
Military Transition Job Fairs - June through December 2006

It's high season for military transition job and career fairs.
We have a great alliance with Military Connection and they
keep us posted on upcoming military transition job and
career fairs nationwide. See the below link for more

Upcoming Military Transition Job & Career Fairs

Have a great weekend.

Johnetta Matthews
Veterans In Motion


Military Transition Tips Web Site - Back Up

Hi Everyone,

It's been real challenging keeping the Military Transition Tips Web Site
up and running. Apparently, we must have a good idea, otherwise we
wouldn't have so many people trying to hack the web site.

We're working with our connections to keep the web site up for you.

In case you haven't seen our earlier posts, Military Transition Tips
provides articles that can assist with your job search and it also has
articles of interest in many other topics.

Visit to how the site can help.

Best wishes with your military transition.

Johnetta Matthews
Veterans In Motion


Military Transition Tips - Job Search


Let me let you in on something first hand. Have you every noticed
that on many job sites, a job can advertise at a certain salary, then
when you click for details, a lower salary is offered?

Be very careful when applying for positions. If you decide to have
an interview, make sure you fully understand what the position
involves and the salary that's being offered.

We don't want to think that an employer wants to intentionally
deceive us, yet we may have a family depending on us and we only
want to look after ourselves and know the details.

This is just a tip for your upcoming job search. Information is
key. Best wishes with your job search.

Johnetta Matthews
Veterans In Motion


Dressing for Successful Job Interviews - Military Transition Tips

This is one of the articles on Military Transition Tips. Our article web site
can be very helpful for your job search and more. This is one of the articles
from our Military Transition web site.

Dressing for Successful Job Interviews

The first thing an interviewer will notice about you is how you're dressed.
Even before you say hello or shake their hand, they are starting to form an
impression of you based on your appearance. This week's job searching tip
deals with making sure you are dressed properly for interviews.

It's estimated that people gain meaning more from non-verbal cues in
conversations than from the actual words exchanged. Therefore, how you
present yourself in an interview will have a significant impact on how the
interviewer perceives you.

If you're applying for a job as a manager, the interviewer will be trying to
decide how you would be perceived by subordinates and other managers.
Basically, they're asking themselves, "would this person fit in?" One way to
figure out how best to dress to fit in would be to visit the company ahead
of time for some "surveillance" work.

If you hang around outside the company's parking lot, you could observe
how most people dress there. Of course it's best not to be conspicuous - if
the interviewer saw you hanging around their parking lot a few days earlier,
they might think you're strange!

There are some basic rules that everyone should follow when
going on a job interview:

- Your goal should be to look clean, healthy and successful.
- Make sure you don't have bad breath. Nobody wants to work with
someone who smells bad.
- On the other hand, don't overdo it with aftershave/perfume.
- Always err on the side of conservatism. Men should
wear conservative ties for interviews and women should opt for a more
conservative blouse.
- Your hair should be clean and neat.
- Your nails should be clean and a reasonable
- Women should wear tan or light hosiery.If you know people who work
in a similar company (or the same company) in the same location, talk
to them about how people dress for work. Especially if you are moving
from another part of the country.

For example, lawyers in California often dress a bit more casually and
wear less conservative ties than lawyers in New York. Be sure to follow
rules of etiquette when on the interview itself. Give the interviewer a
chance to offer you a seat. If you're wearing a suit jacket, don't take it
off in the interview.

Remember, an interview is partly a formality. Especially if the
interviewer is a human resources person or other staff member who is
not very familiar with your field, you may be judged much more on
your appearance and how well you conform to the "picture" of what a
good interviewee should be like than on the content of what you say in
the interview.

A great movie about creating the right appearance is the recent Steven
Spielberg film, "Catch Me If You Can," which starred Leonardo Di Caprio.
In the movie, which is based on a true story, Di Caprio plays a con artist
and counterfeiter named Frank Abignale, Jr. Frank is able to work as an
airline pilot, a doctor and a lawyer all because he is able to come across
like he fits in. Even though he was only 16, he knew enough to do his
research ahead of time and create the right appearance.

One of the great lines in the movie is when Frank says to the detective
trying to catch him, "Why do you think the Yankees always win? Is it
because of Mickey Mantle? No, it's because everyone's busy watching
the pinstripes."

About the Author

Scott Brown is the author of the Job Search Handbook
( As editor of the
weekly newsletter on job searching, Scott has written many articles on the
subject. He wrote the Job Search Handbook to provide job seekers with a
complete yet easy to use guide to finding a job effectively.

Johnetta Matthews
Veterans In Motion

Shorten Your Military Transition Timeline


Military Transition Tips Web Site - Restored

As many have noticed, our Military Transition Tips Web Site
is now restored.

For several months, our site has been hacked on several
occasions. This is just another strike on how many people
may not understand the needs of people leaving the military.

We are working on a project that will eliminate the hacking
of our Military Transition Tips web site so we can make the site
available for your viewing.

We apologize for the interruption of service. Believe me,
we are on top of it. Thanks for your patience.

Military Transition Tips
Veterans In Motion


Military Transition Tips Article - What Do You Do For Work?

This is a very helpful article to read regarding what
we do for work and how we view our career path.

This article is from the Military Transition
Tips Article Directory:

"What Do You Do For Work?"
By: Doreen Banaszak

I remember being asked this question a lot when I was
dissatisfied with my career. My usual strategy would be to
give a pat answer and immediately turn the question back
on the person who asked it.

My avoidance of the question wasn't so much.......

Article Continued

Military Transition Tips Article
Veterans In Motion


Enormous Job Feed - Search For Job - Military Transition Jobs

This is one item I really wanted to post in a
hurry. The below link is a quick way to find
a job. See if this can be of some help:

New Job Search

This shows that modern technology really can
help speed up the job selection process.

Another Job Lead:

This is a lead that I would take seriously.

AAA is hiring! If you'd like to test the
waters, send your resume to Lori Duvall,
at . Your resume
will be sent directly to Lori and she will
ensure that it gets to the right place.

Be sure to include your contact information.

Best Wishes and Merry Christmas!

Military Transition Coach


Military Transition Article Directory Update

By the beginning of the year, the Article Directory
will no long exceed it's bandwidth. It's became so
popular that we are still working on the project.

We'll keep you posted once the issue is finally
resolved. Until then, see our archives and stay
tuned for updates.

Merry Christmas

Military Transition Coach


Military Transition Tips Update

Happy New Years Comrades,

We've finally reached a solution with the
Military Transition Tips' Article Directory

It's amazing how a web site can become popular to
the point that the bandwidth exceeds repeatedly.

Last week we accepted 34 new articles and today
we approved at least 2 articles for the directory.

Why is the directory important? Many of us would
like to have a resource to read various topics. When
we're in the military, we primarily focus on the
military. As we leave the military, our focus

We apologize for any inconveniences. Have a great

Johneta Matthews

My Gift To You:


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Open webOS портировали на планшет Transformer Prime


Role of Stem Cells in Bone Marrow Transplantation

The science behind stem cells in bone marrow transplantation, how it revolutionizes cancer treatment and how it holds the potential to transform lives, offering renewed hope and vitality to patients battling cancer.


Transfer AppleWorks data from Apple IIgs to Macintosh

My first computer was an Apple II. I progressed to an Apple IIgs and then to Mac. But I still have my Woz Signature Apple IIgs and a box full of floppies with games and AppleWorks data.

I wanted a way to transfer all of my AppleWorks data from my IIgs to my Mac.
I searched the web for a solution and tried many things. But nothing let me do what I wanted to do.
The solution I came up with was this and it works very well...


Two Transport Biosecurity Projects Approved Under Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Research Program

Farmscape for October 30, 2024

Two research projects approved through the Swine Health Information Center's Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Research Program will focus on reducing the risk of swine transport vehicle contamination at hog processing plants and at deadstock disposal sites.
The Swine Health Information Center’s Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Research Program, funded in collaboration with the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research and Pork Checkoff, has approved funding for research intended to help improve transport vehicle biosecurity where the transport trailer interfaces with the harvest facility and at the deadstock disposal site.
SHIC Associate Director Dr. Lisa Becton says two projects will be conducted by the University of Minnesota.

Quote-Dr. Lisa Becton-Swine Health Information Center:
The first project is quantifying trailer contamination rates at the harvest plant interface.
The goal of this project is to gather and analyze data on viral contamination rates in trailers and this will be looking at a 12-month period over time at the plant interface.
It's going to assess the rates of PED, PRRS and Senaca Valey Virus and the goal is to understand what are the epidemiology factors related to trailers and unloading for the ability to either increase or decrease contamination rates, to understand what happens at that interface and then determine what are things that we can do to mitigate those risks.
The second project is going to be assessing viral contamination of mortality disposal structures at wean to harvest farms.
It's going to describe what the current procedures are for disposal and assess viral contamination in the environment around those containers but also to assess what is happening at these disposal structures such as compost and dead box and to detect and test what could be a decontamination strategy.
Again, the goal is to help identify risks and to develop a strategy to mitigate those risks.

Dr. Becton says the two projects will be conducted over a 12 month span to take into account seasonal changes and how those changes can drive the risk of disease introduction.
Information on this work can be found at
For more visit Farmscape.Ca.
Bruce Cochrane.

       *Farmscape is produced on behalf of North America’s pork producers


Mehr Transplantationen mit neuem FDP-Vorschlag?

Dr. Alexander von Paleske ----- 16.10. 2024 - Die FDP hat einen neuen Vorschlag präsentiert, um die unakzeptabel niedrige Zahl von Transplantationen in Deutschland zu erhöhen. Die Lage: Rund 9000 Patienten warten in Deutschland auf ein Spenderorgan. Diesem grossen Bedarf an Spenderorganen stehen lediglich rund 900 Transplantationen pro Jahr gegenüber. Patienten warten oft jahrelang auf ein Spenderorgan - nicht wenige sterben während der Wartezeit. Genug potentielle Spender Organ-Spender...


Free Transparent Tote Bag

Posted on Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Zimbabwe: Six-Month Protection - Lenacapavir Injection Could Transform HIV Prevention

[263Chat] In a groundbreaking development for HIV prevention, the efficacy and safety of a six-monthly injection containing the antiretroviral drug lenacapavir have been confirmed through two pivotal studies. This innovative jab represents a significant advancement in the fight against HIV, providing a new option for individuals at risk.


Kenya: 'Availability of Lenacapavir Treatment in 2025 Set to Transform Global Health,' Says CDC Kenya's Director

[Capital FM] Kisii -- The U.S Food and Drug Administration ( FDA) has confirmed the availability of lenacapavir, a two-yearly injectable HIV/ADS treatment as early as the summer 2025, a decision made by FDA after the completion of phase 3 trial of lenacapavir treatment.


Lesotho: Lesotho Challenged to Transform Its HIV Response

[Lesotho Times] LESOTHO is being challenged to transform its HIV response for sustainability by 2030 and beyond, as declining funding and competing priorities threaten progress.


Africa: Prosper Africa's Tech for Trade Alliance Announces a Pharmaceutical Tracing Pilot in South Africa as Part of U.S. Digital Transformation with Africa (DTA) Strategy

[Prosper Africa] Prosper Africa's Tech for Trade Alliance (AT4T) is launching its latest pilot in Africa to field test a digital platform intended to bring visibility to Africa's drug supply chains, creating a more transparent, efficient, and safe commercial market for medications.


Africa: Four Out of Five People in Africa Use Wood for Cooking - a Transition to Clean Fuels Would Cut Emissions and Save Lives, a Model for Nigeria Shows

[The Conversation Africa] Four in every five people in Africa cook using wood, charcoal and other polluting fuels in open fires or inefficient stoves. This releases harmful pollutants and leads to respiratory illnesses and heart disease, particularly among children.


Events | Institute for Translational Medicine and ...

Symposia. ITMAT symposia enlist outstanding speakers from the US and abroad to address topics of direct relevance to translational science. Read more


Here's a New Case That Transforms Any Smartphone Into an E-Reader

Astropad has introduced Bookcase, a unique smartphone case that transforms your phone into a dedicated e-reader.


The World's Smallest Caravan? A Young Man Transforms an Old Pickup Truck into a Motorhome

A motorhome on a shoestring budget? It's possible if you're brave and creative. Here's how one blogger turned his dream of life on wheels into reality.


KDDI transforms customer support with AI

(Telecompaper) KDDI and Altius Link have launched a new customer support project harnessing the digital transformation (DX) expertise of the KDDI Customer Centre, including generative AI technology...


Hareem Shah to host a Ramazan transmission?

Many on Twitter are not to keen on the possibility

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Miyawaki Nature Lab in Thiruvananthapuram gives visitors a feel of how micro-forests transform the soil and the environment

MR Hari, who led the efforts to create the Miyawaki forest, hopes to inspire others by training people who want to follow the model

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Mumbai Rains: During the monsoon, the walk-in homebuyer’s activity slows down, impacting housing transactions

The real estate industry in Mumbai has suffered the most as a result of the heavy rains and the numerous cases of waterlogging that have been reported. Real estate experts claim that between July and August, during the monsoon, walk-ins … Continue reading

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  • Monsoon effect's on Real Estate
  • Mumbai's real estate
  • Mumbai's real estate market


Canadian Transit Think Tank CUTRIC Chooses Inaccuracy, Irrelevancy, & Attack

Over the past three weeks, I’ve been assessing various aspects of the Canadian Urban Transit Research and Innovation Consortium’s (CUTRIC) positions, research, and publications on transit bus decarbonization. I’ve published ten articles directly about CUTRIC’s material and reports, or closely related and with serious implications for their claims that both ... [continued]

The post Canadian Transit Think Tank CUTRIC Chooses Inaccuracy, Irrelevancy, & Attack appeared first on CleanTechnica.


Transformation and Forgiveness

Fr. Stephen Freeman looks at our transformation into the image of Christ and the forgiveness of our sins in terms of concrete reality - thinking through the work that God is doing in us.


Time in Transit

Public transportation is my temporal kryptonite--it brings out my impatience and inability to cope with the time I “lose” commuting. But a few months ago, I had an experience on the subway that really put things in perspective, a painful reminder that no time is every truly wasted. (For quotations and other information from this episode, make sure to check out the shownotes in the file attachment above or subscribe to the Time Eternal blog.)


Integrity, Transparency and Accountability - The new old imperative for churches and people

Almost every news cycle is dominated with stories of both leaders and ordinary people who lost their way. Bill Marianes is joined by special guests Steven Laduzinsky, Chris Mandaleris, and Fr. Barnabas Powell, to explore Trust and ITA from the legal, financial, accounting and spiritual perspectives.


Transfiguration, Light, and an Icon

This week as we think about the Transfiguration of our Lord, Frederica has some interesting reflections on a particular icon of the Transfiguration from the apse of St. Catherine's Monastery in Sinai. To view the icon, click HERE for a large image, and HERE for a smaller one.


Transfiguration - The Center of the Evangelical Narrative

On August 6, we will celebrate the Transfiguration of our Lord, and Fr. Thomas Hopko helps us understand the pivotal nature of this event in Christian history.


English Translations of the Bible

In the third part of his series on reading the Bible, Fr. Tom discusses the various English language translations that are available and offers his recommendations.


Introduction to the Bible - Lesson 14: Translations and Versions

Today, Jeannie talks about the many and various translations and versions of the Bible


Uncreated Light: Experiencing the Transcendent

In Orthodoxy we often hear and read about the Uncreated Light of God. What is this Uncreated Light? Can we experience this Divine Light or is it something only Saints can experience? Join Michael as he explains certain Scriptures that illuminate our understanding of God’s Uncreated Light, and shares thoughts and experiences that demonstrate how all of us can partake of the Divine Light and experience the Transcendent in our ordinary daily lives.


Wrestling with God: Struggles, Wounds, and Transformation

Have you ever felt like you were wrestling or struggling with God, like your life was out of control, the future was unknown or something to be feared, and you were at a loss about what to do? Your prayers seem unanswered and God seems silent. Join Michael as he recounts the story of Jacob and shows how Jacob’s story and his struggle with God is our story.


Mar 13 - Translation of the Relics of St. Nicephoros


Translation of the Relics of St Nicephoros, Patriarch of Constantinople


Translation of the Relics of St Nicephoros, Patriarch of Constantinople


Translation of the Relics of St Nicephoros, Patriarch of Constantinople


Translation of the Relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from Myra to Bari


May 09 - Translation of the Relics of St Nicholas the Wonderworker from Myra to Bari


Aug 06 - The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord


Aug 06 - Holy Transfiguration Of Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ


Aug 06 - The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ


The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ


The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ