
National Park Service Announces Availability of Revised Environmental Assessment for new Science and Resource Management Facility in Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park Superintendent Steve Martin has announced that a revised environmental assessment (EA) for the construction of a new Science and Resource Management Facility in the park is now available for public review and comment.


Behind the Scenes – Grand Canyon Science and Resource Management staff to host Public Open House

Grand Canyon National Park’s Division of Science and Resource Management will host a public open house on June 8th at Park Headquarters in the courtyard from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


New Location Awaits Science and Resource Management Facility in Grand Canyon

The National Park Service (NPS) will break ground on a new facility for Grand Canyon National Park’s science and resource management staff later this year. The new facility will be constructed just south and east of the park headquarters building, located near Market Plaza. The site, which is currently vacant, was once the location of the park gas station.


Behind the Scenes -- Science and Resource Management staff to host Public Open House in the Grand Canyon Lodge on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park’s Division of Science and Resource Management will host a public open house on July 25 in the Grand Canyon Lodge Auditorium on the North Rim from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


Grand Canyon National Park to Celebrate Earth Science Week

- Grand Canyon National Park will celebrate Earth Science Week and National Fossil Day by offering a variety of special programs and events during the week of October 9 – 15, 2011. Earth Science Week promotes understanding and appreciation of the value of earth science research and its applications and relevance to our daily lives. Grand Canyon National Park is an ideal place to celebrate Earth Science Week, as the park is a natural classroom and laboratory for the earth sciences, and is one of the world’s most well known and most scenic geologic landscapes.


Earth Science Week to be Celebrated at Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park invites the public to join in its celebration of Earth Science Week (ESW) and National Fossil Day during the week of October 14 – 20, 2012.


National Park Service to Dedicate New Science and Resource Management Building at Grand Canyon

National Park Service will hold a ribbon cutting ceremeony on January 15 to dedicate new Science and Resource Management building at Grand Canyon.


Celebrate Earth Science Week at Grand Canyon, October 11-17

Grand Canyon National Park invites the public to celebrate Earth Science Week (ESW) and National Fossil Day festivities during the week of October 11-17, 2015.


Lisa Carrico Selected as Grand Canyon National Park Deputy Superintendent of Operations and Science

Lisa Carrico, a 33-year veteran of the National Park Service (NPS), has been selected as Deputy Superintendent of Operations and Science at Grand Canyon National Park.


New COVID-19 ‘Citizen Science’ Project Lets Any Adult with a Smartphone Help Fight Coronavirus

Researchers from the University of California San Francisco are asking adults to help them fight the novel coronavirus by downloading this smartphone app.

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How to Be Happier During COVID: Decades of Science Shows That Gratitude, Love, and Connection Can Save Your Life

If you need some help to be happier during these trying times, these studies show various ways that loving from a distance can help.

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Drink Made From Fruit and Plant Extracts May Be the Scientifically-Backed Hangover Cure We’ve Been Waiting For

A plant extract combination of fruits, leaves, and roots seems to help relieve hangover symptoms, reveals new research from BMJ.

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Breakthrough For Kenyan Scientists Who Discover Natural Microbe That Completely Stops Malaria in Mosquitoes

Kenyan scientists discovered a microbe–Microsporidia MB–inside some mosquitoes that completely protects them from malaria infection which spreads to humans.

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Forests, people, fire: Integrating the sciences to build capacity for an “All Lands” approach to forest restoration

Interest in landscape-scale approaches to fire management and forest restoration is growing with the realization that these approaches are critical to maintaining healthy forests and protecting nearby communities. However, coordinated planning and action across multiple ownerships have been elusive because of differing goals and forest management styles among landowners. Scientists with the Pacific Northwest Research Station and their colleagues recognized that working at the landscape scale requires integrating the biophysical, social, and economic dimensions of the problem, and this necessitates collecting new types of information and inventing new tools.


Long-term ecological reflections: writers, philosophers, and scientists meet in the forest

Over the past 7 years, a strong collaboration has emerged between the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest ecosystem research group and the Spring Creek Project for Ideas, Nature, and the Written Word, an independently funded program for nature writing based in the Department of Philosophy, Oregon State University. The program is called Long-Term Ecological Reflections and it brings together scientists, creative writers, and environmental philosophers to consider new ways to conceptualize and communicate views of long-term ecological change in forests and watersheds and the participation of humans in that change. The program is designed to parallel the Long-Term Ecological Research program, a national science program initiated in 1980 and involving the Andrews Forest. Both programs focus on primary inquiry and have 200-year planning horizons, which have resulted in some uniquely farsighted perspectives and astute ecological observations.


Bioengery from trees: using cost-effective thinning to reduce forest fire hazards, based on science

Increasingly large and severe wildfires threaten millions of forested acres throughout the West. Under certain conditions, mechanical thinning can address these hazardous conditions while providing opportunitiesto create renewable energy and reduce our carbon footprint but how do land managers decide whether thinning is a good idea? How do they decide where to begin, and what to do with the removed trees? Prioritizing treatment areas and determining the most effective techniques for fuel hazard reduction depends on various factors such as owner objectives, forest types, and the availability of processing facilities.


Broadening Participation In Biological Monitoring: Handbook For Scientists and Managers

Participatory (collaborative, multiparty, citizen, volunteer) monitoring is a process that has been increasing in popularity and use in both developing and industrialized societies over the last several decades. It reflects the understanding that natural resource decisions are more effective and less controversial when stakeholders who have an interest in the results are involved in the process. An adequate number of such projects have now been organized, tried, and evaluated such that sufficient information exists to recommend a comprehensive approach to implementing such processes. This handbook was written for managers and scientists in the United States who are contemplating a participatory approach to monitoring biological resources, especially biodiversity. It is designed as a how-to manual with discussions of relevant topics, checklists of important considerations to address, and resources for further information. Worksheets for developing, implementing, and evaluating a monitoring plan are posted on a companion Web site. The subject matter is divided into 3 stages of a monitoring project encompassing a total of 22 topical modules. These modules can be used in any sequence on an ongoing basis. Stages and modules include (1) planning-documentation, goals, indicators, collaboration, decisions, context, organization, participants, communication, incentives, design, and resources; (2) implementation-training, safety, fieldwork, sampling, data, and quality; and (3) followthrough-analysis, reporting, evaluation, and celebrations. Collaboration always involves colearning, so documenting choices, plans, and activities with the Web site worksheets is integral to the manual's effectiveness.


Sustainable Forestry In Theory and Practice: Recent Advances In Inventory and Monitoring, Statistics and Modeling, Information and Knowledge Management, and Policy Science

The importance to society of environmental services, provided by forest ecosystems, has significantly increased during the last few decades. A growing global concern with the deterioration of forests, beginning perhaps most noticeably in the 1980s, has led to an increasing public awareness of the environmental, cultural, economic, and social values that forests provide. Around the world, ideas of sustainable, close-to-nature, and multi-functional forestry have progressively replaced the older perception of forests as only a source for timber. The international impetus to protect and sustainably manage forests has come from global initiatives at management, conservation, and sustainable development related to all types of forests and forestry. A few of the more notable initiatives include: the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, UNCED); regional follow-ups to the Earth Summit such as the Montreal Process and Helsinki Accords; the forest elements of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD); and the Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC).


Making fire and fire surrogate science available: a summary of regional workshops with clients

Operational-scale experiments that evaluate the consequences of fire and mechanical "surrogates" for natural disturbance events are essential to better understand strategies for reducing the incidence and severity of wildfire. The national Fire and Fire Surrogate (FFS) study was initiated in 1999 to establish an integrated network of long-term studies designed to evaluate the consequences of using fire and fire surrogate treatments for fuel reduction and forest restoration. Beginning in September2005, four regional workshops were conducted with selected clients to identify effective and efficient means of communicating FFS study findings to users. We used participatory evaluation to design the workshops, collect responses to focused questions and impressions, and summarize the results. We asked four overarching questions: (1) Who needs fuel reduction information? (2) What information do they need? (3) Why do they need it? (4) How can it best be delivered to them? Participants identified key users of FFS science and technology, specific pieces of information that users most desired, and how this information might be applied to resolve fuel reduction and restoration issues. They offered recommendations for improving overall science delivery and specific ideas for improving delivery of FFS study results and information. User groups identified by workshop participants and recommendations for science delivery are then combined in a matrix to form the foundation of a strategic plan for conducting science delivery of FFS study results and information. These potential users, their information needs, and preferred science delivery processes likely have wide applicability to other fire science research.


Proceedings: international conference on transfer of forest science knowledge and technology.

This proceedings compiles papers presented by extensionists, natural resource specialists, scientists, technology transfer specialists, and others at an international conference that examined knowledge and technology transfer theories, methods, and case studies. Theory topics included adult education, applied science, extension, diffusion of innovations, social marketing, technology transfer, and others. Descriptions of methods and case studies collectively covered a wide range of current approaches that include combined digital media, engagement of users and communication specialists in the full cycle of research, integrated forestry applications, Internet-based systems, science writing, training, video conferencing, Web-based encyclopedias, and others. Innovations transferred were best management practices for water quality, forest reforestation practices, a land management system, portable timber bridges, reducedimpact logging, silvicultural practices, urban forestry, and many others. Innovation users included forest-land owners; land managers; logging industry; natural resource professionals; policymakers; public; rural and urban communities-and those in the interface between these two; and others. Technology transfer and related efforts took place in countries throughout the world.


Soils under fire: soils research and the Joint Fire Science Program

Soils are fundamental to a healthy and functioning ecosystem. Therefore, forest land managers can greatly benefit from a more thorough understanding of the ecological impacts of fire and fuel management activities on the vital services soils provide. We present a summary of new research on fire effects and soils made possible through the Joint Fire Science Program and highlight management implications where applicable. Some responses were consistent across sites, whereas others were unique and may not easily be extrapolated to other sites. Selected findings include (1) postfire soil water repellency is most likely to occur in areas of high burn severity and is closely related to surface vegetation; (2) although wildfire has the potential to decrease the amount of carbon stored in soils, major changes in land use, such as conversion from forest to grasslands, present a much greater threat to carbon storage; (3) prescribed fires, which tend to burn less severely than wildfires and oftentimes have minor effects on soils, may nonetheless decrease species richness of certain types of fungi; and (4) early season prescribed burns tend to have less impact than late season burns on soil organisms, soil carbon, and other soil properties.


Riparian adaptive management symposium: a conversation between scientists and management.

Scientists, land managers and policy makers discussed whether riparian (stream side) forest management and policy for state, federal and private lands in western Washington are consistent with current science. Answers were mixed: some aspects of riparian policy and management have a strong basis in current science, while other aspects may not.


Northwest Forest Plan science synthesis released

OWASHINGTON, D.C., JUNE 11, 2018—The USDA Forest Service today released a report that will serve as the scientific foundation for land management planning in western Washington, western Oregon, and northern California.


Invasive plant species and the Joint Fire Science Program

Invasive nonnative plants may be responsible for serious, long-term ecological impacts, including altering fire behavior and fire regimes. Therefore, knowing how to successfully manage invasive plants and their impacts on natural resources is crucial. We present a summary of research on invasive plants and fire that has been generated through the Joint Fire Science Program—focusing specifically on ecology of species invasions, the interactions between fire and invasives, and the responses of invasives to different management practices. Selected findings include (1) prescribed fire may increase invasive species in some ecosystems; (2) fuel treatments that leave some overstory canopy, minimize exposure of bare ground, and target sites that already host species capable of resprouting may be less likely to promote invasives; and (3) postfire seeding should be approached with caution, as it can increase invasives.


Effects of forest practices on peak flows and consequent channel response: a state-of-science report for western Oregon and Washington

This is a state-of-the-science synthesis of the effects of forest harvest activities on peak flows and channel morphology in the Pacific Northwest, with a specific focus on western Oregon and Washington. We develop a database of relevant studies reporting peak flow data across rain-, transient-, and snow-dominated hydrologic zones, and provide a quantitative comparison of changes in peak flow across both a range of flows and forest practices. Increases in peak flows generally diminish with decreasing intensity of percentage of watershed harvested and lengthening recurrence intervals of flow. Watersheds located in the rain dominated zone appear to be less sensitive to peak flow changes than those in the transient snow zone; insufficient data limit interpretations for the snow zone. Where present, peak flow effects on channel morphology should be confined to stream reaches where channel gradients are less than approximately 0.02 and streambeds are composed of gravel and finer material. We provide guidance as to how managers might evaluate the potential risk of peak flow increases based on factors such as presence of roads, watershed drainage efficiency, and specific management treatments employed. The magnitude of effects of forest harvest on peak flows in the Pacific Northwest, as represented by the data reported here, are relatively minor in comparison to other anthropogenic changes to streams and watersheds.


[Promo] Fascinating Facts By Format

ALL ACCESS' 10 QUESTIONS WITH has interviews with your favorite format luminaries. What makes 'em tick? Who are their influences? Do they prefer smooth or chunky peanut … more


New scientific statement on blood pressure measurement in people

Statement highlights: Oscillometric devices, which use an electronic pressure sensor within the blood pressure cuff, can reduce human error and the risk to the environment from older devices which use mercury. Patients who measure their blood pressure at home should use a device with an upper arm cuff that has been checked for accuracy by a healthcare provider.


Growing cardiovascular genetics field calls for special multidisciplinary clinical programs to better identify and treat inherited heart conditions

Statement Highlights: In a new scientific statement, the American Heart Association supports the creation of specialized multidisciplinary clinical programs that combine cardiovascular medicine and genetics expertise. These specialized programs would use genetic information to better treat patients with inherited heart conditions, as well as assess family members without current heart problems and take steps to reduce their risk.


Better science needed to support clinical predictors that link cardiac arrest, brain injury, and death: a statement from the American Heart Association

Statement Highlights: While significant improvements have been made in resuscitation and post cardiac arrest resuscitation care, mortality remains high and is mainly attributed to widespread brain injury.Better science is needed to support the ...


$2.5 million now available for fast-tracked heart and brain focused scientific research of COVID-19

DALLAS, March 24, 2020 — As part of its global response to the growing COVID-19 pandemic, the American Heart Association, the world’s leading voluntary organization focused on heart and brain health and research, is committing  $2.5 million to research...


Interim guidance to reduce COVID-19 transmission during resuscitation care

DALLAS, March 23, 2020 — The American Heart Association, the world’s leading nonprofit organization focused on heart and brain health for all, has released interim guidance for resuscitation care intended specifically for patients with known or suspected...


Interim CPR guidelines address challenges of providing resuscitation during COVID-19 pandemic

Embargoed until 8 a.m. CT / 9 a.m. ET Thursday, April 9, 2020   AHA COVID-19 newsroom   DALLAS, April 9, 2020 — With COVID-19 incidence currently increasing exponentially worldwide, the percentage of cardiac arrests with COVID-19 are also likely to...


12 scientific teams redefining fast-tracked heart and brain health research related to COVID-19


Coronavirus pandemic could inflict emotional trauma and PTSD on an unprecedented scale, scientists warn

Researchers are warning that the coronavirus pandemic could inflict long-lasting emotional trauma on an unprecedented global scale. They say it could leave millions wrestling with debilitating psychological disorders while dashing hopes for a swift economic recovery.


Treating PTSD Involves Science, Counseling, Group Support

In the years since he had returned from Vietnam, Elmer “Snubby” Burket was a self-described workaholic, raising a son, keeping up his house and always taking jobs where he could be by himself as he tried to put the war behind him.


The Ocean in 50 Fascinating Facts

By This marvelous infographic, created by the scuba magazine, is a deep-dive into the wonder, mystery and vital importance of our earth’s oceans. 50 fascinating facts about the ocean – Graphic by the team at


After 30 Years Studying Climate, Scientist Declares: “I’ve Never Been as Worried as I Am Today”

By Jake Johnson Common Dreams And colleague says “global warming” no longer strong enough term. “Global heating is technically more correct because we are talking about changes in the energy balance of the planet.” Declaring that after three decades of … Continue reading


Scientists to Build Avian Tree of Life

From the National Science Foundation Birds — the only surviving descendants of dinosaurs — are used to study a large range of fundamental topics in biology, from understanding the evolution of mating systems to learning about the genetic and environmental … Continue reading


Urging Multi-Pronged Effort to Halt Climate Crisis, Scientists Say Protecting World’s Forests as Vital as Cutting Emissions

By Julia  Conley Common Dreams “Our message as scientists is simple: Our planet’s future climate is inextricably tied to the future of its forest.” With a new statement rejecting the notion that drastically curbing emissions alone is enough to curb … Continue reading


Scientists Warn Crashing Insect Population Puts ‘Planet’s Ecosystems and Survival of Mankind’ at Risk

By Jon Queally Common Dreams “This is the stuff that worries me most. We don’t know what we’re doing, not trying to stop it, [and] with big consequences we don’t really understand.” The first global scientific review of its kind … Continue reading


Insects Are ‘Glue in Nature’ and Must Be Rescued to Save Humanity, Says Top Scientist

By Jake Johnson Common Dreams Rapidly falling insect populations, said Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson, “will make it even more difficult than today to get enough food for the human population of the planet, to get good health and freshwater for everybody.” A … Continue reading


After 30 Years Studying Climate, Scientist Declares: “I’ve Never Been as Worried as I Am Today”

By Jake Johnson Common Dreams And colleague says “global warming” no longer strong enough term. “Global heating is technically more correct because we are talking about changes in the energy balance of the planet.” Declaring that after three decades of … Continue reading


Scientists Warn Crashing Insect Population Puts ‘Planet’s Ecosystems and Survival of Mankind’ at Risk

By Jon Queally Common Dreams “This is the stuff that worries me most. We don’t know what we’re doing, not trying to stop it, [and] with big consequences we don’t really understand.” The first global scientific review of its kind … Continue reading


Insects Are ‘Glue in Nature’ and Must Be Rescued to Save Humanity, Says Top Scientist

By Jake Johnson Common Dreams Rapidly falling insect populations, said Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson, “will make it even more difficult than today to get enough food for the human population of the planet, to get good health and freshwater for everybody.” A … Continue reading


Scientists Obtain 'lucky' Image of Jupiter

Astronomers have produced a remarkable new image of Jupiter, tracing the glowing regions of warmth that lurk beneath the gas giant's cloud tops. The picture was captured in infared by the Gemini North Telescope in Hawaii, and is one of the sharpest observations of the planet ever made from the ground.


eagereyesTV Episode 3: 3D Pie Charts For Science!

How do we read pie charts? This seems like a straightforward question to answer, but it turns out that most of what you’ve probably heard is wrong. We don’t actually know whether we use angle, area, or arc length. In a short paper at the VIS conference this week I’m presenting a study I ran […]


A stochastic approach to the synchronization of coupled oscillators. (arXiv:2002.04472v2 [nlin.AO] UPDATED)

This paper deals with an optimal control problem associated to the Kuramoto model describing the dynamical behavior of a network of coupled oscillators. Our aim is to design a suitable control function allowing us to steer the system to a synchronized configuration in which all the oscillators are aligned on the same phase. This control is computed via the minimization of a given cost functional associated with the dynamics considered. For this minimization, we propose a novel approach based on the combination of a standard Gradient Descent (GD) methodology with the recently-developed Random Batch Method (RBM) for the efficient numerical approximation of collective dynamics. Our simulations show that the employment of RBM improves the performances of the GD algorithm, reducing the computational complexity of the minimization process and allowing for a more efficient control calculation.


Semiglobal non-oscillatory big bang singular spacetimes for the Einstein-scalar field system. (arXiv:2005.03395v1 [math-ph])

We construct semiglobal singular spacetimes for the Einstein equations coupled to a massless scalar field. Consistent with the heuristic analysis of Belinskii, Khalatnikov, Lifshitz or BKL for this system, there are no oscillations due to the scalar field. (This is much simpler than the oscillatory BKL heuristics for the Einstein vacuum equations.) Prior results are due to Andersson and Rendall in the real analytic case, and Rodnianski and Speck in the smooth near-spatially-flat-FLRW case. Similar to Andersson and Rendall we give asymptotic data at the singularity, which we refer to as final data, but our construction is not limited to real analytic solutions. This paper is a test application of tools (a graded Lie algebra formulation of the Einstein equations and a filtration) intended for the more subtle vacuum case. We use homological algebra tools to construct a formal series solution, then symmetric hyperbolic energy estimates to construct a true solution well-approximated by truncations of the formal one. We conjecture that the image of the map from final data to initial data is an open set of anisotropic initial data.


Evaluating the phase dynamics of coupled oscillators via time-variant topological features. (arXiv:2005.03343v1 [])

The characterization of phase dynamics in coupled oscillators offers insights into fundamental phenomena in complex systems. To describe the collective dynamics in the oscillatory system, order parameters are often used but are insufficient for identifying more specific behaviors. We therefore propose a topological approach that constructs quantitative features describing the phase evolution of oscillators. Here, the phase data are mapped into a high-dimensional space at each time point, and topological features describing the shape of the data are subsequently extracted from the mapped points. We extend these features to time-variant topological features by considering the evolution time, which serves as an additional dimension in the topological-feature space. The resulting time-variant features provide crucial insights into the time evolution of phase dynamics. We combine these features with the machine learning kernel method to characterize the multicluster synchronized dynamics at a very early stage of the evolution. Furthermore, we demonstrate the usefulness of our method for qualitatively explaining chimera states, which are states of stably coexisting coherent and incoherent groups in systems of identical phase oscillators. The experimental results show that our method is generally better than those using order parameters, especially if only data on the early-stage dynamics are available.