eating, but actually about half the houses dropped out and the rest of us remained and managed to chat and catch up and argue politics and even complete the remainder of a mostly finished Times jumbo crossword over Zoom. Very few aspects of a proper seder meal were lacking!The thing about a virtual seder is, we finished the main ritual at 10, and clearing up for 2 is much quicker than clearing up for 20, and we didn't have to travel home via spending an hour standing in the doorway talking about how we really must get going, so actually we managed quite an early night. And then the morning service, which I basically never make it to, was online rather than in town, so I showed up. Then second night, my Stoke community completely spontaneously organized a virtual community seder, with no input at all from me. Someone else put together a virtual Hagaddah by combining pages from various sources and making a kind of slide-slow, and got everybody to take part in the reading, and did fun stuff for kids (another pupil from the same Hebrew class where I'm teaching my partners' kid did the four questions) the community just showed up and got on with it. A few stayed away because it's an Orthodox community and some followed the Ashkenazi rabbinate's ruling that Zoom seders are forbidden, but it was lovely to see at least some of my people.And my sister posted me her amazing Pesach cakes, and she and some other people rallied round to make sure I had matzah, and somehow, it's the most terrible Pesach but it's also a really wonderful Pesach. I am loving reading of everybody else's improvised seders, or their first times leading instead of deferring to their elders, or people who took advantage of the virtual seder to be able to be with both sets of inlaws or even relatives who normally can't stand eachother, or the people who are normally too secular but decided that this year they wanted to mark the occasion. And lots lots lots of people have pointed out that it couldn't be more in the spirit of Pesach that we're all improvising what sanctity we can while we huddle from danger. I was particularly moved by jjhunter's haiku and all the responses: may it pass overour elders our sick our homeeveryone held safe Also R' Debbie Young-Somers beautiful meditation on Dayenu: Perhaps over zoom we will find companionship, or perhaps in the unusual quietness we will create space for the ‘still small voice’. It will be a Passover like no other, but this too shall Pass, and we will have done enough. Chag sameach to all who celebrate, and extra love to all my Christian friends whose Easter is going to be even weirder than my Pesach has been. comments Full Article jewish
rent 20 Different Ways To Make Money Online By Published On :: Fri, 22 Jul 2011 21:32:00 EST Making money online, it seems every day more people are looking ways to make money online either to boost their income as a secondary source of income, or as a full time job. But if you’re relatively new to this how do you make money online? I put together a list of 20 different ways you can make money on the internet. I’ve broken these down into two groups, ways you can make money without a website or blog, and ways you can with a website. These ideas aren’t listed in any order of importance as some of them will work better for you then others. Full Article
rent F&S verslaan de persconferentie (NRC, za, 25-04-20) By Published On :: Sat, 25 Apr 2020 00:00:00 +0200 Full Article
rent Does Renters Insurance Cover Storage Units? By Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 17:44:46 +0000 When you buy renters insurance, you probably have one primary reason for making that purchase: you want to protect your belongings. Renters don’t have to worry about rebuilding their homes after a disaster, but that doesn’t mean fires, theft and other perils can’t impact their belongings. Fortunately, renters insurance gives you a way to protect your furniture, clothes and electronics. Thanks to off-premises coverage, your policy can extend to your belongings even when they are not at your rental. Still, […] The post Does Renters Insurance Cover Storage Units? appeared first on The Simple Dollar. Full Article Home and Life Insurance Renters Insurance insurance renters storage units Home and Life Insurance Renters Insurance
rent These Cities Offer the Most Space for Renters—And They’re Not on Either Coast By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 15:00:00 -0400 According to a new report. READ MORE... Full Article Resources for Renters
rent Analysis of Einstein’s derivation of the Lorentz Transformation By Published On :: Thu, 23 Jan 2020 14:48:07 +0000 Einstein’s derivation of the Lorentz Transformation is purely theoretical. This study shows how it is related to the physical phenomenon of time dilation and length contraction. The Lorentz Transformation was first derived using the conditions of time dilation and length contraction. Later, Albert Einstein has given a different derivation of the Lorentz Transformation by using... Full Article SFN Blogs Uncategorized
rent Parents with learning disabilities By Published On :: Sun, 14 May 2017 23:00:00 +0000 As part of Learning Disability Week 2017, we held a roundtable discussion on the topic of parents with learning disabilities to coincide with the launch of our new Iriss Insight on the topic. The discussion highlights how best we can support families where one or both parents have learning disabilities, raises awareness of the key issues, and promotes debate and progress. It involved Bianca Wood, People First Scotland; Gillian McIntyre, University of Strathclyde; Andy Miller, Policy and Implementation Officer at Scottish Commission for Learning Disability (SCLD); Amanda Muir, Development Manager at Equal Say; and David Barr, Assistant Director at Aberlour. Bianca is chairperson of the People First (Scotland) Parents' Group, a self-advocacy group of parents with learning disabilities. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free Full Article
rent The trauma of parenting traumatised children By Published On :: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 - 12:39 This article explores the impact of abandonment abuse and neglect, not only on children but, centrally, on the foster carers, adopters and kinship carers who parent children where it has been deemed that a return home to birth parents is not in their interests. (For purposes of simplicity we will refer to these carers as ‘parenting figures’.) In doing this we aim to provide parenting figures with support and understanding as well as reducing the feelings of isolation that is often integral to parenting ‘looked after’ children. Full Article
rent Parents face long battles to get right support for their autistic children, report says By Published On :: Tue, 06 Sep 2016 04:35:40 PDT Many parents of autistic children face long battles to get their child the right education and support, despite the government introducing a new system two years ago that was meant to make things easier and less adversarial, according to a report.See it on, via Social services news Full Article
rent Oscars 2021: Awards Season Will Be Very Different, and Festivals Will Take a Backseat By Published On :: Wed, 22 Apr 2020 22:00:28 +0000 Full Article Awards Academy Awards Dune Oscars
rent What it’s like to be a single parent who has coronavirus. By Published On :: Thu, 02 Apr 2020 19:21:53 +0000 I knew something was wrong the day my son lay in bed in an emergency room waiting for his MRI to come back. A nurse entered his room and said, “Has your son been outside the country recently?” I did a double-take. “It’s pretty late to be asking that, isn’t it?” “Ma’am, yes or no?” […] The post What it’s like to be a single parent who has coronavirus. appeared first on Penelope Trunk Careers. Full Article Parenting
rent Current status: no power at home, so an early dinner out with... By Published On :: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 17:56:18 -0800 Current status: no power at home, so an early dinner out with David instead of our planned cooking. Full Article instagram photography life
rent Five Ways Social Media Marketing Can Help Grow Your Rental Property Business By Published On :: Fri, 20 Sep 2019 19:33:45 +0000 Believe it or not, social media is a valuable marketing tool for real estate businesses. Many landlords, property managers, and real estate agents use it for marketing their businesses and attracting more customers. If you haven’t been using social media to promote your rental properties, you’re likely missing out on a variety of benefits. Let’s take... Keep Reading Full Article Investments
rent current TV By Published On :: Mon, 13 Apr 2020 16:57:01 +0000 Here are the recent TV binge watches. The Letter for the King. This is on Netflix, and it’s one of my favorite genres: YA fantasy, which when it’s done well can be so very good — earnest, full of wonder, a clear-cut story not weighed down by the cynicism of things like Game of Thrones. […] Full Article tv
rent How to hack a renter-friendly room divider By Published On :: Fri, 01 May 2020 13:00:00 +0000 It took me almost a year to figure it out. I sent a help request in 2019 but here is my attempt at a renter-friendly room divider. You can get this up by only drilling 4 holes, 2 in the wall and 2 on the ceiling easy to fill up with putty when you are […] The post How to hack a renter-friendly room divider appeared first on IKEA Hackers. Full Article Featured Room Divider Elvarli Ivar
rent Current Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 08:37:14 EST The Moon's current percentage of illumination is 92%. Full Article
rent The Rules of Parenting By Published On :: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 17:34:32 +0000 If you're over fifty, chances are you aren't raising children. They are likely grown up and gone. Maybe they are raising children. If they are, it's likely, they are raising your grandchildren in the same fashion you raised them. Let me ask you a question: who taught you how to raise children? No doubt, your […] Full Article Family One Day Only
rent Union slams BA parent for fuel price error By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 13:50:01 -0400 Unite says BA staff are paying with their jobs Full Article
rent Car rental By Published On :: Got a reminder email from the car rental people so it's official.We're off in a few days.WOOHOO Full Article
rent Everyone's Different By Published On :: Onboard Queen VictoriaYou know that feeling you get when you are in your bedroom laying down after just waking up where you have this moment of intense thinking and all you can imagine is how small you are compared to everything else in exi Full Article
rent Stiftung Warentest über Bluetooth-Kopfhörer: "Ein Gerät hat 'sehr gut'" By Published On :: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 16:07:29 +0200 Viele Bluetooth-Kopfhörer liefern gute Klangqualität, sagt Peter Knaak von der Stiftung Warentest. Worauf Sie beim Kauf achten sollten. Full Article Netzwelt
rent The COVID-19 Battle: A Look at the Treatments Currently Being Used against the Coronavirus By Published On :: Thu, 9 Apr 2020 18:14:31 +0200 In the fight against COVID-19, doctors and health workers are testing drugs and treatments whose efficacy has been proven against other illnesses. We take a look at the most prominent ones and the early findings. Full Article
rent Joe Castiglione, a childhood Yankees fan turned longtime Red Sox broadcaster, talks about the great rivalry that is currently on pause By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 15:42:02 +0000 Joe Castiglione saw his first baseball game in the Bronx. Full Article
rent Employer Policies and the Immigrant-Native Earnings Gap -- by Benoit Dostie, Jiang Li, David Card, Daniel Parent By Published On :: We use longitudinal data from the income tax system to study the impacts of firms’ employment and wage-setting policies on the level and change in immigrant-native wage differences in Canada. We focus on immigrants who arrived in the early 2000s, distinguishing between those with and without a college degree from two broad groups of countries – the U.S., the U.K. and Northern Europe, and the rest of the world. Consistent with a growing literature based on the two-way fixed effects model of Abowd, Kramarz, and Margolis (1999), we find that firm-specific wage premiums explain a significant share of earnings inequality in Canada and contribute to the average earnings gap between immigrants and natives. In the decade after receiving permanent status, earnings of immigrants rise relative to those of natives. Compositional effects due to selective outmigration and changing participation play no role in this gain. About one-sixth is attributable to movements up the job ladder to employers that offer higher pay premiums for all groups, with particularly large gains for immigrants from the “rest of the world” countries. Full Article
rent Utah governor pressured to extend rent deferrals and eviction moratorium to July 15 By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 22:07:42 +0000 Full Article
rent Why I’m on a rent strike By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 17:00:00 +0000 My landlord in Stuyvesant Town is the private equity giant Blackstone, which happens to be the world’s largest private landlord. Blackstone sent a letter to tenants on March 30th offering a “rental assistance program” during COVID-19. The program just meant tenants can break their lease and move during a pandemic, use their security deposit (and pay it back later), or commit to paying full rent over a longer period of time, if we can prove we’ve suffered economic loss. Full Article
rent Jersey City voters pass limits on Airbnb, short-term rentals By Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2019 16:31:58 +0000 Airbnb was dealt another setback in one of its most important markets Tuesday as voters in a New Jersey city just a few minutes by train from the tourist sights of Manhattan approved restrictions on short-term rental companies in a hard-fought referendum. Full Article
rent 11-year-old Brooklyn girl dies in fire amid probe into whether her parents abused her, say sources By Published On :: Tue, 21 Jan 2020 18:22:22 +0000 Shirr Teved was inside her home near Foster Ave. in Flatbush when a fire broke out about 10:30 p.m. Monday. Full Article
rent NYC schools Chancellor apologizes to Queens parents, promises meeting By Published On :: Thu, 30 Jan 2020 22:54:26 +0000 Carranza made an early exit from a community meeting in Bayside last week after two parents demanded answers about violent incidents at Marie Curie Middle School. “I in no way want to show disrespect to any parent that wants to be heard, and I apologize because as a parent myself, I can only imagine the pain parents are feeling when their children have been hurt,” he said. Full Article
rent Parents fight to keep key autism therapy when kids enter NYC schools By Published On :: Mon, 03 Feb 2020 05:01:23 +0000 Applied Behavior Analysis is administered frequently to 0-3-year-olds in the state’s Early Intervention system. Full Article
rent NYC parents of special needs students file class action suit over special education court delays By Published On :: Mon, 10 Feb 2020 23:08:57 +0000 The special education courts are designed to protect the legal rights of those children, but the city’s system is so overburdened that vulnerable students wait months or years for help getting critical support, according to the legal complaint. Full Article
rent NYC Education Dept. announces six-month delay on Queens school diversity plan after parent pushback By Published On :: Wed, 19 Feb 2020 23:40:12 +0000 Officials explained Wednesday that pushing the deadline from June to December for drafting a plan to diversify school enrollment in Queens’s District 28, which stretches from Forest Hills to Jamaica, would allow more people to give their input. Full Article
rent Parents, school officials grapple with school attendance policy amid coronavirus fears By Published On :: Mon, 02 Mar 2020 23:39:32 +0000 Under the policy, middle and high schools may consider attendance records when making admissions decisions — and fourth- and seventh-grade attendance records can be a factor in getting into the city’s most selective public schools. Full Article