strat The Merits, Risks And Politics of Sweden's Herd Immunity Strategy By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 20:51:34 +0000 Compared to the lockdowns and shuttered businesses in countries across the world, Sweden is an outlier. Swedish officials have advised citizens to work from home and avoid travel, but most schools and businesses have remained open. This relaxed approach aims to minimize impact on the economy and slow the spread of the virus through what is known as “herd immunity.” But striving for herd immunity without a controlled vaccine in place can also prove risky. Full Article
strat Higher Ed: Be Grateful For The Frustration That Can Come With Learning. You’ll Learn From That, Too. By Published On :: Sun, 24 Nov 2019 12:00:31 +0000 “Thank you” may not always be the words that come to mind when struggling through a difficult lesson or dealing with a mountain of homework in school. But in this episode of KUT’s podcast “Higher Ed,” Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger and KUT’s Jennifer Stayton discuss the role that gratitude can play in learning... Full Article Higher Ed Dr. Ed Burger education gratitude school Thanks
strat Op-Ed Teaching Public Policy In A Trump Administration: James K. Galbraith By Published On :: Wed, 21 Dec 2016 16:12:45 +0000 From The New Deal until the present moment the architecture of The United States formed around some basic principles of public policy; principles that will no longer apply under a Trump administration. With all the questions that are on the table when it comes to this transition, Dr. James K. Galbraith asks: “Is the study... Full Article The Secret Ingredient education James K. Galbraith op-ed Trump 2016
strat Obama Criticizes Trump Administration in Private Call With Allies By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 15:34:58 +0000 Speaking to allies on a private call, the former president took a sharper line toward the Trump administration than he typically does in public. Full Article Justice Department Obama Barack Trump Donald J United States Politics and Government Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Flynn Michael T Jarrett Valerie Presidential Election of 2020
strat Trump administration tightens visas for Chinese reporters By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 08:37:32 -0700 WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is tightening visa guidelines for Chinese journalists in response to the treatment of U.S. journalists in China, as tensions flare between the two nations over the coronavirus. The Department of Homeland Security has issued new regulations, set to take effect Monday, that will limit visas for Chinese reporters to […] Full Article Nation & World Politics
strat Jerry Spring, who demonstrated faith through action, dies of coronavirus at 85 By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 06:00:02 -0700 Spring became an Alaska Airlines pilot during the golden age of aviation in the 1960s: a time when intuition and a dash of fearlessness helped steer the manual control systems. Full Article Health Local News Obituaries
strat Trump administration tightens visas for Chinese reporters By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 08:37:32 -0700 WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is tightening visa guidelines for Chinese journalists in response to the treatment of U.S. journalists in China, as tensions flare between the two nations over the coronavirus. The Department of Homeland Security has issued new regulations, set to take effect Monday, that will limit visas for Chinese reporters to […] Full Article Nation & World Politics
strat Seattle demonstrators adjust to coronavirus pandemic, swap May Day marches for car caravans By Published On :: Fri, 01 May 2020 18:53:27 -0700 As usual, May Day demonstrators took to the streets on Friday. Only this time, they drove in cars and practiced safe distancing while pushing for immigrant and workers' rights as well as a proposed tax on large corporations. Full Article Health Local Business Local News Local Politics Northwest
strat Automate and Orchestrate Your IBM FlashSystem Hybrid Cloud with Red Hat Ansible Version 1 Release 1 By Published On :: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 13:30:00 GMT Blueprint, published: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 This document is intended to facilitate the deployment of Red Hat Ansible for the IBM FlashSystem®. Full Article
strat Megan Rapinoe is Sports Illustrated’s Sportsperson of the Year, only the fourth woman chosen alone By Published On :: Mon, 09 Dec 2019 10:36:28 -0800 Megan Rapinoe was Sports Illustrated's choice for Sportsperson of the Year, joining Chris Evert, Mary Decker and Serena Williams as the only women in the 66-year history of the award to win it by themselves. Full Article Reign Sports
strat Biden, Warren seek revival, with 2 very different strategies By Published On :: Wed, 05 Feb 2020 19:03:25 -0800 MANCHESTER, N.H. — Joe Biden and Sen. Elizabeth Warren each suffered a damaging setback in Iowa that could make it harder for them to recover next week in New Hampshire — and not just because they were running well behind the leading candidates as Democrats awaited a final count. In a primary sharply divided between […] Full Article Nation Nation & World Nation & World Politics
strat Wekdienst 9/5: Demonstraties in Duitsland • Benefiet in Caribisch deel koninkrijk By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 08:14:48 +0200 Goedemorgen! In Duitsland zijn er demonstraties tegen de coronamaatregelen in het land, en Jandino Asporaat organiseert een benefiet. Het wordt een overwegend zonnige dag. Met 20 tot lokaal 26 graden wordt het nog een stuk warmer dan in de afgelopen dagen. De noordoostenwind is zwak tot matig. Ga je vandaag de weg op? Hier vind je het overzicht van de werkzaamheden. Check hier de aangepaste dienstregeling voor het spoor. Wat kun je vandaag verwachten? Het is in Rusland de Dag van de Overwinning. Het is 75 jaar geleden dat het Rode Leger nazi-Duitsland versloeg. Vanwege de coronacrisis zijn er dit jaar geen militaire parade of veteranen op het Rode Plein. Wel vliegen er gevechtsvliegtuigen over Moskou. In Duitsland zijn in diverse steden demonstraties tegen de coronamaatregelen van de regering. Er worden duizenden deelnemers verwacht. Cabaretier Jandino Asporaat organiseert vanavond de live benefietshow Samen één Koninkrijk. De show, waarmee geld wordt ingezameld voor inwoners van Curaçao, Aruba en Sint-Maarten, is direct na het NOS Journaal van 20.00 uur te volgen op NPO 1. Wat heb je gemist? Verpleeghuizen hebben sinds begin maart al geprobeerd hun personeel te laten testen op het coronavirus, maar werden geweigerd door laboratoria, terwijl die soms voldoende testcapaciteit hadden. Zelfs toen half maart bezoek aan verpleeghuizen werd verboden vanwege besmettingsgevaar, werd het personeel niet getest. De tests werden geweigerd omdat onduidelijk was waar in Nederland er beschikbare capaciteit was. Het grootste laboratorium van Nederland, Star-shl, had naar eigen zeggen wel capaciteit, maar weigerde aanvankelijk verpleeghuizen, omdat het RIVM dit voorschreef. "Marktwerking leidde de afgelopen tien jaar tot een wildgroei aan laboratoria", schrijft Trouw, dat samen met Argos en De Groene Amsterdammer het journalistieke onderzoeksplatform Investico inschakelde om het nieuws over de tests te achterhalen. "Waar voorheen één of twee labs per regio waren, zijn er nu landelijk ruim honderd. Volgens GGD'ers en arts-microbiologen is het overzicht zoek." Ander nieuws uit de nacht Entertainer Roy Horn (Siegfried & Roy) overleden in Las Vegas: Horn (75), die overleed aan het coronavirus, werd wereldberoemd met de extravagante leeuwen- en tijgershows die hij jarenlang met partner Siegfried Fischbacher maakte. Rapper Tekashi 6ix9ine maakt grootse comeback na vervroegde vrijlating: toen bekend werd dat 6ix9ine zou gaan getuigen in een zaak over bendegeweld, werd hij het lachertje van de rapscene. Maar online werd de hype steeds groter naarmate zijn comeback naderde. KNVB-plan voor oefenwedstrijden in augustus biedt FC Utrecht hoop: de bekerfinale tussen Feyenoord en FC Utrecht is door de coronapandemie van de agenda gehaald. Utrecht hoopt alsnog op doorgang: de bekerwinnaar verdient een ticket voor Europees voetbal. En dan nog even dit: In Nederland is een vulkaan ontdekt. Het gaat om een 150 miljoen jaar oude uitgedoofde vulkaan. Hij ligt 100 kilometer ten noordwesten van Texel, en is bij toeval door de Geologische Dienst Nederland gevonden. De nieuwe vulkaan is Mulciber genoemd, naar de Romeinse God van vuur en vulkanen. De diep begraven Mulciber werd herkend aan afwijkingen in de structuur van de ondergrond en het aardmagnetisch veld op die plek. De vulkaan is de tweede van Nederland. Vijftig jaar geleden werd de eerste gevonden, in de Waddenzee. Fijne dag! Full Article
strat Strategy To Expand Coronavirus Testing In US Unveiled By Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 13:35:37 GMT President Donald Trump on Monday announced a strategy to expand coronavirus testing facilities in the United States, which the White House described as a decisive step to ensure States have the testing system required to reopen the nation. The Trump Administration released its blueprint for State testing plans and rapid response programs as a follow up of the "Opening Up America Again" guidelines Full Article
strat Omura Raises $5 Mln; Says Bruce Linton To Join As Strategic Advisor By Published On :: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 05:00:25 GMT Omura, a California-based marijuana and hemp flower vaporizer company, said that Bruce Linton, the former CEO and founder of Canadian cannabis company Canopy Growth Corp., has participated in the company's latest fundraising round. Linton has also joined Omura as strategic advisor. Full Article
strat MicroStrategy integrated with Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) running on IBM Power Systems By Published On :: 08 Dec 2017 05:00:00 +0000 MicroStrategy is a business intelligence tool that allows data to be explored and visualized. MicroStrategy supports Hadoop environments as a data source. Read this article for details about how MicroStrategy Desktop was tested to integrate with and visualize data in Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) on IBM POWER8. Full Article linux
strat Ellen Page expresses frustration with 'absolutely horrifying' environmental racism in N.S. By Published On :: Mon, 30 Mar 2020 17:07:50 EDT In a new doc, the Canadian actress takes a searing look at injustices in her home province. Full Article Radio/Q
strat Fonterra dairy company reports $562m loss, says future strategy centres on New Zealand By Published On :: Thu, 26 Sep 2019 16:43:00 +1000 Fonterra has announced a loss of more than half a billion dollars and called on its Australian business to "stand on its own two feet" as the dairy company shifts its focus to its New Zealand operations. Full Article ABC South West Victoria northtas southwestvic melbourne Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Food and Beverage Rural:Agribusiness:All Rural:Food Processing:All Rural:Livestock:Dairy Production Australia:TAS:Burnie 7320 Australia:TAS:King Island 7256 Australia:VIC:Dennington 3280 Australia:VIC:Melbourne 3000 China:All:All New Zealand:All:All Venezuela:All:All
strat Government's drug testing plan slammed by medical experts, compared to mooted Kremlin HIV strategy By Published On :: Wed, 02 Oct 2019 18:38:00 +1000 Drug experts and welfare groups speak out against the Government's push to drug test welfare recipients, questioning why the bill has been revived despite "comprehensive" opposition from the medical profession. Full Article ABC Radio Perth perth Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Drugs and Substance Abuse:All Community and Society:Welfare:All Government and Politics:All:All Government and Politics:Federal Government:All Australia:All:All Australia:WA:Mandurah 6210
strat Extinction Rebellion protesters demonstrate outside West Australian newspaper HQ By Published On :: Tue, 08 Oct 2019 15:49:00 +1100 Full Article ABC Radio Perth perth Environment:Climate Change:All Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Australia:WA:Perth 6000
strat Paedophile and former magistrate Peter Liddy applies for release from South Australian jail By Published On :: Tue, 13 Aug 2019 19:35:00 +1000 One of Australia's most notorious paedophiles has applied for parole, but South Australia is considering whether the former magistrate should be indefinitely detained behind bars. Full Article ABC South East SA adelaide southeastsa Community and Society:Child Abuse:All Government and Politics:Parliament:State Parliament Government and Politics:States and Territories:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Courts and Trials:All Law Crime and Justice:Judges and Legal Profession:All Law Crime and Justice:Prisons and Punishment:All Australia:SA:Adelaide 5000 Australia:SA:All Australia:SA:Brighton 5048 Australia:SA:Mount Gambier 5290 Australia:SA:Northfield 5085
strat Shark strategy: baited drum lines and killing zones near popular beaches after fatal attacks By Published On :: Tue, 10 Dec 2013 20:02:00 +1100 A new strategy to reduce fatal shark attacks is being implemented with baited drum lines to be set along popular beaches in Perth and the South West. Sharks will also be caught and killed if they enter zones near those beaches because they will be considered an imminent threat. The measures follow six fatal attacks by sharks in WA in two years. Opponents say sharks deserve respect and protection. Full Article ABC South Coast southcoast southwestwa wheatbelt perth Government and Politics:All:All Human Interest:Animal Attacks:Shark Australia:WA:Albany 6330 Australia:WA:Bunbury 6230 Australia:WA:Geraldton 6530 Australia:WA:Perth 6000
strat Investor caught up rare coin dealer's demise airs frustrations By Published On :: Wed, 11 Dec 2013 14:53:00 +1100 An investor, who has been left waiting months for the return of rare bank notes he owned through a collapsed Albany dealer, says further delays to that process are distressing. Full Article ABC South Coast southcoast Business Economics and Finance:Company News:All Australia:WA:Albany 6330
strat Central Darling Shire to remain under administration until 2024 marking a decade without elected councillors By Published On :: Fri, 04 Oct 2019 16:38:00 +1000 The largest local council in New South Wales, whose patch includes the Darling River town that experienced mass fish kills, will spend another four years in administration. Full Article ABC Western Plains westernplains brokenhill Community and Society:Regional:All Environment:Water:All Environment:Water Management:All Environment:Water Supply:All Government and Politics:Local Government:All Australia:NSW:Ivanhoe 2878 Australia:NSW:Menindee 2879 Australia:NSW:White Cliffs 2836 Australia:NSW:Wilcannia 2836
strat Drug driving advice on NSW Government website a 'cruel underestimation', magistrate says By Published On :: Thu, 25 Jul 2019 15:01:00 +1000 A magistrate who found a Nimbin Mardi Grass festival worker not guilty of drug driving has blasted the NSW Government's advice to motorists, saying it "lulls them into a false sense of security". Full Article ABC North Coast northcoast Community and Society:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Courts and Trials:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:Drug Offences Australia:NSW:Lismore 2480 Australia:NSW:Nimbin 2480
strat 'Magpies and quazzie': The quirky coping strategy Aussies are using to survive coronavirus By Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 09:52:29 +1000 Words like 'iso' and 'sanny' are slipping into every day vocabulary, as COVID-19 slang goes viral like, well, "the 'rona'. Experts say its creating a sense of community. Full Article Comedy (Humour) Social Media Internet Culture COVID-19 Popular Culture Quarantine - Medical Social Distancing Disease Outbreak Relationships Epidemics and Pandemics Poetry Academic Research
strat Carriageworks calls in administrators as coronavirus wrecks business By Published On :: Mon, 04 May 2020 21:37:30 +1000 Sydney arts centre Carriageworks says the coronavirus pandemic has caused an "irreparable loss of income" after six months of events were cancelled or postponed. Full Article COVID-19 Diseases and Disorders Health Respiratory Diseases Infectious Diseases (Other) Arts and Entertainment
strat Police use capsicum spray on demonstrators By Published On :: Tue, 29 Oct 2019 13:58:00 +1100 Full Article ABC Radio Melbourne melbourne Australia:VIC:Melbourne 3000
strat Missing 11-year-old boy Walter Adams safely returns to home at Strathewen, north-east of Melbourne By Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2019 09:23:00 +1100 An 11-year-old boy who was missing since Sunday night on a 150-acre farm north-west of Melbourne returns home safe and well. Police say he was checked out by ambulance officers and was given the all clear. Full Article ABC Radio Melbourne melbourne Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Missing Person:All Australia:VIC:All Australia:VIC:Strathewen 3099
strat Exit strategy: how to lift lockdown By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 06:20:00 +1000 The national cabinet is looking at a range of strategies to get us out of lockdown, ahead of a crunch meeting tomorrow. Full Article Infectious Diseases (Other) Government and Politics
strat Albany youth anxious and frustrated over climate inaction By Published On :: Sat, 18 Apr 2020 12:05:29 +1000 Young people of Western Australia see a climate crisis developing and inappropriate action from decision makers. Full Article
strat Central Goldfields Shire Chair of Administrators, Noel Harvey. By Published On :: Sun, 30 Jun 2019 10:22:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Ballarat ballarat Business Economics and Finance:Regional Development:All Community and Society:Regional:All Rural:Rural Tourism:All Rural:Rural Youth:All Australia:VIC:Maryborough 3465
strat Karratha Magistrates Court By Published On :: Tue, 23 Jul 2019 13:32:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Pilbara northwestwa Community and Society:Drugs and Substance Abuse:All Community and Society:Family and Children:Children Law Crime and Justice:All:All Australia:WA:Karratha 6714
strat Google’s future city; the space-wide web; and how the ancients strategized for the future By Published On :: Sun, 01 Sep 2019 10:30:00 +1000 Get an update on Google’s controversial proposal to take over the construction and regulation of a section of Toronto; learn about how the ancient Athenians used Tragedy to guide their future decision-making and follow the rush to develop low-orbit satellites to secure the future of the Internet. Full Article Science and Technology Internet Technology History Community and Society
strat Liberals express frustrations over new Opposition Leader Liza Harvey's policy shifts By Published On :: Tue, 18 Jun 2019 18:19:00 +1000 WA Liberal MPs distance themselves from their new leader's policy direction, including contentious moves to abandon the Western Power sale and steer away from supporting deregulated trading hours, after strong criticism from the business lobby. Full Article ABC Local perth Government and Politics:All:All Government and Politics:Parliament:State Parliament Government and Politics:Political Parties:Liberals Australia:WA:All Australia:WA:Perth 6000
strat Hawthorn's Ben Stratton suspended for two weeks for pinching, stomping on Essendon players By Published On :: Tue, 18 Jun 2019 19:31:00 +1000 Hawthorn captain Ben Stratton is suspended for two weeks by the AFL tribunal, one week each for repeatedly pinching Essendon's Orazio Fantasia and stomping on the foot of Shaun McKernan. Full Article ABC Local melbourne Sport:All:All Sport:Australian Football League:All Australia:VIC:Essendon 3040 Australia:VIC:Hawthorn 3122 Australia:VIC:Melbourne 3000
strat Magistrate calls for more resources to be put into neglect investigation that left baby 'near death' By Published On :: Wed, 08 May 2019 16:07:00 +1000 An Adelaide magistrate calls for police to allocate sufficient resources to a criminal neglect investigation into the mistreatment of a baby that left the infant "near death". Full Article 639 ABC North and West adelaide northandwest Community and Society:Family and Children:All Community and Society:Family and Children:Babies Community and Society:Family and Children:Children Health:Child Health and Behaviour:Infant Health Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Courts and Trials:All Australia:SA:Adelaide 5000 Australia:SA:All Australia:SA:Port Pirie 5540
strat Illustrator Sami Bayly finds key to conservation message in beauty of animal 'ugliness' By Published On :: Fri, 04 Oct 2019 17:00:00 +1000 If you suffer from trypophobia, or an aversion to the sight of clusters of small holes, you might want to take a deep breath before laying your eyes on a Suriname toad. Full Article 1233 ABC Newcastle newcastle Arts and Entertainment:Contemporary Art:All Arts and Entertainment:Popular Culture:All Arts and Entertainment:Visual Art:All Education:All:All Education:Subjects:Art and Design Environment:Conservation:All Human Interest:All:All Human Interest:Animals:All Human Interest:Offbeat:All Information and Communication:Internet:Social Media Science and Technology:Animals:All Antarctica:All:All Australia:NSW:Newcastle 2300 Australia:NSW:University of Newcastle 2308 China:All:All
strat Magistrate Dominique Burns resigns before trial-by-Parliament By Published On :: Thu, 30 May 2019 10:25:00 +1000 Port Macquarie magistrate Dominique Burns, who was suspended in 2017 after being accused of misusing her powers, quits before facing a parliamentary conduct hearing that could have seen her sacked. Full Article ABC Mid North Coast midnorthcoast Government and Politics:Parliament:All Government and Politics:Parliament:State Parliament Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Courts and Trials:All Australia:NSW:All Australia:NSW:Port Macquarie 2444
strat William Tyrrell inquest frustrated by delays and no significant breakthrough in the case By Published On :: Sat, 24 Aug 2019 10:30:00 +1000 As the Coronial inquest into William Tyrrell's disappearance had a special sitting in Taree just 40 kilometres from where the toddler was last seen family members have been left frustrated by delays and disappointed by its failure so far to turn up any substantial new leads. Full Article ABC Mid North Coast midnorthcoast Law Crime and Justice:All:All Australia:NSW:Kendall 2439 Australia:NSW:Taree 2430
strat Brenton E McKenna illustrating By Published On :: Sat, 24 Aug 2019 07:17:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Kimberley kimberley Arts and Entertainment:Books (Literature):Author Australia:WA:Broome 6725
strat Denmark locals demonstrate how easy it is to catch a fish using a Mentos wrapper as bait By Published On :: Sun, 21 Apr 2019 06:01:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Great Southern greatsouthern Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Plastics and Rubber Environment:All:All Environment:Environmental Impact:All Environment:Environmental Management:All Australia:WA:Denmark 6333
strat How frustration with oyster baskets led to an innovation award for a SA grower By Published On :: Thu, 20 Dec 2018 07:37:00 +1100 Garry Seidel became so frustrated with the durability of his oyster baskets, he set out to create a more robust design capable of lasting years longer than those that had failed and were stacking up in his shed. Full Article ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast eyre Environment:All:All Environment:Recycling and Waste Management:All Rural:All:All Rural:Fishing Aquaculture:All Australia:SA:Ceduna 5690
strat Stratasys unveils new F120 FDM printer and V650 Flex SLA 3D printer By Published On :: Mon, 01 Apr 2019 16:24:42 +0200 Stratasys launched today the user-friendly and reasonably-priced F120 3D Printer based on industrial-grade additive manufacturing technology. Full Article 3D Printers
strat David Cross and Graeme Finger talk about the feeding demonstration in the Ord Valley By Published On :: Mon, 02 Oct 2017 06:22:00 +1100 Full Article ABC Local kimberley Rural:All:All Australia:WA:Kununurra 6743
strat Japanese war bride's dress illustrates immigration history at National Museum By Published On :: Tue, 20 Mar 2018 16:23:00 +1100 The Western-style wedding dress worn by a Japanese war bride in 1956 is on display at the National Museum as part of a wider exhibit about immigration. Full Article ABC Local canberra Arts and Entertainment:All:All Arts and Entertainment:Design:Fashion Arts and Entertainment:Library Museum and Gallery:All Community and Society:Family and Children:Marriage Community and Society:History:20th Century Community and Society:History:World War 2 Community and Society:Immigration:All Human Interest:All:All Australia:ACT:Canberra 2600
strat Audit finds $5 billion Indigenous Advancement Strategy is not properly evaluated By Published On :: Wed, 19 Jun 2019 14:59:00 +1000 The Federal Government's overhaul of billions of dollars in spending on Indigenous disadvantage is still only in the "early stages" of evaluation, five years after a funding shake-up that was found to be rushed and flawed. Full Article 783 ABC Alice Springs alicesprings darwin katherine Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All Government and Politics:All:All Government and Politics:Federal Government:All Government and Politics:Indigenous Policy:All Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:NT:All Australia:NT:Darwin 0800 Australia:NT:Katherine 0850
strat National Road Transport Hall of Fame in administration after investigation finds financial irregularities By Published On :: Thu, 25 Jul 2019 19:13:00 +1000 The future of one of outback Australia's tourist drawcards, the National Transport Hall of Fame, is in doubt after an independent audit found financial irregularities by management. Full Article 783 ABC Alice Springs alicesprings Arts and Entertainment:Library Museum and Gallery:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Road Transport Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Tourism Disasters and Accidents:Accidents:Road Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870
strat Christopher Malyschko, man who orchestrated NT's first known contract killing, found dead in Darwin prison cell By Published On :: Wed, 21 Aug 2019 20:30:00 +1000 Christopher Malyschko was serving a life sentence for arranging the murder of his mother's partner in Katherine in 2011. On Tuesday morning he was found dead in his cell in Darwin's prison. Full Article 783 ABC Alice Springs alicesprings darwin katherine Community and Society:Death:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Prisons and Punishment:All Australia:All:All Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:NT:All Australia:NT:Darwin 0800 Australia:NT:Katherine 0850
strat The Hyde family will make a final appeal to the Administrative Review Tribunal on April 30 By Published On :: Thu, 18 Apr 2019 16:15:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Goulburn Murray goulburnmurray Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Immigration:All Government and Politics:All:All Australia:VIC:Seymour 3660
strat Concerns conditions on Charles Sturt University's registration will damage student credibility By Published On :: Thu, 23 May 2019 16:13:00 +1000 Concerns are raised about Charles Sturt University's spending priorities and credibility after a number of conditions were attached to the facility's registration. Full Article ABC Goulburn Murray goulburnmurray centralwest westernplains illawarra sydney midnorthcoast riverina Business Economics and Finance:Regulation:All Community and Society:Regional:All Education:University and Further Education:All Australia:NSW:Albury 2640 Australia:NSW:Bathurst 2795 Australia:NSW:Dubbo 2830 Australia:NSW:Goulburn 2580 Australia:NSW:Orange 2800 Australia:NSW:Parramatta 2150 Australia:NSW:Port Macquarie 2444 Australia:NSW:Wagga Wagga 2650