
What I learned from 3 years of running Windows 11 on “unsupported” PCs

When your old PC goes over the Windows 10 update cliff, can Windows 11 save it?


Man gets 10 years for stealing $20M in nest eggs from 400 US home buyers

Instead of celebrating a closing, some US home buyers lost everything.


Iowa Tornado's Path of Destruction as Seen From Space

Thanks to clashing air masses and a jet stream sweeping storms along between them, this spring has brought a rash of destructive tornadoes.


Where Does Palo Santo Come From and What Is it Used For?

Palo santo, a fragrant "holy wood," is treasured for its spiritual and medicinal properties. Learn all about its origins and uses and get tips for safe, sustainable use.


Women Face A Higher Risk Of Dying From Heart Disease

Rates of heart disease and cardiac events in women are often underestimated.


From Dissipating Clouds to Record-Setting Areas of Drought, the State of the Climate in 2023 Was Shockingly Severe

Part 3 of a three-part series summarizing the findings of a new and unsettling report on climate change.


From Open Water at the North Pole, to a Marathon Run on an Ice Floe, It Was Quite an Arctic Summer

The extent of Arctic sea ice has shriveled to its lowest extent for the year, heralding the end of summer. The ice covers about 750,000 fewer square miles of ocean than average — a testament to continuing climate change.


We Barely Caught a Break From Record-Setting Heat Last Month. Meanwhile, a U.N. Report Pleads, "No More Hot Air, Please!"

Despite a sliver of good news in the latest monthly climate analyses, global heating continues — and the world is far from taming it.


Questions from 1920 Still Haunt Neuroscience

A 100-year-old paper anticipated key issues in modern neuroscience


From Thoughts To Words: How AI Deciphers Neural Signals To Help A Man With ALS speak

"Brain-computer interfaces are a groundbreaking technology that can help paralyzed people regain functions they’ve lost."


Space almanac : facts, figures, names, dates, places, lists, charts, tables, maps covering space from earth to the edge of the universe

Location: Special Collections x-Collection- QB500.C87 1989


A Radio Burst from a Giant "Dead" Galaxy

Exotic magnetars make brief, powerful flashes of radio waves — but a new discovery suggests there may be more than one way to make a magnetar.

The post A Radio Burst from a Giant "Dead" Galaxy appeared first on Sky & Telescope.


Traditional potters : from the Andes to Vietnam /

Library - Art Library, Location - LIB, Call number - NK3930 .D78 2016


Electronic superhighway : from experiments in art and technology to art after the internet /

Library - Art Library, Location - OSIZ, Call number - FOLIO NX456.5.N49 E54 2016


In progress : see inside a lettering artist's sketchbook and process, from pencil to vector /

Library - Art Library, Location - LIB, Call number - NK3631.H57 A35 2015


Application that will pull the images from AliExpress

I have a website The site has a button that is programmed in HTML which has a design of the button, image, and link.I am interested in an application that will pull the images from AliExpress with the option of selecting an image, and automatically insert the image and the link into the code on the website


Quality in the 21st Century Perspectives from ASQ Feigenbaum Medal Winners

Location: Electronic Resource- 


From Curve Fitting to Machine Learning An Illustrative Guide to Scientific Data Analysis and Computational Intelligence

Location: Electronic Resource- 


Finite Element Methods in Incompressible, Adiabatic, and Compressible Flows From Fundamental Concepts to Applications

Location: Electronic Resource- 


Organic Chemistry from Retrosynthesis to Asymmetric Synthesis

Location: Electronic Resource- 


Using Mass Spectrometry for Biochemical Studies on Enzymatic Domains from Polyketide Synthases

Location: Electronic Resource- 


Regenerative Medicine - from Protocol to Patient 1. Biology of Tissue Regeneration

Location: Electronic Resource- 


Regenerative Medicine - from Protocol to Patient 2. Stem Cell Science and Technology

Location: Electronic Resource- 


Regenerative Medicine - from Protocol to Patient 3. Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials and Nanotechnology

Location: Electronic Resource- 


From the iSummit: Wrecking a Film

"We knew we were a real film when we had pirates." Samuli Torssonen, Star Wreck Studios, on the appearance and sale in Russia and China of copies of the free, CC'd online film "Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning." The film was first posted online, for free, and downloaded 5 million times, before winning a commercial contract for DVD sale.

Stephen Lee adds to the community story. The film itself had more than 300 participants in the credits; it has been fan-subtitled in 30 languages, including Klingon.


Drug abuse and HIV/AIDS in Malawi : results from a rapid situation assessment

Location: Main Library- HV5840.M3B57 2004


The Nation's jails : a report on the census of jails from the 1972 survey of inmates of local jails.

Location: Government Information - J 1.42/3:SD-J-4


Expulsion and Diaspora Formation: Religious and Ethnic Identities in Flux from Antiquity to the Seventeenth Century

Location: Electronic Resource- 


Travels and Mobilities in the Middle Ages: From the Atlantic to the Black Sea

Location: Electronic Resource- 


Doing research within communities : stories and lessons from language and education field research

Location: Electronic Resource- 


The informal American city : from taco trucks to day labor

Location: Electronic Resource- 


Multiple sclerosis rehabilitation : from impairment to participation

Location: Electronic Resource- 


Nonlinear optical cavity dynamics : from microresonators to fiber lasers

Location: Engineering Library- TA1522.N66 2016


Resistive switching : from fundamentals of nanoionic redox processes to memristive device applications

Location: Engineering Library- TK7874.84.R47 2016


The history of motion graphics : from avant-garde to industry in the United States

Location: Engineering Library- TR892.4.B48 2013


Real-time digital signal processing from MATLAB to C with the TMS320C6x DSPs

Location: Engineering Circulation Desk- TK5102.9.W44 2012


Clinical engineering : from devices to systems

Location: Engineering Library- R856.C55 2016


Chemical analyses of rocks and rock-minerals from New Hampshire,

Location: Sciences Library Library- QE139.A34 pt.19 1965


Hydrogeomorphic Risk Analysis Affecting Chalcolithic Archaeological Sites from Valea Oii (Bahlui) Watershed, Northeastern Romania An Interdisciplinary Approach

Location: Electronic Resource- 


Blocking spam emails with hidden or missing From address

Recently, I’m getting more an more spam in my Inbox with no email address.

The From field only shows a name but no email address. Also, when I hover over the name or right click on it, it doesn’t open a Contact Card with more info.

Right clicking on the message in the message list doesn’t allow me to block it either.

How can I block this new type of spam?


Remove “External” tag from Outlook Message List

I see an “External” tag in front of the From field for pretty much all of my messages in the Message List.

How can I remove it?




  • The New York Times


1840: Removal of More Artifacts from Nineveh

1840: Removal of More Artifacts from Nineveh

  • 1800-1899 A.D. Assyrian History


1909: Letter, dated May 18, from Gertrude Bell

1909: Letter, dated May 18, from Gertrude Bell

  • 1900-1999 A.D. Assyrian History


1909: Letter, dated May 20, from Gertrude Bell

1909: Letter, dated May 20, from Gertrude Bell

  • 1900-1999 A.D. Assyrian History


1909: Letter, dated May 22, from Gertrude Bell

1909: Letter, dated May 22, from Gertrude Bell

  • 1900-1999 A.D. Assyrian History


From Holy Mountain: A Journey Among the Christians of the Mi...

From Holy Mountain: A Journey Among the Christians of the Middle East

  • 1900-1999 A.D. Assyrian History


‘Harvard alien hunter’ claims to have collected alien technology from the bottom of the Pacific

‘harvard Alien Hunter’ Claims To Have Collected Alien Technology From The Bottom Of The Pacific

The Disclosure Project...