
Holy Martyrs Orentius, Pharnacius, Eros, Firmus, Firminus, Cyriacus and Longinus


Holy Martyrs Orentius, Pharnacius, Eros, Firmus, Firminus, Cyriacus, and Longinus


Holy Martyrs Orentius, Pharnacius, Eros, Firmus, Firminus, Cyriacus, and Longinus


Holy Martyrs Orentius, Pharnacius, Eros, Firmus, Firminus, Cyriacus and Longinus (3rd c.)


Martyr Mamas of Caesarea in Cappadocia (275), and his parents, Martyrs Theodotus and Rufina

He began his life in the cruelest of circumstances: both of his parents were imprisoned for their faith in Christ. First his father, Theodotus, died in prison, then his mother, Rufina, died shortly after his birth, so the infant was left alone in prison beside the bodies of his parents. But an angel appeared to the widow Ammia, telling her to go to the prison and rescue the child. Ammia obtained the city governor's permission to bury the parents and bring the child home. He was called Mamas because he was mute until the age of five and his first word was `Mama'. Despite his late beginning, he showed unusual intelligence and, having been brought up in piety, soon openly proclaimed his Christian faith. When he was only fifteen years old he was arrested and brought before the Emperor Aurelian. The Emperor, perhaps seeking to spare the boy, told him to deny Christ only with his lips, and the State would not concern itself with his heart. Mamas replied `I shall not deny my God and King Jesus Christ either in my heart or with my lips.' He was sent to be tortured, but miraculously escaped and lived in the mountains near Caesarea. There he lived in solitude and prayer and befriended many wild beasts. In time, he was discovered by the persecutors and stabbed to death with a trident by a pagan priest.


Martyr Mamas of Caesarea in Cappadocia (275), and his parents, Martyrs Theodotus and Rufina

He began his life in the cruelest of circumstances: both of his parents were imprisoned for their faith in Christ. First his father, Theodotus, died in prison, then his mother, Rufina, died shortly after his birth, so the infant was left alone in prison beside the bodies of his parents. But an angel appeared to the widow Ammia, telling her to go to the prison and rescue the child. Ammia obtained the city governor's permission to bury the parents and bring the child home. He was called Mamas because he was mute until the age of five and his first word was `Mama'. Despite his late beginning, he showed unusual intelligence and, having been brought up in piety, soon openly proclaimed his Christian faith. When he was only fifteen years old he was arrested and brought before the Emperor Aurelian. The Emperor, perhaps seeking to spare the boy, told him to deny Christ only with his lips, and the State would not concern itself with his heart. Mamas replied `I shall not deny my God and King Jesus Christ either in my heart or with my lips.' He was sent to be tortured, but miraculously escaped and lived in the mountains near Caesarea. There he lived in solitude and prayer and befriended many wild beasts. In time, he was discovered by the persecutors and stabbed to death with a trident by a pagan priest.


Martyr Mamas of Caesarea in Cappadocia (275), and his parents, Martyrs Theodotus and Rufina

He began his life in the cruelest of circumstances: both of his parents were imprisoned for their faith in Christ. First his father, Theodotus, died in prison, then his mother, Rufina, died shortly after his birth, so the infant was left alone in prison beside the bodies of his parents. But an angel appeared to the widow Ammia, telling her to go to the prison and rescue the child. Ammia obtained the city governor's permission to bury the parents and bring the child home. He was called Mamas because he was mute until the age of five and his first word was `Mama'. Despite his late beginning, he showed unusual intelligence and, having been brought up in piety, soon openly proclaimed his Christian faith. When he was only fifteen years old he was arrested and brought before the Emperor Aurelian. The Emperor, perhaps seeking to spare the boy, told him to deny Christ only with his lips, and the State would not concern itself with his heart. Mamas replied `I shall not deny my God and King Jesus Christ either in my heart or with my lips.' He was sent to be tortured, but miraculously escaped and lived in the mountains near Caesarea. There he lived in solitude and prayer and befriended many wild beasts. In time, he was discovered by the persecutors and stabbed to death with a trident by a pagan priest.


Martyr Mamas of Caesarea in Cappadocia (275), and his parents, Martyrs Theodotus and Rufina

He began his life in the cruelest of circumstances: both of his parents were imprisoned for their faith in Christ. First his father, Theodotus, died in prison, then his mother, Rufina, died shortly after his birth, so the infant was left alone in prison beside the bodies of his parents. But an angel appeared to the widow Ammia, telling her to go to the prison and rescue the child. Ammia obtained the city governor's permission to bury the parents and bring the child home. He was called Mamas because he was mute until the age of five and his first word was `Mama'. Despite his late beginning, he showed unusual intelligence and, having been brought up in piety, soon openly proclaimed his Christian faith. When he was only fifteen years old he was arrested and brought before the Emperor Aurelian. The Emperor, perhaps seeking to spare the boy, told him to deny Christ only with his lips, and the State would not concern itself with his heart. Mamas replied `I shall not deny my God and King Jesus Christ either in my heart or with my lips.' He was sent to be tortured, but miraculously escaped and lived in the mountains near Caesarea. There he lived in solitude and prayer and befriended many wild beasts. In time, he was discovered by the persecutors and stabbed to death with a trident by a pagan priest.


Martyr Mamas of Caesarea in Cappadocia (275), and his parents, Martyrs Theodotus and Rufina

He began his life in the cruelest of circumstances: both of his parents were imprisoned for their faith in Christ. First his father, Theodotus, died in prison, then his mother, Rufina, died shortly after his birth, so the infant was left alone in prison beside the bodies of his parents. But an angel appeared to the widow Ammia, telling her to go to the prison and rescue the child. Ammia obtained the city governor's permission to bury the parents and bring the child home. He was called Mamas because he was mute until the age of five and his first word was `Mama'. Despite his late beginning, he showed unusual intelligence and, having been brought up in piety, soon openly proclaimed his Christian faith. When he was only fifteen years old he was arrested and brought before the Emperor Aurelian. The Emperor, perhaps seeking to spare the boy, told him to deny Christ only with his lips, and the State would not concern itself with his heart. Mamas replied `I shall not deny my God and King Jesus Christ either in my heart or with my lips.' He was sent to be tortured, but miraculously escaped and lived in the mountains near Caesarea. There he lived in solitude and prayer and befriended many wild beasts. In time, he was discovered by the persecutors and stabbed to death with a trident by a pagan priest.


Holiness How-To: Imitate our Gospel Parents (Sermon Aug. 13, 2017)

Using Paul's exhortation to the Corinthians to imitate him as their father in the Gospel, Fr. Andrew expands this outward to discuss the role of spiritual fathers and mothers in our lives.


A Different Kind of Spring Break

Unsure what to do during your spring break this year? Tasya and OCF Real Break Student Leader Anna Sobchak discuss OCF's alternative spring break trips: Real Break. They consider the importance of these trips in a college student's career, and also discuss fundraising ideas and what's new for Real Break in 2018.


Parenting Myths

Fr. Nick and Dr. Roxanne discuss 5 common myths about parenting. If you are a parent with children at home, you don't want to miss this episode. You may be surprised at some of the myths.


Parenting During The School Year

Fr. Nick and Dr. Roxanne Louh bring us part 1 of a 2 part series on helping us parent our children in the school year. Part 2 will air on September 11, 2018.


Parenting During the School Year: Part Two

Fr. Nicholas and Dr. Roxanne discuss proper parenting, but specifically they focus on navigating the new educational year. This is part two of a two-part presentation.


Summertime Parenting

If you're a parent, what are the two most dreaded words you don't want to hear? "I'm bored!" Listen for some practical summertime parenting tips from the Louhs.


Intentional Parenting - Dr. Philip Mamalakis

Fr. Nick and Dr. Roxanne welcome special guest Dr. Philip Mamalakis, author of the popular parenting book "Parenting Toward The Kingdom."


Becoming a Parent

Orthodox Doula Laura Jansson joins the Louh''s from Oxford in the UK to talk about those very early days of parenthood. Laura is the author of the newly published book from Ancient Faith entitled Fertile Ground: A Pilgrimage Through Pregnancy.


Parenting During the Pandemic

Fr. Nick and Dr. Roxanne bring you a live conversation to give you some practical tools to help you parent during this pandemic.


Parenting During the Pandemic, Part 2

Fr. Nick and Pres. Roxanne share practical tools to help you parent during this pandemic


BREAKING NEWS: Men and Women are Different!

A sermon on the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women reveals shocking news!


Finding Gratitude for Parents

In this episode, Fr. Anthony shares some metaphors (enemy, man half-dead, and publican) for understanding parents and then offers some advice on how to serve (and evangelize) them. It presents the main ideas from the talk he gave at the 2018 Youth and Camp Workers Conference in Atlanta, GA. You can find out more information about the conference at their website,


The Life-Giving Cross: Marriage and Parenting

Elissa discusses Orthodox marriage and parenting, focusing particularly on how both involve dying to self.


Parenting: Struggling Toward Salvation

In honor of Parenting Month at Ancient Faith, Raising Saints is flipping it around: instead of talking about how adults can feed the faith of children, we're considering the impact this process has on the parents, and the many ways in which raising saints can transform one into a saint.


Taking Up the Cross is Very Different from Trying to Use the Cross to Get What We Want

In order to take up our crosses, we must choose to embrace the struggle of dying to our vain illusions about ourselves and our world. Our hope is not in spiritual or moral perfection acquired merely by our own willpower, but in the gracious mercy of the One Who offered up Himself for our salvation purely out of love.


Daring to be Different: Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost, Second of Luke

Daring to be Different: Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost, Second of Luke, and feast day of the Apostle Ananias. Our readings for this week (2 Cor 6:16-18, 7:1; Luke 6:31-36) bring us face-to-face with an uncomfortable part of our faith: we are to be “holy” or different. We look to the challenge God gives to Israel in Exodus, and the promises to fulfill this holiness in the prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel to help us to understand our calling.


Sunday School and Parents

Sunday school should just be about reinforcing what is taught in the Divine Litrgy and not a replacement of it.


Sunday of Godparents

Fr. Theodore Paraskevopoulos explains the importance of Godparents in the life of the Orthodox Christian.


Parenting Toward the Kingdom

Fr. Evan welcomes Dr. Philip Mamalakis for this special extended version of Orthodoxy Live. Many have found Dr. Philip's new book, Parenting Toward the Kingdom, to be a very helpful resource in raising their children. The two of them discuss child rearing, family life, and the joys and struggles of parenting. With far more questions than they had time to get to, look for a followup program down the road.


Guest Co-Host Fr. Alexander Rentel

Fr. Evan Armatas welcomes Fr. Alexander Rentel from St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary as a guest co-host. Fr. Alexander is an expert on canon law and together they tackled a variety of listener questions from calls, email, the chat room, and pre-recorded.


A Different Kind of Mission

Dn. Theodore tells about the new ministry that the mission provides.


The Prayer of a Suffering Parent Touches the Mercy of God

Reflections written by Fr. Nicolaie about the gospel story of the father of the demon-possessed boy.


How is humility different from simple self-criticism?


On Being a Parent

Fr. Dn. Emmanuel reflects on the early childhood of Jesus and the role of his parents.


Same Stuff, Different Day


Parenting Toward the Kingdom

Bobby Maddex interviews Dr. Philip Mamalakis, the author of the new AFP book Parenting Toward the Kingdom: Orthodox Christian Principles of Child-Rearing.


Reflections On Planned Parenthood And Cecil The Lion

Two items in the news lately have captured Wesley's attention.


Why Our Medical Elite Support Planned Parenthood

If you think it is respectable to consider babies, whether born or unborn, to be an inferior stage of human life, you can easily come to think that they have few rights that fully developed persons are bound to respect.


Risen Christians: An Interview with Fr. Alexander Rentel

Dr. Albert Rossi interviews the Very Rev. Dr. Alexander Rentel, the new Chancellor of the Orthodox Church in America. Fr. Alexander recently gave a homily in the chapel of St. Vladimir's Theological Seminary on the topic of the paschal light of Christ at work in risen Christians.


The Life-Giving Cross: Marriage, Parenting, and Caregiving

Elissa Bjeletich, author of Blueprints for the Little Church and the host of the AFR podcast "Raising Saints," speaks at The Holy Taxiarchai and St. Haralambos Greek Orthodox Church in Niles, Illinois.


How Should Orthodox Parents Talk to Their Kids About Homosexuality?: Part Two

One of the extremely complicated issues with which Orthodox parents must contend these days is that of homosexuality. How do we talk to our kids about same-sex desires and relationships and how do we do so with the sensitivity, nuance, and frankness that the topic requires? At the request of Carole Buleza, the Director of the Antiochian Department of Christian Education, Bobby Maddex once again interviews Dr. Philip Mamalakis, an Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, about how to talk about marriage, intimacy, and homosexuality with your children. This is part two!


How Should Orthodox Parents Talk to Their Kids About Homosexuality?

One of the extremely complicated issues with which Orthodox parents must contend these days is that of homosexuality. How do we talk to our kids about same-sex desires and relationships and how do we do so with the sensitivity, nuance, and frankness that the topic requires? At the request of Carole Buleza, the Director of the Antiochian Department of Christian Education, Bobby Maddex interviews Dr. Philip Mamalakis, an Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, about how to talk about marriage, intimacy, and homosexuality with your children.


Parenting Toward the Kingdom: A Companion Guide

Bobby Maddox, the Director of Digital Media for Ancient Faith Ministries, interviews Dr. Philip Mamalakis, author of the Ancient Faith publishing book Parenting Toward the Kingdom: Orthodox Christian Principles of Child Rearing, about the book's new Companion Guide.


Parenting Toward the Kingdom: A Companion Guide - Part Two

Bobby Maddex interviews Kendra Hunter, Kristina Tartara, and Stephanie Petrides, the authors of the new companion guide to Dr. Philip Mamalakis's book Parenting Toward the Kingdom: Orthodox Christian Principles of Child Rearing, publishing by Ancient Faith Publishing.


Elijah on Two Different Mountains

Fr. Pat preaches from 1 Kings 18:42-19:18, about Elijah, who, after his fearless encounter with the priests of Baal, is now isolated and filled with self-pity.


David Daleiden - The Man Behind the Planned Parenthood Exposé

In this special edition of Ancient Faith Today, Kevin speaks, in this extensive interview, with David Daleiden, the director of the Center For Medical Progress, the pro-life activist organization that planned and produced the ​exposé videos that have shaken the abortion industry in the United States.


Christians Must Be Different

So you're doing well are you? Ooops! Christians are required to be different.


Dust, Water, Five Husbands, the current man and a Virus


Repent: live differently


National Parenting Month

Phew I made it! Time to kick off National Parenting Month. First is a book review of Parenting Toward the Kingdom and the outline of topics that will be discussed this month. Happy Parenting!


Investors' reaction to Budget 'very different' to Truss

Treasury secretary speaks out to reassure the markets after a rise in the cost of government borrowing.