
The corporate startup: how established companies can develop successful innovation ecosystems / Tendayi Viki, Dan Toma, Esther Gons ; editor Rachel Faulkner

Dewey Library - HD53.V55 2017


The Inside Track to Excelling As a Business Analyst: Soft Skills That Can Accelerate Your Career / Roni Lubwama

Online Resource


Developing global leaders: insights from African case studies / Eva Jordans, Bettina Ng'weno, Helen Spencer-Oatey

Online Resource


Irresistible : why we can't stop checking, scrolling, clicking and watching / Adam Alter

Alter, Adam L., 1980- author


La grande illusion [videorecording] / Realisations d'art cinématographique présentent ; CANAL+ Image International ; réalisation de Jean Renoir


African camera : an introduction to African cinema / Australian Film Institute


The Springfield reformation : the Simpsons, Christianity, and American culture / Jamey Heit

Heit, Jamey


Talking to robots: tales from our human-robot futures / David Ewing Duncan

Hayden Library - TJ211.49.D86 2019


Quantitative mapping of nanothermal transport via scanning thermal microscopy / Jean Spièce

Online Resource


Lubricant additives: chemistry and applications / edited by Leslie R. Rudnick

Online Resource


Advances in automation and robotics research: proceedings of the 2nd Latin American Congress on Automation and Robotics, Cali, Colombia 2019 / Alexánder Martínez, Héctor A. Moreno, Isela G. Carrera, Alexandre Campos, José Baca, editor

Online Resource


Synthetic lubricants and high-performance functional fluids.

Online Resource


Law Library: News & Events: EVENT CANCELED: 2019 Kellogg Lecture in Jurisprudence

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We regret to announce the cancellation of the 2019 Kellogg Lecture. The lecture will be rescheduled to a date in 2020. Registrants have received notices via Eventbrite about the cancellation.

Announcements for the new date will be posted to the Law Library’s blog, sent via our News & Events email list, and posted as a new Eventbrite page.

We hope that you will join us next year.

The Law Library of Congress


Law Library: News & Events: CANCELED: National Book Festival Presents Jeffrey Rosen with Dahlia Lithwick

The Library will be closed to the public, including researchers and others with reader identification cards, until Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at 8 a.m. to reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19 coronavirus. During the closure, all Library-sponsored public programs, including the National Book Festival Presents Jeffrey Rosen with Dahlia Lithwick, are postponed or canceled.



NLM’s Groundbreaking Work to Prevent Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is highly preventable—but only if you live in a place where there’s access to the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine and routine gynecological screening. Recent advances in vaccines protecting against HPV infection, which is the primary cause of the cancer, and improved cervical screening tests promise a future with a significantly reduced prevalence of…


Canadian bitumen is engineered for transport, but the type of product produced can affect spill contingency planning

Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2020, 22,863-872
DOI: 10.1039/C9EM00493A, Perspective
Thomas L. King, Brian Robinson, Scott Ryan, Jason A. C. Clyburne
Canadian bitumen is too viscous to transport by rail and pipeline to markets.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Stereoisomer specific reaction of hexabromocyclododecane with Fe(II) associated with iron oxides

Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2020, 22,1026-1036
DOI: 10.1039/C9EM00587K, Paper
Xianmiao Zhang, Kristian K. Roopnarine, Shirley Dong, Urs Jans
We investigated the stereoselective degradation of the brominated flame retardant HBCD by Fe(II) in aqueous suspensions of different iron oxides.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


[ASAP] Therapeutic Delivery of Polymeric Tadpole Nanostructures with High Selectivity to Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells

DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.0c00302


Make our garden grow: from Candide / Leonard Bernstein ; arranged by Christopher Dedrick

STACK SCORE Mu pts B458 can mak ar


The great American songbook.: music and lyrics for 100 classic songs: piano, vocal, guitar.

STACK SCORE M1507.G74 2017


Mein liebster Jesus ist verloren: Kantate zum 1. Sonntag nach Epiphanias für Soli (ATB), Chor (SATB), 2 Oboen d'amore, 2 Violinen, Viola, Basso continuo, Cembalo ad libitum = My blessed Jesus, gone forever: cantata for the 1st Sunday after Epipha

STACK SCORE Mu B122 ca154 pv a


Renaissance recorder anthology.: 31 pieces for soprano (descant) recorder and piano = 31 pièces pour flûte à bec soprano avec piano = 31 Stücke für Sopran Blockflöte und Klavier / selected and edited by Kathryn Bennetts and

STACK SCORE M270.R4.R45 2017 v.3


American art songs for the progressing mezzo-soprano.

STACK SCORE M1619.A492 2017


American art songs for the progressing tenor.

STACK SCORE M1619.A493 2017


Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht: Kaffeekantate: für Soli (STB), Flöte, 2 Violinen, Viola und Basso continuo = Be silent, not a word: Coffee cantata: for soli (STB), flute, 2 violins, viola and basso continuo: BWV 211 / Johann Sebastian Bach ; he

STACK SCORE Mu B122 ca211 a


Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht: Kaffeekantate: für Soli (STB), Flöte, 2 Violinen, Viola und Basso continuo = Be silent, not a word: Coffee Cantata: for soli (STB), flute, 2 violins, viola and basso continuo: BWV 211 / Johann Sebastian Bach ; he

STACK SCORE Mu B122 ca211 pv c


Canción de cuna: for flute and piano / Samuel Zyman

STACK SCORE Mu pts Z99 can


Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet: Bauernkantate: für Soli (SB), Flöte, Horn, 2 Violinen, Viola und Basso continuo: The chamberlain is now our squire: Peasant cantata: for soli (SB), flute, horn, 2 violins, viola and basso continuo: BWV 212 / Johann Se

STACK SCORE Mu B122 ca212 pv a


Pachuco: an American-Spanish argot and its social functions in Tucson, Arizona / by George Carpenter Barker

Online Resource


African Languages and Literatures in the 21st Century

Online Resource


Language politics and policies: perspectives from Canada and the United States / edited by Thomas Ricento

Hayden Library - P119.32.U6 L365 2019


Rethinking reduction: interdisciplinary perspectives on conditions, mechanisms, and domains for phonetic variation / edited by Francesco Cangemi, Meghan Clayards, Oliver Niebuhr, Barbara Schuppler and Margaret Zellers

Hayden Library - P129.R48 2018


Non-canonically case-marked subjects: the Reykjavik-Eyjafjallajökull papers / edited by Jóhanna Barðdal, Ghent University ; Na'ama Pat-El, The University of Texas, Austin ; Stephen Mark Carey, University of Minnesota, Morris

Hayden Library - P240.6.N68 2018


Sudhir Krishnaswamy, ex-PM of Denmark among members of Facebook's Oversight Board, can override Mark Zuckerberg

Brent Harris, Facebook’s director of governance and global affairs had stated in January that the company has been laying the groundwork for a new independent organisation, the Oversight Board, to review cases and make binding content decisions.


S Dasgupta: Why the twitter-bugs can't change Iran's regime

It is possible the angry young men and well-dressed women in Victoria Beckham sunglasses in Tehran - the only place where Mousavi outpolled Ahmadinejad - have different ideas.


M J Akbar: Next time, the volcano

The Left emerged out of the chaos and violence that fractured Bengal; as it dissipates, will the vacuum be filled by violence? It is tempting to see the immediate future as a mirror image, with variations, of the 1960s.


[ASAP] Remodeling of Cross-bridges Controls Peptidoglycan Cross-linking Levels in Bacterial Cell Walls

ACS Chemical Biology
DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.0c00002


[ASAP] Characterization of Tailoring Steps of Nargenicin A1 Biosynthesis Reveals a Novel Analogue with Anticancer Activities

ACS Chemical Biology
DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.9b01034


Celebrating the 2017 Great American Eclipse: lessons learned from the path of totality / edited by Sanlyn R. Buxner, Planetary Science Institute and the University of Arizona, Linda Shore, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Joseph B. Jensen, Utah Valley

Barker Library - QB545.17 C392 2019


Finding our place in the solar system: the scientific story of the Copernican revolution / Todd Timberlake (Berry College, [Mount Berry], Georgia), Paul Wallace (Agnes Scott College, Decatur [Georgia])

Hayden Library - QB351.T56 2019


End times: a brief guide to the end of the world, asteroids, supervolcanoes, rogue robots, and more / Bryan Walsh

Barker Library - QB638.8.W35 2019


Lyman-alpha as an astrophysical and cosmological tool: Saas-Fee Advanced Course 46 / Mark Dijkstra, J. Xavier Prochaska, Masami Ouchi, Matthew Hayes ; Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy ; edited by Anne Verhamme, Pierre North, Sebastiano Cantalu

Online Resource


When the Earth had two moons: cannibal planets, icy giants, dirty comets, dreadful orbits, and the origins of the night sky / Erik Asphaug

Dewey Library - QB603.O74 A86 2019


Beaten down, worked up: the past, present, and future of American labor / Steven Greenhouse

Dewey Library - HD8072.5.G739 2019


The artificial intelligence contagion: can democracy withstand the imminent transformation of work, wealth and the social order? / David Barnhizer & Daniel Barnhizer

Dewey Library - HD5701.55.B37 2019


Segregación socio-espacial en las ciudades latinoamericanas / Julio Calderón Cockburn, Sebastián Aguiar Antía (coordinadores)

Online Resource


The Moroccan new Keynesian Phillips curve: a structural econometric analysis / Vincent Belinga, Mohamed Doukali

Online Resource


Girl talk: what science can tell us about female friendship / Jacqueline Mroz

Hayden Library - BF575.F66 M76 2018


Remembering: what 50 years of research with famous amnesia patient H.M. can teach us about memory and how it works / Donald G. MacKay

Hayden Library - BF371.M3375 2019


A father: puzzle / Sibylle Lacan ; translated by Adrian Nathan West

Hayden Library - BF109.L23 L2313 2019