
Arie e cantate per contralto / Vivaldi

MEDIA PhonCD V836 vocmu e


Blossoms and cannons: a birthday collage: for piano and pre-recorded sounds / Elliott Schwartz

MEDIA CD Mu pts Sch94.6 blo


Black voices rise: African American artists at the Met, 1955-1985.

MEDIA PhonCD B5606 voi


After SAT and ACT Cancel, Registrations Soar for Classical Education Exam

An alternative college admissions test, used by some Christian schools, draws a record 50,000 students.

The Classic Learning Test (CLT), a niche college entrance exam aspiring to bring a sense of virtue to standardized tests, saw a 1,000 percent increase in registrations over its short history when the SAT and ACT canceled testing for the remainder of the school year due to COVID-19.

“Because we are able to administer the test remotely, we’re kind of the only game in town,” said Jeremy Tate, who created the CLT four years ago amid a renaissance in Classical education, including among Christians.

At its first administration in June 2016, 47 students took the CLT. With the bump in registration, 50,000 students will take its suite of tests—the CLT, and the CLT-8 and CLT-10, designed for lower grades—during the 2019-2020 academic year. That’s more than double last year’s total.

Though not a Christian company, CLT references figures including John Henry Newman and C. S. Lewis in its promotional materials and stresses the moral, formational dimension to education. The exam has been popular among classical Christian schools, which educate over 40,000 students in the US, and homeschoolers, who make up about 40 percent of CLT test-takers.

So far, 178 colleges and universities in the US accept the exam, mostly Catholic and Protestant schools. For other institutions, the CLT can serve as a supplemental assessment.

The College Board and ACT Inc., the companies that administer the SAT and ACT, respectively, have canceled or postponed in-person testing until the fall, leading many colleges to make the admissions exams an optional part of their applications. In 2018, around 2 million students took the SAT and 1.9 million took the ACT.

While some registrants may turn to the CLT this year for the convenience ...

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Call me American: a memoir / Abdi Nor Iftin with Max Alexander

Browsery CT275.I43 A3 2018


Love in the new millennium / Can Xue ; foreword by Eileen Myles ; translated from the Chinese by Annelise Finegan Wasmoen

Browsery PL2912.A5174 X5613 2018


The strange case of Dr. Couney: how a mysterious European showman saved thousands of American babies / Dawn Raffel

Browsery RJ250.R355 2018


Can you hear me?: how to connect with people in a virtual world / Nick Morgan

Browsery P96.T42 M665 2018


Survival math: notes on an all-American family / Mitchell S. Jackson

Browsery E185.86.J332 2019


American advertising cookbooks: how corporations taught us to love Spam, bananas, and Jell-o / by Christina Ward

Browsery TX643.W37 2019


Canned: the rise and fall of consumer confidence in the American food industry / Anna Zeide

Browsery TX552.Z45 2018


Sweet Home Cafe cookbook: a celebration of African American cooking / Albert G. Lukas and Jessica B. Harris, with contributions by Jerome Grant ; foreword by Lonnie G. Bunch III ; introduction by Jacquelyn D. Serwer ; in association with the National Muse

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Between Harlem and Heaven: Afro-Asian-American cooking for big nights, weeknights, & every day / J.J. Johnson and Alexander Smalls ; with Veronica Chambers ; photography by Beatriz da Costa ; food styling by Roscoe Betsill

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Kicks: the great American story of sneakers / by Nicholas Smith

Browsery GV749.S64 S58 2018


Chicana movidas: new narratives of activism and feminism in the movement era / edited by Dionne Espinoza, María Eugenia Cotera, Maylei Blackwell

Browsery E184.M5 C395 2018


Tambora and the year without a summer: how a volcano plunged the world into crisis / Wolfgang Behringer ; translated by Pamela Selwyn

Browsery QE523.T285 B4413 2019


One life at a time: an American doctor's memoir of AIDS in Botswana / Daniel Baxter

Browsery RC606.55.B38 A3 2018


The new mind readers: what neuroimaging can and cannot reveal about our thoughts / Russell A. Poldrack

Browsery RC349.D52 P65 2018


Mathematical topics on representations of ordered structures and utility theory: essays in honor of Professor Ghanshyam B. Mehta / Gianni Bosi, María J. Campión, Juan C. Candeal, Esteban Indurain, editors

Online Resource


Inequivalent representations of canonical commutation and anti-commutation relations: representation-theoretical viewpoint for quantum phenomena / Asao Arai

Online Resource


Introduction to optimization and Hadamard semidifferential calculus / Michel C. Delfour (University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada)

Online Resource


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How merely a change of rule can draw more FDI in sectors like insurance

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World Red Cross Day 2020: History, significance & celebration

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Structural and chemical characterization of metals, alloys and compounds, 2011: symposium held August 14-19, 2011, Cancún, Mexico / editors, Ramiro Pérez Campos, Antonio Contreras Cuevas, Rodrigo A. Esparza Muñoz

Hayden Library - TA459.S967 2011


Structural and chemical characterization of metals, alloys and compounds, 2014: symposium held August 17-21, 2014, Cancún, Mexico / editors, Dr. Ramiro Pérez Campos, Dr. Antonio Contreras Cuevas, Dr. Rodrigo A. Esparza Muñoz

Hayden Library - TA459.S765 2014


Structural and Chemical Characterization of Metals, Alloys and Compounds--2013: August 11-15, 2013, Cancun, Mexico / editors, A. Contreras-Cuevas, R. Perez Campos, R. Esparza Munoz

Barker Library - TN605.S77 2013


Citizenship Amendment Act – Untold Pitfalls, Concealed War if India can’t oppose

The reason why Assam or Tripura is up against the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act, passed by the Union of India is very different from the reasons why the rest of India, including most Indian Universities, are protesting. Assam or Tripura does not want this Act at all – no matter its Hindus or Muslims. The […]

The post Citizenship Amendment Act – Untold Pitfalls, Concealed War if India can’t oppose appeared first on TIMES OF ASSAM by Priyankan Goswami.


The Oxford handbook of North American archaeology [electronic resource] / [edited by] Timothy R. Pauketat.

1 online resource (xxvi, 666 pages) : illustrations, maps.


The Oxford handbook of Mesoamerican archaeology [electronic resource] / edited by Deborah L. Nichols and Christopher A. Pool

xv, 979 pages : illustrations, maps


Alcohol and Cancer Risk

A fact sheet that summarizes the evidence linking alcohol consumption to the risk of various cancers. Includes information about factors that affect the risk of alcohol-associated cancers, such as a person’s genes and tobacco use.


Primary Bone Cancer

A fact sheet about the diagnosis and treatment of cancers that develop in the bones.


Secondhand Smoke and Cancer

A fact sheet that summarizes the studies on the health effects of exposure to environmental (secondhand) tobacco smoke.


Electromagnetic Fields and Cancer

A fact sheet about research on electric and magnetic fields and studies examining their potential connection with cancer.


Cell Phones and Cancer Risk

A fact sheet that outlines the available evidence regarding use of cellular/mobile telephones and cancer risk.


Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer

A fact sheet that describes hormone therapy and its role in treating prostate cancer. Includes information about the different types of hormone therapy, how they are used, and possible side effects.


Genetic Testing for Inherited Cancer Susceptibility Syndromes

A fact sheet about genetic testing for inherited cancer risk, including who should consider testing, how to understand test results, and who has access to a person’s test results. Also contains information about at-home, or direct-to-consumer, genetic tests.


Targeted Cancer Therapies

A fact sheet that describes targeted cancer therapies, which are drugs that interfere with specific molecules involved in cancer cell growth and survival.


Yes, Sometimes We Can Serve Both God and Mammon

My congregation's experiment in using market values to grow our mission.


Can Urban and Suburban Christians Agree?

The power of partnerships across metropolitan dividing lines.


How Church Unity Overcame Hurricane Sandy

A look at Staten Island one year after the storm.