
Pix: Sonam flirts with purple and red at Cannes!

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All-covalently-implanted FETs with ultrahigh solvent resistibility and exceptional electrical stability, and their applications for liver cancer biomarker detection

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0TC01385D, Paper
Congcong Zhang, Shanshan Cheng, Ke Si, Nannan Wang, Yong Wang, Penglei Chen, Huanli Dong, Wenping Hu
All covalent FETs of covalently-rooted source/drain electrodes and semiconductor layers are launched. The FETs exhibit ultrahigh solvent resistibility, exceptional electrical stability, and ultralong shelf life, facilitating their further treatments.
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Suppression of the morphology mismatch in Graphene/ n-type Organic Semiconductor interfaces: a Scanning Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy investigation

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0TC01099E, Paper
Federico Chianese, Fabio Chiarella, Mario Barra, Andrea Candini, Marco Affronte, Antonio Cassinese
Contact resistance effects in n-type organic field-effect transistors (OFET) based on perylene-diimide thin films and monolayer CVD graphene electrodes have been investigated by Scanning Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (SKPFM). SKPFM...
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Heroine of the Harlem Renaissance and beyond: Gwendolyn Bennett's selected writings / edited by Belinda Wheeler and Louis J. Parascandola

Hayden Library - PS3503.E5474 A6 2018


Dominicana / Angie Cruz

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Aiiieeeee!: an anthology of Asian American writers / edited by Frank Chin, Jeffery Paul Chan, Lawson Fusao Inada, Shawn Wong ; foreword by Tara Fickle

Dewey Library - PS508.A8 A4 2019


Eating Identities: Reading Food in Asian American Literature / Wenying Xu

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Cantoras / Carolina De Robertis

Dewey Library - PS3604.E129 C36 2019


The Oxford handbook of American literary realism / edited by Keith Newlin

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The digital banal: new media and American literature and culture / Zara Dinnen

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Sacraments of memory: Catholicism and slavery in contemporary African American literature / Erin Michael Salius

Hayden Library - PS508.N3 S25 2018


Pan-African American literature: signifyin(g) immigrants in the twenty-first century / Stephanie Li

Dewey Library - PS153.N5 L472 2018


Temperance and cosmopolitanism: African American reformers in the Atlantic world / Carole Lynn Stewart

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Exquisite mariposa: a novel / Fiona Alison Duncan

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Experimental: American literature and the aesthetics of knowledge / Natalia Cecire

Dewey Library - PS228.E95 C43 2019


Shades of gray: writing the new American multiracialism / Molly Littlewood McKibbin

Dewey Library - PS231.R32 M45 2018


Teaching with digital humanities: tools and methods for nineteenth-century American literature / edited by Jennifer Travis and Jessica DeSpain

Hayden Library - PS44.T43 2019


"Theatricals of day": Emily Dickinson and nineteenth-century American popular culture / Sandra Runzo

Dewey Library - PS1541.Z5 R78 2019


The poem electric: technology and the American lyric / Seth Perlow

Dewey Library - PS309.E96 P47 2018


Inscrutable belongings: queer Asian North American fiction / Stephen Hong Sohn

Hayden Library - PS153.G38 S64 2018


Post-borderlandia: Chicana literature and gender variant critique / T. Jackie Cuevas

Hayden Library - PS153.M4 C84 2018


The other Americans / Laila Lalami

Barker Library - PS3612.A543 O84 2019


Canadian public-sector financial management [electronic resource] / Andrew Graham.

[Kingston, Ontario] : School of Policy Studies, Queen's University ; Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Ithaca : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2019.


High performance computing: 6th Latin American Conference, CARLA 2019, Turrialba, Costa Rica, September 25-27, 2019, Revised selected papers / Juan Luis Crespo-Mariño, Esteban Meneses-Rojas (eds.)

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Got Canterbury?: special features DVD: Romantic warriors III: a progressive music saga: Canterbury tales / produced by Zeitgeist Media ; directed and produced by Adele Schmidt & José Zegarra Holder

Browsery DVD ML394.R663 2015b


Ciclo del ritorno / Giorgio Netti ; Anna Spina, viola ; Benoît Piccand, sound director

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American epic / a production of BBC Arena, Lo-Max Films Ltd., Wildwood Enterprises, and Thirteen Productions LLC for WNET ; directed by Bernard MacMahon ; story by Bernard MacMahon & Allison McGourty & Duke Erikson ; telescript by William Morgan

Browsery DVD ML3790.A44 2017


Sex MISSAE breviores et faciliores pro Choris ruralibus ab Organo, Canto, Alto, Basso, II Violinis obligatis; Tenore, Viola, Flauto, II Clarinettis, Fagotto, II Cornibus seu Clarinis, Tympanis et Violone non obligatis, Compositae per FRANCISCUM BÜHLE

Autor: Bühler, Franz, 1760-1824
Erschienen 1821
BSB-Signatur 4 45583

URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb11148962-3


FONS SIGNATUS ... SEU VII. LYTANIAE DE VENERABILI, ET AUGUSTISSIMO ALTARIS SACRAMENTO Quarum primae quinque Solenniores, Ultimae Duae minùs Solennes, Omnes tamen non nimis longae, Per Annum secundùm consuetudinem locorum, ... Unà cum Cantic

Autor: Münster, Joseph Joachim Benedikt, 1694-1751
Erschienen 1751
BSB-Signatur 4 44603

URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb11148808-2


Visualization of materials using the confocal laser scanning microscopy technique

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2020, 49,2408-2425
DOI: 10.1039/C8CS00061A, Review Article
Xu Teng, Feng Li, Chao Lu
This review summarizes the recent applications of confocal laser scanning microscopy in materials science.
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Multifunctional sonosensitizers in sonodynamic cancer therapy

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C9CS00648F, Tutorial Review
Subin Son, Ji Hyeon Kim, Xianwen Wang, Chuangli Zhang, Shin A Yoon, Jinwoo Shin, Amit Sharma, Min Hee Lee, Liang Cheng, Jiasheng Wu, Jong Seung Kim
Phototherapy, including photodynamic therapy and photothermal therapy, has the potential to treat several types of cancer.
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The night train vacancies [sound recording] : remixes & reconstructions / Liminal Drifter

Liminal Drifter


‘India will not win in Australia if they can’t dismiss Smith, Warner early’

‘India will not win in Australia if they can’t dismiss Smith, Warner early’


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Samsung heir apologises over corruption scandal

The heir to the Samsung empire bowed in apology on Wednesday for company misconduct including a controversial plan for him to ascend to the leadership of the world's largest smartphone maker.


Biophysical techniques in drug discovery / edited by Angeles Canales

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The drug development paradigm in oncology: proceedings of a workshop / Amanda Wagner Gee, Erin Balogh, Margie Patlak, and Sharyl J. Nass, rapporteurs ; National Cancer Policy Forum, Board on Health Care Services, Health and Medicine Division, the National

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Anticancer plants: properties and application. / Mohd Sayeed Akhtar, Mallappa Kumara Swamy, editors

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Cancer Policy: Pharmaceutical Safety / June M. McKoy, Dennis P. West, editors

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Cannabinoids and the brain / Linda A. Parker

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The medical marijuana guide: cannabis and your health / by Patricia C. Frye with Dave Smitherman

Hayden Library - RM666.C266 F79 2018


Cancer drug delivery systems based on the tumor microenvironment edited by Yasuhiro Matsumura, David Tarin

Online Resource


On Cancelable Promises

The awesome Lie function got improved and became an official module (yet 30 lines of code thought). Its name is Dodgy, and it's tested and even more awesome!

Ifeverydevelopertalksaboutsimilarissues with Promises, maybe we should just drop our "religion" for an instant and meditate about it ...

Not today though, today is just fine

We've been demanding from JS and Web standards to give us lower level APIs and "cut the crap", but we can do even more than that: simply solve our own problems whenever we need, and "cut our own crap" by ourselves and for our own profit, instead of keep moaning without an outcome.
Today, after reading yet another rant about what's missing in current Promise specification, I've decided to write a very simple gist:

After so many discussions and bikeshead about this topic, I believe above gist simply packs in its simplicity all good and eventually bad intents from any voice of the chorus I've heard so far:
  1. if we are in charge of creating the Promise, we are the only one that could possibly make it abortable and only if we want to, it's an opt in rather than a default or a "boring to write" subclass
  2. it's widely agreed that cancellation should be rather synonymous of a rejection, there's no forever pending issue there, just a plain simple rejection
  3. one of the Promise strength is its private scope callback, which is inevitably the only place where defining abortability would make sense. Take a request, a timer, an event handler defined inside that callback, where else would you provide the ability to explicitly abort and cleanup the behavior if not there?
  4. being the callback the best pace to resolve, reject, and optionally to abort, that's also the very same place we want to be sure that if there was a reason to abort we can pass it along the rejection, so that we could simply ignore it in our optionally abort aware Promises, and yet drop out from any other in the chain whenever the rejection occurs or it's simply ignored
  5. the moment we make the promise malleable from the outer world through a p.abort() ability, is also the very same moment we could just decide to resolve, or fully fail the promise via p.resolve(value) or p.reject(error)
As example, and shown in the gist itself, this is how we could opt in:

var p = new Lie(function (resolve, reject, onAbort) {
var timeout = setTimeout(resolve, 1000, 'OK');
// invoking onAbort will explicit our intent to opt-in
onAbort(function () {
return 'aborted'; // will be used as rejected error
// it could even be undefined
// so it's easier to distinguish
// between real errors and aborts
After that, we can p.abort() or try other resolve or reject options with that p instance and track it's faith:

Cool, uh? We have full control as developers who created that promise, and we can rule it as much as we like when it's needed ... evil-laugh-meme-here

Cooperative code

In case you are wondering what's the main reason I've called it Lie in the first place, it's not because a rejected Promise can be considered a lie, simply because its behavior is not actually the one defined by default per each Promise.
Fair enough for the name I hope, the problem might appear when we'd like to ensure our special abortable, resolvable, rejectable own Promise, shouldn't be passed around as such. Here the infinite amount of logic needed in order to solve this problem once for all:

var toTheOuterWorld = p.then(
function (data) {return data},
function (error) {return error}
// or even ...
var toTheOuterWorld = Promise.resolve(p);
That's absolutely it, really! The moment we'd like to pass our special Promise around and we don't want any other code to be able to mess with our abortability, we can simply pass a chained Promise, 'cause that's what every Promise is about: how cool is that?

// abortable promise
var cancelable = new Lie(function (r, e, a) {
var t = setTimeout(r, 5000, 'all good');
a(function () { clearTimeout(t); });

// testing purpose, will it resolve or not?
setTimeout(cancelable.reject, 1000, 'nope');
// and what if we abort before?
setTimeout(cancelable.abort, 750);

// generic promise, let's log what happens
var derived = cancelable.then(
function (result) { console.log('resolved', result); },
function (error) { error ?
console.warn('rejected', error) :
console.log('ignoring the .abort() call');
function (error) { console.error('cought', error); }

// being just a Promise, no method will be exposed

Moaaar lies

If your hands are so dirty that you're trying to solve abort-ability down the chain, don't worry, I've got you covered!

Lie.more = function more(lie) {
function wrap(previous) {
return function () {
var l = previous.apply(lie, arguments);
l.resolve = lie.resolve; // optional bonus
l.reject = lie.reject; // optional bonus
l.abort = lie.abort;
return Lie.more(l);
if (lie.abort) {
lie.then = wrap(lie.then);
lie.catch = wrap(lie.catch);
return lie;
We can now chain any lie we want and abort them at any point in time, how cool is that?

var chainedLie = new Lie(function (res, rej, onAbort) {
var t = setTimeout(res, 1000, 'OK');
onAbort(function (why) {
return why;

// check this out
Good, if you need anything else you know where to find me ;-)
How to opt out from lies again?

var justPromise = Promise.resolve(chainedLie);
OK then, we've really solved our day, isn't it?!

As Summary

Promises are by definition the returned or failed value from the future, and there's no room for any abort or manually resolved or rejected operation in there.
... and suddenly we remind ourselves we use software to solve our problems, not to create more, so if we can actually move on with this issue that doesn't really block anyone from creating the very same simple logic I've put in place in about 20 well indented standard lines, plus extra optional 16 for the chainable thingy ... so what are we complaining about or why do even call ourselves developers if we get stuck for such little effort?
Let's fell and be free and pick wisely our own footgun once we've understood how bad it could be, and let's try to never let some standard block our daily job: we are all hackers, after all, aren't we?


Tribal GIS: supporting Native American decision-making / editors, Anne Taylor, David Gadsden, Joseph J. Kerski, Heather Guglielmo

Rotch Library - G70.215.U6 T75 2017


Earth observations and geospatial science in service of sustainable development goals: 12th International Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing and the Environment / Souleye Wade, editor

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Managing Chinese-African business interactions: growing intercultural competence in organizations / Claude-Hélène Mayer, Lynette Louw, Christian Martin Boness, editors

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