
How to Develop Resilience: Key Steps for Thriving Through Adversity

Resilience is the key to transforming challenges into opportunities for personal growth. It’s not just about bouncing back from setbacks—it’s about thriving despite them. Resilience is not something you either have or you don’t. Instead, it is a skill you can cultivate and strengthen over time. In this article, we’ll explore the multifaceted nature of ... Read more

The post How to Develop Resilience: Key Steps for Thriving Through Adversity appeared first on LifeHack.


The Power of Self-Reflection: Transform Your Life from Within

Self-reflection may seem simple, but it holds the power to transform your life in surprising ways. It’s about taking the time to pause, look inward, and really understand your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. But why should anyone care? Well, because understanding yourself is the first step to improving anything about your life. Whether it’s better ... Read more

The post The Power of Self-Reflection: Transform Your Life from Within appeared first on LifeHack.


The Vision and Strategy for Social Services: progress report

Social Services in Scotland: a shared vision and strategy for 2015-2020 was launched on World Social Work Day in March 2015 by the Social Work Services Strategic Forum.

A progress report summarising the range of work which is underway to implement the strategy has now been published. While this is a five year strategy, it is clear that even at this early stage real progress is being made collectively by all parts of the sector.  

Aileen Campbell, Minister for Children and Young People, who chairs the Strategic Forum, said:

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A snapshot of our work for 2015-16

We've published an annual activity review for 2015-16, which will give you a snapshot of all of our work for the year.

Introduced by Peter MacLeod, Iriss Chair, it includes a summary of our project work, lessons learned from it and what we aspire to going forward. 


Exploring family carer involvement in forensic mental health services

While there is a growing body of research about carers’ experiences generally, the needs and experience of those who support individuals in forensic (secure) mental health services (forensic carers) have been neglected Support in Mind Scotland (SiMS) and the Forensic Network commissioned this study from the University of Central Lancashire to examine what they identified as ‘significant gaps and inconsistencies’, focusing in particular on the views and experiences of forensic carers.


Violent and aggressive children. Caring for those who care

The topic of domestic violence is an emotive one conjuring visions of child abuse by parents or carers, or marital violence, in general abuse by men of their wives or partners. According to published police statistics in Scotland for the years of 2012 – 13 male violence of women accounted for 80% of all domestic abuse, and in 2014 over 2,600 children in Scotland were identified as needing protection from abuse. This is particularly concerning since the NSPCC suggests that, for every child who has been identified, there are 8 other children who are at risk but who are ‘under the radar’. These statistics, highlighting the underlying nature of inter-family abuse relationships, i.e. the abuse of less powerful and more vulnerable family members by more powerful adults, undoubtedly account for the majority of the abuse situations within family homes. However this is, sadly, not the whole story. Understanding abuse within a family means recognising the impact of sibling aggression on every family member. It also needs to encompass the growing recognition of child to parent aggression and it is this latter aspect of inter-family relationships with which this article is primarily concerned.


What helps women who have learning disabilities get checked for cervical cancer?

This is a paper produced as part of the PROP2 (Practitioner Research: Outcomes and Partnership) programme, a partnership between the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (CRFR) at the University of Edinburgh and IRISS that was about health and social care in Scotland. This paper was written by Elaine Monteith from ENABLE Scotland who participated in the PROP2 programme. What this research paper explores: All women are asked to go to the doctor every few years to get a check for cancer but women who have a learning disability don’t go for these checks as often as other women. The paper explore what barriers there are for women attending for checks and also looks at what could be done to encourage women them to attend.


Harnessing knowledge for innovative and cost-effective practice: the role of the intermediary

Explores how the Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS) promotes the delivery of cost effective social services in Scotland that will support the achievement of positive outcomes for people accessing support. It identifies a number of principles that underpin the work of IRISS and suggests how these facilitate innovative evidence-informed practice. The approach to evidence-informed practice comprises four pillars of activity. The first pillar focuses on improving awareness and access to evidence and is exemplified by the Learning Exchange, the IRISS Insights series, and audio and video recording. The second pillar refers to strengthening the evidence base and is discussed in the context of work on self-directed support. Improving skills and confidence to use evidence forms the third pillar and is represented by work on data visualisation and peer support for self-evaluation. The final pillar is embedding evidence in organisations, through co-production, creating spaces to test and challenge evidence, and through the development of evidence-based products. Supporting people to share knowledge, learn from each other and to collectively produce new knowledge and solutions is an innovative approach but also one which should be cost-effective. Pre-print. Published in Evidence and Policy, 2014 (10)4 as Embedding research into practice through innovation and creativity: a case study from social services


How do we ensure that training and information support contributes to positive outcomes for carers?

This is a paper produced as part of the PROP2 (Practitioner Research: Outcomes and Partnership) programme, a partnership between the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (CRFR) at the University of Edinburgh and Iriss that was about health and social care in Scotland. This paper was written by Alan Gilmour from Glasgow City Community Health Partnership who participated in the PROP2 programme. This research aimed to gain an understanding of how training and information support contributes to positive outcomes for carers. It provided a range of information to answer specific questions such as: • Do carers feel that their needs are identified appropriately at different stages of their journey? • Does training contribute to the carer’s outcomes? • What are the barriers to carers engaging in training?


Self-neglect policy and practice: building an evidence base for adult social care

Report 69 published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) in November 2014. This research, commissioned by the Department of Health (DH), set out to identify what could be learned about current policy and practice in self-neglect, experienced as a highly challenging aspect of contemporary adult social care.


Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research (SCCJR)

The core purpose of the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research (SCCJR) is to carry out high quality, internationally recognised research in relation to crime and criminal justice.


Scottish Consortium for Learning Disabilities (SCLD)

SCLD brings together some of the most respected practitioners and thinkers from across the learning disability sector who work alongside people who have learning disabilities and their families and carers.The team at SCLD is focused on delivering real change through influencing policy, identifying and sharing evidence and good practice and challenging public attitudes. SCLD aims to be a knowledge hub – offering support, information and new ideas about learning disability in Scotland.


Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO)

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises.


Sharing practice to improve outcomes for care leavers. Evaluation report on an inter-authority learning exchange

Evaluation report for the inter-authority learning exchange between Shetland Islands, Falkirk and Glasgow Councils throughcare and aftercare teams. In February 2014 a member of the Throughcare and Aftercare team from Shetland, spent two weeks in each host authority as a means of developing and sharing practice, experience and learning. The report describes the planning process, in-situ experience, and post-exchange learning of participants, it also report highlights the positive learning outcomes and benefits achieved for all participating local authorities. The report identifies ideas for future applications of such a learning and practice exchange model to improve practice for looked after young people and care leavers.


Respite care Scotland 2015 - An offical ststistics publication for Scotland

This publication presents information on support to carers and in particular respite care services provided or purchased by local authorities in Scotland over the financial years 2007 / 2008 to 2014 / 2015.


A review of respite / short break provision for adult carers of adults in the Highland Partnership area

As part of the implementation of the Equal Partners in Care (EPiC) Highland Carer’s Strategy 2014-2017 it was agreed to undertake a review of respite for Adult Carers of Adults (aged 16+). Independent consultants were commissioned by NHS Highland through Connecting Carers to undertake this work. There are four groups of people – totalling an estimated 200 people - with whom conversations have taken place during the review: Carers and staff from carer support organisations – more than 75 carers have given their views Health and social care workforce – we have met with just over 50 people who have given their views and shared our initial findings with more than 60 others Respite providers – we have met with staff from 15 organisations that are providers of respite Those staff responsible for overseeing the commissioning, planning and administration of respite.


A research agenda for respite care. Deliberations of an expert panel of researchers, advocates and funders

ARCH, the National Respite Network and Resource Center in the United States of America identified that evidence-based research on respite care has, to large extent, been lacking. Across ages, needs and settings, respite is based upon the premise that providing caregivers periodic relief from daily, ongoing caregiving responsibilities will directly benefit them in terms of their physical health, immediate and long-term psychological health, and social-emotional relationships with family members. These benefits are assumed to result in secondary benefits for care receivers and even larger societal benefits in the form of cost benefits or improved employee productivity. Some research studies point to the merits of these assumptions. However, evidence-based research supporting this premise - or going beyond it to demonstrate how to best provide respite care that results in maximum benefits - has not been available. This report presents the findings of an expert panel composed of academics, researchers, service providers, advocates, policymakers and administrators representing a range of age groups, disabilities and professional disciplines. Over a period of 18 months the panel explored the current status of respite research, proposed strategies to overcome barriers to research, and developed a plan to encourage rigorous research in key areas.


The Outdoors - A Natural Place for Young People with Autism, End of Project Report

This End of Project Report describes an innovative Transition to Work Programme for young people with autistic spectrum diagnoses and is the result of a pilot programme developed by Lothian Autistic Society (LAS) and Scottish Outdoor Education Centres (SOEC) and made possible through funding from Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH). The pilot had the twin aims of developing employability skills and exploring the therapeutic value of the outdoors. 


Rethinking Respite for People Affected by Dementia

The ‘Dementia: More Than Just Memory Loss’ report, was published in 2016, and set out some of the key issues affecting people with dementia in Wales, in particular: • A widespread lack of knowledge and understanding of dementia amongst professionals and the wider public. • A lack of flexibility to effectively meet the needs of people living with dementia and their carers. • A lack of co-operation between services creates unnecessary difficulties and barriers for people living with dementia and their carers. The authors of the report called for a range of actions to address this, and there has been some progress, however, despite a range of changes across society at a policy, practice and community level, there is still a long way to go to transform services and drive the cultural change needed to effectively meet the needs of people affected by dementia.  The author of this report has consistently focused on the importance of meaningful outcomes for people with dementia and their carers, to ensure that their lives have value, meaning and purpose. This is fundamental to ‘Rethinking Respite’ and to delivering the Welsh Government’s vision of ‘a dementia friendly nation that recognises the rights of people with dementia to feel valued and to live as independently as possible in their communities as outlined in the new Dementia Action Plan for Wales. 


Mexican American Man Voted For Trump Because Of Immigration

A.J. Bayatpour, a reporter for Channel 58 in Milwaukee, interviewed a man identified only as Mattaeo, a Mexican-American man and who voted for Trump. Wait for his reasoning:

MATTAEO: You know, with the future of America, you know, with Trump, I feel like it's always been better. You look at the past four years, you know, of living here, you know, we've seen a bunch of migrants coming in and, you know, that as well is a big thing. If you, you know, go to Chicago or even in this area alone, you see a lot of immigrants coming in and not many things being done about it, so.

BAYATPOUR: People are going to watch this story, Mateo, and they're going to say, if you're Mexican-American, why are you against the migrants?

MATTAEO: Why am I against the migrants? It's because I'm not more or less against it, but I do think it's, everything has a system that needs to be in place, and a lot of the system isn't going to what we, the people, I think should be going for, you know, for people whose family does live here, and it's trying to get, you know, an alliance program with the U.S. government to get their families from Mexico to over here is getting pushed out by people that we don't even know who's coming into the country, you know, just a bunch of Venezuelans coming, refugees coming, and none of it is being passed through, like, you know, the system of how the people, you know, designed it to be, and I think that's one of the main reasons.

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Skeletor Is Trump's Deputy Chief Of Staff For Policy

Stephen Miller, Trump's former racist policymaker on immigration has a new role in the Trump administration.
His xenophobic views on immigration have led to the mass deportation plans Trump plans to implement.

"In an interview with The New York Times last year, Miller said that under a second Trump term, the military would build detention centers to house immigrants who have been arrested and are facing deportation. The new camps would likely be built “on open land in Texas near the border,” he told The Times. Miller told The Times that Trump’s immigration plans are being designed to avoid having to create new substantial legislation.

Miller will do everything in his power to eliminate Congress from blocking any of his immoral ideas.

CNN's Dana Bash played a short clip that reveals his evil intentions.

BASH: I just want to play a little bit of a flavor of Stephen Miller, who he is, what he says, and what he believes.

MILLER: America is for Americans and Americans only.

You have two policy objectives that you proceed with utter determination on.

Seal the border.

No illegals in, everyone here goes out.

That's very straightforward.

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Trump Picks Gov Puppy Killer For Key Role In His Administration

Prissydent-elect Donald Trump has picked South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, who penned the book 'No Going Back' that detailed her murdering a puppy, horses, and at least one goat, as his next secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.

Hey, at least he didn't pick Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Catturd, or Steve Bannon for the role, all of whom allegedly have not shot a dog in the face -- yet.

CNN reports:

Noem will be tapped to take over the agency as two key immigration hardliners — Stephen Miller and Tom Homan — are slated to serve in senior roles, signaling Trump is serious about his promise to crack down on his immigration pledges. With his selection of Noem, Trump is ensuring a loyalist will head an agency he prioritizes and that is key to his domestic agenda.

The department saw an immense amount of turmoil the last time Trump was in office. Then, DHS had five different leaders, only two of whom were Senate-confirmed. The agency has a $60 billion budget and hundreds of thousands of employees.

Noem, who previously was a South Dakota representative, will now be tasked with overseeing a sprawling agency that oversees everything from US Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement to the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the US Secret Service.

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Alex Jones: Infowars Tagged For Death

One of the oldest conspiracy and 'black helicopter' frauds is now facing the hand of the law. Alex Jones is reaping what he sowed.

During a portion of his Info Wars program, Alex Jones lamented over how his show is being stripped and sold off after a just verdict against him for his lies about Sandy Hook victims and their families.

A verdict he described as a "Nazi show trial."

Sucks to be you, Alex. And it couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.

JONES: InfoWars, the equipment,,, and a whole bunch of other stuff is at a federal bankruptcy auction from the fake judgments and the rigged trials where I was found guilty beforehand and they had literal show trials out of the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany.

Robin, I walked in here during the break after getting a glass of water, saw the auctioneers inside the building, going around surveying from the last time they were here to make sure all the stuff's here. Everything tagged, everything marked, this death.

Good riddance, you motherfrakker.

Rudy Giuliani is trying to avoid the same fate.

We need more of these creeps to face the same punishment.

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MAGA In A Nutshell: He's Like Hitler "But I Voted For The Man"


Well as Trump himself said, "Hitler did some good things." And Mussolini made the trains run on time, though not really.

Source: Mediaite

A Pennsylvania voter named Matt Wolfson went viral with a stunning explanation of why he voted for President-elect Donald Trump — whom Wolfson says is “like Hitler.”
In a new election post-mortem by The Philadelphia Inquirer’s Julia Terruso, Wolfson provided the perfect conclusion to an article devoted to explaining why the premise that Trump is a fascist — put forward by Trump’s own former national security advisers and echoed by Vice President Kamala Harris — did not dissuade the state’s voters:

Ok, that's crazy enough, but the Inquirer also published some more details on Matt Wolfson today.

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TV Doesn’t Have Space For Fatness

Television distorts, mocks and marginalizes fat people. Fat characters are reduced to caricatures whose stories and identities aren’t developed and don’t matter. In one study by Tzoutzou et al., all 36 compliments about appearance given to women were for thin women. Not one positive message was included for a woman of an average or overweight […]


Living in the Long Emergency: Global Crisis, the Failure of the Futurists, and the Early Adapters Who Are Showing Us the Way Forward

Hardcover, Kindle, Audiobook – March 3, 2020


Afghanistan Under the Taliban is “A Graveyard for Women’s Dreams”

Photo by Nk Ni  The Taliban has not stopped their aggressive efforts of restricting and regulating women’s lives. Late August of 2024, the Taliban released a 114 page, 35-article that proved to be the “first formal declaration of the vice and virtue laws in Afghanistan since the takeover.” Edicts in the article include: a mandatory call […]

The post Afghanistan Under the Taliban is “A Graveyard for Women’s Dreams” appeared first on Feminist Majority Foundation.


After the United Nations General Assembly – What’s Next for Afghan Women and Girls?

Photo by de:Benutzer:Eborutta  The fight and advocacy must go on louder and more effective. During the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) meetings in September, the situation of Afghan women and girls received a significant focus. A few major events, including “Global Solidarity with Afghan Women and Girls” and “The Inclusion of Women in the Future of […]

The post After the United Nations General Assembly – What’s Next for Afghan Women and Girls? appeared first on Feminist Majority Foundation.


Forced to Carry: The Reality of Rape-Related Pregnancies in a Post-Roe World

Photo by freestocks The issue of rape-related pregnancies is a crucial yet often-overlooked aspect of the broader debate surrounding abortion access. As more states implement strict abortion bans, the implications for survivors of sexual violence become increasingly severe and far-reaching. When Hadley Duvall was just 12 years old, she was raped and impregnated by her stepfather. […]

The post Forced to Carry: The Reality of Rape-Related Pregnancies in a Post-Roe World appeared first on Feminist Majority Foundation.


CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: The 2020 Theszies ( awards)

This is the Call for Nominations for the 2020 Theszie Awards (the Awards). To nominate candidates for all categories, you may use this form. Nominations are due by January 3, 2021. Finally, to see previous years’ results, click here for 2019, here for 2018, here for 2017, here for 2016, here for 2015, here […]

  • Interactive Fun Time Party
  • The RSPW Awards / The Theszies
  • Wrestling


CALL FOR VOTES: the 2020 Theszies ( Awards)

(Sorry for the delay: we had a record number of nominations to plow through – over 250 in most categories!) This is the Call for Votes for the 2020 RSPW (Theszie) Awards. You can vote here. The Theszies are the oldest fan awards in pro wrestling history, going back to 1990 (when Mr. Perfect quite […]

  • Interactive Fun Time Party
  • The RSPW Awards / The Theszies
  • THIS-IS-AWE-SOME (clapclapclapclapclap)
  • Wrestling


CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: The 2021 Awards (the Theszies)

This is the Call for Nominations for the 2021 Theszie Awards (the Awards). (Look, I started a new job late last year and my December was slammed. Sorry for the delay.) To nominate candidates for all categories, you may use this form. Nominations are due by January 28, 2021. Finally, to see previous years’ […]

  • Interactive Fun Time Party
  • The RSPW Awards / The Theszies
  • Wrestling


CALL FOR VOTES: the 2021 Awards

This is the Call for Votes for Wait wait wait wait wait. It’s May. You see, May first is International Workers’ Day, and wrestlers are workers, as we all know, so – Not buying that. Well, we were trying to build this new site, and then decided not to do it, and then someone’s work […]

  • Interactive Fun Time Party
  • The RSPW Awards / The Theszies
  • Wrestling


Server maintenance for https

MGK’s Tech Guy here! Some https certificates automation fell over behind the scenes, and it quietly broke for a while, so trying to browse over https would error out. I’ve nudged the automation back into place, and belatedly pointed our “is it working” checks to use https, so next time, it should make more noise.


Trey Parker and Matt Stone Supposedly Bought Cars for a Whole Club of Strippers

By Keegan Kelly Published: November 11th, 2024


‘A League of Their Own’ Director Penny Marshall Pushed Tom Hanks to Get As Fat As Possible for His Role as Jimmy Dugan

By Keegan Kelly Published: November 11th, 2024


Steve Coogan’s Five Most Essential Comedy Performances

By Tara Ariano Published: November 12th, 2024


We Finally Have A Date for the ‘Abbott Elementary’/‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ Crossover Episode

By Carly Tennes Published: November 12th, 2024


Bruce Springsteen’s Best Sex Jokes From the ‘Stand Up for Heroes’ Fundraiser

By Matt Solomon Published: November 12th, 2024


7 Ideas for Rainy Day Photography

The post 7 Ideas for Rainy Day Photography appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Megan Kennedy.

When the weather gets rainy, most photographers put away their gear – but in my view, that’s a mistake! There are literally hundreds of great rainy day photography ideas. They don’t take great technical expertise, fancy equipment, or waterproof housing; in fact, all of them can be done from the comfort of your own home. […]

The post 7 Ideas for Rainy Day Photography appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Megan Kennedy.


12 Tips for Self-Portrait Photography (+ Examples)

The post 12 Tips for Self-Portrait Photography (+ Examples) appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Guest Contributor.

Starting a self-portrait project? Want to capture beautiful portrait photos using nothing but a camera, a tripod, and your own ingenuity? Self-portrait photography can be an outstanding creative outlet, and it can be a lot of fun, too. But it can also be very challenging; you have to deal with a variety of factors, including […]

The post 12 Tips for Self-Portrait Photography (+ Examples) appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Guest Contributor.


12 Tips for Stunning Urban Landscape Photography

The post 12 Tips for Stunning Urban Landscape Photography appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Leanne Cole.

Urban landscape photography is all about taking the chaotic complexity of a city and turning it into well-ordered, beautiful compositions. But if you’re just a beginner – or even if you’re a more experienced city shooter – you may struggle to get solid results. After all, cities are often messy, unstructured, and full of movement; […]

The post 12 Tips for Stunning Urban Landscape Photography appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Leanne Cole.


Advice for young writers from Anna Lazowski, debut picture book author of T.REXES CAN'T TIE THEIR SHOES (illustrated by Steph Laberis)

Looking for a hugely entertaining alphabet book that also has an uplifting message of empowerment for young readers? I highly recommend T. REXES CAN'T TIE THEIR SHOES by Anna Lazowski and Steph Laberis, launching June 29th, 2021 from Doubleday Books For Young Readers. The back matter also has an alphabetized factoid list of "all the amazing things animals CAN do!"

This is an alphabet book that can be appreciated by grown-ups as well as young readers, with lots of potential discussion points. The illustrations of animals in ridiculous situations are so SOOOOO FUN --- omigosh, even as I'm writing this post, I went back to look through the digital ARC and can't decide which is my favourite, though I'm leaning toward the "Cheetahs can't chew bubble gum" page.

I asked debut picture book author Anna Lazowski if she had any advice for young writers, and here's what she said:

"Write what you want to write, because as you move through the publishing process, it will become incredibly important for you to truly believe in your work. The rejections in this industry are endless, and they come at every stage. Critique partners might reject elements of your manuscript, agents will reject your work, and once you're on submission to editors, they will reject your work. Then once you're finally published, some reviewers will reject your work. If you don't fully believe in your stories, this will be extremely hard to take. It's hard as it is, so make sure you're all in on the work you're doing. It will make the rest a little bit easier to navigate."

Wise advice. Thank you, Anna! And congrats to you and Steph on your upcoming launch!


Also see other Advice For Young Writers and Illustrators From Children's Book Creators and my other Interviews With Children's Book Creators.

Image at the top of this post was created for my new #BookADay book journal. For more info about Donalyn Miller's #BookADay challenge, see Donalyn's post in the Nerdy Book Club blog.

  • Advice for young artists and young writers
  • BookADay


Advice for young writers from Troy Wilson, author of GOLDIBOOKS AND THE WEE BEAR (illustrated by Edwardian Taylor)

Just read (and loved) a fun reimagining of the classic fairytale Goldilocks and the Three Bears: GOLDIBOOKS AND THE WEE BEAR, written by Troy Wilson and illustrated by Edwardian Taylor, published earlier this year by Running Press Kids.

Here is Troy Wilson's advice for young writers:

"My advice? Write badly. Badly, badly, badly. Include words and ideas that shouldn't be there. Leave out words and ideas that should be there. Put things in the wrong order. Have your protagonist act wildly out of character. Why? Because that is what your favorite author does.

"You don't see your favorite author's horrible first drafts. Or horrible second drafts. Or horrible third drafts. For that matter, you don't see their attempted books that never, ever turned out at all. (Some things are just dead ends, even for your favorite author.) No, you only see their final, super-duper-polished work, after they got lots and lots of great feedback.

"Everyone starts with bad writing. Every single writer, every single time - no matter how long they've been doing it. You can't avoid your own bad writing. You can't go around it or over it or under it. You have to go through it. Just get it onto the page or screen. You can always fix it later. Except if you let the bad writing - or the fear of bad writing - stop you from writing. Because you can't fix what isn't there."

Thanks, Troy! 

Related links:

Publisher page about Goldibooks and the Wee Bear

More about Troy Wilson at, Twitter and Facebook.

More about Edwardian Taylor at, Twitter and Instagram.


Find more advice for young writers and illustrators from children's book creators.



SOUP DAY by Melissa Iwai: A Soul-Satisfying, Delicious Comfort Read

I've been gradually adding new and older BookADay posts to my new Bookstagram. One of the most recent:

SOUP DAY by Melissa Iwai (Henry Holt): Celebrates the importance of making a nutritious meal and sharing in the process as a famly. Also be sure to check out Melissa's newest book, DUMPLINGS FOR LILI (Norton Young Readers).


Graphic novels, RPGs and Advice For Young Writers: Interview with Brian McLachlan (COMPLETE THE QUEST: THE POISONOUS LIBRARY)

Brian McLachlan is a cartoonist who's worked for Nickelodeon, The Nib and the New Yorker. He writes the monthly comic Spruce Street Squad for Owl Magazine. His book, Draw Out The Story: 10 Secrets to Creating Your Own Comics is an ILA-nonfiction award winner. Each Tuesday he hosts a group of artists in a PG-13 game of Dungeons & Dragons where they live draw what happens in game on Twitch, called Magical Marker ( MM ). You can find Brian at his website, on Twitter, and Instagram.


Save your kingdom in this interactive role-playing adventure, which reads like a graphic novel but also plays like a game! It’s perfect for fans of all ages who are interested in the exciting world of fantasy gaming.

Q. How did you come up with the idea for Complete The Quest?

Complete the Quest in a brand new mix of role playing game (RPG) and comic. It started as an experiment to see what would happen if I took a Dungeons & Dragons or Chose Your Own Adventure multi-path story and made it into a comic. How would the gameplay change by putting it into a visual space? For me, it was a literal game changer, turning the CYOA anxiety of multiple choices, into a laid-out, laid-back invitation to check all paths for your favourite way forward. It also encourages people to come up with their own, better solution if they want. While I always give the reader a clear path forward, I invite them to forge their own. It's a great introduction to co-operative storytelling.

Q. What was your writing/illustration process?

I draw a scene much faster than I can write about it. A picture's worth a thousand words and all that. So I draw my scripts in rough, laying out out the word balloons, figuring out how much space I need, how the page turns feel, etc. This was especially important for this comic gamebook which also filled with maps for the reader to navigate. We needed to see if the pathing was clear. Creating the tutorial was the most time intensive part, trying to make the most elegant, clear way to ease the reader into how the game part functions. I think we nailed it. I hear from parents who don't play RPGs that they were worried about the reading a gamebook, but they quickly "got it".

Q. What advice do you have for young writers and illustrators?

Advice is hard to give because everyone's different. Some people need to hear "finish what you start" and some need to hear "stop working on that thing, it's good enough". So my advice is to train your inner advice-giver and follow it. What is it about the way you work that you've been putting off improving, but could do right now? Because you know what type of story or art you're making, and if you're trying to make an apple, the best advice in making a banana isn't going to help. And the best advice in making an apple right-handed isn't going to help you if you're left-handed. Not all advice is for you, it's a skill to figure out what part is for you to take right now, later, or never.


Also see my other Inkygirl interviews with book creators and advice for young writers and illustrators from book creators.