
Dropline menu with horizontal scrolling images

A dropline menu which uses sliding doors tabs for the top level and a horizontal scrolling dropline which has images and caption.


Professional anywidth centered dropline menu

A dropline anywidth menu with droplines that are centered beneath the top level links which are also centered.


A Dropline, Dropdown and two level Flyout menu

A version 2 of the dropline, dropdown and flyout hybrid menu.


A Professional droplist menu

A droplist menu with method of setting the number of columns in each list and the option of a full width bottom bar for extra linking.


Anywidth dropline/dropdown centered

A dropline with dropdown menu which has widths automatiaclly set to suit content, the top level centered and all sub levels centered beneath the parent item.


A droplist menu with a sublist feature

A previous professional droplist menu with the additional feature of a dropline heading with droplists giving extra lists within the same dropdown.


A droplist menu with top level images and text/links

A droplist menu using top level blocks containing images with text and links.


Dropline menu with current page override

A CSS only dropline menu with current page selection and override when hovering other tabs.


Droplist Menu with flyout sub menus

A droplist menu with 1, 2 3 or 4 columns and flyout sub menus.


CSS3 animated droplist menu

A CSS3 animated droplist menu with slide up/down and fade in/out for browsers that support transitions


Inline/Dropline menu

A follow on from the dropdown menu this one is a dropline with variable width and NO hacks of any kind, just html and css.


Dropline with Overrun

A dropline menu with an overrun area and CSS3 enhancements.


Pull-down droplist menu

A CSS only answer to javascript/jQuery pull-down information panels.


Safari Mobile browser droplist menu with delay

A droplist menu with delay action aimed at the Safari Mobile browser (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch).


CSS ONLY click action dropline menu

Continuing with the 'click' series to demonstrate a dropline menu with a click action instead of the normal hover.


A Droplist menu suitable for use on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch

A droplist menu with top level links and a close menu tab for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.


A pulldown panel with droplist menu suitable for use on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch

A pulldown panel containing a droplist menu using just CSS and suitable for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.


A CSS3 click multi-dropline menu

Using CSS3 to produce a click action dropline menu with multiple levels.


CSS click droplist menu

A droplist menu with click action and click to close feature.


A droplist menu with slide action

A droplist menu with slidedown action and pushdown of the content beneath.


CSSplay Stretch/Droplist Menu

Using CSS3 to animate a stretch/droplist menu.


CSSplay :target dropline menu

Using :target to produce a click open/close dropline menu.


CSSplay Dropline/Dropdown Menu

Using css3 transitons to animate a dropline/dropdown menu with 'current' page options.


A CSS Click to Open/Close Dropline Menu.

A click action dropline menu with persist and accessibility.


CSS play Droplist Menu for IE10 Touch Screen Devices

A method of getting a droplist menu to work in IE10 on touch screen devices.


CSS play droplist menu for touch screen devices

A droplist menu that works on touch screen devices including Android OS and has animation.


CSS play dropline menu for touch screen devices

A dropline menu that works on touch screen devices including Android OS and has animation.


CSS play responsive droplist menu suitable for touch screen devices

A responsive droplist menu that works on touch screen devices including Android OS and IE10.


CSSplay - Responsive Droplist Menu

A responsive droplist menu that works in all modern browsers including touch screens and smart phones.


CSSplay - PC, tablet and Smartphone droplist animated menu

A droplist animated menu suitable for PCs, Tablets and Smartphones.


CSSplay - A droplist menu using flexbox

A droplist menu using the latest flexbox syling which does not require size calculations.


CSSplay - CSS only responsive droplist menu

A CSS ONLY responsive multi-level droplist menu suitable for all the latest browsers and operating systems with animation.


CSSplay - CSS only responsive droplist menu version 2

A CSS ONLY responsive multi-level droplist menu suitable for all the latest browsers and operating systems with animation.


CSSplay - Responsive CSS click/tap droplist menu

A CSS ONLY responsive click/tap droplist menu for all the latest browsers and OS, PCs, tablets and smartphones.


CSSplay - Responsive CSS click/tap droplist menu - version 2

A second CSS ONLY responsive click/tap droplist menu for all the latest browsers and OS, PCs, tablets and smartphones.


The U.S. glulam beam and lamstock market and implications for Alaska lumber.

In this study, glulam beam manufacturers in the United States and Canada were surveyed regarding their lamstock usage and glulam beam distribution channels.


How to Create a Full Split-Screen Layout with Unique Toggles in Divi

Split Screen layouts are a great way to add design to your Divi website that is beautifully balanced and unconventional. With Divi’s new position options, we can create a split-screen layout design using two adjacent Divi sections. This opens the door for building even more unique split-screen layouts using the Divi Builder. In this tutorial, […]

The post How to Create a Full Split-Screen Layout with Unique Toggles in Divi appeared first on Elegant Themes Blog.


Cap and trade: offsets and implications for Alaska

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has formally declared that greenhouse gases (GHG) pose a threat to public health and the environment. This is significant because it gives the executive branch the authority to impose carbon regulations on carbon-emitting entities. United States GHG emissions have increased by approximately 17 percent between 1990 and 2007, and the EPA now has the authority to design regulation to reverse this trend.


Overview and example application of the Landscape Treatment Designer

The Landscape Treatment Designer (LTD) is a multicriteria spatial prioritization and optimization system to help design and explore landscape fuel treatment scenarios. The program fills a gap between fire model programs such as FlamMap, and planning systems such as ArcFuels, in the fuel treatment planning process. The LTD uses inputs on spatial treatment objectives, activity constraints, and treatment thresholds, and then identifies optimal fuel treatment locations with respect to the input parameters.


A closer look: decoupling the effects of prescribed fire and grazing on vegetation in a ponderosa pine forest.

Scientists have had little information about how prescribed fire and cattle grazing—common practices in many Western ponderosa pine forests—affect plant abundance and reproduction in the forest understory. Pacific Northwest Research Station scientists began to explore how these practices affect vegetation in a five-year study of postfire vegetation in eastern Oregon ponderosa pine forests where cattle have been routinely pastured from late June or early July through early to mid August. For this area of eastern Oregon, they found that excluding cattle grazing during peak growing season increased native plant cover and grass flowering capability in ungrazed areas compared to grazed areas. Because vegetation was measured prior to releasing cattle on the land, the study's results tend to reflect lasting grazing impacts rather than simple consumption.


Precommercial thinning: implications of early results from the Tongass-Wide Young-Growth Studies experiments for deer habitat in southeast Alaska.

This report documents the results from the first “5-year” round of understory responses to the Tongass-Wide Young-Growth Studies (TWYGS) treatments, especially in relation to their effects on food resources for black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis). Responses of understory vegetation to precommercial silviculture experiments after their first 4 to 8 years posttreatment were analyzed with the Forage Resource Evaluation System for Habitat (FRESH)-Deer model. The studies were conducted in western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla)-Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) young-growth forests in southeast Alaska. All four TWYGS experiments were studied: (I) planting of red alder (Alnus rubra) within 1- to 5-year-old stands; (II) precommercial thinning at narrow and wide spacings (549 and 331 trees per hectare, respectively) in 15- to 25-year-old stands; (III) precommercial thinning at medium spacing (420 trees per hectare) with and without pruning in 25- to 35-yearold stands; and (IV) precommercial thinning at wide spacing (203 trees per hectare) with and without slash treatment versus thinning by girdling in >35-year-old stands. All experiments also included untreated control stands of identical age. FRESHDeer was used to evaluate the implications for deer habitat in terms of forage resources (species-specific biomass, digestible protein, and digestible dry matter) relative to deer metabolic requirements in summer (at two levels of requirements—maintenance only vs. lactation) and in winter (at six levels of snow depth).


Forest products cluster development in central Arizona—implications for landscape-scale forest restoration


Pushing boundaries: new directions in inventory techniques and applications: Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) symposium 2015

These proceedings report invited presentations and contributions to the 2015 Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Symposium, which was hosted by the Research and Development branch of the U.S. Forest Service.


Advances in threat assessment and their application to forest and rangeland management.

In July 2006, more than 170 researchers and managers from the United States, Canada, and Mexico convened in Boulder, Colorado, to discuss the state of the science in environmental threat assessment. This two-volume general technical report compiles peer-reviewed papers that were among those presented during the 3-day conference. Papers are organized by four broad topical sections—Land, Air and Water, Fire, and Pests/Biota—and are divided into syntheses and case studies.


ALSC and ACM accepting applications for Forum on Service to Immigrants/Refugees

CHICAGO — The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) and the Association of Children’s Museums (ACM) are accepting applications to participate in the Welcoming Spaces National Forum on June 25, 2020 in Chicago, IL, as part of a National Leadership Grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.


TopLine By Futuri Presents Nielsen Audio April '20 PPMs Released Monday



TopLine By Futuri Presents Nielsen Audio March '20 Ratings Released Today

NIELSEN AUDIO MARCH '20 results arrive TODAY for SYRACUSE; AKRON; MONTEREY-SALINAS-SANTA CRUZ; and CHARLESTON, SC. Find the ratings for the subscribing stations in the ALLACCESS.COM … more


TopLine By Futuri Presents Nielsen Audio March '20 Ratings Released Today

NIELSEN AUDIO MARCH '20 results arrive TODAY for DES MOINES; COLORADO SPRINGS; MOBILE; WICHITA; and SPOKANE. Find the ratings for the subscribing stations in the ALLACCESS.COM NIELSEN … more


TopLine By Futuri Presents Nielsen Audio March '20 Ratings Released Today

NIELSEN AUDIO MARCH '20 arrive TODAY for CHATTANOOGA; MADISON; HUNTSVILLE, AL; and JACKSON, MS. Find the ratings for the subscribing stations in the ALLACCESS.COM NIELSEN AUDIO  … more


The Theorem That Applies to Everything from Search Algorithms to Epidemiology

Perron-Frobenius theorem and linear algebra have many virtues to extol
