pli Growing cardiovascular genetics field calls for special multidisciplinary clinical programs to better identify and treat inherited heart conditions By Published On :: Thu, 23 May 2019 09:00:00 GMT Statement Highlights: In a new scientific statement, the American Heart Association supports the creation of specialized multidisciplinary clinical programs that combine cardiovascular medicine and genetics expertise. These specialized programs would use genetic information to better treat patients with inherited heart conditions, as well as assess family members without current heart problems and take steps to reduce their risk. Full Article
pli Application deadline extended for college scholarships and school grants from American Heart Association’s school-based programs By Published On :: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 15:00:00 GMT DALLAS, April 14, 2020 – The American Heart Association has extended the deadline for individual scholarships and school grants offered through Kids Heart Challenge and American Heart Challenge to June 30. As schools nationwide moved to remote learning,... Full Article
pli The American Heart Association asks your help to support the 120M people in the U.S. living with cardiovascular disease who may be at higher risk of complications from COVID-19 By Published On :: Mon, 04 May 2020 17:30:00 GMT DALLAS, May 4, 2020 — Tomorrow, on #GivingTuesdayNow, a global day of philanthropic action to address the COVID-19 pandemic, the American Heart Association – the leading global public health organization devoted to a world of longer healthier lives – is... Full Article
pli Astra Pro with Gutenberg Review – Practical Application By Published On :: Mon, 12 Aug 2019 16:17:48 +0000 At 3.7 Designs we have an array of strategies we use to solve business problems. For example, when it comes to redesigning a website we might recommend recommend a completely custom design that starts with a design discovery engagement. Typically this process can take three to six months with ample time upfront to research the […] The post Astra Pro with Gutenberg Review – Practical Application appeared first on Psychology of Web Design | 3.7 Blog. Full Article Strategy and Planning Web Design WordPress
pli Better Late Than Never To Make Your WordPress GDPR Compliant – 21 Plugins You Might Need To Know By Published On :: Fri, 15 Jun 2018 09:46:50 +0000 Lately, The hype of GDPR was on high around May 25, 2018 but due to its complication and in depth detail, it was not easy for everyone to understand and get prepare for this new policy for European countries. In very simple words, GDPR stands for General... The post Better Late Than Never To Make Your WordPress GDPR Compliant – 21 Plugins You Might Need To Know appeared first on Full Article Best of the Web Blogging Freebies Web Design Wordpress
pli 7 Web Apps For Web Designers To Simplify Their Work Life By Published On :: Mon, 18 Jun 2018 21:49:48 +0000 There are many web apps for designer and developers out there, but getting by free and good ones is not that easy. That is why we are sharing 7 Web Apps For Web Designers To Simplify Their Work Life. Previously, we have already covered 9 Tools To... The post 7 Web Apps For Web Designers To Simplify Their Work Life appeared first on Full Article Best of the Web color Schemes CSS/Style Sheets Image Tools Tools Web Applications Web Design
pli How to Duplicate WordPress Database using phpMyAdmin By Published On :: Sat, 23 Sep 2017 04:31:46 +0000 Do you want to duplicate your WordPress database using phpMyAdmin? WordPress stores all your website data in a MySQL database. Sometimes you may need to quickly clone a WordPress database to transfer a website or to create manual backups. Full Article Installation Database duplicate phpmyadmin wordpress
pli How to Migrate a Local WordPress Install to a Live Site. Duplicator plugin By Published On :: Fri, 29 Sep 2017 04:41:54 +0000 Using a local server environment will save you a bunch of time if you regularly develop new WordPress websites. Local development has many advantages – it’s faster and more secure than constantly uploading files to a server. Full Article Plugins duplicator life localhost migration plugin site to
pli cforms II now GPL compliant By Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 18:08:14 +0000 Well, it was a long run, ok, only 24 hours when Mr. Seidel’s announced that he would pull the plug on further updates to the cforms plugin. But after consideration and many emails, he has released a update to a GPL compliant version of his plugin: 10.2. The post cforms II now GPL compliant appeared first on WPCult. Full Article News Plugins cforms II compliant GPL
pli New Auphonic Privacy Policy and GDPR Compliance By Published On :: Thu, 24 May 2018 09:26:55 +0000 The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union will be implemented on May 25th, 2018. We used this opportunity to rework many of our internal data processing structures, removed unnecessary trackers and apply this strict and transparent regulation also to all our customers worldwide. Image from At Auphonic we store as few personal information as possible about your usage and production data. Here are a few human-readable excerpts from our privacy policy about which information we collect, how we process it, how long and where we store it - for more details please see our full Privacy Policy. Information that we collect Your email address when you create an account. Your files, content, configuration parameters and other information, including your photos, audio or video files, production settings, metadata and emails. Your tokens or authentication information if you choose to connect to any External services. Your subscription plan, credits purchases and production billing history associated with your account, where applicable. Your interactions with us, whether by email, on our blog or on our social media platforms. We do not process any special categories of data (also commonly referred to as “sensitive personal data”). How we use and process your Data To authenticate you when you log on to your account. To run your Productions, such that Auphonic can create new media files from your Content according to your instructions. To improve our audio processing algorithms. For this purpose, you agree that your Content may be viewed and/or listened to by an Auphonic employee or any person contracted by Auphonic to work on our audio processing algorithms. To connect your Auphonic account to an External service according to your instructions. To develop, improve and optimize the contents, screen layouts and features of our Services. To follow up on any question and request for assistance or information. When using our Service, you fully retain any rights that you have with regards to your Content, including copyright. How long we store your Information Your Productions and any associated audio or video files will be permanently deleted from our servers including all its metadata and possible data from external services after 21 days (7 days for video productions). We will, however, keep billing metadata associated with your Productions in an internal database (how many hours of audio you processed). Also, we might store selected audio and/or video files (or excerpts thereof) from your Content in an internal storage space for the purpose of improving our audio processing algorithms. Other information like Presets, connected External services, Account settings etc. will be stored until you delete them or when your account is deleted. Where we store your Data All data that we collect from you is stored on secure servers in the European Economic Area (in Germany). More Information and Contact For more information please read our full Privacy Policy. Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any matter relating to our privacy policy and GDPR compliance! Full Article News
pli Mobile App Website Inspiration: 20 Application Websites and Tips to Help You Design One By Published On :: Tue, 10 Dec 2019 00:01:17 +0000 It may seem a bit curious that more than a few app websites are only given a cursory inspection by app owners. It is given before being largely ignored because visitors have gone elsewhere. The reason for a given website may be completely valid in that it addresses a well-established need. It has a poor […] The post Mobile App Website Inspiration: 20 Application Websites and Tips to Help You Design One appeared first on WebAppers. Full Article Uncategorized
pli Tutorial: Trendy Splitscreen Layout With CSS3 Animations (Pt. 1) By Published On :: Thu, 29 Dec 2016 18:00:54 +0000 There is no better time than the end of the year for some fresh inspiration! One of the most popular trends this year, features splitscreen layouts, lots of white space, clean typography and subtle effects. With this playful trend in mind, I’ve created a two-part tutorial to show you how to use flexbox, 3D transforms […] The post Tutorial: Trendy Splitscreen Layout With CSS3 Animations (Pt. 1) appeared first on Web Designer Wall. Full Article Tutorials CSS jQuery
pli Unwell: The Public Health Implications of Unregulated Drinking Water By Published On :: Mon, 06 Nov 2017 21:28:26 +0000 By Nate Seltenrich Environmental Health Perspectives Roughly one in seven U.S. residents relies on a private well for drinking water.1 Unlike the rest of the population served by the nation’s many public water systems,2 these 44.5 million Americans are not … Continue reading → Full Article Drinking Water safe drinking water water wells
pli How A Web Design Business Can Benefit From Using Accounting Applications By Published On :: Wed, 18 Mar 2020 14:58:32 PDT Accounting applications help web design businesses in many ways. As a web design service provider, you should use them to boost your business. Start by browsing some resources online that provide... Full Article Business
pli "I always hated that word—marketing—and I hate it now. Because for me, and this may sound simplistic,..." By Published On :: Sat, 08 Oct 2011 20:20:00 -0700 ““I always hated that word—marketing—and I hate it now. Because for me, and this may sound simplistic, the key to marketing is to make something people want. When they want it, they buy it. When they buy it, you have sales. So the product has to speak. The product is what markets things.”” - Interview with Tom Ford. Full Article tom ford
pli Astra Pro with Gutenberg Review – Practical Application By Published On :: Mon, 12 Aug 2019 16:17:48 +0000 At 3.7 Designs we have an array of strategies we use to solve business problems. For example, when it comes to redesigning a website we might recommend recommend a completely custom design that starts with a design discovery engagement. Typically this process can take three to six months with ample time upfront to research the […] The post Astra Pro with Gutenberg Review – Practical Application appeared first on Psychology of Web Design | 3.7 Blog. Full Article Strategy and Planning Web Design WordPress
pli Roy Horn of 'Siegfried and Roy' Dies of COVID-19 Complications By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 10:32:26 -0400 Roy Horn, famed tiger handler and co-star of the magic duo known as Siegfried and Roy, died of complications from the coronavirus in a hospital in Las Vegas on Friday. He was 75 years old. "Today, the world has lost one of the greats of magic, but I have lost my best friend," Siegfried Fischbacher said in a statement. "From the moment we met, I knew Roy and I, together, would change the world." "There could be no Siegfried without Roy, and no Roy without Siegfried." This is a developing story. Please check back for updates. Full Article news
pli Nonlinear stability of explicit self-similar solutions for the timelike extremal hypersurfaces in R^{1+3}. (arXiv:1907.01126v2 [math.AP] UPDATED) By Published On :: This paper is devoted to the study of the singularity phenomenon of timelike extremal hypersurfaces in Minkowski spacetime $mathbb{R}^{1+3}$. We find that there are two explicit lightlike self-similar solutions to a graph representation of timelike extremal hypersurfaces in Minkowski spacetime $mathbb{R}^{1+3}$, the geometry of them are two spheres. The linear mode unstable of those lightlike self-similar solutions for the radially symmetric membranes equation is given. After that, we show those self-similar solutions of the radially symmetric membranes equation are nonlinearly stable inside a strictly proper subset of the backward lightcone. This means that the dynamical behavior of those two spheres is as attractors. Meanwhile, we overcome the double roots case (the theorem of Poincar'{e} can't be used) in solving the difference equation by construction of a Newton's polygon when we carry out the analysis of spectrum for the linear operator. Full Article
pli A Forward-Backward Splitting Method for Monotone Inclusions Without Cocoercivity. (arXiv:1808.04162v4 [math.OC] UPDATED) By Published On :: In this work, we propose a simple modification of the forward-backward splitting method for finding a zero in the sum of two monotone operators. Our method converges under the same assumptions as Tseng's forward-backward-forward method, namely, it does not require cocoercivity of the single-valued operator. Moreover, each iteration only requires one forward evaluation rather than two as is the case for Tseng's method. Variants of the method incorporating a linesearch, relaxation and inertia, or a structured three operator inclusion are also discussed. Full Article
pli Expansion of Iterated Stratonovich Stochastic Integrals of Arbitrary Multiplicity Based on Generalized Iterated Fourier Series Converging Pointwise. (arXiv:1801.00784v9 [math.PR] UPDATED) By Published On :: The article is devoted to the expansion of iterated Stratonovich stochastic integrals of arbitrary multiplicity $k$ $(kinmathbb{N})$ based on the generalized iterated Fourier series. The case of Fourier-Legendre series as well as the case of trigonotemric Fourier series are considered in details. The obtained expansion provides a possibility to represent the iterated Stratonovich stochastic integral in the form of iterated series of products of standard Gaussian random variables. Convergence in the mean of degree $2n$ $(nin mathbb{N})$ of the expansion is proved. Some modifications of the mentioned expansion were derived for the case $k=2$. One of them is based of multiple trigonomentric Fourier series converging almost everywhere in the square $[t, T]^2$. The results of the article can be applied to the numerical solution of Ito stochastic differential equations. Full Article
pli Simulation of Integro-Differential Equation and Application in Estimation of Ruin Probability with Mixed Fractional Brownian Motion. (arXiv:1709.03418v6 [math.PR] UPDATED) By Published On :: In this paper, we are concerned with the numerical solution of one type integro-differential equation by a probability method based on the fundamental martingale of mixed Gaussian processes. As an application, we will try to simulate the estimation of ruin probability with an unknown parameter driven not by the classical L'evy process but by the mixed fractional Brownian motion. Full Article
pli A Class of Functional Inequalities and their Applications to Fourth-Order Nonlinear Parabolic Equations. (arXiv:1612.03508v3 [math.AP] UPDATED) By Published On :: We study a class of fourth order nonlinear parabolic equations which include the thin-film equation and the quantum drift-diffusion model as special cases. We investigate these equations by first developing functional inequalities of the type $ int_Omega u^{2gamma-alpha-eta}Delta u^alphaDelta u^eta dx geq cint_Omega|Delta u^gamma |^2dx $, which seem to be of interest on their own right. Full Article
pli A reaction-diffusion system to better comprehend the unlockdown: Application of SEIR-type model with diffusion to the spatial spread of COVID-19 in France. (arXiv:2005.03499v1 [q-bio.PE]) By Published On :: A reaction-diffusion model was developed describing the spread of the COVID-19 virus considering the mean daily movement of susceptible, exposed and asymptomatic individuals. The model was calibrated using data on the confirmed infection and death from France as well as their initial spatial distribution. First, the system of partial differential equations is studied, then the basic reproduction number, R0 is derived. Second, numerical simulations, based on a combination of level-set and finite differences, shown the spatial spread of COVID-19 from March 16 to June 16. Finally, scenarios of unlockdown are compared according to variation of distancing, or partially spatial lockdown. Full Article
pli The Cascade Transformer: an Application for Efficient Answer Sentence Selection. (arXiv:2005.02534v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED) By Published On :: Large transformer-based language models have been shown to be very effective in many classification tasks. However, their computational complexity prevents their use in applications requiring the classification of a large set of candidates. While previous works have investigated approaches to reduce model size, relatively little attention has been paid to techniques to improve batch throughput during inference. In this paper, we introduce the Cascade Transformer, a simple yet effective technique to adapt transformer-based models into a cascade of rankers. Each ranker is used to prune a subset of candidates in a batch, thus dramatically increasing throughput at inference time. Partial encodings from the transformer model are shared among rerankers, providing further speed-up. When compared to a state-of-the-art transformer model, our approach reduces computation by 37% with almost no impact on accuracy, as measured on two English Question Answering datasets. Full Article
pli Safe non-smooth black-box optimization with application to policy search. (arXiv:1912.09466v3 [math.OC] UPDATED) By Published On :: For safety-critical black-box optimization tasks, observations of the constraints and the objective are often noisy and available only for the feasible points. We propose an approach based on log barriers to find a local solution of a non-convex non-smooth black-box optimization problem $min f^0(x)$ subject to $f^i(x)leq 0,~ i = 1,ldots, m$, at the same time, guaranteeing constraint satisfaction while learning an optimal solution with high probability. Our proposed algorithm exploits noisy observations to iteratively improve on an initial safe point until convergence. We derive the convergence rate and prove safety of our algorithm. We demonstrate its performance in an application to an iterative control design problem. Full Article
pli A Fast and Accurate Algorithm for Spherical Harmonic Analysis on HEALPix Grids with Applications to the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. (arXiv:1904.10514v4 [math.NA] UPDATED) By Published On :: The Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelation (HEALPix) scheme is used extensively in astrophysics for data collection and analysis on the sphere. The scheme was originally designed for studying the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation, which represents the first light to travel during the early stages of the universe's development and gives the strongest evidence for the Big Bang theory to date. Refined analysis of the CMB angular power spectrum can lead to revolutionary developments in understanding the nature of dark matter and dark energy. In this paper, we present a new method for performing spherical harmonic analysis for HEALPix data, which is a central component to computing and analyzing the angular power spectrum of the massive CMB data sets. The method uses a novel combination of a non-uniform fast Fourier transform, the double Fourier sphere method, and Slevinsky's fast spherical harmonic transform (Slevinsky, 2019). For a HEALPix grid with $N$ pixels (points), the computational complexity of the method is $mathcal{O}(Nlog^2 N)$, with an initial set-up cost of $mathcal{O}(N^{3/2}log N)$. This compares favorably with $mathcal{O}(N^{3/2})$ runtime complexity of the current methods available in the HEALPix software when multiple maps need to be analyzed at the same time. Using numerical experiments, we demonstrate that the new method also appears to provide better accuracy over the entire angular power spectrum of synthetic data when compared to the current methods, with a convergence rate at least two times higher. Full Article
pli Keeping out the Masses: Understanding the Popularity and Implications of Internet Paywalls. (arXiv:1903.01406v4 [cs.CY] UPDATED) By Published On :: Funding the production of quality online content is a pressing problem for content producers. The most common funding method, online advertising, is rife with well-known performance and privacy harms, and an intractable subject-agent conflict: many users do not want to see advertisements, depriving the site of needed funding. Because of these negative aspects of advertisement-based funding, paywalls are an increasingly popular alternative for websites. This shift to a "pay-for-access" web is one that has potentially huge implications for the web and society. Instead of a system where information (nominally) flows freely, paywalls create a web where high quality information is available to fewer and fewer people, leaving the rest of the web users with less information, that might be also less accurate and of lower quality. Despite the potential significance of a move from an "advertising-but-open" web to a "paywalled" web, we find this issue understudied. This work addresses this gap in our understanding by measuring how widely paywalls have been adopted, what kinds of sites use paywalls, and the distribution of policies enforced by paywalls. A partial list of our findings include that (i) paywall use is accelerating (2x more paywalls every 6 months), (ii) paywall adoption differs by country (e.g. 18.75% in US, 12.69% in Australia), (iii) paywalls change how users interact with sites (e.g. higher bounce rates, less incoming links), (iv) the median cost of an annual paywall access is $108 per site, and (v) paywalls are in general trivial to circumvent. Finally, we present the design of a novel, automated system for detecting whether a site uses a paywall, through the combination of runtime browser instrumentation and repeated programmatic interactions with the site. We intend this classifier to augment future, longitudinal measurements of paywall use and behavior. Full Article
pli ErdH{o}s-P'osa property of chordless cycles and its applications. (arXiv:1711.00667v3 [math.CO] UPDATED) By Published On :: A chordless cycle, or equivalently a hole, in a graph $G$ is an induced subgraph of $G$ which is a cycle of length at least $4$. We prove that the ErdH{o}s-P'osa property holds for chordless cycles, which resolves the major open question concerning the ErdH{o}s-P'osa property. Our proof for chordless cycles is constructive: in polynomial time, one can find either $k+1$ vertex-disjoint chordless cycles, or $c_1k^2 log k+c_2$ vertices hitting every chordless cycle for some constants $c_1$ and $c_2$. It immediately implies an approximation algorithm of factor $mathcal{O}(sf{opt}log {sf opt})$ for Chordal Vertex Deletion. We complement our main result by showing that chordless cycles of length at least $ell$ for any fixed $ellge 5$ do not have the ErdH{o}s-P'osa property. Full Article
pli A Local Spectral Exterior Calculus for the Sphere and Application to the Shallow Water Equations. (arXiv:2005.03598v1 [math.NA]) By Published On :: We introduce $Psimathrm{ec}$, a local spectral exterior calculus for the two-sphere $S^2$. $Psimathrm{ec}$ provides a discretization of Cartan's exterior calculus on $S^2$ formed by spherical differential $r$-form wavelets. These are well localized in space and frequency and provide (Stevenson) frames for the homogeneous Sobolev spaces $dot{H}^{-r+1}( Omega_{ u}^{r} , S^2 )$ of differential $r$-forms. At the same time, they satisfy important properties of the exterior calculus, such as the de Rahm complex and the Hodge-Helmholtz decomposition. Through this, $Psimathrm{ec}$ is tailored towards structure preserving discretizations that can adapt to solutions with varying regularity. The construction of $Psimathrm{ec}$ is based on a novel spherical wavelet frame for $L_2(S^2)$ that we obtain by introducing scalable reproducing kernel frames. These extend scalable frames to weighted sampling expansions and provide an alternative to quadrature rules for the discretization of needlet-like scale-discrete wavelets. We verify the practicality of $Psimathrm{ec}$ for numerical computations using the rotating shallow water equations. Our numerical results demonstrate that a $Psimathrm{ec}$-based discretization of the equations attains accuracy comparable to those of spectral methods while using a representation that is well localized in space and frequency. Full Article
pli Learning Implicit Text Generation via Feature Matching. (arXiv:2005.03588v1 [cs.CL]) By Published On :: Generative feature matching network (GFMN) is an approach for training implicit generative models for images by performing moment matching on features from pre-trained neural networks. In this paper, we present new GFMN formulations that are effective for sequential data. Our experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method, SeqGFMN, for three distinct generation tasks in English: unconditional text generation, class-conditional text generation, and unsupervised text style transfer. SeqGFMN is stable to train and outperforms various adversarial approaches for text generation and text style transfer. Full Article
pli Checking Qualitative Liveness Properties of Replicated Systems with Stochastic Scheduling. (arXiv:2005.03555v1 [cs.LO]) By Published On :: We present a sound and complete method for the verification of qualitative liveness properties of replicated systems under stochastic scheduling. These are systems consisting of a finite-state program, executed by an unknown number of indistinguishable agents, where the next agent to make a move is determined by the result of a random experiment. We show that if a property of such a system holds, then there is always a witness in the shape of a Presburger stage graph: a finite graph whose nodes are Presburger-definable sets of configurations. Due to the high complexity of the verification problem (non-elementary), we introduce an incomplete procedure for the construction of Presburger stage graphs, and implement it on top of an SMT solver. The procedure makes extensive use of the theory of well-quasi-orders, and of the structural theory of Petri nets and vector addition systems. We apply our results to a set of benchmarks, in particular to a large collection of population protocols, a model of distributed computation extensively studied by the distributed computing community. Full Article
pli YANG2UML: Bijective Transformation and Simplification of YANG to UML. (arXiv:2005.03292v1 [cs.SE]) By Published On :: Software Defined Networking is currently revolutionizing computer networking by decoupling the network control (control plane) from the forwarding functions (data plane) enabling the network control to become directly programmable and the underlying infrastructure to be abstracted for applications and network services. Next to the well-known OpenFlow protocol, the XML-based NETCONF protocol is also an important means for exchanging configuration information from a management platform and is nowadays even part of OpenFlow. In combination with NETCONF, YANG is the corresponding protocol that defines the associated data structures supporting virtually all network configuration protocols. YANG itself is a semantically rich language, which -- in order to facilitate familiarization with the relevant subject -- is often visualized to involve other experts or developers and to support them by their daily work (writing applications which make use of YANG). In order to support this process, this paper presents an novel approach to optimize and simplify YANG data models to assist further discussions with the management and implementations (especially of interfaces) to reduce complexity. Therefore, we have defined a bidirectional mapping of YANG to UML and developed a tool that renders the created UML diagrams. This combines the benefits to use the formal language YANG with automatically maintained UML diagrams to involve other experts or developers, closing the gap between technically improved data models and their human readability. Full Article
pli An augmented Lagrangian preconditioner for implicitly-constituted non-Newtonian incompressible flow. (arXiv:2005.03150v1 [math.NA]) By Published On :: We propose an augmented Lagrangian preconditioner for a three-field stress-velocity-pressure discretization of stationary non-Newtonian incompressible flow with an implicit constitutive relation of power-law type. The discretization employed makes use of the divergence-free Scott-Vogelius pair for the velocity and pressure. The preconditioner builds on the work [P. E. Farrell, L. Mitchell, and F. Wechsung, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 41 (2019), pp. A3073-A3096], where a Reynolds-robust preconditioner for the three-dimensional Newtonian system was introduced. The preconditioner employs a specialized multigrid method for the stress-velocity block that involves a divergence-capturing space decomposition and a custom prolongation operator. The solver exhibits excellent robustness with respect to the parameters arising in the constitutive relation, allowing for the simulation of a wide range of materials. Full Article
pli A Gentle Introduction to Quantum Computing Algorithms with Applications to Universal Prediction. (arXiv:2005.03137v1 [quant-ph]) By Published On :: In this technical report we give an elementary introduction to Quantum Computing for non-physicists. In this introduction we describe in detail some of the foundational Quantum Algorithms including: the Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm, Shor's Algorithm, Grocer Search, and Quantum Counting Algorithm and briefly the Harrow-Lloyd Algorithm. Additionally we give an introduction to Solomonoff Induction, a theoretically optimal method for prediction. We then attempt to use Quantum computing to find better algorithms for the approximation of Solomonoff Induction. This is done by using techniques from other Quantum computing algorithms to achieve a speedup in computing the speed prior, which is an approximation of Solomonoff's prior, a key part of Solomonoff Induction. The major limiting factors are that the probabilities being computed are often so small that without a sufficient (often large) amount of trials, the error may be larger than the result. If a substantial speedup in the computation of an approximation of Solomonoff Induction can be achieved through quantum computing, then this can be applied to the field of intelligent agents as a key part of an approximation of the agent AIXI. Full Article
pli Evaluation, Tuning and Interpretation of Neural Networks for Meteorological Applications. (arXiv:2005.03126v1 []) By Published On :: Neural networks have opened up many new opportunities to utilize remotely sensed images in meteorology. Common applications include image classification, e.g., to determine whether an image contains a tropical cyclone, and image translation, e.g., to emulate radar imagery for satellites that only have passive channels. However, there are yet many open questions regarding the use of neural networks in meteorology, such as best practices for evaluation, tuning and interpretation. This article highlights several strategies and practical considerations for neural network development that have not yet received much attention in the meteorological community, such as the concept of effective receptive fields, underutilized meteorological performance measures, and methods for NN interpretation, such as synthetic experiments and layer-wise relevance propagation. We also consider the process of neural network interpretation as a whole, recognizing it as an iterative scientist-driven discovery process, and breaking it down into individual steps that researchers can take. Finally, while most work on neural network interpretation in meteorology has so far focused on networks for image classification tasks, we expand the focus to also include networks for image translation. Full Article
pli Strong replica symmetry in high-dimensional optimal Bayesian inference. (arXiv:2005.03115v1 [math.PR]) By Published On :: We consider generic optimal Bayesian inference, namely, models of signal reconstruction where the posterior distribution and all hyperparameters are known. Under a standard assumption on the concentration of the free energy, we show how replica symmetry in the strong sense of concentration of all multioverlaps can be established as a consequence of the Franz-de Sanctis identities; the identities themselves in the current setting are obtained via a novel perturbation of the prior distribution of the signal. Concentration of multioverlaps means that asymptotically the posterior distribution has a particularly simple structure encoded by a random probability measure (or, in the case of binary signal, a non-random probability measure). We believe that such strong control of the model should be key in the study of inference problems with underlying sparse graphical structure (error correcting codes, block models, etc) and, in particular, in the derivation of replica symmetric formulas for the free energy and mutual information in this context. Full Article
pli Constrained de Bruijn Codes: Properties, Enumeration, Constructions, and Applications. (arXiv:2005.03102v1 [cs.IT]) By Published On :: The de Bruijn graph, its sequences, and their various generalizations, have found many applications in information theory, including many new ones in the last decade. In this paper, motivated by a coding problem for emerging memory technologies, a set of sequences which generalize sequences in the de Bruijn graph are defined. These sequences can be also defined and viewed as constrained sequences. Hence, they will be called constrained de Bruijn sequences and a set of such sequences will be called a constrained de Bruijn code. Several properties and alternative definitions for such codes are examined and they are analyzed as generalized sequences in the de Bruijn graph (and its generalization) and as constrained sequences. Various enumeration techniques are used to compute the total number of sequences for any given set of parameters. A construction method of such codes from the theory of shift-register sequences is proposed. Finally, we show how these constrained de Bruijn sequences and codes can be applied in constructions of codes for correcting synchronization errors in the $ell$-symbol read channel and in the racetrack memory channel. For this purpose, these codes are superior in their size on previously known codes. Full Article
pli Is My WordPress Site ADA Compliant? 3+ Plugins for Finding Out! By Published On :: Sat, 21 Dec 2019 14:00:51 +0000 Did you know that breaking the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) can result in a six-figure fine? For every violation, companies can receive a $150,000 fine — and if you have a WordPress site, you could be liable. While WordPress aims to ensure website accessibility, it cannot guarantee it since every site owner customizes the […] The post Is My WordPress Site ADA Compliant? 3+ Plugins for Finding Out! appeared first on WebFX Blog. Full Article Web Design
pli Is My Website ADA Compliant? How to Check (and Update) Your Site By Published On :: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 14:00:55 +0000 What do Amazon, Hershey’s, and The Wall Street Journal have in common? They’ve all gotten named in lawsuits related to website accessibility and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). They aren’t alone, either. In 2018, more than 2000 website accessibility lawsuits (a 177% increase from 2017) got filed, emphasizing the increased importance and focus on […] The post Is My Website ADA Compliant? How to Check (and Update) Your Site appeared first on WebFX Blog. Full Article Web Design
pli Kushner botches hunt for medical supplies, Republicans get bad polling in Senate races, and other headlines By Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 09:46:38 -0700 ON INLANDER.COM NATION: As meatpacking plants nationwide shutdown due to COVID-19 outbreaks, certain meat products are becoming harder to find at grocery stores and fast-food drive-thrus.… Full Article Local News
pli System and method for using cluster level quorum to prevent split brain scenario in a data grid cluster By Published On :: Tue, 23 Jun 2015 08:00:00 EDT A system and method is described for use with a data grid cluster, which uses cluster quorum to prevent split brain scenario. The data grid cluster includes a plurality of cluster nodes, each of which runs a cluster service. Each cluster service collects and maintains statistics regarding communication flow between its cluster node and the other cluster nodes in the data grid cluster. The statistics are used to determine a status associated with other cluster nodes in the data grid cluster whenever a disconnect event happens. The data grid cluster is associated with a quorum policy, which is defined in a cache configuration file, and which specifies a time period that a cluster node will wait before making a decision on whether or not to evict one or more cluster nodes from the data grid cluster. Full Article
pli Composite material for structural applications By Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT Composite material that contain epoxy resin which is toughened and strengthened with thermoplastic materials and a blend of insoluble particles. The uncured matrix resins include an epoxy resin component, a soluble thermoplastic component, a curing agent and an insoluble particulate component composed of elastic particles and rigid particles. The uncured resin matrix is combined with a fibrous reinforcement and cured/molded to form composite materials that may be used for structural applications, such as primary structures in aircraft. Full Article
pli Compatibilized polypropylene heterophasic copolymer and polylactic acid blends for injection molding applications By Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT Injection molded articles and process of forming the same are described herein. The processes generally include providing a polyolefin including one or more propylene heterophasic copolymers, the polyolefin having an ethylene content of at least 10 wt. % based on the total weight of the polyolefin; contacting the polyolefin with a polylactic acid and a reactive modifier to form a compatiblized polymeric blend, wherein the reactive modifier is produced by contacting a polypropylene, a multifunctional acrylate comonomer, and an initiator under conditions suitable for the formation of a glycidyl methacrylate grafted polypropylene (PP-g-GMA) having a grafting yield in a range from 1 wt. % to 15 wt. %; and injection molding the compatibilized polymeric blend into an article. Full Article
pli Additive combination for sealants applications By Published On :: Tue, 09 Jun 2015 08:00:00 EDT The present invention pertains to an additive combination comprising at least two sterically hindered amines, at least one further stabilizer, a dispersing agent and a plasticizer. The present invention also pertains to a composition comprising an organic material susceptible to degradation by light, oxygen and/or heat, and the additive combination and to the use and the process for stabilizing organic material against degradation by light, oxygen and/or heat by the additive combination. Full Article
pli Phosphorylcholine-based amphiphilic silicones for medical applications By Published On :: Tue, 10 Nov 2015 08:00:00 EST Amphiphilic biomimetic phosphorylcholine-containing silicone compounds for use in both topical and internal applications as components in biomedical devices. The silicone compounds, which include zwitterionic phosphorylcholine groups, may be polymerizable or non-polymerizable. Specific examples of applications include use as active functional components in ophthalmic lenses, ophthalmic lens care solutions, liquid bandages, wound dressings, and lubricious and anti-thrombogenic coatings. Full Article
pli Using ECC data for write deduplication processing By Published On :: Tue, 26 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT Method and apparatus for managing data in a memory. In accordance with some embodiments, a first data object and an associated first ECC data set are generated and stored in a non-volatile (NV) main memory responsive to a first set of data blocks having a selected logical address. A second data object and an associated second ECC data set are generated responsive to receipt of a second set of data blocks having the selected logical address. The second data object and the second ECC data set are subsequently stored in the in the NV main memory responsive to a mismatch between the first ECC data set and the second ECC data set. Full Article
pli Error data generation and application for disk drive applications By Published On :: Tue, 26 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT Generating error data associated with decoding data is disclosed, including: processing an input sequence of samples associated with data stored on media using a detector and a decoder during a global iteration; and generating one or more error values based at least in part on one or more decision bits output by the detector or the decoder and the input sequence of samples. Full Article
pli Efficient complex multiplication and fast fourier transform (FFT) implementation on the ManArray architecture By Published On :: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 08:00:00 EDT Efficient computation of complex multiplication results and very efficient fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) are provided. A parallel array VLIW digital signal processor is employed along with specialized complex multiplication instructions and communication operations between the processing elements which are overlapped with computation to provide very high performance operation. Successive iterations of a loop of tightly packed VLIWs are used allowing the complex multiplication pipeline hardware to be efficiently used. In addition, efficient techniques for supporting combined multiply accumulate operations are described. Full Article
pli Phase-to-amplitude converter for direct digital synthesizer (DDS) with reduced AND and reconstructed ADD logic arrays By Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2015 08:00:00 EDT A sine wave generator for a Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) converts a digital phase input into a digital sine wave output. Sine values and slopes are stored in read-only memory (ROM) for coarse upper phase bits in a first quadrant. A quadrant folder and phase splitter reflects and inverts values from the first quadrant to generate amplitudes for all four quadrants. Each sine value and slope is stored for a range of lower phase bits. A Delta bit separates upper and lower phase bits. Delta conditionally inverts the lower phase bits, the sine value, and the final polarity. A reduced AND logic array multiplies the slope by the conditionally inverted lower phase bits. A reconstructed ADD logic array then adds the conditionally inverted sine value. The conditionally inverted polarity is added to generate the final sine value. Sine generation logic is streamlined with conditional inversion based on the Delta bit. Full Article
pli Multiplier circuit By Published On :: Tue, 12 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT A multiplier circuit for multiplying first and second binary values includes a first logic circuit, a priority encoder, a shifter circuit, and an accumulator. The first logic circuit receives the first binary value and a multiplier modifier, and modifies the first binary value based on the multiplier modifier. The multiplier modifier is generated by the priority encoder. The priority encoder also generates a position binary value indicating the position of a most significant set bit in the modified first binary value. The shifter circuit receives the position binary value from the priority encoder and the second binary value and generates an intermediate result. The accumulator accumulates one or more of the intermediate results and generates a final product that is a product of the first and second binary values. Full Article