
SpotOn London 2013: Contract for interdisciplinary working

In preparation for this year’s SpotOn London 2013 workshop, Interdisciplinary research: what can scientists, humanists


SpotOn London 2013 – draft programme: Outreach track

As we’re getting ready to make tickets available for this year’s SpotOn London conference, we’re


SpotOn London 2013: Public Health Links, Lost in Translation

Damian Pattinson (@damianpattinson) is a co-organiser of the session on Public Health Links, Lost in Translation at


SpotOn London 2013 Storify: Open, Portable, Decoupled – How should Peer Review change?

Here is a Storify collating the online conversation around the Open, Portable, Decoupled – How should


SpotOn London 2013 Storify: Science games: does play work?

Here is a Storify collecting the online conversations from the Science games: does play work? session at


SpotOn London Storify: Communicating Science in an Open Access World

Here is a Storify collecting the online conversations from the Communicating Science in an Open Access


SpotOn London 2013 Storify: The Dark Art of Dark Social: Email, the antisocial medium which will not die

Here is a Storify collecting the online conversations from the, “The Dark Art of Dark


SpotOn London Storify: How are online tools changing science education?

Here is a Storify collecting the online conversations from the “How are online tools changing


How to get a ticket for this year’s SpotOn London

With a month to go, we’ve been busy behind the scenes planning for this year’s


SpotOn London 2014 Draft Programme

We’re pleased to announce that the SpotOn London conference will take place at the Wellcome


SpotOn London: Public interest and privacy in the digital world – 14/15 November 2014

The annual conference, SpotOn London, will be taking place at the Wellcome Trust on Friday,


SpotOn London 2014 – Fringe Events

To accompany this year’s SpotOn London conference, at the Wellcome Trust on Friday, 14 November


Sponsors and Hosts: SpotOn London 2013

We are extremely grateful for the generous support of our sponsors; SpotOn London would not be


SpotOn London 2013: Thank you to this year’s livestreaming team!

In true adherence to the age old phrase 'let them eat cake' and its traditional application to the under-funded and under-fed masses, for SpotOn London cakes were duly provided much to the enjoyment of the delegates. Since this act generated its own hashtag, it also deserves a Story...


SpotOn London 2013: Online Coverage

We want to make sure we have collected all of the conversations around this year’s


SpotOn London 2013 Keynote: Salvatore Mele

“Buckle up – we’re going to start with some physics” Our keynote at this year’s


SpotOn London 2013 Panel discussion: What do you need to start a revolution?

What do you need to put together a successful public campaign about science issues? This


SpotOn London 2013: Open, Portable, Decoupled – How should Peer Review change?

At this year’s SpotOn London, one of the most popular and widely tweeted sessions organised


SpotOn London 2014: Open peer review

Panel Members  Xenia van Edig (Copernicus Publications) Jigisha Patel (BioMed Central) Micah Allen (UCL) Michael


SpotOn London 2014: Right to be Forgotten

Panel Members Timandra Harkness – (Chair and Panel member) – Freelance science journalist, performer and


SpotOn London 2014 Final Programme

This year’s SpotOn London conference will take place at the Wellcome Trust on Friday, 14 November and


SpotOn London Is Now Free To Attend! Join us on the 14th & 15th November

We are thrilled to announce that we have decided to make tickets to this year’s


SpotOn London 2014: Early career researchers And Twitter


SpotOn London 2014: The Tools within us


SpotOn London 2014: Science hacking


SpotOn London 2014: Public Involvement, engagement and participation in research


SpotOn London 2014: Wrap Up Science Blogging networks


Mondo Cozmo on his latest album, 'It's PRINCIPLE!'

The Philadelphia musician delivers his most cohesive record to date.

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The Moth Radio Hour: Live from London

This week, a special episode of The Moth, live from the Union Chapel in London. Stories of holding on and letting go. Adventures in low-stakes crime, military training, and family trees. This episode is hosted by Jon Goode, with additional hosting by Jay Allison, producer of this show.


Altar boy Kevin McDonnell idolizes the Six Million Dollar Man.

Jon Goode must take a swim test to become a marine.

Runa takes a journey into her family history.

Nick Ullett describes his (mis)adventures on the path towards adoption.


Mickey and Minnie in London

Mickey and Minnie in London by James Coleman is a(n) Limited Edition. The Edition is Limited to Limited Edition of 195 pcs


Early Version of Maple on Display at Science Museum in London

Maplesoft announced that its mathematical computation software, Maple, is now on display at the Science Museum in London.


Maple on Display in the New Mathematics Gallery at the Science Museum, London

Waterloo, Canada, December 12, 2016: Maplesoft today announced that its mathematical computation software, Maple, is now on display at the Science Museum in London. On December 8, 2016, the museum opened Mathematics: The Winton Gallery which explores how mathematicians, their tools and ideas have helped to shape the modern world over the last four hundred years. The gallery showcases an early version of Maple from 1997.


Aquatherm Pipe Brings Comfort to Condominium Residents

“We put together some sections of 2 ½-inch pipe, and Joe tried to drive a nail through them with a hammer. I remember him reporting back and saying, ‘This is not your typical plastic.’”


Thames Clippers and Masabi to Launch Mobile Ticketing on Central London River Bus Services

Passengers will be able to use their mobile phones as tickets from this spring London, 23rd April 2014 – Thames Clippers today announced that they have signed a five year contract with Masabi, the leader in mobile ticketing and payments for transit, to bring smartphone ticketing to its River Bus […]

The post Thames Clippers and Masabi to Launch Mobile Ticketing on Central London River Bus Services appeared first on Masabi.


Karla and Katrine London Film Week

Mon 15 Oct: Karla & Katrine at London Apollo Piccadilly Circus


London FIlm Festival tour

In association with the 56th BFI London Film Festival, Film Education are pleased to announce a series of free screenings in selected UK cities


London: Product of the Year Is Back

The U.K.'s largest and most comprehensive survey of product and packaging innovation is open for entries. The Product of the Year is on a mission to discover and celebrate the U.K.’s most innovative new products and packaging for 2021.


Climate activists spray US embassy in London with orange paint after Trump reelection victory

# https://www.foxnews.com/world/climate-activists-spray-us-embassy-london-orange-paint-after-trump-reelection-victory By Stephen Sorace Fox News Just Stop Oil members, ages 25 and 72, arrested in London after stunt Climate activists in the United Kingdom wasted no time responding to President-elect Trump’s re-election win on Wednesday, spraying orange paint on a section of the U.S. embassy in London in protest. Two members of the environmental group Just Stop Oil covered the […]


Review: ‘Blitz’ stars Saiorse Ronan as a 1940 wartime Londoner searching for her son

Steve McQueen's latest movie splits its time between grand and grandiosity and packs a Dickensian amount of peril into an otherwise worthwhile story.


Case Study: Reliable, Cost-Effective Roof Repairs Needed for Beachside Condo Building

R/J Group Inc. shows how offering feasible repairs in place of total replacements not only saved the customer money, but led to additional work.


Case Study: Vail Mountain Luxury Condos

Challenges created by weather and the pandemic meant this project had to begin in January 2021 and be completed in a year, all while prioritizing energy efficiency. 


La música se asocia para recaudar fondos para los afectados de la DANA: cientos de artistas darán conciertos en toda España y la recaudación irá íntegra a Valencia

La iniciativa ha desembocado en la creación del evento SOM VALÈNCIA, que comenzará el 11 de noviembre en todo el territorio nacional Leer


Dolores Redondo: "La mística de mis novelas es auténtica,  no puede ser magia de abracadabra"

La escritora de la 'Trilogía del Baztán' abre una nueva serie de novelas de crímenes, etnografía y magia negra con 'Las que no duermen' Leer


El fondo (cósmico) de la cuestión

El estudio de la primera luz del Universo se está demostrando más apasionante y sorprendente de lo que nunca pudieron imaginar Alpher y Herman, los físicos que en 1948 predijeron que aún hoy podríamos llegar a ver esa radiación "de fondo" viajando por el Universo, más de 13 mil millones de años después. Ahora, el análisis en detalle de esa luz, observada con telescopios especiales situados en el Polo Sur, en el espacio y allí donde han podido colocarse, muestra cómo las teorías cosmológicas son ciencia y no creencia (hechos y modelos comprobados, frente a la mera especulación). Ampliamos los datos que ya se comentan en El Mundo: "Los astrónomos descubren ecos de la expansión del Universo después del Big Bang".


La Sepi vuelve a salir al rescate de Efe y eleva a 40 millones los fondos inyectados en la agencia en dos años

El 'holding' aportó casi 26 millones en 2023 después de que la empresa pública elevara sus pérdidas Leer


Jorge Redondo, el diseñador extremeño que viste a Nieves Álvarez y a las Pombo: "Va a sonar un poco mal, pero las mejores ideas surgen cuando te tienes que buscar la vida"

Cinco años después de lanzar su firma, Jorge Redondo no solo triunfa como diseñador, también ha demostrado que otra forma de hacer moda es posible (y rentable) al apostar por un modelo combinado de costura y producción en serie pensado para un público diverso. Su próximo reto: conquistar el mundo. Leer


Renueva tu fondo de armario y hazte con estos 11 conjuntos de El Corte Inglés que te salvarán más de una vez este otoño

Un conjunto es la mejor opción para vestirte sin complicaciones y con estilo. Para el otoño 2024, te traemos varias propuestas de El Corte Inglés, sets que incluyen tendencias como el animal print, el tejido satinado o el denim. Leer


Combatir la crisis con los fondos europeos

El Consejo Europeo del 30 de enero pasó a apostar por una dedicación de los fondos europeos al apoyo a la economía, al fomento del empleo y de la competitividad de las pequeñas y medianas empresas.


Kenya: Global Tourism Resilience and Crisis Management Centre At Kenyatta University Wins Tourism Resilience Award in London

[Capital FM] London, UK -- The Global Tourism Resilience and Crisis Management Centre - Eastern Africa (GTRCMC-EA), based at Kenyatta University, has been honoured with the prestigious Tourism Resilience Award during the Global Resilience Council Hall of Fame Awards at Plaisterers' Hall in London.


Meteorite that crashed into English driveway is now at London's Natural History Museum

Meteorite that crashed into English driveway is now at London's Natural History Museum