
Webb Telescope Reveals Supermassive Black Holes Can 'Starve' Galaxies of Star Formation

What influence can black holes have on a galaxy’s formation and evolution? This is what a recent study published in Nature Astronomy hopes to address

  • Earth & The Environment


Genentech Closes Cancer Immunology Department

Genentech, a leading biotechnology company, recently announced the permanent closing of their Cancer Immunology Department. This announcement comes as a ma


Table Salt Can Activate Immune Cells Against Cancer

Salt has been used for a myriad of reasons throughout history. Not only did individuals use it to preserve food, but it was also used to garden, to constru


A Novel Link between Cancer and Aging May Provide a Therapeutic Target

Experts largely acknowledge cancer as a disease of aging.  The intricate relationship between aging and cancer is underscored by their shared mechanis


Hybrid Immune Cells from Skull Bone Marrow Suppress Brain Cancer

Brain tumors or glioblastomas are one of the most difficult cancer types to treat. These masses are malignant tumors that are made up of abnormal neuronal


Cancer Development, Growth, and Evasion of the Immune Response

Most know the word “cancer” as a negative thing.  As a disease characterized by the body’s cells growing uncontrollably, cancer rema


Cannabis Use Linked to More Sick Days from Work

Recent and frequent cannabis use and cannabis use disorder (CUD) are linked to higher levels of workplace absenteeism.


Potential links between cannabis legalization and mental health medications

What influence does cannabis legalization, whether medical or recreational, have on mental health prescription medications? This is what a recent study pub


Cannabis Use Remains at Historical Highs in 2023

Use of cannabis and hallucinogens remained at historically high levels in 2023 among adults aged 19- 30 years and 35-50.


Study Shows Anti-Aging Effects of Cannabis in Mice Brains

A study published in ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science indicated that long-term THC treatment can initially enhance cognition by increasing the


Frequent Cannabis Use Linked to Poor Sleep, Memory Problems

People with cannabis use disorder (CUD) report more sleep problems than those without, and their disrupted sleep may affect visual learning memory.


Study Links Chronic Cannabis Use with Sleep and Memory Problems

A study published in The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol found that long-term cannabis users experience interfered with sleep and memory. The findings


Minimal ADHD Risk Associated With Prenatal Cannabis Exposure

A review published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology found a slight increase in the risk of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (AD


21% of Adults Aged 50+ Used Cannabis in the Last Year

A new poll shows that 21% of people aged 50 years and up used cannabis in the last year, with 12% taking the substance at least once per month.


Study Highlights Link Between Cannabis Use and Lower Body Mass Index

A study published in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research examined the effects of cannabis use on body mass index (BMI) and found that adults with a history o

  • Health & Medicine


Study Links Chronic Cannabis Use with Sleep and Memory Problems

A study published in The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol found that long-term cannabis users experience interfered with sleep and memory. The findings

  • Health & Medicine


Subtype-Dependent Health Disparities Among Breast Cancer Patients

Breast cancer remains the most common invasive cancer diagnosed in women in the United States, accounting for about one in three new female cancers each ye

  • Health & Medicine


Minimal ADHD Risk Associated With Prenatal Cannabis Exposure

A review published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology found a slight increase in the risk of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (AD

  • Health & Medicine


21% of Adults Aged 50+ Used Cannabis in the Last Year

A new poll shows that 21% of people aged 50 years and up used cannabis in the last year, with 12% taking the substance at least once per month.

  • Health & Medicine


Adverse Delta-8 Incidents Higher in States Without Legal Cannabis

A study published in the Journal of Medical Toxicology compared incidents of adverse Delta-8 effects in states with and without legal cannabis. States with

  • Health & Medicine


Healthy Bacterial Strains That Can Fight Gut Infections are ID'ed

Scientists are starting to learn about what composes a healthy microbiome, such as the bacterial species and the molecules they generate...

  • Health & Medicine


Awareness of Workplace-Related Cancers Can Lead to Preventative Strategies

Today, the United States celebrates Labor Day a holiday honoring American workers and the contributions they make to economic prosperity. President Grover

  • Clinical & Molecular DX


A Novel Link between Cancer and Aging May Provide a Therapeutic Target

Experts largely acknowledge cancer as a disease of aging.  The intricate relationship between aging and cancer is underscored by their shared mechanis

  • Clinical & Molecular DX


Blood Test Can Predict 30-Year Heart Disease Risk in Women

If people can get advanced warnings that they are at high risk for certain diseases, they might be able to implement lifestyle changes that can reduce ...

  • Clinical & Molecular DX


Breast Cancer Drug Shows Promise in Treating Childhood Brain Cancer

High-grade glioma (HGG), a type of aggressive brain cancer, accounts for the leading cause of cancer-related mortality for children and adolescents. 

  • Clinical & Molecular DX


Cancer Development, Growth, and Evasion of the Immune Response

Most know the word “cancer” as a negative thing.  As a disease characterized by the body’s cells growing uncontrollably, cancer rema

  • Clinical & Molecular DX


Gene Therapy Significantly Improves Eyesight

A team of researchers report findings from a Phase I/II gene therapy clinical trial for patients with Leber congenital amaurosis, which found that the gene

  • Clinical & Molecular DX


Subtype-Dependent Health Disparities Among Breast Cancer Patients

Breast cancer remains the most common invasive cancer diagnosed in women in the United States, accounting for about one in three new female cancers each ye

  • Clinical & Molecular DX


NASA and ISS National Lab Choose WFIRM for Innovative Cancer Study

How can microgravity help advance cancer research? This is what an upcoming grant-awarded project sponsored by the International Space Station (ISS) Nation


Global Study Reveals Urban Areas Receive Significantly More Rainfall Than Rural Neighbors

How does an urban environment influence its rainfall? This is what a recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences hopes to


Gravity Data Uncovers Ancient Ocean Features and Volcanic Activity on Mars

What did Mars look like billions of years ago? This is what a recent study presented at the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) 2024 hopes to address as a t


Gene Therapy Significantly Improves Eyesight

A team of researchers report findings from a Phase I/II gene therapy clinical trial for patients with Leber congenital amaurosis, which found that the gene


Fresh Volcanic Eruption Captured on Io by NASA's Juno Mission

Jupiter’s moon, Io, is the most volcanically active planetary body in the entire solar system as it boasts hundreds of active volcanoes. This number


Webb Telescope Reveals Supermassive Black Holes Can 'Starve' Galaxies of Star Formation

What influence can black holes have on a galaxy’s formation and evolution? This is what a recent study published in Nature Astronomy hopes to address


Fungi Can Change Their Cell Walls to Evade Antifungals

Fungi are everywhere, and in many cases, a fungal infection can be eliminated by a person's immune system. But fungal infections can also send long hyphae


A Microbial Pathogen Can Target an Electrical Signal in the Gut

Our skin is a crucial, protective barrier that is considered to be a major part of our immune defenses. When pathogens try to infect us, they have to get ...


Healthy Bacterial Strains That Can Fight Gut Infections are ID'ed

Scientists are starting to learn about what composes a healthy microbiome, such as the bacterial species and the molecules they generate...


B9: Implementing a Content Management System: Can you Avoid the Pain?

Dan Smith, The University of Southampton will use his experience of rolling out a successful Web CMS to help attendees with potential problems.


B2: People, Processes and Projects - How the Culture of an Organisation can Impact on Technical System Implementation

Claire Gibbons, Web Officer (Marketing and Communications), University of Bradford and Russell Allen, Project Manager (Portal and CMS), Management Information Services, University of Bradford will help delegates gain an understanding of 'organisational culture' and the effect this can have on change management and/or system implementation.


A9: The Eternal Beta - Can it Work in an Institution?

Phil Wilson, University of Bath will consider how Google's famous for it, Flickr's moved to Gamma, Moo are on an eternal 1.0 - yet still in institutions we plod on with a tired, slow-moving and opaque process for developing and enhancing applications. From our closed support lines to official notices on unread Web sites and applications mysteriously changing in front of a user's very eyes we look staid and tedious. But it doesn't have to be like that, we could be fast faced and interactive - but at what cost? Continuity? Uptime?


Plenary Talk 4: Can Your Web site Be Your API?

Drew McLellan will talk about how every time non-semantic markup is used, a piece of data dies. Data was born to be shared. Discover how the use of semantic markup and microformats can obsolete common read-heavy APIs and can be paired with identity protocols and OpenID to provide casual APIs for the loosely coupled generation.


B5: Archiving the Web: What can Institutions learn from National and International Web Archiving Initiatives

This session will be run by Michael Day, DCC, UKOLN, Maureen Pennock, DCC, UKOLN and Lizzie Richmond, University Archivist, University of Bath. Institutional Web sites have become an increasingly important tool for disseminating key institutional information to and between staff, students, researchers and the general public. They are widely recognised as key front-office mechanisms for the communication of important information, but the long-term survival of Web site resources and data with non-transient or enduring value is often overridden by the short-term benefits of on-the-fly Web site management. As a result, even institutions with Web site archiving policies can find themselves falling victim to the so-called digital dark ages and fail to preserve valuable information.


Canada's Federal Pay Equity Act Takes Effect on August 31, 2021

Rhonda Levy and Barry Kuretzky examine Canada’s federal Pay Equity Act and offer tips to employers for establishing a pay equity plan.

Human Resources Director Canada

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Canada’s Proposed Modern Slavery Act Would Impose Significant Annual Reporting Obligations on Certain Private-Sector Entities

  • Bill S-211 would enact the Modern Slavery Act, which would require covered employers to report annually on efforts to combat forced and child labour.
  • If the Modern Slavery Act receives Royal Assent in 2022, it will take effect January 1, 2023, and employer reporting requirements will commence May 31, 2023.
  • Non-Canadian entities that do business in Canada and meet the size and activity requirements might be subject to this law.


Ontario, Canada Court Addresses Statutory Tort of Human Trafficking in Labour Context

  • Temporary foreign worker made a claim for damages against employer for the statutory tort of human trafficking under the Prevention of and Remedies for Human Trafficking Act.


Canada Passes Modern Slavery Act

On May 11, 2023, Canada passed An Act to enact Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act and to amend the Customs Tariff (the “Act”). As we reported previously, the Act will create supply chain transparency and reporting obligations for certain companies as part of Canada’s efforts to fight against forced labour and child labour in Canadian supply chains.


Can Data Solve Employers' Compensation Headache?

Zev Eigen comments on the value of data in making decisions on compensation.

HR Dive

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Three Ways Data Can Improve Legal Operations

Scott Forman authored this article regarding big data, benchmarking, predictive modeling and trendspotting.

Today's General Counsel

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How Can Artificial Intelligence Work for HR?

Aaron Crews explains the many ways AI can benefit employers.

SHRM Online

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Littler and Prime Policy Group Release Joint Report on the Impact of AI and Automation on the American Workforce

Report Explores the Myriad Issues Related to Technology-Induced Displacement of Employees (TIDE)