
Vaccine damage in Great Britain: The consequences of Dr Wakefield’s trials

More and more evidence is coming to light that Dr. Wakefield was on the right track when he researched the connection between the MMR vaccine and intestinal inflammation in the vaccinated children. Was Dr. Andrew Wakefield Right After All? Wakefield’s Lancet Paper Vindicated New Published Study Verifies Andrew Wakefield’s Research on Autism But how did Dr. Wakefield first get into the sights of the UK vaccine industry and how was the campaign against him mounted? Martin Walker, the author of "Dirty Medicine" and a number of other books on health, closely followed the case that eventually resulted in Dr. Wakefield's exile from the UK. He describes how it all happened and how the vaccine manufacturers were able to bring down the full weight of government and the courts against both Wakefield and the many parents who were suing for recognition of the damage vaccines had done to their children. "As a campaigner of 40 years, I think that what surprises me most about Dr Wakefield’s case, is how easily and how completely we were defeated by the pharmaceutical companies, how over a thousand parents and children were written out of history together with their adverse drug reactions. Part of this defeat for the parents, the children and the doctors concerned was grounded in an unfortunate understanding that pharmaceutical company executives were decent people and humanitarians. In fact the pharmaceutical companies, their corporate structure and their relentless pursuit of profit, their fraudulent practices represent one of the last remaining shibboleths, in our society which need to be completely reformed, democratised, divested of vested interests and made public from top to bottom." We do learn from experience. That is why we should pay attention to how this case went so wrong and why the campaign to ruin those researchers and to leave the damaged children by the wayside was mounted in the first place. So it won't happen again. Here is Martin Walker's essay....


Activate IAM Access

To activate the Activate IAM Access setting, you must log in to your AWS account using the root user credentials, and then select the setting in the My Account page.

select the check box that says "Activate IAM Access" in the section "IAM User and Role Access to Billing Information".


regex in clac

In LibreOffice Calc, you can use function REGEX for e.g.Begins with 'ph' will be =REGEX(A1,"ph")Ends in 'E' will be =REGEX(A1,"E$")


Extract words

Extract all incorrect words in first.txt file and all correct ones in second.txt file using the following sed command.

sed -n 's/."(["])".*/1/p' DocumentList.xml > first.txt

sed -n 's/["]"["]"["]"(["])".*/1/p' DocumentList.xml > second.txt


The Groovy Little Numbers, "A Place So Hard to Find"

Always a sucker for late-80s pogo-stick guitar pop from Scotland, I cannot resist the Groovy Little Numbers, yet another late-80s pogo-stick guitar-pop outfit from Scotland.

They're noteworthy—or at least more of a curiosity than others—and differentiated from contemporaries in a few ways, however. Lead vocals were often shared by Catherine Steven and Joe McAlinden, who started the band and seem to be considered the only core members, and this boy-girl tag-team adds a twist the Pooh Sticks, Close Lobsters, the Soup Dragons, the Hepburns, and most the rest in the scene didn't have.

Additionally, while trumpets were certainly a feature of the post-Postcard Scotish sound, the way these guys laid it in was gentler, sweeter. Generally, they were gentler, sweeter, more reserved Burt Bacharach than twitchy Violent Femmes.

As you might expect, this two-singles group was a sort of power-pop incubator for at least a couple of those involved: McAlinden started Superstar and was in BMX Bandits; Gerard Love got in with Teenage Fanclub at the onset.


Amazing Grace

Highly Recommended

The Movie:

The story of Amazing Grace might be just as intriguing and emotional as the film itself. Sydney Pollack (Tootsie) directed the film that showed Aretha Franklin's two-night performance at the New Temple Missionary Baptist Church in Los Angeles in 1972, but they could never sync the print with the audio tracks, which were released as a live album in 1972, and a subsequent complete recordings set was released years later. Pollack gave the film to Alan Elliott before his death in 2008 and allowed him to complete the film. And was thwarted two different times by Franklin (citing image rights reasons) before her death in 2018. Shortly thereafter, Franklin's family agreed to the release of the film late last year.

And man, what a performance it is. The church appears to be fairly nondescript, maybe a little intim...Read the entire review


Marbelous Stacks of Pancakes


Incredible Secret Money Machine ebook


The Holy Spirit Pt14: The Fruit Of The Spirit - Peace

In Part 14 of 'The Holy Spirit' we continue with a study of 'The Fruit Of The Spirit - Peace'. The peace of God is not just something He has and gives, but peace is something He is. Peace is a characteristic of God's nature. We've learned that this fruit of the Spirit is the very personality of God exhibited in us through the Holy Spirit. In this session you will learn how to cultivate a mind, heart and life of peace. How valuable this is in a world so dominated by fear and anxiety! This message is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • Religion & Spirituality


The Holy Spirit Pt22: The Gifts Of The Spirit - Grace Gifts

In this episode of our series on 'The Holy Spirit', looking at 'Grace Gifts', David talks about how all the gifts from God are because of His great grace in Christ; through the cross, resurrection and ascension of Jesus. He distinguishes Christ's gifts from the Holy Spirit's gifts. He also challenges us, that even though there may be misuses and abuses of the 'gifts of the Spirit' in the church, we should be asking the question: Where is the true? This message is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • Religion & Spirituality


The Holy Spirit Pt30: The Gifts Of The Spirit - Miracles

In Part 30 of our series on 'The Holy Spirit', we continue our look at the gifts of the Spirit by asking: Is there a difference between the gifts of healings and the gift of 'Miracles'? If so, what are the differences? What is the purpose of miracles? What is the best atmosphere for miracles to take place? In this episode, David seeks to help us answer these questions from the truth of scripture. This message is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • Religion & Spirituality


Helping Others To Freedom Pt9: Practicalities And Mysteries Of Healing And Deliverance

In Session 9 of 'Helping Others To Freedom', David addresses many practical questions that often arise around healing and deliverance, also considering some of the mysterious matters that can confuse people. This episode on 'Practicalities And Mysteries Of Healing And Deliverance' should be extremely useful for anyone engaging in prayer ministry. This session is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • Religion & Spirituality


Overcoming Adversity, Part 1: Facing Facts

There is such diversity of opinion among Christians regarding suffering. This confusion often distresses people who are enduring suffering. What is the truth then? In this message David talks candidly about the importance of 'Facing Facts' and coming to terms with the inevitability of adversity in our lives. Also, he emphasises that we need to understand how God uses adversity in our lives. Many people wonder, 'How do I know if this is something from the Devil that I need to resist or is something God is wanting me to submit to?'. David practically teaches us how to discern in our suffering and how to react appropriately to adversity. This message is available now from in MP3 audio format...

  • Religion & Spirituality


Practicalities Of Prayer

All of us are learners when it comes to prayer and praying better. So whilst we must beware of gimmicks and quick-fix formulae, we also must recognise some helpful disciplines of prayer - ingredients that can help us 'arrange' our prayers better. Here in 'Practicalities Of Prayer', David shares some valuable and practical pointers to refresh our prayer lives. This message is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • Religion & Spirituality


Solicito Que Actúe Como Español

La vicepresidente segunda del Gobierno de España y ministra de Trabajo, Yolanda Díaz, ha arremetido contra el Partido Popular por su postura en torno al nombramiento de Teresa Ribera como comisaria europea. Durante una rueda de prensa que tuvo lugar en Toledo, Díaz instó al PP a «por una vez defender a su país», haciendo […]

Artículo publicado en : Solicito Que Actúe Como Español


Dos Sanitarias Enfrentan 5 Años de Cárcel por Falsificación de Recetas en Villares del Saz

Este jueves 14 de noviembre, la Audiencia Provincial de Cuenca acogerá el juicio contra dos trabajadoras sanitarias, R.M.M.R. y Y.B.L., vinculadas al centro de salud de Villares del Saz, quienes están siendo acusadas de falsificar partes médicos para prescribir anabolizantes. Ambas se enfrentan a una solicitud de la Fiscalía que propone cinco años de prisión […]

Artículo publicado en : Dos Sanitarias Enfrentan 5 Años de Cárcel por Falsificación de Recetas en Villares del Saz


Antonio Resines Recibe el Premio de Honor en el IV Festival Internacional de Cine de Hellín

El IV Festival Internacional de Cine de Hellín (FECHE) se prepara para tomar el centro del escenario cultural del 16 al 22 de noviembre, convirtiéndose en un faro de actividades cinematográficas en la provincia de Albacete. Con una oferta que va más allá de las proyecciones de cine, el festival promete días repletos de cultura […]

Artículo publicado en : Antonio Resines Recibe el Premio de Honor en el IV Festival Internacional de Cine de Hellín


Page Propondrá Agenda de Armonización para Mejorar Colaboración Autonómica Tras Emergencia

El presidente de Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, ha manifestado su deseo de proponer al gobierno central una agenda clara destinada a mejorar la colaboración institucional con las comunidades autónomas. Este anuncio se realizó durante la firma de convenios con la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha y la Universidad de Alcalá, en la que García-Page abordó la […]

Artículo publicado en : Page Propondrá Agenda de Armonización para Mejorar Colaboración Autonómica Tras Emergencia


Transformación Gastronómica: Antiguo Convento de Las Terreras en Ciudad Real Recibe 1,5 Millones en Inversión

El emblemático convento de la Inmaculada Concepción de Ciudad Real, conocido como el convento de las Terreras, se prepara para una transformación significativa que lo convertirá en un centro de interpretación dedicado a la gastronomía manchega. Esta ambiciosa iniciativa, que busca revitalizar el patrimonio cultural de la ciudad, cuenta con una inversión de 1,5 millones […]

Artículo publicado en : Transformación Gastronómica: Antiguo Convento de Las Terreras en Ciudad Real Recibe 1,5 Millones en Inversión


El Gobierno Regional Paga 22,5 Millones de Euros a Agricultores Conquenses por Ayudas de la PAC

El sector agrícola y ganadero de la provincia de Cuenca ha recibido un significativo respaldo económico por parte del Gobierno regional, que ha procedido al pago del anticipo de los ecorregímenes de la Política Agraria Común (PAC) 2024. El delegado provincial de Agricultura, Ganadería y Desarrollo Rural, Rodrigo Fernández Alcalde, ha anunciado que se han […]

Artículo publicado en : El Gobierno Regional Paga 22,5 Millones de Euros a Agricultores Conquenses por Ayudas de la PAC


UGT Castilla-La Mancha Propone Mejor Coordinación en Asistencia a Damnificados por la DANA

La Unión General de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras de Castilla-La Mancha (UGT) urge a las autoridades y organismos competentes a una respuesta coordinada ante la situación crítica que viven 400 personas y 70 empresas, afectadas por el paso de la Depresión Aislada en Niveles Altos (DANA) en la región. Este fenómeno meteorológico ha dejado un rastro […]

Artículo publicado en : UGT Castilla-La Mancha Propone Mejor Coordinación en Asistencia a Damnificados por la DANA


Herencia inaugura una nueva pista de pádel de metacrilato con mejoras de seguridad y tecnología

Herencia estrena desde hoy una nueva y modernizada pista de pádel que promete elevar la experiencia de juego y seguridad de los usuarios. Esta nueva instalación se suma a las tres pistas ya existentes en el complejo deportivo local y está diseñada para satisfacer la creciente demanda de los aficionados a esta disciplina. Las obras […]

Artículo publicado en : Herencia inaugura una nueva pista de pádel de metacrilato con mejoras de seguridad y tecnología


Nuevas Directrices del SEPE para Tramitación de Prestaciones por Daños de DANA

El Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal (SEPE) ha establecido un nuevo protocolo para gestionar electrónicamente las prestaciones por desempleo destinadas a los afectados por la DANA. Esta normativa se ha detalla en una reciente resolución publicada en el Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE), como parte del Real Decreto-ley ratificado por el Consejo de Ministros. Este […]

Artículo publicado en : Nuevas Directrices del SEPE para Tramitación de Prestaciones por Daños de DANA


Page Celebra la Creación del Alto Comisionado y Exige al Estado Compromiso en la Restauración de los Cauces

El presidente de Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, ha mostrado su satisfacción por la decisión del Gobierno central de crear un Alto Comisionado destinado a agilizar la reconstrucción en las zonas afectadas por la reciente DANA (Depresión Aislada en Niveles Altos). Durante un discurso en Puertollano, García-Page expresó su confianza en que la Administración central no […]

Artículo publicado en : Page Celebra la Creación del Alto Comisionado y Exige al Estado Compromiso en la Restauración de los Cauces


Adventures of the Man in the Can - Chapter 11 - Conspiracy in the Sewers - Part 2

The secret is out about the poisoning of the elder birds and the park animals are in chaos wondering which among them is the villain. Can Yellow Bird and Man in the Can unwind the mystery before mayhem breaks loose? Find out now!!

MP3 File - Click Here to Download Podcast


Adventures of the Man in the Can - Chapter 11 - Conspiracy in the Sewers - Part 3

The Man in the Can knows who the conspirators are and also of their evil plans, but, what will the Man and the animals do? Listen now and find out...

Enjoy today's episode of the Adventures of the Man in the Can.

MP3 File - Click Here to Download Podcast


Adventures of Man in the Can - Chapter 11 - Conspiracy in the Sewer Epilogue

The battle is over, the animals now control above and below the park. But the leaders of the snakes and rats; BYDYS and Greystrike, are nowhere to be found. Is there more mischief coming? Listen to the Conspiracy in the Sewers Epilogue and find out!!

Enjoy today's episode of the Adventures of the Man in the Can.

MP3 File - Click Here to Download Podcast


Well, she flipped back.

I just returned home from seeing the doctor and sweet baby girl has flipped again. I guess she just likes being breech. So, we have decided it's best to have a csection. There were many factors I discussed with my doctor before making this decision. He delivered every single one of our kids and I'm so glad it appears that he will also be taking care of Miss Charlotte. We have our date and, Lord willing, she will be here end of next week. Hopefully, the next post will have a picture of our new little one!


Paint Your Red Nose Black In Protest 2013

This year I and others are painting our red noses black and intend to boycott the television shows we'd like you to join us, and I'm sure you'd like to know why? We are not against Comic Relief or the good work it does and encourage you to buy a red nose if you can afford it. But this year Comic Relief saw fit to include clips of David Cameron in the music video to One directions charity song. We feel including the Prime minister in this video is a slap in the face to the millions of people he has plunged into poverty in this country with his misguided austerity measures.
There are currently 3.6 million children in the UK living in poverty according to barnardos 58% of them are in a family where someone works.
Yet the Coalition have pushed through measures to ensure benefits even those for disabled people and people in work, like tax credits only go up by 1%. Further punishing children who will be forced further into poverty as their parents incomes are reduced even more compared to inflation.
These cuts risk putting the UK in breach of the UN Economic and social rights convention we are signed up to. Food poverty has risen so sharply that there has been a massive rise in emergency food banks already.
The cuts to housing benefit for many people living in social housing deemed to be over occupying their properties dubbed “The Bedroom Tax” Will see people expected to move to a smaller property or pay a charge for their extra room, even though there is a huge shortage of suitable smaller properties for them to move to. This will further increase the poverty people are suffering in the UK as they are forced to make up shortfalls in their rent or face eviction and homelessness.
The coalition also rolled out across the country a new and untested Work Capability Assessment when they came into power in 2010. Between January and November 2011 10,600 disabled people who clearly wrongly had their benefits stopped died within 6 weeks of losing benefit. (a sharp rise in the statistics compared to the year before).
Yet despite all these alarming statistics David Cameron's ministers continue to claim these cuts are fair and needed. Though they have made no cuts to their own wages, continue to claim massive expenses, and have not sufficiently cracked down on tax evasion by large multinational companies. But apparently we are “all in this together”.
We presented all this information to comic relief and they have ignored our requests to remove David Cameron from the video, and have even promoted pictures of David Cameron's wife Samantha baking in her tax payer funded kitchen at Number 10 with her children. Making cakes she will apparently sell to downing street staff to raise money for the event. Well it's alright for some isn't it?
Join us by liking the facebook page where there is a list of actions you can take and by tweeting your disgust at this flawed decision by comic relief using the hashtag #blacknoseday.


Atos monlogues "Internet Survey number 2" for art action week project.

Picture by Stewart
If we're going to do any of the Atos monologues I'm going to need a lot of volunteers who can record themselves and somehow send the video, because of the amount of time we have I think we can only do a small part. Mainly because we don't have time to send larger videos which would probably have to be sent by post on a disc. There are a lot of lines in this part, and the resulting videos will hopefully be short enough to email or send over facebook. If you just upload them to the art action group I can download them from there.
I've moved this post onto the blog as it's easier to share a link to it, and I can strike through the lines that are already taken.  If you want to take part chose the line you want to read from the list below, record it and you can send it to me through facebook. If you don't use facebook leave a comment and we'll find another way for you to send me the video. And if the line you wanted has a line through it sorry someone has already taken that one.
Here is the full Atos Monologues 2 script:
The part we are doing is on page 13

We can't see Post traumatic stress disorder and we've never heard of a hippocampus.
You do not meet my limited definition of being disabled
You drive an Audi. How would you afford it? It would be too difficult for a disabled person to get in.
You can text a friend
You can tweet
You watch TV and soaps and can sit comfortably for half an hour.  
I saw you stand up!
'You're too young'
You can pick up a £1 coin
"You seem alright to me"
"You're smiling"
You look butch. Can't be anything wrong with you.
You could fill in the form.
You brushed your hair this morning and you’re wearing a nice coat
You answered questions that was asked
You traveled by bus
You don’t soil yourself every day.
You could fill in the form
You’re still breathing
You can spell your name backwards
You're not a dribbling, disheveled lunatic howling at the moon and threatening to axe people to death
You hold eye contact
You don’t look disabled enough to me
You brushed your teeth this morning.
You’re faking it.
You can’t have Post traumatic stress disorder because "you've never been in a war zone"
You’re at university.
You have a girl friend.
You don’t look autistic
You can talk
I cannot see anything wrong with you
You moved your leg.
You can lift an empty box up to waist height.
You’re so pretty.
You can’t be disabled because of Tory ideology


Art Action Week Slideshow


More Propaganda Broadcast "Don't Worry Disabled People Are Fine, Go Back To Sleep..."

Just been listening to BBC Radio Four, they were discussing disability and finances and how disabled people have more of a hard time getting loans. they also went into how it costs more day to day if you are disabled, how this is worse in the current economic climate, and mentioned welfare reform and bedroom tax, giving an example of one woman who has to now pay £20 a week she can ill afford. The report quite good and balanced up until that point, then they read out the government response.
They said that they are "Committed to helping disabled people" still spend 58 billion on disabled people, and that a number of disabled adults and children are actually getting more money under welfare reforms. Then went on to say something about some scheme to help disabled people say no to dodgy loans and expanding credit unions.
I couldn't believe it, I only know one disabled person who is in fact getting more money as a result of welfare reforms. I know many people who have lost money and are afraid they will lose more money when PIP comes in. Nearly every one of my friends who has mental illness has lost ESA on appeal, including myself, the mentally ill are always the first to be screwed over when there are cuts after all.
They completely ignored all the negative impact their reforms have had in their response and as usual didn't apologise one bit or admit welfare reform had gone wrong, it was a disaster, and they were sorry, let alone tell us they were working on putting it right.  They just gave this reassuring response that practically said "go back to sleep, disabled people are fine..." even though the show had just given an example of a person who was suffering.
And to add insult injury those of us who campaign to raise awareness of what is actually happening are now labelled extremists. I just hope the general public aren't falling for all this rubbish, though lets face it they probably are...


Le roi d’Arabie saoudite gracie la jeune femme condamnée après un viol

La jeune femme avait été condamnée à six mois de prison et 200 coups de fouet après avoir été victime d’un viol collectif. Le roi Abdallah d’Arabie saoudite a accordé sa grâce à une jeune femme qui avait été condamnée à six mois de prison et 200 coups...


La loterie des notes au bac : un réexamen de l'arbitraire de la notation des élèves

La question de la notation à l’école n’est pas récente, les nombreuses études réalisées sur ce thème mettent toutes en évidence l’incertitude de la mesure des performances scolaires des élèves par les notes et les divers biais associés à cette pratique...


Ferrari remplacerait PPDA sur TF1 : "des gages donnés à Nicolas Sarkozy" ?

Canal+ a confirmé le départ de sa journaliste vedette. Cette dernière aurait été contactée par TF1 pour remplacer Patrick Poivre d'Arvor à la présentation du journal de 20h. Des commentateurs voient dans ce changement des "gages donnés" à Nicolas Sarkozy...


Les 4 vérités avec Jacques Séguéla

Je ne dois pas vivre dans le même pays ou la même planète que Monsieur Jacques Séguéla ! Invité à l'émission "Les 4 vérités" sur France 2 le 13/02/2009, en réponse à une question sur le coté Bling Bling de Capitaine Caverne (Nicolas pour ceux qui n'ont...


Vijesti :: 15 brončanih, 9 srebrnih i 6 zlatnih medalja za Dizački klub Slavonija

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: 15 brončanih, 9 srebrnih i 6 zlatnih medalja za Dizački klub Slavonija
Postano: 12.11.2024. 16:53 (GMT 1)
Proteklog vikenda održano je Prvenstvo Hrvatske za žene i muškarce U-23 u Vukovaru. Dizački klub Slavonija predstavljali su 12 natjecatelja i natjecateljica.

- Stipe Živalj (kategorija do 61 kg) – 3. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Urban Dergez (kategorija do 73 kg) – 3. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Teo Krišto (kategorija do 81 kg) – 3. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Tin Krišto (kategorija do 81 kg) – 2. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Leo Štivić (kategorija do 89 kg) – 8. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Ivan Gazdić (kategorija do 89 kg) – 5. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Sven Kroflin (kategorija do 96 kg) – 1.mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Ema Štivić (kategorija do 64 kg) – 3. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu•
- Željka Milković (kategorija do 71 kg) – 3. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Blanka Jurić (kategorija do 76 kg) – 2. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Anastasija Sarkić (kategorija do 81 kg) – 2. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Luna Varga (kategorija +87 kg) – 1. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu

Ovime je Dizački klub Slavonija kući nosio 15 brončanih, 9 srebrnih i 6 zlatnih medalja. Osim pojedinačnog poretka, mogu se pohvaliti i ekipnim. Žene su odnijele 2. mjesto u ekipnom poretku, a muški 1. mjesto.

Čestitamo svim natjecateljima, posebno našim članovima. Neka nastave trenirati kao i dosad, predano i disciplinirano i rezultati će se pokazati sami, kažu iz kluba.

Tekst i foto: DK Slavonija


Vijesti :: Blagdansko ozračje u restoranu Corner [nagradno darivanje]

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Blagdansko ozračje u restoranu Corner [nagradno darivanje]
Postano: 12.11.2024. 20:15 (GMT 1) Mjesec prosinac, mjesec darivanja i druženja s dragim ljudima. S prosincom završavamo i još jednu uspješnu godinu, a zašto ju ne bi završili uz nama drage ljude.

Restoran Corner vas povodom toga poziva na božićno okupljanje. Idealna prilika da se opustite i uživate u ukusnoj hrani i veseloj atmosferi.

Božićni domjenak traje od 20:00 sati do dva sata iza ponoći.

Restoran Corner je pripremio i buffet menu:

- Roastbeef s Waldorf salatom, tostirana focaccia
- Winter Rolls, rolice od hrskavog tijesta punjene carskim mesom i kiselim kupusom s umakom od hrena
- Domaći kroketi punjeni pilećim prsima i sirom s curry makom
- Rižoto od cikle s dimljenim šaranom, orasima i sirom
- Domaći krumpir & sir s umakom od majoneze i tartufa
- Arančini

Glavno jelo:
- Zalogajna jela s roštilja
- Pork belly s rižom i coleslaw salatom
- Pileći odrezak punjen celerom, šunkom i sirom s njokima od bundeve u umaku od sira
- Pohani Šokački odrezak s pireom od krumpira
- Gulaš na Tikveški s lovačkom roladom
- Punjene lignje, parisienne krumpir s espumom od blitve

Turšija iz lokalnog OPG-a
- Šopska
Pečena paprika s uljem češnjaka i peršina
- Zelene salate
- Povrće sa žara na salatu s maslinovim uljem i tostiranim pinjolima

- Slatke domaće štrukle s malinama
- Štrudla s jabukama
- Torta od mrkve
- Božićni tiramisu

Piće (No limit):
od 20:00 do 02:00 sata
ŽESTOKA PIĆA I LIKERI: Dewars, Pelinkovac, Višnja, Šljivovica, Jagermeister, Gin
PIVO: Karlovačko pivo, Karlovačko crno, Karlovačko radler, Crni radler
VINA: Graševina Belje, Cabernet Sauvignon Belje, pjenušac La Belle Grand
VODA I SOKOVI: Jamnica, Jana, Coca cola, Fanta, Tonic, Pago Jabuka, Pago Naranča
KAVA: Instant kava (samoposluživanje)

Božićna interakcija:
- Foto kutak s božićnim motivima
- Svečano osvjetljenje i dekoracije

Cijena po osobi (za hranu i piće u neograničenim količinama) je 60 eura, a za sve informacije i rezervacije možete se javiti na broj: 091 250 00 24 ili putem e-mail adrese:

Kako do restorana Corner? Corner Osijek nalazi se u Osijeku u Velebitskoj ulici u gradskoj četvrti Jug II.

[Nagradno darivanje]

Portal Osijek031 daruje Alasov pladanj za dvije osobe. Nagradno darivanje možete pronaći na našoj Facebook stranici.

[klik za uvećanje]


Vijesti :: Servisne informacije: [13. studenog 2024.]

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Servisne informacije: [13. studenog 2024.]
Postano: 13.11.2024. 7:00 (GMT 1) Svakog dana, od ponedjeljka do petka, portal svojim čitateljima nudi servisne informacije isključivo za taj dan. U servisnim informacijama možete doznati tko će biti bez struje, plina, vode, kakva će biti prognoza, popis događanja za taj dan..

DHMZ prognoza: Pretežno oblačno. Jutarnja temperatura 2°C, a dnevna do 6°C.

Iz Hrvatske elektroprivrede obavještavaju građane da su za danas planirani radovi:

od 8:30 do 11:00 sati - Ulica javora 2-10 par, 1-9 nep, Ulica kestenova 75-89 nep
od 8:30 do 12:00 sati - Martina Divalta 56-58 par, 60/a, 64-68 par, 70/a, 72, 76-78 par, 78/a, Vatrogasna ulica 15
od 9:00 do 10:00 sati - Park kraljice Katarine Kosača 8, 9, Ulica Josipa Huttlera 6/b, 27/a
od 9:00 do 14:00 sati - Šokačka ulica 16-18 par, Žumberačka ulica 6-10 par, 14-22 par, 7-15 nep, 21-31 nep, 37-49 nep

od 8:30 do 11:00 sati - Kamešnice 11-13 nep, Osječka 66-70 par, 74-88 par, 92-102 par, 65-95 nep, 99-137 nep, 137/a, 139-145 nep, 145/a, 147, 151-155 nep, 161-165 nep, Pustara Ritić 19, Vratnička ulica 2, 2/a, 6, 6/a, 6/b, 6/c, 8-10 par, 10/a, 12-18 par, 18/a, 20-28 par,28/a,30-40 par
od 11:30 do 14:00 sati - Biokovska 2-42 par, Dinarska 1-35 nep, 39, Ulica Petrove gore 2-24 par, 1-23 nep, Ulica Požeške gore 11-19 nep

Aljmaš, Dalj, Dalj planina
od 8:30 do 9:30 sati - Dolica 4-6 par, 26, 30, 1-7 nep, 11-15 nep, 19, 23-25 nep, Dunavska obala 12/a, 16-20 par, 24, 28-30 par, 40, 11-15 nep, 19-21 nep, 27, 37-39 nep, Hrvatskih mučenika 12, 16, 18/a, 20, 30, 5-7 nep, 7/a, 9-11 nep, 19, 25, Ivana Kesmičkog 6-14par,3, Kalvarija 4, Lipin dol 2, 6-16 par, 20, 20/c, 22, 22/a, 24-26 par, 28/a, 30-32 par, 42-44 par, 76-78 par, 88, 146, 1-5 nep, 5/a, 7-9 nep, 13, 17, 37, 41-43 nep, 49/b, Matije Gupca 2-18 par, 18/b, 22-24 par, 28, 52, 1-25 nep, 25/a, 27, Mladena Palinkaša 2-6 par, 6/a, 8-16 par, 20-30 par, 34-38 par, 48, 92, 94/e, 100-102 par, 1, 1/a, 3-27 nep, 31, 35-39 nep, 47, 87, Podunavlje 8, 8/a, 10, 12/a, 14, 20, 20/c, 20/g, 22-26 par, 32, 46, 52, 1/a, 3-5 nep, 5/a, 7, 7/a, 9-13 nep, 17, 31/a, 33-35 nep, Puarov dol 20/a, Rudina Balinac 20, Rudina crkvina 2, 6-14 par, 22-30 par, 36-50 par, 58-64 par, 68-74 par, 120-124 par, 128, 132, 208, 400, 3-9 nep, 13-15 nep, 23, 27, 31, 39-51 nep, 67-69 nep, 75, 81, 101, 117-121 nep, 125-129 nep, 133, Rudina Dolečak1, Rudina kod Vilme 40, 83, Rudina provalija 2, 14, Rudina selišće 16-22 par, 3-9 nep, Rudina stepanićevac 26, 99, 107-109 nep, Slavka Frangeša 9, 15, 21, Trg braće Radića 6-30 par, 34, 44, 1-7 nep, 15, 19, 23-27 nep, 27/a, 33-35 nep, 39-43 nep,47-49nep, 51/a, ušće 2-22 par, 22/a, 22/c, 24-28 par, 32-38 par, 42, 42/b, 44-56 par, 60-66 par, 72-76 par, 76/a, 78, 78/b, 80-82 par, 82/a, 84, 88-96 par, 100-108 par, 112-118 par, 126, 1, 1/a, 3-21 nep, 21/a, 21/b, 21/e, 21/f, 21/g, 23-29 nep, 37, 41,41/a,43-49 nep, 53, 53/a, 61, 63/a, 67-69 nep, 73, 77, 79/c, 83, 87, 87/a, 89, 89/h, 91-93 nep, 101-109 nep, 113-117 nep, 117/a, 121-125 nep, Vrška 28-30 par, 52/a, 58, 86, 1-3 nep, 7-9 nep, 13, 19-21 nep, 25-27 nep, 37, 41-45 nep, 49, 55, zlatna 2, 2/a,4-16par, 20-24 par, 32, 44-52 par, 58-64 par, 66/a, 68-70 par, 74, 78, 104, 104/a, 106-110 par, 118/a, 122, 142, 142/a, 144, 1-3 nep, 9/a, 11-15 nep, 19-31 nep, 31/a, 33-45 nep, 61-63 nep, 63/a, 65-71 nep, 75, 75/a, 79/a, 79/b, 81, 81/a, 81/c, 95,

Napomena: U slučaju lošeg vremena radovi se odgađaju.

Bez plina
od 09:00 do 12:00 sati - Ulica Petra Svačića (kbr. 37A-43), Ulica Vatroslava Lisinskog

Program za kino i kazalište:
- Dječje kazalište [13.-16.11.2024.] [program]

- Kino Urania [7.-13.11.2024.] [program]
- CineStar Osijek [7.-13.11.2024.] [program]

- GISKO: Mjesec hrvatske knjige "Pričaj mi..." [program, 2024.]
- GISKO: Izložba slikarskih radova "Bojom kroz godinu"
- 14. Dani austrijske kulture u Osijeku [program, 2024.]
- GISKO: Književna večer s Goranom Srdarevićem "Hrvatski društveni roman na osječki način"
- Škola primijenjenih umjetnosti i dizajna Osijek: Otvorenje samostalne izložbe fotografa i snimatelja Filipa Kosa

- Obustavlja se sav tramvajski promet u gradu Osijeku

Tekst i foto:


Vijesti :: Sezona je grijanja, a osječki dimnjačari imaju pune ruke posla

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Sezona je grijanja, a osječki dimnjačari imaju pune ruke posla
Postano: 13.11.2024. 9:31 (GMT 1) Sezona je grijanja i osječki dimnjačari imaju pune ruke posla. Mnogi se građani zbog različitih razloga "vraćaju" grijanju na kruta goriva, no najčešći je razlog poskupljenje energenata. Problem predstavljaju dimnjaci koji ne zadovoljavaju europske uvjete.

Stanje s dimnjacima u Hrvatskoj daleko je od idealnog. No, postoje vidovi i tehnička rješenja koja su izvediva i koja bi pružila sigurnost građanima. Naime, riječ je o dimovnim objektima koji se nisu obnavljali, a nalaze se na zgradama građenim 60-tih, 70-tih ili 80-tih godina prošlog stoljeća, pojasnio je dimnjačar Denis Balažić.

- Plin je i dalje dobar kao energent, samo treba uskladiti tip dimnjaka sa samim energentom. Što se tiče trovanja i požara, imam višegodišnje iskustvo. Neka su iskustva su loša, no uvijek ima i pozitivnih priča. U svakom slučaju - opreza nikad dosta, poručio je Balažić.

Tekst: Radio Osijek


Vijesti :: Poznat datum isplate nacionalne naknade za starije osobe

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Poznat datum isplate nacionalne naknade za starije osobe
Postano: 13.11.2024. 11:49 (GMT 1) U petak 15. studenoga 2024. počinje isplata nacionalne naknade za starije osobe za listopad 2024. korisnicima računa otvorenih u poslovnim bankama.

Nacionalnu naknadu za starije osobe dobit će 17 388 korisnika (80,23 % žena i 19,77 % muškaraca), za što je osigurano 2.591.205,00 eura iz Državnog proračuna.

U skladu sa Zakonom o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o nacionalnoj naknadi za starije osobe (NN 156/23), nacionalna naknada od 1. siječnja 2024. iznosi 150,00 eura, izvijestili su iz HZMO-a.



Vijesti :: Iz prodaje se povlači himalajska sol u mlincu

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Iz prodaje se povlači himalajska sol u mlincu
Postano: 13.11.2024. 12:15 (GMT 1) Državni inspektorat Republike Hrvatske izvijestio je o opozivu proizvoda Kotanyi Himalajska sol, 88g, L426651, rok trajanja 24.03.2029., L429757, najbolje upotrijebiti do 19.06.2029., L418800 najbolje upotrijebiti do 11.11.2028. zbog utvrđenih čestica plastike nastalih prilikom mljevenja soli.

Proizvod nije u skladu s Uredbom 178/2002 o utvrđivanju općih načela i uvjeta zakona o hrani, osnivanju Europske agencije za sigurnost hrane te utvrđivanju postupaka u područjima sigurnosti hrane.

Podaci o proizvodu:
Proizvođač: KOTANYI GmbH, A-2120 Wolkersdorf, PF 66 Austrija
Obavijest se odnosi isključivo na proizvod sa gore navedenim podacima

Proizvođač poziva sve potrošače koji eventualno posjeduju spomenute proizvode da im se obrate na e-mail adresu:



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