
Laureate Education Q1 Profit Falls; Updates FY20 Outlook - Quick Facts

Laureate Education, Inc. (LAUR) on Thursday reported that its net income for the first quarter was $98.3 million or $0.47 per share, down sharply from $194.3 million or $0.85 per share in the year-ago period.


Code pattern: Mine insights from software development artifacts

There is a lot of unstructured text content that is generated in any domain – software development lifecycle, finance, healthcare, social media, etc. Valuable insights can be generated by analyzing unstructured text content and correlating the information across various document sources. This pattern uses Watson Natural Language Understanding, Python Natural Language Toolkit, OrientDB, Node-RED, and IBM Data Science Experience to build a complete analytics solution that generates insights for informed decision-making.


Configure multifactor authentication for IBM Cloud Node.js applications

Passwords are not a complete security solution; they can be stolen or shared. In this tutorial, you learn how to use a random string delivered by email as a second authentication factor. I also discuss several methods for risk analysis, which is used by the application to decide whether a second factor is warranted.


Fact vs. Fiction: Your COVID-19 questions answered on The Dose

Dr. Susy Hota, the Medical Director for Infection Prevention and Control at University Health Network in Toronto joins Dr. Brian Goldman to answer 10 questions on COVID-19.


Is being overweight a bigger risk factor than smoking?

On today's show: * What's the NSW schools report all about? * Queensland is reducing some restrictions. Why now? * People are volunteering to be exposed to coronavirus to help test the vaccine. Is that a good idea? * What is the role of obesity in serious outcomes from COVID-19? * Why do I need a flu shot to visit my father in an aged care home? * Are vegans and vegetarians the least affected by COVID-19?

  • Epidemics and Pandemics
  • Health


Various Artists - Nuggets: Original Artyfacts From the First Psychedelic Era: 1965-68

An indispensable illustration of the wild and vivid evolution of 1960s psychedelia.


270km flights to buy bread, $15,000 shopping bills are just facts of life on a remote Australian cattle station

Flying a light plane to pick up bread from the local bakery is not something most Australians can relate to, but it is the unique reality for some who call Central Australia home.


LNG import terminal approval an Australian first a sign of hope for NSW manufacturing

Australia's first liquid natural gas import terminal will be built at Port Kembla, south of Sydney, with hopes it will secure thousands of jobs and meet the bulk of the state's gas needs.


Australian millet broom factory tries to resist sweeping changes in consumer culture

Sixty years ago it would have been difficult to find a home in Australia without a millet broom. Now, as an industry dies around them, two men are refusing to be brushed aside by the passage of time.


Volunteers curate artefacts of far north Queensland's Chinese heritage

Each Thursday in a back-alley warehouse, a group of volunteers come together to meticulously clean, repair and catalogue artefacts collected from the remnants of a Chinese temple that once stood proud in the Cairns CBD.

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German style house tells of migrant history of Orange's Electrolux factory

A quirky, German-styled house at Orange in central west New South Wales tells of the city's heritage of migrants and their close ties with the Electrolux refrigeration factory.


Ingham pasta manufacturers hold their own among local nonnas

The north Queensland town of Ingham has no shortage of pasta makers. A large number of the town's residents are of Italian heritage - but the owners of the local pasta manufacturing business are not. Despite this they still have the approval of the local nonnas.




Fact check: Does being unemployed for a year nearly halve your chances of ever working again?

COVID-19 has resulted in widespread job losses — so what happens next for those who lost their jobs? ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie says if you're out of employment for more than 12 months, your chances of ever working again fall by 40 per cent. Is she correct?


Quad bike safety plans sparks rift between ACCC and manufacturers

Quad bike manufacturers claim ACCC-favoured mandatory rollover protection will not improve safety as another child dies in rural NSW on Monday.


Latrobe Valley workers' co-op opens own factory in a bid to create new jobs

Since the privatisation of Victoria's coal-fired power stations in the 1990s, the Latrobe Valley has struggled with high unemployment. But a workers' group has decided not to wait around for new jobs to appear.


Thyssenkrupp to launch Additive Manufacturing TechCenter Hub in Singapore

German conglomerate thyssenkrupp will build an Additive Manufacturing TechCenter Hub in Singapore in 2019.

  • 3D Printing Applications


AREVO to manufacture 3D printed carbon fibre unibody frames for Emery ONE eBike

Silicon Valley company AREVO has announced a partnership with boutique bike manufacturer Franco Bicycles to deliver the world’s first 3D printed, continuous carbon fiber single-piece unibody frame for a new line of eBikes.

  • 3D Printing Applications


Artefacts salvaged from Ned Kelly's last stand at Glenrowan to be reunited after more than a century

Two items salvaged from the ruins of the Glenrowan Inn, which burnt to the ground in a siege between the Kelly Gang and police almost 140 years ago, will be brought together again for an exhibition in north-east Victoria.


Bleak outlook for Home Affairs morale, as staff report dissatisfaction with work and leadership

The results of this year's public service survey show only a third of Home Affairs staff think it is a good place to work.


Manufacturing activity drops sharply, with fears of worse to come – CBI survey

UK manufacturers reported the quickest falls in output volumes and total new orders since 2009 in the three months to April, while business optimism plunged at a record pace. That’s according to the latest CBI quarterly Industrial Trends Survey.


CBI hails manufacturing ‘business heroes’ stepping up to tackle coronavirus

Local businesses are finding practical ways to alleviate the impact of the pandemic on their communities. 2M Group in Cheshire, Croda International Plc in East Yorkshire and Nice-Pak in Flintshire, Wales are just some of the manufacturing firms involved in this campaign, each offering their help to protect lives and the economy from the effects of the crisis.


10 Facts You Might Not Have Known About The Charger

A few interesting facts about one of the quintessential cars of the muscle car era.


10 Facts You Might Not Have Known About The Shelby Cobra

Learn about this important American sports car.


Fact check: The Supreme Court did not deem social distancing unconstitutional in 1866

A Facebook post offers what appears to be a fictitious excerpt from a real Supreme Court ruling to claim that COVID-19 emergency measures are illegal.


PhD Meme Diary on Instagram: “Fun fact: this happened after working on something for 6 months ???? . . . . .…”

I can’t stop laughing at this.


ZUP, LLC v. Nash Manufacturing, Inc.

(United States Federal Circuit) - Affirmed that a patent for a water recreational board was invalid as obvious. On appeal, the patent holder argued that its invention of a recreational board that would help athletically challenged people ride on the water was not obvious. In a 2-1 decision, the Federal Circuit disagreed and affirmed the district court decision granting summary judgment to the defendant in this patent infringement action.


ZUP, LLC v. Nash Manufacturing, Inc.

(United States Federal Circuit) - Affirmed that a patent for a water recreational board was invalid as obvious. On appeal, the patent holder argued that its invention of a recreational board that would help athletically challenged people ride on the water was not obvious. In a 2-1 decision, the Federal Circuit disagreed and affirmed the district court decision granting summary judgment to the defendant in this patent infringement action.


Sheppard, Mullin, Richter and Hampton, LLP v. J-M Manufacturing Co., Inc.

(Supreme Court of California) - Held that a dispute over legal fees should not have been submitted to arbitration because the arbitration clause in the parties' agreement was unenforceable. A law firm recovered its outstanding fees through arbitration after it was disqualified from a case due to a conflict of interest. On review, however, the California Supreme Court held that the matter should never have been arbitrated because the law firm's failure to disclose a known conflict rendered its agreement with its client, including the arbitration clause, unenforceable as against public policy. The high court also held that the conflicts waiver the client signed was ineffective.

  • Dispute Resolution & Arbitration
  • Ethics & Professional Responsibility
  • Attorney's Fees


Diamond Sawblades Manufacturers Coalition v. US

(United States Federal Circuit) - Affirming the Court of International Trade's decision affirming a Department of Commerce ruling in the administrative review of an earlier anti-dumping order, the court held that no error occurred in the determination that a Chinese saw blade manufacturer was seeking to sell their products at less than fair market value in the United States.


ZUP, LLC v. Nash Manufacturing, Inc.

(United States Federal Circuit) - Affirmed that a patent for a water recreational board was invalid as obvious. On appeal, the patent holder argued that its invention of a recreational board that would help athletically challenged people ride on the water was not obvious. In a 2-1 decision, the Federal Circuit disagreed and affirmed the district court decision granting summary judgment to the defendant in this patent infringement action.


Valbruna Slater Steel Corp. v. Joslyn Manufacturing Co.

(United States Seventh Circuit) - Affirmed. A steel mill could be sued under the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act but Indiana's Environmental Legal Actions Statute was precluded. The suit was timely and equitable contribution rulings were proper.


American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers v. O'Keeffe

(United States Ninth Circuit) - Affirmed the dismissal of a complaint challenging Oregon's Clean Fuels Program, which regulates the production and sale of transportation fuels based on greenhouse gas emissions. Industry trade groups filed this suit alleging that the Oregon program violates the Commerce Clause and is preempted by the Clean Air Act. Finding the allegations not plausible, the Ninth Circuit affirmed dismissal of the trade groups' complaint.


Editorial: Debate how to respond to COVID-19, of course, but stick to the grim facts of the virus we are facing

Our leaders are making difficult, life-and-death decisions without a complete picture of the severity of this threat or a timeline for how long it could last. It’s easy to second-guess the new rules, suggestions and regulations coming.


Diamond Sawblades Manufacturers Coalition v. US

(United States Federal Circuit) - Affirming the Court of International Trade's decision affirming a Department of Commerce ruling in the administrative review of an earlier anti-dumping order, the court held that no error occurred in the determination that a Chinese saw blade manufacturer was seeking to sell their products at less than fair market value in the United States.


15 Facts About Diggy Simmons

...and a few reasons why he's just the man!

  • BET Star Cinema


BET Reports On COVID-19 Updates, Facts And The News You Need

Information on how coronavirus is impacting Black lives.


BET Reports On COVID-19 Updates, Facts And The News You Need

Information on how coronavirus is impacting Black lives.


Tracee Ellis Ross on Dating: Keep Facts From Fantasy

Plus, her tips on being a successful 21st-century woman.


WHO Offer Covid-19 Facts Via WhatsApp

The World Health Organization [WHO] has partnered with WhatsApp to bring facts about Covid-19 to people around the globe, launching an easy to use service which allows people to ask questions via the popular messaging service. Bernews signed up and tested it out, and found it very simple to use and comprehensive; it presents you […]

(Click to read the full article)


Factors affecting female bear harvest rates

Examining the factors that affect the number of females being harvested during the bear hunting season will help Pennsylvania wildlife officials manage population.


01/08/17 - They hide the fact


Retrograde nerve growth factor signaling abnormalities in familial dysautonomia

Familial dysautonomia (FD) is the most prevalent form of hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy (HSAN). In FD, a germline mutation in the Elp1 gene leads to Elp1 protein decrease that causes sympathetic neuron death and sympathetic nervous system dysfunction (dysautonomia). Elp1 is best known as a scaffolding protein within the nuclear hetero-hexameric transcriptional Elongator protein complex, but how it functions in sympathetic neuron survival is very poorly understood. Here, we identified a cytoplasmic function for Elp1 in sympathetic neurons that was essential for retrograde nerve growth factor (NGF) signaling and neuron target tissue innervation and survival. Elp1 was found to bind to internalized TrkA receptors in an NGF-dependent manner, where it was essential for maintaining TrkA receptor phosphorylation (activation) by regulating PTPN6 (Shp1) phosphatase activity within the signaling complex. In the absence of Elp1, Shp1 was hyperactivated, leading to premature TrkA receptor dephosphorylation, which resulted in retrograde signaling failure and neuron death. Inhibiting Shp1 phosphatase activity in the absence of Elp1 rescued NGF-dependent retrograde signaling, and in an animal model of FD it rescued abnormal sympathetic target tissue innervation. These results suggest that regulation of retrograde NGF signaling in sympathetic neurons by Elp1 may explain sympathetic neuron loss and physiologic dysautonomia in patients with FD.


(H)Elping nerve growth factor: Elp1 inhibits TrkA’s phosphatase to maintain retrograde signaling

Nerve growth factor (NGF) regulates many aspects of neuronal biology by retrogradely propagating signals along axons to the targets of those axons. How this occurs when axons contain a plethora of proteins that can silence those signals has long perplexed the neurotrophin field. In this issue of the JCI, Li et al. suggest an answer to this vexing problem, while exploring why the Elp1 gene that is mutated in familial dysautonomia (FD) causes peripheral neuropathy. They describe a distinctive function of Elp1 as a protein that is required to sustain NGF signaling by blocking the activity of its phosphatase that shuts off those signals. This finding helps explain the innervation deficits prominent in FD and reveals a unique role for Elp1 in the regulation of NGF-dependent TrkA activity.